View Full Version : Making Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde in 5e

2019-10-26, 11:18 PM
Pretty self-explanatory: how would you make a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde based character in 5e?
What race would you use? Class? Background?
Thanks for anything you can give!

Just to clarify, I don't care if it is optimized.

EDIT: Grammar, clarification.

2019-10-26, 11:25 PM
human druid (moon), and just re-skin a bear as Mr. Hyde.

oh, and goodberries as medicinal pills

2019-10-26, 11:28 PM
Pretty self explanatory: how would you make a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde based character in 5e?
What race would you use? Class? Background?
Thanks for anything you can give!

Probably not optimized, but first thing is the race, I'd grab an Eldarin elf. They are seasonal and known for their sudden mood swings.

Class: Barbarian. Mr. Hyde only comes out when you are angry, thus 'raging'.

Background: Sage! Alchemist specifically. Let's explain Dr. Jekyll a little more with this.


Str: 15
Dex: 12 (14)
Con: 14
Int: 14
Wis: 8
Cha: 8 (9)

Not best combo, but could work well. Or just run variant human.

2019-10-27, 02:54 AM
circle of the moon druid. re-flavoring your wildshape as jekyll's transformation.

2019-10-27, 03:10 AM
Circle of the moon druid.

Or you could use critical role's blood hunter with order of the mutant.

2019-10-27, 03:43 AM
Which style? Barbarian is the "you won't like me when I'm mad" class, but for pure turning into an uncontrolled monster at times that sounds like textbook lycanthropy.

2019-10-27, 10:42 AM
Pretty self-explanatory: how would you make a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde based character in 5e?
What race would you use? Class? Background?
Thanks for anything you can give!

1) Duergar Barbarian for enlarged rages
2) Bugbear wizard with disguise self: disguised form (human) is Dr. Jekyll. Mr Hyde is true form.

2019-10-27, 10:51 AM
If you're interested in non-official sources, Matt Mercers Blood Hunter class has a Lycan and Mutagen subclass both of which have mechanics/themes that would seem appropriate for what you're doing.

There's also the Eberron shifter race which may help.

2019-10-27, 09:20 PM
Pretty self-explanatory: how would you make a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde based character in 5e?
What race would you use? Class? Background?
Thanks for anything you can give!

Just to clarify, I don't care if it is optimized.

EDIT: Grammar, clarification.

Half-Orc Sage Barbarian (Zealot works)

Str: 16, Dex: 12, Con: 14, Int: 14, Wis 12, Cha 8.

At level 4 you take Prodigy (Arcana) for double prof.

Don't worry about low Dex, you're going to get hit, have high HP, and will kill things.

Also, you can fluff it that your rage makes you look more orc and when you aren't raging you look more human.

2019-10-27, 09:37 PM
Warforged Envoy with an integrated disguise kit. Class? Barbarian works. Brute Fighter if that's on the table. Revived Rogue could be interesting if that's on the table. Background should be custom; Envoys are made for a purpose and his purpose was to portray a set of characters for various dramatic reenactments. Only something gets scrambled.

2024-02-23, 02:57 AM
Pretty self-explanatory: how would you make a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde based character in 5e?
What race would you use? Class? Background?
Thanks for anything you can give!

Just to clarify, I don't care if it is optimized.

EDIT: Grammar, clarification.

That depends on what "iteration" of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde you want to make. If you want to go the route that most people think Jekyll/Hyde takes:

Take levels in Wizard until you reach the Alter Self spell at 3rd level (the subclass doesn't really matter, but Illusion works to keep up the act). Then take levels in Champion Fighter to increase your critical chance and increase your physical attributes. Then return to Wizard so you can pick up 7th level spell slots for Simulacrum.

This, however, isn't what Jekyll/Hyde is actually like in the book, so instead I'd suggest this:

Go Variant Human and pick up the Actor Feat as your starting feat. If your DM will allow you to pick up a starting feat regardless, then you can avoid picking up Variant Human.
Pick the Charlatan or Secret Identity background (Secret Identity works better here, but Charlatan is a safer pick). You can also pick Guild Artisan instead, should you wish to hide the whole Jekyll/Hyde thing from other players.
Start as an Artificer, and go to 3rd level. Pick Alchemist as your subclass. This gives you access to Experimental Potions, one of which is a 10-minute Alter Self potion. While doing this, I recommend picking up the Bag of Holding Infusion and the Homunculus Servant.
You have options from this point onwards. You can choose to continue for 3 more levels into Artificer to pick up Tool Expertise and the Spell-Refueling Ring Infusion. (You don't have to have that Infusion, but it'll be nice for later). Pick up Alter Self while you're here.
You can also instead choose to start taking Wizard levels. Mr Hyde is just as smart as Dr Jekyll, because he is not a separate identity, but a secret one. Mr Hyde performs all of the actions that Dr Jekyll wishes he could with impunity. So what better idea for Mr Hyde to be than a necromancer? Taking 6 levels in Necromancy Wizard will allow you to start your undead experiments (possibly even earlier if your DM drops you an Animate Dead scroll at 7th level).
This is where the fun begins. Every long rest, you will spend some of your low level Spell Slots to create your Experimental Alter Self Potions. Imbibing these will allow you to transform into Mr Hyde whenever you wish without wasting a higher level Spell Slot. This is why you're also carrying a Bag of Holding. You're stuffing your Undead into it so you can carry them around easier. Mr Hyde will always be the one eager to test out his new creations, while Dr Jekyll will act like the face of the party.
Any time your party seems to be ready to enter combat, have Dr Jekyll conveniently disappear, and have Mr Hyde appear soon after. Later on, you can use the Alter Self spell to lengthen the time you spend as Mr Hyde.
Pick up Create Undead at Wizard Level 11, which will immediately allow you to create two Wights. Your Spell-Refueling Ring will also allow you to create up to 40 Undead daily by recharging one of your 3rd level spell slots.
You can choose if you want to keep going into Wizard at this point, or return to Artificer to pick up Flash of Genius and Restorative Reagents to make yourself a bit less squishy while you're Mr Hyde.

I hope this helps and you enjoy it.

2024-02-23, 10:38 AM
The Mod on the Silver Mountain: Dabbling in Necromancy is more Dr. Frankenstein's build, not Dr. Jekyll's.