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2019-11-08, 07:16 PM
The massive, polished marble pillars that hold up the ceiling of House Mungo's temple dwarf you all as you assemble around a dark and polished table. At the head of the table is Severin DeAviney, the leader of House Cannis, clad in his typical ostentatious green and black velvets draped with a dragonskin cloak. As you assemble around the table, his mouth smiles at you, but his eyes remain ever calculating.

"Welcome, friends." He spits the second word almost like a curse. "You all know me, I presume, so let's get right to business." He shuffles the papers in front of him. "I suppose some of you are wondering why we're meeting here. I thought that the... level of security and pomp that this locale provides is quite fitting for this mission. You see, if something's dangerous enough to bring together the Houses of Whitecliff, well, you know it must be bad." He lets out a dry chuckle.

"Before I get into the thick of things, I don't think I've been introduced to all of you, nor you each other. So let's get this over with now," he sneers, grey eyes sweeping across the faces assembled before him.

2019-11-08, 07:57 PM
Minerva Alders is carefully clad in a thick, deep scarlet cloak over a well tailored russet shirt and practical divided riding skirt. An expensive though used leather satchel can be glimpsed beneath the cloak and a simple silver chain holds a polished and precisely shaped crystal around her neck. A modest crossbow is slung across her back.

Eyes initially fixed on Severin DeAviney, they dart over the faces of the others present at his suggestion. Inclining her head a fraction, she turns slightly to address the others. ”Minerva,” she says, tone cool. “I believe I recognize some faces here.” She looks back at Severin, matching his smile. ”And delighted to see how I can serve.”

2019-11-08, 09:30 PM
Silk is dressed in some moderate armor, with her arms and lower legs left bare. Her fur is short and golden, and she's scowling at Severin. You could at least make an attempt to be nice, you know, she says. Little Silk, by the way. I'd have a tribal name, but... Events happen.

2019-11-09, 04:11 AM
"Michel," the wizard in the dark blue robes contributes, trying and failing to make his smile seem more genuine than his master's. "A pleasure to meet you all."

2019-11-09, 12:19 PM
A slight smile marring his otherwise expressionless face, Gregor tilts his head and body forward only just enough to qualify as a bow. Recovering from the slight movement, he speaks, his voice quiet and mellifluous. "And you may call me Mr. Petryavik. May our association be respectful, and successful."

He pauses, casting a long look at Severin before continuing. "And, as I intend that we be successful, you should know that I have scant tolerance for disrespect, be it in deed, or in tone."

2019-11-09, 01:12 PM
I am Zed, the Ruiner of the Night. The 8'2" goliath clad in black chainmail and holding a well used longsword in his right hand and a blackened shield in his left. His face is battle hardened and his cloak well worn. I will serve.

2019-11-10, 05:32 PM
Severin scowls at Mr. Petryavik. "You may have an ego, and you may have some might backing it up, but in this room, I hold the power, so you should hold your tongue or consider losing it." He turns his focus back to the group. "Now, we've been hearing of some reports of infection in and around the city of Urratik. In addition, we're hearing some rather strange reports from the area of arcane constructs causing problems. Sources claim they seem to be plant-like in composition, so we put two and two together to make Xelios Fendrigar. Long dead, he's still menacing us," Severin grimaces. "The houses have summoned you to investigate these constructs and their connection to the plague. Any questions for me before we send you off?"

2019-11-10, 05:44 PM
Zed the Ruiner of the Night
Only one, any equipment available from the houses or are we on our own? the goliath said clearly anxious to get started as he stood up from the table.

2019-11-10, 08:05 PM
Sevrin holds up a finger, appearing to listen to something. He mutters something at a whisper before turning back to you. "Sorry, just taking care of some business. What exactly might you all want?"

2019-11-10, 09:25 PM
Gregor's face steels slightly, his green eyes glinting like cold chunks of jade. His head tilts to the side, birdlike, as he contemplates Sevrin. "... Curious. No, no slight intended. I was simply giving my peers useful information. As to supplies... I've a minor list as well. In my rush to arrive, I'm significantly under-equipped. I feel certain I can remedy this given time, but given the rush... perhaps we could speak to your factor? If agreeable, my own needs shouldn't account for more than 200 platinum or so."

He pauses. "Or, if that seems unreasonable, perhaps you could furnish me with a list of businesses not to take advantage of? It should take mere moments to see to my own supply... but I would hate to impact the... interests... of any current ally."

2019-11-10, 09:48 PM
Michel gives Gregor an aside glance at the word "current," but turns back to his master rather than make an issue of it. "That list will probably do it for me, too. It always helps to know who your friends are in any given city, right?"

