View Full Version : Pixar's WALL-E

RMS Oceanic
2007-10-18, 09:08 AM
Having finally been able to see Ratatouille in the cinema (worth every day of that fifteen week wait, by the way), I then discovered a poster for Pixar Animation Studio's next film, called WALL-E:

Yes, he does look like Johnny Five.

Isn't it cool looking? It's really stoked my interest in the film. If you don't know what it's about, here's a summary, with my initial thoughts on the plot:

It is 700 years in the future. Long ago, Mankind completely trashed Earth with rampant consumerism. They took off into space, leaving behind a fleet of robots to clean up the planet so one day, it would be ready for re-colonisation. The corporation in charge of this, Buy & Large, were a cheap lot, and the robots they left behind were completely unsuited for the scale of the project. They eventually malfunctioned and shut down, until only one remained: WALL-E, or Waste Allocation Load Lifter - Earth Class. He has spent the last 700 years trying to clean up the planet, making negligible progress. Then one day, a robot probe called EVE lands on Earth to see how he's getting on.

I'm not usually a fan of post-Apocalyptic scenarios, which I believe WALL-E falls under to a degree, but Pixar have managed to make it look interesting. The fact that the first third of the movie will have almost no speech in it intrigues me. As long as they resist the temptation to follow in Al Gore's path and preach about how we can avoid this by not polluting. If they just let the pictures speak for themselves, then the film will be just fine.

What are your thoughts on this movie?

2007-10-18, 12:23 PM
I see no robot.

Unless you think J-Five looks like a little red ex.

RMS Oceanic
2007-10-18, 01:02 PM
That should do it. I was linking to a page with the image on it, rather than the image itself.

2007-10-19, 04:25 AM
Its R2D2 - the movie!

RMS Oceanic
2007-10-19, 04:28 AM
Funny thing is, that's what Andrew Stanton said about it.

(He's the director.)