View Full Version : Player Help How does CR work for Animated Dead?

2019-10-28, 05:08 PM
Just a curious question I've had for a while as I'm a Necromancer Wizard in one of my campaigns. Does the CR of the Zombies, Skeletons, and other members of your undead entourage change due to you enhancing them when they're created or does it stay the same?
For the record I do have a Cleric in my party but we've come to an understanding about said Necromancy- namely only enemies and only after I specifically asserted the soul was still going to whatever afterlife it had waiting for it. So he won't Turn Undead out of spite but all the same I am interested in the interaction.

A normal Skeleton for example has:
AC 13
HP 13
+4 to hit
1d6 + 2 damage

A Skeleton raised by a Necromancy Wizard at level 10 using Animate Dead instead has:
AC 13
HP 23
+4 to hit
1d6 + 6 damage

And a Skeleton raised by a Necromancy Wizard at level 10 with max Intelligence using Danse Macabre has:
AC 13
HP 23
+9 to hit
1d6 + 11 damage

2019-10-28, 05:10 PM
Just a curious question I've had for a while as I'm a Necromancer Wizard in one of my campaigns. Does the CR of the Zombies, Skeletons, and other members of your undead entourage change due to you enhancing them when they're created or does it stay the same?

As the spell description says, the DM has the stats for your monsters, so ask your DM what the CR is after boosting--but in most cases it shouldn't matter. The only case where it should matter is vs. Turn Undead, because clerics can destroy up to a certain CR threshold of monsters.

To answer your specific question: according to the quick CR calculator here (http://1-dot-encounter-planner.appspot.com/quick-monster-stats.html), which is based on the DMG tables, your Animate Dead/Undead Thralls 10th level combo clocks in at effective CR 1/2, whereas the Danse Macabre version clocks in at effective CR 2, mostly due to the boosted to-hit.

Obviously that can change if you boost their effective HP and damage even further via Shepherd Druid or Inspiring Leader, plus upgrading their armor and weapons. E.g. dual-wielding short swords to double their number of attacks, and giving them scale mail armor for AC 16.

2019-10-28, 10:01 PM
As the spell description says, the DM has the stats for your monsters, so ask your DM what the CR is after boosting--but in most cases it shouldn't matter. The only case where it should matter is vs. Turn Undead, because clerics can destroy up to a certain CR threshold of monsters.

And it's going to depend on your DM whether your enhanced skeletons and zombies actually resist Turn Undead better than normal ones, since it isn't explicitly laid out.

2019-10-28, 10:06 PM
And it's going to depend on your DM whether your enhanced skeletons and zombies actually resist Turn Undead better than normal ones, since it isn't explicitly laid out.

Yes, quite: hence, ask your DM.