View Full Version : [3.PF] Mechanics and rules for bases and similar?

2019-11-06, 04:31 AM
Are there rules or guidelines for player bases, businesses, and all the non-fighting stuff PCs presumably do when they're not killing things? I'm trying to find more things like the Pathfinder downtime subsystem, the Stronghold Builder's Guidebook, and the DMG2 business rules.

2019-11-06, 06:53 AM
PHB2 has a really nifty Affiliation system, in my opinion, which scales from neighborhood to kingdom. There's minor perks for membership, a simple system for affiliations messing with each other (smear campaigns, war, etc) and the other actions they can take, but the most detailed part is the growth system. Which is still abstract mind you, but you can follow it straight from taking Leadership and starting a neighborhood association all the way up to whatever tier you can get away with (as being successfully attacked interrupts your growth). There are exploitable bits, there always are, but because its all abstract and compartmentalized off from the PCs (even if they're in charge), it doesn't have a lot of the problems with other systems. This is due to the capital system, where you can sink cash in to grow faster (instead of raising it normally), but you can't just cash it back out.

Overall it's probably too hands off for most people's tastes, but I think it's a great middle ground.