View Full Version : Losing touch, City of Brass IC

2019-10-30, 07:25 AM
Losing Touch, City of Brass
Solo Campaign
GM Drackstin
Player An Amy

The land of Artishia is grand and vast, expanding many continents all over the plane. The continent of Lastrada is home to two large deserts, one to the east and one to the west, The western desert is home to one of the largest cities in the world, the City of Brass. This Great city was made by the Desert Elves, but allow all walks of live inside, using trade from all over the plane (and off plane) to prosper. As of late though, more and more resources are being pulled away from the city as strange occurrences start to happen all over the land. In an effort to keep his City safe the General of the city guard and military, Sir Abaddon, has started to look for outside help on matters out side of the immediate area. Seeing any who would take the task as expendable resources.

Our Story starts as a young human girl takes fer first steps on a journey of self discovery and expand her knowledge of the druidic teaching, as she pilgrimages across the plane. Coming from a small town of Autumn’s Hollow, nestled in the foothills of the gazaret mountains, her knowledge of the world came from a small druidic circle that saw great potential in her. After years of learning their ways and teachings, they both new the time was right to head out on her own. tasked with only to learn of the rest of the lands knowledge, the peaceful and the harsh. and to return when she has a full understanding of the cruelty nature can have and its spenders. She sets out, to cross though the whispering forests to head to the nearest druidic circle she had learned about. The Circle of Ash in the Serrina desert, the same desert the City of Brass is located.

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?600685-Losing-touch-City-of-Brass-OCC)
Lielta Greennook (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2036451)

An Amy
2019-10-30, 08:52 AM
Preliminary checks:
Survival to see how well she's gotten on that day as she entirely uses her Survival skill to live off the land and only carries food (gathered from survival) if she's actually headed into a city since she can't go foraging in a city as easily as a forest or plains. [roll0]
Knowledge Nature to see what wild critters should be nearby that she could befriend [roll1]
Is she close to the desert at all or really just a day or so out of her homeland?
Handle Animal to try and get Akara to alert... not really a trick, but perhaps just interpreting the wolf's reactions. [roll2] +1 if Wild Empathy works better for this.


Lielta moved through the whispering forest at a steady pace with her friend, Akara, a full-grown wolf maiden. Though Akara's full name was something akin to "She who runs down hills too quickly". That was a bit of a mouthful, and Lielta can't even say it the correct way a wolf would want to hear it. And while Tumbles was a name she thought to refer to her friend as, given the wolf's tendency to also roll down said hills, Akara was something a bit better. She-who-runs-down-hills-too-quickly even picked it out from a list of other names.

"Before we get too far, I need to... get some allies. Akara, let me know if you sense another wolf nearby, yes? I think some more of your sisters or brothers of fang and fur will be of great help"

2019-10-30, 12:05 PM
You are about 2 days travel away from your home town and druid circle, the forest goes for miles, and on foot you know this will take a few days to travel. from what your circle told you, the forest will get smaller slowly as you head south, it will turn to a few miles of short plants and grass then turn to desert after that, The Serrina desert. Your foraging skills turn up a good amount of berries, nuts, and a stream. plenty of food for today and some for the next if you pick to save it. From your knowledge of the area, you know you can find some squirrels, frogs, snakes, birds, and if you try, maybe something a little more exotic. these could be food for you and your companion, or new ally's.

Akara responds to your words and keeps a keen eye out, looking more cautious and protective.

The sun is still high in the air as the wind blows lightly. you should have no problems tracking or finding something if you looked hard enough

An Amy
2019-10-30, 02:20 PM
Let's find some critters!
Spot [roll0] to try and find some presence...
Akara knows Track, so find something and use scent to track
Survival also for tracking and perhaps finding both food and critter to befriend (looking for wolf, snake, owl, or eagle) [roll1]


"Let's see what we can find, Akara... " Lielta said as she started to look around for some allies for her journey. She knew the desert would have very different creatures, so if she wanted something from her local area she had to find them now. Hopefully, she didn't have to spend too long to do that. But... well, whatever it would take. "I have speak with animal prepared just for this, but hopefully I can get it done without having to do that, you know? If whatever friends we find require such... well, let's lash that rope when we need to."

