View Full Version : [Starfinder] Increasing Carrying Capacity

Aotrs Commander
2019-11-03, 07:39 AM
What, aside from increasing your Strength score, are ways you can increase your carryting capacity in Starfinder. I have an Industrial Backpack (first thing out of the gate!), but aside from the two backpacks, I don't seem to have found anything else that does something like that, nor any interdimensional storage items (such as the equivlent of Handy Haversacks or Bags of Holding of whatnot) - stuff that goes high on my priority list normally. Are there actually any aside from the backpacks, or are you just, as they say, SoL at the moment?

(I do tend to accure a lot of Stuff generally, with my characters and the relatviely low carrying capacity doesn't help (my goblin operative is already having to drop his rations and leave them at home to fit in his weapons, toolkits and such).)

2019-11-03, 01:39 PM
There is extra dimensional storage, but it's level locked and expensive at that level. As you out level it you should find it "cheaper", but our group at level 10 still hasn't bought one because of the armor & weapon upgrade treadmill.

One of the later books allowed you to buy robots to carry stuff. Also level locked and expensive. Plus they'll get damaged.

Small vehicles could work, but I think the carrying capacity isn't defined so that would be up to the DM. Plus they'll get damaged.

You can fix any vehicle from a wreck to pristine condition with the Mending cantrip + time. But robots/drones are creatures so you can't do that with them, you have to have keep repairing them with credits/upbs.