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2019-11-07, 11:46 PM
Issue One

You probably wouldn't consider sneaking through the Warrens to be your ideal Friday night activity, but that was before you were a superhero. That was before the call to adventure, the promise of glory, and the need to make right what was set wrong.

The Warrens are what happens when a city as big as Halcyon goes through one crisis event too many. When alien invasions and apocalyptic super fights bring buildings crashing down over and over again until all that's left is a pile of rubble and ash. A labyrinth of concrete and steel too interlocked to ever untangle. Ruined buildings, exploded cars, and torn up streets. And, of course, secret hideouts.

There's really no better place in the city for a supervillain to make their lair; heroes patrol the Warrens as often as they can, but the ruins go deep, and villains have spent years hollowing out more and more of the earth beneath the Warrens. Though the League would never admit it, control of the Warrens is a fight that heroes can't win.

Still, you have to try.

Fox has masked the four of you with sorcery, calling on shadow and moonlight to mask your approach. In the blinding lights of the city proper this spell wouldn't do much, but here, in this place of secrets and deception, the Warrens are more than happy to help you hide.

You find the entrance without any interruptions. A reinforced steel door is paired with an electronic lock and shrouded by concrete piled high. The lock is the easiest part, funny enough. It takes JiggaWatt approximately fifty-three seconds to crack it without setting off any alarms. The door clicks and swings open, and you're in.

You stand as a Team, right outside the entrance to an illicit facility that - according to your source - has been experimenting on humans and metahumans alike. If your source can be trusted, this lab holds answers you need.

Answers about the attack on Human Interest a few weeks back. Answers about the drugs that turned ordinary humans into superpowered minions under the thrall of another. Perhaps even answers about why Corax, the Crow Witch, apprentice to the legendary Lich Girl, has taken such an interest in your scrappy little band of misfits.

A few hours after the four of you stopped the bad guys, saved a Human Interest spokesperson, and violated international law by straying into the Zzenj Embassy, you all received a message over Veil.

Corax: I like your style. If you want to know why this happened and where those drugs came from, just say Yes. I'll be in touch.

In the end, despite misgivings, you agreed. And so here you are. From everything that Corax has told you in the preceding weeks, this is a place of dark science. A place that makes monsters.

Not for long.

You burst inside and witness a horrific tableau: men and women in clean white lab coats attach glowing green canisters to glass pod-shaped chambers in which float unconscious bodies, while helmeted guards carrying rifles patrol the floor and block hallways leading out further into the facility. Other coat-wearing personnel attend scared-looking teenagers strapped to tables - teenagers with powers, judging by the AEGIS-grade inhibitor collars around their necks.

You see all this from above, from a walkway with a railing that overlooks the chamber. You seem to have come in the back door, because no one's looking your way. That buys you a second of time, maybe two, before this becomes a brawl. You have the first move.

What do you do?

When you enter battle against a dangerous foe as a team, add two to the
Team pool.
• If the leader has Influence over every teammate, add another Team.
• If everyone has the same purpose in the fight, add another Team.
• If any team member mistrusts the leader or the team, remove a Team.
• If your team is ill-prepared or off-balance, remove a Team.
The leader of the team can mark a condition to avoid removing
a Team from the pool.

So, initial questions: who is the leader, what is your purpose in this fight, and do any of you mistrust each other? Feel free to answer this in-character or debate in the OOC.

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?601806-OOC-Masks-The-Unseen-Path&p=24238128#post24238128)

2019-11-08, 07:08 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +1
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

This night had been a long time coming. It took weeks of legwork, but eventually the mysterious drugs had been traced to this location. And Aiden had been of practically no use doing it. Most of what the team knew, they were fed from Corax, the self-styled Crow Witch. Her motives were inscrutable, and her patronage was suspect; how could anybody trust a former associate of Lich Girl? But for now it seemed she was on the side of the angels.

Fox's magic had hidden them in the night as they made their approach, but now there was no hiding. Now unhindered by sorcery, Errant White's magic armor gleams as the team bursts into the nightmarish scene. It was time to get to work.

With no time to waste, the White Knight scans the room, separating villain from victim, searching for those most in need of rescue.

I rolled a 7 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24249546&postcount=56) to [B]assess the situation.

My question is: what (who?) here is in the greatest danger?

2019-11-08, 10:18 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +0
Superior: +1
Mundane: +3

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.

As the team breached the entrance to the secretive villain lair, Liminal breathed a sigh of relief. Sneaking around the dead ruins of the unluckier portions of Halcyon City wasn't exactly something she'd always dreamed about. It was more of a nightmare in reality. The whole trip smelled as if someone had been using the twisted metal and concrete as an outhouse, and Liminal was fed up with breathing through her mouth the whole way. The odd noises of creaking buildings and what she hoped were just feral dogs hadn't improved her mood either. If she'd been alone, Liminal would've "noped" out of there about as fast as she could. Even if that meant she'd be back at home watching Bob the Builder with her little brother for the billionth time.

But tonight, she wasn't alone. Tonight, she'd gotten to make a most unpleasant journey with three of her favorite people: Captain Stoic, Foxface, and Flippin' JigaWatt. Such a team more than made up for the creepiness factor of the ruins. Fox had even cast some of his weird dark magic on the group, and they'd been cloaked in crazy shadows throughout the journey. She'd failed to get Errant White to notice her attempt at shadow puppets, but that wasn't a small loss.

What would be a loss is if the guards with real guns noticed them charging in the back door of a hidden supervillain lair. Liminal tensed instantly as the team's knight in shining armor stepped forward and began simply observing the room. In plain sight. Did he not care about the guards with real guns standing around the room? Liminal hadn't ever been shot at before, and it wasn't exactly an item on her hero bucket list. As soon as White stepped up, Liminal quickly stretch her arms out and wrapped herself around the walkway, quickly transitioning herself to the underside of the platform they were standing on. Her fingers remained wrapped around the railing of the walkway, but the rest of her remained tucked into the shadow beneath it. She pressed herself against the metal surface and quietly prayed she wouldn't get noticed.

They'd be fine, right? Liminal wasn't about to charge headfirst into a fistfight with trained henchmen. That was Captain Stoic's job. If she was lucky, she might be able to catch someone off guard, and maybe she'd save the good Captain from being riddled with holes.

And the hostages, of course. It would be better if she didn't forget the hostages this time.

2019-11-08, 11:23 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +1
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

As Errant White scans the room, the points of interest are picked out brightly on the page to draw attention to them. The scientists. They look nervous, and some of the guards have their guns pointed at them. They needed protecting. "The scientists are prisoners, too! We have to keep them safe!"

Captain Jak
2019-11-09, 01:11 AM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 1/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

Totally stoked about the night's outing, JigaWatt barely notices the less than pleasant terrain that his team passes through as they navigate the Warrens. After all, he's done plenty of stunts in junkyards where there's lots of raw materials to use and not a lot that's considered breakable; this isn't a whole lot different.

Nor does he care overmuch that their lead comes from an Individual of Questionable Repute; if there's anyone more likely to turn on one bad guy than another bad guy, he hasn't encountered it yet. He can think of any number of reasons one villain would send some information heroward to take out another – rivalry, territorial dispute, payback, whatever. Regardless, it's an opportunity for them to do good and look good while doing it.

Now, overlooking the disturbing setup below, JW can feel his heart going about twenty times faster than usual; at least, it seems that way. He always gets amped up before a stunt; this is the same feeling, but even more intense. Probably because the stakes are higher, now.

"Goons are guys with guns -- gotcha," he quips in acknowledgement of Errant's directive, reaching up to the GoPro strapped to the side of his head beneath his hood. "And we're live," he announces to his teammates, switching the camera to record.

Okay, so not 'live', but he'd checked for cell signal before they came in, this is as good as it was going to get for now.

"Shout out to the Amp'd!" he announces in a harsh whisper. "Everybody watch your eyes; it's about to get lit up!" Stepping forward to the rail, he takes a deep breath before thrusting his hands out dramatically towards the nearest bank of overhead lights.
Electricity, blue-white and volatile, pours out from his hands, cascading from bank to bank of fluorescent lighting. He had intended for the lighting to brighten dramatically before blowing out, leaving those below momentarily blinded and disoriented from the assault, but he clearly has misjudged the amount of power required to accomplish this as the only result is a wild, asynchronised flickering of the lights in an annoying but not particularly incapacitating manner.

Well, damn.

Unleash to force the lights to overload, brightening until they short out: 5
And we have the first Potential of the game!

2019-11-10, 07:30 AM
Potential: 0/5

He'd kept to the back even after they entered into the Warrens, focused more on the sound of grinding concrete and distant violence that reverberated about the maze. He liked it here, away from the city lights and thoughts better left alone though staring at the back of Errant's head called many unbidden. A thought to chuck a small piece of building at the armored hero's head was among them, tempered only by the knowledge that the spell would unravel, a fate that they couldn't afford. This place was hostile, not just in its winding tunnels and makeshift streets, not the jagged steel that lay in the rubble or above them like waiting teeth but merely by their presence. They didn't belong here.

Not the rest of them at any rate. While Errant might have missed Liminal's attempts at levity he hadn't. The mysterious one proved a constant source of levity in otherwise hurmorless work. He wanted to point that maybe such antics were disrespectful to the craft, weaving moonlight and shadow was a serious thing after all, but he tried to keep quiet when under the mask. Especially when Errant was present, the fear that some Albian tinged word might rouse suspecions ever looming like the steel rebar above. Besides, who needed to talk with the other companion on this trip. Jigawatt was showing a hereto-unknown level of restraint even as they prepared to breach the lair, a surprise that lasted only as long as the expected disappointment that followed when he leapt forward and announced their presence. "Stupid." he hissed, fingers working to clutch at any lingering threads of shadowstuff from the spell.

The new spell would be crude, but as the lights flickered he pulled the threads tight and cast himself into the shadows. Howls sounded from the air as a pack of ethereal fox leapt from the lights to dance around the guards. They were phantoms, their nipping and barking were for show but he hoped it was enough to keep the guards busy freaking out rather than filling Jigawatt with bullets. Which he probably deserved for putting the place on alert.

Rolled an 11 on "Are you Watching Closely" and picked my options. Clearly trying to distract the guards, making it look like Jigawatt did more than he actually did, distract the guards and keep myself hidden to not be entangled in the upcoming fight.

2019-11-11, 12:03 AM
When the lights flicker, the penny drops.

Everyone in the room below - techies, armed goons, and the teenage captives - looks up and sees a knight in shining armor. Two dozen eyes stare at one figure, riveted. And then a man with the clear signs of a commanding officer - better body armor, nice epaulets, a scarred face - shouts, "Don't just stand there, shoot them!"

The techies dive for cover as the goons draw on the intruding heroes. Nine helmeted, body armor-wearing thugs point rifles in unison. Nine triggers are pulled within milliseconds of each other.

And nine shots go wide as a pack of ethereal foxes spring out of the lights and spread havoc. The first salvo of the facility's defenders has been utterly negated by the chaos of these phantom creatures.

In the few seconds you have before the enemy figures out the foxes aren't real, you notice three things:

First, that nobody in the room has even taken notice of Fox, Liminal, and JigaWatt.

Second, that the guards seem way more panicked than they should be. Like they think you four misfits are something dangerous. Like they know what happens when goons go up against heroes. Like maybe, just maybe, they've been dreading this fight.

And lastly, you notice that the commanding officer has cut into a straight dash for a big red button on the left wall. ALARM, the text above reads.

What do you do?

Team Pool at 3

2019-11-11, 03:40 AM
Potential: 0/5

Chaos, exactly as expected. Things were about to get ugly if they didn't get a handle on the sitaution, and quickly. The boyscout and Liminal could handle the majority of threats but one stuck out to him as he lurked in woven shadows. The commander was making a dive for an alarm. If they were already in chaos that would only make things worse. Normally he liked that about super fights. The panic and the fear, the scramble and uncertainty. It was everything that a concert, a good concert, was and more. Loud and violent. But alarms meant greater security measures. With a step, he cleared the room even as he cast the last of the shadows behind him in doing so. With practiced motions he drew one of his pistols free from the tattered robes he wore to fire a few shots at the approaching Captain.

He was scared, they probably all were at this moment. He wanted to use that, to stop the man where he stood. It's why he wore the get up, animal skulls, the hide of foxes, tattered robes and all the rest. The skull mask was more high tech than it first appeared, he'd rigged LEDs into the sockets (which he obviously couldn't use for his own eyes) to glow a baleful and ominous red. Two points of blood-colored light that with a little magic smoked. "Don't."

Rolled a 9 on my Directly Engage. I think this comes off more as a Provoke...that'd be a 10 if so if we keep the roll. If it's a Directly Engage looking to Frighten/ETC/ETC

2019-11-11, 01:22 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +1
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Behind the helmet, unseen by the others, Aiden's face contorts into a terrified grimace as the guards raise their guns at him. He raises his shield to defend himself, bracing for a hail of bullets. Aiden had been shot at in the past, and his armor had never failed to protect him, but he still hasn't gotten used to being shot at. However, thanks to the lightshow, the bullets instead go wide. Thanks, Fox! I thought they had me.

There isn't much a sword and shield can do against guns at range, so the only thing to do is close the gap. A sequence of panels shows Errant White vaulting over the railing to land below more nimbly and with much less clanking than his armored form would suggest. Then he charges right at a group of guards, shield raised out in front of him with its white lion crest shining bright.

I rolled a 14 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24254154&postcount=70) to directly engage a threat using fight the good fight. He's pulling his blows because he isn't wielding his sword and isn't trying to cause major harm to the enemy. He's more interested in degrading their morale and keeping their attention on him and not on his teammates.

Captain Jak
2019-11-11, 02:48 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

JigaWatt is relieved when Fox takes advantage of his own admittedly lame distraction to launch a better one of his own – and he never will admit he was doing anything more than setting the stage for his teammate in the first place!

Chief bad guy running for the big alarm button is the clear place to intervene, and JW makes his move. Reaching back over his shoulder, he grabs the protruding nose of the steel skateboard deck and releases the electromagnetic hold he uses to keep it on his back.

"Time to fly, my Amp'd," he announces, and in Errant's wake plants a foot on the rail and launches himself into the empty air!

Snapping the board beneath his feet, he charges it with crackling electricity and rides the EM current to a point hovering a foot or two off the floor. Banking in the direction of the button...he finds Fox already there, interposing himself and firing warning shots at the head goon in what is, admittedly, an intimidating manner.

Change of plans!

Slewing across the floor, he raises a hand and casts an arcing web of electricity between Fox and the head goon sprinting at him. "Hands off the Fox!" he calls out, unhappy with his banter but unable to think of anything better on the fly. It's possible he's too focused on his dialogue at the expense of his tactics, unfortunately.

Defend Fox from the return hit from Directly Engage: 5
And we have the second Potential of the game!

2019-11-11, 11:27 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +0
Superior: +1
Mundane: +3

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.

The one thing Liminal hadn't been expecting was the noise. Gunfire was loud! Her hands instantly rushed to cover her ears and, in a moment of forgetful panic, Liminal plummeted to the hard floor as her only grip on the walkway was lost. There was a dull *splat* as she planted face first into the ground, her limbs splayed out and flattened against the concrete as she tried to keep as low of a profile as possible. With an effort, her face lifted up to briefly scan the surrounding chaos and make sure her team was still ok.

Captain Stoic, er, Errant White was charging face first into the hordes of armed guards who were firing wildly at all of the magic foxes that had been summoned. His bravery was either admirable or foolish, and Liminal made a mental note to ask him about that move later. JigaWatt and Fox were tag teaming a guard reaching for the nearest button. Probably an alarm, though why he'd need to raise one after the entire neighborhood had heard the sound of gunfire was unknown. Maybe they really soundproofed their evil laboratories. It would be a shame to have the screams of panicked teenagers float up to the break room.

Speaking of teenagers, the hostages! Liminal sprang up from her comfortable position on the floor to take stock of the scientists and the test subjects. With the guards firing so wildly, someone was bound to get hurt at any moment, but there were too many hostages to save! Liminal was just one person with really long arms. Still, she had to do something. What was it Errant White had said? Rescue the scientists?

Liminal locked onto the nearest two lab-coat wearing stereotypes she could see that were nearest the gunfire and took off at a sprint. Moments before she reached them, her form billowed out as it stretched into a large blanket. She tucked herself over the two potential hostages and rolled off and into the nearest corner she could find. With any luck, they'd get horrible motion sickness and she could use the excuse to go save more people.

2019-11-12, 02:22 PM
Errant White

Fear is unjustly maligned. Fear is seen as something to be conquered and overcome. They tell you that a hero should never be afraid.

You know the truth: fear keeps you alive.

You hit the ground running and storm the front lines like a lion leaping into battle. You feel the air above you ripple as bullets tear through the space you just were. You hear the shouts of mercenaries as panic rises and wills crumble. You see them before you, coming closer, and you see the fear on their faces and the little shakes of their fingers on assault rifle triggers. They're afraid, just like you.

Your lion's crest shield is a bulwark against their gunfire as you advance. Their treasured weapons - powerful enough to rip your friends apart, certainly - do nothing to the aegis of a Knight of Albion. A few of the smarter mercenaries move to flank you and fire past the shield, but your fear-heightened senses see them coming and it's almost child's play to reflect this new barrage.

You are a titan advancing upon frail mortals, and they can see that. The three-and-two who broke off to either side hold their ground and take aim, but the four directly in your path break before you even have to take a swing. One gun clatters to the floor and its owner sinks to their knees, while the other three mercenaries take their weapons with them as they run fleeing deeper inside the facility.

Four down, five to go.


The techies don't see you coming, and that proves their undoing, and yours.

Morphing your body like this comes so naturally now and you easily wrap around them, completely covering their bodies in seconds and rolling back toward the wall. But inside your makeshift cocoon is the sensation of pounding fists as the scientists scream and fight back against this figure that has completely entrapped them.

Simple kinetic force wouldn't be enough to dislodge them, but then you feel something sharp - something like a needle - piercing you. You're immediately overcome by a wave of nausea and your form wobbles, disrupted by whatever the scientist did to you. They both spill out as you recover, and they go running in opposite directions: one scrambles to hide behind a pod, while the other stumbles straight into the path of a mercenary.

The mercenary sees the scientist coming and steps back, grabbing the hapless technician by the arm and pinning them. The potential hostage has just become a real hostage, and the mercenary shouts, "Stand down, capes, or this blood will be on your hands." Despite the threat, the mercenary's gun is still pointed at Errant White, not the scientist.


The mercenary Captain knows the odds are against him, and he knows his only hope is that alarm. It's the one thing he has to do, even if all else fails. Just hit the button.

And then there is a monster.

That's the only word he can think of, even though he knows the proper term: superhero. He knows, somewhere in the rational part of his brain, that this is just a man in a mask with a few cute tricks. He knows that superheroes are not invincible, that they are not all-powerful, that they can be beaten. He knows all of this, but it doesn't matter, because the red-eyed skull consumes his field of vision.

The dark revenant emerges from the shadows as if born of them and fires twice. The Captain barely avoids them both and makes to lunge for the alarm, but the revenant's voice rings out: "Don't."

He freezes, paralyzed by doubt.

And then an arc of electricity splashes between him and the revenant.


For the second time this night your moment of glory has been stolen from you.

Your arc went wide and came closer to hitting Fox than the Captain, but much worse than, it seems to have jolted the Captain into action. He snaps his gaze away from the alarm and Fox and sees you.

He fires a few opening shots that you just barely dodge, but then you realize - too late, much too late - that the gunfire was a distraction, and he's there, barreling into you and slamming you against a metal table, hands around your throat.

Take a powerful blow.

Team pool at 3

2019-11-13, 05:46 AM
Potential: 0/5

He was glad the mask hid the gasp, pulled from him as light arcs between himself and the goon. Jigawatt, again. Almost hit him to boot, what was he thinking? Was he? That might be the answer. He felt his connection to the shadows around them wane, magic was about control as much as anything else and a break in concentration like that fuddle him up. It was momentary, as Jigawatt's gambit turned into a hostage situation all its own. Parallelling the one playing out further down the room.

It would seem the other two weren't having much luck of it, at least alarms weren't going haywire. Small victories. He should probably get to helping Jigawatt then. "No." he hissed, sweeping an arm as the shadows followed, rising into a savage clawed hand that pierced through the guard captain, gripping Jigawatt. "Mine." With a yanking motion, the shadow arm followed as it pulled Jigawatt back with sudden force.

Captain Jak
2019-11-13, 01:52 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

If JigaWatt was a pessimist, he would think that today just isn’t going his way. But since pessimists don’t go out and become celebrities and superheroes, he has to conclude that it just isn’t his day...yet.

Fortunately for the Youtuber, his reflexive reactions are far, far more effective than his overt attempts at heroing. Having held an electromagnetic field on his back until only moments ago, it’s not difficult to throw one up again...but with a repulsive polarity rather than an attractive one. So rather than hitting the metal table with spine-crushing force, he just sort of...bumps it.

His hands fly up to those choking him, gripping the merc’s wrists. JigaWatt is in reasonably good shape, but he’s no sort of brawler and doesn’t stand a chance of breaking the hold by sheer muscle power.

Which is probably why it’s for the best he instead sends fluttering pulses of electrical induction into the man’s forearms instead, causing the muscles to twitch and release uncontrollably, ruining the hold.

Now, all he has to do is figure a way to get out of—

Giant shadow talons haul him bodily out of the merc leader’s grasp, and he barely manages to avoid letting out an undignified shriek in reaction. That...has to be Fox at work again, but if he is spending his time rescuing beseiged teammates, he likely isn’t spending enough covering his own backside.

"Thanks for the assist, Fox!" he cries, getting his feet back under him. "I think I had him," the star goes on, summoning a crackling handful of power, "but I’m okay with tabling the discussion for now!" Unsurprisingly, his next move is to seize hold of the metal table in bands of electromagnetic force and interpose it between himself and Fox, and the merc.

Tit for tat, after all.

Take a Powerful Blow: 4
At this rate I’ll be forced to retire the character in a few months! Marking Potential.
Defend Fox from the Merc Captain: 10
The world is coming to an end! Add 1 Team to the pool.

2019-11-13, 02:03 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +1
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Aiden grins behind his helmet as four of the guards turn to flee. The adrenaline was beginning to take hold, crowding out the fear. Even as five men turned to train their weapons on him, he knew they didn't want to fight any more than he did. If he drew his sword now, it would result in bloodshed for certain. Durendal was a righteous sword, but not forgiving. But it didn't have to be like that.

"Hold! Lay down your weapons and no harm will come to you, on my honor!"

I rolled a 5 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24258442&postcount=81) to provoke the remaining guards into surrendering. We'd need at least 2 Team to turn that into a hit, but maybe this could be capitalizing on opportunity? If not, I'll mark potential.

2019-11-13, 11:03 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +0
Superior: +1
Mundane: +3

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.

It took Liminal a great deal of effort to stand up straight after that injection. Whatever it was those blasted scientists had injected her with was doing a number on her system. She tried reaching an arm out, only to have it flop down to the floor in a lumpy, noodly mess. Not a good sign. It also caused a fresh wave of nausea to wash over her, and Liminal gave a small retch before her other hand shot up to cover her mouth.

There was no way she'd be throwing up live in front of JigaWatt's audience. Or her new team. Or the villains. That would be the end of her superhero career.

As for the hostages, well...after that last stunt, they might have earned getting a little bit vomited on. Sure, they probably panicked, but she was trying her best! Who just sticks someone with a random needle? It was rude! Liminal tried focusing her gaze on the impertinent scientist now stuck in a mercenary's grasp. She was doing her level best to glare at them, but the nausea made it look more like a pained grimace.

"How would you shooting someone make it our fault?" The words slipped out between another retch. She wasn't intending to provoke the obviously unstable goon with a gun, but her mouth always worked faster than her brain did. Maybe she would just have to run with it.

"Like, what happens next? If you kill them, doesn't that get rid of your bargaining chip? Am I suddenly not going to punch you when they're gone?" She followed the mercenary's gaze back up towards Errant White, who stood a ways off taking on an entire squad by himself. "I don't know if you've, *urp* noticed, but my friend over there's immune to bullets. Do as he says, just put the-the gun down, and we can just let you go? No dead people on your conscience, and I don't have to punch you. Everyone wins!"

Liminal was already winding back an arm as the mercenary was distracted. She prayed this wouldn't get them to change their mind and start shooting at the hostages.

Spending 1 Team to boost Errant White's result to a 6. Need one more for a hit.

2019-11-14, 06:03 AM
Fox and JigaWatt

A hand of shadow wraps around the super-star and drags him out of reach of the mercenary Captain, eliciting a scream of rage. Before JigaWatt is even to his feet the Captain is aiming his rifle with deadly intent, but the hero's quick thinking electrifies the table between them... which is thankfully unoccupied.

The electricity leaps from the table to the Captain and dances over his weapon, forcing him to drop it to the ground with another furious oath. The Captain is Angry, and for the first time he really gives the two heroes his full attention, pulling a secondary pistol and staring down the duo - as much as one can stare from beneath a face-concealing helmet.

And then something passes over him. You hear muttered words, distorted by the helmet's filter but clear enough to hear: "You're just... you're just kids. Aw, hell." He grabs the radio at his shoulder and shouts into it, "It's not the League, it's just a pack of brats! Hold the line, you idiots!"

If the facility didn't know about your presence before, they definitely do now. However, the Captain has just left himself completely open to reprisal.

What do you do?

Errant White and Liminal

For a moment, the five mercenaries seem ready to put down their guns. The fear is strong in them, and the words of two superheroes are enough to reach through their training.

Then the words of their Captain filter through radios and across the wide chamber, and a wave of shock and embarassment passes over them. Just kids? Not legendary heroes, but just a bunch of wannabe sidekicks? Of course, one of those wannabe sidekicks is seemingly an invincible warrior in shining armor. The mercenaries don't run, but neither do they take another run at trying to breach Errant White's defenses.

But one of the mercenaries wasn't part of that exchange - because as soon as the group hesitated, the mercenary holding a hostage clutched his side and released the hostage. The hostage stumbles away with an empty syringe in hand and everyone in the room hears the former captor cry out in pain as an awful transformation overtakes him.

A dull-red corona of energy seems to emanate from him and he grows taller and bulkier as the serum takes effect. The transformation is over in seconds, and when it is done you recognize it immediately - he looks like a few of the more brutish members of the drugged-out gang that attacked Human Interest. Except, those fake-supers were all being mind-controlled and acted with purpose, while the mercenary before you seems driven mad by rage.

He roars, "Smash them! Crush them! Break their bodies!" and charges the knight in shining armor.

Team pool is at 2

Aiden, take +1forward against the mercenaries for your mixed success on Provoke after burning 2 Team. That includes the knock-off Hulk charging you, however you choose to deal with that imminent threat.

Captain Jak
2019-11-14, 02:01 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 4/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

At the mercenary captain’s words, something unusual happens to JigaWatt.

He gets angry.

A panel comes close-up on his face within his hood; his eyes narrowed and the camera that is a link to his fans recording every moment.

Including the one where the man disses and dismisses them.

"Oh, you should be so lucky that we were the League, m’man," he retorts, challenge in his voice. "Fox, you go give Errant a hand a’ight? I’ll show this loser just what it means to get punk’d."

Levitating on his board and raising his hands dramatically, he unleashes an angry torrent of electrical onslaught at his unimpressed opponent; just try and shrug this off, it’s showbiz, baby!

Reject the Captain's shifting of labels: 7
Marking potential and show him how dangerous we really are!
Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger. Marking Angry, and Directly Engaging the merc captain: 6

EDIT: Fox spends Team for +1, resulting in a 7. Thanks, Fox! Will resist/avoid Merc's blows.

2019-11-14, 02:35 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +0
Superior: +1
Mundane: +3

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.
Liminal's face paled at the sight of the now gigantic mercenary. Her feelings towards the scientists were quickly souring in the face of this most recent setback towards the mission's progress. She also couldn't help but feel panicked at the thought that one of them had injected her with something earlier.

Was she going to look like this soon? Who was going to take care of her brother? The thoughts flew from her mind as the former psychotic mercenary turning into a psychotic rage monster and charged towards Errant White.

"White, look out!" Liminal cried as she shot an arm out that hooked around the mutant's head. She grabbed hold of whatever she could reach, and her body snapped to follow her stretched out arm. Her rubbery form slapped into the charging mercenary like a rubber band, coiling around their torso and then snaking up and around their face. Her form stretched and thinned until it wound taut over the villain's entire head.

"Pleasegotosleep-pleasegotosleep!" She muttered fervently as she twisted her hands and feet into knots together. With any luck, the hulking mercenary was now blind and lacking oxygen. It wouldn't be long until it either crashed into something or lost consciousness. Or maybe he'd just inhale her, and Liminal would have the most unpleasant experience of finding out what the inside of someone's lungs looked like.

"Errant!" Liminal called as her form jostled around on their incredibly angry foe. "Help!"

Not sure if an Unleash or Defend is appropriate here, rolling just in case. Either add -1 for an Unleash or 0 for a Defend.


2019-11-14, 06:09 PM
Conditions: Angry
Potential: 1/5

Nothing quite prepares you for a gun in the face. Not seeing one before, or hundred he expected. There was always something jarring about it, comical almost. He wanted to ask, incredulous, if the man really was going to shoot him but he didn't have time to ask as Jigawatt handled the weapon. As he should have, this whole thing was his screw up after all. But he'd made it worse all the same, his own efforts were for naught it would seem as the Captain radioed off. Just kids...and then Jigawatt has to open his mouth. Go help Errant? Really?

"No." With another motion, a second hand of shadow rips from the walls, long fingers fencing in the Captain as the electrical bolts surge outward. Like he wanted to help Errant, like Jigawatt could handle this on his own. He hadn't shown he could do the latter yet. What did Jigawatt expect, exactly? That he'd run from one pan fire to the next, following directions like some dog. Jigawatt was not in charge. Another item on a growing list of "things to talk later.". It hit the top of the list even, Jigawatt didn't give him orders.

Spending 1 team to boost Jigawatt's roll to a 7.

2019-11-14, 08:15 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +1
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Errant White reaches for the sword sheathed on his back, but stays his hand as Liminal gets herself wrapped up in this. "Leniency, Durendal," he whispers to the sword. "Not for him, but for Liminal. We can't risk hurting her."

He draws Durendal from the scabbard with an honest SSHNNG and the blade glints proudly in the light. With sword and shield raised, he charges to meet his foe in battle.

Rolling to directly engage a threat, and substituting Savior with fight the good fight.


Seems like nobody's in place to use a Team here, so I'm finally marking that Potential It seems I spoke too soon. Removing that Potential.

2019-11-15, 01:57 AM
JigaWatt and Fox

Children. He called you children. Like you were thrill-seekers in costumes. Like you were toddlers playing dress-up. Like you were anything - anything - other than the heroes you are.

You are dangerous, and this two-bit thug isn't going to tell you otherwise. With shadow and storm you will show him truth.

Fox, the shadows swirl around you eagerly, overjoyed to help. The encroaching hand of solid night surrounds the Captain and pins him in place, holds him, terrifies him. Keeps him there with nothing to do but watch as his defeat arrives. Bullets pass you by and they are nothing.

JigaWatt, electricity thrums at your fingertips and is unleashed - there is no truer word - at the Captain. A single terrible blast is all it takes to send him flying back, tearing through the shadows and hitting the far wall with a cut-off grunt. He's out cold the second he hits the floor.

Another down. Who's left?

Liminal and Errant White

This is just not your day. Liminal, the brute tears you off and casts you aside like so much worthless trash. You land in a heap next to some scientists cowering in the corner. Mark Insecure.

Errant, your teammate's distraction buys you just enough time to get in close. Durendal resonates with the song of battle, but dutifully restrains itself as you lash out at the brute. The merc cries out in pain as Durendal slams into him, but you don't draw blood, just send the man to his knees. For all his rage and strength, he crumples just like the other thugs did, going down with barely a fight once you get in close. He's down and out.

And then, there is a change in the atmosphere. A tension.


From the hallway leading further into the secret facility, a figure emerges.

He's wearing a lab coat like the scientists, but there's no mistaking him for another of the hostage-technicians. No, this is the man in charge. It's clear from his belt full of vials to his weathered goggles and the manic grin on his face. He's loving what he sees. Beneath his coat you can make out a hi-tech costume with a genome symbol prominently displayed.

You all recognize him immediately: it's Dr. Moreau, Halcyon's resident evolution-obsessed mad scientist. Except, last you heard, this guy was locked up in the Ward, not running a secret laborary and organizing attacks on Human Interest.

Dr. Moreau snaps his fingers and the remaining mercenaries flee the room. Then his grin widens, almost to an impossible degree, and he says, "Well, well, well. Look what the city dragged in: four delightful children playing superhero. Oh yes, you'll do nicely, my children."

The supervillain retrieves a vial from his belt with one hand, holding it ready, and with the other hand he makes a 'come at me' gesture to the Team, still grinning. "Let's see what you're made of."

Team pool: 0
Moreau has ceded the first move to the Team.

2019-11-15, 05:18 AM
Conditions: Angry, Insecure
Potential: 2/5

One villain sorted, another appearing. A big one too, by the look of things. He pivoted, the shadows swirling around him as he readied another spell. If the enemy was going to give them time to act, then he'd do his best to stack the deck. It was a simple illusion, crafting the shadows into a large orb. Something threatening, a massive spell simply tossed down the hall. It was a fake of course, he only hoped it would be enough to distract the good Doctor. Things were already going bad enough, and it seemed much rested on his shoulders. No pressure, right?

Rolled a 4. Awesome. Marking Insecure.

2019-11-15, 04:51 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 1/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +1
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

With the mutated hulk dispatched, the true villain arrives: Dr. Moreau, the Mutagenic Madman! Turning to the newcomer, Errant White raises his sword and levels it at his foe. "Dr. Moreau, this operation is finished. Stand down at once!"

Errant White is trying to provoke Dr. Moreau into surrendering. This will probably never work, but it feels in keeping with his character. I rolled a 5 on Discord, +1 Superior makes 6. Marking that first Potential for real this time.

Captain Jak
2019-11-17, 05:52 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 5/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

JigaWatt takes a deep breath. This is it, his first big standoff against a genuine villain, his team at his side, camera industriously recording for his eagerly anticipating followers.

Said teammates start to act, but he doesn’t let that stop him from tapping into his Inner Authority and start dictating tactics.

"Liminal, get in behind him, make him split his focus," he begins, throwing a hand forward dramatically. "Fox, seal the exits, don’t let him get any backup," he continues. Not...that he expects the surly spell-slinger to do anything but what he felt like doing anyhow, but that at least gets something out there.

"Errant, up the middle, hit him where it hurts." He needs to exhort the team with their pithy catch phrase now, with only one small problem; they have yet to agree on a team name.

Well, screw it. It seems they’re The Team now, and they’ll just have to all live with it.

"Team; go!" he urges, and launches himself into the air atop his board. He had left a small but important role for himself, and a searing bolt of electricity crackles out from his hand toward the menacing vial held by the Doctor; no doubt, if he has the opportunity to use it it won’t go well for The Team, so the main man is going to take it away from him!

Captain Merc definitely got hurt that last round, so clearing Angry.
Not playing to his strengths, JW will be Directly Engaging the not-so-good Doctor: 2

That’s...impressive. Marking Potential!

2019-11-18, 04:31 AM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Insecure
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: +0
Savior: +0
Superior: +1
Mundane: -1

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.
Liminal stirred from the bundle of her own stretched out limbs as she tried to uncross her eyes. It was a familiar headache, like the one she'd gotten from the drugged up mutants at the Embassy. Except this time she'd been tossed around like an inconvenient paper bag rather than a legitimate threat. At least Errant White had been there to save the day. Maybe she had a few things she could learn from the hero after all.

Her eyes finally focused on the villain now standing before the group. And on Errant White trying to talk down the obviously super-evil bad guy, like that was going to work. Fox and Jigawatt must've realized the same thing as they both leaped into action. JigaWatt even started shouting orders like a team leader. Actually, did their team even have a leader? Also, why was it her job to get behind the obviously incredibly dangerous mad scientist? JigaWatt knew he was still holding a vial of what could only be evil juice, right? He'd just seen the other drugged-up rage minion, right? Why would she get anywhere near that?

Because she had to. Liminal could see the terrified looks on the poor hostages' faces still watching their every move. This wasn't just a fight against a bad guy, there were lives at stake. As much as she hated putting herself in danger, it didn't sit right to just let other people down when she could've saved them. It was time to get serious. More than that, it was time to get weird.

"So wait," Liminal called out to the doctor as she stretched an arm back, "You're telling me that creep voice is what you use for children?! Here I was thinking you were a respectable doctor."

Liminal launched her arm forward from her position next to the scientists. It shot under the malpracticioner's feet and latched onto the doorway behind him. Liminal followed after her arm with a snap, her rubbery form quickly sliding behind the doctor and slapping into the door at the speed of an elastic band. From her new position on the ground, her form billowed out and flattened, effectively turning into rubber as she engulfed the area around Dr. Moreau. If he tried to move or do something awful with that liquid he was holding, she was going to make sure he got launched into the roof at a rather unpleasant speed.

"You're surrounded doc. End your little science fair project, and maybe this child won't have to hurt you." She growled as lucidly as she could. It was sometimes difficult to form the proper words when your mouth and vocal cords were being stretched out of shape.

Affirming her Masked Identity to switch her Freak and Mundane labels. Rolling to Unleash as she reshaped the doctor's surroundings.
Result from Discord: 9 It's either temporary or unstable. (Or I can mark a condition?)

2019-11-18, 12:38 PM
Here's how it goes:

While the four of you are throwing your opening salvos at the crazy in white, the scientists start wheeling occupied tables away toward the walls. They have no interest in getting caught in this crossfire.

The first of you to act is Errant White. You raise your sword, strike a heroic stance, and give your threat. And Moreau just laughs. He laughs at you, Errant White, and laughs at everything you represent. He doesn't even dignify your words with a proper response, just turns from you to the other heroes and says, "I hope that isn't all you have."

And, of course, it isn't. You have Fox, the sorcerer, and Liminal, the rubber girl. The two of you act at the same time, Fox's shadow orb masking Liminal's approach as the rubber girl wraps all around the mad scientist and makes every move a danger. Dr. Moreau doesn't react to your spell, Fox. He lets it pass harmlessly through him with another mocking grin, and he looks down at Liminal and says, "My, my, you really are a toothless bunch. Children, you mustn't let fear control you. If you can't throw a proper punch, perhaps you shouldn't be playing heroes in the first place."

Errant White, Fox, Liminal, he's shifting your Mundane up and your Danger down. Do you accept his influence or reject it?

He raises the vial, not caring that Liminal is about to spring up and encircle him, and then-

JigaWatt, you're up. A blast of lightning surges from your fingertips and hits the vial dead-on, no question. You expect it to shatter instantly, but it doesn't. Instead, the substance inside - some kind of red liquid, previously inert - electrifies. All the electricity from your blast is absorbed by the vial, and Moreau looks at it with horror.

"Oh. Oh dear, you really shouldn't have-"

The vial explodes.

That scarlet substance sprays out from the vial and clings to all of you - Moreau, Liminal, Fox, Errant, JigaWatt. It burns and sears and it feels wrong. A wave of weakness passes over you as it starts to seep into your costumes and the bodies beneath.

The four of you take +1ongoing to the move Take a powerful blow until end of scene. Moreau marks Angry.

Moreau has dropped his mocking persona, and you can see fury in every inch of his face - save the goggles that protected his eyes. He screams, "You idiots! You children! You worthless luddites!"

The bad doctor turns his wrath on the nearest target: Liminal. In seconds he has another vial in his hand and is downing it. Liminal, you surge up to stop him, but he's just a fraction of a second quicker and you wrap around him as the new potion starts to take effect. You can feel him straining against you, restrained but only for a moment, and know your allies will need to act quick before Moreau unleashes his powers against the four of you.

2019-11-18, 07:06 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 3/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +1
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Errant White doesn't flinch as the strange red fluid splatters on his armor, but he immediately regrets it. Somehow, despite not making contact with his skin, it feels as though it's burning! What is this stuff?! Dr. Moreau posed a clear and present danger and had refused the opportunity to surrender peacefully. And whatever this stuff is, and whatever he was about to dose himself was, he could no longer be considered unarmed. There was no other choice left.

"Have it your way, Doctor. Durendal, no quarter!"

Sounding a battle cry and holding the mythical sword aloft, Errant White charges Dr. Moreau.

I rolled an 8 to reject Dr. Moreau's influence, choosing to mark 1 potential and act to prove him wrong, which I'm fulfilling by directly engaging a threat. I rolled a 6, so I'll mark another potential, bringing me to 3 total.

2019-11-19, 05:53 AM
Conditions: Angry,
Potential: 2/5

"You're tiring." Growled between teeth as conflicting waves of insecurity and searing white hot pain lanced through him from vastly different sources. The former from the Captain, merely a kid, repeated by the doctor but quickly replaced, rallied, by the latter. Jigawatt's stunt cascading them in who the hell knew what. The fury threatening to choke him, the swirling well of dark and intrusive thoughts like a weight added to his chest and the blood pounding in his ears brought him into focus.

Illusions weren't going to work. So he needed to think, slipping nearer to the shadows as he formulated a plan. He certainly wasn't going to "seal the exits" but knowing where they were was probably a smart move. After all, what if they needed to beat a retreat? Had that occurred to Jigawatt? It seemed unlikely. Golden eyes darted here and there, oh how he longed for the sight of Hawk on the hunt, or the wings for that matter. Fox would happily take both, and be away from this place once the work was done. Which was the second part of the plan.

Even as Liminal wrapped herself about the villain, his attention focused back on the man beneath. He was weak, for all his taunts, leaning on potions and poultices. Weakness was like a rot, growing at different rates throughout. Where would they need to strike, he endeavored, for the best effect. What information could he pass to Liminal, already engaged as she was, that would put the man down? Was it his pride? Yes...a distraction. Make him even angrier, focus on Fox and leave the rubber bands alone. If his spells were toothless, his mouth certainly wasn't. The Knights would tell tales of Fox, sharp tongue and sharp teeth. Words were weapons, he would dig them into the Doctor's flesh.

"True." he responded to the taunts and insults hurled at them, creeping ever closer.

"Still too much for you."

Rolled a 10 on my reject.

- Removing Insecure, baring fangs.
- Shifting Labels, Danger up. Mundane down.

Also assessing, got a 13.

- What's the best way out of this place.
- How can I really make this guy flip out?

Captain Jak
2019-11-19, 07:56 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 1/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

While the exploding vial and its uncomfortable aftermath hadn’t been what JigaWatt had planned, he isn’t ready to call it a total loss. After all – the Doc hadn’t managed to drink his first choice of vials, had he?

Slewing to the side, wiping at his eyes, he takes momentary shelter on the far side of one of the room’s support pillars while he collects himself.

"Make a note, loyal subscribers," he narrates. "When you blow their stuff up; it makes them angry." That has to be something they can take advantage of, right?

His eyes dart about the room, looking for inspiration. Using his powers in a fight...isn’t exactly his strong suit, unfortunately, and even if it was he can’t do a whole lot to the Doctor while Liminal is wrapped about him.

Point of fact...he realises that Liminal is probably about to catch whatever the not-so-good Doctor is about to right in her malleable teeth. Moving out from behind the pillar, he summons a noisy aura of power about his hand and holds it, waiting for the moment that Moreau makes his move – he’ll do his best to disrupt it with some flashy energy emission.

Added Advancement to JW’s header.
Liminal is in clear and present danger; rolling to Defend: 5
Continuing the Potential train....

2019-11-20, 01:07 AM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Insecure
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -1
Savior: +0
Superior: +1
Mundane: +0

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.
His words shouldn't have hurt as much as they did. Liminal sneered at the incredibly unimaginative line about "playing" heroes, but a part of her brain seemed to latch his other remark. He was right, in a way; she hadn't thrown any punches. She was scared to truly start scrapping with her opposition. Liminal had always thought it was because the villains were always bigger and stronger than she was, but was that all? If she was going to keep up the hero work, she'd have to be capable of fighting. She'd have to be brave enough to throw a punch. Maybe she wasn't cut out for that sort of work.

Now wasn't a good time to reflect though. Liminal yelped in panic as the electrified liquid sprayed all over her. This was exactly the sort of thing she'd been trying to stay away from! And now Flippin' JigaWatt had set off whatever was in the vial and now they were all doomed. Her form reverted to normal proportions as she desperately tried to brush the painful substance off of her, but it was no use. Was she going to turn into one of those rage mutants? She was already a mutant! Well, if she was going to turn into an angry monster, maybe JigaWatt would be her first target. Followed by wherever in this dumb secret laboratory they had a shower of some kind.

Only, she didn't feel angrier than normal. Peeved, certainly, but that was manageable. Liminal was so distracted she almost missed Dr. Moreau downing another vial. She surged to wrap around him, but his form couldn't be contained anymore. For the ninth time in less than an hour, she felt a strong urge to point out how bad things were looking.

"What are we doing, guys?!" She shouted as she watched Errant White charge in with that ridiculously dangerous sword of his. "I can't hold him much longer!"

In truth, she wasn't really holding him at all.

2019-11-21, 03:56 AM
Fox, you watch it all happen.

You watch the situation worsen, you watch your allies step into battle, and you watch the lab-coated figures at the edge of vision make their move.

A few of the scientists stray from the pack, taking advantage of the super-fight to slip away from walls and test tubes and the confines of this chamber. They dart for the hall leading further inside the facility, but quickly dodge into a side door that you could have sworn wasn't there a second ago - and isn't there again once the three figures have disappeared inside. A hidden door, but does it lead to fortification or exodus? You suspect the latter, from the expressions on their faces.

You turn your attention back to Dr. Moreau and give him a pithy retort to his rage and hate. He doesn't seem to be paying attention to words anymore, so incensed is he at JigaWatt's destruction of his vial. He struggles against Liminal, close to delivering his first true move of this battle. Destroying his work really got to him in a way none of your words have even slightly affected him.

If you really wanted to get under his skin, smashing more of those vials - or other equipment, perhaps - would be the best way to do it.

Liminal, you're the first to take a real hit.

Dr. Moreau tears you off with strength that just went from weak to super. He grabs your altered form with both hands and throws you violently against the far wall, hard enough it leaves cracks in concrete. If you weren't made of stranger stuff than the average Jane you would be the other kind of puddle. As it is, you're reeling.

Take a powerful blow, Liminal.

The doctor's enhanced form is revealed to the four of you: not hulking, not brutish, but lean and mean and just a few inches taller. You can feel the strength surging off him, and a careful eye notes that this was not an expansion of muscle mass but rather an upward shift in density.

JigaWatt, you're waiting for your moment and have the energy curling around your hands, ready to unleash against the doctor. For a second time you blast him with power, and for a second time it just makes things worse. Moreau crosses his arms to meet your attack and the energy absorbs into the red stains on his coat from the exploded vial. The crimson electrifies just as before, but this time Moreau is ready, and as it bursts he pushes outward at you and directs the explosion.

Take a powerful blow, JigaWatt.

Your own power crashes into you, altered in horrible ways by that strange serum. Moreau doesn't even deign to sneer at you, already turning his attention to the next target.

Errant, you charge in swinging, and Durendal practically sings as it carves through the very air, so great is its power.

But the weakness of a great weapon is its bearer, and for all your might and armament, you aren't the old Errant White. You aren't the kind of Knight that can step across a room in the blink of an eye, at least not yet. For now, you're just you.

And Dr. Moreau is faster.

The air where he was standing is split in twain, a blow strong enough to kill an ordinary man. And Moreau - who you barely saw move - is standing beside you, and his hand moves to your throat.

He lifts you into the air, Errant. Your armor protects you from being choked, but his grip is like iron and he hisses, "A boy playing knight. I was promised heroes! True champions to experiment upon. You couldn't save a cat stuck in a tree."

Errant, he's hitting your labels again. Reject his influence or shift Savior down and Mundane up.

Captain Jak
2019-11-21, 04:37 AM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

Not fast enough on the draw to help Liminal, JigaWatt can only stare in shock – no pun intended – as his efforts are transmuted and redirected back at him! He’s caught dead to rights, and the only thing that might save him is....

Well, perhaps the fact that electrodynamic energies are his thing, despite whatever spin the villain-of-the-week might put on them.

The energy slams into JigaWatt and courses over him, his own powers acting like a faraday cage to shunt the power harmlessly past.

Not that it still isn’t way unnerving.

Shaking off his close call, he flits toward the struggle between Dr. M and Errant. Conscious of the audience he’s playing to, JW makes with the oration.

"Hey, yo, man," he protests loudly. "I wasn’t done wih you yet. How about you stick around?" With that line to set the scenario, he starts generating two massive, and opposite, static charges.

One surrounding Doctor Moreau, and the other a patch of ceiling above him. With luck the opposing, which means attractive, forces will stick the bad Doctor to the ceiling like science class balloon.

Take a Powerful Blow (+1 ongoing) 5
The trend continues!
Unleash his powers to alter his environment: 12

2019-11-21, 04:53 AM
In an instant, the situation reverses. Static electricity surges to steal away Moreau's advantage and with an undignified yelp he is yanked into the air and slammed into the ceiling of the chamber. Errant White falls away from him, landing back on the ground with sword in hand and mostly unscathed.

Moreau is pinned, and the forces at work are strong enough to overcome even his enhanced strength. He struggles and strains, reaching for his belt of vials, but he makes progress in centimeters, if that. The fury is building in him, and there's a new edge to it: wounded pride. This is not how the fight was supposed to go.

You have the edge now, heroes, at long last. What do you do?

JigaWatt's roll was impactful enough to merit a new post. Liminal, Errant, Fox, you guys get your turn now, able to react to the change in stakes.

2019-11-21, 10:38 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 4/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +1
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Freed from the villain's grasp, Aiden shakes off the mad scientist's words. But maybe he had a point? It wasn't enough to stop Moreau, he was here to save people. "Thank you, Doctor. You've reminded me of my real purpose here. Stay put, we'll finish this in a moment."

While JigaWatt holds their mutated foe against the ceiling, Errant White rushes to the aid of the people strapped to tables. The shackles are no match for Durendal and freeing the captives is child's play. However, those stuck in pods are a bit beyond him. Thankfully, there's a gaggle of labcoats cowering nearby. He calls out to them to enlist their aid. "You all are free now! Get the ones in the pods and get out of here! We'll keep Dr. Moreau busy."

I rolled a 7 to reject Dr. Moreau's influence, choosing to mark 1 potential and act to prove him wrong again, which I'm fulfilling by freeing some of the captives and provoking some of the other scientists into helping. I rolled an 11, so they rise to the bait and help out.

2019-11-21, 11:34 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Insecure, Angry, Afraid
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -1
Savior: +0
Superior: +1
Mundane: +0

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.
Liminal slammed into the opposite wall and her vision went white. Ever since Teagan had gained her powers, it was almost impossible for her to be physically injured. Most hits just bounced off of her, and she usually laughed in the face of gravity. But now she had the taste of blood in her mouth and a splitting headache. She wasn't sure she had bones anymore, but even those ached. Anyone else on the team, save perhaps Errant, would've probably been killed by that attack. Guns were one thing, but whoever this stupid doctor was, he was someone Liminal wanted nothing more to do with.

"Just quit it with the stupid puns, JigaWatt!" She screeched from her position on the floor. It was a struggle to get back to her feet, but Liminal knew she would have to get moving before she got caught again. The hostages were quickly becoming an afterthought to the overwhelming desire to survive this encounter so she could just go home. "You're telling me you could've locked him to the ceiling an hour ago? What, were you too busy thinking up that last quip? How long did that take you!?"

Liminal backed away towards the entrance. It didn't matter if the villain couldn't move, he was in his own lair surrounded by his own equipment. He'd get out soon enough, and she'd seen how he just manhandled Errant White like he weighed nothing. She couldn't fight that sort of villain, and her mind was drawing a blank on ideas. Maybe Dr. Moreau was right, maybe they just weren't cut out for this.

Rolled a 10 on the Powerful Blow. Marking Angry and Afraid, and using influence to inflict Insecure on JigaWatt. Liminal loses influence on JigaWatt now, I'm pretty sure.

2019-11-23, 06:42 AM
Conditions: Angry,
Potential: 2/5

It happened quickly, the tide of battle turning in their favor in an instant. Liminal flying through the air, he quickly moved to help his teammate to her feet even as he was processing everything now that Jigawatt had taken care of his earlier blunders. The others were on point now and it seemed the Doctor was dealt with. It seemed Liminal was dealing with Jigawatt as well which meant he had nothing to do here, in the moment. There was something else afoot however, scientists disappearing into walls.

A secret passageway.

Surely there was a control panel or some other method to open the passage. They'd opened from this room, so unless they could somehow communicate to the other side silently he could follow. The shadows would know, they knew all the secret places and so he turned to them. Not physically, or metaphorically. It was hard to explain to those without magic of their own, what it was like using the force inside. How would you explain the feeling of your heart pumping or your synpases firing? They were a part of you, and magic was a part of him, but deeper and more than just an organ doing it's job. It was like love, or fear, or any other emotion too. It was beautiful and terrifying and exhilarating and horrible in a single instant and with all of those, he reached out to the Shadows, turned to them as he'd done many times before. "Where did those scientists go" he whispered to the air "and how do I follow, in corridors beyond my reach?"

Rolled an 8 on the next Assess.

- What here can I use to...open the secret doors

2019-11-23, 08:19 PM
Dr. Moreau struggles with futile rage, bound by JigaWatt. He hisses, "Worms! Cheats! I'll turn you all into mice!"

Errant White, you easily free the table-bound captives. A few of the scientists back away, but when you give your big speech they stop retreating. One of them, handsome and lean with a slightly dirtier coat than the rest, glares at his fellows and says, "Don't just stand there, you cowards. Help the man out."

Sheepishly, the lab coats scurry to the pods and begin engaging the deactivation sequence. The one who spoke shakes his head, then turns to you and extends a hand. "Name's Daniel Jacobson, and I appreciate the rescue. You're a real hero." Then he blinks and tilts his head at you. "Hey, wait... aren't you the White Knight? The uh... Albion, right?"

The metahuman teens have congregated by now, and those strong enough to stand are trying to remove their suppression collars. Daniel glances over and winces. "I should free those kids before I do anything else. I don't know how New Dawn got their hands on AEGIS tech, but I hate those collars." He walks over to start tinkering with the power-suppression devices.

Liminal, you're having a very bad day.

You slink over to the back door without fanfare and toss your biting remark at JigaWatt. It's all his fault really - he got you into this mess, he made it worse, and now he has the gall to just pin the bad guy to the ceiling like it's nothing after you tried time and time again to restrain your enemies with no success. Maybe you aren't cut out for this. Maybe you're just not the hero type, not like the others. The way you were thrown about, the way you could have died, it has you terrified. You imagine what your corpse would look like, and it isn't a pretty sight.

You want to run away. You want to break something. You want to race off into the Warrens before your stupid teammates can say more stupid words. You want to get out.

Do you?

JigaWatt, you're in control. This is your victory, your triumph, your moment, no matter what Rubberband Girl says. Right?

I mean, sure, you caused some of this mess, but that was part of the plan. Your plan. You're the leader, right? It was your leadership that triumphed, your powers that are pinning Moreau to the ceiling. Liminal is just jealous. That's how fame goes, and you've had plenty of people jealous of you before.

But still, it stings. You are in control.

You just have to show them. Show them all what you can do.

Fox, the Shadows answer your call.

You see darkness. Fluorescent lighting. And you see shoes. Lab coats. Cowards, running, fleeing, up stairs. An electronic lock like the one at the back door. One of the scientists uses a key card, and they emerge into moonlight. You're not sure if you're seeing the now or the soon to be now.

Running. Afraid. Weak.

The others would never understand your connection. You could never explain it to them. It isn't whispers that you're hearing, and you aren't hearing it, not really. It is a sensation inside you, as much a part of you as the blood in your veins.

