View Full Version : Sayyora (Dawn of Worlds Game)

2019-10-30, 02:53 AM

In the beginning, there was the light. From the light came all matter, all energy, and each piece fled from each other piece, scattering to fill the universe.

Many millions of years transpired when the dust and gas surrounding and caught between two suns, bronze and yellow, accumulated enough rock and ice to form Sayyora's shell. And millions more passed before their gaze melted the once completely frozen planet.

Some say this moment marks the awakening of the Gods, while others are dubious they ever truly slept to begin with in the first place. No one can say with certainty, for even the gods themselves aren't sure. What is certain is that each and all of their wills shaped the destiny of the planet and its people.


This is the IC thread for the aforementioned Dawn of Worlds game. The first turn will begin at 5pm GMT on 30 October 2019 and end 48 hours later, or once everybody's posted, whichever is first.

Each turn lasts 48 hours by default. The first turn's length is spelled out above; the second turn, and all later turns, will end either when everyone has posted, or the first time the clock strikes 5pm GMT once it has been at least 48 hours since the turn started.

During a turn, roll 2d6 for your power roll, +1 for each consecutive turn which you ended with 5 or fewer points. Then, spend points according to the Powers Table to manifest powers with which your deity or pantheon can shape the world to their will.

Half the fun comes from the fluff as opposed to crunch. If you post only mechanics, and have not posted any kind of fluff text before the end of the turn, your actions that turn will not take effect (though you will retain the points that would otherwise have been spent). If you don't even post, you won't have made a power roll so you will not get any points (though if you were under 5 points, you will still retain however much of that bonus you had gathered).

First Age
Second Age
Third Age

Shape Land, 1"

Shape Climate, 1"

Create Life

Create Race

Create Subrace


Create Hybrid Race


Command Race


Command City°


Advance Race


Advance City


Ingrain/Inherit Advancement


Create Order


Create World


Create Avatar


Command Avatar°


Create Demigod


Command Demigod°




Create Template


Catastrophe, 1"

° Only once per target per turn.