2019-10-30, 03:25 PM
As you look around and move through out the forest, do don't seem to find any tracks for wolfs, but you do fine something very unique resting on the bank of a stream, Akara slows down motionless as she scenes it. you find a brightly colored snake, very different then snakes you have heard about, from its shape you can tell this snake is not a constrictor. It's eyes catch your movement and it tastes the air.

An Amy
2019-10-30, 03:39 PM
Handle Animal: [roll0]
Getting Akara to STAY (DC 15)
Will repeat this until Lielta feels confident that Akara does as asked.

Wild Empathy: [roll6]
Making friends and influencing forest critters!

"Now, Akara... stay here... just going to go over and see if Scaly and Colorful here can be friendly... or not."

Lielta then slowly gets closer to the snake... a viper of some sort. She judges whether or not the creature feels threatened, if so... she stops, but she wants to get close enough that it can see her and also judge that she's not threatening.

"I'd like to just sit and have a chat... that's all. It can be dangerous out there, and I would like more friends... would you...?"

2019-10-31, 06:43 AM
The Snake watches you approach and rears up, your attempt to sooth the animal fails and when you get within five feet of the snake it bolts off into the forest, it would seem your tactic was a bit off, but you can still hear some movement in the distance and know other animals are near by.

An Amy
2019-10-31, 10:00 AM
"Knots... harder to make friends among strangers," Lielta curses lightly as the viper slithers off. "Oh well, lesson learned. Akara, come. First, we shouldn't get so close to a viper. Second... I'm not sure yet. Let me know if you get hungry and we can look for food instead of friends."

She and her animal companion wander off once more looking for some inquisitive eyes among the denizens of her homeland forest.

2019-10-31, 11:07 AM
Akara nuzzles your hand when you mention food, in your search you find a few small game critters in the area, then by luck as you look, you find some familiar tracks. paws in fact. and as you follow them you stumble upon a den of wolves. as you approach 5 wolves walk out of the small cave. you try to ease them and the Alpha steps forward growling, but still keeping its distance. It would seem you caught its attention. Akara stays close to your side.

An Amy
2019-11-01, 08:11 AM
"Well, hello, father of your pack," Lielta begins speaking calmly and taking a non-threatening position and squatting down on her heels while reaching over and patting Akara. Considering the season, the age of the father wolf she's addressing as well as Akara's own age, she figures that neither of them should be perceived as threats. The father wolf will establish that he is... well... the father of the pack. The mother wolf is either not present or the others are further into that cave area. Still, this opportunity is immense... "Wait..."

Lielta bends together the threads of magic and weaves them into the spell that allows her to speak with animals. It's not something she can maintain for too long, so she needs to hurry, at least, in hopes of using it to vastly improve her situation.

"Hello again, father of your pack. I am Lielta, a druidess from the thorn and bush circle. I'm seeking allies and friends to assist me on my quest."


Not sure if you considered Wild Empthy just yet (here's another go at it [roll0].

2019-11-01, 08:59 AM
The Silver Haired Alpha looks you over and speaks with a raspy voice.

"You ask for my aid, and yet bring no offering. Show me you are worthy of my time. Hunt down the pray in the forest, if you can bring me enough food for my pack, i will aid you."

He turns from you and walks back into the den, the others look back and follow.

An Amy
2019-11-01, 09:40 AM
"I guess I should have asked him how many were in his pack. Can you tell, Akara? I still have this spell going on, you know. So, I guess we should also start hunting down some food. I want to make sure you get some help if we ever run into trouble. You know I won't be much use when it comes to that."


Using Akara to SEEK out food for the wolves and entirely reliant upon her for the hunt as well.
Spot to keep a look out for other potential friends: [roll0]
Survival for foraging: [roll1]

2019-11-01, 10:23 AM
When you ask Akara about how many wolves there might have been, she sniffs the air.

"I can smell pups, maybe three or four."

Akara helps you locate some small game animals, rabbits, squirrels, quail. with your skill and knowledge of the forest you are able to trap and hunt a good amount. with the number of wolves about 8 but with a few smaller, you think you have enough food for them all. you also find 2 quail eggs you can keep for yourself.

