View Full Version : WotC forums down?

Aotrs Commander
2007-10-18, 09:46 AM
A slightly peculiar - and perhaps slightly heretical, even - question to be asking here, but I figure there's enough cross-over someone might know...I have not been able to access to WotC forums - any of them - since about Saturday - it keeps failing to connect. Anyone know if they said they were going to take them down for maintenance and I just missed it or if this is some localised oddity I'm having trouble with?

2007-10-18, 10:06 AM
They seem to be working for me.

D&D Boards (http://forums.gleemax.com/forumdisplay.php?f=8)

Aotrs Commander
2007-10-18, 10:40 AM
Craptastic. So on top of all the other teething problems with this new machine, I have to try and work out why the heck the WotC forums are not loading. It just keeps getting stuck on 'waiting for [website]' and never gets any further.

What bugs me it was working fine before!

I'm running XP SP2, IE 7 with ZoneAlarm as firewall. Never had any problems on my previous machine (same set up) and until the weekend, no problems on this one. I did run msconfig to try and cut down the amount of pagefile usage. But I wiould have expect any problems there to have shown up more immediatly on other sites.

What's odd, it's only the WotC forums that won't load. All my usual internet haunts seem to be working fine; even the D&D homepage itself loads up without blinking, it's just that whatever link I try to the message boards, it seems to lock up and fail to load.

Okay, anybody got any ideas as to why I'm struggling?

2007-10-18, 10:44 AM
I'm sure you do know, but last week, they launched Gleecrap, I mean, Gleemax. Thier servers are crying from all the code they have to load each time, That and the number of accounts they have to transfer. It took a while for my bookmarks to work, I'll check right now, worked yesterday for me.

(you have to MANUALLY transfer your old account, its retarded)

lightning edit: Yep, Wiz Bords are up. Go to gleemax first. see if that helps.

Aotrs Commander
2007-10-18, 11:03 AM
Tried that, same problem. I've chased the WotC tech monkeys to see if they can figure it out. What bugs me is I'm about 99% sure I'd already migrated my account across - and I've have thought if that was the problem, it'd just have stopped me logging in, not totally failing to load the website.

I have also tried at all hourts of day and night, too, so it's not just a time of day thing.

2007-10-18, 11:17 AM
If all else fails; use a different browser; turn off your firewall temporarily; see if you ISP is blocking it for some dumb reason; see IF your firewall is blocking it, then allow the address.

Maybe its the browser, or the firewall had an update. Updates have a nice habbit of doing hilarious things.

Edit: Clear your cookies for that site first, then try again.

Aotrs Commander
2007-10-18, 11:26 AM
turn off your firewall temporarily;

Check. No effect.

see if you ISP is blocking it for some dumb reason

How would I go about doing that?

Edit: Clear your cookies for that site first, then try again.

Check. No effect.

If all else fails; use a different browser

Like firefox? That's the only other one aside from Internet Explorer I know of.

Edit: Wonderful. I just got an out of office autoreply from the WotC. Whic would be great if it wasn't an out-of-office autoreply telling me to contact two people. Considering I sent my email via their website help, submitted via the webpage, I haven't the faintest idea how to get hold of these two afore mentioned people from only their names! What I supposed to do, google them or something?! Thank you WotC.

2007-10-18, 11:33 AM
Like firefox? That's the only other one aside from Internet Explorer I know of.

Opra, Firefox are the only reliable alternative browsers i know of.

I personally have never sontacted my ISP to see if sites are blocked(never had this problem). If you get fed up enough, just call your Internet provider. The will, of corse, tell you almost everything i told you to do, but ask if anysites are blocked.

Aotrs Commander
2007-10-18, 11:51 AM
I've got to go out shortly to my sister's to babysit (no, it's better if you don't try an imagine a Lich babysitting, you'll only burn the inside of your skull) so I'll try getting on to WotC there and seeing if there's anything they can suggest. Failing that, I'll try the alternate browser option.

The thought of trying to get hold of Virgin Media - we have to pay for the priviledge of using the support line nowadays - fills me with a deep-seated dread.

And heck, I've spent enough time on tech support lines this last week trying to get Evesham Technologies to work out why my joystick and scanner are only half-registering as connected. And they're just as baffled as I am...(They actually said if I figure it out, to contact them and let them know how I fixed it!)

Yes, there is good reason why the names of my last three computers have been YouBastard, YouBastardToo and YouBastard3...

YouBastard3 has done a superb job of living up to it's accursed name, and I've not had it two weeks yet. I wouldn't mind (well, okay I would, but anyway), but it's always something new; I never get the same bloody errors on computers twice. It's always something different and usually completely inexplicable..