View Full Version : Bridge of Sound as Battlefield Control?

2019-11-05, 03:25 PM
Bridge of Sound from Savage Species is a lot like the Spell Compendium spell Dark Way, except that instead of being a shadow illusion spell, it’s a sonic conjuration creation spell, and has the interesting quality of being disrupted (but not ended) by a Silence spell.
It got me thinking, would this be able to function as a BFC? Manifest it sideways so you essentially have a 5ft wall as an obstruction, and have your melee guys all have silence cast on them so they can pass through with impunity?

This may be less of an actual player strategy and more a part of an ambush encounter to set up as a DM. I dunno.

2019-11-05, 09:03 PM
If you check the beginning of SpC with the list of renamed spells, you'll find that Dark Way is in fact the officially updated form of Bridge of Sound, which for some groups is very important. Whether you can orient it to form a wall is up to the DM's interpretation of "any angle," combined with "Effect: One bridge of [stuff] 5 ft. wide, 1 in. thick, and up to 10 ft./level long." I would say the latter makes the meaning of the former quite clear, and you can't use it as a cheap no-save one-way wall, especially as evidenced by other semi-permeable wall spells of higher level. It would make for an annoying obstruction that medium creatures could duck under but large might not be able to, however.

2019-11-05, 09:22 PM
If you check the beginning of SpC with the list of renamed spells, you'll find that Dark Way is in fact the officially updated form of Bridge of Sound, which for some groups is very important.

Ah shucks!

Whether you can orient it to form a wall is up to the DM's interpretation of "any angle," combined with "Effect: One bridge of [stuff] 5 ft. wide, 1 in. thick, and up to 10 ft./level long." I would say the latter makes the meaning of the former quite clear, and you can't use it as a cheap no-save one-way wall, especially as evidenced by other semi-permeable wall spells of higher level. It would make for an annoying obstruction that medium creatures could duck under but large might not be able to, however.

Yeah that's a fair reading. At the very least could be a good way to break charges maybe?