An Amy
2019-11-01, 11:17 AM
As long as Akara feels it is enough and that she does not need to hunt again for herself as well, Lielta and her companion return. They approach up to the distance they did before to see if the wolves emerge and come before them. She holds as many of the animals as she can, with Akara carrying the rest. "

I hope they don't mind quail... I've always been against it or any game bird truly. Just an irrational fear of eating a feather. Same thing goes for eggs sometimes... I'm always afraid of cracking one... and well..."

"I have returned with hunted prey, food for you and your children," she calls out to the father wolf, knowing she does not currently have a spell ready to speak with the father wolf, but going through the words anyway. "I hope this satisfies you. The forest is plentiful."

2019-11-01, 12:26 PM
As you speak outside the den, the Alpha wolf emerges from the cave, he walks up to your offering and looks about it, he turns and and you hear a low bark come from him. then you see the other wolves and 3 small pups come out, they slowly take the food and walk back into the care. the alpha lowers its head to you, you can tell he is keeping your end of the bargain.

An Amy
2019-11-01, 02:01 PM
"Alright... I'm not sure what your name is, but I'll ask it again later," she tells the wolf as she steps back while looking at him. "I... when I'll need your help, I'll summon you through magic. Let's try it, okay?"

Lielta gives it a pleasant smile as she settles herself and combines the flows of magic to create the conjuration effect and summon a furry friend (I), placing the point of summoning next to her. The father wolf should move roughly ten or fifteen feet. She does not twist his form into a plan using her circle's ability to bind him into such. That's going to take some more explanation that she doesn't have the spell for that very day.

2019-11-04, 08:08 AM
As use cast your spell, a rush of light flows over the alpha wolf. then seems to fade inside it. You can feel a small part of him with you now, a strong leader and protector of his pack. You can also sense something unique about him, but your not sure what it is, it seems as his he has great skill with hunting in a pack. The alpha nods his head to you and walks up to you.

"You have shown me you are capable of hunting and looking out for yourself. But being part of a pack means you always have someone by your side, you may call upon me when you need me. My name is Lobo." He rubs his head against your cheek then slowly turns around to walk back into his den to watch over his pack. your binding is complete.

An Amy
2019-11-04, 09:43 AM
"Thank you Lobo," Lielta says as she gives him a pat across his fur before he departs. She'll have to come back and discuss with him the concept of greenbound and perhaps to see if any of his children would be willing to also be allies that can be called forth. Like he said... a pack. "Well, Akara, let's go see if we can locate an eagle or such. Leuft back in Autumn's Crossing was very helpful, but he belonged to Guerro. I could certainly do with finding a friend like that."

She smiles at her companion before they set off once more to do the same thing... this time a bird of prey.


Akara can Seek as well.

2019-11-04, 10:09 AM
As you leave the den and start to look for another animal that will help on your journey, you hear hear something in the distance, the familiar sound of a wise animal. you and Akara track down where its coming from and see a large whole in the side of a tree, you can tell its from a large bird.

An Amy
2019-11-04, 11:24 AM
Given the time of day and that the owl, being of the nocturnal variety, would be asleep, Lielta believes it's best not to disturb it. It wouldn't be the best of first impressions for making a friend.

"Akara... we'll come back here closer to evening. Perhaps we can even find some food for an owl ahead of time. Though not on the standard repertoire for my circle, I wonder if a mouse could be a valuable ally. Well, let's find out what else is around and keep our minds back to this tree closer to evening."

Lielta mentally marks the area in her head to return to at a later time while continuing her search for that part of the day and seeing what else there is in the woods.


Survivals once more: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
Akara skill doing some Seek.
Handle Animal to reassure her companion: [roll3]

2019-11-04, 12:05 PM
Some time passes and you search around your location. After some time you are able to fine a mouse. with your skills you know you can easily hunt it, but if you want you couldn't try to gain its help. you need to weigh the options as the day is now getting later.

An Amy
2019-11-04, 12:37 PM
Lielta might rather make a friend... but... she does realize that doing so would be difficult. It's easier and more pragmatic to befriend predators that aren't at risk of being slain for another animal's meal. A mouse, while potentially friendly and all, might not survive all that long to be an ally. She doesn't like the idea of judging whether or not she makes a friend based on their usefulness to her as a summoned ally. Though, if she's serious about her pilgrimage, she does need to take practical approaches to some of these decisions. It just seems... wrong. She has no problem with killing the mouse for food for herself or her companion. Such is the way of life. But befriending it just for usefulness or not befriending it due to a lack of usefulness feels improper. And besides, she doesn't know if the owl will want food similarly as the wolves. It might have an entirely different need fulfilled.