Shape Land: This power allows the creation, modification, or destruction of mountains, seas, deserts, steppes, bottomless fiery pits, any land form or sea form the player cares to name. It affects territory within a "1 inch" diameter area. While it cannot strictly speaking create life, it can be used in conjunction with Create Life to generate biomes.
Shape Climate: This power affects weather patterns in a 1" area to a far more profound degree than what Shape Land is capable of, such as creating a permanent hurricane on top of an island, preventing rain from ever landing on a particular desert, making an area rain blood and salt every winter solstice, even locking the air and water currents in an area of ocean into eternal motionlessness, or anything else that a player could dream up. This power affects a 1" area, like Shape Land. This power can also be used in conjunction with Create Life towards a separate effect.
Create Life: This power creates animals, plants, and other life forms beneath the direct attention of the gods. It cannot grant a direct mechanical benefit - an Advancement might be based on the exploitation of a particular life form, but this is pure flavour text and does not make it better or worse than a different Advancement which has no such dependence.
Create Race: This power effects the creation of one race (a mother race), such as a race of magma-elementals, a race of desert-dwelling dust men, a race of rat-people, or anything else you could imagine. Within reason, the more details given concerning a race's appearance, biology, social structure, and capabilities, the better. Each race must be given a starting point in a world where they begin to build their civilization.
Create Subrace: This power is used for the creation of new races descending from an existing race. For example, elves may be split into wood elves, then desert elves, then cave elves, each being it's own respective race. Any number of subraces can exist, having split off of a single mother race. Subraces can inherit the ingrained technologies of their ancestors; see Ingrain/Inherit Advancement for more information.
Create Hybrid Race: Via this power, two races are brought together to create a new race, half of one and half of the other. For example, nephilim might be the result of humans and angels intermingling. Any two mother races can be brought together to create a hybrid. Unlike with subraces, the creators of each mother race, as well as the actual creator of the hybrid, can command the hybrid race without an Order. Hybrid races can inherit the ingrained technologies of their ancestors; see Ingrain/Inherit Technology for more information.
Command Race: Via this power, a god can, either subtly or directly, influence a race to action. A god can use this power on any race they have directly created, any hybrid race descended from a race they directly created, or any race which has contained one of their Orders for a full round (even if the Order has been captured by their enemies). This can do any of the following:
Found City: This action is just as it sounds: it directs the race to found a city of some sort. A city can fit any description, but is always a population centre large enough to attract the notice of the gods.
Expand City: This action increases the size of a city's population and buildings. It is functionally identical to creating a second city in the same location as the first, save that both (or all) cities benefit when one is targeted with Advance City, both (all) cities count from any Structure belonging to either (any) of them, both (all) cities count as one single unified object for the purpose of Armies and Demigods attacking or defending them, and that if they (any) are of the same race, both (all such) cities benefit when one or the other executes a Trade agreement or uses a Political Maneuver to steal technology. A city belonging to one race can be Expanded by a different race; this represents an immigrant population of such great numbers that the city belongs almost as much to the newcomers as the founders. An Expanded city with multiple races can Trade with itself to spread all the technologies to all its members, but this takes one Trade action from each race's bit of the city.
Settle Territory 1": This action creates a large settled area, a "1 inch" diameter circle which has either a significant population of permanent residents, or is so heavily travelled as to amount to the same thing from a god's eyes. This settled territory grants a few benefits - it allows secure trade routes, including sea lanes and the like across areas which cannot literally be settled, and it can obstruct enemy armies, forcing them to attack the territory and any defenders it may have to pass through it and attack anything on the other side of it.
Create Wonder: This action directs the creation of some magnificent creation, be it a weapon, a city-sized library, a brilliant form of entertainment, some type of magic talisman which is mass produced and betters the lives of the entire race, or anything else the god could dream up. Wonders in the form of great buildings benefit all members of the race which created them; Wonders in the form of single weapons or artefacts benefit only one army or city at a time, but can be passed between consenting parties instantly at no cost whatsoever; and mass-produced Wonders benefit anyone who could plausibly get their hands on a copy of them.
Ingrain Advancement: This can only be performed by the creator of a race which possesses at least one Advancement of its own (i.e. gained through Advance Race, not through Trade or Event or Political Maneuver). It causes the Technology to become a defining part of the race's identity. The benefit of this is that, whenever a race is counting Technologies for any reason, their own Ingrained Technologies count as two Technologies each. A race can only ever have three (3) ingrained technologies, and once ingrained, there is no going back.
Inherit Advancement: This can only be performed by the creator of a Hybrid Race or Subrace. If at least one of the mother races from which that race is descended has at least one Ingrained Advancement, the hybrid or subrace can inherit one such Advancement, gaining it at no further cost and counting it as one of its own Ingrained Advancements. This does count towards the limit of three; as such, some hybrids and subraces will refuse the traits of their ancestors, preferring to forge their own identity.
Command City: This power directs one single city to do something. A god can use this only on cities owned by a race they can Command, or cities which their armies have cut off from all the other gods (see Raise Army, below). This can have one of the following effects:

Raise Army: This action results in the city raising one army, which can take any form the creator desires. An army lasts until defeated in combat. Only the god who ordered the creation of an army can give it instructions. Instructing an army requires no action, and takes immediate effect unless they have been specifically obstructed by some means. An army can attack or defend a city, a territory, an order, an avatar, a demigod, a wonder, another army, or any other object that might come up, but cannot attack in the same turn in which it created unless specifically granted the ability by Political Maneuver, Event, or Miracle. An army can attack any location they could logically gain access to. Unless the target of an attack is defended by a Demigod or an Army, or is itself a Demigod or an Army, the attack is successful, destroying territories, armies, and demigods, and capturing all other objects.
An army can defend any object that consents to the defence, or which they have already captured by Attacking it. An army which has defended an object for a full turn, or which is defending an object that they conquered earlier in the same turn, can cut off the object they are protecting from all gods except the one which commands the Army. This prevents any other god from commanding the defended object. This effect is all-or-nothing, however - you cannot allow some gods to command the object while forbidding others to do the same. It also requires that only one god's Armies are defending the object when the decision is made.
Should two armies come into conflict with one another, each player rolls 2d6, adding +1 for each appropriate advancement the army's native race might have, +1 for each appropriate wonder or structure that might help the army, +1 to the defending army, -1 for each battle previously fought by the army in the same round, and -1 for each defenseless object previously attacked by the army in the same round. The winner of the roll wins the battle and can then immediately be instructed to take another action. The loser of the roll, on the other hand, is destroyed. In the event of a draw, both armies are destroyed.
Political Maneuver: This action causes the leadership of the city being commanded to influence the world to some end. This action is left intentionally open-ended, so the player can invent new options as the game is played, but as a guide to its power level it can detain an army for 1d6 rounds, allow an army to attack on the same turn as it was created, deny an order the +1 power point it gives to its god, reverse the effect of a previous political maneuver, or steal an advancement from another city. Political maneuvers rarely go unopposed - when the maneuver is declared, the maneuvering city and the defending city or order each roll 1d6 plus an additional +1d6 for each applicable advancement, wonder, or structure that might help the cities involved in the political maneuver. If the defender wins, the maneuver is wasted. At their option, the god commanding the defending city can yield to the maneuver, causing it to succeed, even if the dice have already been rolled.
Trade: This action directs the city to initiate a trade agreement with another city. In order for this trade agreement to be possible, it must be possible to draw a line on the game map from the one city to the other which goes through only easily travelled terrain, and which goes through no more than 1" of unsettled territory. In addition, if the only trade route between the cities passes through territory which an Army or Demigod is defending, that Army or Demigod may prevent the trade from taking effect. If these requirements are met, the trade agreement allows Advancements and Wonders to be traded between the cities. For example, suppose one city was advanced in woodwork and the other had a wonder which produced perfect diamonds. A player choose this action could suggest, as part of the manifestation of Command City, "Woodwork for Diamonds" as the end result. If the other player consents to this arrangement, then he merely needs to manifest Command City to accept, and both cities would now have both the Woodworks advancement and the benefit of the Diamonds Wonder. Any number of items can be included in a trade agreement, so five technologies/wonders could be offered on both sides with only a single manifestation of Command City. However, once agreed upon, the deal is complete and final - though the cities may make later trade agreements to trade more technologies and more wonders.
Create Structure: This action directs the creation of some magnificent location or structure in the city targeted. This has the effect of a Wonder, but can only benefit armies and Political Maneuvers originating from the city in which it was built, and can never be traded away or donated to another faction.

Advance Race: This power causes a Race to gain expert knowledge of a given science or magic. So long as that race persists, it will always be the greatest in this field, and no other race can be advanced with a tech of the same name, though the tech can be traded via Command City or stolen with Political Maneuver or Event. Other races can still utilize the technology in flavour text, but must steal it mechanically to gain the bonus.
Advance City: This power functions much like Advance Race, except it only applies to a single city - albeit to all races within that city, unlike an advancement stolen by Political Maneuver. If the city is destroyed outright, the advancement is lost, and no longer benefits any already created armies of that city.
Create Order: A god uses this power to create an order of people within a race. An order can be a major organization of any sort, be it a religious sect, a military force, or even a guild of some description. Whatever the order's form, it embeds the god's will into the world, making it easier to perform further wonders. The effect of this is to grant the god owning the order a +1 to their power rolls each turn, and to allow them to command the race in which the order exists if they could not do so before. However, a god may only have one Order in each race, and may not claim a greater bonus than +6 to power rolls from all their Orders combined.
Create World: Through this power, the god creates a plane which only they can directly affect. When they make this world, they immediately decide upon it's size, terrain, and weather, effectively manifesting both Shape Land and Shape Climate upon it in the same turn; thereafter, however large it might be, it can be covered completely by any power the creating god manifests which affects a 1" area. Similarly, all cities within this world count as being within 1" of eachother, and can thus Trade unless the intervening territory is defended by a hostile army or Demigod. The god who created this world receives a 1 point discount on any power other than Advance Race or Create Life which he directs at the interior of the world, while other gods are unable to directly affect it, finding that only their Events and their Command powers (Command Race/City/Demigod/Avatar) will work there. However, this plane is far removed from the main world, or any other world, so any creation that lives in this world is not capable of interacting with those that live on other worlds, unless some power, such as an Event, brings them into another world. The same works in reverse as well, so Events are required for anything from another world to travel into and then interact with this plane. A god can create any number of such worlds, but each time he or she makes a new one, it costs 5 extra points for every other plane he has created.
Create Avatar: Through this power, the god creates an embodiment of their divine will in the world. This embodiment could be a major figure in history, such as a dynasty ruling a nation or a colossal landmark such as a giant tree, or they could be simple, innocuous figures, such as a lone wanderer on the road or a network of shrines dispersed through a nation. A god can have up to four (4) avatars, but each time he or she makes a new one, it costs 5 extra points for every other avatar he has. If slain or wiped out, an avatar may be resurrected or reestablished by the creating player for 5 points.
Command Avatar: A god can, once per turn per avatar he possesses, command that avatar to take action. An avatar so commanded can perform one of the following actions:

Command City: This action functions exactly like the power of the same name.
Create Order: This action functions exactly like the power of the same name.
Command Race (Create/Expand City): This action is just as it sounds: it directs the avatar to direct a race to found a city of some sort, or expand an already existing city. It requires that the god be able to command the race which is creating or expanding a city.
Create Race: Any particular avatar may only take this action once, though it functions exactly like the power of the same name.
Miracle: This action is, in a way, a miniature Event. Via this action, the avatar manifests a portion of its divine power. To give an idea of its power, through the use of a Miracle, a Wonder could be stolen, hidden away, or banished to another plane; a Structure could be demolished or rebuilt; a breeding population of one race, though not a city or an army, could be transported from one plane to another; an attacking army - though not a Demigod - could reroll their dice in combat, taking the better of the two rolls; a defending army could be forcibly teleported away from the object they are defending, to another place within the same world; or any other occurrence of a similar power level to those.

Create Demigod: Through this power, the god adds a lesser divine being into the world as its servant. A god can have any number of demigods in the world, though if one is defeated in combat by an army or another demigod, it is lost as a demigod. Mechanically, a demigod can be one of the following types:
Achilles: The most common variety of Demigod, the Achilles is both the weakest and the most difficult to destroy. The Achilles rolls 4d6 in combat, but even if it loses a combat, unless it rolled a flat 4 on the dice or an Event was used to rig the combat roll, it manages to survive and only be forced to retreat from that combat. If the combat is due to an object it defends being attacked and it is forced to retreat, it is no longer protecting the object and must be commanded to do so again.
Black Knight: An inspiring, but seemingly mortal leader, the Black Knight rolls 4d6 if directly involved in combat, and gains the "Lead the Charge" use of Command Demigod.
Cherubim: Incapable of offense, but incredibly strong, the Cherubim rolls 8d6 in combat, but loses the "Terrorize" use of Command Demigod.
Fenrir: A tool of pure destruction, the Fenrir rolls 6d6 in combat, and can be Commanded as many times as its master dares, but can perform no action other than Terrorize.

Command Demigod: Via this power, the god instructs the demigod to perform one of the following actions:

Terrorize: This action directs the demigod to act as an army for one round and to attack one army or territory. A demigod does not roll 2d6, like armies, however, and instead rolls the combat roll specified in it's Demigod types listing, never adding or subtracting anything from the roll. Terrorize allows the demigod to act on the attack for one round, but it always acts as a defending army when being attacked. The Cherubim cannot use this function of Command Demigod. The Fenrir, on the other hand, can be commanded as often as its creator desires, costing 1 point each time, but can only use this function of Command Demigod.
Lead the Charge: The Black Knight can ally itself with a targeted army, offering it a +2d6 bonus to combat until the Black Knight is ordered to deatch from that army. However, if the army is defeated while the Black Knight is allied with it, the Black Knight is killed, as though it had lost a combat. Only one Black Knight can be allied with any given army at a time.
Capture: This is practically identical to Terrorize, but can be targeted at an object other than territory or armies, resulting in that object's capture if all defenders are destroyed. Successful capture leaves the Demigod in question defending the captured object as if they had used Protect. It is mainly split out because Fenrir Demigods are incapable of it.
Protect: Using this ability, the Demigod can be directed to defend anything an Army could defend. They will continue to defend the targeted object until ordered to Protect something else or to Terrorize anything.
Command Protected City: A Demigod who is Protecting a city can Command that city, as per the Command City action. A Black Knight attached to an army which is defending a city can also Command that city, as per the Command City action.
Miracle: This action is, in a way, a miniature Event. Via this action, the demigod manifests a portion of its divine power. To give an idea of its power, through the use of a Miracle, a Wonder could be stolen, hidden away, or banished to another plane; a Structure could be demolished or rebuilt; a breeding population of one race, though not a city or an army, could be transported from one plane to another; an attacking army - though not another Demigod - could reroll their dice in combat, taking the better of the two rolls; a defending army could be forcibly teleported away from the object they are defending, to another place within the same world; or any other occurence of a similar power level to those.