The Shadows curl around you, pushing you, leading you, guiding you. Into the hallway, long and dark and full of possibilities.

Storage closets, easy to dismiss. A locker room - weapons, perhaps? A break room. Not enough space. There is more here, and the Shadows will show you.

The dark grows heavy, and in darkness you see cracks of light, faint lines of illumination. Two doors, right next to each other. On the right, you feel moonlight above, and the Shadows whisper of heartbeats. On the left, the dark is thicker, and descends. Two sets of stairs. And next to the hidden doors, sections of concrete that you can now see are holographic projections hiding simple buttons. A crude defense, but enough to fool most people. Not you. Never you.

And then you get a text. A message over Veil, from a little birdie.

Corax: League will arrive in 136 seconds. You've got this.

Captain Jak
2019-11-24, 05:08 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Conditions: Insecure
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt is a welter of emotions; flushed with success at finally incapacitating Dr. M, mildly irritated that nobody seems impressed, but mostly unsure of himself in the wake of Liminal’s words.

Well, yes, he probably could have done that at the outset, but to be honest...it hadn’t even occurred to him. He was Being A Superhero, which means taking the fight to the bad guy and putting him down, hard. But fights? Him?

When it came to his history of being in fights, most of which occurred before he got his powers, he pretty much universally came out on the losing side; embarrassingly so. Fighting just...isn’t his nature, so it’s not too much of a surprise that he performs rather abysmally at it.

But sticking things to other things? It’s a core feature of the sort of things he’s been doing for his fans for a while now. He can do that in his sleep; he was just....

...caught up in trying to do things The Hero Way.

Liminal’s words...hurt, and they don’t paint him in the most flattering light. Sure, he’s recording rather than broadcasting live, and he could edit the video before it goes out; but he doesn’t do that. Any poseur can edit a video to look halfway competent; he gives his fans the real deal.

"When you’re witty it doesn’t take time, it just is," he fires back, an idea starting to coalesce in his mind. "Don’t hate me because I finally had to step up and do what I’m good at." Implying they had let him down, sort of; a bit harsh, maybe, but he has been pushed into this position.

And he’ll do something that the rest of them can’t, show them he’s got things in control and is a force to be reckoned with!

"We’re just going to make sure you can’t do this to anyone else, Dr Moron!" he calls up to the pinned mad scientist, and begins building power. He crackles, surrounded by a visible aura of seething electricity, before sending runnels of charge darting along the surfaces of the room. Up table legs, equipment stands, power cords; he pours the power on, looking to fry every piece of electronics in contact with the ground into useless slag.

Let’s see any of them top that!

Unleashing to alter environment and fry all the lovely sciencey equipment (barring suppression collars): 11
I’d imagine we can count that as Foolhardy action without consulting the team, for the purposes of clearing Insecure?

2019-11-24, 07:31 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 4/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +3
Superior: +1
Mundane: -2

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Aiden grins sheepishly behind his helmet as he takes the man's hand. "Yes I am. Good to meet you, Daniel Jacobson. Thanks for your help." He trails behind Daniel as the scientist starts to deactivate the suppression collars. "Who is the New Dawn? Do you mean to say Dr. Moreau isn't working alone?"

At that moment, JigaWatt goes high-voltage and the place surges with electricity, providing the perfect environmental response to this new revelation! Sparks are flying, panels are popping, lightbulbs are bursting. "Whoa! Better get to safety! I'll be in touch!"

As discussed in the Discord, I will accept the label shift from Daniel Jacobson; +1 Savior -1 Mundane. Aiden's going to have a pretty big head underneath that helmet.

2019-11-25, 03:02 AM
Conditions: Angry,
Potential: 2/5

It was beautiful, feeling through the darkness. Then it was over. Always so quickly. The gentle hum of a phone on vibrate, a message splashed against the inside of his helmet. Less than three minutes. He had this, she said. He wasn't so sure. A quick glance at the team told him what he needed most. Liminal. She was the best pick. Mysterious like a moon alighted pond, competent and geneial. All traits he respected. She wasn't doing this at the behest of the Enemy, she wasn't doing it for fame. Two more points in her favor.

"Liminal." he cocked his head towards the elastic youth, red LED eyes pulsing brightly. "We hunt. This way." With sweeping robes and animal furs, he took off. The scientists had fled, they'd hidden their escape route well but not well enough. Nothing hid from the Shadows, not simple control panels, not scientists and certainly not the seething emotions you tamped down to see a mission complete. His hand cut through the hologram, scientific illusions, and his feet carried him beyond the hidden doors. He only spared a glance back to see if the other hero was following. In the end it didn't matter, he was looking for something else. A briefcase with the symbol of a stone upon it, a fabled philosopher's rock, its purpose and contents unknown. A job was a job. If Liminal did follow however, maybe she could get the fleeing scientists. Two birds, one single request.

2019-11-26, 12:55 AM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Insecure, Angry, Afraid
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -1
Savior: +0
Superior: +1
Mundane: +0

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.
Liminal could feel the static build as JigaWatt finally stepped up and did what he was good at. Which was apparently electrifying the room and destroying all the electronic devices. Thankfully, Liminal was mostly rubber, or the phone hidden on her person might've been vaporized as well.

He was powerful alright. Much more useful than she was. In fact, nothing she'd done that evening had worked at all. JigaWatt had taken care of the villain while Fox and Errant had taken care of his henchmen. She'd mostly just gotten in the way. And shouted at her teammates. Why did she have to shout at her teammates?

The realization hit all at once, and Liminal felt a surge in her desire to run away. She wanted to leave, to get anywhere else at that moment. Fortunately, Fox came to the rescue in a most morbid fashion.

'We hunt'? Who talked like that? Besides, what was there left to 'hunt'? The mercenaries with real guns? Still, Liminal watched as her much more stoic teammate walked through a wall. Even she had to admit that it was an impressive trick. How did he do that? She hadn't even seen him cast a spell this time, and yet he vanished like he could phase through matter. Was she supposed to follow him through that? Looking back around the room, Liminal weighed her options.

Errant White. Shining knight and easily chatting up the former hostages. He looked to be in his element. He looked pretty heroic just standing there, actually. Attention, and especially the spotlight, weren't something she could handle at the moment. She hadn't earned it. Maybe she would never earn it again.

JigaWatt, even after her verbal abuse, had enough power to obliterate the entire room. He almost singlehandedly stopped Dr. Moron (and that was pretty clever) from trashing them. There didn't seem like there was going to be any obstacles for him, and Liminal could only imagine the scathing commentary she was going to receive from his fans when he posted the video of today's rescue. He had a massive following, and she had just trash-talked their hero.

Her mind was made up rather quickly: it was definitely time to disappear for a bit. If she could find a dark place to sit and hide from the others, maybe the shame wouldn't be as unbearable. Maybe it would be worse. No matter what, she wanted to be somewhere else, and even if Fox was offering a hand in his usual dark fashion, it was still a way out. Liminal stepped out onto the floor, ignoring the tingling sensation of JigaWatt's electricity as she ran. The worst it could do was make her hair incredibly frizzy for the rest of the day, and that was a problem for Teagan to solve later. She reached the wall where Fox had disappeared and cautiously reached out a hand. It passed through without the slightest resistance, and Liminal blinked in confusion.

She either had a terrible concussion, or the "wall" must've been some sort of hologram or magic, because it was like the wall wasn't there. Without another word, she slipped into the corridor behind the illusion and followed after Fox as best she could. Maybe there was still a way to salvage this terrible day. More likely, there was at least some dark stairwell she could hide under for a couple minutes.

That is, if Fox didn't really mean they were on a real hunt. She wasn't interested in wild animals or catching criminals at the moment, but Fox was apparently the one teammate she hadn't let down yet. Or maybe he was just pitying her.

Liminal couldn't decide which option was worse.

2019-11-26, 03:25 AM
Conditions: Angry,
Potential: 2/5

Fox waited on the other side, a finger raising to the ghoulish skull when Liminal broke through the hologram albeit with some time between. What had been the delay? First a hand, then the rest of her. It was a worry if she'd come at all, but here she was. "Good." was the only greeting she'd get, Fox turning to look about whatever was beyond them. "Brave." Or foolish, both were similar sorts of heroics when it got to the root of it. He didn't know who she was, what was going through her head or heart in that moment or any other since they'd become a team but he was happy she was here. Even if it appeared she didn't.

It wasn't the way of the Fox to speak so much, not in truths at least, but it had to be said. "You were right." Glancing back at the hologram, as if seeing through it to Jigawatt and Errant. "When he applies himself, he is strong. He needed to hear it. It would not have meant the same, from anyone else. He risked your safety, and the mission. It was good you said something. You are trustworthy."

That was enough however and in moments he was off. Time was of the essence, after all.

rolled a 10 on a Comfort and support. Adding a Team to the Pool

2019-11-26, 04:16 AM
Fox, you descend. Past that first paltry layer of warding there is nothing to stand in your way, and in seconds - precious seconds, now - you arrive in the part of the facility that really matters: Dr. Moreau's personal laboratory.

For a scientist, this place is a mess. Every inch of the room is covered in some piece of equipment or notes. Test tubes, an autoclave, a whole wall of sundry tools, piles of journals, and strange organic material in fluid-filled jars. A few items resemble the tech upstairs, but most of this seems unique to Moreau. And then you see it: the briefcase. It's a metal briefcase with a complicated locking mechanism on it that might give even JigaWatt pause. But more importantly, you see the symbol of the great work, painted on in brown and green. A circle within a square within a triangle within a circle. The philosopher's stone, the most important sigil in alchemy.

Liminal, you follow Fox down and see all the same things he does, though your gaze mostly passes over the briefcase to focus on what's next to it:

Beside the briefcase sits a fluid bag with a half-dozen biohazard markers printed on it. The fluid inside is almost clear, but it has a sickly green tinge. There's a syringe next to it, filled with the fluid... and at a glance it's a perfect match for the drugs used to make the roided-out brutes you've been fighting.

JigaWatt, you ravage the chamber's equipment. Power surges from you and up into each and every piece of electronic equipment resting on the floor. Consoles fry, control panels melt, and all sorts of sensitive dials and meters light up one final time before darkening. The pods on the walls take the worst of it, cables crackling and wiring wracked with energy.

Every computer goes, every injector, every electronic lock. Everything. When the surge subsides, only the collars and the lights above remain.

Moreau is stunned into silence.

Errant, the scientist - Jacobson - makes quick work of collar after collar, easily deactivating them and freeing the grateful teens. "Yes, Moreau is just the Site Director. Every facility has someone like him, all part of New Dawn. All working toward some sinister agenda. New Dawn is a shadow organization, they're the ones-"

He starts to say more when the electronics go haywire. He swears under his breath and the kid he's helping flinches, but Daniel keeps his composure and finishes undoing the suppression collar. Then he gives you a nod and rushes over to the pods by the walls, raising his voice to direct the other scientists and technicians in getting the victims out before there's any damage from the fraying electronica. From a few snippets of conversation you catch, you realize that the victims in the pods are just regular humans, not metahumans like the teens. Perhaps the test subjects for those drugs you've been encountering.

2019-11-26, 10:17 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -1
Savior: +0
Superior: +1
Mundane: +0

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.
Fox uttering more than his usual single word sentences was definitely one of the stranger experiences of the evening. She almost didn't believe half of what was coming out of that creepy mask of his, but his compliments sounded sincere. Usually her tongue was too sharp, and got her into more trouble than anything else, but he had praised her for it. More than that, it sounded like he believed in Liminal.

Even if his trust was sorely misplaced, it made her swell with just a little bit of pride.

"Uh, thanks Fox." She noted with slight embarrassment. The fact that he'd said anything at all had caught her off guard, and Liminal wasn't quite sure how to respond. "I think I said a bit too much if I'm honest, I'll probably have to apologize to JigaWatt later...but thanks! Anything you need, I'm ready."

The finger guns were unnecessary, and she regretted that decision immediately. Tucking her hands behind her back again, Liminal unsmoothly transitioned to studying the room. It didn't take her long to find the vials of dangerous chemicals among all the clutter, but she instantly stretched her neck over to get a closer look.

"So, uh, what are we hunting back here? 'Cause it looks to me like the reason Dr. Moreau turned evil was because no one taught him how to clean his room when he was a kid."

The more she looked at the chemicals, the more Teagan thought about splurging some of her monthly budget getting a few child safety locks for her cleaning supply drawer at home. Had they been mass producing the chemical? Were they making test subjects here to perfect the drug, or were they doing something more insidious with it?

"What do you think they were doing down here anyways? Planning another attack?"

2019-11-27, 04:17 AM
Conditions: Angry,
Potential: 2/5

If Fox felt any particular way about Liminal's...unique mannerisms and awkwardness its met the same way as pretty much everything else. Stony silence behind a creepy mask, twin red eyes glowing brightly and muted body language under layers of clothing. Further shoved beneath deliberate movements down the stairs and into the hidden lab. Time ticked in his head, distracted only by the bevy of questions he neither cared about to wonder in the first place or answer right away. His prize was there.

"Uncertain." A finger traces the line of notes and other book keeping strewn about the room before landing on the vials as he slowly moved to slide the briefcase into his robes. "A clue?" The notes were bound to have some information at least. Even if they didn't, he needed her eyes elsewhere. There was a pang of guilt, for a moment, as he prepared to step into the Shadows and far from this ghastly place. He was leaving Liminal to handle whatever else might come but if the message was correct...part of what was on its way were adult heroes. She was the better of the two to deal with them, she was smart, she could figure out what needed to be taken here. He hoped she would be smart enough to destroy the rest. He could at least tip her off, let her know who was on their way. A reason to flee, a lie, but one in half truths. A Fox's way.

The pantomime was easy, tilting his head to the side as if listening for something far off as the shadows pulled around him. "Hurry. Heroes come. Tell the others, we will meet soon." And then...he slipped away, traveling through the darkness and away as fast as his feet could carry him. He had, after all, a delivery to make.

Got a 10 on AYWC. Taking the opportunity to steal the briefcase and confuse/distract Liminal with all the clutter. Also making my escape as I avoid further entanglement here.

Captain Jak
2019-11-27, 11:23 AM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

After such a widespread but ultimately controlled act of destruction, JigaWatt feels more like himself. He has no reason to doubt himself; he just needs to remember what he’s good at, and what he isn’t.

Speaking of which, he’s never actually interrogated a villain before, but that seems to be the next logical step, right?

Bringing his board up to where he can conveniently converse with his captured con, he tries to school his features to look stern and intimidating.

"I’m afraid I broke all your toys. Ooops," he says with offhand dismissiveness. "Might have to start on bad guys next. What exactly did you think you were going to accomplish, here?" he asks, willing the mad scientist to cave and respond.

It will look great to his audience!

Clearing Insecure, as per Discord.
Pierce The Mask of the not-so-good Dr. Moron: 5
Hardly a surprise, marking Potential.

2019-11-27, 04:58 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 4/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +3
Superior: +1
Mundane: -2

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

With the captives freed and the doctor subdued, this was shaping up to be a very successful mission! Even Errant Green would have to admit that they'd done good work. This business with the New Dawn was concerning, though. There could be more labs like this, more victims to save. And maybe an even bigger plot behind it all.

As Doctor Jacobson releases another victim from the suppression collar, Errant Knight reaches out to take it. "I'd like to hold on to one of these. This is important evidence."

2019-11-27, 06:41 PM
Fox, the shadows come eagerly... and with a strange hint of fear. They've sensed something approaching, and they are more than happy to spirit you away before the unknown element arrives.

With briefcase tucked away, you step through darkness and emerge into moonlight, not that far from the facility but shrouded by ruins. And from your perch amid the rubble, you see a golden figure enter the facility through the same back door that you and your allies used.

Another text from your benefactor:

Corax: Okay, you're clear. Next step is finding some chalk. I'm going to teach you how to draw a transposition circle.

Liminal, as Fox takes his leave you take a second glance over the materials on the desk, and...

Well, you're no chemist, but you're starting to get some sort of picture of what this is. The fluid bag, it's the blueprint. A pristine sample of something that Moreau is then trying to replicate, dilute, or strengthen. This is what the drugs are based on, but a purer version. Moreau has been studying it, and not having much luck. You find one particularly interesting note, scribbled with enough force to bleed the ink:


JigaWatt, Moreau stares at you - as much as he can with those goggles on, that is. He's still silent after your big stunt, and your words don't even seem to register. He just curls his lip a little.

He's stopped struggling, too. He seems to be watching you, waiting for you to slip up. Waiting for a chance.

Errant, Jacobson hands the collar over without protest. The teens have started gathering in a group and are looking at you to lead them out of here. They're scared, but for the first time they seem hopeful. You actually saved them.

And then...

"In the name of justice, stand down you agents of chaos!" shouts a golden-clad archer as he bursts into the chamber from the back door above, bow drawn and arrow nocked, shimming sunlight radiating from him. At his side, a less-gaudy costumed hero carries a lyre and nervously hides behind the archer.

"Wait, what's going on?" The archer relaxes his grip and surveys the situation. He notes Dr. Moreau pinned to the ceiling, the hostages all freed, and the two other costumed heroes in the room.

Sunshot, member of the League, the golden archer, chosen of Apollo... is very confused. He scratches his head and adds, "Well, this wasn't in the briefing. Delphi, go sing the bad guy to sleep."

His sidekick, the nervous lyre-playing girl, nods and hurries over to the space beneath Moreau, starting to play a song on her instrument.

Sunshot surveys the room again, then focuses his attention on Errant and JigaWatt. "So, anyone need healing while you two tell me what happened here?"

2019-11-28, 10:47 PM
Conditions: Angry,
Potential: 2/5

Like that, he was out. He hoped Liminal would contact him on where to meet up...whenever whatever it was exactly was heading to the lab was done with them. They'd probably want to talk. Which meant he needed to make the next thing fast as well. Chalk, then. Not a hard thing to procure. We get a few panels of Fox slipping out of costume, no reveal of his face just yet, a convienence store, sidewalk chalk and finally back in an alley and back in costume.

"Ready." is all he sends back, drawing the circle on a cleared bit of ground as instructed. Where it leads, he certainly doesn't know though if this were all an elaborate method of slapping him in cuffs and carted off to some prison cell...they had better ways certainly?

Captain Jak
2019-11-29, 04:15 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt’s breath catches as the League – the League! – arrives, and his internal monologue starts racing about like a fanboy until he reins it in. As Delphi takes Dr. Moron into hand, the galvanic hero’s mind races to formulate a plan of action.

With a nod to the sidekick, he spins on his board and descends to speak with Sunshot, brilliant arcs of power crackling off him to crawl along walls, support pillars, and now-defunct machinery in a manner that seems almost disconcertingly…alive. He reins in the power display as he approaches the Leaguer, halting perhaps six feet away and just high enough off the floor to put his head a little above that of the other man.

"Sunshot," he says by way of greeting with a nod, trying to get in the mindset that this is just another dude, and of course they’re operating at the same level. Right.

"JigaWatt, the rest of The Team is securing the buiding," he goes on, nodding his head in Errant’s direction. His Mama J is a huge police procedural fan, and he tries to frame his words in a way that sounds...official.

"We received a credible tip that this building was the site of illegal power experimentation on unwilling minors," he goes on, explaining their presence. "We did recon, we engaged the Doctor and his mercenaries, and we subdued them. Then released the test subjects and shut them down, for good." The odour of ozone and scorched wiring hangs strongly in the air, so it’s not difficult to get his point.

This is going to do amazing things for his hits. A Leaguer!

Time for the show: 7
Sunshot is impressed by the display and must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for my help, GM’s choice.

2019-12-01, 11:43 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -1
Savior: +0
Superior: +1
Mundane: +0

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.
"Magic." She sighed, watching the shadows recede after her friend's departure. With a few characteristically cryptic words, Fox was gone, leaving Liminal to puzzle out why she was alone in an angry scientist's disorganized office. Heroes were coming? Who? And how did he know that? Questions that obviously had no answer, since the teammate who seemed to know everything had just vanished. Also, was she supposed to tell the others to meet soon, or that heroes were coming? If they needed to know heroes were coming, why? Wasn't that a good thing? If the team was meeting soon, why did he leave? They could've just walked back to the other room. Fox occasionally blurred the lines between "mysterious" and "incoherent", it was a little frustrating.

And why was it now her responsibility to tell them? She'd just yelled at half of her other teammates, that didn't exactly put her in a great mood to just turn back around and find them again. Instead, Liminal took a moment to look back over the Doctor's table, and the pieces finally started to piece themselves together. At least, she hoped they were starting to fit together. It seemed Dr. Moron shared her distaste for the arcane, but what about his experiments had been magical? Was it the drug? Liminal had no actual mystical abilities, and her education was significantly lacking in a few areas, so leaving the Doctor's things exactly where she'd found them seemed like the best idea. She'd already been poisoned once, there was no need to relive the experience in one evening.

In fact, perhaps it was better to leave everything right where it was sitting if more heroes were going to be showing up soon. She had no real idea what she was looking at back here, and Fox was apparently done with his "hunt", so...did that mean she was just hiding back here in a creepy lab now?

Maybe meeting up with the others wouldn't be too horrible. Maybe apologizing to JigaWatt wouldn't be so difficult after all, though she was still somewhat angry at him.

Liminal quickly ducked back down the hallway and out the holographic wall once again. To her surprise, the heroes Fox had spoken of seemed to already be there. Not only that, but it was actual members of the League. Those weren't just heroes, those were the heroes.

"We, uh, *ahem*" Liminal coughed nervously as she added on to JigaWatt's last sentence. "We also found some...secret lab stuff behind this fake wall."

Her arm stretched out and phased through the holographic projection. It still made her mind do backflips as she watched her own hand just pass through a solid looking barrier.

2019-12-02, 08:39 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 4/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +3
Superior: +1
Mundane: -2

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Aiden raises his shield and charges to put himself between the newly-freed captives and this new threat before realizing that it isn't a threat at all, but a genuine hero! Dismissing his shield again, Errant White trods over to join JigaWatt's debriefing.

"That isn't all. This facility is being run by an outfit calling itself the New Dawn. And they seem to be well supplied," he says, holding out the collar for Sunshot to examine. "There are likely many more of these facilities."

2019-12-02, 11:52 PM
Somewhere, somewhere out there in the city, there is a room where the air is choked by incense and fat candles with flickering flames cast erratic shadows across a room that, though full of arcane implements, is incredibly well-organized. Everything about this room is a sharp contrast to the lab we were looking at just moments before, and each panel shows us something new and unique about this strange, mystical chamber.

In the center of the chamber, formed of a blue powder that doesn't quite resemble chalk, we see a circle of lines and runes that exactly mimics the one that Fox had drawn in the alleyway. A woman, cloaked in raven's feathers and face cast in shadow, hidden from even the omnipresent gaze of the comic panel, draws the last rune. There's a *chirp* sound effect from her phone, and as she picks it up we see a text from Fox: Ready. We see a glimpse of her lower face, not much, just lips painted dark blue, but we see her smile.

The woman speaks, an incantation in a language rendered as indecipherable scribbles. We cut to Fox, muttering the same words as they are sent to him through his phone. The circles both glow with light... and then both are gone, chalk and powder blown away by a mystic wind. In that shadowed chamber, the briefcase sits. And in front of Fox: four books.

They're an eclectic mix, and you recognize three of them; Musings on the Mystic Art by Bartimaeus, the Archmage of Albion's well-known philosophical treatise on the arcane arts and magical theory, available in most libraries; Runes Through the Ages by Maximilian Pricefield, a dry and long-winded textbook that runs overly technical and is almost as common as the Archmage's book; and Discerning the Transversal Web by Zinthia Azaros, an extremely rare and valuable manuscript by an obscure scholar of the arcane, each copy hand-written, the book itself a mystical and metaphysical exploration of how entities and objects interact with each other and with the spaces between each other. There's a note on the Drood's book, written in curly script by, presumably, Corax, which reads: Know Thy Enemy.

And then there's the fourth book, one you've never seen before, written by an author you've never heard of: A Practical Guide to Sympathetic Magic by A.S. Rowan. From a quick skim, it seems almost like a study guide, the kind that college students or Advanced Placement high school students buy. It uses more casual language than the other three, and modern enough language that it must have been written in the past decade. It focuses on applied magic, and even has a section on the spell you just cast, the Transposition Circle. It lists the three books that came with it as required reading, along with a half-dozen other books that seem like they would take a bit of effort to dredge up.

A text from Corax: Perfect. I look forward to working with you again, Fox. Enjoy your homework.

While he listens to your tale, Sunshot moves around the room and tends to the injured. He always keeps his attention on you through subtle body language and the tilt of his head, but he's clearly splitting it between your recounting and the various freed hostages of the facility. Whenever he waves his hand over a scrape or bruise, a golden glow appears and washes away the damage.

"I'd be interested to know who gave you the tip, JigaWatt. If they're a reformed member of New Dawn, or one of their victims, the League would be more than willing to set them up with Witness Protection." Then he's back to healing and listening.

He takes both Liminal's and Errant's comments in stride, and takes the proffered item for only a moment before setting it down on a nearby table. Over by Moreau, Delphi has finished singing the doctor to sleep, and has him cuffed and collared, making resourceful use of another of the AEGIS devices removed from the teen captives. She drags him over and stands behind Sunshot once again, looking at the three teen heroes with an expression you can't quite decipher through her mask: a blindfold and heavy scarf, both plain white.

Sunshot takes a long look around the room... and then he sighs, and he hesitates.

"Listen, JigaWatt, I want you to know that what your team did here today, it was good. You got intel and you acted on it, and you acted the way heroes should: being bold, beating the bad guys, and saving the victims. You were heroes today, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, no matter who they are. Be proud of what you accomplished here, because it took guts, luck, and skill, and not a lot of teenage supers could have pulled this win off."

Sunshot is shifting JigaWatt, Errant, and Liminal's labels. Savior up, Mundane down.

"That said..." Again, he hesitates. He doesn't want to say this part, but you can tell he feels he owes it to you.

"You just disrupted a League mission that was two months in the making and involved a lot of resources. See, we know about New Dawn, and the other facilities. Six of them in the Warrens, as far as we've found. Six labs cooking the drugs that hit the streets and turn vulnerable innocents and opportunistic thugs into pseudo-supers with unstable powers and weak wills. We've been monitoring their activity and making plans. And tonight? Tonight was the alpha strike. Six teams, six facilities, six synchronized attacks to cripple the production network before any had a chance to warn the others."

"The goal was to shut down New Dawn operations, free any victims, and learn as much as possible about the organization: who's running it, who invented the drugs, what they want with metahumans. You get the picture." He glances over at the fried electronica and winces. "That part might be a bit harder at this site, but I'm hoping you didn't fry Moreau's lab too."

"Anyway, the point is: this operation was meant to happen perfectly in sync, so that no facility could activate an alarm and alert the others. If someone here did hit the alarm, the other sites would have a chance to prepare for a fight, or evacuate critical personnel and hide important evidence."

Sunshot's voice is melodic, but he also clearly isn't used to giving briefings like this. He's almost getting winded just from saying so much at once. He lets out a heavy sigh, takes in a gulp of air, and finishes with an almost blurted, "We'll have to wait and see. My teammates should be reporting in any minute now with what they've found."

By now, everyone else in the room - the teenage metahumans, the formerly-pod-bound captives, and the nervous scientists - have gathered by the hallway and are looking apprehensively over at the five of you. Delphi notices and tugs on Sunshot's sleeve, who glances down at her, then at the hostages, and gives a nod. Delphi drifts away from him to go comfort the victims, with one final lingering look at the three talking to her mentor.

Captain Jak
2019-12-03, 01:44 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt is, understandably, a bit wary about just blurting out the information regarding their informant – not in the least because he’s still recording all this.

"We’ll be sure to pass that offer on," he deflects, certainly not willing to commit to anything on anyone else’s behalf.

Except, well, important stuff that’s time sensitive, of course.

He listens to the praise from Sunshot, not quite swelling with pride, but close enough. This is a big leaguer, and he’s saying they’re a cut above and are doing good work? This’ll send his views through the roof!

Even the follow-up can’t dent his elation; sure, this isn’t information they had in advance which would have been useful in determining their actions, but they’re still getting filled in after the fact, on official League business! That’s a courtesy between peers, nearly, and fortunately – the situation isn’t nearly as bad as it could have been.

"Sorry about that, we were operating under the best information we had at the time," he apologizes. "And we had to act; the League is incredible, but you guys can’t be everywhere to do everything all the time. Sometimes, others have to step up." He indicates himself and those of his teammates present with a wave of one hand.

"Fortunately, it’s not a crisis," the galvanic guardian goes on cheerfully. "There was an attempt to hit the alarm panel on the wall over there," he makes sure his camera catches where he’s indicating, "but we intercepted it. No alarm went out from here," he says with confidence.

Accepting Sunshot’s view of the team, adjusting Savior up and Mundane down.

2019-12-04, 01:11 AM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Conditions: Guilty, Insecure
Potential: 4/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +3
Superior: +1
Mundane: -2

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

"Erm..." Hearing that they'd accidentally disrupted a League strike fills Aiden with shame. Sure, they drew praise from Sunshot for a job well done, but there's no way they'd done as good a job as he would have, which means that instead of helping, all they'd really done was put everybody at this facility at risk. And that was their best case scenario. It could have easily gone so much worse! Whatever this New Dawn is, it's clearly a big deal, and his team is in over their heads.

Unsure of what else to say for himself, he's thankful JigaWatt is handling it. Distancing himself from the conversation, he trudges over to help Delphi lead the victims to safety. The least he could do was see it through to the end, and try to soothe his wounded self-esteem.

"Sorry for spoiling the operation," he says sheepishly to Delphi. "I guess we're lucky it didn't go a lot worse than it did. If Green finds out, she'll never let me hear the end of it. May I help you move these people to safety? It's the least I can do."

I'll accept that label shift, but that means Errant White is marking two conditions! Guilty and Insecure, as directed in the Discord. I'm also trying to prompt the team move about sharing a vulnerability or weakness with someone (Delphi in this case), but we're not quite there yet.

2019-12-04, 11:08 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +1
Mundane: -1

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.
Liminal could listen to Sunshot read a phone book, and it would probably sound just as soothing. The hero had a melodic tone that had to be useful when it came to dealing with his heroic life, and she was a little jealous of the ease with which he handled the hostages. She'd had to practice for years just to get rid of her natural brogue when she spoke, and it still occasionally popped up when she didn't want it to. Her "bedside manner", for lack of a better term, was also abysmal when it came to hostages; and she still hadn't forgiven the one who stuck her with some sort of mystery drug. If it weren't for the fact that he was praising their work, Liminal would've felt much more ambivalent about the hero with the glowing hands.

But he'd praised them. Liminal could feel the pride swelling in her chest again, though not to the reassuring degree that it had when Fox spoke earlier. This was, after all, a job well done by her other teammates. The ones who'd done all the work. More than that, they'd apparently messed things up for the League, with no indication whether or not they'd gotten other heroes hurt. That sobering thought put a quick damper on her spirits, and Liminal once again felt her shoulders sink. It was a roller coaster of a speech for sure. She could tell the news had hit Errant White hard as well. After his easy conversation with the scientist earlier, seeing him at a loss for words was jarring. Liminal watched as he moved off to speak with the sidekick Delphi, and she couldn't help but feel that Fox had done the sensible thing. It was time to go.

Liminal stretched her neck over to where Delphi and Errant White were standing, slowly dipping her head until it came into the knight's field of view. Her hair hung down as she twisted to get a better view, creating a rather bizarre spectacle for anyone not used to her powers.

"Fox said to meet up later." She said quietly as she nodded to Errant White. "He's already gone. Looks like the League has this handled anyways, so I'll be going too."

As her head receded back towards her body, she added, "Oh, he also said heroes were coming. That...would probably have helped earlier."

There. All bases covered. Liminal's head returned and she began to slink towards JigaWatt and Sunshot. She wasn't quite sure what to say to either of them, but she knew things were only going to get more awkward around JigaWatt until she apologized. Gathering what courage she could, she stepped up beside the two heroes.

"Nice to meet you, sir." She said, hands clasped behind her back nervously as she regarded the archer. This wasn't exactly the sort of League debut she had hoped for, which only made things worse. "Sorry we, uh, screwed up your evening. JigaWatt! You...did great. Meet up later!"

It wasn't exactly an apology, but she could already feel her limits reached with just this much. Liminal quickly stepped behind the archer, and disappeared back towards the rear door they'd used as an entrance earlier. With luck, she'd have no problem getting out of there and back home. Undoubtedly her brother had already gotten into some sort of trouble while she'd been gone.

Liminal has accepted the label shift. She doesn't feel particularly heroic, but it's not a deep enough feeling that she'd actively reject the opinion.

2019-12-05, 01:14 AM
Conditions: Angry,
Potential: 2/5

He was there, then somewhere else, bright blue flashes surrounding the briefcase before they're replaced with...books. Not what he'd expected in fairness. Not the worst outcome either, the lingering suspicion of a set up fading along with the powder on the ground.A trick, a nice trick too, though a small sense of annoyance ripples through him as he sees that he is all to much alone. It was perhaps his own mistake in thinking he'd have an audience with the Raven and a small part of him wondered why they needed such theatrics if all this was amounted to a drop off. A teaching moment at best...a waste of everyone's time at worst.

His eyes, of course, are drawn to the course material provided. This was a means to an end, the Knights were sorely under-manned...to be as blunt and cold on that topic as possible. The purge had wiped out the majority of ranking mages within the organization, anyone who could teach him on the finer points of magic going forward weren't going to be familiar faces. Corax seemed a good bet when they'd approched him with a job offer. The payout was...interesting. Some books known, the first at least, though the others not so much. Knight magic was at least in line with the fetishistic magics detailed in the latter book, wrapped in centuries of hidden meetings and a culture that stood on the brink of annihilation. Gone however were the totems of Fox and Bear, Crow and Eagle, Lion and the rest of its mighty courts. It would take getting used to and, more importantly, adapting. He'd tried not to dwell on it much this evening but the weight of responsibility was always on his shoulders. The lessons and actions he took would be important for years to come. Not just in avenging his people...but in maintaining their way of life moving forward. Not only that, but with each book and lesson he was that much more valuable for the team.

Who he really ought to get back to. There would be time to figure out the rest of the books detailed, if they were important enough to name they were important enough to hunt down. His mission was done, both for the team and for Corax and there was little down the two reigning pillars would want to debrief on what just occurred. Errant would probably have the more compelling discussion, Jigawatt the more enjoyable presentation. He'd also left Liminal to fend for herself, there was no telling what she'd do. He slid the books into his robes and went back out into the night. If they needed him, they knew how to contact him and he had a new spell to show off. The first of many, hopefully.

2019-12-05, 05:46 AM
Sunshot nods at your words, JigaWatt. "Good, good."

Then he puts a hand to his ear - to an earpiece, almost invisible - and turns away from you with another nod, this one more apologetic. "Sunshot reporting in. Situation under control and bad guys bound. Hostages, mix of lab coats, teen metas, and non-meta humans."

He drifts further away and says a few things you don't catch, and then he's back, and the tension in him has changed - not gone, just changed. "So..."

He hesitates again. For a hero of the League, you've caught him at the absolute worst time, and his melodic voice and perfect aura doesn't match his lack of composure. "News is... mostly good. Some trouble, but nothing that could have been your fault. Beyond that..."

Sunshot sighs. "Cloak and dagger isn't my thing. You guys did the right thing tonight, and in my book that puts you on the same team as us. We're the good guys, and I don't like keeping secrets from other good guys. But Sentinel and Weaver are fighting a war of opinion against June Lang, and they'd both flay me alive if I spilled everything to you before the League's PR team got a chance to attach their spin. So for now, all I can tell you is that the mission was successful. And, please, JigaWatt: don't tell anyone about this until the League has made their official statement."

You recognize the name, JigaWatt: June Lang is the CEO of Junebug Technologies, a massive corporation with fingers in every vaguely-tech-related pie. She is also, notably and publicly, a major donor to Human Interest. At least once a week a new clip hits the web of her on some panel or interview throwing around talking points and criticizing the Halcyon League. For their part, the League's response so far has mostly been to try and ignore Lang and focus on building positive stories to drown out the criticism.

Sunshot glances over at Delphi, then says to you, "The three of you should get going. Weaver's going to teleport in soon, to secure the area and teleport the victims to safety. She... she might not be as friendly as I am."

Errant White, Delphi looks up as you approach and smiles warmly. "Hey."

The Apollonic sidekick's outfit incorporates a blindfold that seems thick enough to genuinely block vision, but Delphi has no problem turning her head to meet your gaze. She's just finished saying something soothing to one of the teenage victims, who looks a lot less panicked than he did after your team rescued him.

"It's okay, really. Sunshot says you did the right thing, so you did." She says that with such utter confidence it almost hurts. "I don't know why, but you were meant to be here, Knight of Albion."

She frowns. "I... hope you don't come to blows with New Dawn again, though. They scare me, and I have Sunshot to protect me."

Then she finally seems to process your offer. "Oh! Yes, getting them out. It's okay, Weaver is coming to take care of that part."

Weaver is the League's resident mage. An expert in matters arcane, she is the point of comparison often made when discussing Lich Girl, Corax's vanished master, being stronger in a few core areas but lacking the vast breadth of knowledge the Lich has accrued. Being able to hit harder than the Lich in even one school of magic would be enough to make her an S-tier talent, let alone several.

Not quite in Bartimaeus's tier, of course, but few are.

Then Liminal intrudes, and Delphi tilts her head at something said. Once Liminal has left again, Delphi faces you, Errant, and says, "Fox. I... I think I recognize that name. Or maybe the Oracle does, I-I can't be sure." She shakes her head and rubs her forehead. "Sorry, probably not important. This stupid power... anyways, I, um, I never actually thanked you for beating up the baddie, so... thank you."

She smiles again. "I'm not much for fighting, so it was actually nice to find the villain already wrapped up."

Liminal, no one stops you from leaving. Sunshot gives you another hero-to-hero nod as you leave, and Delphi acknowledges you with a knowing smile, but then you are gone and out of that horrible place with its needles and hostages and crazy mad scientists, and with its righteous heroes.

And you're there. Out in the dark, in the Warrens, under moonlight. Faded moonlight, dim and mundane. You don't see it like Fox does, with all his mysticism and ceremony. It's just dark. The shadows are just shadows.

Still, you jump a little when, as you make the trek home, your phone beeps to tell you there's a new Veil message. You open it and see a text from the Crow Witch herself, the Raven of Midnight, Lich Girl's apprentice.

It reads, simply: How are you feeling, Liminal?

Captain Jak
2019-12-07, 12:07 AM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt holds up his hands in a placating manner; while he values his celebrity, of course, for the influence it provides him, that doesn't mean he doesn't understand that he doesn't always have to be centre stage.

Er, the Team. The Team doesn't, yadda yadda.

"Oh hey, no problem," he assures the Yodelling Yeoman. "I get it, not everybody is a big fan of...unofficial assistance, no matter how effective it might have proven to be," he adds wryly. "And this footage alone, of us in action and your presence, that'll boost my ratings like nothing else I've seen in a minute," JigaWatt adds enthusiastically. "Got no need to try and scoop you, maybe mess up your PR spin."

He's still tripping on heady phrases like 'right thing', 'same team', and 'good guys' – it's easy to agree that it's time to go.

"I won't put anything out that'll contradict what you guys say," he promises; he'll have to do a couple of edits to encompass the most likely scenarios put out by the League, and hopefully one of them will do to release on the heels of the official one. Until then...he can give the Amp'd a teaser.

And speaking of the Amp'd....

"C'mon, Errant, we gotta book," he raises his voice to catch his Teammate's attention, noting that Liminal is already slipping out the way they had come in. "And hey; I, uh, have a bunch of followers on YouTube," he says, turning back to Sunshot. "If it would help to have a whole bunch of unaffiliated voices dissin' Buggy June, you let me know." He backs towards the door, making a 'call me' gesture with his fingers by his head, then hops on his board and flits out into the unsafety of the Warrens.

2019-12-10, 06:31 AM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Conditions: Guilty
Potential: 4/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +3
Superior: +1
Mundane: -2

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Right. Weaver can do it. With the actual heroes here now, Errant White and the others were just in the way. And of course Fox is already gone. Somehow, what had started as an unqualified victory had become something close to a loss. Aiden's knight's helm would obscure the look of defeat on his face from most people, but maybe not from somebody like Delphi with her Oracle since she reminds him of the good job they actually did.

"Thanks. If we were a help to anybody tonight, I'm glad it could be you," he responds. He pauses awkwardly, but JigaWatt comes to the rescue. He makes to leave, but something Delphi said catches his fascination, and he temporarily ignores his teammates' entreats to retreat. "This New Dawn. They're a big deal? I hadn't heard of them before. I think we handled ourselves well enough tonight. Like you said, we were meant to be here." She had said that. It had the power of the Oracle behind it! There's something more here, this was Fate at work!

"There's more to this, isn't there? You and Sunshot and the rest of the League are handling this, but maybe there's a part in this for us. Can we help? To bring down New Dawn? I need this. Errant Green and Bartimaeus and the others think there was a mistake, that I'm not supposed to be a Knight. This could help me prove myself to them! And maybe to myself, too. You said it yourself. We were meant to be here."

I'm making good on that team move here, revealing a secret of the Legacy to Delphi (that there's some conflict and he's maybe not a Knight yet). I give Delphi Influence over me, because she's got the power of Fate behind her words and she's their link at getting more involved, and I'm clearing Insecure, because she reminded him that he is capable of being a hero.

2019-12-11, 02:03 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +1
Mundane: -1

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.
Liminal had a lot to think about on her trip home. As she glanced about the ruins of the city, her hands immediately rose to rub her arms. It wasn't necessarily cold, but the darkness still freaked her out a bit without the others present. But home lay beyond the hanging shadows of the desiccated buildings, so all she could do was begin walking. There was no one nearby to talk to, no one to prank, so Liminal was left alone with her thoughts, and that was a terrible place to be right now.

The many failures of the mission kept biting at her like imaginary gnats, eating away at her confidence and only making her irritation grow. She slowly sank deeper into her own dark thoughts as she made her way back into the city proper, the only thing breaking her descent was a surprising phone notification.

Liminal checked the message, her eyes briefly widened as she read the name of the sender. She should've been more surprised, more afraid that the very Raven of Midnight not only knew her information on Veil, but had reached out to her personally. Instead, the first thoughts she had were a dozen sarcastic comments. Did she know they'd just finished a mission? Liminal wouldn't doubt it, mostly due to the potential use of magic.

"Hm..." She wondered aloud as she began typing into her phone. "'Unfriendly'. Is that a good one? 'Wondering why I bothered'? 'Questioning why another magical witch is contacting me tonight'? What the hell is up with all the shadowy contact stuff anyways? Why can't heroes ever introduce themselves like normal people?"

The stretchy hero stopped typing for a moment. She knew whatever words she was about to send would probably be poorly reasoned. Text communication was truly the one place where she didn't have to let her unfiltered words get her in trouble. Liminal pressed on the delete key and watched her tirade slowly erase itself.

"I'm not feeling great," She answered honestly. "I just finished a mission that I'm obviously not cut out for whatever it was that happened back there. I need to think on a few things. Um, if I may ask, is there something I can do for you?"

2019-12-13, 04:30 AM
Liminal, you're out of the Warrens now and back on normal streets. It takes a few minutes for Corax's response to arrive.

Have a little faith. You won, didn't you? Savor this victory. Take respite.

You see the little symbol on the screen telling you she's typing another message, but it takes another several minutes for the rather short second message to appear.

And keep your friends close. You never know what you have until it's gone.

JigaWatt, your words seem to put Sunshot at ease. He nods with evident relief and watches you go with a wave, though just as you're leaving you hear in a confused tone, "Wait, did he say footage?"

And then you're out in the Warrens, the night sky above.

Errant, you see Delphi hesitate. "Errant, I want to tell you, but I don't know that I can, or that I should. The League has been hunting these monsters since we first found evidence of them, and that information is... well, it's classified. I'll let Sunshot know that you want to help, but-"

She shudders. An unsteady step turns into a trip, and as you rush to catch her she falls against you, going limp. Her head twists at an angle that doesn't seem natural, and a wisp of green smoke escapes her mouth as she says, in a voice not her own,

"I see the break of dawn. I see Prometheus in chains, bound beneath the earth for numberless crimes. I see Midas in a golden palace, blessed by a great pact. I see Arachne at the loom, carefully guiding each thread with an artisan's care."

"I see the day of reckoning. I see demons and dragons, born of the same source. I see questing knights and a weary wizard. I see the house divided and the absent mother. I see a girl who is lonely and brilliant and betrayed."

"I see the long night. I see the storm, but not its eye, and I see the shadow, but not what casts it, and I see the question, but the answer defies sight both mortal and divine."

"The Adversary. Beware the Adversary."

And then she's back, and she shakes her head. "Did I... oh, hell. I... okay, no, no time to talk. Weaver is coming. Just, find me later, okay? Find me later. And tell Fox I said hi."

Delphi pushes you away and sends you out into the Warrens, just in time to get out before Weaver arrives. And as you travel through the ruins, the words of a prophecy play on repeat in your mind.

The four of you reconnect at the usual after-mission venue, with heavy hearts and minds ready to be unburdened through the world's greatest stress-relief device: burgers.

Specifically, burgers from Crossroads, a local shop that caters specifically to your clientele: capes. You see a few other costumed teens seated inside, though it's a bit late for there to be much activity.

2019-12-13, 04:48 AM
Conditions: Angry,
Potential: 2/5

Fox was the first to leave so it only made sense he was the first to arrive, looming in the back of Crossroads and looking for all the world as out of place as you'd expect. He was never out of costume in front of the team after all. Part of him wondered why they chose such a strange place, was it a joke at his expense? A bad one, he thought, if it were. They really needed a base, this place wasn't secure and a base would at least give them a chance to find more casual, if still identity concealing, costumes. He supposed it didn't really matter to Errant or Jigawatt.

His mind still bubbled over with annoyance as he sat there with a drink, straw wedged not all all frighteningly wedged into his mask, while he waited. Caffeine and sweetness did little to dull that roar. The mission may have been a success but only barely. Jigawatt nearly blew it and even his side task resulted in little more than a bibliophile's wet dream. He was quick to tuck the straw from his mask at the first sign of a teammate, the shadows whispering their approach. It was a totally inappropriate use for a spell but he couldn't be seen in such an uncool way.

He said nothing even when the rest arrive, merely keeping his peace while the others got situated. Errant or Jigawatt would more than likely head any conversation up. While he sat there, broody, his mind drifted. He'd come here without his costume before. A few times. It was one of the only places Camp Joy would bring their more well behaved inmates when they were feeling generous. Maybe they felt that with all the young capes around, enjoying themselves, they would be jealous and work to get out faster. Maybe they felt that there was more firepower here and if any of them misbehaved the snot nosed teens sucking shakes down would like to finish them off with a rousing beat down against meta-humans who couldn't access their powers. Either were plausible, both were likely. Just another reason to be annoyed at the choice of locations.

He'd sit here with a few other inmates, listening to them harass the less hardened of their bunch while tossing french fries at each other. No one did that to him, he'd broken a few noses and teeth to make sure everyone knew he wasn't someone to test lightly. Not that others didn't, but the cowards left him alone. He wasn't easy enough so they'd target someone soft, someone who really didn't belong, someone like Delphi. They'd picked her out quick and while he'd practiced non-interference from the get go something about her made him angry. He'd decided to keep her safe until he could figure out what made him so mad about her. He's roused however when Jigawatt appears second, frowning behind the mask.

Captain Jak
2019-12-14, 07:22 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

That's right – footage. My fans need quality content, and this is just that! JigaWatt can't wait until he gets a chance to drop this on his feed; he'll have to work on a teaser or two to make sure he has everyone's attention when the time comes.

Stealth part of their mission well over and done now, he crackles visibly through the sky atop his steel deck on his way to the Team's usual meeting place, indulging in some of his signature aerobatics on the way. He feels good – why shouldn't he? They confronted and defeated some bad guys and their super villain boss, saved some kids and some scientists, and did it all without anyone getting seriously injured.

And praise from the League to boot?

Feeling good? He's on top of the world.

The sign for crossroads is easy to locate; very few businesses have a large, illuminated sign on the roof meant to be read from above, but given the target clientele it makes perfect sense. Slaloming down as if he's snowboarding out of the sky, JigaWatt does a circuit of the building before hopping off his board in front of the door. Flipping the board over his shoulder, he electromagnetically adheres it to his back before pushing his way in.

Not surprising – as the creepy Hot Topic teen had been the first to bolt from the scene – Fox is already within, and JigaWatt tosses a little two-fingered salute of greeting to Andy Gleeson, the shift manager who is usually on this time of night.

Making his way over to the table staked out for the Team – spur of the moment as it had been, it's starting to grow on him – JigaWatt employs a simple little trick he'd figured out a while back. As he would pass under a bank of fluorescent lights they would brighten maybe ten percent, while the surrounding banks would dim the same amount. The overall effect is him traveling under a subtle spotlight, and he thought it was just a pretty damn cool trick.

"Oh hey, Fox, there you are," he says as he approaches the table, as if just now spotting his wayward teammate. "Glad you grabbed us a table. We got an order of potato skins on the way?" he asks with a smile as he flips a chair around before straddling it backwards at the table.

He is so ready for a burger right now. Whether it's adrenaline or the amount of power he used earlier, he's starving.

2019-12-17, 08:00 AM
Conditions: Angry,
Potential: 2/5

About a dozen things ran through his head as Jigawatt takes a seat, merely folding his arms across his chest with the usual stony silence. He wouldn't have "potato skins on the way" if he wanted, let alone afford it. Heroing was expensive, building creepy costumes cost a lot and it was only by merit that he lived above a restaurant owned by the Knights that he had something to eat most days. Not to mention that at least half the team met in costume, a consideration he tried to keep in mind if only to make them keep it in mind as well. "No. Where are the others?"

Captain Jak
2019-12-17, 01:41 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

Hah, classic Fox. He hasn’t known the other hero for very long, and in a way doesn’t know him very well at all – the concealing mask he wears is figurative as well as literal – but this is right on brand for him.

"They’re comin’; we had more League incoming, so we left individually rather than grabbing attention by being a costumed gang roaming the Warrens," he replied, magnanimously not drawing attention to the fact that they had been lacking someone to draw concealing shadows about them.

Twisting about in his chair, he rectifies Fox’s lapse by ordering an order of potato skins to the table for when the others show up. While he’s not exactly living large with limos and a crew, he’s not that poorly off either with the revenue from his YouTube channel, so potato skins are a non-issue.

While he waits for food and companions both, he considers the opportunity before him. It’s rarely just him and Fox, and this might be a good time to try to gain a little insight into his most mysterious teammate.

Removing his GoPro headpiece, he sets it down on the table facing the wall, making it clear that they weren’t ‘on’ before leaning back in his chair and regarding Fox.

"I gotta say, I just don’t get you, man," he says but not unkindly. "I mean, it’s pretty obvious why I do what I do. I like the fame, the fun, sure, but I also like being able to help people," he goes on. "Sure, I go looking for the spotlight, but when the light’s on you, you get to choose where to stand, what gets lit up by your being there." He shrugs; a lot of people condemn his motives because they seem self-serving. He knows why he does what he does.

"But you," JigaWatt continues, leaning forward to fold his arms on the table. "I don’t get you. Why? Why do you bring your talents to the Work?" He’s not the best people person, but hopefully Fox might be in a talking mood since he doesn’t have an audience.

Pierce the Mask: 9

Frankly, I’m stunned. Fox, what are you really planning?

2019-12-18, 05:59 AM
Conditions: Angry,
Potential: 2/5

It was a rare thing, him wishing Errant would show up, but it dominated the first few moments as Jigawatt tried to press his fingers into the cracks. With cocked head, birdlike and predatory, he regards the now (hopefully) off recording devices and beneath the mask his lips curled with disdain. It was no secret that he held Jigawatt's antics in low regard, the drive for other people's...strangers...approval frankly a revolting prospect to his mind. Doing what they did for the sake of it was good, noble one might even say, and it was at least on the list for Jigawatt but their methods were simply diametric.

For that reason Fox simply couldn't fathom explaining it all to his co-worker. Not just because...they weren't close...but because he didn't suspect he'd understand. Part of it was cultural. The Black Knights had always removed threats to their infiltrated cultures, ingratiating and building rapport with the locals, and a strong sense of justice ran through the culture. They were Knights after all. His mother and father had done the same, it was expected he'd do the same with or without them when he hit adulthood. So in that part the question simply didn't make sense. There wasn't anything to get. There was no ultiror motivation, no desire for anything for the sake of it. His talents were because of their work, not in spite of it. They weren't brought along to the job any more or less than a mason brought a hammer to a job.

Another part was, perhaps mistakenly though he had no real way of knowing, Fox simply didn't fathom Jigawatt would understand the loss he'd suffered. How would he share that anyway without spilling the beans on everything else and would the z-lister be able to keep his mouth shut about it? How could he explain that he wanted to bring a torch to Albion and dance on the embers? How could he do it without sounding like a raving madman or without Jigawatt turning around and telling Errant? How did it not look, in no better word, vilainous. It wasn't a risk he was willing to take. Lastly, he just didn't feel like it was a topic that needed discussing. The social aspect of the question didn't elude him, Jigawatt was trying in his own way to bridge the gap but it was neither a gap he felt needed bridging nor an appropriate question given their work. His reasons were personal, he'd rather like to keep them as such.

Fox's head finally snaps back to consider Jigawatt. "We want revenge." It was simple, keeping to Fox's laconic manner, but the venom that dripped off each word would be hard to miss. There was a moment of silence after, the LED lights flickering and dancing in those black sockets with erratic motion, before he spoke again. "We do our work, we saved you. That should be enough."

2019-12-22, 04:49 AM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +1
Mundane: -1

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.
Liminal stood in front of the door to their "usual" hangout spot, unsure if she wanted to enter. In truth, they'd only started using it as a convenient (and somewhat cheaper) spot to eat since they began functioning as a team, but it wasn't a place she would have frequented without them. She had spent quite a lot of time on the walk over questioning whether or not she should join them at all that evening. Her brother would've been alone at home for some time now, and if she didn't get back before her parents did, a simple grounding would be the least of her worries. More than that, Liminal worried about the trouble the toddler could get into when he got especially bored.

But if she was completely honest, Liminal didn't want to let the team know how badly the mission had shaken her. The usual silly mask she wore had slipped badly during that fight, and she wasn't sure she could maintain her usual casual appearance at the moment.

Still, Corax's words flashed in her mind again. "And keep your friends close. You never know what you have until it's gone". It sounded half like Saturday cartoon wisdom, and half like an actual warning. The message had given her pause, and Liminal felt a chill down her spine as she read it. It pushed her to head towards the Crossroads. Maybe the team would forget the specifics of her attempts to help them out, or how she'd apparently spooked yet another group of hostages. Maybe all they wanted to do was "savor the victory", as Corax suggested. Liminal shook her head; it was tough savoring something that didn't feel like she'd had any part in accomplishing.

With a sigh, she pulled the door open and stepped inside the restaurant. The brief trace of static electricity left on the handle meant that at least JigaWatt had already gotten there. Sure enough, Liminal could already see the electrical hero and the mysterious Fox in their usual spot near the back. She stepped over to the counter to order a small soda before joining her team, seating herself quietly near the aisle. She hadn't caught most of the conversation between the two teammates, but whatever it was about, it had Fox seemingly acting even more dour than usual.

"Hey," Liminal waved as she seated herself next to them. If she could project a front, the usual blase attitude, maybe she could even muster up the courage to properly apologize to JigaWatt. "Glad to see you guys made it out."

Glancing specifically towards Fox, she couldn't help but add: "Though inviting me to a creepy lab right before ditching wasn't cool."

She didn't actually care that Fox had left her, she'd gotten out just fine. Well, she cared a little bit, sure, but the reason she brought it up was to see if JigaWatt would voice his own complaints about her yelling at him. It would be the perfect segue into an apology, as nonchalant as she could manage. If he didn't bring it up, maybe the whole thing could just be dropped right then and there.

