View Full Version : Looking for feedback on massive damage houserule for d20 modern

2019-10-26, 05:44 PM
Massive damage in d20 modern works a little different than in 3.5. Firstly, it procs when you take damage greater than, or equal to your Con score. Secondly, failing the DC 15 Fort save reduces you to -1 HP instead of killing you outright.
With that out of the way my houserule would have you take Con damage (I'm not yet sure how much would be appropriate) on a failed save instead of reducing you to -1 HP. A successful save would either negate the Con damage, or halve it, I haven't decided which.
The motivation behind the houserule is that I like the increased risk introduced by d20 modern's massive rules, but I feel that the consequences of a failed save are a little too extreme, and can lead to a bad case of rocket tag.

2019-10-28, 02:51 PM
we play d20 modern from time to time and honestly that rule just gets forgotten completely most of the time.

2019-10-29, 03:29 PM
we play d20 modern from time to time and honestly that rule just gets forgotten completely most of the time.

Thanks for the input, but that's completely irrelevant to the thread.

2019-10-29, 07:21 PM
The idea of failed save meaning significant con costs seems fine to me - honestly, the idea of save for half is my problem. I would have either no effect on a successful save, or simply -1 con on a success if you really want to make it harsher

2019-10-29, 07:23 PM
Massive damage in d20 modern works a little different than in 3.5. Firstly, it procs when you take damage greater than, or equal to your Con score. Secondly, failing the DC 15 Fort save reduces you to -1 HP instead of killing you outright.
With that out of the way my houserule would have you take Con damage (I'm not yet sure how much would be appropriate) on a failed save instead of reducing you to -1 HP. A successful save would either negate the Con damage, or halve it, I haven't decided which.
The motivation behind the houserule is that I like the increased risk introduced by d20 modern's massive rules, but I feel that the consequences of a failed save are a little too extreme, and can lead to a bad case of rocket tag.

so it is simultaneously potentially less punishing and more punishing.(although the rules for recovery from negative hp totals are harsh constitution damage takes a lot of time to heal)