Event: This power can be used for any action not covered by the other commands. It can achieve almost anything that can be justified by the points costs, including any action costing fewer points which for some reason could not be performed directly. A battle could be rigged without rolling, or a defeated army could be resurrected after battle. Two technologies, each known to only one city, could spread throughout an entire race. An entire city, with all its armies and Wonders, could be shifted from one plane to another. The possibilities are practically endless.
Create Template: This is technically a use of Event, but is complex enough to merit its own description. The god creates a supernatural affliction or state which can be reached regardless of race, such as a plague of lycanthropy, or a ritual that turns the caster into an immortal vampire. The mechanical effect is that ALL races gain the power to raise armies with this Template, and that such armies gain a +1 to combat in a narrow situation and a -1 to combat rolls in a more general situation. For example, werewolves might gain a +1 against a particular race and a -1 against all other beings, while the undead might gain a +1 while besieging cities and a -1 when defending themselves. If for some reason a deity so desires, Advance Civilisation can be used on a Template instead of a Race, granting it another highly situational +1 - for example, the creator of the werewolves might grant them a +1 against the undead, or against all drinkers of blood; this cannot be used to negate the penalty for the template, but neither do such bonuses inherently fail against a penalised target. For example, the undead could be made immune to poison for a +1 against poison users; if they were attacked by users of poison, their +1 for resisting poison would offset their -1 for being on the defence.
Catastrophe: By this power, the gods bring destruction to the world by whatever mechanism they care to, be it plague, or meteors, a king going mad and commanding genocide, whatever. The effect is similar to a combined Shape Land and Shape Weather, except that everything caught in the blast is destroyed. The catastrophe can be surprisingly precise if the god so desires, sparing whomever they wish to spare, and need not affect the entire 1" area if the god desires a modicum of restraint.

2019-10-30, 10:11 PM

Akarak opens his eyes and their red glow is the only thing to be seen in the dark empty night. If there were anyone who could see. But there is nothing. Askarak sniffs. A new world. His to shape. He cracks the neck and shoulders of his newly formed body in ways that definitely do not abide to any natural law and then raises the head to the sky. A long beastly howl cuts through the night. Askarak has arrived. And he's slowly gathering power as vines start to grow around his hoofs. ...

Initial Power Level:-
Gains: 5
Creations: None (gathering power)
Final Power Level: 5 (next round +1)

2019-11-01, 01:24 PM

For eons, the twin stars kept spinning around each other in their aimless dance across the cosmos, every dual revolution involving more energy than would ever be received by the little speck of dust that orbited in a twisted loop around the both of them. As they traveled in circle, they passed through endless other specks of dust, the size of which might have varied by several orders of magnitude but none big enough to ever matter compared to the bloated forms of the twins.

And yet, to each of these specks of dust, size did matter. A lot. Especially when they collide against each other.



The atmosphere transformed into burning plasma as it impacted it, tracing a red scar across the young skies for a brief moment before impacting the ocean, a sea of mist forming around the maelstrom of raging waters. While others like it had done so for since the very birth of this young world, they all had stopped there, sinking deep and letting a few craters here and there before cooling quickly.
Not this one. It kept diving, burrowing deep into the crust until it reached the center... and uncoiled. Violently. With a birthing hiss that made the molten core of its new home quakes in rage.

All across Sayyora, new volcanoes came to life, erupting a fiery rain of magma and covering the skies in a thick cloud of burning ashes. For a dozen of revolutions, only night was known on the world. But then the clouds cleared and firestorms died, just as the gigantic amount of steam pumped high into the air came down in a pounding hot rain, creating new rivers as wild waters washed away the ashes. And a mere few revolutions later, only a single sign remained of Koharani's landing : the Fiery Maw, a large crater stretching for miles, with its perimeter delimited by jagged rocky reefs that pointed barely above the ocean, a round toothed crown forming a border between the salty waters and the ever-raging magma.