2019-12-23, 12:03 AM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Conditions: Guilty
Potential: 4/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +3
Superior: +1
Mundane: -2

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Crossroads. Heralded in legend and lore as dangerous places, sometimes even mystical. The crossroads could take you on the road to Rome, it could offer you a meeting place for a deal with the devil, it could even offer you passage beyond the thin veil between worlds. Or, in Halcyon City, it could be a wayward tavern to fill your belly with a burger and fries. That last part of his encounter with Delphi had shaken Aiden, but a strawberry milkshake would go a long way toward fixing that.

When he arrives, the others are already seated at their usual spot. "Good job tonight," he says, approaching the table. Aiden might feel out of place in his shining armor at any other diner, but Crossroads was no ordinary eatery, and his costume barely registers notice compared with all the other colorful characters filling the place this evening. "Fox, Delphi says hello. How do you two know each other?"

2019-12-24, 04:50 AM
Conditions: Angry,
Potential: 2/5

He felt like he had a sign saying "Take a number" on his chest. Three teammates, three...well two seemingly out of bounds questions. Liminal had a legitimate scolding on her side, as minor as he felt it might be, but the rest? He'd been under the assumption that their personal lives were out of bounds. They wore masks for a reason, went by aliases for the same reason. They had reasons that this life and the other life shouldn't mix. "You were safe." he grumbles, increasingly agitated by the focus. "You would have found fault if we'd gone on our own and got attacked as well. If we are to lose with every action, we will opt for the lesser defeat. We trusted you to have our back. We were not aware that we also had to take feelings into consideration. It seems we were mistaken." He tilted his head back towards Jigawatt with the last bit.

On the matter of Delphi...well. The Children of Albion put much stock in Fate. Here they were, sitting in a diner they'd both frequented. She'd apparently been at the scene of the job as well, there was little wonder why the shadows had been eager to leave. She'd have come with her new mentor, do gooder that he was, and with him came Light. But why was Errant asking in the first place? The already gnawing annoyance was morphing into something else, deep in the pit of his stomach. He'd done a lot to put walls between them, Delphi and himself, and the gravity of Fate that drew them close drew the team along with it. He had little love for Fate, a singular notion of his culture that he found outdated and hostile to the lingering fingers on the precipice of destruction they hung from.

He didn't bother looking at Errant, mask turning to look out onto the streets beyond. Yearning to be out there, between the faint glow of street lamps, masked in shadow and free from prying teammates. He'd spoken so much, a simple screw off would be more than Errant and the others deserved at this stage. But...being cryptic and edgey seemed the more fun route and he needed some fun before they got to business. "We wore shackles." He did the eye wobble thing again, little red pinpricks of light erratic and wild in the dark recesses of his mask. "Perhaps the spotlight should be on the one who craves it." He raised a finger to point at Jigawatt. "You, speak."

Captain Jak
2019-12-24, 04:19 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt nods at Fox's reply to his prying question; while unsurprisingly vague, it certainly does give a start to understanding where Fox is coming from, and for the moment it is indeed enough.

"Naw, s'cool," he agrees, making a placating gesture. Sure, the question had been a little out of line to begin with, but he's never been one all that much for sticking entirely on the straight and narrow.

Liminal and Errant arrive then, one right after the other, and poor Fox continues to come under fire from his teammates. The revelation that he had disappeared on Liminal shortly after the two of them had gone off to investigate comes...as not much of a surprise, truth be told, but the discovery that Fox and the hero's Sidekick have some kind of history together?


Fox's responses make it clear just how uncomfortable he is at being the focus of all this attention, made even further clear by the not at all subtle shift of focus to JigaWatt himself.

"...woof," he replies after a startled moment of silence, having been caught off-guard by the sudden redirect. "Just so you know, that's not really what we mean by 'dawg'," he adds with a quirky grin.

Enough is enough, however. "C'mon, guys, no more third degree. Fox did good out there; we all did!" he exclaims, waving a hand for emphasis. "We caught the bad guy, disrupted their operation, freed the victims, and impressed one of the big leaguers. Solid win!" Sure, there had been some bumps and bobbles along the way, but in the end things had worked out fine, so it was a total win in his books.

"And you found another lab? Awesome," he goes on, nodding at Fox. "Hopefully there'll be stuff there to help the League's investigation," he adds, "since I went and trashed everything in the main room," he admits wryly.

"Good work," he tells Fox approvingly; perhaps some positive support will do wonders for their enigmatic teammate's outlook.

Comfort & Support (Fox): 9

Warm fuzzies! Mark potential, clear a condition, or shift Labels if Fox opens up in return!

2019-12-26, 01:14 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Conditions: Guilty
Potential: 4/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +3
Superior: +1
Mundane: -2

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Errant focuses his attention on JigaWatt. "Not quite as solid as that. We almost disrupted a much bigger win for the 'big leaguers', and put the innocents in greater peril. Not to ment-" Aiden's train of thought is interrupted as a waitress arrives to take the newcomers' orders. "One strawberry milkshake, m'lady."

"Anyway. Delphi says this is a lot bigger. This New Dawn group is a big deal. We shouldn't be messing with them on our own. Delphi will put in a good word for us, maybe Sunchot will bring us in on this."

Captain Jak
2019-12-26, 11:18 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt waves a hand in dismissal of Errant's concerns.

"Hey, we did nothing wrong," he says earnestly, focusing on Errant. "Hindsight is great and all, but we had zero way of knowing that anyone else was doing anything about this; for all we knew, if it wasn't us, it was nobody and those kids were gonna keep getting shafted." He sounds quite certain about this.

"And since I'm not going to sit around and do nothing just in case someone else might also be looking into it, I'm not gonna be sorry, 'cause I'll do it again. And so would you," he adds, flashing a grin at Errant.

"We didn't end up screwing up that operation, and those kids and scientists know that we were there for them, and we got them out from under. So don't be down on yourself, man! Hell, you found out stuff, too, you keep mentioning this whole 'New Dawn' group; what's up with that?" he asks. He hadn't been about to reveal his ignorance in front of Sunshot, but now having the whole Team filled in on it seems like a good idea.

Comfort & Support (Errant): 9

Warm fuzzies redux! Mark potential, clear a condition, or shift Labels if Errant opens up in return!

2019-12-27, 01:21 AM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 4/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +3
Superior: +1
Mundane: -2

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

"It was good that we were there. I think it was Fate. Delphi said we were meant to be there tonight. And you're right, we couldn't have known. But we know now, and we need to make sure we don't go screwing this up. New Dawn sounds like a major threat. According to that scientist, this lab was only one of many. They are well-funded and well-supplied." Errant retrieves the suppression collar that he'd snagged after Sunshot set it aside. "They have AEGIS tech, and who knows what else. Fox, did you and Liminal find anything in that other lab?"

Clearing Guilty, per JigaWatt's comfort.

2019-12-27, 09:46 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +1
Mundane: -1

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.
Liminal sipped on her soda quietly as the boys talked. JigaWatt hadn't brought up her angry rant towards him, which made her feel silly that she'd been worrying over it at all. In fact, none of them brought up the subject of her poor performance. Had she been overthinking it, or were they dodging the subject? Maybe all of her worries had been unnecessary. As their talk turned towards the League's involvement, Liminal had recovered enough to slip her social mask back on entirely.

"Perhaps we should get our missions from Delphi, then." Liminal rolled her eyes at Errant White. "Maybe she knows where we're meant to be next."

The sarcasm was unwarranted, but the facade was securely in place. Liminal pressed on quickly in case the knight took offense at her statement. "I found some notes in the Doctor's chicken scratch and more of that drug they were injecting into the kids. It may or may not have been the same dreck we saw back at the Embassy, I think they were testing it again."

Her voice wavered a bit, as she really hadn't seen all that much in the lab she could make sense of. She'd been a bit preoccupied during the search, and Fox hadn't been in the lab for that long. "I think this serum they're working on isn't just a mad science project. The doctor was working with magic."

2019-12-28, 04:07 PM
As you talk and eat and drink, a message arrives for each of you through Veil. It's another from Corax.

You surpassed my expectations. Victory on all fronts, and I'm already hard at work pursuing new leads. More to come, soon. Well, soon-ish. Thanks for the assist. I have every confidence you will be the ones to take down this criminal organization.

Captain Jak
2019-12-28, 04:58 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 4/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt grins in reply to Liminal's report. "Oh hey, awesome," he tells her enthusiastically, still running high on how well everyone is responding to his leadership. "Good work on uncovering all that; glad to see you don’t waste all your time thinking up witty banter," he jokes – he feels like this is a good time to inject some humour.

The asynchronous buzz of everyone receiving a message interrupts him, and he quickly scans the message.

"All right, we done good, see? But – does anyone know anything about these Dawn dudes? What are we up against?" he asks again.

Comfort & Support (Liminal): 3

Somewhat cooler fuzzies! Marking potential!

2019-12-29, 02:18 AM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +1
Mundane: -1

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.
And just like that, her mask had fallen off again. Liminal just about choked on her soda as JigaWatt added in that last jab. He definitely hadn't forgotten about what she'd said, which made the whole "jovial leader" thing he was doing right now all the more irritating. Why didn't he just come out and say something earlier? Was he trying to keep this hanging over her head? She felt the tingling of anger prickle her skin again as her jaw clenched shut. The message from Corax didn't help either, as it seemed even the other heroes expected them to pull off another stunt like they had that evening.

All thoughts about apologizing for her earlier behavior had already vanished from her mind. Liminal shot JigaWatt a dark look as she took a napkin and wiped her mouth. Her usual social self was just as flippant as he was, but they'd all started talking about New Dawn like it was just a group of common thugs, and it was starting to bug her.

"Hm, what do we know about New Dawn?" She asked, her voice growing more heated as she stared at the electrical hero. "How about Dr. Moreau? The guy who threw me into a wall so hard, I could've died. The guy who manhandled Errant White like he was a child. He didn't seem like he was that high up the totem pole to me. And you know what? That terrifies me. What do we know about New Dawn? They might not be a match for your powers, JigaWatt, but I'm not invincible. Why don't you take things a bit more seriously next time? Because it seems like we're expected to do this again, and I don't know if tonight wasn't a fluke."

Rolled a 6 on attempting to Pierce JigaWatt's mask.

2019-12-29, 05:56 AM
Potential: 2/5

Perhaps giving Jigawatt the stage was a miscalculation. He and Liminal, at it again. Not without merit, he felt, from the latter. Jigawatt's particular lack of care had risked the mission at the outset and while he apparently had finished the mess he'd made, it would probably have been better if he hadn't made it in the first place. He couldn't shake the feeling that Liminal was justified then, or now even if Jigawatt had deigned to give a clap for a job well done.

"Why would Liminal need to waste their time on that, when we have you." Fox grumbles, tapping a nail against the table. "We concur, least we take a job well done too well. You recklessly endangered the team, you risked injuring Liminal and you forget you risked injuring yourself. What would you have done if we were not there to preoccupy the guard? What if they had simply began executing their prisoners? We did well, but we got lucky. This is no matter to simply brush aside off one victory. Our enemy is nebulous, well funded and intent on seeing their goals complete. We have no funds or goals, against us they have the upper hand. Now they know we are here. How long do you think it will take for them to rectify that? We must be cautious."

Way more than he'd thought to say, way more than he probably should have. So he simply stood, motioning to the door. "We are done here."

2019-12-29, 12:29 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 5/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +3
Superior: +1
Mundane: -2

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Errant watches Fox leave, dumbfounded. "I don't think I've ever heard him say that much," he says after Fox has made his exit.

His frothy pink milkshake arrives along with JigaWatt's potato skins, and Aiden lifts up the bascinet on his helm just enough to get the straw to his mouth, slurping in the aftermath.

Venturing to continue the discussion, he pipes in. "Liminal's right, Dr. Moreau put us through the wringer. Whoever New Dawn is, they could be too much for us on our own. The League seems to know about them, maybe more than Corax. And if Corax knows more than she's letting on, she isn't sharing. Neither are good for us. If we're going to keep working on this, we should try to work with the League."

Rolled a 5 to support Liminal in the Discord. Marking Potential.

2020-01-03, 12:52 AM
"...we should try to work with the League."

We see the exterior of Crossroads as Fox slips into the night. Then the city, with the Warrens in the distance like a colorless scar amidst the brilliantly-lit metropolis nightscape. And beyond... the Ward: an island off the coast of Halcyon City where criminals with powers are held by AEGIS.

The Ward is getting more guests tonight.

Halcyon City, the Ward. Saturday 1:13 AM, 14th of September, 2019.

A disheveled man paces in his cell, divested of villainous uniform and toxic vials. He is a revenant of fury and disgust.

"Children, blasted children! Impossible, just impossible, and the audacity!" He rattles the bars of his cell and screeches to an uncaring audience, "You won't hear the last of me, you understand that? I'll get my revenge!"

He's hardly the only one spitting such oaths, but of the three supervillains brought into the Ward tonight by the League, he's the only one who got his rear handed to him by people who aren't old enough to buy liquor. For a man who has enough ego to unironically name himself Dr. Moreau... that's going to sting.

He keeps muttering and raving and pacing until a polite cough tears through his rant.

Moreau whirls around and sees exactly who he was afraid to see: a man and a woman in expensive suits and matching sunglasses, with jet-black hair and facial features similar enough to be siblings or twins. The man is holding a strange mechanical device in one hand that whirrs and beeps, while the woman has her arms crossed. They both smile at the villain.

The woman says, "Good evening, Doctor. Enjoying the accomodations?" Her voice is smug and acidic, and her smile is mocking.

The man clicks his tongue. "No need to antagonize the man, Lethe. He's already suffered one indignity tonight." His voice is melodious and smooth, and his smile seems sincere.

Moreau backs away from the bars and casts them both a wary glance, for once setting aside his ego for the sake of caution. "Lethe. Styx. What are you doing here? Did... did he send you?"

Styx's smile loses its warmth. "We always act in the interests of our employer. It's simply professional."

Lethe smirks. "You wouldn't understand, Doctor. But that's okay; even the simple brute has a purpose he can be proud to serve."

"The issue, you see, is when one's purpose runs out. When the value you possess dries up. When you become... obselete."

Dr. Moreau snarls and rises to his full height, fists clenched. "You... you hellspawn. We had a deal. You and your boss, you types are supposed to honor your bargains, aren't you?" Fear and anger seem to be building in equal measure, and his voice cracks on the last word.

"Doctor, a contract binds all parties involved. If you wanted us to keep our part of the deal, you really shouldn't have gone and gotten yourself captured. The contract was very clear about revealing secrets to the enemy." Lethe's contempt for the hack geneticist drips from every word.

The fear starts to overtake Moreau's anger. "I... I wouldn't tell them, you know that, right? I would never. I have no love for the League, and I understand very well what happens to those who cross your boss. I'd never betray New Dawn."

Lethe giggles, a girlish sound that utterly belies her cold exterior. "Oh, Doc, that's just cute. You think you'd have a choice. Everyone likes to think they have free will, Doctor, but it's the world's cutest lie. The League has telepaths. Diviners. Psychics. Empaths. They don't need your truths, they don't need your betrayal, they don't even need your consent. They can just take whatever information they want from your small, pathetic mind. The best part? It would be completely legal, at least according to their lawyers and AEGIS. Can you imagine that, Doctor? A League telepath poking around your brain and sifting through your memories. A dark, vicious little worm crawling into your thoughts and devouring your so-called free will." She shivers at the thought, and the faintest trace of a genuine smile touches her lips. "Magnificent."

Moreau takes a step back, then another. "I... You're monsters, the both of you. And I won't let you take me. I won't. Not you, not the League, not anyone. I am Dr. Moreau, the world's greatest genetic scientist. I will-"

Styx interrupts him with, "I'm getting bored of this. Sister dearest, we do have two more stops after this."

Lethe curtsies. "Of course, brother."

It's over in five seconds.

Lethe steps through the bars of the cell, gliding between them like river-water around a stone. She grabs Moreau by the wrist and pulls him close, and she breathes in. Wisps of cold blue light pour into her from Moreau's eyes, ears, and mouth. She drinks deep from the cup of his memories, and then she pushes him away and licks her lips before stepping back to stand next to her brother.

Moreau staggers, vision blurry and a ringing noise in his ears. He clutches his head and looks around, disoriented. "What am I... where am I... what's going on? What happened? How did I get here?" Panic starts to creep into his voice as he finds himself in an unknown place. His gaze sweeps the cell and beyond for any explanation, but he is alone.

Lethe and Styx watch Moreau from the shadows, cloaked by the device in Styx's hand. Lethe murmurs, "A tasty snack, but not very filling. I hope the others are more of a meal."

Styx pats his sister on the shoulder. "I'm sure we'll find a nice mind for you to devour. It's a very big city. I know someone out there will be just perfect for you."

Lethe grins, and then they both slip away in search of their next victim.

End of Issue One

2020-01-03, 03:54 AM
Issue Two

It's been a fairly uneventful two weeks, at least by your standards. After your big fight with Moreau and the New Dawn, everything else seems peanuts by comparison. You foiled a plot by the Ketchup Catastrophe, helped rescue kittens from a burning buildings, and had an encounter with a talking pineapple, but that's pretty mundane to a resident of Halcyon City.

You haven't learned anything new about New Dawn, the secret cabal that masterminded the attack on Human Interest by artificially-created metahumans. The attacks haven't stopped either, three more have happened since the raid on the lab, and you weren't there to stop them this time, though other heroes eventually got to the scene and prevented any real casualties.

The League has been awfully quiet, too; you expected them to tell the city something after the raid, but not a word has escaped them. They're keeping the existence of New Dawn a secret, and that's starting to cause problems. Without a specific group to target, Human Interest and their sympathizers are targeting all their blame at the metahuman community as a whole.

The city is on edge... and this is just the beginning.

Halcyon City, SBC Tower. Thursday 3:00 PM, 26th of September, 2019.

A man who is the living definition of milquetoast smiles for the camera as he plays his role. Adam Gerard, anchor at Serenity Broadcasting Corporation, Halcyon's own locals news-corp. He shuffles some papers that have no actual writing on them and says, "To everyone just tuning in, we're about to start tonight's episode of Dueling Philosophies, a segment where we pit two public figures of radically different ideologies against each other for fun and learning, because who doesn't love a good bit of edutainment? Will they learn from each other and change their position based on new information, or will they hunker down and reinforce their existing beliefs as part of an antideluvian animal instinct? Keep watching to find out!"

He flashes his winning wink and shuffles his papers again. He looks down at them and pretends to read the writing that isn't there before returning his full attention to the camera. "Wow, do we have some special guests for you tonight or what?"

A graphic appears beside him showing a glamorous headshot of June Lang. "On one side of the aisle we have June Lang, CEO of Junebug Technologies and major donor to baseline advocacy group Human Interest, a grassroots movement born of concern over the increasing metahuman population and their effect on the world. June Lang has given hundreds of millions to charitable organizations, with a promise to donate her entire fortune to charity on death, but has also been accused of shady business practices, bribing politicians, and intentionally manufacturing Human Interest in order to gain political power."

The photo of Lang is replaced by a clean, functional photo of Sentinel. "In contrast to such a controversial figure we have Sentinel, beloved superhero and leader of the Halcyon League, Halcyon City's own dedicated superhero team. Sentinel has been with the city for two decades, and has turned down multiple invitations to join the Watchtower, citing a sense of loyalty to Halcyon as the city where he truly came into his own as a superhero. Under his leadership the Halcyon League has worked to expand its influence over the city through secondary teams and community outreach programs, most notably their Hero-in-Training program, a prestigious apprenticeship offered to many superpowered teens."

"Sentinel has often refused to comment on any of Ms. Lang's criticisms of the League, such as her accusation that the Hero-in-Training program is akin to recruiting child soldiers, but today we're talking about a wholly different topic to the usual points of disagreement between these two, and so Sentinel has finally agreed to sit down and talk. Without further ado, let's duel!"

The camera feed switches from Adam Gerard at his desk to the classic "talking heads" structure, with a framed video of Adam placed between video of Sentinel on the left and Lang on the right.

Lang is sophisticated as always, with thousand-dollar earrings and the finest makeup money can buy. Her hair is pulled back into a bun, and elegant glasses frame her face perfectly. Sentinel is, of course, wearing his classic outfit: a flowing white cape, a wrought-iron helmet that covers everything but his mouth, and his signature blue-and-white tower shield. His cape is fluttering slightly in the wind, even though you're pretty sure he's inside a building right now.

Adam opens the debate. "Now, recently there's been a lot of buzz surrounding Human Interest and the metahuman attacks on it. Some in Halcyon City have raised concerns that the League doesn't seem to be doing much about this rising crisis. Your thoughts, Sentinel?"

Sentinel's voice is about as deep and masculine as you'd expect, but there's a smoothness to it that might surprise you. "The League is taking this matter very seriously. Our greatest responsibility is protecting Halcyon City and all its citizens, and I assure you we are doing everything we can to try and limit the damage of these attacks. The last two attacks were both ended by members of the League's secondary teams, who acted with a level of swiftness and surety that ensured minimal injuries and no fatalities whatsoever. The League will continue to commit its members to stopping these attacks as they happen, and our primary team is hard at work investigating the source of these attacks. We will bring the perpetrators of these attacks to justice."

June Lang raises an eyebrow. "That's pretty convenient for you, isn't it? Crazed metahumans attacking your political opponents must be nice, especially when you get to play the hero after the damage has already been done. Maybe you should start policing your own people, Sentinel, instead of letting them run rampant over mine. The longer you allow this crisis to continue, the more you endorse this awful politically-motivated violence."

Adam raises his hand to interject something but is immediately cut off with a scowl from Sentinel.

"Don't fling that inflammatary rhetoric at me, Lang. You know the League's never operated like that. We defend everyone in Halcyon City no matter their affiliation, and we've never been motivated by politics. We've even protected a few of your holdings, and you make a sport out of mocking us on social media."

"You claim lofty ideals, but where's the evidence? Where's the oversight? AEGIS is complicit in your sins and lets you operate like a sovereign nation. What about the Alinor debacle? What about the 39th Street scandal? What about Breadgate, Sentinel? How can we know you're truly working to stop this if you shroud everything you do in cloak and dagger?"

Sentinel's scowl deepens. "Solving this crisis is a delicate matter that requires trust. There are more victims involved than I think you're seeing, and being reckless is going to get them hurt. We've made great strides in uncovering the source of these attacks, and we can absolutely confirm that there is a singular source, but if we share too much information we risk alerting the real enemy here and giving them a chance to go to ground. Would you sacrifice weeks of legwork and a chance at ending this tragedy for the sake of a little transparency? Operations like this have to remain covert until all objectives have been accomplished."

Lang scoffs. "How jingoistic of you. Who gave you the right to hide information like that from the people? To conceal the nature of the very foe that threatens them? Who gave you the right to be the Halcyon City secret police, Sentinel?" Her sneering look of superiority turns into a smug smile and she adds, "Was it your predecessor?"

Adam winces, and Sentinel goes absolutely still and quiet. He holds like that for a long moment, and then, low and guttural, says, "That was a low blow, Lang, even for you. We're done here. Go back to your war profiteering."

Sentinel's video feed vanishes, and Lang's smile only widens.

To Adam, she remarks, "I think that went well. You?"

Adam coughs into his hand and adjusts his tie. "Yes, uh, definitely. Some good talking, some right great talking we had. Uh, thank you so much to Ms. Lang for donating her time, and thank you to Sentinel as well. Your opinions are always appreciated."

With a final, knowing look, Lang smirks at Adam. "Same time next week, Gerard." And then she's gone too.

Halcyon City, Everywhere. Thursday 5:00 PM, 26th of September, 2019.

Social media is buzzing with talk of the debate, but in a few days they'll find something new to latch on to.

What I want to know is... what are you doing? How do each of you spend an average Thursday night?

2020-01-03, 04:34 AM
Potential: 3/5

Kye keeps himself busy. Partly because it keeps him from doing stupid things, like getting arrested again, partly because as he's grown older he's had to assume more responsibility with the remaining Black Knights and what little they have left and lastly...the hero stuff. He's not done too much in that regard since the last job, eager to spend time with the books Corax gave him and penning enough notes and questions for their next meeting to fill a small book himself. The drive to find the other named books on Corax's list consumes what free time he does have.

Panels show his busy two weeks first however. There's work at Camp Joy with Hastings, talking to villain teens and helping with lectures and what have you. Meetings of his own with Hastings, weekly still at this stage though he reckoned it was more out of personal concern from the lady than mandate. She knew a lot...a lot more than she should...about Kye. About the Black Knights. She was involved in that now and while she had, as of yet, not pushed, the meetings grew a lot less by the books and a lot more...familial once he'd divulged the worst parts of what led him to be locked up in an AEGIS cell. His parents, his people, the pressure. Hastings had dropped, more than once over the two weeks, that Delphi was eager for a meeting. It'd be the first in months, he's countered, not wanting to go through with something awkward. Hastings had said he could reach out or she'd take responsibility into her own hands.

He'd ignored her.

The panels move to the Black Knights. "Family" gathers, no more than ten of them now. The bakery, the early mornings and the late nights. He may not have been old enough to buy beer in the city but his people were less worried about that. They had been warriors, and warriors were more liberal when it came to that sort of thing. If you could die at any moment what was the point in telling a young fresh warrior what he could and couldn't drink. He was a man to the Knights, a true Son of Albion and the yeasty, malty brew they made was available to any who were out on the streets working. Fox had earned a pint, in their estimation. It helped get him dancing, it helped get him singing. Most of all it helped keep his mind off the team, who very well could be off doing their own heroing. Though if they were, they knew to bring him along. He wasn't one to turn down work.

Baking bread was its own thing, working at the bakery another. Hard work, on your feet in a hot room. Dough was tough, kneading all day a work out. Gave him a good source of anger release though. Punching dough wasn't going to do much but knead it, it could always be reformed. He imagined the dough as faces most days, punching and pounding it into shape, slamming it against the table with hefty thuds. When his arms were too sore to do that, he'd finally throw it into the mixers but it wasn't the same. Bread made by hand always tasted better, that's what his uncles and aunts would say. You could taste the effort, the joy, the worry, all of it. Baked into the bread, a testament to all one's hard labor. Part of him wanted to keep a loaf or two, share it with the team...Errant might figure something out though. The Albians, and the Black Knights no different, were masters at bread making. It was a cultural staple, a dietary staple and a mark of cultural pride. He'd decided against it numerous times. The last loafs were no different. The steam took his hopes with it.

The panels finally move to his search. Drifting from dark, musty bookstore to dark, musty bookstore. From one corner of Halcyon to the other, what little money he had he'd offer. He made notes of places to rob when they were asking for too much. He even dared, very briefly, to sneak into the Albian section of the city to hunt them down. They were important or else they wouldn't have been on the list. They were stepping stones to more power and if there was anything that consumed him, it was that.

The final panels show his phone. A text from Delphi and a text from Sara Hastings. Both saying more or less the same thing. A meeting place, a time that afternoon and no room for negotation, no room to refuse. Which is where he was en route to this very moment. He'd done his best to keep his distance of course. Too many memories to bring up, too many bad feelings. She was too close, too eager to remain so. He cursed ever keeping her safe in the Camp. He cursed himself for thinking that. It wasn't going to be a very good day, at this rate.

2020-01-05, 08:48 PM

Corax's payment proves to be a treasure trove of magical knowledge, and for the first time since the loss of so many Knights you feel the world of magic opening up to you, filling with limitless potential.

You greedily pore over every page and note down all you can, absorbing as much as possible. Magic is beautiful and powerful, but it can be difficult to learn for a mind not properly attuned. Magic isn't like science with its grand consistency and hard laws. Magic defies the very concept of a universal standard and instead is filled with small, esoteric rules that must be memorized. Each category of magic, each source of magic, each individual spell, they all have their own quirks that must be kept in mind.

The magic that Corax intends to teach you, sympathetic magic, is built on the concept of what Rowan calls "arcane entanglement," the idea that two objects can be connected through spiritual links. A lock of hair is connected to the head it was recently cut from. A pottery shard bound to a shattered urn. A trinket bound to someone who often held it for comfort. Two strands of a greater web. With possession of such a linked object and the necessary magical knowledge, one can manipulate the other strands in that arcane web.

Rowan's manual contains whole chapters on curses, hexes, and worse, but the book's introduction makes it clear that sympathetic magic is very risky to use for such purposes, as using it for harm can incur strong karmic backlash. Learning sympathetic magic in the order the book advises, the first chapter is on object location, broken into the two sub-categories of tracking and scrying. You're a quick learner, and by now you think you have a pretty strong grasp on sympathetic tracking, but the nuances of scrying evade you, and you suspect you'll need some help from Corax to master that field.

Aside from their magical knowledge, the books are an interesting view into the various philosophies of their writers. Bartimaeus is everything you expect, and his tome is a slog to get through that barely seems relevant to your current coursework. Pricefield's Runes Through the Ages is dense but useful, with a strong emphasis on using language and physical writing to focus complex spells. Discerning the Transversal Web is the most immediately relevant to sympathetic magic, and you can see that Rowan's functional concept of the arcane web is adapted from the more philosophical explanation of the web that Azaros gives.

For all the focus on functionality and practicality in A Practical Guide to Sympathetic Magic, it has A.S. Rowan's philosophy all over it. The author suggests all sorts of creative and unexpected way to use basic spells, and asserts that no spell is inherently good or evil, and leaves moralistic determinations for the spellcaster to decide. In the book's introductory chapter, the author writes, "The goal of a magic user should always be power, for with power one can accomplish any goal. Justice or injustice, hope or despair, growth or ruin, all must come from power. And the path to power is, of course, through knowledge."

As for that list of required reading, your research reveals pertinent information. The first two manuscripts are more of Zinthia Azaros's catalogue, obscure and rarely-copied. You find one in a back-alley rare book store for a price point several thousand dollars beyond your bank account. The other you track to a rich collector who maintains a handful of properties in Halcyon City and has public ties to Junebug Technologies.

One is an Albion text, kept cloistered within their private libraries.

Three of the tomes are held as a group inside the Sunset Sparkle Cultural Museum, a Halcyon gallery named for one of the city's more philanthrophic superheroes. The trio of books is kept hidden from the public, as they are fragile and currently being transcribed for digitization. Only specially-selected scholars are allowed to see them.

The last book is another by A.S. Rowan, titled A Practical Guide to Demons and Dragons. As Rowan seems impossible to find, you suspect the only way to obtain this last tome will be from Corax herself.

Your visits to Camp Joy give you a uniquely ground-level perspective on the recent violence between New Dawn's experiments and Human Interest. Lots of teens are shipped in after being found in the possession of the meta-drug, showing off wild powers and acting terrified or power-drunk for the few days it takes for the powers to fully wear off. Some are relieved when these new abilities dissipate, and some will require extra counseling. Some of the new arrivals have no direct connection to the drug hitting the streets, but instead are victims of persecution by Human Interest and just want a place to hide. You do what you can for them.

Your time at the bakery is happier, and for a few brief moments you can lose yourself in the work and in the bonds of community. But the shadow of the world outside always creeps in. You know there won't be true happiness, there won't be peace. Not until all debts are settled.

Perhaps a debt to Hastings is why you agreed to this meeting. Perhaps a touch of soft-heartedness. Irrelevant.

Delphi - Penny - is waiting for you at the spot she's picked out, a quiet cafe attached to a bookstore. Her favorite bookstore, you note from a half-remembered conversation. It's not an exceptional bookstore by any means, beyond being a brick-and-mortar shop in this digital age, but it has the weight of memory for her. She's sitting at one of the outdoor tables, a glass-and-metal table with one of those umbrella poles that shelters from rain and sun. She's discarded her Delphi outfit for more normal clothing, and she looks perfectly normal, like any other bookish young girl. Never the type to stand out in a crowd, never the type to stand out at all.

When you met Penelope Nicolatzi, she was in a dark place. She had been an ordinary teen until the Oracle of Delphi, a prophetic spirit from ancient Greece, chose her as its next host. Penny struggled with a newfound connection to magic and a "gift" of random prophecies. She ended up in Camp Joy willingly, desperate for a solution. You helped her, then. Protected her from those who were drawn to her weakness and vulnerability. She was grateful for your help. She wanted to be close to you - not in a romantic way, but close all the same.

Then... Sunshot. The Leaguer found Delphi and for the first time was able to give her a solution, if not an ideal one: join Sunshot, join the League as his apprentice and sidekick, and he would teach her how to control the Oracle just like he controlled his own Apollonic powers, since the two were linked. Sunshot told her it was her destiny. Her Fate.

Penny sees you and jumps to her feet, waving excitedly and calling your name. "Sit down, sit down! I already ordered drinks."

2020-01-06, 01:29 AM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.

Thick and thin skinned: Whenever you have Angry marked, take +1 ongoing to unleash your powers.
If she'd thought the raid on the New Dawn base was the worst possible way the evening could've gone down, Teagan was quickly proven wrong. The door to her apartment closed quietly behind her as the heroine stared about her apartment in disbelief. The whole place had been tossed. Not haphazardly or with malice, but as if the intruder had been looking for something. She called out for her brother, Ryan, and her heart skipped a beat as the boy waddled out of her room with an unhappy look on his face and incredibly dirty looking hands. Given the look on her brother's face, and the fact that the locks on their door still worked, Teagan was certain it'd been her parents. They didn't come home often, but they always left a mess when they did. She quickly picked up her brother, the little toddler immediately grabbing for her hair with his sticky fingers, and made her way towards the apartment's only bedroom.

The chaos in the room was worse than the living room had been. There was only one reason her parents ever made this sort of a mess: they'd been looking for money. Teagan stretched out a hand and brushed aside an overturned dresser in a panic as she looked for her secret hiding panel behind one of the baseboards. Her body froze as she stared at the empty nook near the floor. Ryan tugged gently on her shirt as he made some unintelligible noises, but she wasn't paying attention. After a moment, Teagan leaned back into the wall of her bedroom for support, burying her face in one hand.

They'd taken everything. Whatever money she'd been saving up for that months rent, plus maybe some new diapers and detergent for laundry, was gone. It was probably a joint effort by her parents, as her father wouldn't have had the patience to find the hidden panel, and her mother wouldn't have bothered moving something like a heavy dresser around. Teagan shook with rage as she imagined the scene that had played out earlier. They'd have been on drugs to even consider something this low, and she couldn't decide whether that made the betrayal better or worse. They hadn't even bothered with taking care of Ryan before they left, almost ignoring his presence entirely.

Sadly, this hadn't been the first time for Teagan, nor would it likely be the last. She let out a stream of curses, which caused Ryan to start crying. It took a solid half hour before she managed to calm down again. Soon, Ryan was fed and put to bed and she'd begun cleaning the place up. The anger she still felt quickly gave way to the anxiety of losing her entire paycheck. Teagan knew she'd have to get extra shifts from Mr. Kelly in order to make rent that month. That meant less time for hero work, but it had to be done. If she was lucky, she wouldn't even see her parents again until the end of the month. They'd likely be crashing at a friend's place or sobering up in jail, but they'd be out of her hair all the same. Teagan wasn't sure what she'd do to them if they pulled this sort of thing again.

Too agitated to sleep, Teagan spent the rest of the evening pouring over a calendar and trying to figure out how much time she could spend working compared to her other duties. Dance class was the first to go, that was more of a hobby anyways. Maybe she could return next month, but it was going to take a lot of work to catch up again. Hero work was going to have to wait for a little while as well. Hopefully the team would understand. The next thing she knew, Teagan woke up to the sound of her brother crying again, drool slowly pooling onto the calendar she'd been seated over.

"I'm up, I'm up, you evil little thing." Teagan mumbled groggily as she stumbled over to the toddler's crib. It would be another exhausting morning picking up after the tiny tyrant and playing with him before she was off to speak to Mr. Kelly. She regretted leaving Ryan alone as often as she did, but Teagan didn't have much of a choice. A bar was no place for someone his age, so that meant leaving him with a babysitter. Well, the only version of a babysitter she had available. He'd spent so much time glued in front of the small television in their apartment, it could've been mistaken for the boy's actual parents.

Convincing the boss to give her more shifts was another problem. She'd actually missed a call-in from him just last night, and he wasn't pleased. There'd been an accident in the larder, and he'd had to call in all of his employees to clean up the mess and wait on the customers. Teagan was the only one who hadn't shown up, since she kept her phone on silent while she was off heroing. Mr. Kelly wasn't a harsh boss, but he was stern. As punishment for her absence, he'd given a number of her shifts to the other waitresses, and only after some solid pleading did he finally relent. She definitely wasn't going to be able to miss work anytime soon, especially not for hero business.

And so, perhaps the only actual adventure she'd had with the team over those two weeks had been with the talking pineapple. The absolute highlight of her week. It wasn't particularly exciting, but it had been the one break she'd had over the past two weeks of double-shifts and her watching her increasingly sticky-fingered brother. She was just about to nod off at the bar during a rather slow Thursday shift when Mr. Kelly turned up the tv. It was some talk show or other, but as soon as Teagan recognized the Sentinel, she knew why she'd been daydreaming about the Hero-in-Training program again.

"Go home, Tea." Mr. Kelly rumbled as he crossed his arms. He never did care for "cape-talk", as he called it, but he didn't change the channel. "Not a lot of customers tonight, I'm closin' early."

Teagan frowned, as that would certainly cut into her paycheck. "I'll help you clean the stockroom, Mr. Kelly." She yawned.

"You did that earlier." He shook his head and finally reached up to turn the tv off. "And you look like the walking dead, girl; get some sleep."

She nodded wearily, a little too tired to put up a proper fight at this point. Teagan had made some progress getting her rent money back over the last two weeks, but it had cost her quite a bit of sleep. She made her way to the locker room in the back, changing out of her work uniform and clocking out for the evening. She likely wasn't going to have the energy to do much else that night, but going home to see Ryan again and then crashing on her couch didn't sound like the worst idea.

Captain Jak
2020-01-06, 03:33 AM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

Our opening panel depicts Lucan pacing in what the Amp'd would recognize as his bedroom, cell phone to his ear and a stressed look on his face. Tiny little notes depict hold music; one of the worst tortures known to man.

"Aw, c'mon, man, this is bull!," he gripes, turning to pace back again across the small room. "Ain't nobody got time for this; this is why people text, you know!" It's fairly clear he's a little upset once he starts talking to himself.

And he has reason to be. He had hurriedly thrown together a teaser video about The Mission, with just enough to get his fans interested without giving anything away. It had generated a lot of buzz, and he had been poised with a couple of different edits to hit the 'Tube once he saw what the official story was detailing.

And he waited. And waited.

Days had passed. Pressure from the Amp increased, wanting to see the promised content. He released another teaser, skirting the edges of what he'd promised to withhold, but that had only held them for so long. Grumbles were arising now, with claims that he was just posing for attention in the senselessly brutal syntax that seems reserved for YouTube comments.

So it has come to this; using his phone as a phone, on hold with the League PR department. Or at least, trying to get through to the PR department. It's proving distressingly difficult, even after he drops both his name and that of Sunshot.

"Lucan? You taken out that garbage yet?" The voice of Mama J carried with it a dread weight; chores.

"Ma! I told you, I gotta do this phone call! It's important!" he calls back, moving his phone away so as to not deafen someone on the other end should they choose that very moment to finally answer. He needs to get through, to find out when the information is going public so he can go public. He's been trying to fill the promised gap with some content of his usual stripe; stunts, power displays, and so on – but had been meeting with limited success.

Once you promise something juicy and new, the masses are less inclined to accept the same-old.

"You know what else is important? Your mother is important! Your chores are important! The fact that you use one to get the other to pay for that phone is – wait for it – important!" Despite being down the hall and in the living room, Mama J has no difficulty making herself heard. She never does; the woman has the lungs of a drill sergeant, whether pleased or pissed.

"Aw, c'mon, Ma!" Lucan protests, emerging from his room and heading down the hall toward the living room. "I've already been on hold here for, like, forever! If I miss this, they might never let me through. You know what this means to me!" It's got to have been at least fifteen minutes – how ridiculous is that!

"Lucan Horace Herald," his mother replies, shaking her head. She's a short woman, comfortably padded, with skin and eyes as dark as his own. She's still in scrubs from her shift at the hospital, and he feels a pang of guilt for having this argument when she's still unwinding from work with an episode of whichever crime procedural show she was currently binging. But only a momentary one as he thinks of his audience.

"There are times I don't know what to do with you, my boy," she says ruefully, and he feels a current of relief as he realises a stay of execution is on the line. Despite seeming a real hard-ass at time, Mama J always has his back.

"You're being too soft on the boy again, Jocelyn." The voice isn't unkind, but it is cool and precise compared to the bubbling energy of Mama J.

"Mama B, you're home. I...was not aware," Lucan says with chagrin, feeling his brief moment of succor slipping away. Despite the stereotype of the loud, firm-disciplining black mother, it's Mama B who is often has the final say. A stark contrast to Mama J, she is tall and elegant, her fair skin, platinum hair and startlingly blue eyes belying an ancestry a great deal further north than that of her wife. Also still dressed in work clothes, she must have just recently arrived home; a professor's professional attire is far less comfortable than scrubs to spend the evening in, and Mama B usually changes shortly after arriving home.

"He's just enthusiastic about his show, Bridgette dear," Mama J says, a smile lighting up her face as always as she speaks to her wife. As much as Lucan misses his dad, he can't fault his moms' happiness in finding each other after he was killed in action overseas.

"There is nothing wrong with enthusiasm," Mama B replies with a faint smile. "Few things of any worth are ever accomplished without it. However," she continues, turning those blue eyes upon Lucan, "I believe Lucan recalls very well the agreement we have regarding his extracurricular activities."

Lucan wants to grind his teeth...because she's right. "I can make content for my channel as long as it doesn't interfere with my schooling or my chores," he sighs. Looking at his phone, he can see that he's been on hold for nearly twenty minutes now – he's pretty sure they pushed the 'ignore' button rather than the hold one.

"I'm sorry, moms," he apologizes, hanging up the phone and sliding it into the front pocket of his jeans. "I'm just frustrated. I got this big thing to release that 'm supposed to wait on the official stuff first, but they're not coming out with it! Kittens aren't gonna keep my fans happy for long," he laments. An understatement, as many of the Amp'd had blasted the fire video from the outset, defended primarily by his small 14-21 female demographic.

"I'm certain you will figure it out, Lucan. You are a very bright young man," Mama B says warmly, passing him in the hallway and heading for the master bedroom. "And don't take too long; Door Dash should be here with dinner in a few minutes."

Door Dash usually meant Tooloulou's and Lucan's stomach rumbles at the thought of the creole dishes that were incoming.

"I'm going, I'm going!" he says with a laugh, and grabs the garbage bags set by the door to take down to the curb for morning collection. He is a very bright young man; he's got this.

-= * * * =-

A couple hours after dinner Lucan is seated before his camera, the laptop in his room hooked up to it and showing the feed. He can't put pressure on the League, certainly not if he can't get through to them. He certainly doesn't want to mess anything up, but he's not going to sit on his story forever; his fans want to know!

The debate between Lang and Sentinal that had been on the TV during dinner had catalysed things for him, however. Sunshot's words two weeks ago had pointed the finger at Lang for the League's ongoing issues. If the information wasn't being released, surely she has something to do with it. And if he's going to figure out why the League is sitting on important stuff the public should know, he's going to need information.

Hitting the controls for a live feed, he watches the timer countdown while he prepares himself, the background framed behind him displaying his usual room backing his fans have come to expect.

The timer hit zero, and the red light came on.

"Hey there, my Amp'd, and welcome once more to Watt's Up!" he says cheerfully, smiling his trademark smile. "We've got a very special edition going today ---- we're going to try something a little different. Instead of our usual AMA, I am going to as you all something," he says in a conspiratorial tone. "Just make sure you keep it on the DL, hear?" A large portion of his fanbase identified as rebels and malcontents; an appeal to keep things from The Man might just work.

"June Lang, CEO of Junebug Technologies," he says, getting serious. "What's the real deal with her and Human Interest?" He pitches his tone to fall somewhere between questioning and accusing. "Where does she get off putting pressure on the League? What's her end game on this?"

He leans forward slightly, looking earnest.

"If you've got ideas, comment below. If you've got something sensitive, slide it into my DMs. All my Amp's are fly, I stan you all. You gonna come through for me, I know it. And very soon, whether the Man approves or not, you are getting the video I promised you! Peace, out." He flashes the camera a hand sign, then shuts off the feed.

Sitting back, he lets his breath out in a rush. Well, he may have just poked the bear, there. Let's hope it's worth it.

Ask The Gossip Mags: What's the deal with Lang? 7
Looking for anyone with an answer to 'What is she really up to?'

2020-01-06, 05:59 AM
Potential: 3/5

Kye took his seat slowly, already glowering at the effusive and frankly uncomfortable greeting to side step any further public displays of familiarity. He was, unsurprisingly, not a hugger. Seeing her brought back all the memories, good and bad, and not even a nice seat on a nice day at a nice cafe could quell the bitter feelings from welling up. He'd wanted her to get help for her powers, sure, but Sunshot wasn't someone he particular trusted. The League either and now Delphi was a part of them and any arguments they'd had...and there were several, only seemed to drive her further to them.

Some part of him knew he was just worried that she wouldn't need him, worries that they couldn't protect her as well either. For as much gloom and stoic terror he wanted to summon as Fox, Kye wasn't some statue made of ice. Penny wanted to be close and Kye wanted that too, unable to express it though as he was. Her excitement didn't put any water on that particular burning problem either. "You didn't have to, I wasn't planning on staying long. Hastings said you wanted to see me so I'm here." he said with a little more gruffness than he honestly meant. Errant's rather pointed question from their last job still bounced around his head. Hastings wasn't the only one passing on messages.

"How do you two know each other?"

A more private setting might see him bring that up but so exposed? He'd hold her accountable later. Instead he merely folded his hands on the table, gold eyes sweeping over Penny in a motion before darting out at the road to watch cars zip by. Anything better than looking her in the eye. "I..." he started, fingers tapping out quick little notes of worry. "Got nothin'. What do you want?"

2020-01-07, 02:30 AM
Liminal, AKA Teagan

The night is unwelcoming as you leave Kelly's establishment behind. Cold, callous, and loud.

The city is always loud. Loud on weekdays, loud on weekends, loud in sunlight, loud in darkness. The noise is inescapable, especially for someone who can't afford noise-dampening walls. Cars honking and revving, the chitter-chatter of normal citizens talking inane nonsense to each other, the cawing of raucous scavenger birds, and miscellaneous auditory detritus. It's a wall of noise that slams you at every turned corner.

The perfect backdrop for another miserable night. You're overworked, exhausted, and what do you have to show for it? Not enough. Never enough. The world must hate a hard worker. The world must hate a smart girl. Or maybe the world just hates you.

That would explain why the two people in life who are supposed to love and cherish you the most have decided to treat you like an infinitely-replenishing piggy bank. That would explain why heroes like JigWatt and Errant White get all the spotlight while you languish in the shadows they cast.

But are you really even a hero? Are you anything? Or are you just... there?

A discordant note breaks the song of the city: a scream, frail and frantic.

Instinct kicks in before your weary body can tell you what a bad idea it is to move quickly right now. You're peeling the corner before you realize you're even moving, and then you see it: a mugger in an alley, pointing a dinky little knife at some rich white lady. She's clutching her thousand-dollar purse like it's a safety blanket, and the mugger sneers at her obvious weakness. Not that you can see much of his sneer through that truly-atrocious black ski mask he's wearing. You're poor, like really poor, and even you can afford a better costume.

As you take a step to intercept, the weight of the day hits you like a truck. You are tired, and you've spent the whole day giving 110%. You don't have much left to give.

This situation... is it yours to intervene in? Does it matter? The 'victim' looks like she could get mugged ten times a day and still come out on top. Let the cops deal with this one. Let it be someone else's problem. Why pretend to be something you aren't?

JigaWatt, AKA Lucan

You're used to your audience. You know them like a craftsman knows his tools. You may not get every prediction right, but each prediction is, on average, more accurate than the last. A thousand data points have honed your instincts to a fine point. You can accurately assess which demographics will leave what kind of comments before you're even done editing a video.

But this... this is a flood like you've never seen before.

Your engagement metrics are 40, 45, 50% higher than the next best performing video on your channel. Your followers swarm the comments section, sweeping away some comments and blossoming others into lengthy chains of discussion. Even the usual trolls and say-nothings are getting obliterated by the sheer volume of data being thrown at you.

"She hates metas so much she won't even let them in her buildings. It's totally a rights violation but she's rich so she gets away with it."

"Lang just wants power. She'll throw money at metas and anti-metas alike, just so whichever ends up on top is loyal to her."

"I totally saw her kiss a superhero once, so, like, double standard? She's totally dating a meta."

"You see the latest Duelling Philosophies? That line about war profiteering wasn't nothing; Junebug Technologies sells to a lot of people they really, really shouldn't."

"I hear her bodyguard is a meta. Hypocrite much?"

"Lang thinks Sentinel is a rival, which is dumb. She probably has more money than the League, so what's she care about what they think? Why does she care what anyone thinks? If I had that much money I'd be spending all my days inside a mansion."

"That thing people say about her building Human Interest from the ground up? Totally true. I used to be one of them, and Lang was there from day one."

"I have a friend who works at Junebug and he says Lang employs a handful of metas in the higher-ups."

"If Lang is funding Human Interest, and Human Interest cares so much about being a 'pure' human, why has Lang never taken one of her own purity tests?"

"Lang just hates the League because they're not the Watchtower."

"Date me? Please? You're really cute. Also I saw Lang kick a puppy once so supes totes evil."

Sifting through the mountain of data is a momentous task, but as you dig through and sort out the most legitimate-sounding or community-supported assertions, you receive two private messages. One from an anonymous sender with no subject line, and one from... Faith Rivers? That Faith Rivers?

You should be careful about broadcasting such an interest. June Lang is a dangerous woman, and she has dangerous allies.

I like your videos, so I'd rather you didn't die. But if you really want to go after her, you need to understand that Human Interest is just one piece of a much larger puzzle. I have... connections inside Junebug Technologies. And the word inside is this: tech, serious tech, has started flowing not to overseas wars or the usual government and corporate contracts, but to a handful of quiet drop-off points inside Halcyon City.

Everyone likes to pin Human Interest on Lang, and I'm sure she had a hand to play in its rise, but there's always a hidden angle to this game. I don't think Human Interest is her endgame. I think the whole organization is a pawn. A sacrifice to draw out her true goal.

I've attached a file with everything my contact has on the drop-offs. I'd rather it go to the authorities - who don't make cute kitten videos and are thus utterly expendable - but their hands are tied when it comes to Lang. So... just try not to die, okay?

I shouldn't be typing this. I really, really shouldn't be typing this.

Argh. Okay. So. Here's the deal: you saved my life like, a few weeks ago, and that was cool. I appreciate that. Really do.

I'm the, uh, Human Interest lady. Y'know, the one saying metahumans are dangerous and scary and probably not safe for your children and stuff like that? Sorry. Probably got carried away there, I'm not used to having people... listen to me, like the crowds do when I go all evangelical. Saying scary stuff makes people listen to me, and makes me feel powerful, and that's kind of a rush, and it makes me say things I maybe shouldn't. Sorry, again.

This isn't really an apology. Not because I think you don't deserve one, cause, you probably do. But I suck at apologies. Especially over text. Argh, I'm just stream-of-consciousness-ing. Here's the deal:

I'm a part of Human Interest because I get scared over the thought of designer babies engineered for a meta-gene, and the glorification of a caste of the ubermensch, and the removal of the vulnerability and weakness that makes us human. But I don't want to hurt anyone.

There's a sickness inside Human Interest. Something bad, growing. Calling for blood.

It scares me more than any of that metahuman stuff.

There's a rally on Saturday. The faction pushing for this violent reform, they call themselves Humanity Now, and they're the ones running it. If another attack happens at that rally... bad stuff is going to follow.

So... stop it, if you can? Flyer attached.

Fox, AKA Kye

Penny's expression falls a little at your coldness, but she quickly puts on her serious face and returns to her seat. "Yes, right. I know you aren't much for social calls. I did want to see you again, just 'cause, but I also have something important for you." Her bright tone turns dark. "A prophecy."

The afternoon atmosphere turns cold at the words. Prophecy. In all your time knowing Penny - and knowing Pythia, the Oracle of Delphi - prophecies have never meant anything good.

For once, Penny is the one that can't meet your gaze. "Two weeks ago, I met your teammate, Errant White. And something clicked. I've been having trouble getting visions about New Dawn, and I couldn't figure out why until I saw him. See, the Oracle has a way that it wants the world to go. And it thinks that... that your team should be the ones to investigate New Dawn, not the League. But I don't."

"I've spent the past two weeks meditating to summon visions, sifting through my dreams, sketching and note-taking and doing everything I can to draw out flashes of foresight and make sense of it all. I haven't had a prophecy like this since..." Penny hesitates, and you know what she's trying to say: since the first prophecy she ever gave, the one that started her fall into Camp Joy. She's never told you the contents of the prophecy, but it scarred her.

"I'm still figuring this prophecy out, but while I was doing all this, I got another vision. I-" She breaks off, shutting her eyes tight and clenching her fists. "Darn it, I hate this. I hate this, but I need you to know. I need you to understand why I don't want you to get involved."

Penelope looks up, and this time she catches your gaze and you can't look away. Her eyes, normally brown and pretty, turn withered and green-grey. "I see a knight in shining armor and a dragon clad in wicked scales. I see fire and poison and steel. I see you, Kye, glassy-eyed and limp, someone else's tears dripping onto your unresponsive face. I see your death, child of Albion.

Her eyes return to normal and she falls forward a little, catching herself before she can hit the table. She shakes her head and winces. "So, yeah. I saw you die. You were older in the vision, so it's not going to happen tomorrow, but you weren't much older. And the Oracle was clear: that whole scene only happens if you continue on your current path."

2020-01-07, 03:30 AM
Potential: 3/5

"I care nothing for prophecy." Kye snorts, not an unsurprising response between the two of them. As documented, the Albians and their Black Knight offshoot gave a good deal of tuck to prophecy. Kye was not among that number. What did he care what was determined for him? If the gods so wished it they could snuff him out but he was a more righteous man for standing against them and if they were to balk then prophecy could be defeated. He cared this his people cared and he cared greatly that Penny cared however.

Which made it difficult, as he finally turned to look at his...friend? Whatever she was to him, she was in distress. He'd been wrong to take such a harsh stance, he knew it immediately. "Penny..." he offered before she dropped her bomb. Panic coursed through him in lightning quickness. Not because he'd just been told he was going to die. Even if he hadn't stared that looming specter in the face before it was every Son of Albion's dream to die in battle. One out in the open, for all to see, all the better for those who generally dwelt in the shadow of a far greater monolith. He wasn't eager to die, least of all before he drove a dagger into the heart of the man who had ordered his people's wholesale slaughter, but it was something he'd come to terms with. Death was all around the Black Knights even in the modern era. The fear, the legitimate and all consuming terror was at the last bit. Sure he had the golden eyes and sterling hair that some high bred Albians sported but most of his life he did all he could to deny it. Some dalliance that ought not be, the product of a tryst or other such tale. But not an Albian, not ever. It wasn't hard with any skintone that wasn't white as milk. Most didn't pry at all and he took extreme care to bundle up when near any known Albian neighborhood. If they knew...if they suspected...he'd be killed and that did scare him. To die at the hands of Albion, his people, unworthy to see his ancestors. That was a death he couldn't face.

All of that was a distraction from how much of a heel he felt though. He even moved past the moralizing, for a moment, to offer an apologetic look and even offer a hand. "Penny, I'm....sorry." he finally manages after several long and silent moments. "You've nothing to fear, I'm not going anywhere. I'll remain here with you even if just to make you worry. My path has intersected with yours for ages and will stretch for ages after. You won't be rid of me so easily. A Fox is cunning, more cunning even than Death."