Sadly, the prospect of a friend turns out to be something for a later time with the smaller rodents. Lielta decides to use the mouse for hunting to offer to the owl to at least have it come down for a chat. Or... rather to come down for some befriending as she's actually unable to cast speak with animals for the day. While befriending critters, that would be good to have multiple times...

2019-11-04, 01:15 PM
After running the options in your head, you pick the best action to take based on the circumstances. The natural order of life, the circle that it follows in known well to you. No matter what animals live in the wild, they all have their place. This is part of being a druid, knowing that everything lives for a reason, and also passes away. Its hard for you to come to terms with trading one life for another. You realize though that the circle will continue with or without you. If you did not hunt the mouse for the owl, the owl would have eventually. You are not taking from the Circle, but showing your appreciation to the animals it it. on this day the mouse lost his place in the living world to extend the life of another. The will continue.

Dusk sets in at the sun starts to settle down for the night, the sky turns pink as the rays of light shine through the sky. you get your bearings and return to the tree you found before.

An Amy
2019-11-04, 01:26 PM
Lielta tries to reach out and contact the owl, making an offering of the mouse so that she can perhaps befriend the owl. She does wonder, if this is successful, will summoning the owl during the daytime actually disrupt its sleep? What if she summons it while it is asleep? Will it appear awake? She never considered that, even though it would apply to any creature at all. What if it was engaged in eating or hunting and she summons it. Or if it was currently defending its young and she calls it away. Thoughts like these occupy her as she looks toward the hole in the tree, holding up the mouse so as to entice the owl to come forth.


Handle animal: [roll0]
Wild empathy: [roll1]

2019-11-04, 01:40 PM
As the sun sets you can hear the owl rustle in the tree, then it appears on the edge of the hole. you see a great horned owl, a bigger bird then you thought you had found, it leers down at you, your arms out to it with and offering, it looks around, looking to see if anything more was out of order from its normal day. then it leans down focusing on you. you have gained its attention.

An Amy
2019-11-04, 02:13 PM
Lielta continues the interaction, keeping her eyes on the owl as she holds out the mouse. Then she moves to sit on the ground, placing the mouse nearby. Her stance is passive. She already made sure Akara was sitting visibly a short distance away, laying down if she could get her to do that. She waits for the owl to come to her.

2019-11-04, 02:17 PM
Seeing you take a more passive stance the owl swoops down and grabs the mouse with its talons, then stands in front of you and looks at you.

An Amy
2019-11-04, 02:24 PM
Not really having a spell prepared for speaking with the owl, Lielta speaks plainly in druidic, perhaps something the owl might have heard before... maybe. If not, her intentions should be reflected in her tone and posture. Otherwise, it's clear she's communicating with it.

"Hi, there. I'm looking for help along my travels to become a full druid of the thorn and bush circle near here. I was hoping I could find a friend and ally. I'm going to need a lot of help as it is."

She also holds out her hand, as if to touch the bird but not completely. Barely even half the distance between them and very much off to the side, clearly done so as to not surprise anyone and also show that she's not going to reach across without permission.

2019-11-04, 02:28 PM
The owl watches your movement, you can see its eyes focus on your actions. it then lowers its head to you.

An Amy
2019-11-04, 03:43 PM
"Let's... see... and test this again," Lielta says as she stands and backs away, weaving the threads of magic once more to summon her ally. As with Lobo before, she feels this will give her some sort of ability to get some... thoughts or words from the bird. She hopes... she would so much like to actually speak to it instead of inferring from its anthropomorphic gestures. Before with the other druids of her circle, the animals were already friendly, already willing and very used to her practice and the practice of others... as well as the plantforming that she learned. So... she isn't so sure everything will work out the same way. Or that she interpreted the owl's willingness.

