View Full Version : Optimization The Mithral Pebble of Pig Smiting

2019-11-05, 02:10 PM
we all know the meme... or at least i hope you all do

i am planning on putting this item into my game, with hopefully a legitimate list of spells and abilities on said pebble that would allow it to do some epic smiting of pigs. please put your recommendations below, i cant wait to see what you come up with cuz i honestly have no idea where to start... well i know where to start

Mithral Pebble:
a pebble forged in the fires of hell (tartarus) by the grand blacksmith of lucifer himself (Errementari) meaning it is also
Hellforged: costing an extra 1000 gp and gains more hardness and hitpoints than normal items forged on earth
Pig Smiting: Probably gives +20 to BAB and Damage when attacking a pig.
Thrown weapon: has a range of 20 ft.

The anime (Sword art online Abridged) where this meme comes from said that its the most powerful weapon in the game.

please help me build this, i would love to see it in my world.

2019-11-06, 04:33 PM
First concern is - don't give BAB and bonus to damage, what?? BAB interacts weirdly with all kinds of things because it's almost impossible to gain and is supposed to effectively measure your "martial" levels. Just make it a +10 weapon - +10 to attack and damage. Very different. Anyway, if I was making a legitimate weapon that's very good against pigs with existing enchantments and the existing rules, it'd have to be:

+5 Fiercebane (Animals) Bane (Animals) Distance Seeking Bloodseeking Hellforged Mithral Sling Bullet

Can be thrown as an improvised weapon with 20 ft range, ignores miss chance, can hit things you can't see and ignore cover as long as you know they're there, gets +2 to hit and +2d6 to damage. Deals an extra 1d10 damage on a critical hit and glows when animals are near.

Of course if you're just throwing the rules out the window, you could make it +20 vs pigs and just call it a day. But if you're willing to interpret the rules in an advantageous way, you can get much better, even without outright breaking any rules (though you'll need to dip into Pathfinder and 3.0):

+5 Bane (Animals) Fiercebane (Animals) Distance Seeking Bloodseeking Hellforged Kaorti Resin Sharpstone Sling Bullet, Inscribed with Permanent Rune of Surge of Fortune and Dolorous Blow

The resulting weapon, when thrown (or touched before being slung), automatically crits and confirms the crit for x4 damage, and has a 20 ft range increment. It deals 4d4+28+3d10+2d6 (average 61.5) damage against animals, can curve around walls and automatically seek out enemies within concealment or cover, and glows when animals are near. It's worth over a million gp and it had to be forged in the Nine Hells of Baator by a Kaorti that was created on that plane.

Unfortunately it's still quite powerful against non-pigs, having +1 to hit instead of +3, and dealing all but 3d10+2d6+8 of the damage for an average of 30 damage anyway. But to be honest you could just take all of that cool stuff and say "against pigs only" and it'd be fine.