2020-01-07, 04:42 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.

Thick and thin skinned: Whenever you have Angry marked, take +1 ongoing to unleash your powers.
The noise of the city barely even registered on Teagan as she stepped outside. Living in that sort of chaos for almost two decades had certain side benefits. She could sleep through an earthquake or a supervillain attack, but not her brother crying. It was always certain noises that stood out from the general din of city life, and a terrified scream, while not unusual, still warranted investigation.

The supply of adrenaline she got rushing over to the alleyway was helpful, as Teagan knew she didn't have the energy to wait tables just a minute ago. Even so, she skidded to a stop just before she turned the corner, her mind slowly catching up to her body and a dozen warnings began playing through her head. She hadn't had time to change into her costume, though with her powers that wasn't usually a necessity. Liminal and Teagan Macrae looked almost nothing alike, the tiny mask that covered her eyes and cheekbones was simply to throw people off as they looked for a lanky dark-haired girl rather than a wiry red-head.

Glancing around the corner, Teagan knew she might not have time to morph her appearance. The moron with the ski-mask could be capable of anything if he was dumb enough to mug someone in the open in a city that was renowned for its superheroes. They even had an organization devoted entirely to patrolling the city rather than focusing on saving the world at large. How on earth was this guy thinking of getting away with this?

Maybe it was a trap. It definitely seemed like the setup to a show of some sort. "Who Wants to Catch a Superhero in the Act" or something. What was a lady like that even doing in this part of town? There weren't fancy restaurants or anything around here except for the park. Maybe she was the one doing something illegal.

Teagan shook her head to get rid of the intrusive thoughts. All the information she could act on was right in front of her. Mugger with a knife vs. lady with a gaudy purse. At first she was tempted to use her signature "Hammershot" attack, what she liked to call the move where she would punch an unsuspecting criminal in the back of the head, but Teagan knew she didn't have enough stamina to stretch that far. If she stepped out into the alley, she'd likely get seen by the criminal or his victim, and that wasn't good either.

As the thoughts rambled on, the fatigue returned. Teagan might've been intent on helping, but Liminal could only do so much, and the adrenaline that came from the thought of someone in mortal peril had vanished.

Why even bother?

Another intrusive thought. It was times like these she remembered the first time she'd ever fought a villain. So many cameras and people focused on just watching the villain who held her brother hostage. No one helped, they were too busy waiting for someone else to get involved. Soon enough, Teagan began to feel her anger burn again. This guy was no better than her parents, just taking what he wanted because he thought he deserved it. She was again tempted to turn the corner and clock the jerk when another thought entered her mind. Perhaps this one was a much better idea.

Liminal reached up and massaged her neck for a moment. Her skin stretched here and there, and she had to hold her breath for a bit while her airway was obstructed, but eventually she settled it into a slightly thicker shape. If she could stretch out and morph her vocal chords, it might be enough to try a new trick she'd been working on. It helped that his interview had been playing at the bar earlier, or she wouldn't have had a good frame of reference. She took a moment to mutter a couple quick test words before deciding to just run with it.

"BrAve, robbing someone in my citY." The voice of Sentinel boomed out into the small alleyway. It was really hard to get used to an entirely new voice, but surely everyone knew what Sentinel sounded like, right? "IF you let the womAN go, I'll overlook your, uh...malFEASance."

Liminal winced. She wasn't as good at quips as JigaWatt, the voice sounded like the superhero had a strange cold, and she wasn't entirely sure that was even the right word at the end there. It sounded legitimate, maybe that would be enough. If she could get the criminal to leave, then everyone could just be on their merry way. She wouldn't even have to show her face.

Except that meant she also wouldn't get any of the credit for this "daring" rescue. Liminal quietly smacked her hand against her forehead.

Oh well. One thing at a time.

Rolled an 11 to Unleash your Powers in the discord. If this qualifies as more of a provoke, it would still be at least a 10, since her Superior is also at a +2.

Captain Jak
2020-01-09, 09:21 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt is, frankly, taken a bit aback by the volume of responses. He's never tapped his audience for help like this before, and the response is...awe-inspiring. And a little scary, truth be told.

The comment section is about what he expects; a whole ton of contradictory and inflammatory opinions that is next to impossible to keep up with. He'd better, he realises, give his fans some quality content soon to satisfy this intense response. For his own good.

It seems safe to say that Lang is both building a power base and probably has some metas secretly in her employ, despite her public stance and connections to Human Interest. The information that comes through in the private messages, however....

The claim of tech stockpiles being quietly amassed about the city isn't remotely pleasant news, and it doesn't take much imagination to figure out that a lot of really bad things could be done with that gear. Opening the attached files, he scans the various locations and looks for anything that might be relevant to them in the immediate areas. The concern about The Team dying is touching, of course, but they've shown they can handle themselves.

The message from Faith Rivers is truly the surprising one.

Firstly – she watches his videos??

Secondly, the idea of a more violent Human Interest is enough to make his blood run cold for a minute. It's bad enough already; but the possibility of what would amount to open warfare in the streets? No matter the source of the information, trying to stop everything from going to hell is a good idea.

An ugly thought strikes him, and he opens up the flyer to the rally. The question is...how does the locations of the tech drops compare in relation to the rally?

2020-01-10, 02:51 AM
Fox, AKA Kye

Penny smiles a little and takes your hand gladly. "Thank you, Kye. I... I do appreciate that. I knew dissuading you was a long shot, but I'm glad you're considering my words. Maybe... maybe together, we can hold Death back."

She lets the moment hang in the air, not wanting to let go of a rare moment of vulnerability from you. But in the end, she's here for more than just reconnection. She draws back and fishes through her bag, a cute satchel decorated with all sorts of pins, badges, and stickers. She withdraws a well-worn journal and opens to a red bookmark, one of many. Her gaze quickly scans the page, and then with a nod she rips it out and hands it to you.

The page features her handwriting, clear and sophisticated. "This is the prophecy I mentioned. I've done my best to change the wording based on my meditations, so that you have the most accurate and clear version possible. It's still a prophecy, of course, so clarity isn't exactly a stand-out feature. It's in three parts, because I think it's referring to three separate events, or three organizations, or something. Three threats, maybe."

I see the break of dawn.

Prometheus in chains, bound beneath the earth for numberless crimes, schemes to escape. Midas in a golden palace, blessed by a great pact, honors a debt. Arachne at the loom, cunning and ancient, carefully guides each thread with an artisan's care. Prometheus poisons the soil so that Midas can nurture a wicked crop, and Midas sows that Arachne might reap and harvest the fruits of hard labor.

But in the end, the chaos is just a fragile veil, and the conspirators three follow an unseen path.

I see the day of reckoning.

Demons born of dragons born of something older than time. Questing knights sworn to a weary wizard who strays from his oaths. A house divided by the absence of their mother. A woman lonely, brilliant, betrayed; a rowan tree stripped of bark.

Fury, zeal, and a violent, discordant song.

I see the long night.

The storm is visible, but not its eye. The shadow is visible, but not its source. The question can be heard, but the answer is silent. Something dark. Something awful. Something even the gods fear.

Oh, but it is beautiful as it is terrible. It has ravaged cities and broken worlds. It comes for us now, and it will feast. It hungers for all we have to sacrifice.

The Adversary.

She watches you as you read the prophecy, concern still radiating from her. "I haven't told Sunshot. This prophecy... it belongs to you and your knight friend, and I think the two others, the lightning-bug and the stretchy girl. If I tell the League, they're going to want to interfere. And as much as I'd love for them to take care of this... that's not my decision to make. I won't take your calling from you."

Liminal, AKA Teagan

"What the-!? Sentinel? Here?" shouts the mugger in a panic.

"Sentinel? Here?" says the woman, a gleeful expression spreading across her face. "Oh, my hero!"

Using your power like this is a strain, and if this were any other mugger it might not work, but the guy in the mask is looking around like he's expecting every brick to hide a superhero. Your altered voice booms through the alleyway and digs into him like little needles of fear.

The mugger drops his pathetic knife and raises his hands, backing away toward the other end of the alley. "H-Hey now, I don't want no trouble, no trouble at all, Mr. Sentinel, sir. I was just, uh, showing this nice lady that, uh, butter knife. She dropped it, I think. It's hers, not mine! I ain't no criminal."

The rich lady huffs and tosses her hair. "Patently ridiculous. Why, you uncouth, lowborn, uncivilized piece of gutter trash. Not so cocky now that you're facing more than just a lone woman, eh? Shows your true colors. Sentinel, do dispense with this rodent, would you? I'd be ever so grateful for the aid of Halcyon City's greatest superhero."

For a woman who was mere seconds ago cowering, she's taking things very well. The former-victim now stands tall with hands on her hips, eyeing the criminal across from her with a disdainful expression.

JigaWatt, AKA Lucan

Your research quickly bears fruit.

The file from your anonymous source points to six drop-off points in and around Halcyon City, each being delivered to on the 5th and 20th of every month. They all seem to be warehouses, with one exception. Two sites are based in the docks, and two are downtown, but it's the final pair that draws your eye. One is an abandoned building outside of Halcyon City entirely. The final site is a warehouse just two blocks north of the building the rally is set for, owned by what you quickly surmise is one of Lang's shell companies.

Connection confirmed?

While you dig, your fans continue to blow up the video. The metrics are getting kind of ridiculous on this one, and a lucky glance reveals one possible culprit: a fan linked your video to a handful of sites and forums that have a bone to pick with Lang, Human Interest, or both. A sizable chunk of views and comments might not be the Amp'd but actually the flood of new people from Lang-detractor and metahuman-supporters.

It's not entirely your usual crowd; while your fans like you for your charm, relatable nature, and firebrand spirit, this would be the first time you really stepped into the political sphere. The attention from this new demographic will die down over time if you let it, but if you nurture it, fan the flames, and go aggro on Lang and Human Interest... you might start something big.

2020-01-11, 12:31 AM
Aiden (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 6/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +3
Superior: +1
Mundane: -2

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

It was Thursday evening and Aiden should really have been studying for his algebra test the next day, but the Albion Academy Falcons had a home exhibition joust against the Albion Preperatory Gamecocks and there's no way he was going to miss it on account of some silly math test. Besides, Brady would probably chew Aiden's ear off about quadratics and decomposting or whatever the whole match if he'd let him, and he was bound to learn at least as much as he would from the textbook that way whether he liked it or not.

The early fall made for perfect jousting weather. The gentle breeze carried with it the usual smells - hot hand pies and pasties, horseflesh and bridle leather, and spilled beer. Aiden sits in the home section with a hand pie and a glass of watered down beer, surrounded by a few of the regular gang. Brady and Brody were bickering about something like they always were, and Keely and Eoin were getting comfortable with Eoin's arm around her shoulders. Between their smuggled bottle of full-strength wine and their teenage hormones, it would be all of twenty minutes before they'd be oblivious to the rest of the world around them. "Hey, pipe down you two," Aiden calls to the bickering siblings. "They're announcing the next joust!"

"You pipe down," retorts Brody, the younger brother (by nine and a half months). "Your silly game has got nothing on this screaming match between June Lang and Sentinel!"

"Oh come off it," moans Brady. "Everyone's already seen the interview. You must have watched it at least a dozen times by now. Hey, Aiden, what's the greatest prime factor of twelve?"

So it had begun. Aiden stifles an eyeroll. "I don't know, but you're both going to get a greatest common multiple of my fist if I miss this joust, get it?"

"That would be least common multiple," Brady responds, undaunted. "And the answer is three. Come on Aiden, you should know this. The test is tomorrow!"

An off-panel speaker breaks into the brewing argument. "Yeah, Aiden. You should be at home studying!" The panel cuts to show the approach of three more teenage boys - Doyle, Keller, and worst of all, the towheaded Calder.

"Stay out of it Doyle," snaps Brody.

"Hey guys, relax. Be cool," says Keller. "I gotta say Aiden, I'm surprised you showed up here. I admire your courage," he says with an affable smile.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Brody snaps again.

"Yeah. Courage," Doyle chimes back in. "Tryouts were pretty embarassing for you, weren't they Aiden? It must really suck being in the stands instead of on the field, huh?" He gives a little snivelling laugh.

"Now, now, Doyle," says Calder. "I'm sure Aiden would have given a much better showing at tryouts if not for his injury. Just a bit of bad luck, right Aiden?"

Aiden opens his mouth to speak, but another off-panel bubble interjects before he can get the chance. "Go jump in a lake Calder," Keely growls. Apparently Calder's intrusion had been enough to break her and Eoin's mutual attentions. "All your bad vibes are making my hair frizz."

"Yeah," says Eoin. "Aiden can out-joust you and the rest of your lackeys with one arm tied behind his back. Why don't you make yourselves useful and go muck a stall somewhere."

"You're the one who should be mucking out stalls, lowblood," sneers Doyle.

Suddenly, everyone, even Brady, rises out of their seats in Eoin's defense, fists and teeth clenched. "That's it, let's go!" yells Brody. Keller crosses his arm and smiles breezily, Doyle titters with sniveling laughter, and Calder wears an expression of practiced boredom. "Puh-lease," says Keller. "A knight only accepts challenges from equals." "Which rules you losers out," Doyle pipes up. "Sucks too, I'd love to see you try to take on the White Knight! Especially you, lowblood. Calder would trounce you so hard your lowblood ancestors would wish they'd never had lowblood kids!"

"HEY!" barks another off-panel speech bubble. "What seems to be the problem here?" The panel cuts to show the new arrival, a stern-looking woman with glasses. It's Ms. Walsh, the librarian. "Calder, are these hooligans giving you some trouble?"

"No, Ms. Walsh, nothing like that. Just a few friends joking around," Calder says placatingly.

"Yeah right," says Brody. "You're the - ow!" His retort is caught off by Brady's elbow in his side. Ms. Walsh turns to glare at Aiden and the rest of his friends. "Settle down, you lot. You're just making fools of yourself. You should know better than to try to pick a fight with a Knight Errant. Now, any more joking like that and you'll be ejected. Get it?"

As they grumble affirmative responses, Ms. Walsh saunters off, her attention directed toward other spots of trouble among the crowds. Apparently satisfied, Calder and his posse withdraw as well. "Later, losers," Doyle calls over his shoulder.

"And he's down!" cries the announcer from the loudspeaker. "That's 3-2, Falcons leading by one point! that's it for the first round of matches, jousting fans. We've got more action coming after this break!"

Aww, man! Having missed the joust, Aiden slumps back down in his seat. Brady and Brody go back to bickering, and Keely and Eoin lose themselves in each other's eyes. Just then, Aiden's pocket buzzes. Fishing out his phone, he has one new unread message. From...Errant Red?

2020-01-11, 06:21 AM
Potential: 3/5

Kye frowns more as he reads through the paper. It's meaningless to him, on a number of levels but he suspected he wasn't getting away without reading it. "I will show my friends." he's careful to say, a part of him still wondering why she felt the need to do all of this in a public place. They'd have had an easier discussion somewhere more private, Delphi knew of the Black Knights and his past. What was all this dancing around for? A pang of suspicion ran through him, one he tamped down swiftly. Penny wasn't the sort to play subtle games.

"I suspect they'll feel the same. For as scared as you are, I doubt any of them will find more than a little humor in it. They're wonderful people, capable of greatness. If we had to cross the chasm of night and assail the very foundation of the Heavens, I suspect they'd do it. They all may yet, if your words prove true." He then tucks the paper away, leaning back in his seat with a sigh."I'd tell you to stay away sister but I doubt you'd listen to me. So what are we to do then, we rogues."

2020-01-12, 04:48 AM
Errant White, AKA Aiden

This is what it's all about; good friends, good traditions, and good food. These moments are what make it all worth it, from the smells of pastries to the laughter and mockery of the usual suspects. In this space, you're just Aiden. No big heroics, no responsibilities, just raw revelry.

And then... a message from the last person you'd expect: Errant Red, a Knight of Albion.

You haven't had much interaction with the Red Knight. Maelan Barzic, bearer of the mantle, is a man of action that has little time for minced words. You last saw him, briefly, around the time of Eoin Brannagh's funeral. He's been in Egypt for the past year or so, fighting alongside a few other high-tier heroes as they tried to stop the supervillains Nebekhara, Stormwall, and Firewing from raising an army of the dead and reanimating an ancient Egyptian god. Their battle took them into the depths of old tombs and even into the very underworld, or so you heard from articles about the continuing conflict.

You weren't aware the conflict was over, though a quick internet search reveals a recent article (dated yesterday evening, in fact) interviewing Atlas, another member of the hero strike force. Atlas attests that Nebekhara is dead, Stormwall is in the Cold Room, and Firewing is still at large, but that the ritual has been stopped conclusively and none of the three will get a second chance at bringing back Apophis.

It's surprising that Maelan would reach out to you so soon after completing his task, but he's never been one to draw things out. Through a secure channel, he sent you:

"Aiden. Errant White. I'm back from Egypt, and Bartimaeus tells me you've been fighting the good fight. The old man seems to think highly of your potential.

I want to put that to the test. The other Knights aren't over Eoin's death, but I've lost a soldier before. What matters is your ability to replace him. If you think you have what it takes, and you're ready to prove yourself, come to Castle Grail.

I'll be waiting.
-Maelan Barzic"

Castle Grail. Stronghold of the Knights, formed of enchanted stone, home of Bartimaeus the Wise, and where you were became a Knight when Durendal chose you. The castle is both inside Halcyon City and outside it, existing in a pocket dimension that overlays a quiet park near the Albian community in Halcyon.

And Maelan Barzic, the Red Knight, wants you to come to Castle Grail and prove yourself to him.

If you impress the Knight, it could be the first step to making the rest of the Knights Errant accept you as the new Errant White. You could be one of them, reveling in their victories and sharing in their losses, instead of watching from the sidelines as they treat you like a pretender and a child.

"Come on, we gotta defend our honor!"

"All I have to do is finish this homework and watch the Falcons kick ass."

Brody and Brady are getting into another argument, and it interrupts your thought process.

"Look," says Brody, "We both agree that Calder's idiots need to be taught a lesson. So let's teach 'em."

Brady rolls his eyes and looks over at you. "Talk some sense into him, Aiden?"

Fox, AKA Kye

The drinks that Penny ordered finally get here: flavored lemonade with real fruit. She takes a big gulp of hers - mango dragonfruit - and sighs contentedly. "That's the stuff."

She taps the table and looks up, not quite meeting your gaze as she thinks over something in her head. "You know, Kye, if you guys really do chase after New Dawn... maybe we compromise. You don't want me to go, and I don't want you to go, and neither of us are going to budge on going, so... maybe we go together?" She glances back down, catching your gaze and holding it. "I'm stronger now. Stronger than I was at Joy."

She takes another sip of her drink and lets the look break. "I know there's a lot on your mind. The Knights. Your team. Revenge. But you don't have to face all that alone. You helped me when I was vulnerable, and now I want to help you. I'm getting better at being in combat, at using my powers, at standing up for myself. The League are wonderful, and I'm grateful for their help, and I think your team could get a lot of benefit from the League's help, too. But I know there are places the League can't go, things they're not allowed to acknowledge."

"In my visions, there are blind spots. Areas of darkness growing like tumors. Something is interfering with my foresight." A shadow falls over her expression, and for a moment she's more Delphi than Penny, but then it passes.

"Anyways, whatever you decide, thank you for coming. For listening. If you don't want to stay, I understand, but I really would like to catch up. A lot has happened since the last time we reallly had a chance to talk, and I miss our conversations." She smiles at you, a ray of sunshine utterly at odds with her previous dark topics.

2020-01-13, 05:16 AM
Potential: 3/5

"That is a call the whole team would need to make, I don't speak for all of us. Nor does the prancing attention sponge or the knight. If you wish to propose such a joinder, you'll need to speak with us as a whole. Some other time, some other outfits. Some other place." He didn't touch his drink, a black tea, simply stirring it idly in thought. It was true that Kye, and by extension Fox, was perhaps the most weakly aligned with the team on the surface (to a point he wondered if the others felt the same) it was much more the case that he simply didn't see the need for such clear delineation. It certainly rankled him when Jigawatt attempted more control or command over him or the others than was warranted but the same would be felt if it were Liminal or Errant. They were, in his eyes, equal and any attempts to breach that understanding was a step in the wrong direction. Everyone simply needed to do their jobs and the system would work perfectly.

Which with the present in mind gave him all the more reason, if such a discussion was held with the whole team, a solid vote against the motion. It was all well and good that Penny had found some help in the arms of the League but he didn't trust them. He didn't really trust anyone but that, to him, wasn't much the point. "You talk of paths, sister. Danger on them, visions. Your walk with the League seems just as wrought with danger. Far be it for me to speculate, but I would just as readily assume there are those in your League that sympathize with the Dawn. If not worse. The team might well take to your proposal but I will not. It if were you..."

It was his turn to look away, the gloomy frown returning as a hand moved subconsciously to one of the few bits of flair he allowed. A stylized handcuff on his left wrist, a copy to one worn on Penny's right. Even apart, Kye wouldn't deny their bond. "No...this is best." He finally glances back, taking a long sip from his tea before standing. "Haven't we already been working together? The Darkness has a role, even if you won't see it. I have walked where you cannot since we first met, through this Dark. You may not see me, but my team cannot traverse that distance either. So look to them, and you'll know where I am. I am to them, as I was to you, their shadow. To do the tasks they cannot, with the methods they will not. It was pleasant seeing you again, sister. We'll do so again, if the Fates have it. Come next time the bakery closes, and we'll dance and drink and speak of more pleasant things."

He opens an arm out, a rare gesture, in invitation. Not one for even general contact. "I have...missed you. But there is work to be done, if I am to continue being a good shadow."

Captain Jak
2020-01-13, 11:35 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

Lucan...isn’t entirely certain what to think. He's never really thought about that sort of power before, but now that it's under his fingertips it's easy to think about what might be done with it. The League was clearly at a standstill dealing with Lang through official channels; but nobody, no matter what power and alliances they might amass, is safe from the public mob. There is some pretty damning evidence here that Lang is definitely up to no good; if he fans the flames of discontent he has inadvertently ignited, right way or wrong, Lang's operations could be crippled, perhaps fatally.

And...at what cost? The freedom of those who would commit crimes in their zeal to punish the wicked? The very lives of those who got caught up in violence and anger?

His own self-respect?

Lucen suddenly feels a need for a shower.

Abruptly feeling vaguely ill, Lucan locks the comments to his video and further locks the access to subscribers only. Dashing off a quick explanation that he doesn't want things to get out of hand, he sits back in his chair with a sigh of relief. He hadn't intended to set off a mob, and that was the feeling he had been getting from the increasingly agitated discourse.

Looking at the cross-referenced data that has been provided for him, he comes to a decision. Hopping out of his chair, he darts to the closet and extracts his board. Heading back to the computer, he snags his Red Dragon sponsor hoodie and shrugs into it, getting more fully into persona.

Settling his camera into place on the side of his head, he pauses a moment to take pictures of the computer screen for reference before heading toward his window.

"Moms! Going out for a bit, won't be long!" he yells back to the rest of the apartment. Sliding up his window, he throws a leg over the sill and hops out into the empty air, catching himself on board and powers. Streaking off into the evening, a crackling trail of lightning in his wake, he heads towards the closest of the indicated stockpiles.

Sure, critically actionable information showing up when asked for is convenient and all, but not necessarily reliable. He'll check out the location on his own, all Solid Snake style, and verify the existence of this illicit tech. Once confirmed or busted, he'll be able to take this information to the rest of the team.

Sure, he's no Fox, but how hard can a little recon be?

2020-01-13, 11:44 PM
Aiden (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 1/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +1
Mundane: -2

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Aiden stares intently at his phone, re-reading the message a couple of times. It still takes him by surprise to actually be in communication with any of the Knights Errant. It was kind of like being drafted to your favorite sports team directly from your couch. He barely pays attention to the twins' argument.

"He ignored a challenge issued, it's his dishonor to own. Just let it be."

Aiden stops when he hears himself. Did those words just come out of his mouth? That didn't sound like his usual self. It made too much sense. Maybe this Knight business was starting to rub off on him.

He taps out a response to Errant Red, his fingers shaky with adrenaline. He hastily rewrites once, twice, stopping himself on the third.

Welcome back Sir Maelan. I'll be there tomorrow. First thing after school.

Closing his phone, he stuffs it back in his pocket and breathes a heavy sigh. "Hey," he ventures to the others. "Do you guys think Calder's really the White Knight?"

2020-01-15, 12:29 AM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.

Thick and thin skinned: Whenever you have Angry marked, take +1 ongoing to unleash your powers.
Teagan pinched the bridge of her nose in exasperation. She should've just left this one alone. It was bad enough that the mugger had "surrendered" rather than just running away, but now the victim was demanding some vigilante justice. Condescendingly, too. The anger she'd felt just a moment ago melted away in the face of such sheer absurdity. Teagan just wanted to turn the corner and shout "Run, you idiot," but that would probably just make things worse. And revealing to either of these people that she had stretchy powers seemed like a recipe for disaster, especially so close to where she worked for a living. She definitely wasn't going to get credit for this one, but Teagan was finding it difficult to care anymore. Everyone sucked here.

Her throat had already eased back into its original shape once she relaxed again. No matter what form she molded herself into, using her powers was a lot like clenching a fist; you could hold it for as long as you wanted to, but eventually it would start to hurt. This situation didn't seem as dangerous anymore now that the criminal was disarmed, and Teagan really just wanted to go home.

"Oh wow, did you see Sentinel?" She said in her best attempt at an awestruck teenager as she walked around the corner. Halfway through the ruse, she just gave up. "He was right there! He...left. He's gone. Like you two should be." Both the mugger and the victim were starting to wear her patience thin with their antics, and this sort of situation could be resolved without her at this point.

"Look," she said to the man in the ski mask as she pulled her phone out, "if you 'ain't no criminal' then just leave already. Otherwise I'm callin' the cops. Or maybe Sentinel will be back, who knows."

At this point, she wouldn't be surprised if another superhero showed up as well. It was a big city, superhero sightings weren't uncommon.

"And you! Lady. I'm sorry he ruined your evening. If you want to press charges, you can wait for the police to show up, and then maybe you can sue him for even more money you don't need."

Without another word, she just dialed the city's emergency line, fully intending to report the incident and be on her way. It was Halcyon City, after all. A good portion of the populace was rather acclimated to all this nonsense.

2020-01-15, 04:29 AM
Fox, AKA Kye

Penny smiles at you, accepting your words as enough for now. "I'd like that, Kye. I'll be there. If not tomorrow, then, soon. The League can't keep me up late every night."

She goes in for a hug, and then you're alone again, setting that moment behind you.


The dark has settled in when we see you again. Images of the bookstore and the museum. The hunt.

You know where most of them are, now, though a few details evade you. All that's truly left is long nights of reconnaissance. Planning. Preparing. Deciding what actions are worth taking. The road ahead is long, but it leads to the power you crave, you feel this in every bone. The witch's payment is the beginning of something glorious, if only you can solve the puzzles laid out for you.

You haven't received correspondence from Corax since her message to the whole team. But as night envelops the city, that changes.

You're ready for the next step, Fox. There's a spell that lets two people talk face-to-face without being in the same room. More secure than using the internet, and has some mystic benefits.

You'll need a tall mirror, lavender for burning, lots of salt, and something that can draw on glass. Then just follow the instructions on page 113. The pass-symbol is the roman numeral for 17 inside of a pentacle.

See you soon.

Included with the message is a photo example of the symbol she describes, apparently drawn on a mirror in a dark room.

JigaWatt, AKA Lucan

Your moms call after you, but you're already out the door and into the night air.

The feeling of flying is sensational, and you get to revel in it as you soar through the sky. You see other supers, heroes just like you - and a handful of villains, usually being chased - flying above the city on their way to missions, or drinks, or home. When you can fly, you tend to find any excuse to do it.

Your powers take you through the city to one of the downtown stockpiles. It's small for a warehouse, tucked away behind the street-facing buildings. Once upon a time it probably supplied a shop in the area, but the windows are boarded up and all signage has been stripped away. At a glance, this place is a decrepit wreck, abandoned for years.

But for an abandoned warehouse, it sure has nice security. The two side doors both have fancy electronic locks that are still receiving power, and the garage door looks new, and actually locks into the ground when not in use. A handful of active security cameras point at the warehouse entrances. This place is definitely benefiting from Junebug tech.

Of course, that alone isn't incriminating. If you want real proof that something sketchy is going on, you'd have to take a closer look.

Errant White, AKA Aiden

Eoin and Keely either don't hear the question or don't process it, oblivious to just about everything that isn't each other.

Brody scoffs. "He's too much of a tool. If he were a Knight Errant, he'd trip over his own ego on every mission and fall into a monster's mouth."

Brady shrugs. "No one else has come forward. It doesn't really matter, does it?"

Brody glares at him. "Of course it matters! You really think the Knights would take someone like him? They only accept the best."

The thought comes unbidden: But it's not up to the Knights.

Durendal chose you, but the Knights had no say in that. If Cordelia Lennox had gotten final say on the new Errant White, there wouldn't have been a new Errant White until the Knights had time to mourn and to start thinking about choosing a successor. Instead, you happened.

Beside the twins, Eoin and Keely finally break embrace for a moment. The conversation has finally reached Eoin's ears, it seems. "If Calder is a Knight, someone should really tell the others what a jerk he is."

Keely grimaces. "And if he isn't, all the more reason. But I can't believe someone would be stupid enough to lie about the mantle. So, I guess we're just going to have a bad Errant White for a while."

Liminal, AKA Teagan

The woman's cocky, lovestruck attitude vanishes once she sees you. She deflates to an almost comical degree, mocking glee replaced by disappointment and irritation. "He's gone? Without even saying hello or offering me a ride home in his arms?"

You start dialing.

The mugger blinks a few times. "Wait, so... he's gone?" He glances at the knife, then at you, Teagan. The gears turn in his head ever so painfully slowly, grinding and creaking. "Uhhh..."

The woman glares at him. "Oh, don't you even think about it. You're going to sit right here and wait for the constabulary to throw you in jail, you brigand."

As you reach the emergency services, the mugger gives one final glance at the knife... and takes off running.

The now-very-far-from-a-victim victim scoffs and points at him. "He's getting away! Sentinel! Or you! Someone, catch him! He tried to mug me!"

The line operator, by contrast, is very polite and patient as she listens to you explain the situation. She promises the city will send an officer to handle the situation.

"Are you even listening to me? Hey! Hey!" The rich lady starts waving her hands in front of your face, her glare reaching new heights of entitled attitude.

2020-01-15, 07:29 AM
Potential: 3/5

Alone wasn't much of a new feeling for Kye as he watched Penny go, a small frown slowly creasing its way back to his lips. This wasn't the end of this particular argument and he feared the League wouldn't provide them much chance or time to discuss the motion of them joining forces. He wasn't fond of sending messages to the team but this one seemed appropriate. He punched out a quick message before going about the rest of his afternoon.

[Spoke to Delphi. She wants to combine forces re: New Dawn. Hard pass.]

When his phone buzzes as night falls, he half expects another message from Hastings or even one of the team though Corax isn't the last person he'd expected. Another "meeting" though this one seemingly closer to in person. The ingredients weren't difficult to come by, even if he didn't have a number of common reagents stuffed in what little personal space he had in the small attic to the bakery. It was the best the Knights could offer and they gave him as much space as they could. They didn't have much either. The bakery was an island in hostile waters now. Some had other places they could go, homes and apartments, but for the rest...the small second floor that was meant for storage and the smaller attic was really all they had left.

The mirror...would be more of a problem. A large mirror would be easy, the bathroom to the bakery had one. But a tall one? He'd need to go to a department store or something...hardly secure...but it was all he had that wasn't Camp Joy, a total nonstarter, or Hasting's own absurdly large closet complete with changing room. So with a costume, reagents and the book in question in hand, he took to the nearest clothing store to preform the next in a sample of rituals.

2020-01-16, 11:54 AM
Aiden (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 1/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +1
Mundane: -2

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Aiden laughs along with the rest of them, but Keely's last bit hits him. We're just going to have a bad Errant White for awhile.

"Is he a bad Errant White? Or she, I guess. Whether or not it's really Calder in the armor, they're doing a good job though, aren't they? They helped save those people at the Human Interest rally. And there was the kittens in the burning building just this week. Isn't that what it's about?"

Another buzz from his phone. Another message from Errant Red? He hurriedly grabs his phone to check and has to try to hide his disappointment when he sees it's just Fox.

Spoke to Delphi. She wants to combine forces re: New Dawn. Hard pass.

Scowling as he reads the message, he taps out a response with two thumbs. Of course Fox wouldn't want to team up. He might actually have to listen to somebody else for once. But Corax didn't seem very trustworthy. She was like Fox, doling out as little as she had to to get what she wanted.

This New Dawn thing is big. If the League is asking for our help, we should work with them.

Captain Jak
2020-01-16, 10:38 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

Now, the obvious play seems to be employing his sweet powers like he did back at the raid in the Warrens, short out the security system and slip inside. Obvious, except for the level of tech that's likely behind the system in question. Any truly competent system would likely set off some sort of alarm if its power was interrupted; the 'quick and easy' way would likely prove disastrous.

Even the best security systems often are more lightly secure at upper levels, however; he might be able to get access via the roof. Taking care to stay out of the field of any of the cameras he could see, JigaWatt does a quick survey of the building's exterior, looking for his best way in.

The others would probably wouldn't believe this without seeing it, and maybe not even then. It's not like he can't use care and forethought before doing something....

Assess the Situation: What's the best way to get into the warehouse undetected? 9

2020-01-19, 02:55 AM
Fox, AKA Kye

The clothing store employees give you a few weird looks, but this is Halcyon City, so they forget about you as soon as you round the corner and duck into the changing rooms. The mirror in there seems... adequate, if not ideal.

The spell is quick to set up, and you lay out the requisite half-circle of salt around the mirror. The lavender is set to burn, and you draw various symbols and mutter soft incantations as the book directs you. The final symbol is that "pass-code," which the book tells you is how two mirrors find each other. It's very similar to the first spell she taught you, the transposition, but this time you're transfering light and sound instead of physical matter.

When the final word leaves your lips, all the symbols on the mirror vanish, and then your reflection vanishes from the mirror as well, replaced by an image of a darkened room lit only by burning lavender and a handful of candles outside a salt circle identical to yours. And, of course... Corax.

The witch herself stands on the other side of the mirror, adorned in finest feathers and that signature mask. She holds a copy of A Practical Guide to Sympathetic Magic in her hands, and when the image comes into clarity she snaps the book shut and sets it down. She tilts her head, face hidden just like yours, and murmurs in a low, rasping voice, "Quick learner. Good."

Corax draws a complex crystalline object from her robes, then snaps it in half. A burst of sparks is unleashed and passes through the mirror to swirl around you before being drawn into the salt and turning it red.

"We can speak freely, now. The spell in that crystal was originally created by my master herself, so there's only a handful of spellcasters who could pierce its wards. Now that we are alone and secure... I suspect you have questions. Ask whatever you like, though I cannot promise I will have satisfying answers for every question."

Errant White, AKA Aiden

Keely shrugs. "Meh. Saving kittens is a job for like, firefighters, isn't it? When I think of a knight, I think of quests and destinies, killing monsters and rescuing princesses. Big stuff. Leave the little stuff for the smallfolk, right?"

Brody chimes in, "I'm sure the real Errant White is out doing that stuff. He's a knight - or, er, she's a knight."

Brady frowns. "What, just in addition to the kittens?"

Brody scratches his chin. "Maybe. Or... that's not even the real Errant White, just some lame kid playing dress-up." He snaps his fingers. "Oh! Oh, that would be so awful, and also so delicious: what if Calder is the guy in the costume, but not the Knight Errant?"

Eoin rolls his eyes. "That's a stupid theory even for you."

JigaWatt, AKA Lucan

Your scan of the warehouse gives quick results: every proper entrance is secured tight, but one of the boarded-up windows isn't very well boarded-up. You manage to squeeze inside with little effort and little noise produced, and then you're in the warehouse, cloaked in the shadows up high.

The interior of the warehouse looks far more active than it should be, but you already figured out this tip was legit. It doesn't surprise you to see tech inside all crated up, but it does surprise you to see a few extremely familiar pieces of tech: electronics equipment that are a perfect match for some of what you destroyed back at the New Dawn lab.

The handful of mercenaries patrolling the interior... they look like the ones at the lab too. This whole warehouse... it's a New Dawn supply cache.

Your revelation is interrupted by the distinct clacking of high heels on cold stone. For a second you wonder if June Lang herself might be here, ready to get caught in the act, but instead a woman you've never seen before enters the warehouse, clothed in business-formal and with sunglasses like the Secret Service wear. She has dark hair and thin lips, but you can't see her eyes.

She stops in front of a nervous-looking mercenary and smiles at him. "No fond hello? No smile for me? You should really smile more, you know; it's good for your health."

The mercenary plasters on a very flimsy smile, and she laughs. "You're adorable. Now, have the guards seen anything suspicious tonight?"

The mercenary shakes his head. "No, ma'am. All clear."

She taps her chin. "Hmm. Then check again." Her smile goes icy. "Full sweeps every ten minutes if you have to, but the boss says we get an intruder tonight, and I will be damned if I let some Halcyon rat sniff us out that easily."

The mercenary nods hurriedly and scurries off to deliver her orders. Left alone, the woman sits down on a crate and takes in a deep breath... and then you feel something crawling over your thoughts.

Roll + Superior to resist her psychic abilities and escape notice. On a 10+, her ability passes over you without noticing your presence. On a 7-9, mark a Condition to escape notice or let her detect you but with enough of a delay for you to start running. On a miss, she detects your presence and catches you flatfooted.

2020-01-19, 08:00 AM
Potential: 3/5

Unsatisfying was a word. He doubted it'd even approach that if he asked half the questions he wanted answers to. Why him came first to his mind, what was Corax getting out of helping him? It wasn't likely she was doing it out of the kindness of her own heart. That wasn't even the paranoid half-animal brain talking, it was a reasonable suspicion that there was something to gain in using him for whatever ends she had planned and the lessons were just a side product of it. She wouldn't, he suspected, expose that. You didn't become as powerful as Corax by telling every low rung agent in your employ what you had planned and there was the unmistakable pang of self delusion in thinking he was even low rung.

The small paranoid voice had its own space to play in though. The thing with it was most people who had issues with anxiety or low level paranoia knew the voice in their head wasn't rational. They knew that it was just something they were thinking from left field, something seditious and self destructive, a battle to fight every day not to let it pull you into the mess you really were on the inside. It didn't matter knowing that, it was there and it effected everything you did. So while it was rational to distrust this Sorcereres, it was probably not rational to paint her with a large target. Even as she lifted her hand to do...whatever it was she'd done with the crystal, he had to choke down the urge not to leap at the mirror. To anticipate some kind of trap, here and now, that was being sprung. An even deeper one screaming she could probably read his mind, knowing all of this.

With folded arms, he took another look over the masked witch from behind his own. How much did she actually know? About his blood, about his actual mission. How long had she been watching before coming forward with a helping hand. What did she have planned for the team, who she'd hired to hit the New Dawn base. How did the other three factor into her plans and when they were no longer needed how were they going to get free of those waiting jaws? And they were waiting, weren't they? They were in danger, like a small boat on a large lake with a storm coming in. It was all around them, they could see it but it wasn't coming fast and there wasn't anything they could do about it anyway. He'd take to it, he hoped, with the same nihilistic glee he was taking everything else up to this point. It didn't matter, none of this mattered. All the power and secrecy, the small boat and the storm, jaws and witches were all just means to one very final end and then he could embrace the Dark and it'd all be over. No more shame, no more fear, no more dread.

"No questions." he rattled, offering a languid shrug though his tone lingered at the end. No questions he could ask she wouldn't lie about. What was the point in asking when you weren't going to get an honest answer. Couldn't be shocked if you never let them feed you a line. "No point." he concludes, glancing at the now glowing red salt for a moment before his mask turns back to the mirror. There might be, not that he'd know himself, some level of conditioning in it all. Knights didn't ask questions about their orders. The Sons and Daughters of Albion were in hostile land with a mission, hesitation or mistrust in one another would be death. "You know something more about New Dawn then you are telling us." Not a question, a fact. "Answer would be unsatisfying, no reason to ask. You knew Delphi and her master would be there. How? Matters not. Unsatisfying answer." Another, he suspected, fact. Prophecy rarely lied as his kin would adore saying and Corax had a part to play in all of this. None of that a fact, a suspicion but he would say it as fact. She'd deny it, he'd believe it regardless. No point in cycling through needless words. "What task do you have for us now?" The plural us, not the team us. He had no doubt she'd have more work for the team as well, but in the moment he was here for himself.

Captain Jak
2020-01-19, 02:14 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Conditions: Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

The clear confirmation that the tech stockpiles about the city are linked to New Dawn is an exciting moment; this is a huge breakthrough, and he had his celebrity outreach to thank for it! Even Fox won't be able to find anything to naysay about this!

He makes sure he gets some good video of both the tech and the mercenaries for evidence for the others, since they seem to doubt his dedication to the job for some reason. He is, in fact, so caught up in what he's doing that the small panels filled with the clicking of heels don’t intrude on his awareness until one actually comes between himself and what he's recording.

The reactions of the mercenaries...is mildly disturbing, considering they’re armed and armoured professionals. He makes sure he gets a good shot of her face on camera as she proceeds to be all creepy and—

His blood runs cold as foreknowledge of his intrusion is casually mentioned. How? He himself hadn't known he was coming here until only a short while ago; and no one person had provided him with enough data to predict that he would come here – if he came at all!

This smacks of the sort of hoodoo that Fox is responsible for, and that's downright unsettling. Of all of the Team, Fox is the one whose capabilities make him the most uneasy. As the woman sits down, JigaWatt starts backing off slowly, looking to get out of there before a heightened patrol comes across him. Getting discovered not only would be dangerous, but would possibly prompt them to relocate their operation to somewhere he doesn't know about.

The…crawling sensation across his thoughts turns unsettling into cold terror as he realises the woman is meta of some sort, and she's looking for intruders by searching for their...thoughts? Presence? Regardless, he's in imminent danger of being discovered!

Fortifying himself with the assurance that he's good enough, strong enough, and dog gonnit, people like him, he tries to hold that crawling sensation at bay as he scrambles with frantic haste and equally frantic attempts to be quiet as he heads for the window again. Panting heavily, heedless of what his panic might look like on camera, he squirms his way through the boards and essentially falls out into the open air.

Lacking time to pull his board into position, he lashes out with a ropy arc of electrostatic attraction at a street lamp and swings on it, turning his plunge into an arc that leaves him stumbling and eating pavement when he hits the ground. Scrambling to his feet, he rips the board off his back and jumps on, sizzling off into the sky without the usual euphoria of flight, his thoughts consumed with fear and the need to just get away before he dooms the entire Team.

Not. Cool!

Roll to resist psychic detection: 9
Marking Afraid to remain hidden. Fleeing the scene.

2020-01-22, 06:58 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.

Thick and thin skinned: Whenever you have Angry marked, take +1 ongoing to unleash your powers.
"First mugging?" Teagan asked wryly as the woman's hand kept waving in front of her face. "It's always the worst."

There was definitely something wrong with this woman. Besides her desire to be carried home by Sentinel (who didn't want that?) and the fact that her vocabulary was rather dated (Brigand? Constabulary?!), she had just asked a teenager to chase down a formerly armed criminal. This went beyond entitlement and straight to the types of people you saw in a customer service line. So many expectations beyond the scope of reality, so little patience. Teagan blinked slowly, her exhaustion not leaving her any energy to react properly to this sort of ridiculous display.

Normally, she'd use a mask that was more public friendly, but her brain was having trouble working up the ability to care at this point. Her civic duty was done, the lady seemed out of trouble, and home was a short walk away. If Ryan hadn't made too much of a mess, she'd be in bed within the hour.

If she was optimistic.

"Wait for the police, they'll be here in a few minutes. They'll take your statement and drive you somewhere far, far away from here." She said, already moving past the woman and off towards her apartment. "I don't make enough money to go chasing after criminals on my free time."

Well, Teagan didn't. Nor would she, if she never got into the League. But the criminal had already run off, and this didn't seem like the type of caper that would attract League attention.

2020-01-23, 10:10 AM
Fox, AKA Kye

For a moment there is silence in the cramped changing room. Corax watches you, face unknowable, still as a statue. "You don't trust me? Good."

And then she laughs. Her raucous laughter emerges from the mirror but bounces off the circle, remaining for only your ears and hers. Corax allows herself only a few seconds of mirth before controlling herself and returning to the stillness. "You remind me of Wraith. I was there when the lich recruited him, and he was a raw nerve the whole time. A thousand questions burned in his mind, but he refused to say any aloud. So Lich Girl ignored what he was saying with his voice and instead answered the questions in his mind. That freaked him out."

She pauses, then adds, "I can't read minds, by the way. Not easily, at least. A mind like yours, swirling with paranoia and bolstered by the presence of magic, is immune to the small modicum of mind magic I have access to. But you won't believe that, and you shouldn't; to presume one is safe is arrogance itself."

Corax clasps her hands behind her back and begins pacing within the tight confines of the circle on her side of the mirror. "Nurture your distrust, Fox. Embrace your paranoia. The world is vast and full of secrets and danger. Your suspicions about me, whatever they may be, are likely correct. I am not your friend, nor your ally, and you seem to understand that, which makes you smarter than I was when I began my training."

She stops, her back to you, facing deeper inside the shrouded room. Her voice comes low and deadly. "These are the words that my master spoke to me: 'I am your enemy. I am the foe that will challenge you more than you have ever been challenged. It is through overcoming those challenges and usurping me as a mage that you will achieve the greatness you dream of. I can teach you a great many things, but some lessons must be learned through blood and sacrifice.'"

Corax turns around and lowers her masked head. "A bit dramatic, certainly, but I've never known her to be wrong. Growth is bred from conflict. True conflict, not the false, flimsy conflict of a classroom. If you are to take from those who have taken from you, you must become cunning, strong, and fearless. That is what I offer: not trinkets or praise or books but rather conflict. And through conflict, growth."

Corax flicks her wrist and conjures a chess piece: a black knight. "In this world of pieces and players, there are no allies, only pawns and enemies. Learn to identify someone's role and you gain an edge on them. Do you know your own role, Kye Pen Draig? Do you know the wizard's role?" She vanishes the chess piece and murmurs, "Bartimaeus is powerful. There are few humans that my master was wary of, but Bartimaeus, she spoke of him always with an edge of caution."

The witch spreads her hands. "Those weren't the questions you asked, but I hope I've done something to answer whatever questions linger unspoken. To answer the spoken half: my task for you is to learn and grow. My enemy has been more careful since the League spoiled New Dawn's party in the Warrens, but I do not believe she has yet heard of your part in all this. Further action must be careful now, lest she be alerted to my suspicions. My divinations revealed to me the locations of the hidden facilities, and the League's interest in those facilities, but the alchemy being brought there was hidden from my magic until you retrieved that briefcase for me. Now, the trail is visible, but it twists and turns throughout the city. I am close to the next piece of the puzzle, but it may still be several days before I have a solid lead."

JigaWatt, AKA Lucan

For a moment, as the dread rises, you think you're caught. The creaking of metal, the city sounds, the tapping of a heel, and that awful crawling sensation all build to a point of absolute terror... and then you're free of the warehouse and rising into the night air.

Behind you, patrols are doubled and the quiet warehouse becomes just a bit less quiet, but there are no alarms, no shouts, no guns pointing in your direction and filling the air with bullets. You've escaped the notice of New Dawn, if only barely.

It doesn't take long to put the warehouse entirely beyond you, but the fear doesn't go away. Power may not be crawling over your thoughts, but the memory of that feeling certainly crawls up your neck. You've seen Fox cast spells, you've seen Errant with his knightly aura, and of course you've watched all the more sorcerous supers on the web, but that's all light and sound, not visceral sensation.

When you feel like this, where do you usually go?

Liminal, AKA Teagan

The woman crosses her arms and fumes at you before scoffing. "Youth these days, so entitled. Can't even stop to help her betters."

With that, she turns away from you and lets you leave, awaiting the arrival of the police.

You walk home, putting the annoying lady behind you. You did the right thing, and now the exhaustion is hitting you. You practically stumble into your apartment, so tired you can barely keep your eyes open.

For once, Ryan hasn't made much of a mess, apparently being particularly engaged by the TV. That makes cleanup a little easier, but it's still a grueling chore, made worse by the toddler's attention turning from his shows to you the second you enter the room.

2020-01-23, 08:19 PM
Potential: 3/5

If there was one thing Fox believed more than anything after the witch had said her peace it was this. She could absolutely read his mind and that terrified him in ways he could neither articulate in words or thoughts short of incomprehensible screaming. It remained in that interplay between the rational and the paranoid mind that such a reaction wasn't wise and was exactly the reaction she was aiming for, to see distrust and aggression and to give in to those darker emotions. True, she was his enemy, true she was a mountain which needed climbing, to overcome her, but the rest rang hollow. Rage and distrust, the fuzzy claws of paranoia that gripped his heart were powerful but they weren't the only power. Nor were they the most powerful. Perhaps this Lich and her apprentices believed that but Kye had other beliefs and the evidence to make him secure that even if he wasn't right, neither was Corax.

When his family had been murdered he wasn't left alone to nurture his distrust. When he'd begun his march into ostensible herodom it wasn't a lonely road he tread. The Sons and Daughters of Albion did not disband simply because their numbers were culled. Heroes across the city worked in tandem with others even when they had every right to be a bastion alone, they held their hands out when they could not complete a task and worked as hard as one could to do what they could. A Fox was wary but not hostile to all outsiders. A Fox who would bite its mate would die and so too would all other fox. There was a time, a place, a use for others. If it was true that Corax felt otherwise, that she alone was the only one she could trust then that was a weakness to exploit. When you ran out of chess pieces only the King remained. He had no illusions, the team would need to defeat Corax eventually and everything he was doing was further intel on how to accomplish that feat. Corax knew that of course, there was no reason to hide it. They were enemies, they knew they were enemies but there was something larger than themselves. Was it not said that the Fox and the Wolf fought the Dragon before falling upon one another? It was so, the enemy of an enemy was not your friend but they were useful all the same. She was wrong. In this game there were enemies but there was succor too.

"I asked no questions save one." He finally spoke. "Do you expect answers from me then? I care not what the Wizard's role is, only his end by my hand. This is known and in that knowing I know myself. My people will never rest until the wrong has been corrected. The Gods frown upon fratricide and a debt is owed. If there are to be sacrifices along that way, blood pays for blood and I have no aversion in bleeding. I consign my role to the Dark, so that others might one day feel the sun upon them. You know of my blood, do you know our stories? Do you know how the story of the Fox and the Crow ends?"

2020-01-23, 08:46 PM
Fox, AKA Kye

Corax is once more silent and still as she listens to you speak. When you are done, she weighs your words for a moment before shaking her head. "I do not. My teacher would have; she loved collecting stories, especially from cultures that practiced magic. But I lack her breadth of experience, and though I know a bit of history on Albion, I know almost nothing of their folklore. Please, tell me of the Fox and the Crow."

There is no affront in her words, but neither can apology be found. Her tone is calm, practiced. She's still just playing a part, hiding her true intentions. Even her admittance of ignorance could be a lie, a tactic to draw out more from her quiet student - rather, her cautious enemy.

2020-01-23, 10:28 PM
Potential: 3/5

"Fox tricks Crow, building useless wings so that Crow will feel proud. Fox knows Crow is vain, that Crow sees the world from on high and thinks itself so much better than the rest. That it would show Fox how wonderful she is, so she steals the Sun to melt the snow. This doesn't just expose what the Fox is hunting, it melts away the vanity of Crow. Crow becomes the meal, she thought she understood the world from where she soared but distance makes things harder to see. Fox knows what he doesn't know, uses what he does to bring the lofty down." Fox starts, each word measured, aiming at Corax. "But there's another story there. Why was Fox hunting? To feed his children and mate. Fox takes Crow to his den and lets his family eat and leaves the Sun in his den so they're warm. When they've eaten and fallen asleep warm and content, Fox goes out once more to hunt where the fresh snow and the cold of night chills him. Fox is clever and knows that one day he will need someone to hunt for him again, like he did when he was young. Like his father Fox did before him and how his children will do for their children. It is a chain, Corax, that runs in both directions. Forever."

He folds his arms, the story done and too many words for it. "We are enemies, but our bellies are lean. Wouldn't it be more worthwhile for our hunt to be at our peak? No one tells stories of two starving beasts, lunging at one another. In our winter of distrust, morsels of truth will prepare us for our Spring. Why me, then? You know of my blood, it is important yes? I have shared, now you, Crow. I'll have my sun yet from you."

So, going to ask because I got a 12.

- How can I get Influence over you.
- How could I get you to trust me
- What do you want me to do?

2020-01-23, 10:58 PM
Aiden (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 1/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +1
Mundane: -2

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Aiden isn't sure how he expected this to go, but the conversation is clearly devolving. If his exploits weren't even impressive to his friends, how would he ever convince the other Knights of his worthiness?

Errant Red had given him an opportunity, and he'd put it off until tomorrow like some idiot. As if this jousting match were more important?

Pulling out his phone, he sends a follow-up message.

Actually, I'm free now. On my way.

"Hey, something came up, I've got to go. See you guys at school."

Captain Jak
2020-01-25, 06:34 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Conditions: Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

Having won clear and apparently without being detected, JigaWatt slowed his panicked flight to something that would be less likely to get him hurt in a moment of inattention.

Privately, he is more than willing to admit he’s scared spitless. Sure, getting out and pitting his capabilities against others in the defense of those who can’t defend themselves, it’s nervous work and a rush all at the same time.

Being alone, behind enemy lines, and in danger of being sniffed out by someone who can mess around in your head? That’s a whole lot of something else, and he wonders for a moment how the others have the courage to wander around on their own doing these things. The price of failure....

Well, that just goes to show that the others are probably right when it comes to him and the heroing business. Some people are heroes who stand larger than life and do the right thing; some are just good at drawing attention, whether it’s a good idea or not.

He’s continued to fly as his thoughts run around in circles, and he realizes that he’s subconsciously heading somewhere in particular as he recognizes landmarks below. Dropping into a banking turn, he descends into the midst of the massive sprawling acres of Ralph’s Wreckers.

Taking up an entire block in the industrial quarter, Ralph’s has been a mainstay of the city for decades now, and the strata of junked cars that are crushed and stacked give mute testimony to the changes in automotive design over the years. You could likely murder someone in the depths of the lot and nobody would hear a thing.

This is where Lucan had first come to experiment with his powers when they had been bestowed upon him; relative privacy, tons of stuff to practice on and very little that wasn't wrecked already that he didn't have to worry about wrecking a bit more. It isn't a safe space, per se, but it's a familiar one and one in which he'd gotten a handle on some freak-outish moments while figuring out just what the heck had happened to him.

Apparently his subconscious decided this was a good place and time for another such.

Landing more abruptly than usual, he stumbles his dismount and catches himself on the side of an old early '80s Crown Victoria that is half lost to rust by this point. He takes a moment to check if his camera is off – it is, he must have done that at some point during his flight, although he doesn't recall actually doing so – and pulls it from his head entirely. For just a moment here, he needs to be Lucan, not megastar JigaWatt. JigaWatt takes chances that puts him in danger of getting caught, hurt, killed, or potentially worse.

Lucan just has to worry about remembering his chores before facing maternal displeasure.

2020-01-26, 02:40 AM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.

Thick and thin skinned: Whenever you have Angry marked, take +1 ongoing to unleash your powers.
Teagan sighed as the door to her apartment closed behind her. The small couch next to the TV called to her, but she saw a number of things that needed immediate correction. As she turned the TV off and picked up yet another of her baby brother's diapers from the kitchen floor, she wondered. Would the work ever really end? Did her other teammates have these problems? How did Ryan even get out of his crib and into the kitchen, was he flinging these things?