2019-11-11, 03:17 AM
Minerva wrinkles her nose at the mention of disease, making a small sound of irritation. As the others speak, she seems to consider her own supplies. At an opportune moment, she chimes in. ”While my current needs are met, venturing into plague territory, perhaps there are some magical trinkets you could part with...?” She asks with a sweet smile and hopeful tone. “If not, I am sated.”

“As to our task, I imagine we are to handle these constructs permanently, yes?”

2019-11-11, 09:27 AM
Severin nods to Michel and Gregor, before gesturing slightly to a Cannis operative standing against the walls of the cathedral. "We can secure you such a list." He turns to Minerva. "Give us a moment and we can secure some charms that can be of assistance to you, though they won't completely eliminate the... risks of contamination." The Cannis agent gives a nod before shuffling off. "And yes, licence to kill," Severin hisses.

I won't write it all out beforehand, but any time you'll use it, just say something like "Michel reads the list to check if Bob's Discount Magic Item Emporium is okay to pillage" and I can tell you.

The Cannis agent returns with a number of small pendants, each hung with a silver lotus flower with a small ruby in the center. These are Talismans of Purity, common magical items. While wearing the pendant, no attunement required, you have advantage on all saves against poison and disease.

2019-11-11, 10:22 AM
Another voice pops up to introduce themselves as well.


[[Sorry, was a busy weekend.]]

2019-11-11, 10:37 AM
I too could use a little extra gear, Silk says.

Breastplate for armor.

And... Um... Nope, pretty much it. :P

2019-11-11, 12:36 PM
Two potions of healing and plate armor. The goliath says with a big grin. I thank you for the pendant.

2019-11-11, 03:15 PM
"And it shall be done." Severin claps his hands, and Mungo attendants come forth bearing appropriate armors and two small vials of pinkish fluid.

Heals 2d4+4 each.

2019-11-11, 07:50 PM
Minerva takes the proffered lotus flower pendant and, after hefting it in her hand for a moment, places it in her satchel.

That done, she takes some time to study her new colleagues as she waits.

2019-11-12, 12:41 PM
Silk strips her old armor off, and quickly dons the new. She asks Can you have someone take care of my old armor? It's not needed anymore, obviously.

2019-11-12, 02:46 PM
"Thank you, Master." Michel takes the list with his right hand and gives it a quick once-over while he dons the Talisman with his left.

2019-11-12, 03:03 PM
"If better armor is being offered, I would not turn down a set of studded leather." The elf steps forward from the back of the room where he was previously observing from.

2019-11-12, 03:24 PM
Severin grumbles to himself. "Alright, alright." He gestures for attendants to remove Silk's armor and provide Lethuil with the studded armor.

2019-11-12, 08:08 PM
Silk grins, just a little. She's already taken a dislike to this man, so seeing him disgruntled appeases her sense of schadenfreude.

2019-11-12, 10:54 PM
Mr. Petryavik nods. "A set of Studded leather would save me a step of my own. Apart from that, I think the only other thing... would be any leads or other vital intelligence, if there is any that you've neglected to share. Again, simply to cut down on our necessary steps." His smile is thin and steely and then gone, a flicker of humor on an otherwise expressionless face. "If there is no such information, then I think we've wrung all the value from this meeting."

2019-11-13, 02:43 AM
Minerva nods as Mr Petryavik speaks. ”I agree,” she adds when he finishes. “If there is more information to be had, I’m sure we would all be grateful, my lord,” she says, looking at Severin.

“Fore warned is fore armed... and other such banalities,” she concludes with a small smile.

2019-11-13, 08:17 AM
Michel looks askance at Gregor again at the phrase "wrung all the value out of this meeting," but turns back to look at his master again. "Is there anything else you need to tell us, Master?"

2019-11-13, 01:58 PM
Severin gestures for the Mungo attendants to bring forth a set of studded leather. He ponders the inquiries for a moment. "I think I've heard some reports from rather unreputable sources of a singular construct having infested a certain chunk of the city's infrastructure. Something about pink fire as well? I'm unsure, my source is literately and utterly insane." He clears his throat. "I really don't know very much, hence me sending you all out."

2019-11-13, 02:05 PM
The goliath stands up and moves towards the door. I hear and serve, lead the way, battle will soon follow and I am thirsty.

2019-11-13, 02:24 PM
The elf also walks toward the door. "Then I suppose we should get moving and look into it."