2019-11-04, 03:57 PM
As you cast your spell, the owl begins to glow with the soft light that the wolf did, then it fades away. you feel connected with the owl, a small part of them with you, you can tell he is old and wise, he has many secrets, then you hear him.
"Hello Child, i thank you for this gesture, and i see you are in need, i am familiar with the other birds of your circle but have never wished to be bothered. but you have an air about you. You may call me Regal, i see your new to the outside world. your ways are rather clumsy but cute. I shall assist you whenever i can. Is there anything you would ask of me?"

An Amy
2019-11-04, 05:33 PM
"Oh, I would... well, if you are familiar, there is my circle's tradition of binding our allies into the form of plants. It is only while you are called for aide to wherever we are. It can be... very different. And I don't want the first time I'm in true need of your aide that it also be the first time you're experiencing this form. So... if you don't mind that is, I would like to show you that."

Lielta waits for the owl, Regal, to give some approval before repeating the summoning but with her greenbound knowledge.

2019-11-05, 07:47 AM
Regal looks at the girl, his head spins vertical as he thinks. "I have seen this done before, but never wanted to be bothered with it. But it would seem i must if i wish to help you. I agree then, let us get this out of the way."

An Amy
2019-11-05, 10:03 PM
"Very well, thank you for agreeing. I do need to understand more about how this will affect any of allies I might need to call upon for help."

Lielta reaches out with her flows of magic and crafts the weave for summoning once more... this time with the full intent on lacing the conjuration with that of plants at the same time.

2019-11-06, 01:28 PM
As Lielta called forth her new friend, a ring opened up before her, the owl nodded and slowly vanished, then soon after started to reappear through the circle. His form started to take shape, but then you saw his flesh being ripped away, his bones turning into roots and vines growing around his frame, you can feel his pain as the transformation takes hold. when the summoning finished, Regal stood before you, a mix of root and vine, with small leaves scattered about, he eyes looked as if glowing emeralds and green magical energy pulsed throughout him.

"Well that was rather unpleasant." he looks at himself. "This form feels strange, but i do feel as if i could help you better this way."

An Amy
2019-11-07, 12:45 PM
"It is quite powerful and does take a little getting used to..." Lielta agrees with a solemn and appreciative nod toward Regal. "Like you can create a wall of thorns... say there."

She points in the direction nearby where nothing else was indicating where Regal should place the wall of thorns, only creating a ten foot square area. "They are magical thorns, not... real... and they go away. But you also heal from damage, take less damage... But yes... I'm sure it takes a good bit of getting used to. I'll be sure to only use it if there's a need for it's benefits."

2019-11-07, 02:44 PM
He shivers and shakes for a second then looks back at you. "I can see there is a benefit from this, but the feeling of my flesh being ripped apart will need time to get out of my mind." He spreads his leafy wings and then the ground becomes covered in vines. "this will take some time indeed."

He lands back on the ground. "So what is your plan now?"

An Amy
2019-11-08, 09:47 AM
"I plan to head to the Circle of Ash and learn of their summoning traditions. I'll likely be stopping by the City of Brass as well, since both are in the Serrina desert. It will be my first time in a desert. But I need to make it along the road and learn of any of the people's on the way. I'll be spending some days here in these woods still... as I won't be seeing such for a good while. I need both to be prepared for the journey in... well, I'm sure it all is rather common sense. I ramble. I plan on staying around here a few days. If you want to... get used to the summoning a little more, I can help with that. I have another ally as well that I need to speak to regarding being rendered a plant."

2019-11-08, 01:26 PM
"Then you should try to make a small camp, you can use my tree to start, so i may watch over you." he flies up to his tree and looks around. "You will need water and food for not only here, but your travel ahead of you, i would stock what you can. a desert can be a very dangerous place."

An Amy
2019-11-10, 03:56 PM
"Yes... I shall have to prepare for water as well as food for a good while until I can find my way through unfamiliar territory. I feel confident, but only a food turns down advice even if it's heard twice."

Lielta does just that as Regal suggests and makes her camp there beneath his tree. She doesn't need a campfire so much, as she's fed for the day, so she props up her hammock in a recline against the tree and the ground, sets up the canopy and goes about disguising it so that it can easily blend into the surroundings.