She did most of the chores in a haze. Dinner wasn't anything special, with Teagan making herself a plate of nachos and trying to get Ryan to eat something a little more healthy. Cleaning up afterwards was tough, as her brother's hands were always sticky for some reason. She couldn't get the spoon out of his hand, so he ended up taking a bath with it. The highlight of the evening was when he sprayed water in her eyes and she turned it into a small water fight. Ryan let out that high pitched giggle that always made her laugh, and it was enough to forget about the additional mess they were making. Mopping up the bathroom floor could wait until at least the morning anyways.

The evening came to a close when Teagan settled Ryan down on the couch to read him a bedtime story, but she didn't make it more than a couple pages before passing out. Ryan, more than accustomed to this, waited a couple minutes as he tried to turn the page, only for it to stick to his hand and tear. He squirmed until he was out of Teagan's grip, climbed down from the couch, and crawled over to the TV remote to turn it back on. His face lit up as a late night rerun of Halcyon Cops played, and he sat enraptured by it.

2020-02-23, 04:21 AM
((Port from Discord, Part 1)

Fox, AKA Kye

With each word of your story, you can feel the tension in Corax rising. It's subtle at first: a change in the air, a barely-visible finger twitch, the noise of shifting feathers. But as the second half of your story plays out, that tension becomes palpable. A fist clenches, unclenches, clenches. She looks down, then away from you, then staring straight at you from that dark mask.

A little spark of magic dances across her fingertips. Corax looks away from you again, down to her hand, and when she sees the spark it flickers out and all the energy seems to drain from her. Her posture slips from too-stiff to nearly slumped and she lets out an exhausted sigh.

"I... I have so very little to give."

At the edge of the circle, a stick of incense starts to fizzle out, flame spent. The crow witch waves a hand and the incense reignites with a violet flash. She tilts her mask in its direction, watching silently, before giving you her full attention once more and straightening her posture.

"Once, before all of this, I had something warm and beautiful. Not blood-family; they left me before I was full-grown. But there was..." the witch's breath catches, and her words come out strained, "...there was a girl. I loved her, or I thought I did. She was found-family, chosen-kin. I wanted to spend my life with her."

Her fists are clenched, her head low, but this time the tension isn't pointed at you. "Her name was Evelyn, and she was... sick, in a manner of speaking. I had always been drawn to witchcraft, to little spells here and there, but her sickness drove me to greater acts of magic. I wanted to cure her. I wanted my Evelyn back. Instead, my spell made everything worse. It nearly killed her."

"As I cried over her, pouring magic into her, begging her to wake up, a grim specter found me. A skeleton cloaked in black; surely, I thought, this must be the reaper come to claim my Evelyn. But the reaper spoke with a woman's voice, and she introduced herself not as Death but as Abigail Rowan. You would know her as Lich Girl."

As her story continues, Corax's voice loses its emotion. "Rowan made me a deal: my life in exchange for Evelyn's. I became her apprentice, and she healed Evelyn. That was the last I saw of the girl I loved, and she probably hates me for what I did. All I have left is the magic that wasn't enough to save Evelyn and the remaining strings of my bargain with Rowan."

Corax sighs again. "Rowan would chide me for letting your story get to me. Rowan would be furious with me for revealing secrets like these." Her fists tighten, and then release. "But Rowan is gone, and I am left to pick up her pieces."

1. To get Influence over Corax, demonstrate that one of Rowan's lessons is untrue. Corax has built her whole life around Rowan's teachings, but now Rowan is gone and there's a hole where she used to be. Erode Corax's faith in Rowan's teachings and show her that not everyone has to be an enemy or a pawn.

2. To get Corax to trust you, demonstrate that you choose her over the League. Defend her secret if the League is ever close to discovering her part in the New Dawn conflict, and go to her with intel on New Dawn before going to the League with it. Delphi is part of the League.

3. Corax wants you to become her apprentice, just as she became apprentice to Rowan. But right now, she mostly just wants to be sure that you'll keep the Team from ratting her out to the League or any other source that could leak her involvement to New Dawn.

Errant White, AKA Aiden

Just as before, Errant Red sends no reply. It unsettles you a little, but there's no going back now; you take off for Castle Grail.

Your path leads you into one of the city's most beautiful parks, Leaminglam Gardens. The park is a wonderful place to just wander through on a sunny Halcyon day, but now it is cast in shadow and looms with promise.

You pass through the park and find the secret entrance that Durendal guided you to all those months ago. An unassuming statue glows with Albion magic as you approach, and you incant just the right words to be let through without having your face burned off.

Beyond the statue, a doorway of light ripples into existence. Beyond that, false fields of grain and the towering edifice of Castle Grail. With one last look at the night-clad city, you step through the doorway and emerge into gentle sunlight.

A stone leviathan greets you on the other side of the portal. Constructed by the Wizard himself, raised from the earth and hidden away inside a pocket dimension that itself was forged to resemble Albion of old, if only a pale imitation. The castle is the perfect picture of an ancient fortress, complete with the banners of the Knights and a sky-piercing tower that you know to house Bartimaeus.

There are few residents of Castle Grail, as it is mostly used as a headquarters for the Knights and they usually have business elsewhere. As you pass inside and stroll down faux-ancient halls you see few others, only a few caretakers tasked with keeping the castle presentable. Like most modern castles, the interior has been constructed to resemble old architecture but keep the convenience of modern living.

The grand hall of Castle Grail is adorned with trophies of the Knights. Mementos of past victories, reminders of suffering and defeat, and reclaimed items of Albion old. At the end of the hall Cailís na Ríthe atop an enchanted pedestal. The Chalice of Kings. It gleams with supernatural beauty, the power in that cup practically singing to you, and to your blade. Durendal feels lighter in the presence of the Chalice.

Errant Red stands beside the Chalice. Claiomh Solais rests at belt, and he wears a mix of modern tactical body armor and the plate-mail of historic knights. A crimson cloak billows from his shoulders and collects around his feet. You've read that his armor and cloak are each enchanted with over a dozen protective spells, and that Claiomh Solais, the Sword of Light, is strong enough to carve through titanium... or dragon scales.

Sir Maelan's expression is unreadable... but it doesn't seem positive. "Son of Albion, you have arrived. It is so good that you are free now. Pray tell, what miracle enabled you to answer my summons after first deciding this could wait?"

His voice is gruff, stern, and tinged with anger. "The other Knights are just waiting for you to slip up, Errant White. They look for any excuse to discredit you in the eyes of the Wizard. Green would have us search for a way to break your bond with the sword, while Grey has advocated simply taking Durendal and locking it away until you have trained to his satisfaction. You cannot let anything distract you from your role. Not while the eyes of all Albion are upon you."

JigaWatt, AKA Lucan

The night air is... well, not silent, but quiet by Halcyon standards. Here in the recess of the scrapyard, no one can find you. The world outside fades away, and you are left alone with your thoughts.

The crawling sensation has passed; whatever that woman did, it didn't work on you. You're safe, for now. But if she's a part of New Dawn, odds are you'll have to face her again. Her, the mercenaries, other supervillains, and eventually... whoever they all answer to.

But that's a JigaWatt problem. Lucan's problems are much smaller by comparison: homework, chores, making people happy. Compared to fighting monsters and resisting mind mages, none of that really seems like much.

The familiar space helps you put the encounter behind you, and soon enough it's time to head home. Your mothers scold you for running off so abruptly, but you're an expert at dissuading their concerns. Back in your room, a quick check at metrics shows that your latest video is still buzzing with activity, but it's not exploding like it was earlier. Your efforts have, for now, kept the situation from escalating too quickly.

Sleep takes you, and then... the bright rays of morning, consuming the night like it never was.

And in the light of morning, a notification on your phone: a message from the Halcyon League's PR team. They've invited you to the Hall of Heroes, the official headquarters of the League. They want to talk.

Liminal, AKA Teagan

Not even superheroes are immune to fatigue, and when sleep comes, it is blissful...

...And broken all too soon by sound and light.

The morning hits you like a sledgehammer, all your aches and pains magnified. It's going to be another brutal, boring, unrelenting day.

What's a typical Friday look like for the overworked hero?

2020-02-23, 04:24 AM
((Port from Discord, Part 2))

The sight of Old Albion never fails to take Aiden's breath away, even if it's merely an illusion. The air around Castle Grail is always filled with an energy that resonates in him, calling out to him. A homeland he had neven known. But, with luck, maybe one day he would. With Cailís na Ríthe in its rightful place, anything was possible. Defeating the dragon. Reclaiming Albion. Maybe even earning the Knights' respect.

And then Errant Red opens his mouth to berate him. So nice to have him back from Egypt.

The muscles in Aiden's neck flex as he clenches his jaw, his nose and temper flaring. Of course trying to put off the summons had been a mistake. Still, he had hoped that for once he wouldn't be rebuked for his slightest misstep. He stands up straighter, and his hand moves to Durendal's hilt as Errant Red describes the myriad ways the other Knights were conspiring to take it from him, squeezing it. He responds like a soldier reprimanded by his drill sergeant. "Sir. I have a test in school tomorrow. I thought I should focus on my studies, but I realized my mistake. Being a Knight is more important than algebra." Inwardly, Aiden winces at himself. Hearing it come out of his own mouth, even he can't tell if he was being sarcastic. Why do I always choose the worst times to be a smartass?

Fox was prepared for a great deal worse than what he got. Lipping off to one of, if not the, most powerful mage in the city outside of Albion wasn’t wise but he had little to lose. Little to truly care for if she left him a smoking crater.

“I ask for little for we have lost much.”

It was true. A small bit of knowledge and keeping out of his way were the only things he’d asked. In return she’d asked a great deal and asked for more still. Crows were often greedy. It was true too they’d both lost a great deal. Her, apparently, a lover and her hope. Him...a family. A people. A future even if Kye himself wouldn’t see that. He was a proud Son of Albion.

“You do not pick the pieces up alone.” She’s lying, playing for sympathy. There was no girl, no illness, a trap from start to end the pernicious voice screamed. “It will take trust, this is true. Time, as well. A thing we have so little of. I will not lie to my team.” More truth though the team would suspect otherwise he feared. Silence might be taken as a lie or worse, complicity. But even if this was some game, some play, he’d rather look like a fool and be prepared than to shun a chance to get close and strike. A cold maneuver but if it were a trap...prudent.

“Tell your next task and it will be done. I will not disappoint.”

Lucan reads over the message on his phone again. Finally! The previous day's entreat for information, the storm of activity that followed, the investigation and the panicked flight that followed, the emotional crash and unsettled sleep that followed it – all fades away in the face of finally getting the big push out there, the content that his followers crave.

The question is, if it really all fades away, why is there still an undercurrent of unease winding its way through his guts?

Calling up his contacts, his thumb hesitates over the options – can you just imagine bringing Fox along to a meeting like this? – before coming down on Liminal.

Hey, L. The League's PR people looking to chat at the Hall today. Wanna come with?

He...would feel better with some backup, he's sure. And he knows she's got a thing for the League, maybe this can be kind of an olive branch?

A buzz from her phone finally shook Teagan out of the deep slumber she was in. She sat up blearily, her mind slowly piecing together the dream she'd just been woken from. Sentinel chasing down criminals, yelling with her voice. Meanwhile, she was busy busing tables with a deep, manly voice that made her boss laugh.

It was a weird one for sure. Teagan shook her head as the memory of the dream faded, her ears finally picked up the sound of the tv, and she sat for a minute longer processing that detail. The tv definitely shouldn't be on, that wasted electricity. Had she forgotten to turn it off? No, she couldn't have, there was a book still lying on the couch, so Teagan knew she'd at least read something to Ryan before she fell asleep.

Ryan! Teagan bolted from the couch as she looked around the room for her little brother. He wasn't much older than a year old, he definitely shouldn't have been left out of his crib for the whole evening. A whole host of terrible thoughts ran through her head for the split second it took to find her brother in the kitchen, banging his toys together. He spared a brief moment to glance up at his older sister and utter something unintelligible before he went right back to whatever mad science he was trying to accomplish.

Teagan breathed a sigh of relief. She spent the rest of the morning chastising herself for making such a lapse in care while she fed Ryan and cleaned up his toys. The bar wouldn't open until the afternoon, so she didn't have any work to attend to besides some household chores, though she grumbled through the whole process. When she finally got back to check her phone, a solid hour had passed.

Her eyes lit up at the message from JIgaWatt. Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad weekend after all. She quickly texted a response back to him.

ofc!! were/when we meeting?

Teagan bolted into her bedroom and started putting on her costume. It took a little bit of time to finish the transformation into Liminal, but she was... practiced at it by now. When she finally popped out of the room, Ryan looked up at his sister and made a giggle. He promptly plopped down in front of the TV expectantly. Liminal felt a slight pang of guilt as she flipped the channel to the public broadcast. Hopefully the little tyke would get at least something educational out of the day.

"Be back soon, Ry. Don't...move, ok!? I'll be back soon."

It was more a promise to herself than anything else. As she locked the apartment behind her, thoughts of her brother quickly faded as she wondered what the upcoming meeting would be about.

2020-02-23, 04:25 AM
((Port from Discord, Part 3))

Aiden, AKA Errant White

Sir Maelan lets you stew in your error for a moment before brushing past it. "I will not be here long, for the business that began in Egypt has not yet run its full course. A member of that sinister cabal still lurks, and I shall hunt her down. Sunday morning I meet with the Watchtower to discuss all that transpired."

"Until then, I intend to correct the error of my peers." Maelan draws Claiomh Solais and taps it against the floor, then nods at your own blade. "Durendal chose you, Aiden, and I have never known that sword to be wrong. The other Knights may prattle all they like about you being inexperienced and untrained, but there is only one remedy to such ills: practice. In denying you the rigors of a Knight's trials, they only hinder the organization as a whole."

"Draw your blade, Knight, and let us cross swords. Hold nothing back, and trust that the righteous steel of our weapons will abstain from the blood of the pure-hearted." Maelan raises Claiomh Solais in a ceremonial pose, but you can tell there is the weight of years behind even such a simple movement. He has every confidence in his words, and in his ability as a swordsman.

Forget algebra, this is about to become the most intense quiz of your life.

Kye, AKA Fox

Like the flick of a switch, the cold shroud of control returns. "Of course. You are the most promising mage that Albion has produced in a century, after all. I always expect the best."

"New Dawn will strike Saturday at three locations. Their action-patterns have shifted since the League's interference, and I cannot yet pinpoint their targets, nor which is most crucial. I advise caution, and preparation. The alchemist has developed something new for this next round of strikes, and I wish to gather magical data first-hand... in a manner of speaking."

The crow witch produces a small stone covered in runes. Some of the runes are familiar from your studies, but a few defy your understanding of the runic languages, and when she tilts the stone you can see runes hidden within runes, a complex lattice of magical writing. "When you find New Dawn, bring this to the battle and speak the command word ansuz. It will allow me to observe the battle as if I were there."

Corax holds out the stone and drops it, letting it fall through the air, but before it can hit the ground it flickers and disappears. You feel a heaviness in your hand, and there the runestone rests. She muttered no incantation and constructed no circle, yet the stone's presence is indisputable. You feel a palpable sense of hunger and curiosity; whatever is in the books that Corax sent you, it isn't enough. It may have been little more than a parlor trick compared to the great spells of archmages, but it is still true magic, not the cantrips and idle sorceries of your current training.

"I have every confidence in your team's success this time... which means I have prepared no safety net. There will be no League waiting in the wings."

With that, all the candles in both rooms go out, and then the image of Corax vanishes and your own reflection stares back at you.

JigaWatt and Liminal

You meet up in the big open park area just outside Halcyon City's most famous landmark: the Hall of Heroes. It's got that adorably cheesy Gold Generation style, looking straight out of an old-school comic book and completely out of place surrounded by ultra-modern buildings. It's the shortest building on the block by a huge margin, but it still dominates the eye through sheer cultural impact.

The front of the building is all glass, perfect to show off the trophies inside. The Hall of Heroes is open to visitors 24/7, maintained by a cadre of robotic tour guides. The real Hall, the part where the heroes meet, is... well, there's a few theories. The easy answer is that it's underneath, or that it's one of the unassuming buildings nearby, or that it's a space station orbiting Earth accessible by teleporter.

But for those pay attention to how Halcyon City operates, there's another answer: it's there, just sideways. An alternate dimension overlaying and folded into the backrooms of the Halcyon Hall of Heroes. It's the same principle as Lich Girl's Ossuary and Albion's Castle Grail. The League may not have any mages as strong as the Wizard or the Lich, but they do get first pick of the finest in mad scientist inventions.

Inside, the Hall is full of tourists admiring the statues, holograms, and trophies from various mega-villains past. A pair of costumed teens are geeking out over a replica of Loki's Scepter, while a gaggle of parents have brought their kids to see a shard of the dragon Verazillix. The place is full of those guide-bots helpfully expositing information that most visitors are completely ignoring.

Towards the back, you notice one actual human that looks like he works here, given the pseudo-secretary get-up. When you're close enough to catch his eye, he gives you a quick once-over before fishing through his pockets for an index card and giving it a the same treatment.

"JigaWatt? And... guest?"

2020-02-23, 04:28 AM
((Port from Discord, Part 4))

It’s hard not to look like just another of the yokels rather than one of the stars as he and Liminal make their way through the trophies displayed in the hall. Sure, Lucan has been here before on the tour, but that’s still Dr. Oblivion’s world-threatening Negamognafier – whatever that’s supposed to mean – over there, and the preserved remains of one of the massive stone elementals of the Unseelie Incursion of ’06 casts a metaphysical shadow even larger than its physical one.

“You ever been in here before?” he asks his teammate, his eyes focused on...oh, wow. The infamous Three of Spades from the Deckmaster’s play deck. Sure, it looks like a simple playing card. But in the wrong hands....

Spotting the most likely point of contact, he leads the way over to the man amongst all the machines.

“Colleague,” he corrects the man’s misassumption. “Liminal is part of The Team.” She’s a quarter of their resources; she has just as much right to be here as he does.

That doesn’t, of course, quiet the little flutter of unease that whispers to him that maybe he overstepped by inviting along company....

He simply stands, stone in hand, when the mirror returns to its former reflective surface. This meeting had been more fruitful and he felt he knew where he stood a little better than before. Exactly where he suspected he stood. It was good to have confirmation. It left him much to consider however. He couldn’t trust the Witch, not truly. He could act it, he could feel the space out now that some seemed made, get close and strike when he needed. She would strike for certain. If not at him, at the team. Part of him believed she was looking to pass her knowledge on but no part of him felt that that meant his team wouldn’t be the first to go if the Witch felt they were in the way. Much of this was for their sake, there would be no sense in throwing them away for more power when they were a primary motivating factor in looking for it in the first place.

They wouldn’t believe it. They’d probably be smart to distrust. The Wizard was the central reason, they were byproducts, further means to what he hoped would be a glorious end. He killed everyone, his order doomed his people and left them stranded. The Wizard had done the unspeakable, the unthinkable, in slaying kin. The Gods did not look kindly on kinslayers and he was the very instrument of their displeasure. It was a Fate of another kind that spoke to their end, Fox undoubtedly burned alive by one of the Wizards spells but not before he’d choked the life out of the hateful geezer.

That was why he walked this road, wasn’t it? It wouldn’t do for the Witch to betray him, to be a roadblock to that Fate. The Fate that rendered all others impotent. It was why he walked the Dark, for no reasonable person spoke their truths in the Light. He could play his part, all of this was an act at any rate. The Kye who wasn’t a proud Son of Albion in the light of day. The Kye whose thirst for vengeance didn’t consume his heart. Surely if that Kye dwelt beneath the same sun, his true self could only languish in the Dark. He cleaned up the small changing room and found his way back to the streets.

Liminal stretched her neck ever so slightly as she and JigaWatt walked into the Hall of Heroes. It was ironic for someone with her powers, but a night spent sleeping on the couch still made her muscles ache. Thankfully the sights and sounds of the Hall of Heroes was more than enough to distract her.

There stood War Weary’s Demotivator cannon. He’d used that one on her neighborhood once, trying to prove how lazy the people at the bottom of the ladder were. The joke was on him, since Mr. Kelly had given her the week off with pay after that attack. Not that she would’ve been able to come in to work anyways, everyone sat around watching tv and eating chips for hours. Some still hadn’t worked off the excess weight gain. Even Ryan didn’t cry for almost three days; it had been the best week of her life.

Liminal recognized a few other items, like the ignominious Defenestrator, the Masks of Fate, and the Blue Harpoon, the latter of which had featured prominently on the last Shark Week. Not all of the Hall’s trophies were as glamorous as the others, but there wasn’t anything world ending in here. That was a relief. Liminal hated to think that the heroes would display some truly horrible artifacts for public viewing if they weren’t absolutely sure they could keep the place secure.

She gave a start as JigaWatt asked a question. “Yeah, on a field trip once.”

It was true, though Teagan didn’t attend school anymore. The less they knew about her personal life, the better. She turned to ask him a question, only to see JigaWatt’s eyes bulge as he laid eyes on a playing card. At least he was enjoying himself, all Teagan felt was a rising nervousness at officially introducing herself to the League.
What if they didn’t accept her?

The question was answered soon enough, as a JigaWatt walks over to probably the only living employee in the place and introduces them. She smiled despite herself, as hearing that sort of correction from JigaWatt improved her opinion of him immeasurably.

“Nice to meet you.” Liminal responded cordially. “Don’t mind me, I won’t be in the way.”

She briefly considered a small demonstration of her powers to see what response she’d get, but quickly decided against it. JigaWatt was the reason she was even here today, so JigaWatt was the one she was going to mirror as closely as possible.

"Abstain from the blood..." Aiden looks down at Durendal in bewilderment. "Wait, you just do that on your own?" At that moment, Aiden gets the very strange feeling that his sword just rolled his eyes at him. "Hey -" he says, before cutting himself off. Dude, you are not going to get into an argument with your sword in front of Sir Maelan!

Speaking of Sir Maelan, Aiden's heart skips a few beats as the other Knight raises his sword. His adrenaline spikes, and he gulps. Hard. He hopes his hand is steadier than it feels as he draws Durendal from its scabbard. For its part, Durendal practically sings, eagerly anticipating the fight.

The rest of the Knights hadn't so much as lifted a finger to teach Aiden how to fight properly. Not that Bartimaeus would have given them any time with all the reading he expected Aiden to do. So far he'd been getting by with some YouTube videos from a LARP group, and it suddenly seemed like it wasn't nearly enough. But with Durendal resting firm in his hands, Aiden sets his jaw in determination. Gripping it with both hands, he holds Durendal high and charges to attack!

2020-02-23, 04:30 AM
((Port from Discord, Part 5))

JigaWatt and Liminal

The man dips his head apologetically. "Ah, of course. You and your colleague have been granted a meeting with the League to discuss some sensitive information. Follow me right this way and I will show you to the meeting room."

You follow him into a side room and down a long hallway until you reach a simple wooden door. Your guide opens the door, gestures you through, and closes it behind you.

Inside is a meeting room straight out of a high-rise corporate office, with long table and swivel chairs. Except, corporate offices usually don't have holographic skyboxes and distinctly magical potted plants that bloom in rainbow colors.

Seated around the meeting table are two figures, one familiar and the other new to you. The first is Weaver, a member of the League's core six, who is both the League's resident archmage and their best strategist. Next to her is a man in his late 20s wearing an unremarkable suit.

The man in the suit rises to his feet and extends a hand to greet both of the teen heroes. "It's good to meet you. I'm Tobias Crane, social media coordinator to the League's public relations team. My crew was notified of your messages recently and arranged this meeting so we can discuss those videos of yours. Before we get into details, I'd like to extend a measure of gratitude for your discretion in not releasing the full video so far."

Weaver is next to speak, though she does not rise and makes no attempt to welcome either of you. "And I have been working closely with Crane and associates as part of the League's overall strategem for combating New Dawn on all fronts. I have been most curious of your group since Sunshot informed me of your presence during the Warrens raid. It was... unfortunate that I could not have met you in person that night."

You get the feeling Weaver isn't exactly happy about Sunshot covering the Team's exit.

Weaver gestures at JigaWatt and says, "Now, before we can discuss the video, I'd like some context on the events leading up to it. How did your group end up at the facility? What clues led you to New Dawn? And what did you do once you entered the facility, before Sunshot appeared?"


Your path takes you home with no interruptions, and when sleep finally takes you it is deep night. Morning follows, and your hunt for the rare texts is all set to continue... until you find a message from Sara Hastings waiting.

Thank you for talking to Penny, Kye. If you want to keep up the momentum of that healthy act (and I'm telling you as your case manager that you do want that), there's an after-school club that I think you'd like: Chess Club at Crystal Oak High School. It's pretty light on supers for a Halcyon school, so you shouldn't run into anyone you know from Camp Joy. If you're interested, it's in Room C13 at 3:30. And I told them you're coming, so don't worry about seeming out of place. :)

Well that's a bit... new. Hastings has been trying to get you more social for a while, but this is the first time she's sent you to an after-school club. You don't go to that school, after all, and chess? Why chess?

You could probably find a way to get out of it. Say you were busy doing hero stuff, or lie about bakery obligations. But you know she'd see through that and be disappointed in you.


You charge forward, putting all your might and determination behind the blow. Maelan steps forward with Claiomh Solais and meets your strike, then a second, each time manipulating his blade with perfection precision. He keeps up his perfect defense for just two more strikes before lunging forward and in a maneuver faster than your eyes can follow-

Durendal clatters to the floor.

Maelan has resumed his passive stance. "Hmm. Passion behind your strikes, but marred by uncertainty, inexperience, and your impaired bond with Durendal. You swing him around like a baseball bat or any old hunk of metal. That might suffice against ordinary criminals, but it will cost you dearly if you face a true supervillain. You must understand your blade as well as the techniques of sword-fighting. Only when a Knight and his sword fight as one are they complete."

He switches to defensive stance and says, "Now, again!"

2020-02-23, 04:32 AM
((Port from Discord, Part 6))

Aiden freezes as Durendal is swept out of his hands. He hadn't expected to be able to land a blow on Sir Maelan, but never before has the sword fallen from his grasp. Somehow, it hurt more than if he'd just been hit. If the Knights really wanted to take Durendal away from him, he would be totally incapable of stopping them. So what was preventing it?

Ashamed, he bends down to retrieve the fallen sword. Holding it in his hands, he feels something unexpected from Durendal. Not frustration or disappointment, but defiance. And in that moment, he had the answer to his question. They can't take it. Durendal won't allow it.

Try again!

Squaring up again against his opponent, Aiden squeezes Durendal's grip as he holds it in front of him, but a prickling sensation on his palms makes him loosen up, relaxing the grip. "Huh? Like this?" Other sensations direct more minute adjustments in form and position, and only after paying them mind does Aiden realize that they'd always been there. The new form feels better, more comfortable. "Okay. Let's do this." With two more quick steps forward, he slashes out, more fluid and confident than before.

Waking up to a text from Hastings isn’t uncommon, she was a chatterbox always eager to send positive messages and helpful “advice” even when he was asleep. Rare are the messages he finds useful but this one earns a loud sigh of annoyance. A distraction, another distraction, after a long night. “You’ll pay.” is all he returns before getting dressed in as casual of clothing as he has without looking...well. Poor. Missing a night in the kitchen wasn’t going to make any of the others angry, there were always plenty of hands now that they lived in such small confines, someone was always away for something important or other. A glamour over his hair and eyes, hiding their unusual shades, was quick but necessary and then he was out the door.

He took to this wrinkle as he took to pretty much everything. Resigned grumpyness. He still wasn’t thrilled that Penny and Hastings had conspired to set up a meeting. Less thrilled that it turned into business. He carried it with him on the bus all the way to the school and into its halls. He’d been to school...once or twice...there was talk when his family were alive to send him to one. To integrate more fully, or so he’d been told.

The purge ended that. He’d been home schooled every since, tucked away safe and sound to learn what proper children of Albion learned. The shape of totems, the secret words that bent the fabric of reality to your whims, to hold a sword, to lie. Arithmetic and other worldly aspirations were a side thought, to be learned but nowhere near important in a world that had now declared itself your enemy.

So it was with barely contained contempt that he clipped down polished hallways, eyes lingering over spirit posters and colorful lockers as he counted out the rooms. C2. C4. C6 and there at the back was C13. 3:20, on the dot. If you weren’t early, you were late. He gave a rapping knock on the door before pushing into the room, steeled and hackles raised.

Lucan’s pulse is racing, his mouth dry. These are the big players, and it will be all too easy to screw things up if he’s not careful. Not to mention the warnings he received yesterday about not being able to rely on official channels to prevent the upcoming chaos.

No pressure, right?

“Thanks for seeing us,” he replies, putting a Public Smile on his face. “My followers have been eager to see the content I have for them, but I couldn’t in good conscience put it out there without coordinating with you here first.” Well, his good conscience had been saved from being overruled by the need to post by a small margin, thanks to this morning’s message that has brought them here.

“One of us received a tip that information about the group that was responsible for empowering and controlling kids. We were told to check out that address, and so we went in force and arrived by stealth. I couldn’t tell you how that information got out, but it clearly was good,” JigaWatt explains.

“Once we arrived, we entered and uncovered a bunch of kids and a bunch of scientists in the process of making more super powered pawns for whoever was behind this. We jumped in and intervened with their security team, and then Dr. Moron came out and tried to do his whole big villain gig.” He smiles.

“We stopped them,” he concludes simply with a shrug, then digs into a pocket of his jeans.

“I’ve got it all right here, if you want to look at it,” he offers, holding up a SD card.

Liminal stood next to JigaWatt, her eyes constantly flickering towards Weaver and her stance shifting nervously. All thoughts she'd had of "impressing the League" fled quickly as the rubbery heroine was stuck between awe and terror. On the one hand, even she hadn't expected JigaWatt's League contact for the day to be one of its highest ranking members, and her jaw had dropped open the moment she laid eyes on the archmage. On the other hand, there was a certain amount of panic she felt at the prospect of being in a room with one of the most powerful beings in the world. Liminal had never cared much for the magical types, just the idea of their powers terrified her sometimes, and Weaver was among the best. Having her seemingly irritated at the start of the meeting was a bad omen. It was easy to forget that the archmage was one of the heroes of Halcyon when a small voice kept whispering in Liminal's head that she could probably destroy the entire room with a snap of her fingers.

Contrary to what Liminal was expecting, Weaver's line of questioning was rather direct; almost too blunt. She couldn't tell whether the archmage was worried over a possible leak in League intel, or if she just wanted to strongarm some kids out of their achievement. She didn't have a good enough read on the woman to decide one way or the other, and that made her even more hesitant to answer. Besides, only Fox would know anything about the source of their information, and if JigaWatt hadn't mentioned that, she wasn't going to volunteer anything either. There were enough scam artists out there that asked for your valuable information first without offering anything in return, and Liminal hoped that wasn't what the League was trying to do.

2020-02-23, 04:34 AM
((Port from Discord, Part 7))


With Durendal's aid and your now-conscious cooperation, Knight and sword strike as one. Your attacks flow into each other, Durendal surging with excitement and a palpable sense of power that has been lacking from all your previous conflicts.

Sir Maelan blocks each strike as you make it, but this time there is focus behind each motion. Gone is the callous dismissal of his perfect defense; each clash of steel is a true exchange.

Strike, block. Strike, block. With each attack you feel your connection to Durendal growing stronger, the power flowing between each of you in an endless loop that makes you both faster, tougher, deadlier.

And then, as you level another slash at the opposing Knight, Durendal seems to move almost of its own accord, tilting at just the right angle and swinging with just enough extra force to make Maelan feel the blow. When Claiomh Solais takes the strike in perfect form, the power behind the strike reverbates through the blade and through it, passing to the Red Knight with just enough force left to push him back a single inch.

Against any lesser fighter, a victory barely worth mentioning. Against a Knight of Albion? It is a war cry. A declaration.

This Knight is mine, and my choice will not be disrespected.

Maelan nods his head in respect and relaxes his stance. "That is how a Knight does battle. There is a flow to battle, like a river of steel, and your blade knows the direction of the tide. Durendal has never chosen wrong, Aiden. You are fortunate to wield a blade so full of heart and mind."

He allows you only a few seconds to accept the praise before returning to his warrior's form. "Now... again. And this time, do not stop until you have struck my armor."


To some, school is a labyrinth of chaos, drama, and obligations. But you've been in the Warrens, and the simple distractions of secondary education hardly compare. There are more important things to worry about than sanitized histories and toothless literature.

Chess is not one of those important things, but here you are regardless.

You push into the room with full guard up, ready for anything. Keen eyes used to scanning for threats sweep over a room so banal as to be dreary: it is every inch the picture of a conventional classroom, from the whiteboard to the rows of seats to the unmanned teacher's desk.

A few of the desks have been pushed aside to make space, and in the center of the room desks have been pushed together to create makeshift tables. Two students are seated at one such table: a boy and a girl, the boy bright-eyed and the girl darkly-dressed. With your sudden entrance the boy is only half-stood, rising from his seat to meet you all too slowly. The girl hasn't looked up from the object of her interest: a game of chess.

The chessboard is prettier than the cheap sets you've seen before, something old-fashioned and hand-carved. The pieces are high-quality but functional, lacking any of the frills and stylizations that make many 'fashionable' chess sets annoying to learn. At a glance, the girl is winning by a high margin.

"Hey there! You're Kye, right? I'm Caleb, and this is Ellie. We're stoked to have a guest to our quaint little club." He flashes you a winning smile so full of sincerity it almost hurts. Is this guy for real? The girl is sharp contrast, only barely acknowledging your presence with a brief glance before returning her gaze to the game before her.

Caleb strolls over to meet you with a wince. "Sorry about Ellie, she gets deep in the zone. She's nice once her brain comes back to the real world, though. Besides me and her, we'll get Daniel and Maxine in a few minutes."

Ellie chimes in, voice dry and dispassionate. "Max's got another thing going on today. So just Danny." She doesn't lift her attention from the chessboard, and even moves a piece as she talks. "Check."

Caleb looks back at Ellie and pouts. "Aw, really?"

Lucan and Teagan

Weaver and Crane listen without interruption. Crane nods along, while Weaver just purses her lips. It seems the League's mage doesn't entirely buy all the details of your story... but she doesn't argue any points you bring up.

When the SD card is offered, Crane takes it delicately. "I'll take a look, and I'll make sure it comes back pristine." He offers you a smile, then exits through a side door, leaving the two teen heroes alone with Weaver.

For a moment, Weaver simply remains as she is, silently watching. But the moment doesn't last long, and with a deep, pained breath, Weaver says, "I... must admit to a bit of weakness. Your team's presence at the New Dawn facility caught me very off guard, and I have spent the days since trying to understand how exactly you slipped my divinatory web. I fear that frustration has rendered me uncivil, for which I apologize."

An apology? From a Leaguer?

"In the weeks leading up to the assault on New Dawn, I poured spell after spell every day into divination magic. From scrying spells to portents and omens, I exhausted all my resources so that the operation would be perfect. But somehow, four teenagers who had never once appeared in the web were not just present at the operation, but actually arrived before the League." You can feel the exasperation coming off her, but as she talks you start to get the feeling that she's not really aiming it at you.

"Make no mistake; I do not believe your team guilty of any malice in the act, but I cannot ignore the consequences of your absence in my foresight. Whoever tipped you off is a strong enough or clever enough mage to hide from my spellcraft, and there are very few people in this city capable of that. Even fewer with good intentions."

She pauses, giving both teens an appraising glance. "I respect that you place value on information, and that you care about protecting your sources. It shows integrity, and so I will not ask you to divulge who tipped you off. I will merely advise caution in dealing with this third party. Those who dwell in shadow are often consumed by it."

2020-02-23, 05:23 AM
Potential: 3/5

Still in high alert, it was all he could do to not fling something at this new boy as he stood. His heart raced for a moment though when nothing came...no assault or even a harsh word….he relaxed ever so slightly. Were these just regular people? No powers? They didn’t seem to have them but one could really never be sure. Would anyone expect him, standing here, to be a mage? No. There was the problem. Two of them, and two...one more...on the way. Also probably for the best, who would he play against if there was an odd number? Or would he just waste more time watching the others play. The latter sounded far worse than the former, both falling short of finding the remaining books in the treasure trove his newfound master had requested.

It then dawned on him that in all this thinking, appraising the two, he’d not said a single word. No mask to hide behind either. “Yes.” he finally managed, glancing back towards the door. A quick escape. “I-I yes, I’m Kye.” He offers a sheepish smile, a rolling shrug of his shoulders and a hand towards the game near won. “I think it’s your move.”

Captain Jak
2020-02-23, 03:17 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Conditions: Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt exchanges a glance with Liminal.

”I know we haven’t really been at this business a long time, but even so we’ve already realized that you don’t really trust anyone who’s not part of your Team,” he replies with a trace of caution in his tone. It’s words like that that often preface an adult trying to forbid one from doing something they think is too much for you.

”We honestly didn’t know about your planned operation; we’re just grateful we didn’t end up interfering with things after all. We’d rather be allies to the League than an annoying interference, after all,” he says wryly, considering the arcane powerhouse sitting before them. He doesn’t want to be under League jurisdiction – none of The Team does – but to be sanctioned by and working with?

Hell yeah!

Pierce the Mask vs Weaver: 8
How could we get you to officially sanction The Team?

2020-02-24, 11:19 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.

Thick and thin skinned: Whenever you have Angry marked, take +1 ongoing to unleash your powers.
Liminal watched with irritation as Crane stepped out the door with the SD card. She always hated it when people walked out of sight with something she owned, though in this case the item didn't belong to her and JigaWatt wasn't visibly bothered by it. Still, it just felt wrong to let someone disappear with something so valuable. It was like letting a cashier walk off with your debit card, you never knew what they were doing with the information.

She was still mulling it over when Weaver offered a rather unexpected apology. Liminal shared JigaWatt's glance, but she didn't know what to say. They'd gotten the mission from Corax, and apparently whatever they'd done to get the information, or whomever they'd gotten it from, was incredibly powerful if they could pull the wool over Weaver's eyes. Liminal knew almost nothing about spellcasting, but all those things Weaver claimed to have done sounded really impressive. What were they getting involved with? Also, was that line about the shadows...coincidental?

Before she could say anything, JigaWatt did what came naturally to him; that being open up his big mouth and say some fairly diplomatic (and sometimes intelligent) things. She was becoming more and more glad that he was there. If it'd been just her, Liminal would have just dropped out of League adjacent missions altogether if she'd thought it was making them angry. At least now, they were looking in her direction. Well, JigaWatt's direction, but Fox wasn't the only Team member skilled at being a shadow.

"We could be associates, if allies are a bit too casual." She added quietly after JigaWatt made his offer. "But we're not here to cause trouble."

At this point, Liminal might've settled for "junior member", but she had no faith that Weaver would accept such a thing.

2020-02-26, 11:56 AM
Aiden (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Aiden's heart soars as he lands the blow that knocks Sir Maelan back. This newfound connection with Durendal opens a whole new world for him. As he attacks Sir Maelan again, he feels lighter, freer. Aiden can't help but grin, his focused determination giving way to joy as the current of power builds with every strike. The clash of steel sounds like a song as sword and knight harmonize together, each attack building toward an inevitable crescendo.

2020-02-26, 06:36 PM
Lucan & Teagan

Weaver smiles wryly. "An attitude I'm sure the rest of the League will appreciate. We've had far too much trouble lately. For all our efforts, New Dawn remains several steps ahead of us."

Crane returns to the room and hands JigaWatt the SD card. "Thank you for your cooperation. I ran the video through a few quick algorithms to see how it might affect our campaign. The bad news is, a significant portion of the video is unusable in its current state; anything that directly shows what New Dawn is doing to people represents an arrow in the opposition's quiver. If people were aware that metahumans could be mass-produced - even temporary metahumans, as we've discovered most of New Dawn's experiments to be - it would undo years of work in getting people to accept metahumanity."

"Now, we're aware that suppressing the truth is not a permanent solution, nor an ethical one," he continues, "but until we have measures in place to offset the damage of that information, we need to focus on keeping the peace."

Weaver nods in agreement. "Once my team is closer to cracking New Dawn, we intend on making a public statement revealing everything. It may even be possible one day for the technology that New Dawn is pioneering to be used for the betterment of the world, rather than brute terror attacks."

Crane leans back in his seat and says, "So, that leaves two options for the video. We have talent here that can edit the video pretty heavily, and on a level unnoticeable to even the trained eye. We can digitally scrub the majority of dangerous information and leave a 'clean' video for you to release publically. The second option is to lean on field-of-vision blur effects and clever cuts to try and edit around the crucial data, though this might result in a pretty choppy video in parts. Either way we're willing to help with the process. The third option, is, of course, to hold off on releasing the video until the League is ready to make a statement... but that statement likely isn't coming for weeks, and I heard how anxious you were getting in a few of those phone calls." He gives you a sympathetic wince.

The League's modus operandi is integration. A big part of the Halcyon League brand is making sure everyone knows just how valuable League training and resources are, as opposed to mere cooperation. However, there is precedent: in a generation past, the League's hands were tied by a draconian and thankfully short-lived government policy. To get around this, the League offered covert support to a team of young superheroes called the Morning Owls and sanctioned their actions. Of course, it bears mentioning that most of the team went on to join the League in an official capacity once the policy was lifted.

If you want history to repeat, you need to make a show of usefulness. Sharing exclusive intel could get Weaver's interest, and leveraging your media platform - and that big spike you got from targeting Lang - could get her attention.


Caleb winces and looks back at the game. "Check already? But I was following the booklet perfectly."

With a second glance you see a thin paper booklet in front of Caleb's seat: a list of movesets used by professionals.

"Too perfectly," Ellie replies. "It makes you predictable."

Caleb turns back to you. "I'm not really in Ellie's league, but I try to help her practice for tournaments. She's won cash before, and trophies!" You can feel the pride radiating from his voice. "I'm just a collector, really." He scratches his head and grins.

Ellie sighs. "You could improve if you took it seriously. I'm not a natural or a prodigy, just a hard worker. That's what matters most, you know." She scoops the game and starts resetting it. While she moves the pieces, she finally turns her cool gaze on the newcomer. "You any good?"

She gestures to the now-empty seat and Caleb steps aside, grabbing his booklet as he finds an adjacent seat to watch the match from.


Two blades, two knights, and a dance of ringing metal. With each clash you can feel your connection to Durendal growing stronger and deeper, and you begin to perceive the glowing threads of power that bind you to your blade. The same threads connect Maelan to Claiomh Solais, though much thicker and more numerous, more akin to the steel cable that holds up suspension bridges.

At some point the world fell away, the entire castle vanishing from your perception as the duel became the only thing that mattered. You can feel yourself getting closer and closer, with each strike chipping away at Maelan's defenses, with each strike proving yourself, proving your bond, proving that you are meant to be a Knight-

And then, a clear but wizened voice interrupts your mock combat.

"Sir Maelan, it is good to see you again after such a long absence. And, ah, Errant White. How fortuitous that I find you here within my humble abode."

Immediately, both of you freeze, torn from the song of battle by that all-too-familiar voice. Maelan sheathes his sword and gives a crisp salute. Your vision of the glowing threads disappears like it was never there, and you hear Maelan say in his most reverent tone, "Bartimaeus. Thank you for the kind words."

The Wizard of Albion stands before you in all his glory, leaning against a staff of pale gold and smiling at the both of you.

2020-02-26, 11:39 PM
Potential: 3/5

He studied the two for a moment longer, being the only sample size he had of their group's dynamic. Caleb was studious, Ellie industrious. The former to score a win against the latter...but why? To impress? To humble? No...Caleb wanted to be liked. He was insecure, maybe, with his easy smile and eager greeting. He wanted to make a good first impression, and wanted this girl to make one too. Of the two, he was certainly more acclimated to Ellie's style of greeting. She was focused on the win but if her opponent was so hard to read, why all the concentration? She didn't want to make mistakes? She was winning handily, a mistake or two could easily be permitted certainly? Especially when playing someone you knew. That wasn't good enough it would seem. Either full victory or nothing.

"No one's accused me of that." he finally answered, returning the cool gaze with one of his own. He didn't know the game at all really, other than the basics. Rooks moved in straight lines, knights in a strange L, bishops diagonal but only on their color, etc etc. The Knights were not a Chess people though he knew those of Albian persuasion were more keen on it. He knew people, well enough. A useful tool learned in the Camp. If you could read people, you could beat them in just about anything. He hoped his read on these two, as early as it were, would be enough. Otherwise he was about to be beat and more handily than poor Caleb. He took the offered seat all the same, placing his chin in hand and elbow resting on the table. "You meant in chess? I've never played. You're not going to go easy on me though, are you." He offered a wry smile, a feint of his own. Where were her cracks, how could he get her out of that zone enough to at least unbalance her if even for a moment.

Captain Jak
2020-02-27, 10:00 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Conditions: Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

Lucan, understandably, has a welter of emotions roiling inside him. On the one hand, he had been fairly certain that there was information in that video that couldn't be considered acceptable for general public knowledge.

On the other, it really sucks to know that he has to edit things down not just for viewability or length, but actual content and message.

He…really wants to ask Liminal's opinion on this, but knows he can't. Because he can't go looking indecisive in front of the League of all things, and because this is his life, his fame. If he can't wrangle it on his own, is it really his success?

"…we'd better scrub the footage," he says with only a hint of reluctance. "I'm pretty sure a 'bad' choppy cut would convince some of my fans that a coverup was happening. I try to avoid bad cuts and focus issues where I can," he explains with a shrug. Sure, a lot of his videos have chop in them, but that's to be expected with some of the stunts he does. Out of place chop, however, would look…wrong.

"I'd also like to, uh, reserve the right to release the undoctored footage when it's appropriate to do so," he adds, wanting to get that on the table right here and now.

And along the lines of his life, his celebrity, and his decisions....

"And…I've come across some information that I elicited, and independently verified, that ties into Junebug, New Dawn, secret technology dumps in-city, and at least one imminent planned terror attack," he adds with a rush. He feels guilty, vaguely, that he's passing this information on to the League without discussing it with The Team first, but this is some pretty serious stuff going down, and it may just be more than they can handle on their own.

And...if he was more introspective of a person, he might have to admit to himself that he's still scared from his encounter the previous evening, and the thought of handing this off to someone else more experienced to deal with is a welcome one.

Fortunately, he's not that introspective.

2020-03-01, 11:05 PM
Aiden (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

As quickly as it began, it was over - the dance of battle, the song of steel, the realest feeling of being a Knight he's yet felt, gone in an instant. Taking his cue from Sir Maelan, Aiden reluctantly sheathes Durenadal, turns, and salutes by crossing a closed fist over his heart. Looking up at the wizard standing on the level above them, he groans inwardly. Fortuitous, he says. He probably found another dusty book for me to read. I'm going to bomb my algebra test so hard!

Aiden still wasn't sure if Bartimaeus could truly read minds or if it was just one of his many uncanny knacks, but he'd long since given up trying to suppress his thoughts around the wizard. From the first moment Aiden had met him, Bartimaeus the Blind had had a way of subverting his expectations. He'd been expecting a wizened old man with rheumy eyes, flowing white beard, and starry robes that swept the ground. Instead, the wizard had bright, twinkling eyes, a meticulously cropped white beard, and an immaculately tailored suit. The staff, never far from his person, was the only obviously wizardly thing about his appearance, slender and golden with its moon-cradling-sun shepherd's crook. Even as he stood there, Bartimaeus defied expectation, leaning against the staff and appearing almost frail. But Aiden knew better.

"Bartimaeus! Sir Maelan was just giving me some pointers," he says, feeling the strange urge to explain his presence at the castle.

2020-03-03, 11:32 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.

Thick and thin skinned: Whenever you have Angry marked, take +1 ongoing to unleash your powers.
"'Scrub the footage'?!"

Liminal almost couldn't believe what she was hearing. The League wanted to control the information, that was understandable, but a coverup? People's lives were in danger, with no telling how this New Dawn organization was getting more lab rats to experiment on, and the League wanted to bury the information for weeks? How did the organization collect so many people for their experiments? She hadn't heard anything about massive kidnappings, so were they just recruiting? Wouldn't that mean this sort of information would help dissuade people from joining them?

"But...you can't just show yourself fighting the villain without showing the villain practicing...villainy, right? That makes no sense. Is he just showing up to fight Moreau because...he's there?"

And yet JigaWatt agreed to the terms readily. Liminal almost strained her neck with how fast she whipped around to gawk at him. She caught herself quickly, this was his meeting and call to make after all, but internally she was reeling. She had to calm herself down with the reminder that the League knew what it was doing. They were the ones in charge of this, they were the ones offering the Team an olive branch (though that in and of itself still seemed a tad unnecessary). Maybe JigaWatt was just smarter in this sort of situation. Unfortunately, her mouth had gotten ahead of her brain again.

Offering up the rest of the information he had also caught her off-guard. JigaWatt had gotten into topics even Liminal knew nothing about, and that stung a little. It stung a lot, actually. All she did when she was away from the Team was go home or go to work. She knew Fox was more secretive about how he pursued his leads, but the way JigaWatt just opened the floodgates on all this information he'd gathered between their last mission and this meeting just made Liminal feel like she wasn't pulling her weight at all.

It was embarrassing. Liminal unconsciously shrunk a couple inches as she had listened to the meeting progress without her input. She didn't have anything to add to all this talk of terrorists and technology dumps. All she could think about was a text she'd gotten from a witch about the power of friendship.

Her thoughts spiraled quickly from there. What kind of hero was she? Why was she doing this?

"Sorry, you're right. Do what you gotta do, JW. Like retaining the rights to tell the truth, eventually." She couldn't believe the words, even as she said them. More than unethical, it wasn't anything she'd expected from following JigaWatt's content since even before she'd become a hero.

Of course she regretted adding that last bit in immediately. There was no call for that, the League had their reasons. Meta-human acceptance aside, there was likely far more going on here than she was prepared for, obviously. More than that, she'd probably just shot her friend in the foot.

2020-03-05, 04:21 PM

You see the first bit of human emotion from Ellie as she matches your wry smile with one of her own. "Not a chance, newbie. But I will make sure the game is fair." Something in the way she says that last word gives you the sense it matters a lot to her.

Ellie gives you a run-down of everything you need to know; her descriptions of basic rules are simple, assuming you to know at least that much about the game, but she goes into detail on how castling and en passant work. Caleb hands you a sheet of paper with efficient reminders of movement and rules.

And then the game begins. Within a few moves you get your first read on Ellie: she's watching you just as carefully as you're watching her. Every motion you make, every glance, she notes and files away. You can't tell if that's just how she plays chess or if she's trying to discern something about the person by watching the player. Her early play reflects this with moves that feel more cautious than your skill level deserves, but you don't get the sense that she's going easy on you, rather that she refuses to underestimate any opponent.

Lucan & Teagan

Crane takes each response in stride. "We appreciate your cooperation, JigaWatt. And we want to make it clear that this is cooperation, not coercion; we're not asking you to sign any paperwork or sign away rights to the footage, and we encourage you to release the unmodified version once the League goes public."

Weaver adds, "The League is built on a foundation of stable, ethical relationships. We have seen what happens when would-be heroes stray too far into shadow while pursuing an ideal of justice. New Dawn has forced us to play a subtle game, but we will never sink to the level of Ex Machina's group."

Ex Machina was a superhero, once, but his mounting frustration with the systems keeping heroes in check led him to build a group of disillusioned supers dedicated to opposing AEGIS and dispatching vigilante justice. Eventually, the extremes he went to in his shadow war made him no better than the villains he sought to destroy, and he was taken down. Ex Machina refused to be taken into custody, and so his battle with a hero team (several members of which would go on to join the League, including Weaver) ended in his death. Most of his followers were captured and incarcerated in the Cold Room, but a few escaped.

The mention of Ex Machina is like a puzzle piece clicking into place; the reason you're getting the VIP treatment from a central member of the Halcyon League is because they know what they're doing is close to that line... and they know that you know about the secrets they're keeping. You aren't sure if this is more for your benefit or for the League's; though Weaver's body language gives away nothing, her mention of an enemy that was, for her, personal, suggests that she has more at stake here than just PR. Whether it's convincing you or convincing herself, she wants to make it clear that the League are still the good guys.

And then, JigaWatt says the magic words.

The second they understand what they're hearing, Weaver and Crane share a look that speaks volumes. Crane shifts further back, while Weaver gives you a long, searching look. The Leaguer mage arches an eyebrow. "Intel like that would be incredibly valuable to the League's effort. If you know the details of this terror attack, the League could put measures in place to make sure it is brought down before it even becomes an incident. And a connection between Junebug Technologies and New Dawn? You're certain?"


Bartimaeus nods and smiles. "And well he should. Combat training is an important part of a Knight's tasks. Sadly, I must cut this session short. Apologies to the both of you, but I wish to speak with dear Aiden in private."

The language used might be permissive, but there's no mistaking a command from the Wizard. Sir Maelan turns to you, Aiden, and says, "Practice. Your life will depend on it."

And then you're following the Drood further into the castle. While the main hall was fairly normal, the castle architecture begins to warp the closer you get to Bartimaeus's tower. Paintings that seem too deep to be 2-dimensional, suits of armor that almost seem to turn to look at you, and flights of stairs that wind around and around and should cross each other but never do. It's very disorienting, even after being taken to the Wizard's study several times before. You're not sure you'll ever get used to it.

As you travel, Bartimaeus chats with you, affecting a friendly air. "How have you been, Aiden? I hope you're balancing your identities well, as I know it is something new Knights always struggle with."

2020-03-05, 10:55 PM
Potential: 3/5

Kye is, if not a quick learner at least eager to listen. Castling and el peasent going completely over his head. They'd stacked him against someone way out of his weight class which meant that Plan B was now Plan A. Cheat, distract, confuse. People liked to make analogies to how tactics were like chess, an allusion to moving pieces on a board, but they never struck him as accurate. Every little piece could only move one very special way when a real combat situation, a real tactical situation, rarely had only a single viable option. You were also generally not alone against another single mind. It was more, then, similar to playing four or five games of chess at once.

"You're very focused." he starts not long after the game, the start of his own game. He wasn't sure how he was going to move pieces freely yet but those plans were laid on a larger foundation. "Are you sure that's necessary against little old me?" he asked, losing yet another pawn. "There's only the three of us, surely we could talk about something? What do you think Caleb? You have anything on your mind? Any other hobbies you both like to do? I don't have much time for them myself, that's why I'm here. Mom thinks I don't get enough exposure to kids my age. I'm sure Ellie here takes the same dedication to her other hobbies as this, she must be a force to be reckoned with. Do you do this for school work too?" It was a gamble, just using white noise, to drag some kind of reaction out as he eased his previously lost pawn a move ahead.

Used Are you Watching Closely. Got a 7.

- Going to expose a weakness or flaw
- Going to confuse them for some time

Captain Jak
2020-03-07, 07:20 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Conditions: Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt takes in a sharp breath; while the reaction from the Leaguers is everything he could have hoped for, the intensity behind all of it is still a tiny bit alarming.

"I’m certain there’s a connection between New Dawn and Junebug’s technology," he clarifies. "I’ve seen that much with my own eyes. Almost assuredly someone on the inside of the company is supplying it; my information says it goes all the way to the top, but that’s, um, hearsay." He thinks that’s the right term, anyhow.

"And yeah, we could smash things up and prevent these attacks from ever getting off the ground...but that’ll just make them that much more careful the next time they try, and we can’t count on finding stuff out ahead of time again, can we?" he goes on. "Don’t we kind of have to use this information...decisively? Strike at the last moment, when they’re all assembled and in the midst of their illegalities? That way we catch the most of them, and have the best chance of uncovering all the details of their plans?"

He hopes this is all as obvious as he feels it is.

"Surely somebody will flip to save their own skin, and that could stop things right there for once and for all." He takes a breath, and forces out the last bit.

"And...it could be more difficult than that," he says reluctantly. "When I was there, a super showed up, she had been told by someone higher up the chain that they were going to have an intruder, that night. They knew I was coming before I did. And I barely got out of there without being detected. The meta, a woman...she was searching for my mind." His voice falters at the end there, reliving anew the sharp fear of nearly being caught by someone who could do who knows what with his brain.