Shape Land : the Fiery Maw


A shield volcano stretching across the waves of the northern sea, with an ever-active crater, always filling with lava that sloppily flows down between giant teeth-like jagged reefs, forming burning waterfall that hit the ocean.
It is the entrance of a tunnel that goes right to the center of the world, although not in straight line. And since it's always filled with magma and lava, one cannot just walk to the core.

Initial Power Level:-
Gains: 8
Creations: Shape Land (3)
Final Power Level: 5 (next round +1)

2019-11-02, 04:18 PM
Nizreph opens his great golden eye. Darkness engulfs him. Slowly he rises, and the darkness gives way to rays of blue-white light and a blurred horizon. Nizreph rises from the abyss and walks along the infant land. A great cloak covers his body, and a single golden eye can be seen glinting within his hood.


Nizreph waves a gaunt hand. The ground begins to tremble, and strange plants sprout from the young earth. Thin blue-black stalks support toothless, whispering mouths.

Spend 3 points to shape land along the western coastline, creating the Glade of Whispers.

Initial Power Level:-
Gains: 6
Creations: Shape Land (3)
Final Power Level: 3

2019-11-02, 09:04 PM
The Gloam

In ancient times the world was bare, a slate for those with power to work upon. As odd aeons passed did beings and forces with this power begin to arise from spontaneous nooks and crannies of creation, and from these beings and forces were born those who might be called gods. Among these gods was Anast-Reya, Lady of Pacts and first of the Gloam. Her entrance into the world burst apart the myriad strands of light that were shed upon the fledgling Sayyora and shrouded the land of her entrance with darkness. Here did the sun still shine, and despite its radiance hanging in the sky it was dark. During the day it was as if the world were shrouded in a fog of dust, light filtering through only in dim intensities. At night, even on the clearest of eves the land was shrouded in pitch blackness. In ages this place would become to be known as the Gloam, a vast shroud of darkness from which magic of a strange sort entered the world. For now, it was simply where the Lady of Pacts stood in stoic silence, looking out upon creation as it was. "This is new."

9 Points to Shape Climate 3" on the Island to the east. This land is now shrouded in darkness. During the day you can still see the sun, but it feels perpetually overcast and dusty, as if the light has to pass through a shroud to get to the ground. During the night, the land is utterly lightless from above, and you WILL need artificial lighting, darkvision, or magic to see.


Remaining Points: 3

2019-11-02, 09:41 PM
Nizreph sees a distant isle become clouded with darkness. He squints his eye and cackles. Nizreph swoops into the sky and flutters back down into the Gloam, slowly moving through the dusty shadows.
¨What have we here? Is that you, dear sister?¨

2019-11-03, 01:55 AM
Wrinkled robes of ruddy brown swathed the figure of Anast-Reya as she stared into the shrouded daylight sky. Her pale countenance shrouded in the dust-like fog of the gloam and thus shielded from the sun's rays, she turned to face Nizreph. Her features twisted into a soft smile as she lifted her hand and gestured to her brother god. "It is, brother. Long has it been since our last meeting."

2019-11-03, 11:16 PM
Karrakus rises from the depths of the Oceans of the new world. As he looked around he at the world, he knows he has work to do. It is too plain, too uniform. He calls up his corrupting powers and shapes the bay he is in into a massive swampy, morass.
Turn F17, F18, G17, G18, H17, H18, I17, I18 into a swamp called The Murkmantle Quagmire

Initial Power Level:0
Gains: 7
Creations: 2 X Shape Land (3)
Final Power Level: 1

Hobbo Jim
2019-11-04, 10:49 AM
Yshira looks through a crystal orb, carefully scanning the the land. "Boring, but ripe with potential. Change is in the air" Yshira bides her time, gathering her strength.

Initial Power Level:-
Gains: 10
Creations: None (gathering power)
Final Power Level: 10 (next round +1)

2019-11-04, 06:25 PM
5 + 1 + (2d6)[9] = 15

Askarak had sensed the arrival of the... others but had chosen to ignore it. He hadn't been powerful enough yet to reveal himself but now he had gathered enough of Sayyora's lifeforce to make himself known.