2019-11-11, 10:16 AM
Regal flies over head for a short time before the summoning wears of, then appears in his normal form near his tree. "Now that is a strange feeling" He shakes he head a bit then leaps into the air once more. "get some sleep little one. ill watch you tonight"

Regal Summoning information on the OOC

An Amy
2019-11-11, 10:44 AM
Lielta finishes preparing her camp for the night. She forgoes the hammock in favor of just laying beside Akara beneath the canopy. Rain is not upon them, and she is to remain in the wilderness for quite some time longer. The moisture and dampness of the ground will not be a problem for her.

2019-11-11, 12:33 PM
The sky starts to get dark, stars fill the clear nights sky. Regal watches over you as you fall asleep with Akara. the night goes by uneventful, other then some owl calls every so often.

An Amy
2019-11-11, 03:50 PM
In the morning, Lielta wakes up and makes sure to stir Akara if the shewolf is not already awakened. She looks up to see if Regal has returned but otherwise goes through some stretches and then settles down for morning meditation, spell preparation and prayer to Fharlanghn for safe exploration. She prepares entirely a grouping of spells to speak with potential friends.


Lielta, what's the weather today? [roll0]
Let's eat today too [roll1]

2019-11-11, 04:37 PM
Lielta and Akara both wake up together, and are able to find some food to start the day. you make a nice meal for both of you out of things found around the forest and food saved from yesterday. you can smell a hint of moisture in the air, and thing it might start to rain near the end of the day.

An Amy
2019-11-11, 04:42 PM
...you can smell a hint of motorist in the air...Ooo, darn those motorists fouling up the air everywhere they go!

For her, she intends to spend the day looking for more creatures to attract, though she's content for the time being with Regal and Lobo. She does intend to return to Lobo and summon him using the green-binding so that he can anticipate the change and the apparent discomfort it brings.

Survival for finding new critters, looking perhaps for a mouse, rabbit, dire rat, eagle, raven or crow. [roll0]