2020-03-21, 06:26 PM
Aiden (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Aiden is disappointed to say the least. This was the first time any of the other Knights had ever taken him seriously. And he was doing it! If a few short minutes had already made such a difference, he can only imagine what else he might have achieved, which makes the interruption all the more bitter.

Aiden meets Sir Maelan's gaze, nodding dutifully. "Of course, sir. Thank you for your tutelage. I won't let you down."

Following Bartimaeus into the depths of Castle Grail, Aiden tries to keep focused on the wizard's figure. The first couple of times he'd come this way, he couldn't help but marvel at it all, but the magic was unnerving. He'd learned the hard way that if he didn't concentrate on the path directly in front of him he could easily get lost. Fox would probably have a field day, but Aiden didn't care for it. He was pretty sure the painting after the second landing was different every time he passed it, and once he could have sworn one of the suits of armor flipped him the bird. It felt as though even Castle Grail itself didn't respect him.

Bartimaeus's small-talk didn't make concentrating any easier. His words always seemed to carry hidden meanings, and every conversation felt like a one-sided game of chess. "Really? I'm doing my best, but it doesn't seem to be good enough for the others. It's hard to imagine Sir Maelan or Lady Cordelia having trouble."

2020-03-23, 11:31 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.

Thick and thin skinned: Whenever you have Angry marked, take +1 ongoing to unleash your powers.
Mercifully, it seemed like they'd ignored her remarks. At least no harm had been done. The speed with which the PR guy just brushed her concerns aside was irksome, until JigaWatt rationalized it. They had information that they were going to sit on until they could use it to catch the most bad guys. It was logical, but Liminal couldn't help but think of what would happen to all the people that would get strapped to a lab table and injected with...whatever that scientist put into her the other night. A lot of people were going to suffer, but it sounded like that was the plan. Sit on the information until it had the right time to release a PR statement.

But she had no room to interject. To their credit, the League was still stopping all of this New Dawn nonsense as it popped up around town, and they would've hit the lab if the team hadn't gotten there first. They were professionals, the heroes she'd been looking up to since she was a kid. She didn't have to like their devotion to good publicity, but they were the grown ups. Even now, all the talk of Junebug and New Dawn's technology was just flying over her head. And apparently JigaWatt had met a psychic villain of some kind and hadn't told anyone about it either.

Liminal was really starting to feel like a fifth wheel.

2020-03-25, 05:36 AM

Your first bit of wit falls on unwelcome ears. "Necessary doesn't enter the equation."

A flicker of irritation crosses her face as you continue your game of white noise, though she's quick to disguise it behind that cold mask. You can tell you're getting under her skin. She must not be used to table talk and mind games, since she mostly plays tournament games or against friends who know what she's like.

Her initial replies are noncommital, barely full sentences, with Caleb filling most of the space in answer to your questions. And then, you see it - a moment of hesitation, her hand briefly twitching, hovering over a piece before moving to the one beside it.

Without warning she moves her gaze from the chess board to you, locking eyes with you. "I don't have hobbies; I'd rather spend that time developing useful skills. Chess, for example, is both intellectually nurturing and carries a chance for financial benefits. School work, likewise, has both academic benefits and teaches a proper work ethic. When I'm not studying or practicing chess, I help out around the house and at the cafe my parents own."

From the moment she starts talking, her attention seems to almost completely vanish from the game. Your little trick faces no resistance, and her movements of the chess pieces seem almost mechanical, automatic, like she's put that part of her brain on autopilot while she focuses on your conversation.


Weaver and Crane listen intently to all the information being unveiled. Crane is frowning the whole time and taking notes, while Weaver's face is a mask of stone.

When you get to the part about the psychic, Weaver's fist briefly clenches, though she quickly controls herself. Softly, she murmurs, "A telepath, a precognitive, a geneticist, an alchemist... who else is working for you, New Dawn?"

She sighs and for a moment you can see pain and frustration in her micro-expressions. "There's a lot of good we can do with that information. With the location of technology drops I can assign a meta with stealth powers to confirm the details and track the source undetected. As for the terror attack... I'll have to discuss details with Sentinel, but I plan to suggest modifying regular patrol schedules to have a team 'coincidentally' in the area. It would get heroes on the ground quick enough to stop the attack while making it look like mere bad luck for the villains. But, again, that's talk for Sentinel."


Bartimaeus chuckles. "You see them now at the height of their power. Once upon a time, Maelan was young and foolish. Cordelia... well, she's always been a bit ahead of her peers, but consider her the exception that proves the rule. What you're experiencing is by no means extraordinary."

You reach the wizard's study, a room straight out of fairy tale or a fantasy book. It's also surprisingly cluttered, with arcane tomes and strange reagents covering nearly every surface. Above, the ceiling reaches into infinity, the walls at a certain point becoming an endless library.

Bartimaeus takes his seat at the central desk and gestures for you to sit across from him. Once you've settled, he steeples his fingers and offers a friendly smile. "It is good to see you again, truly. I have been watching your progress with great interest."

That's a surprise, since you haven't seen much of the wizard since that first meeting... but then again, with magic like his, he probably doesn't need to be near you to see you.

"I'd like to hear about your recent adventures, if you'll indulge me."

2020-03-25, 11:49 PM
Potential: 3/5

He was worried he was up against one of those sorts. The sort that was above the chatter, above the granulated sound bites of everyday conversation, a snob. They were the worst sorts for this sort of brinkmanship, especially with a biased observer, but the walls cracked. "There you are." he thought as it all came down in nice sizeable chunks. A facade, to cleave away. He was supposed to be doing this to get away from The Fox, to be a kid. That was what Sara wanted but old habits died hard and even if he had a persona up as well, inside it meant more about fooling these people than it was to seem natural. The natural him...did it even exist? An image of what that would look like was a gaping him sized hole in the tapestry of all the other faces he had to wear. The Fox of legend was much the same. There was no tale of the Fox alone. He was an actor in everyone else's story. Detached from their struggles enough to get what the clever beast needed and then to simply move on. A shadow to all the other animals.

"Very practical." he nods sagely, fingers flipping pieces here and there as they lock eyes. They were playing another game now, one he was good at. "So it's all jobs to you then. Maybe you're having fun here in this club but that's not what it's about. Don't you think Caleb would enjoy it more if you maybe tried to have a little fun with it?" Listen to him. Was this new face a hypocrite? Was that who he was making for this club? "If you don't enjoy what you do then it's a chore. If it's a chore, like cleaning cafes, you're not getting anything out of it past pure brute work. The ceiling is low, you've reached it. It reminds me of a story my own mother used to tell me. Mr. Beaver would make his dams, day in and day out. Always the same along the river bed. It was just the shape he learned to build in. Mr. Fox however built his den year after year in a new spot. When the river flooded, he simply moved. Mr. Beaver never had a home again. He got used to his surroundings, never adapted, simply worked and worked and worked on the same dam every damn year."

He had no real strategy of his own as he moved pieces about, ignored movement rules, simply flat out cheated. Not outside taking the King, that was the point after all wasn't it? "What's worse, since Mr. Beaver was homeless, he had to stay with Mr. Fox. Do you know what Foxes do to homeless beavers?" He let the question rest for a moment before looking away, finally tearing his eyes from his opponents. "Oh my...Checkmate? Is that the right term?" he asks, mocking being startled as he moves his queen into position, as if he were looking at some alien language.

Captain Jak
2020-04-01, 08:53 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Conditions: Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

While not always the most perceptive of people, Lucan can nonetheless feel the amount of uncomfortable that is rolling off Liminal in waves. He’s pretty sure she’s pretty pissed at finding this information out this way, but....

Well, he didn’t exactly have the chance to fill the group in on this before the League came at him out of the blue like this.

Aaaand he has a feeling that’s not going to save him from the rest of The Team’s opinions on the matter.

"We want in on this," he replies, feeling it's time to wrap things up but needing to get things locked down first. "The Team. We brought this to you, but it was brought to us first; that was done for a reason." Whether or not his teammates knew differently, he isn't about to let the League know that this isn't something they were all aware of from the outset. He'll rectify that as soon as possible in any case.

"We're going to be at the rally; they won't even know we're there until it's too late," he says, daring greatly to inform rather than request. From the cross of information he had received, that seemed to be the most likely point for disaster. And, potentially, the greatest chance of finding out something critical.

"We will be happy to coordinate to avoid any more...surprises, like last time," he goes on, "make sure that everyone involved is aware of what the situation is." And that's going to be the case on more than one level. When someone knows they're going to be observed, it's far easier to avoid slipping into grey areas in the name of expedience.

2020-04-07, 06:45 PM
Aiden (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Sitting in the seat, Aiden is no more comfortable than he was the first time he was summoned by Bartimaeus. Having the wizard's full attention on him made him feel like a mouse before an owl. No matter where he might scurry, there was no place to hide.

As Bartimaeus asked about his "recent adventures", Aiden's mouth suddenly feels dry. He knew exactly what the wizard was referring to, and it wasn't talking pineapples. There was no use trying to skirt the issue on this one. "Ah. You mean...the lab. We were tipped off that there was something strange going on at an abandoned building in the Warrens. We investigated." As Aiden retells what happened, the panels show the action with Aiden's rectangular narration boxes overlaid. But rather than the usual art style, the panels have the look of a decadent Albian tapestry. "The place was being used by a crazy scientist who called himself Dr. Moreau." The tapestry shows the four teen heroes confronting the villainous malpractitioner arrayed in black robes and a plague doctor mask. "He was experimenting on humans and metas, and it looked like it had something to do with that new drug." The masked-figure stands over a figure strapped to a medieval torture table, a vicious caduceus upraised to bludgeon the captive. "We defeated Dr. Moreau and freed his test subjects." Tapestry-Jigawatt hurls a thunderbolt at the doctor, striking him down while Tapestry-Errant White frees the captive with a stroke of his mighty sword. "Then Sunshot showed up." A jaunty archer with a feathered cap and nimbus glow appears, the four awe-struck heroes arrayed around him. "The League was conducting a sting. Apparently there were a lot of other labs just like that one that all got taken down that same night. It just so happened that we'd gotten to this one first."

2020-04-12, 05:08 PM

As you tell your story, her gaze keeps sharpening, like she's trying to bore a hole in you with nothing more than intense focus. When you deliver your question and give space to the air, she wastes no time with a curt response.

"Absolutely nothing, because foxes don't eat beavers, don't like water, and don't take in strays."

Then checkmate is announced, and she looks down at the board. Her questing gaze sweeps across each and every piece, attempting to calculate what exactly led to this... unique board state.

"How unexpected. Congratulations, Mr. Fox."

Before she can say anything more, a new voice enters the conversation.

"Hey, Ellie! Hey, Caleb! Hey... new guy?"

A glance at the door reveals the newcomer, a dark-haired boy with an over-stuffed backpack. He sets his bag down by the door and gives you an understated smile. "Hey. Name's Daniel, but you can call me Danny. You?"


Weaver listens carefully to your speech, hands clasped. When you are finished speaking she takes a moment to think over her words before taking in a deep breath and saying, "I would advise... caution."

"We do not yet know what level of threat New Dawn will send to this rally. While the previous attacks have been of only minor danger, even to inexperienced heroes, that was before the events in the Warren and your encounter with the telepath. Their next strike could be another test of their product... or it could be something much, much worse."

Then, Weaver rises from her seat and folds her arms behind her back. "Before any decisions can be made, I must confer with Sentinel and perform a sequence of divinations. I will endeavor to make that conversation quick, and I will send a reply through the number we have on file once a deliberation has been made. Thank you for bringing this to our attention."

Crane rises as well, clearly signaling that the meeting is about to end. He adds, "We look forward to coordinating with you, JigaWatt and Liminal."


Bartimaeus listens intently, betraying nothing of his feelings on the topics you discuss. When you are finished, he taps his desk idly. "An eventful night. It is experiences like those that will mold you into a hero of Albion, if you let them. I would encourage you to try and learn from that battle; the greatest teacher of all is one's own history."

He picks up a trinket off his desk, some strange item of glass, crystal, and gold. He turns it over in his fingers, in a repetitive motion you would call absent-minded if that adjective could ever apply to the Drood.

"Tell me about your teammates. How did they fare against this 'crazy scientist'? What do you make of them as heroes?"

2020-04-12, 09:46 PM
Potential: 3/5

"So dour." She was a hard one, that was for sure, but nothing like Errant. If he could get even one idea to that brick wall then he could get through to this sourpuss. He bristled at the nickname, just a little, a frown creasing his lips as his eyes looked back over the game board. "What can I say. I must be a natural."

Even he had to give a start at the sudden intrusion, every urge in him to stand and ready himself fought down by the time his head whipped around to look at the newcomer. One of the others, had he really let his guard down so much? He knew at least one more was coming. A mistake, what if it had been someone dangerous? Even here, the eyes of Albion wouldn't look over such a place. Danger was ever present, and he'd been caught playing games. Hasting's fault, he rationalized. She would make him weak in her drive to make him "better".

"Leaving." He scraps the crappy high school chair against the ground to emphasis this point as he stands. "If you'll forgive me for our short time, I've rembered some errands I need to get done before nightfall. I'll be back though, I'll steal a smile from Ellie before I leave for good. You can count on that. It was nice to meet you all, I hope I get to know all of you so much better in the weeks to come. Danny, I'll be your servant next time." He extended a hand towards the newcomer, a show of disarmament in his neck of the wounds. A Son of Albion with their main hand exposed couldn't draw their blade after all.

Captain Jak
2020-04-15, 09:56 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Conditions: Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt also rises, more than willing to move on before it comes into his head to push his luck even further. He has a feeling he's going to need all the luck he has left to survive The Team's displeasure.

"We're on the same side here," he offers by way of explanation. Articles of methodology aside, none of them wanted violence and blood running in the streets.

"If you have any more questions," he shrugs. "You know how to get in touch with us. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to seeing what your technicians come up with with regards to my footage." His surprise derailing aside, that had been the original point of this meeting, after all, and despite everything else he owes that content to his followers.

He glances at Liminal; she's ready to leave, yes?

2020-05-09, 10:24 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.

Thick and thin skinned: Whenever you have Angry marked, take +1 ongoing to unleash your powers.
At last, things were wrapping up. It felt like she was a child again, waiting on edge for the school bell to ring so she could finally go home. It was strange to think that just a few hours earlier she'd been so incredibly excited for this event, but Liminal was used to life's many disappointments. Worse was the thought that she'd probably embarrassed herself in front of the League, and that was something that would stick with her even after the day was over. Liminal wasn't sure why Jigawatt had asked her to join the meeting, but she doubted he had been malicious about it. Maybe she was just the lame teammate he was dragging to social events.

"It was nice to meet you." Liminal offered absently as she nodded her head in the League's direction. She turned towards Jigawatt, who seemed ready to leave as well. Without any further comment, she moved for the exit. By now, Ryan was probably getting hungry anyways, so it was time to head home.

2020-05-21, 08:23 AM
Aiden (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Aiden frowns, thinking back to the battle. They had been successful, but until JigaWatt had stuck him to the ceiling, they were all faring poorly against Dr. Moreau himself. Aiden hadn't so much as made a scratch on him, and Liminal had been thrown around like a ragdoll. Keeping his guard up, Aiden has to choose his next words with care. He fixes his gaze at the trinket in Bartimaeus's hand as he collects his thoughts.

"They...we...acquitted ourselves honorably. But we have a lot to learn. Each of them has the makings of greatness. Like iron hidden in ore. But we still have fires ahead of us before we can be forged."

As he describes each of his teammates, each gets another tapestry panel exaggerating their strengths and weaknesses. "JigaWatt single-handedly ended Dr. Moreau's threat, but he wastes too much time flaunting for his 'viewers'." One side of JigaWatt's tapestry shows the boy high atop a mountain lobbing thunderbolts at evildoers below, but the other shows a peacock preening an ostentatious tail, oblivious to sets of disembodied eyes and fangs that surround him.

"Fox's magic is powerful, but he cloaks himself in shadows and lies. I am glad to have him as an ally instead of an enemy, but our people tell stories of foxes. I am...wary." Fox's tapestry shows him as a sorcerer at the height of his power, a sage surrounded by ancient grimoires and ritual components with the world itself in the palm of his hand. Its counter shows a wily fox walking upright, wearing a farmer's costume and straw hat as he sneaks into a chicken house, betraying charges he was meant to protect.

"Liminal has the heart of a hero. More than almost anyone I know. She fights with us to help other people, not to help herself. But she's as green as any of us. She's still mastering her powers, and she gets in the way before she can figure out where she's most useful." Her tapestry shows Liminal as a glorious caretaker, tending the needs of a world beset with problems. She has many arms, and each of them is extended to a different person in need, her hands morphed into the very thing to cure their individual woes. But next to that is an image of a long snake, its coils tangled and knotted. The snake tries to free itself, but only makes the problem worse.

After divulging this assessment, Aiden feels a sense of shame. Is he betraying his teammates by discussing their weaknesses with someone else, even if that someone else seems near-omniscient? Looking back up at the wizard, he kicks the question back to him. "You said yourself you've been watching. What do you make of them?"

2020-05-23, 03:09 AM

Bartimaeus steeples his fingers and gives the question a long moment of consideration.

"They are rough and untempered, that is certain. With time, all of you could become living legends of the city. But... they are not like the knights of old. Not driven entirely by duty or justice, but by more individual reasons. It is the age of the individual, after all."

As Bartimaeus speaks, the walls of the study seem to fade away, their very substance blown away by a light breeze, leaving formless light behind. That light shifts with his words, and images form - not flat and static, but lifelike and changing, three-dimensional. The visions show a city of industry, a city of glass and smoke and steel.

"You spoke of the Fox. The Fox is an ancient adversary of the roaming knight, not out of malice but out of a trickster's instinct and a shrouded heart. I know not what darkness lurks in his past, but it is a heavy one. While his powers may be useful, you must always watch yourself around him."

The visions shift to a cloaked figure, a living shadow moving through a crowd. Two baleful eyes burn amid the darkness, glaring out from beneath that heavy hood. As he walks, the shadows behind him twist and contort, full of indistinct calamities.

"The shapeshifter, her gift is unique but she seems ill-suited to it. Her focus is not true, her strength weighed down by hesitation. As she is now, she may cost you victory through that hesitation. For all her skill at putting on faces, I believe she has yet to find her own nature."

The visions shift again, this time to Liminal in a crowd. As she walks through it her face morphs, again and again, flitting between different identities.

"As for the storm-caller, his zeal is commendable but his motives are... perhaps corrupt would be too harsh a word, but virtuous would be far too kind. Greed can blind even noble hearts."

The visions shift a final time, to JigaWatt blasting foes with lightning, the electricity arcing across the entire room and zapping scores of masked thugs. And yet, his focus is not on his enemies at all but on his recording equipment, and a stream of indecipherable noise pours from his mouth.

Bartimaeus dismisses the visions, and he picks up the trinket once more.

"It grows late, and you should be heading home. But before you leave... I have a gift." He sets the trinket of crystal and glass in front of you and gestures for you to take it. "This enchanted device will prove useful in the days to come. You are sure to encounter interesting people as you continue to fight the forces of darkness. Whenever you desire insight on a person of interest, simply hold the device and speak their name into it. The device is not all-knowing, but I have put a great deal of information in it."

With that he stands and moves for the door. "Come; I'll walk you out."


Danny blinks confusedly at the suddenness of it all, but politeness takes over and he shakes your hand. "Yeah, sure thing. Hope to see you next time."

Ellie remains seated, still looking at you with that inquisitive, questing gaze. "His name is Kye."

Caleb walks over and makes a little pouting motion. "Aw, leaving already? Darn. Well, we'd be happy to have you back next time. Chess club's always recruiting!"

But they don't try to convince you to stay, or stand in your way. Indeed, as soon as Caleb and Danny have said their goodbyes they're already gravitating over to Ellie to refocus on chess. Their attentions so easily diverted, there is nothing left to stop you from slipping away and getting far from this massive distraction of an encounter.


You're led out to as far as the initial side room just beyond the public face of the Hall of Heroes. All the requisite niceties are dealt with, and then the two of you are alone together, the meeting behind you and your uneasy deal with the League lingering in the air. JigaWatt chose to censor his content - to hide the truth - for the sake of... appeasing the League? Helping the fight against the enemy? Cold networking? It's an uncertain question, made worse by the objections that his own teammate voiced in the meeting. For a team... you're not quite on the same page. Not yet. Not with information still being unequal.

What's a couple of heroes to do?

Captain Jak
2020-05-24, 11:28 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Conditions: Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

Still shaken by his encounter with the newly-revealed mind reader the night before, JigaWatt's nerves are on edge as he and Liminal make their way out of League Headquarters, no words exchanged between them until they emerge into the open air once more.

"Look," he says almost immediately, not looking at her. "Everything was all chaotic last night, and I almost got my ass handed to me verifying the information that was sent my way, and then I got contacted by the League first thing this morning, and...."

He sighs. "I didn't get that information to you guys first, and there's no good excuse for that," he admits, looking down at his feet. "We need to get together with the other two, and I'll lay everything I found out for all of you, okay?" Pulling his phone from his pocket in a practiced motion, he opens the Veil app and sends out an urgent meet request to the rest of the team.

Man, are they going to be pissed. Justifiably so, though.

2020-05-27, 05:25 AM
Potential: 3/5

It was the right way of things, to simply move without being noticed. Who was he to intrude after all in such a space? Bidden by masters the boys and girls of such a function only whispered about in the linoleum lined hallways beyond, he was an outsider, ever the Fox in a hen house, whose passage would one day be caught by the farmer. This was not his place, these were not his people. They were buried by secrets and things far more tangible. He'd let his guard down once but now he was on alert, he had to make up for such an egregious slip so when the tell tale buzz from his pocket signaled the team's summons he was all to quick to shoot a reply back.

"We will see you there."

It was all he needed to send. A much longer message however was reserved for his next target. Hastings.

"Your task is finished. Since you enjoy making play dates for me, why don't we spend some time on the town for our next wellness meeting? I have so much I want to speak about with you." He omitted paragraphs. It was her duty of course to keep an eye on him, weekly meetings to make sure he wasn't slipping. Coordinating tasks at Camp Joy, keeping up with his own mental wellness. Hasting's job was surely a trial and he had every desire to make her week that much more difficult for precieved slights. First with Delphi, now with this. It wouldn't do to linger however, the team was meeting.


Ralph's Wreckers wouldn't be his first choice. It wouldn't be his last choice either but it was Jigawatt's and that alone brought him to the sprawling heap. He'd dressed down, in the short period between the chess match and the meeting in the waning evening, a simple black cowl and skull mask over more action oriented garb also of black. One couldn't mess with what others thought he'd come in after all, he had a reputation as an edgelord to maintain. He'd come early, simply standing in the spot requested in the meet up. Silent. It gave him time to think, to process exactly what he would have to bring to bare here. The others, Liminal and Jigawatt, had made no indication on their feelings on Delphi's offer. Errant of course had. The task was uphill on that alone.

There was more of course. All that he'd discussed with Corax would need to be filtered. He wouldn't go out of his way to abandon such confidence but his new role as her direct apprentice was...an alteration. It changed things in a broad spectrum and if there was a singular pricinple he believed in it was disclosure with the team. Differences aside he was loath to breach the minimal trust they seemed to have with him. Despite this change in relationship, as he'd hopefully made plain with his new "master", the team came before all other obligations. It was unbreakable, even if the others thought otherwise. If anything, because the others clearly suspected him of dubious loyalty.

Such thoughts wouldn't do well to carry into conversation however and so he remained silent, stationary and eager to simply clear these things of the table.

2020-06-01, 09:29 PM
Aiden (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

As Aiden follows Bartimaeus back out of the magnificent castle, the trinket weighs heavily in his pocket. Gifts from the wizard were like favors from a fae - helpful, but full of unspoken danger. A promise you didn't know you were making that will be terrible to keep. But the Blind Eye is no mere bauble. More than knowledge or even obligation, being granted such an implement of power represented the wizard's trust. A tangible token of his progress on the road to being a Knight Errant in full!

This has been a good day. But it isn't quite over yet. On the road out of the castle, as he nears the edge of the pocket, he feels his phone vibrate. "How am I even getting cell reception here?"

It was just one of the many mysteries of Castle Grail. Like, where "here" even is to begin with. The place was full of secrets and contradictions that Aiden feared he'd never understand. When Bartimaeus had explained coming and going from the castle he'd made it sound so simple, as if one could arrive from almost anywhere, and depart to practically anywhere else. Aiden hadn't quite gotten the knack of it in practice had been relying on what amounted to the "public" entrance, discretely-placed Albian lion statues. But it had been a good day, and he was feeling unusually optimistic.

Conjuring his suit of identity-shrouding armor, Aiden fixes the image of Ralph's Wreckers in his mind as he passes beyond the veil...into a clearing surrounded by mountains of rusted out vehicles and old car parts. It worked! But he's not alone.

"New mask, same old Fox. Are we the first ones here?"

2020-06-03, 06:47 AM
Potential: 3/5

He said nothing, mostly out of surprise that he had to quickly tamp down as Errant simply appeared. He'd all but dozed off standing statue-like in the junkyard before the Albian's arrival so it was with a little bluster he looked to the knight with those same burning eyes. Same Fox, same eyes, different mask. "We were. Now you are here. The others are not." He looked away, out into the junkyard to summon the rest of the act. Fox was not merely who he was, it was a costume the same as the clothing and the mask. He'd been wearing it for some time, between meeting with Delphi...and Corax. Even the earlier chess match. He'd been Kye less and less as of recently, the Fox was clever. It could steal anything, even you own self.

What of Errant however? Where had he been and how did he get here? It was magic to be sure. Not simply because Errant too was of Albian stock, not simply because of his place in Albian life, but it was simply something he felt. Errant had not displayed such skills though perhaps he had them all the same, used sparingly. The mind wanders dangerously in the dark and in the gulf of silence he finally turned back to the would be knight. He'd wondered, often, if Errant knew of the slaughter that befell his own kin. If he did, what did he think? What would have done were he there. The Fox would whisper poisonous words into his heart. That Errant knew, that Errant was an enemy like the rest. Errant served the Wizard, trained beneath him. Such thoughts were of no benefit to him, to the team, and he kept them deep. Mixed in with other, perhaps even more dangerous thoughts to balance them.

They were kin, no matter how distant. The blood of Albion was within both their veins. In another life, in another place, without the masks and the deceptions and the conflicts who would they be to one another if they were to be anyone at all. Would that he could live among his people, would he look up to Errant like so many must? A protector of the Albians here in the city along with the other Knights? If they were simply young men, could they find common cause? Neither settled right in him, compatriot or foe. It made it hard to balance his identities, made it hard to keep the facade. Errant before all others in the team was the greatest danger to him. Not simply because of what he represented to Albion or his mission but simply because of what he represented to Kye.

"You are wrong." he finally spoke. He let the words linger. Counted the seconds. Ten. Nine. Down to one. "Delphi cannot be trusted. The League does not wish to work with us, she simply believes they do. They will use us for their own aims." He had no real context here, he'd not replied to the text he'd sent everyone a few days before and the others hadn't even responded. He wasn't sure Errant would even remember but that was his game. Keep him off his feet. "You simply trust in them because you already wear the shackles of another. You are wrong Errant, and we will convince the others when they come. We must go alone against the New Dawn."

2020-06-11, 03:49 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Behind his helmet, Aiden blinks, hard. What is he talking about?

An awkward moment of silence passes as he tries to digest this. "Um...okay? Where is this coming from? Corax? It's not like she isn't using us for her own ends."

2020-06-11, 07:10 PM
Potential: 3/5

"You think because you are a puppet, that we also must have strings." Fox's voice couldn't sound more like a sneer if he'd tried. He lifts an arm, giving it a mocking wiggle. "That our voice is not ours, but merely an echo. That we are a Magpie and not a Fox. Corax would use us to her end, yes. So distrustful of her we see but so defensive of your own. You expect duplicity from her but not Delphi and her ilk. Not from your own too, we suspect." Fox lets his arm fall, turning to look back over the junk yard. "We can only trust the team. Strange how you feel so differently."

2020-06-11, 10:39 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.

Thick and thin skinned: Whenever you have Angry marked, take +1 ongoing to unleash your powers.
Liminal was uncharacteristically quiet the entire time they spent leaving the League's Headquarters. She had a lot on her mind, and the last thing she wanted to do was revisit what had just happened. JigaWatt naturally had other, rather immediate plans; like setting up another meeting with the team.

Well, so much for going home. A meeting shortly after finishing a meeting sounded like the least entertaining activity she could imagine, but if the others needed to know this information then it couldn't be helped. Hopefully her brother wasn't getting into too much trouble on his own, and she still had a shift to do at the pub later that day. It was starting to look like a good idea to refuse. After all, the last meeting only reinforced the fact that she didn't quite fit into the rest of her gang. Fox was brooding and mysterious, but he had his own sources and goals. Errant White was a little too direct sometimes, but he had the capability to back it up. JigaWatt was a superstar who did side quests on his off time.

What was she supposed to bring to this team meeting?

"Why'd you ask me to come along today?" Liminal asked, passing over JigaWatt's rather halfhearted apology.

2020-06-11, 11:13 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Fox said a lot of words, but the longer Aiden listened, the less sense they made. The Fox is an ancient adversary of the roaming knight, not out of malice but out of a trickster's instinct and a shrouded heart. He was starting to see what the old wizard meant.

Fox must think he's so smart. But Aiden expected nothing but duplicity from Bartimaeus. And that list was starting to get longer. "What is it with all of you magic-users? Every one of you acts as if you've got all the answers, and you're the only one. Like the rest of us are just lost sheep looking for a shepherd. Maybe you've been letting the incense smoke and potion fumes go to your head."

Captain Jak
2020-06-12, 12:31 AM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Conditions: Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

Why? For a moment, Jigawatt wasn't even sure he understood what Liminal was asking. Why?

"Because...you're Team," he said after a long moment, glancing aside at her. "I know you're interested in the League, I figured you'd appreciate most being there," he told her.

Of course, that wasn't the entire truth, now was it?

"And...I'm still rattled from that encounter last night," he admitted, his tone very low and not even coming close to meeting her gaze now. "With the mind reader," he elaborated. "If she'd latched onto me, who knows what would have happened? She could have found out everything I knew about you guys, or worse I could have been under her control, who knows?" JigaWatt shivered despite himself.

"She...she scared me. And I'm still afraid," he admitted. "And...not just of her. I feel like I'm so out of my league sometimes, I'm not really the same kind of hero you guys are. I can't fight worth anything, you've seen that for yourself," he added miserably. "But I have to keep pushing forward with this, making like it's just one more fun and cool stunt so I don’t piss off my fans."

Speaking of which, it was a good thing he wasn't recording any this; his fans wouldn't understand.

"You won't…tell anyone about this, right?" he asked, finally turning his eyes on Liminal again. Given how irritated she has the right to be with him, that's not a sure thing....

Team move; sharing a weakness with Liminal. Are you going to tell anyone?

2020-06-12, 04:04 AM
Potential: 3/5

Fox offers a single, languid shrug. "Prejudice feeds you. A hollow meal." What was he really to say? To deny it would be to affirm it, it would seem. A handsome catch 22 however it was looked at. There was more he wished to say, especially to this Knight of Albion, but the team would be coming soon. It would probably not look good if they were at one another's throats. "We remain steadfast. Delphi would doom this team. We know her. That should be enough."

2020-06-12, 12:24 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Aiden crosses his armored arms, widening his stance unconsciously. This was going nowhere. "What are you talking about? What doom? Can you talk like a normal person for once?"

2020-06-25, 11:51 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.

Thick and thin skinned: Whenever you have Angry marked, take +1 ongoing to unleash your powers.
Liminal was taken aback by JigaWatt's raw honesty. She had followed his content for a long time now, and at no point had she ever seen this side of him before. Part of her wondered how much of it was just an attempt at humility, as he'd just spent hours negotiating with the most powerful superheroes in the city, but another part of her desperately wanted it to be true. If someone else on her team was insecure about their place in everything, then she was finally in good company.

It was almost enough to drown out the tiny voice that kept reminder her that the Team knew literally nothing about her besides the mask. How much would it hurt to let just a little of Teagan show?

Liminal shook her head. The last thing she needed today was to spill her guts out to JigaWatt. The fact that he could at least act this vulnerable towards her meant a lot, but this wasn't the right time for a pity party. It was time to bounce back and slip her figurative mask back on.

"Oh, I'm telling everyone, JW," Liminal shot back with a wry grin. Her neck stretched a little longer so that she could get a better vantage point to tease her teammate. "The great JigaWatt's afraid of what his fangirls might think! How scandalous!"

Her neck whipped around and her hands stretched up to make a faux megaphone as she pretended to shout the news. "Extra! Extra! Teen vigilante has self-doubts!"

With a giggle, she finally settled back into her usual form. "Sorry, but I don't think any of us are 'fighters', JW. I mean, besides Errant. Anyways I was the one who got thrown into a wall, remember? I think you got out of that fine. And you even escaped from a Telepath! That'd make a pretty cool story, right? Embellish a little!"

Liminal paused for a moment, a pensive look crossing her face.

"Though the thought of you being mind-controlled is certainly compelling. Would they base your personality off of your videos? How could anyone tell the difference! Would they even make uploads for you?" Liminal gave a small mock gasp as she began walking towards the Team's meeting point. "What if you tell them everything we don't know about Fox! How will he ever be dark and mysterious again!?"

Captain Jak
2020-06-28, 12:29 AM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

Liminal's initial affirmation to indeed tell all sends a bolt of panic through JigaWatt, but it soon becomes clear that she's just teasing him, and not in a mean-spirited fashion either. The fact that she still feels comfortable enough to joke around means a lot, and he finally feels that chill knot of fear in his stomach just...melt away.

He's not alone in all this; he has teammates. Maybe even...friends?

"Ha ha, very funny," he shoots back with a wry grin. "You're the one who's extra. Look, you want a lift to the wreckers, or do you think you can beat me there?" he asks, his tone a friendly challenge. Sure, he might get his ass chewed off by the others over not keeping them in the loop – but they're still Team.

Team move successful; clearing Afraid

2020-06-28, 09:53 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.

Thick and thin skinned: Whenever you have Angry marked, take +1 ongoing to unleash your powers.
Liminal paused for a moment, acting as if she was considering JigaWatt's offer. In truth, all that time spent sitting around in a boring meeting had made her eager for a bit of action, something to loosen herself up a bit. A race combined with the liberal and inadvisable usage of her superpowers sounded like just the right kind of bad idea she'd been waiting for. Liminal tapped her chin pensively while eyeing the nearby street to see if there was anything she could use to get a head start on her teammate. With any luck, he wasn't quite expecting this.

"You want to race, JigaWatt?" She asked with all the incredulity she could muster. Liminal took a step closer, mostly to get a better angle on a nearby street light. "Of all the immature, childish-"

Her arms quickly snapped up and around the nearby street light, twisting until Liminal could feel the tension in her shoulders. She pulled herself back and shot a grin at JigaWatt. Only a moment later, Liminal released the tension, causing her to launch past the light and off into the air like an oversized rubber band. The wind whipped at her face and hair as buildings zoomed by, and she quickly flattened her body and expanded into a large sheet to slow herself down before she slammed into a building. With any luck, she'd have enough of a head start to win this little competition. From her position floating back down to the street, she shot an arm down towards another street light, quickly reeling herself in and then launching herself off again.

Liminal grinned as she flew down another street. Sure, it wasn't exactly sporting, but this was exactly the sort of foolishness she'd been missing over their last few missions.

Captain Jak
2020-06-28, 10:53 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt barks out a laugh, flipping the steel deck off his back with one hand while turning on his camera with the other.

"Hey hey, my Amp'd!" he cries, energizing his board and taking to the sky in hot pursuit. "What we have here is a genuine superhero race, already in progress." The wind of his passage tears at his clothes as he crackles his way across the sky, making sure he catches the parachuting figure of Liminal on camera. "After generously allowing a head start – or getting' snowed, your call – Imma see if I can catch what is absolutely the most amazingly agile of my teammates. Let's bolt!" Ducking to avoid losing his head to a traffic light, he laughs again with the thrill of the challenge and giving a good show to his viewers.

And hey, if he can get Liminal some fans of her own, that'd be a start on a better apology for earlier, wouldn't it?

Captain Jak
2020-07-05, 11:42 PM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt walks along the wrecking yard pathways alongside Liminal, board stowed again for now. He feels – he hopes – that the impromptu race has done something to start healing the breach that he's inadvertently forced between them; if nothing else, it had certainly been a way to blow off some steam.

Coming into sight of Fox and Errant, already in place and waiting for them, the smile fades from his lips as he contemplates what lies before him.

"So yeah, hey, thanks for coming," he says, reflexively checking once more to make sure his camera isn't recording this. "I, uh, have a bunch of important stuff to tell you guys, starting with an apology for not coming to you with it sooner," he tells then, uncharacteristically abashed. "My only defense is the fact the last twenty four hours have been wild," the star admits with a lopsided grin.

Oh, they are not going to be happy with him.

2020-07-12, 08:50 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Errant, already on edge from Fox's cryptic games, is not in the mood for more surprises. "Did something happen? Were you attacked?"

2020-07-14, 11:28 PM
Liminal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=3)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +1
Superior: +2
Mundane: -1

The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. You embody Freak while wearing your mask.
Once per session, you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask’s Label. When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn’t know it already, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you’re still under observation
- you leave something incriminating behind
- you’re forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it
On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don’t make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fulfill your goal, mark potential.

Thick and thin skinned: Whenever you have Angry marked, take +1 ongoing to unleash your powers.
By the time she'd managed to vault her way towards the meeting point, Liminal's shoulders were deeply wishing she'd accepted JigaWatt's offer for a ride. It wasn't difficult to stretch like she did, but doing so again and again in rapid succession wasn't a pleasant feeling. Her arms were going to be a few inches longer for a few hours, and there wasn't much she could do about that.

Adding insult to injury, JigaWatt had beaten her to the meeting point. Liminal arrived just a few moments after he did, still a little winded from the exertion of pseudo-flying despite her lack of complimentary powers. He seemed to already be talking with Errant White and Fox, though she'd missed everything up until Errant answered him.

"You told them about the telepath already?" She huffed in answer to Errant's question. "I thought you woulda lead with the League thing."

2020-07-15, 12:41 AM
Potential: 4/5

Fox prayed to the many Totems he knew that the team had come in and interrupted what was about to spiral into something uncomfortable. It was troubling that Jigawatt was attacked, more troubling that he hadn't told anyone...or almost anyone as Liminal splits into the scene...but Jigawatt had his own practice outside of the team. An image to maintain even if he felt it diminished the good the hero was trying to do for cheap vanity. It was the other thing that Liminal said that made his already bubbling blood boil.

"You both went and spoke to the League without informing us?" A small hint of fury leaked past the typically stoic facade. "We imagine he roped you into this, Liminal, condolences. I would not take you to be so careless with what amounts to honor in this band. The other two..." he trailed off, shooting a glance between Errant and Jigawatt. "What were you thinking, taking such a move without us? Is this how our team is to operate? Cloak, daggers and shadow?"

Captain Jak
2020-07-19, 01:04 AM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

Well. That’s certainly one way of getting the ball rolling, although it’s moving quite a bit more briskly already than JigaWatt is comfortable with.

"Uh, not attacked, exactly," he backpedals, as misunderstandings start immediately spiralling out of control. "Okay, look, here’s what happened," he says a touch desperately, and launches into his explanation.

The request for aid from his fans. The deluge of tips, mostly blatantly useless. The inside details from Faith on a more radical faction of Human Interest. The inside info on the tech dumps and the connections to Lang and her company. His confirmation scouting and the near miss with the mentalist (downplaying how goddamn much that had scared him). The crossover between information sources that points directly at the rally. The meeting with the League, touching only lightly on the video-editing deal, segueing right into offering the above information up to the League, and his insistence the Team be at the rally.

"Everything just moved so fast, it got out of hand," he concludes, feeling miserable. "I didn’t mean to leave any of you out of the loop on this; I just didn't get a chance to meet up and lay it out for y'all before everything broke loose."

He's all too aware that a mere apology is insufficient; but it's a necessary start.

2020-07-21, 09:07 PM
Conditions: Angry
Potential: 4/5

Fox remains silent through it all, though inwardly he roiled. Making decisions with the League without checking with the rest of the team rankled him most. It was unfortunate that Jigawatt had been roughed up a little though all the more reason not to run off by yourself, he felt. "You are alive, at least." he finally says, tone measured even as his hands curl into fists. "Perhaps that fear will motivate you to not be so careless in the future. However that does not absolve you of your agreement with the League. If we are a team, we cannot accept deals without conference. None here speak for the full team. We must move in lockstep or we are pulled to the four winds. That will be our undoing."

2020-07-31, 08:19 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

While his helmet remains impassive, the boy inside it does not. Aiden is on a rollercoaster of emotions as he listens to JigaWatt weave his story, and by the end, he's not sure how to feel. Concern? Anger? Fear? Elation? It's a complicated tapestry.

He knows one thing for sure, though. He's not about to agree with Fox.

"It doesn't matter now. The agreement has been made already. Let's not act like that's a bad thing. We got lucky with Dr. Moreau, but it could have gone a lot worse. This way, we won't mess anything up. Anyway, it sounds like we have a rally to attend. We should focus our energy on planning that battle instead of fighting each other."

Captain Jak
2020-08-02, 10:59 AM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

For a moment, JigaWatt isn’t sure how to react. He was sure – he was certain – that the others would tear a strip off his back, and rightfully so, in his opinion. He’s too used to, still, being a solo act, and conferring with others over important issues wasn’t always at the forefront of his mind.

But...other than some arguably mild grumbling about his methods, the Team seemed to be willing to let those issues lie in favour of dealing with the problems uncovered by them.

"You guys. I just…" He trailed off as the words eluded him.

JigaWatt was at a loss for words.

Mark it on your calendar.

"I’m sorry for how I screwed up; I’ll be mindful of that from now on," he vowed. "We’re a team – we’re The Team – and we need to all do this together."

He’s got to make things a little more right, if he can.

"I’ve got all the data we can look at, go over what’s there, make plans? Maybe you guys will see things I missed," he suggested; heavens knows that’s possible.

"Did...you guys want to come back to my place, look at what we’ve got to work with?" he offered tentatively.

2020-08-03, 09:50 PM
Conditions: Angry
Potential: 4/5

Fox can't help but stare at Jigawatt, his mouth open beyond the mask as if he'd just been slapped. For the briefest of moments, the act slipped and a strained laugh escapes his lips. Not an easy sound, ill-practiced and cut short. "You must be mad." he chokes, waving a hand as if to dismiss the invitation like it were a swarm of angry bees. "We might be seen, traced back to you. Have you no appreciation for the work? This is not stage play. Your family may be harmed."

Captain Jak
2020-08-05, 10:16 AM
JigaWatt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24238147&postcount=4)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt almost doesn’t know how to process that.

"What? I…" He shakes his head. "Have you never watched my channel, fam?" he asks, almost wounded by the implication.

"I mean, I don’t actively give out my home address, but it’s not like folks don’t know who I am," he explains. He’s a celebrity, after all.

And...the implications of that suddenly mean a little more than he’s let himself dwell on. Sure, being a social media celebrity having people being able to find you can be an inconvenience.

Being a hero going head to head with legit villains? The fallout from that could be a great deal more serious.


Too late to put that particular genie back in the bottle.

"Besides, if we can stealth into hostile territory with your sick spells, I’m pretty sure we can get into my hood without trouble," he temporized.

2020-08-09, 12:43 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Errant White raises a gauntleted hand to the back of his neck. Thanks to the magic spell that creates the armor it doesn't have the same clanging and clattering that real plate armor would, but he's hardly inconspicuous. "I don't think it's a good idea. There's obviously something going on here and it's not smart to draw extra attention to ourselves. Somebody knew you were going to the warehouse before you did. If we all go to your house right now, we could be putting a giant target up. You can send your data over Veil and we can handle it remotely."

Captain Jak
2020-08-09, 11:07 PM
JigaWatt (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24238216&postcount=4)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt seems to deflate slightly. He...well, he just wants to make things up to the others, but they've got a point.

"Yeah, you're probably right," he agrees, now really starting to worry about his moms. If whatever source of foreknowledge the opposition has could be brought to bear on him specifically, it could put the people he loves in danger. Is he...going to have to get some sort of hideaway of his own to engage in his new heroic pursuits? Maybe a place for the whole team to gather at need?

Something to worry about later, unfortunately.

"I'll upload the files and send you guys a link," he promises. "Sorry to drag you all out here; should we split, give you guys a chance to go over all of this and we can figure out a plan of action?" he suggests.

2020-08-10, 03:23 AM
Conditions: Angry
Potential: 4/5

"We have other business."

Getting Delphi's conversation with him out of the way was probably for the best. He'd promised to bring it up, the prophecy and all that nonsense, to her and he wouldn't go on without fulfilling it. He owed her that much considering the rest he had to say on the matter. He produced the well written piece of paper from his robes, brandishing it in the air like it were venomous. "Delphi has made contact with us. A prophecy and a proposal. The latter of which we suggest we decline. Her oracle may indeed produce truths but the woman is not to be trusted. She does not have our best interests in mind. She seeks to push the agenda of the League and her mentor. We have already slipped into their game without consultation once. We will not be satisfied without the three of you agreeing with this request. Do not make contact with Delphi. Refuse her contact if she seeks you out. She is dangerous, more than you can know. Turn her away."

He of course wanted such an agreement for more than the obvious reason. Keeping what amounted to family as far from these three also helped keep them from discovering anything about him specifically. Any threads from his personal life he could sever the better. "On to the former. We will let you read for yourself. It means as much to me what it says as what you will glean from it. Prophecy and Fate are the enemies, we will defy them."

Captain Jak
2020-08-18, 10:25 AM
JigaWatt (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24238216&postcount=4)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt winces at the deservedly unsubtle reminder of his recent transgression, but takes the proffered paper and quickly reads through it.

"That...reads like a prophecy," he agrees – he’s got no idea of what any of that might mean, off the top of his head. "We can totally go over that too, see what we can figure out by putting our heads together."

Pulling out his phone, he snaps a picture of the writing and sends it to their group chat, so they all have a copy to look over.

"So, uh, yeah – share information, don’t get further entangled with the League, stay safe – we got anything else to go over, or should we all get the hell out of here?" he summarises, feeling he’s already wasted enough of the others’ time with his thoughtlessness.

2020-08-20, 07:36 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Errant gets the message, but ignores it. Instead he scowls at Fox, but the effect is lost with his expression concealed behind his helm. "Just because JigaWatt screwed up doesn't mean you get to make demands like that! It's obvious you don't like the League. But they're big fish, and we're little fish. They're working this case too, and we almost blew it for them last time. If we screw it up for them, the bad guys win and people get hurt! Why is that so hard for you to understand?"

2020-08-20, 07:49 PM
Conditions: Angry
Potential: 4/5

"It is not predicated on JigaWatt's misstep. Like rain in the desert, it is forgotten." Fox does not even turn to look at Errant, keeping a level gaze at the fame hungry hero. "He was only trying to do what he thought right. He has apologized." It would be different if he did it again, to his mind, but he hoped that that wouldn't be a concern. Big fish, little fish, red fish, blue fish, it didn't matter if the pond you thought you were in wasn't in fact a big cave and what you thought were two fish was just one with a large shadow. He couldn't prove it, it was the paranoid spiders born from living in secret, but the feeling that New Dawn and the League weren't merely a reflection of each other. One very large and intricate creature their simple eyes couldn't truly glean in its vast and terrible aspect.

He wanted to point out that it was also Jigawatt that had put them in danger at the warehouse, Liminal and himself took care of their ends as needed but that seemed an unkind and unnecessary jab in the moment. "Our likes and dislikes do not enter into this request. You are not looking at this objectively, your biases and distrusts cloud your better judgement. We arefamiliar with them in ways you are not, we have seen their shadows. The League is interested only in the League, why make common cause with those who are disinterested in your wellbeing until it can benefit them. You would rather take their word over one within your own team, that is what we find most distressing. To stand with those who do not have your better interest in mind over one who has fought alongside you. Your callous disregard for our input will be our ruin. We will not let you be an anchor, we will not drown with you nor will we watch you drown yourself. Jigawatt. Liminal. Errant has said his peace. What say you."

2020-08-25, 01:53 AM
Team Meeting

Through most of the heated conversation, Liminal has been silent. With each bitter exchange she retreated further and further into herself, seeming to almost shrink - or maybe she is actually shrinking, given her unique powerset. Her thoughts are in chaos, torn between everything being said and everything left unsaid, and when Fox finally addresses her directly, she blinks hard as if waking from a dream.


She swallows, then looks away. She can't meet your gaze - any of your gazes.

"I think I'm already drowning. Right now my brother is probably getting into trouble at home, and I have a shift today that I can't afford to be late for, and everything that's going on is just too much and I'm not ready to be a hero. I don't fit in here. I'm not like the three of you."

She takes a few steps back, then finally brings herself to look at each of you in turn. "Fox, you have more power in one spell than I'll ever have, no matter how hard I train. You have secret sources and mysterious goals and you have a reason to be here. Errant, you've got convictions that drive you and an ancient legacy backing you up, and you're incredible in a fight. JigaWatt, you have fans and an audience and you can stand in a room with superstar superheroes and somehow keep up with them and negotiate with them."

"What am I supposed to bring to this team? What could I possibly do that wouldn't pale in comparison? I'm just playing hero. Pretending. I don't... I don't deserve to be here. I'm sorry."

Liminal starts crying, and then she's running, using her power to stretch her legs and bound off into the city. She's gone.

2020-08-25, 03:33 PM
Conditions: Angry
Potential: 4/5

It was all so quick, as was often the case with Liminal. An outpouring of emotion and it was all he could do to offer an admittedly feeble "Your heart." before she fled. No sense in saying more then. "Very well then. All the more reason to stick together. If there is nothing else, there is no use salvaging this."

Captain Jak
2020-08-26, 10:24 AM
JigaWatt (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24238216&postcount=4)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt spluttered, trying to put together the right words, but Liminal was already bolting by the time he found his tongue.

"…she’ll be all right. She’s just having one of those self-doubt moments, we all have them," he says confidently. He’ll have to send her a message later, making sure she’s okay. In hindsight, perhaps dragging her to that meeting with little warning wasn’t the best move.

"So, yeah, agreed. As awkward a start as that was, let’s split and see what we each come up with. This is big; we need to be ready." He himself has been patently unready a few times in the past, and it never, ever, went well. He’s all about proper prep now.

2020-08-31, 09:54 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Errant reaches out a hand, chases after Liminal for a few steps, but it's no use. She's gone. Turning back to the others, his shoulders slump in resignation. The fight has gone out of him. Even the weightless spell-armor feels like it's holding him down. "So that's it then?" For once, he had to agree with Fox wholeheartedly. There was no salvaging this. With defeat in his voice, he says, "Okay. I'll be waiting for your files. See you later."

By Uther, he needs a milkshake.

2020-09-01, 06:19 PM
Information is proliferated quickly between teammates, more details listed over Veil's file sharing service. Halcyon City waits with bated breath.

Fox tells Corax of the day's revelations, and insists his team be allowed to handle this incident without any help. She agrees, curious how your group will perform on your merits alone, but reminds him to use the runestone when the time is right. He spends his evening and morning preparing his arsenal, creating magic shells for his twin pistols. He so rarely has cause to use them, but he suspects this event will be different from the prior encounters with New Dawn.

JigaWatt stays in communication with the League, sharing what he can about the coming incident without betraying his sources, and in turn learning from Weaver what the League is planning. The locations of the other two attacks have been located by the League, and full League teams will patrol near those areas, ready to pounce as soon as New Dawn turns up. The Humanity Now rally, however, will be left entirely to the Team to deal with. A lot of trust is being placed in them, but Sentinel himself has given the go-ahead for this course of action. Of course, if the Team does need help, they need only send a message through the secure channel that Weaver has established. The League doesn't use Veil, but they have other means of keeping in touch.

Errant returns to Castle Grail for more training. Sir Maelan is happy - or what passes for happy from that gruff man - to teach Aiden as much as he can, and asks no questions about why Errant White has such a renewed zeal for it. The Red Knight teaches Aiden how to summon his sword from great distances, tapping into that psychic bond that Aiden had discovered in their duel. Aiden also seeks to expand his powers and learn a way to project his protection magic beyond his armor, but Maelan's expertise lies in the more aggressive fields. Still, Castle Grail has plenty of reading material that forms a foundation for the idea.

There is a certain melancholy to preparations; without Liminal, a bit of mirth is missing. But still, you persist. You must.

Humanity Now Rally, Saturday Evening

There's a park just two blocks north of the warehouse where JigaWatt was nearly captured. It's a rather unexceptional park most days of the year, being perfectly normal in all respects and only of interest to those seeking a peaceful walk or a place to take the kids. It has history, of course, but what place in Halcyon doesn't? Heroes and villains have fought over every inch of this city, over issues both grand and petty.

Today, you expect, the park's historical relevancy will have to be reevaluated.

Hundreds have gathered already and more flock in droves as the setting sun casts the park in golden radiance. A stage has been assembled, private security monitors the perimeter, and banners bearing the slogans of Humanity Now wave gently in the evening breeze. Not everyone is a true believer, either; you see as many faces alight with curiosity or contempt as you see those seething with fury and zeal. The noise and gathering crowd attracts passersby, and the news has been buzzing with clips from the organizers. Everyone wants to know about the new faction within Human Interest.

The speeches have already begun: trailing, purposeless things that lack the meat and substance you were promised. Buzzwords and scare tactics are thrown about, blame for recent events thrown at all sorts of metahuman-friendly organizations, but these are not the fangs, no, this is just growling, barking noise. It is clear to everyone in attendance that these are just the appetizers, meant to keep the audience's attention while the last stragglers file in and the real speakers finish their preparations.

And the New Dawn has yet to show their face.

Where are each of you, and how are you staying inconspicuous in the crowd?

Captain Jak
2020-09-02, 12:45 PM
JigaWatt (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24238216&postcount=4)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt watches the stage and the currently ongoing rants, his face studiously neutral even though he’s more than a little antsy inside. He’s wearing the tried and true disguise of sunglasses and a flat-brim ball cap – his usual heroic wear sponsored hoodie just one of several of the brand that he can see from where he’s standing. Which is in the rear third of the crowd; not at the edge, but nowhere near the stage either.

He taps the tail of his board lightly on the ground as he waits; trucks and wheels that are held on with magnets disguise the usually bare deck as a normal skateboard until it’s needed, and his GoPro is in his pocket, ready to be donned at need.

The absolute worst part of all of this?

The waiting.

2020-09-02, 03:50 PM
Conditions: Angry
Potential: 4/5

The fateful day had come at last but as Kye lurked through the crowd wondered if this was really worth it. Two other places that might be hit, they were fairly certain it was going to be here. If it weren't? If this was actually a trap, a diversion? He'd come out of costume though it was near to hand along with the runestone that Corax had given to him. New Dawn knew his general appearance since their last scuffle and it was without a doubt and it had the added bonus that the team wasn't aware of his appearance either. To fool your enemies you first had to fool your friends.

His eyes were constantly on the look out for exits, just a natural instinct at this point. Knowing where to run if an Albian Knight burst on the scene was a smart thing to have in your toolbox and it applied here as well. If this was a trap, and that gnawing feeling only grew as New Dawn hadn't yet appeared, then they'd need to get out as quickly as possible. Or at least he'd need to get out as quick as possible to make sure at least one of them could mount a recovery effort.

Once those were secure his eyes turned to something else. There had to be something here, if here was really the spot, that New Dawn was after. It wasn't just a platform to all these people. Someone, or something, was important for this exact location and if it was important enough to actually invest in the rally then it was important enough for the team to secure. Which made it all the more important that he remained undisclosed. The team for sure knew he was here. Where, and what he was doing, was probably best kept to the chest. If they did get captured he could still secure whatever New Dawn was actually after and take it out in the confusion.

