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View Full Version : Let's... One Page Massacre

2019-10-27, 01:32 PM
So I work with a game engine for making Zelda-like ARPGs, and there's an activity in the community we call a One-Screen Massacre that we did a lot back when it was just Zelda fangames. Basically, we'd take turns making only a single screen of a Zelda game, and then the next person would build a single screen after that. It wound up being really cool, making basically a full-size Zelda fangame of... interesting quality.

I was wondering how that would work with a tabletop roleplaying game. Perhaps we could make a campaign book where each session was written by a different DM, or maybe a game of D&D where several people take turns being the DM, not being allowed to discuss their future plans with other DMs or attempting to railroad away from where the previous DM took it. Sound like fun?

2019-10-27, 02:15 PM
Would definitely be fun as a dungeon. Linear, or designing a room-layout and assigning each person a room, then just going wild. Could be a creative blast to make and play through.

For an adventure... maybe? It's kinda hard to write an adventure by session, since these things take different times for different groups, and many adventures aren't even slightly linear. Plus the need for a coherent story. Something like that would probably end up being a mess, and not a fun one.

Kaptin Keen
2019-10-28, 02:11 AM
Could work for a game world. A setting where each contributor get's to showcase his most spectacular .. thing. Whether it be a lizard man nation, or a planar rift, or a large lawful good kingdom, or .. whatever.

2019-10-29, 02:24 PM
I'd say go with One Room per creator. Layout the room requirements in your format, making sure to specify the overall CR of each room, and the max amount of treasure allowed. Collect them by floor, and if an excess occurs, create a table to generate the rooms at random.