2019-11-12, 12:46 PM
Ooo, darn those motorists fouling up the air everywhere they go!
~~~ sorry, i posted from my phone, should have been "moisture"

As you search the forest you encounter some spider webs laying on the ground. Once you notice them, you can see them all around you but you don't see the creator, although you do see a small cave in farther where the web seems to tunnel.

An Amy
2019-11-12, 12:57 PM
Lielta tries to discern what kind of spider could leave these webs. She's mostly concerned if there's a chance she could be the target prey for such. Either way, she's not very keen on disturbing the work of a spider having already built the web that morning.


Knowledge Nature [roll0]

2019-11-12, 01:14 PM
From what you can tell, it looks like just the work of a common forest spider, but the size of the web makes you uneasy, too large to be from a slandered forest spider.

Perception check (spot or listen).

An Amy
2019-11-12, 01:25 PM
Perception: [roll0]

2019-11-12, 01:58 PM
Along with examining the webs you were able to see a shadow and react fast enough to not get surprised. from the tree tops a Spider about your size drops down from overhead. it slams down behind you.

roll for initiative

An Amy
2019-11-12, 05:52 PM
"Spider!" Lielta lets out as she reacts in time.

Initiative: [roll0]

2019-11-13, 11:13 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

Although your able to react in time to get away from its ambush the spider still gets the jump on you and lunges as you.

2019-11-13, 11:17 AM
Bite [roll0]
Damage [roll1] DC 12 fort save

An Amy
2019-11-13, 02:32 PM
"Akara!" Lielta calls out as she moves back from the spider, narrowly missed by its attack. She feels apprehensive about calling Lobo... since she hadn't yet introduced him to the plant binding, but she also doesn't want to bring Regal into the picture just yet. The bird is resting for the day. With such a surprise, she tries to keep her wits about her and examine what her attacker is truly capable of.


5ft step back.
Instruct Akara to attack, a learned trick. Bite [roll0] [roll1] (trip?) [roll2]
Knowledge Nature, [roll3]

2019-11-13, 03:05 PM
Akara bites down on the spider and gets its attention. but she fails to trip the beast. It jumps at Akara and tries to strike her.

Bite [roll0]
[roll1] DC 12 poison

In the moment of battle, all you can remember about these type of beasts, is that they have a poison that renders the body frail.

An Amy
2019-11-14, 10:34 AM
Akara HP 12/13, Fort save [roll0]; bite [roll1] [roll2]; trip [roll3]
Lielta HP (8+?), Sling attack [roll4] [roll5]

Lielta is not used to combat at all... too polite perhaps to even call the new allies she's made and hesitates on other actions, having forgotten her sling until that moment. Not that it's terribly effective. She and Akara can easily outrun this spider if it comes down to that, though. But with a bit of poison on her companion, she's hesitant to remain any longer than the next few seconds.

2019-11-14, 10:57 AM
Akara shakes off bite from the spider and lunges forward, but she misses the spider. Trying to help you wind up your sling but the stone bounces off. you can see an opening that you can run from the beast, but your not sure how long it will follow you. The spider rears up and tries to strike Akara again.

Bite [roll0]
damage [roll1] dc12 poison

An Amy
2019-11-15, 08:22 AM
Lielta sees that it would be better to flee, run away and no further disturb. The spider is a predator awaiting a meal to be ensnared in its webs. No more, no less. Though, being targeted as prey, Lielta's under every obligation to do her best to avoid being taken.

"Akara, if we cannot dissuade it in the next few seconds, we flee."

Akara bite [roll0] [roll1] (trip [roll2])
Lielta (5ft back, sling) [roll3] [roll4]
(minimum damage rule would state that Lielta did at least 1 damage with her sling the last time, right?)

2019-11-15, 11:00 AM
Akara's bite hurts the spider more then it was expecting, Akara took the opportunity and grabbed one of its legs and pulled it to the ground. The spiders body hits the ground hard. its looks very weak, but even in its more vulnerable state you miss your shot. The spider tries to get back up leaving itself open for Akara again.

Yes you did just 1 damage even though you rolled a 0

An Amy
2019-11-15, 02:19 PM
Akara takes the initiative and opportunity to strike the distracted spider.


Akara bite: [roll0] [roll1], re-trip [roll2]

2019-11-15, 02:47 PM
Akara Tries to take the opportunity to attack the spider wail its down but gets tripped up on the webbing and falls herself. the spider jumps on her and tries to pin her to the ground.

[roll0] grapple DC

An Amy
2019-11-15, 03:32 PM
Akara grapple: [roll0]

2019-11-19, 09:00 AM
Akara pushes herself out of the spiders arms, you can tell the spider is weakened from the fight, but it instincts push it forward. as it goes to lung at you, loud movement can be heard behind it, then you see Lobo leap onto its back and claw at its eyes. The spider is distracted, and its attention is on Lobo, leaving it open to attacks.

An Amy
2019-11-19, 02:44 PM
Akara continues to push the combined attack now. Lielta, lacking confidence in her ability to use her sling effectively, decides against doing so. Instead, she takes another step back, grateful for Lobo showing up when he did. It does make her wonder if she summoned Lobo... would he appear where she called him or would his proximity prohibit or change the summoning at all... thoughts for another time.

"Thank you my friend!" she calls out, instructing her companion to continue the attack as well. It seems needless. They can get away from the spider without having to kill it, though. The window for having done that is closed, however.

Akara attack: [roll0] +2 for flanking?, [roll1], trip [roll2]

2019-11-19, 04:02 PM
Akara lunges at the spider, and as she does so do Lobo. as Akara claws land a hit Lobo continues her attack with his own rending the spider down. You hear the beast squeal, then hit the ground. Lobo jumps from its back.

"It would appear you need my help more then you made me think.... You are lucky i was hunting near by, i could feel your worry." He walks up to her and pushes his head against your side. "you are part of my pack, don't go alone if you can't do things on your own." He say, reprimanding you but a hint of worry and care in his voice.