Rolled a 13 on an Assess. Going to ask

- What here can I use __ to help us slip away if this goes titsup
- What here is most valuable to me

2020-09-02, 05:27 PM

Freak: +1
Danger: +2
Savior: -1
Superior: 0
Mundane: +1

'Why did I think checking this out was a good idea?' was the thought running through Alex's head as he stood there, stuck in the middle of a crowd of angry people. He didn't really want to try getting out of there, as anyone would be able to recognize him if he made himself known, so standing there and listening to the speeches was the best he could do. 'I could have just went about my day, but... if this is going to become a scene, or a riot, or something then... I'd rather be here, stopping it as it starts, and not just arriving as this is wrapping up. But how would I even help if I'm stuck in a crowd of people who hate me? This was a stupid decision.'

But he couldn't have walked away, even if he wanted to. He had to be a hero, and this is what heroes do; helping people even if they don't want to be helped. Even if he didn't feel like a hero, he was going to try anyway, and hopefully it would be enough.

He just wished there was another hero there if things went bad.

2020-09-02, 09:03 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Aiden holes up at a picnic shelter a short distance from the rally. Dressed in casual clothes, it was no great challenge to blend in with the rest of the milieu. If he had stuck himself in the crowd he'd likely miss the forest for the trees. If there was going to be an attack, it was more likely to come from outside the throng. Even a few short paces back allowed him a much better vantage. Besides, while Durendal was a fine weapon, it would do him no good in close quarters with the people packed like tinned sardines.

2020-09-02, 10:53 PM
Humanity Now Rally, Saturday Evening

The tenor in the crowd changes as a new speaker takes the stage. This one, this one you recognize.

While June Lang may harass the League consistently, she's an expert at the PR spin and always knows how to manage her words very, very carefully. While not technically affiliated with Human Interest, to many she is the voice of the movement even more than some of the figureheads actually part of the group. But if anyone were to name a second voice, it would be the man now taking the stage.

Paul Carpenter is a mid-40s firebrand with intentionally-messy hair and a "man of the people" persona. He's never worn a tie on camera, fills his social media feed with pictures of him eating at local restaurants, and has a knack for charming every journalist that's tried to interview him. He's been an advocate of stricter measures against metahumans from the very start of the movement, and with the rise of Humanity Now he's finally found his niche.

"Thank you all so much for being here. It warms my old heart to see so many impassioned citizens coming out to make their voices heard. Alone it can feel like the weight of the world is crushing you, but together we will not succumb to those who would do us harm. They may have flaming eyes and magic swords, but we have the indomitable human spirit and the strength of numbers!"

"Remember that, as our enemies gather and become bold. Remember that, as our so-called protectors give excuses and play dumb. Remember: we are stronger than them. We are the people of Halcyon, and for too long we have been silent as these so-called "superhumans" entrench themselves in our governments, in our places of learning, in our very homes. They think they are better than us, but they are wrong!"

There's a cheer from the crowd, Humanity Now swept up in their idealogue's opening number. They know he's just getting warmed up, and they're already hooked. The tension in the air is thickening, and a few of the onlookers just here out of curiosity or perverse entertainment are sharing nervous glances.

"Humanity must not bend the knee to-"

"That's quite enough out of you, worm-throat."

Carpenter's speech is abruptly cut off by the arrival of four supervillains directly onto the stage behind him.

The four appear in a flash of cold blue-and-silver light. The one who spoke first is a woman with an Eastern European accent and a bandolier of knives strung across her chest. She looks more like a hired killer than a villain, but splashes of color on her body armor and knife handles betray a flair for the dramatic.

Beside her is the source of the teleportation, a woman with flickering blue eyes and a hi-tech suit with a central core emitting the same light as signaled the crew's arrival. Where the knife nut is all smirks and posture, the teleporter acts with perfect professional precision. As soon as her passengers have their footing, the teleporter is gone in another flash, and she reappears on the rafters above the stage, crouched and watching like an owl.

The two other passengers are more immediately recognizable, and each one of you has at least heard of these clowns: a pair of D-list villains never known to work together, they make an odd couple. There's Platinum Perfect, a villain who relies on wacky gadgets and who talks a big game but rarely ever delivers. He's seen as an easy target for heroes looking to pad their numbers, though his unique power - combining random objects to create unreliable future-tech - means he never stays in jail for long. He'd be shipped to the Cold Room for repeat escapes if he wasn't so utterly harmless in a normal situation.

He's paired with the Transcendent Frog, an ordinary lab frog that underwent extreme experimental mutation and developed hyper-intelligence. It also made him quite deranged, and he dreams of world domination and a race of cyborg super-frogs under his command. He uses cybernetic limbs to manipulate his array of personally-engineered weapons, which are usually all various kinds of non-lethal ray.

Platinum Perfect immediately shoves Paul Carpenter to the ground and grabs the mic, already showboating. "People of Halcyon City, your favorite supervillain is here! I, Platinum Perfect, will wow you with incredible feats of daring and dastardliness! Watch in amazement as I turn this silly little rally into a day you'll remember for the rest of your lives!"

To his side, the Transcendent Frog rolls his bulbous eyes and picks Carpenter off the ground, gripping him tightly with a robotic hand. He says nothing, but merely gives a manic grin and pulls a loaded syringe from his lab coat. You've never seen him use something like that before, and you can easily guess what must be inside.

But both of them are just distractions. At a glance, the dangerous one is obvious: the gal with the knives. She immediately proves that assumption by tossing three knives into the air above the crowd. Mid-air, each knife blinks out of existence - different from the teleportation, this must be her own power - and is replaced with a canister of a murky blue substance. It doesn't look like anything you saw in the facility, and something's off about the way it moves inside the canister, but the design of the canisters is identical to the kind of tech you saw in the New Dawn facility.

The action's kicking off... but not all of you are near it.

Fox and Void, you're in the middle of the crowd and closest to the stage. As the canisters arc through the air they're headed directly over you. JigaWatt is further away, able to get a good view of everything happening. Errant, however... you're far. You can hear the chaos and see the flashes of light, but if you want to reach the crowd or the stage in time to do anything you'll need to push yourself. Maybe even push your powers.

It's all to play for. What do you do?

Fox: If you want an easy exist, the solution is obvious: use the crowd. Either as camoflage or cover, the terrified mass of bodies will be key to an escape if one proves necessary. As far as what's most valuable here... that becomes obvious the second those canisters are in the air: the people. New Dawn is after the people attending the rally.

Errant: If you want to get to the rally quickly, unleash your powers.

Anyone: If you want to try and get a bead on the two unknown elements, roll + Mundane. On a 7-9, pick one and I'll tell you who they are. On a 10+, both. On a miss, they notice you noticing them.

2020-09-03, 12:53 PM
Conditions: Angry
Potential: 4/5

It was about time. He slipped the stone from his pocket and in quiet whispers spoke the word. Ansuz. Then it all went wild.

Chaos erupted, people scrambling to get away and in the chaos Kye pulled the shadows close. In the next instant he was closer to the stage, weaving through the people as Fox as dark wisps of energy rose from his form. The canisters were nothing good, no one threw chemicals into a crowd with the intent to help out. With a motion of his hand, more shadows drew up in large claw tipped hands to snatch them from the sky. "Catch." he snarled, lobbing them back to the villains as he continued to march upon them with blazing red eyes.

Rolled to Directly Engage. Took "take something" and "impress/frighten/surprise".

2020-09-03, 03:38 PM

Freak: +1
Danger: +2
Savior: -1
Superior: 0
Mundane: +1

Of course it was a villain attack. And Alex was in it all alone, or he thought he was, until Fox showed himself. He was relieved that he wasn't alone, but... that hero seemed familiar, but was it because he saw them on TV? Or did he actually know them? It was hard to recognize faces when the face was covered by a mask, so he'd have to ask about that later. What was more concerning was the fact that they had thrown the canisters at the stage. They were still going to break once they hit the ground, and there was more than just villains on that stage for that gas to affect. He didn't know what they were exactly, but with the rumors flying around about a serum, and from what the... frog man? (it was so hard to keep track of all the villains that were around) pulled out, the gas was probably just like it, or maybe even worse. And the guy threw the canisters onto the stage!

He couldn't really stop them now, and he knew he wouldn't be able to get the canisters before they hit the stage, so he had to go for the next best thing, and engage Transcendent with the serum so he could get at least a few people off the stage before the canisters hit. And to do so, he had to get there quickly. So, it was time for Void.

Void started running, barging past the people around him, rushing for the stage. With the people around him panicking, he was able to get to the stage with little resistance. Transcendent didn't seem to notice him at first, so he took the opportunity to rush the frog and grab the arm holding the serum. He started draining Transcendent of his energy, and grabbed Carpenter away from him, pushing the man off the stage, and into the crowd.

"You know, as much as I don't like the people here, I'd rather these people not get powers forced upon them against their will. So, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Unless you'd like getting hit by the gas you were trying to throw into the crowd?" Void starts dragging Transcendent off the stage. Getting as many people away from the stage was the plan, so he started yelling at the crowd. "And what do you people think you're doing? Get away from here, now!"

If the small time villains weren't enough to get them away from here, Void's presence would certainly send them packing. At least, he hoped it would.

Rolled to Directly Engage and got a 12. Choosing to "take something" in the form of Carpenter, and "create an opportunity" by getting the villains distracted by himself and the crowd running away from the scene.

2020-09-04, 09:39 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Aiden's instincts were right. His position at the shelter, removed from the action, gives him a great view...of the chaos happening well outside of his useful range. "Oh, Uther's dreams!" Halfway through charging into the fray, he sheepishly realizes his second great oversight. He's still in civvies. Swearing some more, he ducks behind a tree.

A sequence of panels framed from the front of the tree show Aiden disappearing behind it from the right, a beat panel, a flash of white light coming from behind the tree, and finally a fully-armored Errant White stepping out to the left.

Reaching the edge of the crowd to join his compatriots, he shouts out, "Halt, evildoers! Stand down, and no harm will come to you!"

Rolled a 2 to unleash my powers. Marking potential, bringing me to 3/5.

Captain Jak
2020-09-04, 11:04 PM
JigaWatt (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24238216&postcount=4)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

Holy— It is on! Even as the little dramatic speech begins to unfold, JigaWatt is swiftly taking a moment or two to get into character. Hand out of pocket with GoPro, powered on, hat and glasses swept off heedlessly to the ground, headband crammed into place. Hood flipped up, zipper yanked up, situation – amped up!

A brief surge of charge through his deck polarizes it enough to send the magnetized trucks flipping away, and he hops aboard. Shedding a cracking corona of electricity as he rises into the air, he makes of himself an immediate focal point of attention and an obvious target as he taps his camera into record.

"Oh, I'm sorry,," he calls out with projected confidence as he sees the casks of chemical shimmer and vanish under the familiar effects of Fox's power. "Did you really think you could just slide in here without someone already prepared to kick your asses?" he demands with mockery in his voice.

"How about you do not unleash any more crap like that on these people," he goes on, levelling a lightning-shrouded hand at Daggers, "and we settle this without you lot getting hurt too badly?" He forces down the squirms of unease in his belly, much as he would at the onset of a risky stunt. His choice of words are meant as much for his audience as for the villains, but the message imparted by them is clear – leave the civvies out of it.

It is, of course, at this point that he realises that the canisters – rather than being removed to some safe location – have been turned back upon the stage and those who stand upon it.


Provoke Knives into not unleashing any more WMDs: 11

2020-09-05, 05:16 AM
Humanity Now Rally, Saturday Evening

Fox, you speak the command word into the runestone and see it flicker with light, briefly, then go dark. There is no further sign that the spell has worked - at least, not physically. Through your sixth sense you can feel a new prickle in the air, the presence of your maybe-mentor watching from across the immaterium.

With a burst of magic and a bold entrance to the scene you catch the canisters with darkness and send them flying back - straight at the stage, at Knives and the wannabes and the rally leader. Knives' eyes widen when she sees the payload returning her way, not expecting such a rapid response. She scrambles aside and nearly trips over herself getting out of the way, but she can't move quick enough to escape what comes out.

You were expecting a liquid agent, like before, but that's not what comes out. It's a gas.

Knives is frightened by your ruthlessness and will mark Afraid.

Knives's Conditions: 1/3

JigaWatt, you're in the air and already taunting the baddie. Fox will take care of it, you know he will, you trust your teammate. You give your speech, as full of mockery as you can muster, and you're about ready to plaster on the smirk and revel in your superiority... when the canisters shatter and the gas spills out.


Knives stumbles to her feet and slicks back her mussed hair, putting on a smirk to meet your gaze. "You may have your demands, flashy one. No need for further display, da?"

Knives is satisfied with the results of the first payload and cedes to JigaWatt's Provoke, agreeing not to unleash any more canisters.

Void, you see it happen, and you're too late to stop it, but maybe you can do some triage. You blitz the stage and grab the Transcendent Frog, applying the drain liberally and shoving his hostage away and into the crowd. You see him sprint away, pushing through the crowd to be the first to get away. Grappling the Frog with an iron grip, you shout at the crowd and galvanize them into motion, giving the last kick they needed to flee screaming from the spreading gas.

Gas that, while no longer centralized, is still spreading into the crowd from the stage.

The exodus is panicked and crude and violent. People are tripping over each other and screaming at each other to get out of the way, and then-

"Halt, evildoers! Stand down, and no harm will come to you!"

The appearance of a knight in shining armor might be a comfort to most people, and it is to some... but this is a crowd full of people who were, just moments ago, railing against the very heroes that have come to save them. And when the knight steps into view at the edge of the crowd, it causes just enough of a spook for the first line of those fleeing to stop - not to step back, just to stop, but even that is enough - and cause a cascade through the crowd.

With Errant's failed Unleash, I'm making a move against the crowd.

The stragglers are caught behind the mass of bodies, and they breathe in the fumes.

And they change.

It's only three people who are caught in it, the slowest to move of the whole crowd, but those three transform in a sickening display. One screams, and his voice become sharp enough to shatter steel... which it does, cracking a rafter beam above and prompting the teleporter to vanish and reappear on a different one. The scream is cut off by foam bubbling out of his mouth, and he falls to the ground and curls inward.

The second, a woman, clutches at her head, muttering, while the veins on her arms start to glow bright blue. When she looks up, her eyes have gone milky and she charges wildly, blindly, in the direction of the crowd, who scream at her approach.

The third has the most violent transformation. He grows, and as he grows he mutates. Scales, spines, fur, feathers, becoming a true chimera of mixed creatures. He tries to speak, but only guttural shrieking comes out.

Fox, witnessing these horrors could be upsetting, but you're made of stern stuff. How do you feel?

As part of the trading blows, take a powerful blow for what you're seeing and your inadvertent part in it.

Platinum Perfect starts to look a bit green in the gills and holds a hand to his mouth. At first it seems like he's affected too, but then he gasps out, "That is so gross! Oh, oh I can't look at that, ew ew ew."

The villains on the stage - and Void, who can't help but breathe in a little of the fumes - seem completely unaffected by the gas. No transformation, no discoloration, nothing. They're all completely immune.

The Frog hacks and coughs as he struggles to escape Void, but gives a wicked grin regardless. "Perfection! The perfected serum is perfectly perfect! I told you, didn't I? I told you!"

Knives rolls her eyes at him. "Shut up, useless toad. You had no part."

"I am not useless!"

Void, you feel a sharp pain in your side. The source is immediately evident: a syringe jutting out of you. The syringe that the Frog was going to use on Carpenter. He must have sleight-of-hand'd it when you grabbed him. You might feel afraid of what might happen... but nothing does, and the syringe is easily dislodged, now empty of serum. Does the close call still sting?

As part of the trading blows, take a powerful blow for the near calamity.

The Frog stamps his feet in a full-blown tantrum. "AGH! I HATE YOU!" The Frog is now Angry, and still grappled.

Frog's Conditions: 1/2

Platinum Perfect, annoyed that no one is paying attention to him, activates his rocket boots and zips into the air, flying straight for JigaWatt. "Hey, skater boy! Let's you and me make some noise!"

The two mystery villains remain where they are, content to watch their less-competent teammates take the brunt for now.

2020-09-05, 04:23 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.

Errant White stands, his dumbfounded expression hidden behind his helm. "I meant the supervillains, not you people. Get out of here!"

With the three unfortunate souls menacing the remaining people, Errant White quickly interposes himself. Raising an open hand to the sky, he cries out, "Durendal, to me!" and the sword shimmers into existence in his hand. "You're not hurting anyone today," he says to the no doubt incoherent empowered people, holding his sword at the ready.

Rolled a 7 to defend the crowd. I will add a Team to the pool and expose myself to danger.

2020-09-05, 07:16 PM
Conditions: Angry
Potential: 0/5

Fox watched as the defenseless citizens were morphed by the gas. There was some level of disgust with it, watching people contort and change, but it was cut with a heavy level of fascination. Perhaps it was simply the touch of magic that made all sorcerers become paranoid, power hungry, untrustworthy monsters, that tinge of something new and unknown that made him want to see just how much this could change...and of course his own screaming humanity that it is not OK to experiment on regular people. That particular buttress hadn't been knocked down.

It was his mess but it paled in comparison, trapped under a mattress by the weight of your dead parents while their blood soaking through, to the horror show that had been the impetuous for all of this. Watching Errant bungle in only sparked his anger more, fanned the flames deep in him but it wasn't right to leave the Knight alone. It was a gamble but his feet moved to join Errant at the front lines. "Come, beasts. Your tormentor stands before you. We are who you want, so follow and the hunt may begin."

He then promptly turned and ran, no small feat in robes. The goal was to get the beasts away, somewhere he could deal with them or the ones that followed at any rate. Then, a moment of clarity as he cast his gaze back. "Corax." he called out, wind whistling through the holes of his mask. "An offering. Take them."

Rolled a 4 on the Powerful Blow. That's an Advance. Took The Littlest Spice Pirate from The Nomad

Rolled an 8 on a Are you Watching Closely

Taking Create an Opportunity and Avoid Further Entanglement

Captain Jak
2020-09-06, 06:58 PM
JigaWatt (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24238216&postcount=4)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

The unforeseen consequences of the larger dispersal method roll out across the stage, and JigaWatt's blood runs cold. What...did those maniacs do? PP in particular gets his blood boiling; the callous disregard of others and the selfish focusing on the man's own image and attention-seeking ways are reprehensible! Who acts like that?

Dipping and swirling a little to throw off showers of sparks, JigWatt reaches deep into his anger and pulls out a passionate performance.

"The name's JigaWatt; you'd do well to remember it, Shoddy Silver," he calls out, aware of the mass of people below privy to their encounter and attempting to plug into their empathy. "And you're making more than enough noise for the both of us; why don't you just light'n up?," Sending a bolt of electricity arcing back and forth between his hands almost-but-not-too quickly to be seen for a moment, he throws his hand out toward the shining simpleton and lets fly with a torrent of lightning!

Stage Fighting: marking Angry to Directly Engage with Superior rather than Danger: 9
JW will avoid PP's blows.

2020-09-06, 11:33 PM

Freak: +1
Danger: +2
Savior: -1
Superior: 0
Mundane: +1

The syringe was a bit of a shock. Alex would have definitely freaked out about the mutations even after there was no effect (and probably will after this is all over), but Void only felt a sting from where the syringe entered his body. He'd taken harder blows before when... no. 'Those aren't my memories, they're the hero's. Gotta keep them separate.' He knows he took harder hits when he was a villain, and the liquid didn't do anything, so it wasn't a big deal for him.

What was a big deal was that he only had one person helping to fight the villains. The civilians needed protecting, of course, but with two of the four villains being actually competent, it was going to be a hard fight with only two people against them. So he was going to even those odds.

Void grabs Transcendent's arm with his other hand, spins the guy around, and throws him in Knives's direction. The frog lands next to her with a thud, and Void turns his gaze towards the woman. "Your move, Knives."

Rolled a 3 for take a powerful blow, marking potential.
Rolled a 7 for directly engage, picking 'resist or avoid their blows'.

2020-09-07, 08:57 PM
Humanity Now Rally, Saturday Evening

Errant White, you make your stand and hold firm.

While the screamer continues to curl on the ground and foam at the mouth, the beastly mutant - now a monstrous chimera - and the woman with blue veins - now crackling with strange energy - both charge the crowd. With fang and claw and spines, with lightning that looks an awful lot like JigaWatt's, they tear toward the crowd with inhuman ferocity. The masses run, terrified, crying, but they should not fear - for you are here.

With blade in hand you stand before your opponents. Durendal sings, eager, though you ensure with a quick thought that he will not cause undue harm to what are, despite their monstrous appearance, just more victims in all this chaos. The chimera reaches you first and slashes with wicked claws, but you easily bat aside both strikes with your empowered blade. The beast's fangs close around the blade, but Durendal unleashes a jolt of power that sends the chimera reeling back. The lightning woman latches on to you and starts to send electricity pulsing through your armor, but you bat her aside with the hilt of Durendal.

It creates just the opening Fox needs.

Fox, you join Errant and deliver your taunt to the two mutants, mixing in just a touch of glamour to ensure your words reach them through the haze of their mutations. They growl in unison and lunge after you, and you lead them on a merry chase out of the crowd and into the more densely-forested region of the park. You sprint far enough into the woods that you are beyond the sight of your more coherent adversaries, and you are alone with the mutants... or perhaps not.

You reach for the runestone and call to it once more, entreating your would-be mentor to intervene. You call it an offering, but a little voice in the back of your head reminds you that it was your request that Corax not lend any aid to the mission. For a moment, nothing happens, and you wonder if perhaps this will be one of her promised harsh lessons, but then...

"I am here, my student. Watch... and learn." Her voice is a whisper just to the left and behind you, a soft murmur straight to your ear and sending a cold, uneasy shiver down your spine. You can feel her hand on your shoulder, pressing gently, but you see no sign of her, and not even the shadows can discern a physical presence.

The runestone in your hand cracks open, and a cacophony of light and shadow spills out. The unleashed magic tears apart the nearest trees and disturbs the soil, but though it appears as pure chaos, you glimpse a hint of order in it. The energy disperses into the uprooted trees and turns branches and roots into tendrils of living wood that move to encircle the mutants. The chimera and the electric woman are bound tight, and the roots petrify, but the new stone formation is shattered by chimeric strength and mutant lightning.

The mutants lunge at you again, but in an instant they are frozen in place, and a thousand runes fill the air, each glittering in different colors and flickering between multiple forms. As the dust settles, you see that they are trapped in the center of a large and perfectly flat section of dirt cleared by the initial burst of energy.

Corax whispers to you again, just beside you and yet far away, her voice creeping into your ear. "The circle, my student. Show me that you have perfected your art."

No chalk is provided, but you do not need it. A simple stick will suffice this time. Your movements are quicker than before, practiced, and the transposition circle forms elegantly and without error. Perhaps it is the result of your studies, or perhaps it is the presence of Corax guiding you in ways too subtle for you to notice. You believe she can read your mind - can she control it as well? The idea is chilling.

The circle is made, and as before she gives you a command phrase. You speak it, and both mutants vanish to only Corax knows where... though you could hazard a guess. No matter; it is done.

JigaWatt, you blast Platinum Perfect with glorious lightning. He brings out some fancy mechanical toy to try and divert it, but you are stronger than he is and your electricity surges past his paltry defense and all the way down to his rocket boots, glitching them out and sending him zooming back, crashing into the stage. He groans, "Ow," and stays there, still conscious but clearly needing to catch his breath. Or maybe he's just Afraid of what will happen if he tries to fight you again.

Void, you send the Frog flying with ease, and he flies back just as Platinum Perfect is hitting the stage. The Transcendent Frog slams his head into something heavy and droops. He would probably also mark Afraid... if he weren't completely out cold.

You give Knives your taunt and she turns her nose up at you, scoffing. "Knives? How uncreative. I am Strivari, little piggie. But, since you invited..."

Strivari whirls with a swiftness that is almost superhuman, though you're sure she's not using any powers that affect mobility. A knife comes flying from her - but not at you, Void. At Errant.

Errant, you're so busy dealing with the mutants and protecting the crowd that you see the knife all too late. It flickers only a meter away, and in its place is a massive hammer - a sledgehammer, maybe, or it could be a real life warhammer. It reaches you before you can react and slams into your chest with all the force of a hammer inheriting the velocity of a thrown knife. Your armor doesn't crack, but it can only absorb so much force, and the remainder of the shockwave knocks the breath from your lungs and sends you stumbling back, gasping for air. Take a powerful blow.

Strivari is Afraid, and has marked 1/3 Conditions.

The Transcendent Frog is Angry and Afraid, and has marked 2/2 Conditions. He is out of the fight.

Platinum Perfect is Afraid, and has marked 1/2 Conditions.

The teleporter has marked 0/3 Conditions.

2020-09-08, 10:15 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.
[X] Never give up, never surrender: When you take a powerful blow from someone with far greater power than you, use this move instead of the basic move. Roll + Savior. On a hit, you stand strong and choose one. On a 7-9, mark a condition.

- you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
- you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
- you keep your attacker’s attention
On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

- you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
- you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
- you keep your attacker’s attention
On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

Magic armor or no, a warhammer to the chest is more than enough to irritate anyone. And blindsiding people like that is just bad manners. "How about you quit showboating for your fans with that D-lister and focus on the real threat? Some of us are trying to help people today!" Thankfully Fox arrives to draw the tranformed people off of him, giving Errant White a moment to catch his breath.

As soon as he does, he rounds on Strivari, brandishing Durendal. "Errant Red warned me about hitting ladies," he growls as he charges her. With one deft strike, Durendal severs the bandolier of knives strapped across her chest, leaving the knife nut unarmed but unharmed. "And who says chivalry is dead?"

Rolled a 7 to take a powerful blow. I will lash out verbally and provoke a teammate to foolish action. I will follow that up with Fight the good fight. Rolled a 12, so I will take Strivari's bandolier of knives and create an opportunity for my allies.

2020-09-09, 08:56 PM
Conditions: Angry
Potential: 0/5

Fox finally lets out a breath. Running from dangerous enemies wasn't new or novel but costumes were heavy and robes ungainly. He'd have to hurry back to the real fight here soon but in the silence of the forest he took a moment to speak aloud. "We thank you for the assistance." He moved the runestone in his fingers, felt its coolness through his gloves. "You asked only for recon, we trust test subjects exceed your expectations." With a quick movement of his foot, Fox smears the summoning circle back to dust before making for the fight once more.

Captain Jak
2020-09-10, 12:43 AM
JigaWatt (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24238216&postcount=4)
Potential: 0/5
Freak: +3
Danger: -2
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt had handled the Platinum Poseur handily when the man had come right at him, but doesn't even get a moment to appreciate his own efforts as Errant derides his accomplishment – sure, it's easy for a trained fighter to mix it up, but this isn't his specialty! – and goads him.

Well, he's certainly in a mood to oblige, at the moment.

"Showboating?" he exclaims incredulously, slewing his board around in a shower of sparks. He runs his gaze over the stage even as Errant shrewdly attacks Stabby McGabby's ability to do ridiculous tricks, taking genuine offense at the banners hung upon the scaffolding amongst the speakers.


"You want showboating?" he calls out, throwing his arms wide before bringing his hands close before him, fingers crooked into claws. "Stand back!"

Electricity limn his hands for an instant before lancing out to run crackling over the stage scaffolding, energizing it. Wrenching with arms and powers both, JigaWatt collapses the scaffolding in upon itself, shredding the hateful hatespeak banners that call him and his obscene in the process of being bent into a crude cage that bends itself towards the villains onstage – and with a little luck, maybe dump the teleporter on her ass as well.

He might not be the most skilled fighter, but messing things up with his powers – that he has a great deal of experience in.

Unleash to use stage scaffolding to trap villains: 12

2020-09-10, 02:07 AM

Freak: +1
Danger: +2
Savior: -1
Superior: 0
Mundane: +1

And suddenly the fight was wildly in their favor. But Knives was still a problem that needed to be solved. And then the opportunity came to solve that problem in the form of beams falling to the stage. And with her thoroughly distracted by Errant (That was his name, right? It's been a bit since they talked), she could be put right under the beams. She just needed the right... push. Might put himself in a bit of danger, but that's going to be Alex's problem soon enough.

Void quickly ran behind Strivari, and tackled her. With the extra boost in energy from the frog, and the full force of his body ramming into her, Strivari came crashing to the ground with Void, right under the falling debris. "Should've been paying more attention to your surroundings, Knives."

Rolled for a directly engage and got a 7.Choosing to create an opportunity for my allies.

2020-09-10, 02:21 AM
The chaos is unfolding quicker than anyone expected. At the edge of the area, beyond the rally's loosely-defined borders, most of the crowd has dispersed, certainly all of the Humanity Now types have vanished into the cityscape, but you do see a few clusters remaining. They look less like the usual supremacists and more like average people who happened to walk by, the various curious onlookers who were here more for the entertainment than the beliefs. Their attention is still riveted as the duel reaches its final act.

Errant, you shake off the aftershocks and charge the stage, Durendal raised. The sword sings for justice, but you will sate it with a more measured approach. Strivari glares at you, but a flicker of fear crosses her face. This fight is not going how she expected it to.

Knives come flying at you, each transforming into different objects that you bat aside. Durendal is in peak form, carving through everything that Strivari throws at you. And then you're there, right in front of her, sword cleaving through the air - and severing the bandolier, which you kick off the stage.

Strivari's face is full of hate and rage now, but up close she's not much taller than you, maybe even the same height, and without her knives she loses all her intimidation factor. Still, she spits in your face and hisses, "You think you're better because of shiny armor and magic sword? You think you're so much more than rest of us? You will burn, shiny lion. You, and your friends, and your city, and your precious castle too. Your pride will burn this world."

Strivari is now Angry and Afraid, and has marked 2/3 Conditions.

Errant, she's telling you who you are and shifting your Superior up and your Savior down.

JigaWatt, you have just about enough of these loser villains and ornery heroes cramping your style. You know exactly how cool you are, and you're going to show the world. Your power isn't just sparks and fireworks shows and little electronic tricks. You are a wellspring of energy from which flows power that even Fox and Errant with all their magic could never hope to match. You're the main man. You're the storm.

You dip into that wellspring and call upon your gifts, channeling great arcs of electricity out of your body and into the world, the lightning that is your birthright tearing through hateful banners that call your glory something to be ashamed of. The lightning travels up into the rafters, already weakened by the screaming mutant, and the weak scaffolding cracks and tears and comes crashing down.

Void, you see your opportunity and pounce on it. The sky is falling and Strivari is running, dashing to get out from under it, but you won't let her. You tackle her straight into the path of the debris, and she screams with pure animal hatred as she hits the ground.

You hear a new sound, and see a flash of light, and the teleporter is there next to you, grabbing Strivari and trying to pull her away from you, trying to rescue her, but she's too slow. The makeshift cage falls, and slams into you - not hard enough to break any bones, not with the expert hand of JigaWatt guiding its descent - with just enough force to pin you there and leave you feeling bruised and tired. It's painful, but the agony of defeat must be worse for the villains trapped alongside you.

Void, take a powerful blow.

All four villains have now been defeated.

Fox, you arrive in time to see the fight cleaned up. JigaWatt has just imprisoned all four villains - and some unlucky hero kid - in a cage of scaffolding. In front of the stage, the mutant that screamed earlier has stopped foaming and is just twitching in the fetal position. The gas is still in the air, glacially dispersing, but nobody vulnerable is near it. It looks like... you won.

JigaWatt, you're already reveling in your victory just seeing the raw results, but then you hear a shout from the lingering crowd.

"Hey, is that JigaWatt?"

"It is! I recognize him from Youtube! Hey, JigaWatt: Amp'd for life!"

You turn around to see the few clusters of onlookers start cheering for you. Many of them have their phones out and recording, while others seem to be looking you up to figure out more about the hero who saved them.

"JigaWatt! JigaWatt! JigaWatt!"

Oh, yes. This crowd is eating out of your hand.

The crowd is telling you who you are, shifting your Superior up and your Mundane down. How do you respond?

The battle is over. Now to bask in the accolades.

Captain Jak
2020-09-11, 01:11 PM
JigaWatt (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24238216&postcount=4)
Potential: 1/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

For a moment the fiery satisfaction burns through JigaWatt; when he brings down the house, he brings it down!. But then he sees that some of the scaffolding has in fact come down right on top of some of the mercenaries, and another kid who had gotten onto the stage at some point.

For someone who supposedly was a wiz at making things happen with his powers just how he wants them to, he’s turned out to be a danger to those he wasn’t actually attempting to hurt. It’s...a sobering realization.

The anger that had flared up in him is already beginning to dissipate in the wake of trashing the stage, which leaves him feeling uneasy at the words coming from pockets of his fans.

"This!" he shouts out, making sure his voice carries to the remaining crowd. "This wasn’t a stunt, none of these people were playin’, and folks got hurt." He takes a breath. "Some of them because of me. This isn’t a celebration; this is a tragedy that we’re damn lucky isn’t worse than it is." If this is what being a hero is supposed to feel like, he has no idea why anyone does it.

"Don’t go cheering for me; someone call for paramedics, make sure others are all right," he urges, before dropping out of the sky on his board to skim over to the stage.

"Is everyone all right here? Does anyone need medical attention," he asks, scowling slightly. It feels...odd, to check on the well-being of people who had largely tried to hurt him.

It also feels…necessary.

Reject who the Amp’d are telling him he is: 11
Shifting Freak down, Danger up. Marking Potential.

2020-09-12, 10:02 PM
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.
[X] Never give up, never surrender: When you take a powerful blow from someone with far greater power than you, use this move instead of the basic move. Roll + Savior. On a hit, you stand strong and choose one. On a 7-9, mark a condition.

- you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
- you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
- you keep your attacker’s attention
On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

- you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
- you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
- you keep your attacker’s attention
On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

The White Knight can't help but backpedal as Strivari spits on him. Who does that?!

He doesn't have much time for a retort to her scathing words as JigaWatt brings down the scaffolding onto all four of the villains - and another kid! Oh ****! Without hesitating, he leaps at the structure, cutting through it with Durendal to get the other guy out. "Whoa! Hey man, are you okay? Talk to me!"

Rolled a 7 to reject influcence. I will take influence away from Strivari and take +1 forward against her.

2020-09-12, 10:16 PM
Potential: 0/5

Fox slowly moved back into panel from the forest. Saying nothing, as was his usual, he watched the smoke filter off into the air. Corax had test subjects now, the ideal outcome finding a way to reverse and thus counteract the mutation. It was something he would need to disclose to the others as well, though with the League also getting a chance at the perpetrators, some leverage would be denied them.

2020-09-12, 11:09 PM

Freak: +1
Danger: +2
Savior: -1
Superior: 0
Mundane: +1

Void was a bit bruised, but was otherwise fine. He stood up once Errant got him free, and dusted himself off. "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for helping. Uh... do you not recognize... oh, duh, you only know him, not me."

'Sorry about this, Alex. But right now, the fighting's all over, and you need to talk to these people that just helped us.'

Void starts changing right in front of Errant and the others, and soon enough, Alex is standing where Void once stood.

"Uh, h-hi a-a-again. I-It's been a... bit s-since we l-last met, h-h-hasn't it?"

Alex was incredibly anxious and a bit terrified. He was acting completely different from how Void had acted, and was looking down at his feet instead of at anyone's faces. He looked like a bit of mess, and not just because of the fight. He look tired, and drained, and he looked like he was shaking a bit. He was keeping his hands in his pockets and glanced up at JW with a guilty look in his eyes, quickly looking away when he saw JW notice he was staring.

"Um... i-is e-everyone alright? C-cause if you're n-not, I c-could try and... t-t-take some of your p-pain away... I-It w-w-won't hurt! I-I p-p-promise."

Rolled a 5 on take a powerful blow. Marking experience.

2020-09-14, 06:08 PM
Humanity Now Rally, Saturday Evening

The pseudo-celebrity's words are sobering to the amped-up crowd. While some are still recording guilelessly, unconcerned with your speech, others begin to look embarrassed and a few quickly start typing in numbers and making calls while someone mentions a spot of medical training and starts checking on the everyone that was close to the action or part of the roiling exodus.

But all of that is happening in the background now; your focus, JigaWatt, is on the trap you laid and the consequences of it.

You don't have the skills to assess what kind of condition the villains are in, but you can at least see them breathing. The D-listers are out cold for sure, while the mercs are either lightly unconscious or playing dead. They are... well, they're not uninjured, but you didn't break anything important. Well, anything medically important; you definitely broke a lot of the gear they were using.

Errant, your blade makes quick work of the scaffolding pinning this new hero, and though the sword balks at such menial labor it takes to its task with efficiency and expertise. You are easily able to extricate Void without releasing the four villains.

As the four of you draw together, one of the onlookers suddenly cries out.

"S**t! Two other places were hit, and it looks bad."

The crowd's attention turns to social media. Those of you who look to it yourselves will find chaos and panic; the other two attacks seem to have been more successful than the one you foiled here, and social media timelines are filling up with hastily-taken pictures of terrified civilians and crazed mutants. There's no official reports yet, just random civilian reporting, and you can't tell where the League is in all this, but you can imagine they're likely caught in the thick of it.

It looks like Fox's quick thinking prevented a genuine tragedy here... but the same can't be said of the other teams involved.

2020-09-16, 03:56 AM
Potential: 0/5

So the other two places had in fact been hit. He would ask where the League was in all of this but he suspected he knew the answer, it was one he'd felt since the moment they'd stuck their nose in. This was not, by some chance, bad fortune coming to roost. This was planned and they'd stopped the mechanization of those in the shadows here this day. It was small victories, the defeated voice in his head said, that won the day. If you were not dead the Sons and Daughters of Albion taught, then you were victorious for the fight raged on so long as you drew breath. "Do we think this was mere providence?" he asked out loud, eying the new hero slowly.

"That with the League watching, we would see two of three struck so? Surely this will be presented to us that we are too small, our forces unable to solve all such problems. A farce, a play by those who dwell beyond the truth. From wine to vinegar, even failures can be useful. We have secured specimens affected by the fool's weapon. Free from the League's clutches. This one's own failure perhaps is not so grievous as the Fox had thought."

It would need some distance to mention that those specimens were, actually, with Corax. A fact sure to delight Errant to no end when it was exposed. Not here, not in front of unfamiliar heroes who might in turn reveal Corax's hand in this to the League. Not in front of civilians either. "We should in turn secure these" he motioned to the villains. "Such that someone other than the League will hold them. A game of chess is at play, I see no reason we should choose black or white. Let us steal the board while they scramble. Your wizards of Albion are fond of chess, Errant. Perhaps they would like to lend a hand in this."

2020-09-18, 10:28 PM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +0
Danger: +0
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.
[X] Never give up, never surrender: When you take a powerful blow from someone with far greater power than you, use this move instead of the basic move. Roll + Savior. On a hit, you stand strong and choose one. On a 7-9, mark a condition.

- you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
- you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
- you keep your attacker’s attention
On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

- you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
- you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
- you keep your attacker’s attention
On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

Errant is relieved that the other boy seems unhurt, and surprised when he somehow changes into someone familiar. "No, I'm unharmed. I'm glad you're...wait. I know you! Void, right?"

As he's helping the other boy, Fox makes his reappearance. Most of what he says goes right past Errant, being cryptic as usual. "Hey Fox, thanks for taking care of the mutants. Come meet Void!"

2020-09-19, 12:34 AM

Freak: +1
Danger: +2
Savior: -1
Superior: 0
Mundane: +1

The voice of Fox did sound familiar to Alex, but he was more focused on other things at the moment: the cryptic words that Fox had just said. He had to take a bit of time trying to parse out what Fox actually meant, and even more to piece together something to say. He didn't like to mess up his words, especially with a certain two heroes in his presence. "Uh, V-Void is t-the name I u-use when d-d-doing hero w-work. Y-You can j-just c-call me Alex. Um... F-Fox, right? I, uh... I-I think w-we s-should w-worry about t-the people w-who w-were affected by t-the gas r-right now. F-Finding a cure f-f-for it would h-help with fighting a-against it i-in the f-future, and I-I don't t-think t-that there's e-enough c-clues to figure o-out who's b-b-behind this y-yet... U-unless you all h-have already g-gathered some, in w-which case, I-I'm s-sorry for assuming t-that."

2020-09-19, 12:57 AM
Potential: 0/5

Fox eyes this new hero slowly, wheels churning behind the mask. The stammer, the name. "There is no need Errant. This one is familiar to us. Like Delphi, we were in chains together." Another of the Camp's cast offs, Delphi would point out that this was not by chance considering it was yet another of the very people he'd had extend his shadow over. "We will catch up later, to be certain. We know of who began this and the other attacks, supremacists of the New Dawn with their tendrils cast wide."

Captain Jak
2020-09-19, 11:00 AM
JigaWatt (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24238216&postcount=4)
Potential: 1/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

More than a little distracted by what he’s hearing about the other sites that were hit, JigaWatt shakes his head.

"Love your moves, fam," he says to Fox, "but I swear, half the time I have no idea what you’re saying." He understands it’s the image that his teammate has going on, and he certainly understands the import of maintaining an image...he just wishes it was a little more...scrutable.

"I’m glad you’re all right," he goes on, shifting his attention to the other kid. "I didn’t expect you to jump in there like that, but it was a solid assist; thanks!" Gabby McStabby could quite potentially escaped his snare otherwise; unexpected assistance had certainly wrapped things up fairly neatly.

On their end, at least.

"What the hell happened?!" he bursts out, a wide-gesturing arm vaguely taking in ‘elsewhere’. "The League was supposed to be on top of those other targets; how could they have let this happen? They had all the data!"

It’s beginning to look like he’s going to have to admit he was wrong, and Fox’s paranoia is nothing of the sort; with the resources available to them, there’s no way the League should have dropped the ball like this, not if the Team had managed things with so little collateral fallout.

"Getting on top of things is a damn good idea," he agrees with...Void, he believes the stammering kid had called himself. Someone who the rest of his team is already somehow acquainted with, it seems. "Fox, you’ve got those poor people contained?" he adds, glancing first to Fox, then to the unfortunate third affected individual who did not react well to the...metapathogen.


2020-09-19, 02:17 PM
Potential: 0/5

It seemed JigaWatt was at least starting to see. "Yes." He said with a simple nod. "They are safe, by a reasonable metric though we will need to attend to them sooner than later. We all ought take care of this one too rather than hand them to the League."

2020-09-19, 11:56 PM
Conditions: Hopeless

Freak: +1
Danger: +2
Savior: -1
Superior: 0
Mundane: +1

The person writhing on the ground. How could he forget the person writhing on the ground? Alex rushed over to the man, looking worried. He knelt down, and looked him over. What kinds of things did this drug do? Wasn't it only a serum? What changed when it became a gas?... Can it be removed?

"O-Oh dear. T-This is... horrible. I... I could m-maybe d-do something, but i-it would... a-at most, it w-would take t-the p-pain away. He n-needs some a-actual care f-from someone w-who can help, and t-the sooner t-the b-b-better. I-Is there anyone w-who's close by w-where we are t-that c-could help?" Alex grabs the man's hand, and closed his eyes. "O-Okay, I c-can do t-this, just...concentrate." Take away the pain. I can do it. Just, don't worry about what comes after.

And the pain starts flowing in. Slowly, at first, but it starts to come in waves. And with it, a bit of something he didn't try to grab: the man's strongest emotion. He had thought fear was the most intense feeling this guy would have, but it wasn't. It was hopelessness, about being stuck like that for the rest of his life, about being stuck a monster and a....no that's the man, not me, I'm not a monster anymore. Just let it pass over, that's it, c'mon.

Alex was kneeling there, looking like he was in a lot of pain. "I-I t-think that's a-all of i-it, at l-least for n-now."

Rolled to unleash and got an eight. Marking the condition hopeless.

2020-09-23, 01:26 AM
Humanity Now Rally, Saturday Evening

The pain flows from the poor victim on the ground, and when it has all coalesced in Void and brought him to his knees, the mutant at last breathes a sigh of relief and slips into the blissful dark, chest rising and falling steadily.

When the mutant is stable, Fox takes him through the shadows. Perhaps it is an olive branch to Errant, or perhaps more paranoia about the League, but he delivers the sleeping mutant to the edge of the park where Castle Grail lies, before returning to the rally site.

Help comes quick, after that. Baseline paramedics and cops, plus one of the League's humanitarian aid teams. They are quick to tend to all those who need it, and to secure the location. The gas, which had been dispersing slowly enough to leave the bulk of the area still hazardous, is funneled by a hero with wind powers into specially-marked containers which are then flown off to League HQ.

Weaver contacts your team, briefly, through JigaWatt.

Weaver: Good work. Regrettably, the same cannot be said of the other sites. New Dawn brought heavy-hitters to the other attacks. More Ward escapees. I will speak with Sentinel about what we discussed - bringing you in on the campaign - but for now, I must tend to the catastrophe. Stay safe.

It's more than you might have expected from her, but it's clear this event blindsided her as much as it did you. Tonight was a terrible night for Halcyon, and maybe for the world... and you get an awful feeling that it's about to get worse.

The Caribbean, Private Beach. Sunday 10:34 AM, 29th of September, 2019.

A woman with bright red sunglasses and a brighter red dress has decided to wear heels to the beach, and is sipping a martini as she watches the waves roll in.

It's nice, these moments of peace. Not as fun as torching a town or playing with supers, of course, but sometimes a working gal needs a bit of R&R before going out on her next wild adventure. Especially after a job like the last one.

Necromancers, tsk. Always trouble, that lot.

A man in an expensive suit blocks her sun.

She frowns and pulls down her sunglasses, giving him the once-over with fiery orange eyes. "You. Why are you interfering with my beach day, little river demon?" Her voice is light and playful, but it gains a hard edge with the last three words.

Styx is all smiles for her. "You're looking as ravishing as ever, Anhanguera. Time has not dulled your beauty by a mote."

"It's Firewing now," she drawls, "and I've got jack interest in hearing you pretend to fawn over me, so get to the point or get out of my sun."

He bows deeply. "Deepest apologies, of course." He straightens up and adjusts his own sunglasses, pitch-black and more concealing. "My employer has an offer for you. He requests your services for a mercenary contract in Halcyon City."

Firewing's eyes narrow. "And have you had a sudden change of employment in the past few decades, or are you really trying to convince me to work for him? Thought you had better sense than that."

"I understand that the two of you have a... complicated history. However, my employer and I both believe the payment for this job to be of keen value to you."

Firewing gestures at her fancy digs, and then to the beach itself, which is private property in her name. "I've got cash for days, and nothing in his hoard gets my engine running. What exactly do you think he can offer me?"

Styx's smile is unchanging, so unnerving and yet somehow sincere. Slowly, he removes his sunglasses and meets Firewing's gaze with deep black pits of writhing shadow. "Why, an end to your curse."

Firewing sits up straight, all posturing and veneer stripped away. "Like hell. Like hell he can offer that. Don't you play with me, boy. I've been alive easily five times as long as you and I do not like getting played with."

The demon tilts his head. "No trickery. No catch. I'll swear it with my own power."

It's trouble. It's trouble and she knows it. But... she has a taste for trouble.

"Do it then. Make it an Oath. Make it an Oath, and I'll come hear what your boss wants from me."

Styx extends a hand, and Firewing takes it without hesitation. "By the water in my veins, I offer: a path to the end of your curse."

She stares him down, but says her half. "And by the fire in mine, I offer: a fair hearing in the court of your master."

The waves gently lapping at the beach freeze over, and the wind stills. A current of energy runs between the two supernatural beings, and the deal is struck.

Firewing finally matches the demon's smile. "To Halcyon City."

2020-09-23, 01:54 AM
Issue Three

Halcyon City, SBC Tower. Sunday 1:00 PM, 29th of September, 2019.

Adam Gerard, news anchor for the Serenity Broadcasting Corporation and leading contender for the most generic-looking man in Halcyon City, is unusually sloppy today. No trademark wink, no meaningless shuffling of the papers, and very little of his usual affectation.

He, like everyone else in the city, was shaken by the mysterious terror attacks that rocked the city last night. Everyone has been looking for answers, for someone to blame, for something to make sense of it all.

They probably weren't expecting the source of that clarity to come from June Lang.

Gerard nervously checks his notes - actual notes, for once - and clears his throat. "Good afternoon, Halcyon City. You may want to pay attention to the next half-hour of this show, because we have received documents and intelligence that cast a horrifying new light on last night's terror attacks."

"June Lang, CEO of Junebug Technologies and figure of significant interest in the Halcyon political scene, has shared with the Serenity Broadcasting Corporation - and with myself in particular - a large sum of evidence that her private investigators have been collecting since the very first attack on a Human Interest rally. Her team has uncovered the orchestrator of all these attacks: a radical metahuman organization calling itself the New Dawn."

"New Dawn has been covertly establishing itself in Halcyon for several years now, operating in the shadows of our beloved city. They've taken over crime rings, freed dangerous villains from the Ward, and used mad scientist tech to create a chemical drug that can turn an ordinary human into a meta. They call this drug The Cure and, from all available evidence, it would seem they wish to turn this Cure on every baseline planet-wide, starting with Halcyon City."

"And now, a statement from Ms. Lang."

June Lang appears on camera, glamorous and full of fire. "People of Halcyon, I feel your pain. I feel the pain of a city crying out after an awful tragedy, and I feel your frustration that our so-called champions and defenders seem incapable of stopping it. Last night, two of the Halcyon League's vaunted hero teams failed to stop the New Dawn from enacting its horrible plan, while a group of children - children - were able to do what they couldn't. Is this the world the League has created, where bioterrorists run free and all our hopes rest on teenagers in homemade masks?"

"I have been a vocal critic of the League in the past, but always from a place of understanding, from a place of compassion. I have been patient and considerate with the League, for all their mistakes, but this latest tragedy is too terrible and inexcusable to be called a mistake. Isn't it odd that the League, our great defenders, who have precognitives in their midst, and who had teams ready to swoop in within seconds of these incidents starting, couldn't stop the attacks? The League's response time to each event was so fast they simply must have had teams present beforehand, which means they knew about the attacks and allowed them to happen, so that they could swoop in and play the heroes while sacrificing the safety and well-being of innocent civilians. Are those the actions of true champions, or of glory-hounds drunk on their own fame and prestige?"

"And tell me, people of Halcyon: was the League so incompetent that a handful of powerless private investigators uncovered the source of the attacks before they did? Or has the League known about this New Dawn since the very beginning, and kept it a secret from the public? Sentinel himself suggested just a few days ago that his team knew specific details about the source of the attacks, but rather than sharing those details and giving this city a fighting chance he let us wallow in ignorance for the sake of his precious covert operations. If the League are truly so high and virtuous, why would they risk our lives like that?"

"And if the League was hiding New Dawn, what else are they hiding? What is the real purpose of their training organization? What about the rumors of a hidden headquarters? What about Camp Joy? They claim that Camp Joy is simply about rehabilitation for troubled youths, but they've recruited several League members from a pool of teenagers that are under their thumb. Will we allow such leonine contracts simply because the ones orchestrating them preach about the greater good? And where is the New Dawn getting all of its metas from? Could Camp Joy be a recruiting ground for radical metahumans?"

"The League have consistently and blatantly supported their interests over the good of the people, and they have abused the goodwill of this city. Are they even trying to stop New Dawn at all? Are they tactitly endorsing this terrorist group through inaction? Or perhaps, might they even have a hand in it? For all their protests of fairness and equality, the League always seems to come down on the side of metahumans over real humans when given the choice. Could they be the puppetmasters pulling the strings and making us all dance to their tune?"

"Well, I for one am no one's pawn. And to you, the good people of Halcyon, I encourage you to challenge the League's narratives and think for yourselves. Don't let them make you into blind pawns. Don't let them use you for their games. Never, ever let yourselves be deceived."

"Stay strong, Halcyon. And stay vigilant."

The city reels. In a span of less than 24 hours, Halcyon is shaken to its core.

June Lang has made New Dawn public, and in doing so has taken control of the narrative away from the League. All the strained PR efforts of Weaver and Crane are rendered utterly meaningless, and their worst case scenario has arrived: the public knows about New Dawn, and they are terrified. The relation between baselines and metas has changed, and there's a tension in the air thick enough to choke on.

Sunday is a timeless day, simultaneously a blur of chaos and a slow, grinding horror show. Other cities around the world - a handful, only those with the largest populations - have begun reporting similar attacks, all perpetrated by small teams but with devastating impact. New Dawn has stepped out of the shadows.

The League makes its pleas and defenses, attempting to stand up to Lang's scathing takedown, but public opinion is fast swaying from the pillar of Halcyon to the self-made CEO. The League lays its cards on the table and reveals much of what they know about New Dawn - though nothing you haven't seen first-hand already - but rather than comforting the people it simply adds fuel to the fire. The people are scared, and their protectors aren't protecting them.

The four of you, however... that's a different story.

The incident was filmed, and from multiple angles. By now, much of Halcyon has seen you in action protecting the crowd and stopping New Dawn, and your actions have even found their way to news stations that aren't busy covering the global events or the political fiasco. The Amp'd are growing in number rapidly, and information is being gathered about the four of you - though for some, that's easier said than done.

Other teen heroes have reached out to you over Veil, giving you praise or asking for tips, and a few even beg to join your team and fight the New Dawn. Where the League failed, you triumphed, and for that you become an overnight sensation among certain groups within the city.

Among those groups - among the fellow teens who see hope in your deeds, among those tuned to the pulse of the city, among those glad to see a force for good other than the League, and among plenty more - a name begins to spread, a name given to the four of you as a unit - as a team. You can't tell where it starts, but by Monday morning it is prolific:

The Dawnbreakers.

2020-09-23, 02:53 AM
Halcyon City, Multiple Locations. Monday 9:13 PM, 30th of September, 2019.

That evening, each of you receive a personalized message from Corax, the Raven Witch, over Veil. An invitation.

Very well done at that rally, Void. You saved lives, and eased burdens. You stood up to the New Dawn and won, and you managed to be at the right place at the right time with nothing more guiding you than the hand of Lady Luck.

Color me intrigued.

My name is Corax. I am an apprentice of Lich Girl, and current caretaker of the Ossuary. I have been monitoring the situation with New Dawn for some time, and have a keen interest in seeing their secrets brought to light, and seeing those who have suffered under their hand given relief. I believe you and I could help each other.

The three heroes you fought alongside at the rally - Fox, JigaWatt, Errant White - have challenged New Dawn before, twice. I have been providing them guidance in this matter, and I would like to extend that offer of guidance to you. I believe the four of you together could make a powerful force. What has the Veil been calling you, Dawnbreakers? You seem to have caught a bit of attention. Are you the type to enjoy attention, Void? How about Alex?

But I digress. I offer you an invitation, along with the three other Dawnbreakers: an invitation to come to the Ossuary, my home, on Friday evening, where I will tell you everything I know about New Dawn. Now that they have emerged from the shadows, the value of subterfuge is lost, and so I have become willing to take more open and aggressive measures against their sinister schemes. A great many lives are at risk, and I will do everything in my power to save those lives. I hope you will do the same.

I must thank you for the test subjects, Fox. They have proven very useful in building my case against the Alchemist. Soon, the time will be right to bring New Dawn's supplier to light, and I hope she burns in that light. But you and I, we shall remain in the shadows.

With New Dawn made public, the situation has changed considerably. They no longer must rely on subterfuge, and their boldness makes them more dangerous, but also more vulnerable. Secrets held are no longer useful as secrets, and you must be ready for what is to come. You all must be ready.

Your team performed well against New Dawn at the rally, as did the newcomer, Void. I have extended an offer to him, and I hope he accepts. I believe he will be a valuable asset to us both, Fox. With the regrettable loss of Liminal, your team could use a fourth. I have examined him much as I have examined you, and I see far more utility in his presence than danger. That is not to say to trust him, of course; we understand the double-edged sword of trust. But I do not believe him to be a threat to you, at least for now.

