View Full Version : Please help with a NPC name

2019-11-02, 02:29 PM
So, I have a Half Elf Paladin NPC who has clearly dumped INT and WIS hard.

Er… Very hard.

I'm looking for a semi-joke elf compatible name for the paladin and his horse, suitable for a lighthearted campaign with children players.

The NPC in question will generally consider himself to be indestructible, and will, as a result need rescued from time to time.

He's mostly there for comic relief in a part of the campaign that might otherwise get a bit grim.

He'll ride an especially intelligent warhorse who thinks the paladin is a lunatic and a danger to himself and others (the horse will not be a summoned steed, I want the players to be able to talk with the horse and conspire with said horse to save this guy from himself, should they choose to do so)

Any suggestions much appreciated!

2019-11-02, 02:41 PM
Percival Brighthead.

Give him long blonde hair, and let the people figure out the irony or at least the double meaning.

Percival as a first name seems classy enough to fit a younger audience :)

2019-11-02, 02:47 PM
Keebler Ontheshelf

2019-11-02, 03:12 PM
Kip Marchin

A jubilent, well-meaning fellow who always follows his (and possibly his parents') motto to "Keep Marchin' on!"

He keeps charging headlong into circumstances far above his ability, but he's so gosh darned enthusiastic about it that it's really hard to be cross with him.

Edit: Forgot about the horse. If Kip named the horse, something like "Bestie" would be a fun, overly-friendly way to show he doesn't at all pick up on his constant companion's resentment. "Sunny," "Sundrop," etc. would do the same. "Stalwart" has a nice ring to it.

If the horse is sentient and has taken a name for himself or received it elsewhere, contrast with something like "Romulus" that sounds official and smart and like someone who absolutely hates all the windmill chasing.

2019-11-02, 03:17 PM
Flash Braveheart.

He tells everyone the horse is called Lunaria. The horse tells you its called Brian and that the riders real name is Tim.