View Full Version : Saltmarsh in Eberron Character

2019-10-30, 06:43 AM
After vanquishing Strahd last week by the skin of our teeth our DM decided he wanted to try something new and eventually landed in Saltmarsh, but set in Eberron. To keep with his “something new” theme he additionally challenged us players to play a race and/or class we hadn’t before. Which is where I’m sort of stuck as I don’t know enough about Eberron or Saltmarsh to know what class might fit.

Party so far is:
1-2 other players with no set plans yet.

Starting at level 1 and basically everything is on the table as long as the DM approves. As far as classes I haven’t played we’re looking at: Bard, Barbarian, Druid, Monk, Sorcerer, Ranger, and Wizard.

Barbarian was my initial thought since the two players I know are playing sort of squishier classes, but I also sort of wanted to try Ranger to see if it really is as bad as the internet hive-mind says it is, but I’m open to anything really.

Lastly my stats (in no particular order):

Any advice about a class build and/or how to fit it into Eberron is appreciated. Thanks!

2019-10-30, 08:55 AM
Lastly my stats (in no particular order):

Any advice about a class build and/or how to fit it into Eberron is appreciated. Thanks!

Bad luck on those rolls.
With only one good stat and one mid-good stat, this tend to gear you toward a SAD class.
I would say Moon Druid, but there is already a Druid in your party.
A Wizard could work too. You will have to mind your AC.
With the proper race, you can start with 18 in your main stat and 15, or even 16 in your second stat.
And you can later even the second stat with a half-feat. So you may go for a class that need two abilities.

A Mountain Dwarf Barbarian could work. Put the 14 in Dex and the 12 in Con. You will end with 18 Str, 14 Dex, 14 Con and use a medium armor.

A Firbolg, Wood Elf, Ghostwise Halfling, Aaracockra, or Vuman can give you proper stat for a Monk.
A Firbold give Dex 16 and Wis 16. The Dex races will give Dex 18 and Wis 15 and you can take Observant or Elven Accuracy to get Wis 16 at level 4. Vuman will give Dex 17 and Wis 15 and you'll need to even that with the ASI. In all this cases, the lack of Con can be a real problem.
The same race will work for Ranger too. The lack of Con can be less a problem if you go the archer route.

An Hobgoblin Wizard can give Dex 14, Con 14 and Int 17 and proficiency with light armor, you're one feat away from using medium armor and shield. Or you can even the Int with Observant.

High Elf can give Dex 16, Con 12, Int 17 and access to Fey Teleportation and Elven Accuracy.

Warforged Envoy can fit almost any build, and can help with AC despite and average Dex. You get +1 Con and +1 in two stat you choose (one can be Con too). I think you can make work any build that's not a MAD frontliner (Pally, melee Ranger, armorless Barbarian).

2019-10-30, 09:24 AM
Yeah I was trying to avoid MAD builds because of my poor rolls. I may have to talk to the other druid to see if she’s going Moon or something else.

Everything else is a solid recommendation. I always forget about Hobgoblins, thanks for the reminder!

2019-10-30, 12:43 PM
Given all this, I would go with a Hobgoblin Abjurer Wizard. Get the Medium Armor feat and you'll be quite resilient, and pretty quickly you can extend some of your resilience to your team.

I'd ask the DM where in Eberron this is set, as that can really impact your character's story and flavor. Is it in Qbarra and you're all Dragonshard prospectors? Is it in the Shadow Marches and you're agents of Droaam scouting for resources? Is it on Xen'drik and you're explorers?

There are multiple factions of goblins in Eberron, and your hobgoblin might be any of them. Here's an article by the setting creator that can walk you through it:

There's also a lore podcast for the setting called Manifest Zone, and they recently did a goblin focused episode.

da newt
2019-10-30, 01:00 PM
I don't know Eberron, but if I remember right Saltmarsh has a whole bunch of sea, swamp, etc so a race with a swim speed and breath holding might be handy - lizard folk for example.