Do you pay attention to Veil? Social media doesn't seem your style. I am like you, in that sense; I prefer the smell of paper, the creak of an old book, the serenity of a quiet library. But my mentor taught me to use as many sources of information as possible, and so I have kept up with recent turns in the social landscape. They're talking about you, Fox. You and your team. They call you the Dawnbreakers. Cute, isn't it?

Well, enough distractions. I wish to offer you an invitation. I invite you and the three other Dawnbreakers to come to my home, the Ossuary, on Friday evening, and I will tell you everythng I know about the New Dawn. And, on a more personal note, I relish the opportunity to speak with you in person and give you more hands-on training in the magical arts. The Ossuary is an excellent place to do so, as it is full of magic and is very encouraging of attempts to attune to it. I look forward to seeing you then, and there.

Congratulations are in order for your splendid work on Saturday, Errant White. You did what the League couldn't, and you made a real name for yourself. I wonder how the other Knights feel about that? Regardless, you should be proud.

We haven't talked much, have we? It's unfortunate, as I'm truly fond of your drive and virtue. Not to mention your magic sword. I have a friend, Rhodes, who just adores collecting magical artifacts, and I'm sure he'd have a field day looking over your weapon if he ever got the chance, though I suspect dear Durendal would resist any attempts to be probed or bound.

You and Durendal made quite the striking pair. The Veil certainly seems to think so, judging by all the swooning. Quite silly that some of them think you're Calder, isn't it? You make a much better White Knight than he ever would, Aiden.

They're calling the four of you Dawnbreakers. You, your two teammates, and that new boy, Void. He seems very nice, doesn't he? You should reach out to him when you get the chance, make nice. I think he would make a splendid addition to your little team, and I do so love the name that the Veil has given your group.

But enough of my gossiping. I'm here to offer you - and your group - an invitation. I invite the Dawnbreakers to my home, the Ossuary, on Friday evening. If you come, I promise to tell you everything I know about the New Dawn, absolutely everything. The time for secrets has passed, my dear knight. We must strike hard and strike true.

Oh, and please leave the Wizard's little spy at home. It was hard enough keeping it from seeing me at the rally.

Ah, the man of the hour himself. You made quite the buzz, JigaWatt. Your Amp'd seem quite electrified with the results of Saturday's match. In fact, your performance has lit up most of Veil, to an extent that shocks even me.

You must forgive me for the puns; Lich Girl adored them, and I so rarely get the chance to make any since she vanished.

Did you know I watch your videos? Not often, mind you, as I am a busy woman, but I keep up. Being a spymaster can be so tedious and taxing that sometimes it's a pleasant relief to have someone just spill all their secrets in a convenient audiovisual format. But don't think I'm just in it for cynical reasons; I actually find your content quite amusing, Lucan.

You struck gold with that Lang video, and you're clever enough to know that. So it intrigued me when you restricted it. The showman, afraid of the spotlight? Or perhaps afraid of the consequences. Well, I fear you must learn to accept those consequences if you want to face off against the New Dawn. There is a thrum in the air, a whisper in the wind, a spark of potential sizzling along the wires and cables connecting us all to each other.

I doubt I need to tell you what the Veil has been saying about your Dawnbreakers. What do you think of the name? Too obvious? Or maybe you had a different name in mind?

No matter. I come to you not on the subject of social media but on a far more serious matter: I wish you to be a guest at my abode. I invite you, JigaWatt, and the three other Dawnbreakers, to come to the Ossuary on Friday Evening and learn all about New Dawn. I will share everything I know regarding the organization, their motives, and their backers. And perhaps we will make the first bit of progress toward foiling their goals.

See you then, sparky.

The Ossuary. Everyone knows it, at least everyone in Halcyon who pays attention to Veil. Lich Girl built it, or found it, or moved it here from somewhere else. It's a pocket dimension overlaying our reality, much like Castle Grail, but with a much different set of clientele. The Ossuary is said to be labyrinthine and complex, creating new rooms to the needs of its inhabitants, but it is primarily known for two features: the presence of the apprentices who served Lich Girl before her disappearance, and the roaring nightclub that caters to supers of all varieties. Villains and heroes alike have frequented the Ossuary's front-facing facet, and for mages seeking knowledge and power it is a treausure trove, and much more accessible than its rivals in that category. Bartimaeus, Weaver, and the other notable mages of Halcyon give out very exclusive access to their teachings, but the Ossuary trades in knowledge and magic with a relative lack of fetters.

Of course, that unfettered attitude also attracts a lot of dark mages. To the apprentices, all knowledge is good knowledge, and all magic can be made to serve a purpose.

Entry to the Ossuary is limited by invite or request; it can be fairly easy for a talented mage or a rising super to make an appeal for entry, and sometimes all it takes is a bit of money greasing palms, but those who didn't earn their way in can be viewed disfavorably, and it's widely known among those who frequent the Ossuary that only those who received invitations get to have personal audiences with the apprentices. And if you want power - real power, true power, the kind of power that can change everything - they're the ones to talk to.

And now the four of you have been invited to speak not just to one of the apprentices, but the lead apprentice and de-facto leader.

So, that leaves one big question: how do you spend the time between now and then?

Captain Jak
2020-09-25, 12:45 PM
JigaWatt (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24238216&postcount=4)
Potential: 1/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

Lucan’s understanding of how the world worked had taken several very large hits extremely recently, and the couple of days that played out after the latest New Dawn debacle caused him some fairly profound shifts in how he thought about things.

No longer trusting the League to have anyone’s best interests at heart, he was on the verge of releasing all of his uncensored footage before reconsidering and send a Veil to his teammates asking their opinion about poking the juggernaut that Junebug was becoming under the revelations and social media pressure of the past few days.

He has released several little videos on his channel; atypical for him, no action sequences apart from his footage of the rally. No, these were appeals to the people; the core Amp'd that had always been there with him, and also all of the new subscribers that had jumped onto his channel in the wake of the New Dawn publicity.

The Dawnbreaker fans.

The sheer numbers made him more than a little nervous, but he had a responsibility more than ever now, and he felt it keenly.

His messages were short, succinct, and were of him talking directly to the camera. He urged calm, clear thinking, and patience. He also spoke of thinking for one's self, regarding any one side as perhaps not automatically the full story just because it sounds plausible.

He doesn’t want to outright call out the connections between June and the New Dawn – not in the least because they have no hard proof – but he does want to encourage people to not just...believe everything they’re told, especially in this situation.

2020-09-26, 04:54 AM
Potential: 0/5

Fox pays little attention to the news. He doesn't have the time to waste in such activities between working at the bakery with his people, working with Hastings at Camp and all the other things expected of him to complete before he's given even a modicum of free time. Also because what little is relayed to him only confirms the paranoid screaming in his skull. It was a common tactic, split the enemy up and make them easier to pick off. That wasn't what the attacks were, they were merely the start of the media campaign. New Dawn only became public emboldened by the strategy of whoever was inside the New Dawn pulling the strings there. Coordinated to look like a failure, to cast doubt on the powers that be, to cause fear in those who might go against this new threat, to embolden the enemies for further chaos and to stoke anti-meta sentiment to justify further actions. Shrewd and altogether the most dangerous element at play.

He did not respond to Corax either. He didn't care about a nickname for the team, it was unneeded, the public would do what they could to make them easier to quantify. They were just another piece of the chaos for now. Not yet placed in the whole scheme though that was bound to change quickly. They'd thwarted New Dawn twice despite their plans, despite whoever or whatever was behind them accounting for the League to lose.

No, all of this came far below the thing that did matter to him. Not the familiar smell of yeast and dough and the warmth of a kitchen stove. The daring to slip within the campy of the Enemy, to even hand them something valuable. There'd be no thanks for it...because he could not say it was him in the first place. To affirm his role was to bring scrutiny, to deny it...merely further "evidence" of his malfeasance. The thought also vibrated down along the stings of his mind how easy it had been. They didn't guard up to the Castle because they did not think there was an enemy lurking. How lax was the castle. Dangerous thoughts.

He showed up to the Ossuary all the same, as requested, dressed in his finest costume. Corax seemed to know what he was, the others that worked for her most certainly did not require that information.

2020-09-27, 01:34 AM
Conditions: Hopeless
Potential: 3/5

Freak: +2
Danger: +1
Savior: -1
Superior: 0
Mundane: +1

Alex had threw himself right in the deep end. Stopping a villain attack? He could manage. Being allies with people who were likely to get into more of these kinds of things? Not really his cup of tea, but this is what a hero does so he can deal with it. Being the center of attention because of something he didn't even fully understand? Terrifying. He hated being focused on and put in the spotlight, because it was so easy to find out who he was and find out what he had done. Sure, he'd get fans, but fans weren't going to help when people came knocking at his door wanting revenge for something he'd done. Not to mention that the people who gave him a chance and didn't just throw him in jail, were a part of what happened. It made him sick. So, he didn't stay home for most of the week.

He wandered around town, helping out where he could. Void was eager to have some more time to shine after the big fight. Showing people that Alex wasn't evil anymore and that he was a hero now, out there doing good, was what he wanted to do, after all. Alex wasn't going to chase that on his own, so he had to do it for the both of them. The League...oh, the League. What was being done after he had...was he a he? Or a she? He didn't know anymore...wait, no, he wasn't them anymore, we aren't the same person, don't start thinking like that. Anyways, the League wasn't what he thought it was, and they weren't any ally he could trust anymore.

Alex wanted to talk to the group, or, at least, a certain member of the group. He asked Fox if they could meet sometime before Friday, somewhere private so they could talk alone. The other two, a short message asking to have a talk after the meeting at the Ossuary.

Whether or not the meeting with Fox happened, Alex arrived at the Ossuary, jittery and nervous, not even able to look anyone in the eyes. He didn't have his costume on, since that wasn't very formal, but he did dress up for the occasion, with a nice dress top and pants. He even had a pair of slacks that looked well kept, like the rest of his outfit. Seems he didn't dress up much for occasions, if he did at all.

2020-09-27, 09:48 AM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 4/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +3
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.
[X] Never give up, never surrender: When you take a powerful blow from someone with far greater power than you, use this move instead of the basic move. Roll + Savior. On a hit, you stand strong and choose one. On a 7-9, mark a condition.

- you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
- you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
- you keep your attacker’s attention
On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

- you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
- you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
- you keep your attacker’s attention
On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

Aiden responds to JigaWatt over Veil. Whatever the previous arrangement with the League may have been, there's no use worrying about it now. Something was going on with the League, and it's just as well not to get caught up in that, especially when they were starting to get some traction. Aiden had expected better from them, much better. At this rate, he might end up owing Fox an apology. But that doesn't make June Lang any friend of theirs. She's a known ideologue and it's hard to imagine that she has anybody's best interests at heart but her own. The best thing for the Team to do is to avoid getting in the middle of the adults acting like children on the evening news, especially after what had happened to JW at the Junebug warehouse.

After receiving Corax's message, Aiden has a long, hard think. At first it was alarming that she seemed to know who he was, but the more he thought about it, the less it seemed to matter. He hadn't kept his identity secret to protect his friends and his family. He had chosen to conceal himself to save face in case he couldn't live up to the mantle. But the team - the Dawnbreakers - were racking up an impressive score. At this rate, Aiden had hopes that the holdouts amongst the Knights might soon start to accept him, and disgracing himself was becoming a more remote fear. Someday soon, he might finally be able reveal his identity and shame Calder into oblivion!

Still, the Raven Witch's hospitality isn't to be trusted, and her invitation merits an audience with Bartimaeus. And the suddenly global threat of New Dawn was something the other Knights were sure to be interested in. There was also the afflicted 'mutant' to see to. The only thing to do is to convene with the others at Castle Grail to discuss next steps.

Next Friday, he arrives at the arranged location. Apparently the armor spell is situationally adaptive - instead of battle-ready plate armor, it presents almost as formal attire. Errant White's intricate breastplate proudly bears the seal of Albion, two lionshead epaulettes fix a flowing white cape at his shoulders, and his helm masks his face behind a lion's. Durendal, temporarily shrunken, hangs from a white gold chain around his neck.

Rolled a 12 on my end-of-session Legacy move. On a hit, one of them offers you meaningful encouragement, an opportunity, or an advantage.

Captain Jak
2020-09-27, 04:54 PM
JigaWatt (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24238216&postcount=4)
Conditions: Insecure
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt is a little uncomfortable as he arrives on Friday; he’s never really been somewhere like the Ossuary before, and he knows compared to his teammates he comes up a distant second in making a visual impression. Oh, sure, he’s got his Look that his fans seem to love, but it’s not very...superhero, not like Errant’s shining armour or Fox’s mysterious ensemble and freaky mask. Even Liminal never had an issue putting on a good show for garb – and how he wishes she wasn’t still ignoring their messages. Had she blocked them? Had something happened to her?

He’s done his best to class up his outfit. Red Dragon had sent him a first run of the new hoodie design, with the logo superimposed on a stylised rising sun – clearly their intent to cash in on the ‘Dawnbreaker’ hype – and he has a pair of bright red Beats slung around his neck. He’d even splurged on a new pair of high tops and had spent some time and elbow grease buffing out and polishing his board.

Still – what he’s got is decidedly a Look, not a Costume, and it’s hard to feel like he’s not going to come up short once he’s mingling with the actual capes.

Hard enough that he doesn’t actually manage it, truth be told. Taking a breath and trying to swallow his nerves, he heads inside.

2020-09-27, 11:45 PM
Halcyon City, The Ossuary. Friday 8:30 PM, 4th of October, 2019.

The cool autumn air rustles colorful leaves and stirs swept piles. October has well and truly arrived, and in most years the city would already be gearing up for Halloween. Instead, people hurry to their homes and keep their heads down. There will be no festivity this year. Joy struggles to find purchase in hearts so full of worry, anger, and fear.

At least, that's the case for most of Halcyon. There are a few places where the inhabitants seem steadfastly determined to revel and cheer despite all the chaos in the city, and it is to one of these places that the four of you travel.

The entrance to the Ossuary is no secret. Like Castle Grail, the Ossuary exists sideways of the city and is accessed through a connecting site, but where Grail's entrance is a sunny park, the Ossuary's entrance is in a mist-cloaked graveyard. Past the headstones, through the fog and freezing air, and down the steps of the unlocked mausoleum. If someone tries to enter who hasn't been granted entry by an apprentice, the mausoleum itself is said to vanish. But for you, it is there and waiting.

And you're in.

The central chamber of the Ossuary is grand and opulent and every goth's dream home. It is a towering cathedral of cold colors and sourceless lighting, dark metal and muted marble. The walls seem to almost move, pulsing in time with the music, and the room is supported by pillars of what looks identical to fresh bone. In fact, the closer you look, the more convinced you are that the room is indeed constructed with real bone. This chamber is a ribcage, and the music is its beating heart. The shadowy passages leading off deeper into the Ossuary, those are its arteries and veins.

The club is full of life and energy. The bottom floor, which contains a dance floor, bar, and stage, is already filling up with heroes, villains, and neithers. Most here skew younger, but you see a handful from older generations, mostly magic users, and usually talking amongst each other or surrounded by fans. Among those that are from prior generations you notice a second skew: vastly more villains than heroes are among that number. Lich Girl's reputation has always been harsher among older heroes than among the new wave.

The staff are, as you quickly discover, all ghosts; ethereal waitstaff carry platters of food and pour drinks, while incorporeal musicians play see-through instruments on the stage. Through a window at the bar you catch a glimpse of a kitchen where ghostly chefs cook up food of all types for hungry patrons.

The second floor rings the first, overlooking it, and is full of lounge areas and chatting clubgoers. Those who choose to eat and drink here mostly do so up on that floor, accessible through a series of levitating steps, and it has an altogether calmer atmosphere than the riot of color and noise below. Above the ring, overlooking all, are three balconies with no discernible means of approach. Those belong to the apprentices, and you see a faint shimmering barrier that must halt any trying to reach the balconies without permission.

As each of you arrive and take in the sights and sounds, you are approached by a ghost in a tuxedo. She smiles at you and says, as if reading from a script, "Welcome to the Ossuary, esteemed guests. The Caretaker apologizes that she cannot greet you herself, but she is finishing up with important business and will be running late. Please, avail yourself of the Ossuary's comforts. If you would like something to eat or drink, the Caretaker has arranged to cover the bill." As soon as her speech is given, she vanishes into the crowd once more.

The music within the Ossuary is tuned to your mental state and interests. You will hear whatever music you would most want or expect to hear, and both the music choice and the appearance of the ghostly musicians on stage will change as your mood changes.

The Days Between

The momentum is building with this new wave of fandom. That wild energy you felt when you first called out June Lang, you can feel it rising again. It's the energy driving these new fans, the Dawnbreaker fans. They want blood, especially after New Dawn's reveal, and they aren't content to be calm and patient. Every new video, you get more and more comments urging you to take a stand. Some want you to stand up to the League and agree with Lang's accusation, while others are sticking up for the League and demand you hit back against Lang.

For the League's part, there's been precious little follow-up since the rally beyond a single short message from Weaver, telling you only that there will be delays with further action, as the League's attention is now split between the rising tide of discontent and the open terrorism of New Dawn. It doesn't sound promising for your chances of getting in good with the League... if that's something you even want any more.

Your forays into Camp Joy with Hastings reveal a grim picture. The anti-meta sentiment is infecting the place, stirring fear in many hearts, and turning others to righteous anger. Plenty of kids you see would love to strike back against Human Interest and Humanity Now, whatever the consequences. There are some who are terrified of New Dawn, terrified of what will happen to the city, to their friends and family, but there are others that seem all too close to the kind of attitude that is fueling New Dawn's schemes.

In the aftermath of New Dawn's attacks, there is much help to be given, and much pain to be taken. Those directly afflicted by the attacks, friends and family, and all the little crimes that spring up in the wake of it seeking to capitalize on misfortune or to express some deep discontentment. Every hero in the city is kept busy, and you're no different.


The Ossuary. The Raven Witch. The invitation. It weighs on your mind as Friday approaches, mixing in with all the chaos from New Dawn's dramatic reveal. The dark is rising, and you need the light of clarity that only the Knights can bring. In the days before your meeting with Corax, you arrive at Castle Grail and step inside.

You enter just as another is leaving, and he stops before he passes you. "Ah, good I caught you before I left." Maelan Barzic, Errant Red, gives you a measured nod. "Good work out there. You handled yourself like a Knight, and the others have noticed. You still need more training, of course, but that's true of us all. There is never enough time to prepare before we must face our fates head-on."

"I would have liked to train you more myself, but I'm leaving for South America to continue hunting Firewing. In my absence, do us all proud, Son of Albion." He claps you on the back, nods again, and then he's walking off.

Fox & Void

You meet in privacy, the Friday deadline looming, the city around you full of anxiety and dread. For a conversation between two people caught up in the thick of it all, privacy is essential.

Where do you meet, and what do you say?

2020-09-28, 12:03 AM
Potential: 0/5

Fox is of course warry of this meeting with Void. Knowing them, and them knowing him, was...a complication he wasn't thrilled with. He'd done his level best to keep his identity as closely guarded as one could. Illusions for his hair and eyes, never using names, everything he could do. To think another member of the Camp would replace Liminal or at least come to such a position to do so...what was it exactly they wished to discuss?

He had agreed however to the terms, coming under illusion until whatever secure location (and it was a requirement) was reached. Then he waited.

2020-09-28, 02:54 AM
Conditions: Hopeless
Potential: 3/5

Freak: +2
Danger: +1
Savior: -1
Superior: 0
Mundane: +1

Alex got to the spot, right on time, looking nervous. He was a bit freaked out when he saw Fox there, but calmed down quickly. He approached not getting too close, and stood there for a long moment, working up what words to say.

"Um...I g-guess y-you're wondering why I-I called y-you here. Uh, s-so, I..I w-wanted to know about w-what I-I've gotten myself into, and I, uh...w-wanted to get i-it from s-someone I trust. Y-you are who I-I think y-you are, r-right? I-I'm sorry i-if I'm b-being a bit p-pushy, you d-don't have to t-tell m-m-me, I just...d-don't think I c-can back out of t-this now t-that I k-know it's a-a pretty big t-thing, and I w-want to h-help out, i-if you'll l-let me."

Was this sounding too forward? Was he going to ask me not to get involved? Why do I even want to be involved in this massive thing anyway, this is way over my head, I can't...but I have to, this is what I have to do, no matter what. I...I'm still gonna go, even if he asks me not to. That's the least I can do to help the people hurt by this.

2020-09-28, 03:04 AM
Potential: 0/5

Fox watched Void cooly as he approached, the same cold front he put up in Camp, the same cold front here as golden eyes slowly appraised the other hero like the hawk they most appeared like. He gives a click against his teeth with his tongue, turning his head away. "Who else would I be." he grumbles, keeping his head turned. "I don't have those answers. Not with any certainty to answer you with. We're all piecing it together ourselves. Nothing's keeping you connected to us, though our enemies might not see it that way. They're your enemies too. So do you have a choice? Any port in a storm."

He finally stands to his full height, fixing his eyes on Void once more. "That isn't important to me however. You being with us, you not being with us. I've worked very hard to keep who I am from the team. I need to know no matter your answer, that you won't tell them either. If I have your word that you won't tell them, Errant especially, then you have my blessing for whatever the hell it's worth to be with us if you want. You don't owe it to me for anything I did for you at the Camp, but if I don't have your word things will be difficult."

2020-09-28, 03:31 AM
Conditions: Hopeless
Potential: 3/5

Freak: +2
Danger: +1
Savior: -1
Superior: 0
Mundane: +1

Not having a choice in who he's working with...people coming after him even if he wasn't a part of the team....this was all so overwhelming...Alex was getting jittery and looked down at the ground, afraid of even looking up into Fox's eyes.

"I-I don't k-know why y-you want t-to keep w-w-who y-you are a s-secret, b-but I-I will k-keep it, if that's what y-y-you w-want....a-and I d-do owe y-you, you're o-one of t-the few p-people who g-gave me a-a chance and I-I don't w-want to push you a-away because I-I didn't w-want to keep a s-secret.....n-not like I-I have m-many people to t-tell it t-to...I-I'd just b-be labeled a-as evil for d-doing it, a-anyway."

Like anyone would trust anything I say. I'm an evil supervillain to most people, and I don't want to make anyone's views on me to get worse. Might get locked up for good if I do.

2020-09-28, 03:41 AM
Potential: 0/5

Fox frowns, looking away again. Emotions, and giving the support needed to help those with them in abundance, was not a lesson one learned as a Son of Albion. They were to be pushed down, drank away and eaten with butter and bread in the morning and never, never, never discussed.

"If they find out who I am, others will find out who I am." Fox starts. "If that were to happen, I would be hunted down like a dog and killed in the street and no one would make what needs to be righted right. My family, my people, would be dead and when I join them in the world beyond I will not be among their number. I would have failed them, their slaughter un-avenged. I have given pause to this rightous mission for the sake of the team but when our work is done, I will reveal myself and do what I must. Success, death in trying, I will at least have done what was right. I will see my mother and father again. Not as a child, hidden beneath a bed too scared to make a sound but as a man. I will take a sword to the heart of Albion and burn it to the ground."

He looks back at Void for a few, long seconds.

"Now you know. You, and you alone. If they find out, I'll know it was from you. We are done here."

2020-09-28, 04:11 AM
Conditions: Hopeless
Potential: 3/5

Freak: +2
Danger: +1
Savior: -1
Superior: 0
Mundane: +1


Alex didn't think he could say more than that, his voice was already loosing any volume it had. His body was shaking, and so was his breath. He was being trusted with so much...why was Fox even telling him this?...Would Fox actually die if this got out?....he'd rather not find out. This is...is too important to let out, he can't slip up, he just can't. Better to be more nervous and closed off if questions were asked about Fox than let anything happen to him.

He headed out of the meeting spot, and went right home, not stopping for anything. That day wasn't going to be a day out on the streets, looking for people to save. He didn't want to risk other people getting hurt because he was focused on something else. He needed to give himself enough courage to keep himself from saying anything, no matter how accidental. He needed to focus.

Captain Jak
2020-09-30, 08:38 PM
JigaWatt (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24238216&postcount=4)
Conditions: Insecure
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

Whatever he had been expecting to see once inside the fabled Ossuary...well, this certainly isn't it. The whole Hallowe'en theme isn't unexpected, although he never would have painted a picture quite like this without having seen it. The mix of patrons is almost bewildering, but certainly seems to match expectations.

But...hip-hop ghosts on stage, performing of all things one of Tom MacDonald's new releases? That...seems odd, even though his head is already bobbing appreciatively to the beats.

Still feeling underdressed, he tries to shove the feelings aside and take in the environs. He feels he should say something profound to mark this momentous occasion.

"This place is lit," he observes.

Okay. They can't all be on point....

2020-10-06, 05:36 AM
Potential: 0/5

Parties were not Fox's scene.

With greetings given and a wait to endure, Fox had little to do with himself. If he were not in costume he might enjoy kicking back and having some time to dance in a more public and less reserved setting like the dance classes...but that certainly wasn't what was going on here. A large part of him tugged at the remaining skeptical side that said that Corax was going to test them. The whole of him was pretty sure it already started and all of this, all this waiting, was just part of a far larger game.

So, like all good aspiring sorcerers a little too eager to hold on to their edge, he found a good dark corner to spy on the others here in the gloom while he let the pulse of dance music wash over him. He could keep an eye on the team and on these other mages. They were, ostensibly, rivals, dangers to keep track of. Not that he needed to add more to the list but when you were making lists...best to keep them up to date.

2020-10-07, 01:18 PM
Conditions: Hopeless
Potential: 3/5

Freak: +2
Danger: +1
Savior: -1
Superior: 0
Mundane: +1

Being around a ton of people was not Alex's cup of tea. Even the music was barely helping to keep him calm, just barely stopping him from fidgeting. He wanted away from all these people, but he kept himself there, nervously glancing at the other patrons, partially because he wanted to keep on helping with the situation the attack caused, partially because he didn't want to run into anyone here.

"It's pretty crowded, too. I, uh, could we maybe find someplace to sit down? I...don't like the crowd. Or people getting near me." The stutter was worse than it usually was, Alex's voice shuddering very slightly.

2020-10-11, 12:53 AM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 4/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +3
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.
[X] Never give up, never surrender: When you take a powerful blow from someone with far greater power than you, use this move instead of the basic move. Roll + Savior. On a hit, you stand strong and choose one. On a 7-9, mark a condition.

- you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
- you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
- you keep your attacker’s attention
On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

- you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
- you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
- you keep your attacker’s attention
On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

Earlier - Castle Grail

At Sir Maelan's encouragement, Aiden feels his chest swell with pride and he can't supress the stupid grin that spreads across his face. By the time he regains his composure enough to respond, Errant Red is gone, off down the stone path that winds through the fields of amber grain to the Gate beyond. Reaching for Durendal, Aiden gives the handle a congralatory squeeze. Handled myself like a Knight! Maybe, just maybe, this New Dawn thing would prove to be the break he'd been waiting for. Perhaps even...his first Quest? The thought is both thrilling and sobering at once, and he carries it like a weight on his shoulders as he strides into the Castle for his audience.

Now - The Ossuary

From the very first moment he crosses the lintel, the Ossuary assaults Aiden's senses. The sights, the sounds, the smells. For a place that went to such lengths to project an image of death, it positively teems with life! This was nothing like Albian taverns or dancehalls. Far more than a mere haunt or lair or grotto, this was the playground for some of the most powerful people, creatures, and things in existence. One part pagan cathedral, one part court for the arcane atistocracy, shaken up with a raging party and poured over smoking dry ice! The Ossuary overpowers Aiden with the seduction of the forbidden - he shouldn't be here, and there's no place he would rather be.

Wherever he looked, there was something new to gawk at, somebody worth catching a glimpse of. Famous faces from every corner of the Veil, and a few older ne'er-do-wells too. Iz'rale Hans pulls from a mug of something frothy at the bar, no doubt fresh from running some deep-space blockade. David, exiled prince of the Gargoyles, sits in a booth consulting with some tiger-headed person with paws that look like they were put on backwards somehow. Chama is kicking up a firestorm on the dancefloor, and Stargazer sits at a table one level up staring down intently at their little group. If ever there was a place to be, this is it!

As one song ends and another begins, Aiden's ears perk up. The strings and pipes and dulcimer tones are unmistakably Albian, and as he scans the stage through his lion helm, he's suprised to see a a ghostly troupe that looks like they could have been pulled straight out of a tapestry at Castle Grail. But though the style is old, the song is decidedly modern, and when the drums break in, he can feel it the rhythm pounding through his veins. The news that Corax would be delayed is no disappointment for Aiden. Of course, Fox immediately makes a beeline for a dark, mysterious corner to brood in, and Alex doesn't seem to be much enjoying the experience, but that isn't his problem. Not today. "Maybe you should follow Fox," he says. "He usually stays as far away from people as he can get." For his part, Lucan seems to be more amenable to playing, bobbing his head to the music. "Come on, Lucan. Let's show these two how to cut loose!" Clapping the other boy on the shoulder, he heads toward the crowd on the dance floor, making his way toward a girl with a long tow-headed braid who looks like she might know a thing or two about Albian dancing.

2020-10-11, 11:05 PM
Halcyon City, The Ossuary. Friday Night, 4th of October, 2019.

JigaWatt, you take the scene in, and it is a scene by the best definition. Some of the city's finest B-listers are here, like the villainous Opal Sidhe (glittering in a pool of sourceless moonlight), and the heroic Adrian Scorn (complete with trademark leather jacket and surrounded by groupies), and you recognize at least a dozen other major players in the local scene, including a couple of villains that you thought had retired.

Before you can say anything to any of them, however, you get noticed. First one, a girl your age in robes, then a pair of twins that look slightly younger in matching costumes, and then more and more until you've got a group nearly as large as some of those big leaguers. All of them young, and all of them Amp'd or Dawnbreaker fans. They call out your name and crowd around you, ecstatic to meet their personal hero.

Fox, you slip to a shadowy corner and make yourself scarce, watching the proceedings from a place of isolation and secrecy. And then... the shadows let you know that you weren't the only one to come up with that idea. Another figure peels away from the shadows, a mage like you, though the shadows have their favorite. He's about your age, but his style is not as occult as yours, or at least not as genuine. Lanky hair dyed black, gothic makeup applied a little too heavily, and an outfit with so many unnecessary clasps and chains and buckles, all of it black, black, and shades of black.

He leans against the wall and gives you a nod like that means anything to you. "Sup. You look like you wanted to get away from those juveniles too." He doesn't look a day older than you. "Kinda sad they think any of that matters, right?" He shakes his head. "They're out there dancing and laughing, and they don't even know, man. They don't even know. I pity them."

Void, the second Errant's comment to you has reached your ears, there is a shift in the air, a bit of disorientation, and then you're standing next to the bar, an empty seat beside you. You're not far from where you were, from the others, and you could swear you haven't moved at all... it's almost like it was the Ossuary that moved, while you stayed perfectly still.

A ghost glances over at you. "Food? Drink?"

Errant, the flaxen-haired girl grins as you approach, and once you're closer you realize she looks vaguely familiar, but perhaps not quite in the way you had been looking for, and you can't quite place her. "Hey, you're one of those Knights of Albion, yeah? I've read a bunch of your stories, they're some of my favorites. I'm Anika the Bard."

The outfit matches the name, a classic bard's ensemble complete with poofiness and instrument. Now you recognize her: she's your generation, and part of a team of heroes who all got their powers from a cursed Dungeons & Dragons book, of all things. True to your assumption, though, once you start moving like an Albian she's quick to copy, and slips into the rhythm effortlessly.

The Days Between

Aiden, you arrive at the castle proper and find Bartimaeus himself waiting just beyond the Chalice of Kings, his gaze watching it intently. And next to the Wizard, out of his armor but with perfect posture and that distinctive shining spear, Rhongomiant, that is said to strike any target with unerring accuracy, is the Grey Knight.

Errant Red warned you that Grey had talked of taking away Durendal, and at the very thought you feel your blade flare up reflexively, as if to reassure you that it isn't going anywhere. But the look on Grey's face isn't one of distaste or distrust, but something altogether warmer.

"There he is, the Dawnbreaker himself." Grey's accent is thicker than Red's, but his voice lacks the gruffness of the old soldier. Grey grins at you and waves you over. "I had my doubts, I'll admit, but you've really proved us worrywarts wrong. I'm impressed with how you carried yourself in that fight, and so is much of the, ah, I think you call it the 'Veil'. At least, so my daughter tells me."

Bartimaeus looks up from the Chalice and his intense gaze is now focused on you, fully and completely, to an unnerving degree. "Ah, Errant White. Good. I watched your battle with interest. I saw much, and much has happened. I even saw the present left for our order by your... teammate, the shadow-fox. I have learned much from that poor victim. And I have many questions. Questions about this 'New Dawn', about the alchemy they have access to, about the battle... and about the Witch who aided you in that battle. Please, tell me everything."

2020-10-13, 03:35 AM
Potential: 1/5

It did not seem his quest for solitude among the masses would be granted, not from the whispers of the shadows nor from dangerous faces. Fox shifted to keep the rest of the team within sight, perhaps looking a bit too eager to rise to his full height over this new person that the shadows seem to have sent him. There was nothing for him to say, at first, the lexicon inscrutable but all the same directed at him. It would seem he really didn't know though how was one supposed to when such comments were offered up without so much context. He'd have been more than happy to join those "juveniles" out dancing if it weren't for the fact that he was with the team and they were on business. "Do you think that we would join you in your melancholy?"

Rolled a 6 on a Pierce the Mask. Bummer.

Captain Jak
2020-10-14, 11:59 PM
JigaWatt (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24238216&postcount=4)
Conditions: Insecure
Potential: 2/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt isn’t precisely a stranger to fans, of course. While he does tend to interact with them more in a digital format – comments, DMs, reaction videos – he runs into or deliberately meets up with fans on a reasonably regular basis.

Just...rarely quite so dramatically as this. As much as he is a celebrity with fans and followers, he knows that he’s not up there with the bigger movers and shakers that have been legit heroes and personalities from long before he ever got his powers.

But you wouldn’t really know it, with the fans he’s gathered here, and he’s frankly a little amazed at the number of Amp’d and ‘Breakers that are in the crowd this evening...and a little part of him can’t help but wonder if that’s been set up deliberately.

Regardless, he has a responsibility!

"Hey hey, I always knew my fans were the best peeps around, and now y’all are here proving me right!" he exclaims, spreading out his arms to make hand contact with fans who want that touch, continuing to move slowly to carry him within reach of everyone gathered around.

"What a night here at the Ossuary!" he goes on, as if he has any prior visits to judge by. "I knew I needed to be here for an important meeting, but I didn’t know it was with all of you," he banters. "We all ready to have some fun tonight? Let’s get AMP’D!" He spreads his hands, electricity a crackling arc between his fingers until it bursts in a rain of sparks that sizzle towards the floor, a flashy bit of nothing that’s the least he can do for fans that have sought him out.

If the team has to wait for their meeting, he may as well show these folk that he can be fun. Even if he's not entirely sure he really is, at the moment....

2020-10-15, 12:25 AM
Conditions: Hopeless
Potential: 3/5

Freak: +2
Danger: +1
Savior: -1
Superior: 0
Mundane: +1

Movement. The entire place moved, just like that. Alex was glancing around trying to see where everyone...and they were exactly where they were before. But now he was at the bar.....magic is so confusing.

"Uh, no thank you, I'd like to just...get to Fox, if you don't mind. Um, how does that work, exactly?" He didn't entirely trust this place, even if people said it was safe, so even if he is a little hungry, he'd just have to get something somewhere after. Maybe the others....oh, right, they just left him like that. Alone. In the middle of a crowded room. 'Am I that unbearable to be around? Did I say anything to make them mad at me? Or am I just...' And now he was stuck in a spiral of thoughts, not really paying attention to his surroundings.

2020-10-31, 02:14 AM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 5/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +3
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.
[X] Never give up, never surrender: When you take a powerful blow from someone with far greater power than you, use this move instead of the basic move. Roll + Savior. On a hit, you stand strong and choose one. On a 7-9, mark a condition.

- you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
- you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
- you keep your attacker’s attention
On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

- you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
- you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
- you keep your attacker’s attention
On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

The Days Between - Castle Grail

"Th-thank you, sir!" Aiden responds, a little dumbstruck. Even Sir Maelan's heads-up hadn't prepared him to receive praise from Errant Grey! Next to Green, Grey had always been Aiden's most stalwart opposer, and by far the most truculent. "I couldn't have done it without my team."

For his part, Bartimaeus is quick to get to business, Aiden breathes a sigh of relief. While he welcomes the sudden outpouring of praise, it's unsettling, so he's happy to let the matter at hand absorb the attention. "The alchemy? It was nothing that I could recognize from my studies. Fox might know something about it? I'll ask him what he knows. Whatever it is, it seems to be effective as both an injected liquid and an inhaled gas. Dr. Moreau used a lot on himself, and it made him stronger. But I've never seen anything like the gas before. These transformations are new."

"As for the witch, I don't know much about her. She goes by Corax. Fox knows her somehow. She's one of Lich Girl's apprentices. And she knows who I am somehow. My name. Things about... I got a message on Veil, an invitation an audience at the Ossuary. She told me to leave your 'spy' at home. Said it was hard enough to evade it at the battle. I didn't even know she was there."

Now - The Ossuary

Aiden had been expecting a fellow Albian, but Anika was a pleasant enough surprise. Maybe even better - it's less likely she'd think he was Calder behind the lion helm. He'd heard of her team, seen a few clips on Veil. What was their name? Waterdeepers? That couldn't be right. He didn't have much time to consider it - the girl had moves! "Hey, you're pretty good at this! You could even pass for Albian. Must be that bardic knowledge! So what brings you here? Business or pleasure?"

Rolled a 4 to pierce Anika's mask. Marking potential, bringing me to 5 and another advance.

2020-11-03, 02:56 AM
Halcyon City, The Ossuary. Friday Night, 4th of October, 2019.

Fox, your sharp dismissal rankles the edgy teen, who puffs up and glares at you. "Guess I was wrong about you. You're just another gullible loser drifting in the sea of the everyman. Read Nietzsche some time, maybe then you'll get a clue." He stalks off, ego bruised.

In his place, a new figure steps into frame. Still young but at least three years Fox's senior, and this one has an altogether more colorful sense of style. He's not wearing a costume, just brightly-colored clothing and a red vest with a scale pattern on it. Hair messy and brown, eyes a peculiar shade of orange. He gives you an easy grin and points at the kid walking away without looking at him. "You'll have to forgive Clarence there, his rich parents spoil him. Or don't forgive him, I'd love to liven up this night with a duel of the dark mages." He shrugs.

Void, the moment you express your desire to get to Fox the world around you shifts. It's subtle at first, barely noticeable, but the energy builds, a tension in the air, a darkness, a hunger. The Ossuary beats its vast heart within that cage of bone, and that heartbeat pulses through your body. It is listening. It is watching. It is here.

You see Fox beyond, in a corner with someone else, and you take a single step you are there, next to him, as if there had only ever been a few feet separating you all along. That sense of the Ossuary, of the presence watching you and lingering on your skin, dissipates. But you know that it is still watching, and it is still there.

Fox and Void, the grinner with the orange eyes looks you both over and clicks his tongue. "Interesting, interesting. Would never have guessed."

He lets that comment go unexplained and leans against the nearest wall, which seems closer now than it was a second ago. "Name's Kirin. That Kirin. Welcome to my club."

You both recognize the name: Kirin, apprentice to Lich Girl. He's one of the world's only mortal practitioners of dragon magic, having stolen it from dragons with the help of his master. Contract magic, draconic sorcery, dragon aspecting, he's a prodigy in all of it, though not yet as powerful as the Dragon Sage of the southern hemisphere or the Shining Scale monastic order of the east.

JigaWatt, whatever your personal doubts, the crowd eats up your trademark banter and electric sizzle. The world orients around you and your group is in the middle of the central floor, music blaring louder and an infectious energy sweeping through the crowd. Your fans are the center of it, an excitement that burns bright. You can feel other eyes on you, those who aren't Amp'd or Breakers but are driven to acknowledge you by the energy you bring.

If you make enough noise, even the old guard might be forced to pay attention.

Errant, the bard girl laughs at your comment. "Maybe it was bardic inspiration that drove me here. It's not every day you get to party at the most magical place in Halcyon City. The rest of my team's not as fun as I am, though." She points over to the bar where a steretypical fantasy cleric, fighter, and wizard are all milling about awkwardly. "Well, 'cept Rogue. He's somewhere in the crowd, no idea where though. How about yourself? Never thought I'd see a full-on knight in shining armor in a place like this."

The Days Between

Bartimaeus's expression seems to shift when you speak of Corax. "Dangerous, that one. Anyone who associates with the lich is... not to be trusted. That lot has ever seen fit to twist truth and mutilate virtue." He pauses, then adds, "You should still go, of course. There is much to be learned from the den of the enemy. But do not forget that people like her are the enemy. Nothing good has ever come of dark magic. I know this better than most." A shadow falls over his face, and for a moment you feel the weight of eternity. Albians do not forget the fire that forged them.

Serenity returns to the old wizard, and he says, "Now, of this New Dawn. Do you know anything more than has been displayed so brazenly across this city's news feeds? For a group so used to the shadows to step so suddenly into the light, there must be more at play. A hidden goal obscured by sound and fury."

Grey nods. "There's always another shoe, Errant. Remember that. No matter how well you think you've got the situation handled, the filthy villains will always spring a new surprise on you."

2020-11-04, 04:47 AM
Potential: 3/5

Fox merely watches the moody boy go and hardly reacts when Void replaces them. All the familiar feelings of Camp Joy surge as the stuttering teen makes their way back to his side. It was not surprising though he was fairly eager to not have to watch over another teammate in such dangerous territory. He needed to keep his focus. It would seem that wasn't to be. Perhaps it was this place, magic to disorient and confuse.

If Kirin's bragging, replacing bragging of another sort, lands it doesn't register. The mention of dragons does not bode well. Albians of all strips were touchy on that subject, the Dragon a symbol of chaos and anarchy, the death of their lands and the impetus that scattered them to the four winds. Someone who trucked with them was equal in all of those regards as was the claim that this was his bar. It was not a fight worth taking. The wait was growing interminable. "It is very nice. We are not here to partake in all it has to offer. We are certain you did not simply come to console us."

Captain Jak
2020-11-05, 12:15 AM
JigaWatt (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24238216&postcount=4)
Conditions: Insecure
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

It’s easy to feed on the energy of the crowd and give back in return…in his case, literally. JigaWatt begins to, ah, amp up his displays, no pun intended. He’s in his element; mimicking a Van der Graaf generator and setting a trio of girls’ hair–and outfits–charged and standing up on end, much to the delight of the crowd about him. Tiny red flickers of electricity—sprite lighting—dance over his fingertips, and he even ignites a couple of high-proof drinks into guttering blue flames with focused sparks.

Finally, at the urging of his fans, he rides his board a couple of feet further off the floor and summons a swirling mass of ball lightning, spinning above his head and loosing a wavering tendril of power every second or two until he lets it dissipate in a wash of crackling discharges that scurry and scamper over every nearby metallic object on its way to grounding out in the floor.

Flush with praise, it’s only at this point that he realizes that perhaps he’s going a bit too far in drawing attention down upon himself in such a public venue, filled with potentially touchy personalities….

Time for the Show: 6
Display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

2020-11-16, 01:09 AM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 5/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +3
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.
[X] Never give up, never surrender: When you take a powerful blow from someone with far greater power than you, use this move instead of the basic move. Roll + Savior. On a hit, you stand strong and choose one. On a 7-9, mark a condition.

- you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
- you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
- you keep your attacker’s attention
On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

- you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
- you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
- you keep your attacker’s attention
On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

The Days Between - Castle Grail

Under Bartimaeus's expectant gaze, Aiden's shoulders slump. "...no. The news knows as much as we did and more. I had no idea New Dawn was so widespread. Before this, all of our leads were coming through Corax. JigaWatt received our last tip through his fan network."

Taking a deep sigh, straightens back up. "I'm sure Corax knows more than she's letting on. I'll try to get as much out of her as I can at the meeting. I won't let her keep using us and keeping us in the dark."

Now - The Ossuary

Aiden glances over where Anika points to her un-fun teammates. No kidding! They look like they should be keeping Fox company.

"Who, me? I don't shine nearly as much as that guy," he says, jerking his thumb in the direction of JigaWatt's light show. "We got an invitation from Corax, working on this New Dawn thing. Hey, maybe you can help! Do your powers give you any kind of special knowledge about stuff like that?"

2020-11-19, 02:47 PM
Conditions: Hopeless
Potential: 3/5

Freak: +2
Danger: +1
Savior: -1
Superior: 0
Mundane: +1

Alex takes a moment to calm down. Knowing the Ossuary was a living club that could bend space at it's will was....intense. At least it's leaving him alone. For now.

At least he was around someone familiar. Even if Fox was standoffish and...unkind. Kirin....being the student of a major villain certainly set Alex on edge. The comment made him a little nervous, considering the man, but he let it go, not wanting any confrontation. He nods a slight greeting to Fox, an even slighter one to Kirin, and stands there, not sure what to do.

2020-11-21, 03:19 AM
Halcyon City, The Ossuary. Friday Night, 4th of October, 2019.

Fox and Void, the dragon mage sighs and shakes his head. "When Corax told me she was shaping an apprentice, I'd really hoped he would be someone with a bit of... what's the word... humor? Vitality? But it figures she would go for the sharp and silent type."

The villain shrugs. "S'fine. You don't want to play ball, we don't have to. We'll skip to the part where I tempt you with power beyond your wildest dreams and go straight to the waiting-in-an-office part. Follow along."

Kirin turns and takes a few steps into the club, but as he does perspective shifts once more and all three of you are standing in front of a disc of faintly-pulsing teal-blue energy. He steps onto the disc and beckons for you to join.

JigaWatt, it takes barely any time for you to become the star attraction. The young heroes and villains are mesmerized by your performance, drawn in by light and sound and spectacle, but even the old guard turn your way with that last lightning trick.

Not all of them in a good way. A stray crackle of electricity brushes against Lord Eradicus, the steel-plated sorcerer famous for plundering the vaults of the fae and escaping on a technicality. Unlike most villains who amass a quick and brutal reputation, he retired early to avoid the League and has been living it up ever since.

That is, until you nearly zapped him. The sorcerer waves away the approaching electricity and redirects it harmlessly into the floor next to him, but you see a scowl touch his face. He clicks his tongue and turns to the villain next to him, Opal Sidhe, murmuring something to her too quiet to catch.

Before you have much time to process that, one of the ghostly attendants of the Ossuary slips through the crowd and stands next to you. Quietly, he says, "The Binder has requested your presence, esteemed guest. Shall I lead you to him?"

The attendant gestures in a direction, and your gaze settles on three figures: Fox, Void, and the dragon mage of the Ossuary.

Errant, the bard briefly gives an amused glance at the spectacle JigaWatt is producing, but then her eyes widen when she hears why you're here. "Corax? That Corax? Wow. You guys must be a big deal. I've never met anyone who was handpicked by one of the apprentices, let alone the Crow Witch herself."

She toys with her braid, whistling at what you've told her. "That's more than my group really knows about. New Dawn... those crazies on the news, right? They seem..." she hesitates, searching for the word before finding, "...too new. My pool of knowledge is old stuff, stuff engraved in story. Whatever's going on with those meta-makers, they're unprecedented."

Before either of you can continue the conversation, you are approached by one of the ghostly attendants of the Ossuary. Leaning in, she murmurs, "The Binder has requested your presence, esteemed guest. Shall I lead you to him?"

The attendant gestures in a direction, and your gaze settles on three figures: Fox, Void, and the dragon mage of the Ossuary.

The Days Between

Bartimaeus and Grey both nod at your last proclamation. "Good lad," says the Knight. "No child of foul sorcery will darken Albion's ideals. Get what you need and keep your guard up." Errant Grey smiles, and there's a certain scorn to it. "Witches always get their due, in the end. After all this is over, maybe you'll be the Knight that takes her down."

Bartimaeus waves a hand. "That is talk for later. For now, focus on the mission. Find out what New Dawn is after, their true goal. When you do, the Knights will be waiting. The eyes of Albion are upon you, Errant White."

2020-11-23, 11:30 PM
Potential: 3/5

Not a well kept secret then, his apprenticeship with Corax. Not something he was thrilled about, especially if the rest of the team were to learn of his agreement. It would only cast more, unfounded, suspicion his way. "That is best. We are not tempted easily, power or no. Not with those that consort with dragons at any rate." His tone was brusque even with the display of magic. The Black Knights also remembered the fires that forged their people. It may have been long into the distant past, on a land they could rarely return to, but the Knights had stood for Albion's interests even after the rest of them joined them in the wider world. They had served their brothers and sisters until those same people had turned against them. Until they were purged. A second fire, more painful than the first, but one they would survive as well. He gave only the briefest of nods to the others. It was time well enough that they got this show on the road.

Captain Jak
2020-11-27, 01:10 AM
JigaWatt (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24238216&postcount=4)
Conditions: Insecure
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

JigaWatt’s pulse pounds in his throat as he sees just whose attention he’s garnered with an inadvertent near-miss; and not in a positive manner, either.

"Well, if we must, we must," he agrees hurriedly, trying to make it appear as off-hand as possible. "Sorry, fam; duty calls." He follows his guide, very very specifically not looking back. Hopefully the incident will be forgotten if he’s out of sight for a while.


Joining the others, he hopes the party will be moving along sooner rather than later. "S’up?" he asks of the guy hanging with Fox and Void. This would be the...Binder?

What, the guy holds a lot of notes or something?

2020-12-15, 01:30 AM
Conditions: Hopeless
Potential: 3/5

Freak: +2
Danger: +1
Savior: -1
Superior: 0
Mundane: +1

If Fox didn't say something about refusing the offer, Alex would've. He wanted no part in any more deals or offers after he took one from his father. He'd rather not end up in that kind of situation ever again. But because Fox did say that, he nods along, chiming in with "I'd rather just get this over with." He gets on the disk, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible so that he won't be recognized.

2021-01-08, 03:04 AM
Errant White (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24239718&postcount=10)
Potential: 5/5
Freak: -1
Danger: +0
Savior: +3
Superior: +0
Mundane: -1

[X] Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
[X]The legacy matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.
[X] Never give up, never surrender: When you take a powerful blow from someone with far greater power than you, use this move instead of the basic move. Roll + Savior. On a hit, you stand strong and choose one. On a 7-9, mark a condition.

- you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
- you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
- you keep your attacker’s attention
On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

- you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
- you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
- you keep your attacker’s attention
On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

Now - The Ossuary

Disappointed by the interruption, Aiden audibly sighs. "That's me, I guess," he says by way of apology. "It was a pleasure meeting you, miss. Let's...continue this on Veil?"

2021-01-09, 02:07 AM
Halcyon City, The Ossuary. Friday Night, 4th of October, 2019.

Errant, the bard girl shoots you a final grin as you leave and says, "I'll shoot a message. I'm sure you won't be too hard to find."

Errant and JigaWatt are led to the disc by attendants that vanish as soon as they arrive, and all four of you are now on the disc alongside the orange-eyed magus.

The magus introduces himself as Kirin just as the disc starts to rise through the air, gliding upward. Kirin leans against an invisible wall along the disc's edge and looks you all over. "Well, here you are. Four budding heroes on their way to meet a wicked witch. As amusing as that'll be to watch, it's not quite time yet. Crow-girl is still wrapped up in her little information war with the other big players in this game. She shouldn't be long, but that gives us time to get some introductions out of the way."

As he finishes, the disc crests the shimmering barrier at the height of the Ossuary and floats over to one of the three balconies, settling down near the edge. The balcony has been prepared with luxurious accomodations: padded chairs, a sofa, and even a pair of beanbag chairs. Upon one of those comfy lumps reclines a spindly boy munching on a veggie wrap. He's dressed casually for someone sitting in a magical pocket dimension club for supers, no traces of costume, though his clothes are also a bit more worn-down than one might expect of an apprentice to the Lich.

He waves as you enter, and swallows the last bite of wrap. "Hey! These the ones, Kirin?" At the nod, the spindly boy jumps to his feet and cheers. "Yes! Finally! Okay, introductions time! Who goes first? Should you, or should I?"

Kirin shrugs. "Do as you like, Ash."

The boy in tattered threads, Ash, pouts at the mage who brought you here. "C'mon, you gotta let me introduce my own name. That's just rude." He huffs once more, then abruptly changes expressions to a confident smile as he smooths back his hair. "Hello Dawnbreakers! My name is Ash, like the tree, and I'm known as the Formless Shaman. I'm a shapeshifter, so expect to see me wearing a bunch of different faces, and I specialize in the magic of spirits, especially the spirits local to Halycon City. If you ever have spirit trouble, please get in touch."

Kirin takes his seat in one of the chairs and gestures at the four of you. "Further introductions are superfluous since you all already know who I am, but all the best flair and drama comes at the cost of efficiency. Name's Kirin, and I'm the Scaled Warlock. I bargain with monsters and steal magic from the most terrifying beasts in the world. I also don't really care about New Dawn and all that, not unless it gets in my way, so don't expect me to help you in the future without some form of compensation. What happens tonight is a favor to Corax and nothing more, alright?"

The dragon mage sighs. "With that out of the way... let's lay down some quick facts. Fact #1: the Ossuary is being spied on. Until Corax gets back, we can't discuss any of the sensitive topics that we've all been summoned here to discuss. There is, however, one topic that the Crow Witch won't mind us talking about in range of prying eyes: June Lang. Her stunt in the media has made it obvious that she has some stake in the absolute mess brewing, but that leaves three questions: what does she want, why does she want it, and how much is she willing to do to get what she wants? I want to hear your take on the situation."

Captain Jak
2021-01-12, 02:13 AM
JigaWatt (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24238216&postcount=4)
Conditions: Insecure
Potential: 3/5
Freak: +2
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +2
Mundane: -2

Stage-fighting: When you directly engage a threat with an audience watching, mark a condition to roll + Superior instead of Danger.

Time for the show: When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll + Superior.
On a 7-9, name one NPC present.
On a 10+, name two NPCs present.
The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help, GM’s choice.
On a miss, your display catches someone watching in the wrong way.

The gossip mags: When you tap into the gossip and rumor of the celebrity industry for information on an important city figure, roll + Superior. On a hit, you can ask the GM questions. On a 10+, ask three. On a 7-9, ask one:
- What are they up to?
- What or who do they most care about?
- What allies do they have? Enemies?
- Where and when can I find them?
- How could I make them vulnerable to me?
On a miss, ask one anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Suck it, Domitian: When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to directly engage a threat.

Unsure despite himself of his suitability to be rubbing elbows with as much concentrated metahuman as there is in this place, JigaWatt pushes forward as best he can regardless.

"Well, in the name of flair and drama--JigaWatt, and I’m the Amp’d Showman," he introduces himself in the same vein the other two had, the corner of his mouth twitching. "As for Juney, with her level of involvement in what’s going on and the way she dropped that bombshell, I’d say she’s after...power." His voice falters a bit at the end, but he rallies and continues.

"She’s set up this big threat to get everyone scared, and outs it in a way that makes her look smart and forward-thinking while simultaneously making the League look incompetent at best and complicit at worst." He’s not sure where they actually might fall on that scale, but he’s starting to feel like they might actually belong there, wherever it is.

"She now has people’s attention, since she’s the one who broke this whole thing open. Now her next step could be using the resources and technology of her company and putting forces into the field that ‘take care’ of the New Dawn crew." He shakes his head; he could be wrong, but that feels like her brand of audacity.

"She proves that she’s the hero, and she gets done what the League couldn’t, or wouldn’t. Soon, superheroes get replaced with armoured Junetech troops, and she’s got an army scattered about who knows how many major population centres."

The showy hero hesitates, then shrugs. "I mean, that’s what it sure seems like to me," he says with a determination that he doesn’t really feel. He could be way off base—he’s certainly no tactician, he’s well aware of—but it all seems to hold together.