And Askarak closed his eyes and spoke the word. A storm started to whirl around Askerak tearing apart the fertile soil revealing the rock beneath. And greenish light that made the night darker instead of brighter emerged from the ground like searching tentacles. And when they touched at the eye of the storm something started to grow there. The rock shook and cracked as more and more tentacles of light broke through and the land itself reared up. Among the twisting winds the blackened rock rose towards the heavens, all the while the ... thing... at the center of the storm pulsed like a gigantic heart and grew.

And then - suddenly - the unlight imploded and the storm was gone. And there on the highest peak of the newly formed mountain range stood Askerak. But next to him was a gigantic white wolf with eyes glowing like ember. The wolf looked down to his master and when it moved its muscles there seemed to burn a red fire beneath the silver fur.

The Primordial King looked into the Wolf's eyes and then placed his palm on its forehead. "Larath, welcome in this new world" He smiled showing his fangs. "And now search, my daughter! Search!"

Larath bowed her head and then she turned and started to run with enormous speed down into the valleys below...

Initial Power Level: 5
Gains: +1 +9
1. Create Avatar: Larath, a gigantic silver direwolf (-10)
2. Shape Land: Stormheart Mountains G11, G12, F12 (-3)
Final Power Level: 2 (next round +2)

2019-11-05, 09:10 PM
The Gloaming Isle

Upon that isle, shrouded in dusty shadow and first set foot upon by the Lady of Pacts, there grew trees to the north with darkened bark and twisted branches who's leaves were always a ruddy brown. Roots like tangled vines crept across the newly grown forest floor, twisting with each other to make the undergrowth an uneven and treacherous place. From the ground sprouted shrouds of blue moss and broad-leafed shrubs that soaked up what minuscule light leaked through the leaves above, their colouration a deep scarlet.

To the west, heralded by the upheaval of earth were born shallow mountain peaks that, while not tall enough to reach the clouds, were nonetheless great enough to make passage over them perilous. Perhaps in time passes and paths would be discovered by curious mortal eyes, but for now it would serve as a great barrier from the coast.

Initial Power Level: 3
Gains: 6
Shape Land: The Barrier Peaks in H22, H23, H24, G23. 3 Power.
Shape Land: The Dustwood in F24, F25, G24, G25. 3 Power.
Remaining Power: 3

2019-11-10, 04:56 PM
Joshun is a young god. He is newly formed, and as he approaches this small island of existence in the multiverse, he feels... excited. He has a yearning to build, to create something great. But as he arrives on this world, he feels that there are other presences nearby. Older, more powerful presences. The type of presence that doesn't move or act but instead... stirs. This ancient ones are also focused on Joshun's little island, and they act upon it. But their action's are not those of architects. Instead, they defile the world, they fill it with unholy aberrant places.

Joshun looks at the fledgeling world and sees that it needs defenders, but he is not yet powerful enough to provide them, so instead he... bides. Soon he too will stir...
OK, I use too many ellipses, sue me.

Initial Power Level: 10
Gains: +5
Actions: N/A
Final Power Level: 15

2019-11-11, 04:31 PM
Ah, Joshun! Dearest little brother! I thought you´d never wake! Hehehe... Why, that´s a rather nice island you've got there.

2019-11-17, 02:54 AM
2 + 2 + (2d6)[7] = 11

Larath senses that two of the others are gathering and rushes in that direction...

West of the Stormheart Mountains:
Askarak walks the empty barren lands at the western flank of the windswept peaks of the Stormheart Mountains. As he walks the ground forms foothills and where he steps plants and trees start to grow in rapid time, going through years of seasons in just one night. When the morning dawns Askerak looks back and where there had been nothing is now an impervious primeval forest covering the foothills up to the mountains. Scattered through the sea of green treetops are large groves where gigantic trees rise high into the sky.

Askerak turns away and moves forward as life starts to stirr inside the woodlands...

Initial Power Level: 2
Gains: +2 +7
1. Shape Climate G11, G12, F12 (-3): In the Stormeart Mountains strong winds blow throughout the year from the west, making them extremely dangerous to scale
1. Shape Land F10, G10, H10, F11 (-3): The Green Sea, a primeval forest that forms wooded Foothills in the east at the border of the Stormheart Mountains
Final Power Level: 5 (next round +3)