View Full Version : Bountiful Luck in action

2019-10-29, 03:50 PM
Have anyone here ever saw the Bountiful Luck feat in action? I mean, I kind of see it up there with Guidance as one of the most useful out of combat party support ability. It basically means my allies would alway reroll their 1s out of combat, right? Unless its a simultaneous roll (ex: perception)

Obviously during combat, it's also cool for a low reaction class. Playing a monk at the moment, so I have few reaction abilities available.

Let me know, it's one of those case where how a Feat reads in the rules VS how à feat feels playing out are two different things.

2019-10-29, 04:25 PM
I use it with my Warlock/Bard, who is basically used as a support character who fires EB almost every round. Fellow party members, not shockingly, love it. It does compete with potential use of Counterspell or Cutting Words, but, well, action economy is the name of the game anyways, and canceling a 1 is usually the most useful option. It's a very handy feat.

2019-10-29, 06:06 PM
I once played a Halfling Grave Cleric with Bountiful Luck. It works great with the Grave Cleric's Sentinel at Death's Door.

Cancel out your party's 1's

Cancel out your enemy's 20's

Watch your DM tear their hair out.

2019-10-29, 06:31 PM
Played a Halfling Wild Sorceror who was fundamentally a Leprechaun.

The whole party loved it. It came up at those moments when a bricked save could spell disaster.

Would usually see it go off 1-2 times per session, and often at important moments.