View Full Version : Do you need a spellcasting modifier for certain spells

2019-11-05, 01:33 PM
So I'm looking mostly at races like the tiefling or duergar, or high elves (for the one cantrip), and do you need a spellcasting modifier if a spell has no attack or saving throw? say, if a race gave you exclusively Prestidigitation, or Blade Ward

2019-11-05, 01:54 PM
Nope. You can play an 8 INT half-Orc and pick up Magic Initiate for Green-Flame Blade, Light, and Magic Missile no problem.

You can also be an 8 INT half-Orc wizard and still cast Wish at level 17, if you live that long. Sure, your Fireballs may be easy to dodge, but they'll do just as much damage when they hit as any other mage's.

2019-11-05, 03:29 PM
So I'm looking mostly at races like the tiefling or duergar, or high elves (for the one cantrip), and do you need a spellcasting modifier if a spell has no attack or saving throw? say, if a race gave you exclusively Prestidigitation, or Blade Ward

I'd say it's good to have a listed Spellcasting modifier, just in case it comes up.

2019-11-06, 12:48 PM
You have a spellcasting modifier simply because you're a PC, and thus have attributes. Are you asking whether it's important to have a positive modifier?

2019-11-06, 12:52 PM
You have a spellcasting modifier simply because you're a PC, and thus have attributes. Are you asking whether it's important to have a positive modifier?

I think he is essentially asking if a spellcasting modifier is ever relevant to gamplay or has any meainging for game mechanics. For spells like Bless or Blade Ward, the answer is "no."

2019-11-06, 05:38 PM
So I'm looking mostly at races like the tiefling or duergar, or high elves (for the one cantrip), and do you need a spellcasting modifier if a spell has no attack or saving throw? say, if a race gave you exclusively Prestidigitation, or Blade Ward

Probably not, but better to have it and not need it than the other way around, in case some kind of edge case you didn't predict comes up (like some kind of opposed attribute roll Counterspell like ability being given to some class or monster in a future expansion). Though,when it is limited to edge-cases, you the player don't need to set the attribute high .