View Full Version : What Would Share A Byakhee’s Lair?

2019-10-28, 04:23 PM
I’m planning to throw some byakhee at my party, when they stumble into a lair, and I need some sort of monstrous creature to go with them. Ideally I’d like something that can fly along with the byakhee, and a plain-vanilla wyvern or whatnot just won’t feel right.

We’ve already done nightgaunts, mi-go and a star vampire, so those options are out. I’d like to choose something else from the Lovecraft mythos, but flying polyps are way above the party’s pay grade, and apart from the byakhee themselves I’m not sure what else would work.

At this point I’m open to all official 3.5 and Pathfinder content. Is there anything with wings that would fit smoothly into a Lovecraftian theme? And that could plausibly share space with a group of byakhee?

2019-10-28, 04:45 PM
You could have cultists attending the beast, who are all hosts for Blightspawn (Bestiary 5).