View Full Version : Rules Q&A Maximum Convenience-Based Character

2019-11-03, 10:18 PM
Greetings, all!

Let's assume I want to play a character who's focused on being as convenient as possible to play on a day-to-day basis and still be

For this, I assume no prepared casting. Spell points, power points, spontaneous casting, at-will casting, etc. are all likely OK. No Crusader maneuvers due to them being inconvenient to track.

I'm taking suggestions on what seems most convenient.

2019-11-03, 10:21 PM
Dragonfire Adept. Wear whatever you want for armor, you make the same action every turn (entangling breath over as many enemies as possible.) Only real stat is constitution.

2019-11-03, 10:56 PM
What's your cheese tolerance and is incarnum too fiddly?

In a campaign I'm currently partaking in, I'm playing a totemist/ warlock/ incarnate/ soulcaster. I cheesed the requirements for soulcaster by taking the magical training and precocious apprentice feats. Whatever abilities you choose to have on a given day, you have them all day. Your warlock invocations are what they are. My GM has agreed with me that soulcaster opening your chakras opens them for all of your soulmelds, not just the ones associate with the meldshaping class that you advance on that level of soulcaster.

On any given day, you can have level appropriate bonuses in whichever skills you like, a couple special abilities from a decently varied list, and all the arcane power that comes with warlock. I haven't decided what to do after soulcaster yet but I've been having a blast with it and it's exceedingly simple to roll with once you've chosen your abilities for the day.

2019-11-03, 11:00 PM
No Crusader maneuvers due to them being inconvenient to track.

Get a cheap poker deck and a marker, write each maneuver you know on a card. Make a stack of cards for the maneuvers you have readied, each time you get one granted take one off the top. Each time you use a maneuver, put it in the discard. When your deck runs out and you'd be granted another maneuver, shuffle the discard and any you didn't use back in and start over.

Despite how easy that would be, I'd say make a Beguiler with a Mindbender dip at 6th level, but otherwise stay single-classed. Take Versatile Spellcaster (and Heighten Spell if it's necessary to get early access to the next higher level of spells), advanced learning spells should be Ray of Stupidity, Shadow Form, Greater Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Evocation, and Superior Invisibility. Use a race that gets an Int bonus like Grey Elf. Pick up Mindsight, maybe Obtain/Improved Familiar, otherwise get whatever feats you want.

2019-11-03, 11:24 PM
@Biff: I've already made ToB card decks for characters. This isn't the point for this character.

2019-11-03, 11:31 PM
Warlock is my standard no-paperwork magic-user. Just point and shoot the blast. Use invocations to taste. No just kidding; take the ones that lets you see invisible, fly, dimension door, spam evard’s black tentacles and change your eldritch blast to acid to beat SR. You don’t even need to leave the book Complete Arcane that the warlock was introduced in. Oh and boost UMD.

2019-11-05, 03:07 AM
Factotum and Binder are both pretty good for this.

Factoutm is an all rounder and skill monkey, with a lot of tricks up it's sleeve. Some people use it as entry into Chameleon, too.

Binder can bind different vestiges each day to fill various roles. You don't get the full flexibility until you can start binding multiple vestiges, though. Better from level 8 onward.

2019-11-05, 06:49 AM
Agreed you're not going to find anything easier to play than Warlock, unless it's Dragonfire adept (but their late-game is pretty spotty). Once you've got an AoE shape you don't even need to roll attacks anymore, and you can take Vitriolic to not roll SR either (of course there aren't any official AoE shapes until Greater, same as Vitriolic, and the tentacles. . .). At Least you can Summon Swarm and then just concentrate, and it's actually the best attack at those levels. Lesser doesn't have an easy mode attack, but between See the Unseen and/or Voidsense you just see everything, which is convenient.

Painful Slumber of the Ages (Complete Mage) is another easy option at Greater, just point and tell the DM to make a save vs. sleep (and if you or your allies accidentally wake them up with damage, they take extra damage). Devil's Whispers (Cityscape) is obviously more powerful than the sleep, but you do have to bother wording a command in a way that your DM accepts for Suggestion. Chilling Tentacles requires you to roll a bunch of grapple checks, but Wall of Perilous Flame does not. And at Dark things continue being easy, with options like Dark Foresight (note that Foresight essentially requires the DM to tell you what you should be doing), and Impenetrable Barrier (Dragon Magic- putting this between you and bad thing is probably what the DM will tell you to do), and Path of Shadow (how about just leave whenever you want with no use limit?).

Basically the only problem is the gap where Summon Swarm is less effective, but you haven't hit Greater yet. Stony Grasp actually seems pretty good (note that it too has no limit on instances, so you can spam it every round), if you're willing to roll the grapple checks, possible random targeting, and track the hit points. To a certain extend The Dead Walk could be easy- not because minionmancy is easy, but because you tell the DM you're not animating anything permanently but intending to use it directly in combat, and put the onus on them to have skeletal/zombie statblocks ready for everything you fight. Hungry Darkness could potentially be haxed, because it lasts two rounds after you stop concentrating you can just summon more swarms on top, each of which will deal its own damage. Or if you can just get the DM to let you have an AoE shape or upgraded swarm of some sort at Lesser.

For feats, you just take either Extra Invocation for more passive benefits, or meta-SLA for exactly 3 uses on one particular invocation. Or other passive/utility feats.

2019-11-05, 08:59 AM
DFA. Take entangling exhalation at level 1. Boost con and get a dragonfire cincture and a weapon with a least energy adaptation crystal, probably fire.

Take endure exposure then as many 24 hour invocations as you can. Get flight and senses that way. Be evil for your nuke with fivefold breath of tiamat.

Take air heritage to up your flight to perfect for ease, then acquire immunities via any other way. Shape soulmeld is a great way to just do raw numbers buffing or get bunch of good effects, be it at will dimension door, immunity to charms and compulsions, a nice +4 to umd and spellcraft, or whatever.

Bind vestige and improved bind vestige also can let you just take 10 on skills or acquire some other niche but always or almost always on abilities.

2019-11-05, 10:48 AM
A Marshal/Mythic Exemplar with Daunting Presence feat and maybe the Life Leech feat maybe would be convenient.

You don't even need to fight, you're doing a little cheer routine on the side within 30ft of your allies/enemies, and your enemies get shaken and your allies get a whole heap of buffs depending which auras you picked.

You could be naked, armoured, even doing a handstand, the only requirement is that you can speak words within that range.

If you get hurt, keep a few pet mice on you and strangle them out- as they're dying you automagically gain temporary hitpoints each turn until they're dead.

2019-11-06, 05:11 AM
Greetings, all!

Let's assume I want to play a character who's focused on being as convenient as possible to play on a day-to-day basis and still be

For this, I assume no prepared casting. Spell points, power points, spontaneous casting, at-will casting, etc. are all likely OK. No Crusader maneuvers due to them being inconvenient to track.

I'm taking suggestions on what seems most convenient.
I think I'd cast my vote for a spheres of power Incanter with all the bonus feats intact and just dive into Destruction enough to be a competent damage dealer vs more or less anything and then dip some other schools of magic to do as you want. Lots of your powers, especially your destruction magic, won't even require you to spend your points when using them, and spending points to do bigger things is simple and less complicated than tracking hit points (dealing with smaller numbers and only spending a few at a time at worst).

You'll be perfectly competent at just dropping high damage non-elemental touch attacks with rider effects (many of which are no-save) for most turns in combat but have some fun things to play with if you get bored.