Flanking bonus plus Lobo's teamwork ability,"flanking rend" (if Lobo and another ally are flanking and attack the same target, add 1d6+Lobo's level to damage as a rend attack.

Also make a spot check, you may do as you wish but ill add to the next post depending on your roll

An Amy
2019-11-19, 04:16 PM
"Thanks again, my friend. I would have called you with the magic of my spell, as I discussed before, but there's a, um, certain unpleasantness associated with it. There's an owl nearby who could more accurately tell you." Lielta smiles at the fatherly wolf. "I intended to either flee in the next few seconds if the spider did not give up its attack. With you here, I did not need to. There's much I can learn from this. Preparation most of all...

"And on the side of preparation, I do need to perform the summoning properly with you so that you are fully aware of the ability that I have. It turns you into a plant for the duration of the call. I also would answer any questions you have. Do you have a moment or are you needed? Akara and I can help you with your hunt afterwards."

Perception check [roll0]

2019-11-20, 07:59 AM
Lobo stairs at you with a questioning look. "You wish to turn me into a plant? I don't really see how that would be beneficial. But if you believe it to be stronger then show me. I would rather experience something first hand then have someone tell me about it." Lobo stands on a flat section of ground
and watches you.

From the corner of your eye you see a glint of shine coming from the small cave that the large spider called home.

An Amy
2019-11-20, 11:56 AM
"It will make you considerably stronger... but I've heard it's somewhat painful to go through. I hope that there's some getting used to it. I'd hate for it to hurt every time... but everything comes with a price."

Lielta directs the magical flows to summon Lobo about fifteen feet to the side of her, albeit with her plant form talent.

2019-11-20, 02:45 PM
As She casts her summon spell to call forth Lobo, his real form fades away, then a silhouette of his appears where she summoned him. as his form manifested you can hear the flesh ripping and bones crack as vines, wood and leaves took the place of his normal body, you can hear him wince and growl in pain as he finishes forming, his eyes glowing like jades set in the roots, and a soft glowing green light from his chest.

"aahhhh" Lobo shakes then catches himself and stands. "That was more then i expected."

An Amy
2019-11-21, 12:16 PM
"Ah but there are things you can now do... see if you can feel it. Like creating a wall of thorns. Your skin is hard, like wood, but even if you are injured your body is always growing and will recover in short time... though I can only keep you summoned like this for a short time right now anyway... oh you can also..."

But the duration is gone and Plant-Lobo vanishes. She's not able to maintain the duration for too long, something she's going to start focusing on.

"You could have talked with some plants during that, though it would be a short conversation. The druids of my circle back home can do it for much longer and even themselves can become plants. They say I lack the ability to change my own body like they do... partly because I was raised in a village and not in the woods... but yes. I'm glad you've had a chance to experience it so it won't catch you by surprise when I truly do need of you. Again... that is."

Lielta smiles at her wolf ally, then to Akara, then back to Lobo. She does move to Akara to examine her companion's wounds and injuries taken during the spider attack as well as move to search out what that glinting was in the spider's den, careful in case there are more. Lielta this time wants to just flee the area instead of killing something that is just protecting its home or hunting as it normally would. She's the interloper, after all.

2019-11-21, 01:28 PM
Akara only has a few scratches and looks fine to you after you look her over. Lobo watches you. "i will need to get used to the power that form possess. but for now i will return to my hunt, be careful, we are all predator and pray, you must not let your guard down, everything is pray to something." He rubs against you one last time before running off.

As you inspect the cave you can see the old body of an adventure, the bones sit against the wall, the shine you saw was from the punctured breastplate it wore. you can see ragged robes underneath. a wand in one of its hands and a destroyed book in the other. you also see a torn satchel bag, it contained a scroll, a potion and a odd looking acorn.

item identification. Spellcraft check.

An Amy
2019-11-21, 02:55 PM
Spellcraft is not trained.

Lielta retrieves the item that look somewhat valuable... maybe... to someone. Scavenging was just part of life. Some might see it as desecration, but animals little use for such reverence. The spider surely didn't. Still, she is provoked to bury the guy... something her fellow druids were usually dismissive of. When Old Gamge passed away five years ago, he merely walked into the woods, laid down and never woke back up. It took not even a matter of days before the body was reduced to mostly just bones that were easily scattered. Clera even wears one of hos bones around her neck. Lielta finds that a little morose, being a village girl at heart, but... well... it was her way of honoring old Gamge.

Still, she doesn't know magic all that well other than what she can ask the forces of nature for. Perhaps tomorrow she can use some magic to help with magic. But that's for tomorrow...

2019-11-21, 04:19 PM
Being just bones and some armor scraps and tattered cloths, you find it easier to bury the poor soul who didn't make it. The items you stored for the next day do feel familiar to you as you held them, but without more investigation you don't know what they will do. The potion was red, the scroll had a leaf used as a stamp, and the wand was carved with small flames.

from the suns position you think its mid-day. The forest canopy blocks the direct sunlight, but you still feel the warm beams.