2019-11-13, 03:46 PM
"We should, yes. One last question, Master: will you want reports via Sending, if I can spare the spells?"

2019-11-13, 03:49 PM
"I'll do my utmost, though you should turn to our operative in the city first for assistance."

He refers to the svirfneblin operative Gerridon Ulmark, the main Cannis operative in Urratik. Any member of House Cannis would have probably have met him and have enough familiarity with him to cast Sending.

2019-11-13, 03:51 PM
"Very good, Master. I'll see you once we've crushed some constructs." He bows, and heads for the door.

2019-11-13, 08:25 PM
Inclining her head to Severin, Minerva murmurs, ”My lord,” before following and leaving the temple.

Lengthening and quickening her stride slightly, she catches up to Michel. “So, I don’t suppose you have a large amount of hidden experience with plagues, do you?”

2019-11-13, 11:32 PM
Michel shakes his head as he and Minerva walk. "No. No, hunting a plague is new territory for me. I have hunted constructs before, and you probably have too. Though I've never had to deal with a Xelios creation before."

Michel sighs. "I can't believe any still function after so long. At least Xelios himself doesn't... I hope." He laughs a little nervously, because he's not sure if he's joking or not.

2019-11-14, 11:09 AM
Don't jinx us, Silk says. You're just asking for trouble.

2019-11-14, 11:33 AM
Michel snorts. "What, am I going to resurrect him with jokes? He's either dead or he's not. And realistically, it's probably the first one."

Despite his about-face, he's still visibly nervous about the topic of discussion.

2019-11-14, 12:59 PM
As Minerva turns to look at the newcomer, a raven swoops down from a perch high on the exterior of the temple and settles on her left shoulder.

Minerva eyes the tabaxi for a moment. ”Little Silk, wasn’t it? Pleasure. I believe I’ll ask you the same question: any experience with plagues? Or medicine in general, perhaps?”

2019-11-14, 08:15 PM
I don't. But someone I know might. Give me ten minutes, she says, summoning Kurnoth and beginning to chant quietly.

Casting Commune With Ancestors as a ritual.

2019-11-15, 10:23 AM
As you close your eyes and commune with those who came before, you see in the depths of your vision a familiar memory from your own past. Pink fire, your tribespeople screaming and running in fright, and dark leathery flesh of a misshapen form. When your eyes open again, you are bathed in a cold sweat.

2019-11-15, 11:43 AM
Michel looks over his obviously shaken comrade with detached concern. "Are.. Are you okay?"

2019-11-15, 11:56 AM
I will be, Silk answers. But we should be cautious-I feel that there's something more sinister than mere sickness here.

2019-11-15, 12:38 PM
Minerva watches Silk with mild interest, taking note of her state once the spell is finished. ”More sinister? In what manner? A trap?”

Her raven ruffles it feathers briefly and, without glancing at it, she nods very slightly, still waiting to see what Silk might add.

2019-11-15, 07:14 PM
Perhaps... she says, not elaborating. How will we be getting there? she adds to change the subject.

2019-11-15, 08:32 PM
"I can teleport us there. I don't have the spell prepared, but that doesn't actually have to stop me."

Michel knew he shouldn't, but... "One last question, before we move: did you learn anything of note by doing... whatever it was you just did? For instance, can you confirm that there's a Xelios construct involved, or tell us what part of the city's infrastructure the construct infested or... can you at least confirm (and hopefully explain) the presence of... pink fire?"

2019-11-15, 08:57 PM
Pink fire, yes, Silk says, her tone indicating she'd rather not talk more. I can't guarantee it's accurate, but to the best of my capabilities, it is.

2019-11-15, 09:04 PM
"I see."

Michel hesitates for a long moment, but decides to let Silk drop the subject. "So... does teleporting sound good to everyone? I know it can be a temperamental spell..." Michel laughs a bit and raises the right sleeve of his robes to reveal some old but still visible scars on his arm. "But there's a teleportation circle in the main Cannis compound that I can aim for. There's no risk of any... unpleasant complications."

2019-11-18, 10:43 AM
Lethuil shrugs. "If it gets us there and gets the job done faster, then I'm all for it."

2019-11-18, 01:45 PM
Michel nods. "Very good."

He turns to the others. "Do the rest of you agree?"

2019-11-18, 01:57 PM
I agree, let us leave now. My thirst is growing stronger as we wait. Zed the Ruiner of the Night said gripping the hilt of his sword.

2019-11-19, 04:10 AM
Minerva remains quiet as the others discuss teleportation. With the various assents to the idea, however, she gives a slightly reluctant nod. ”It does seem efficient. Let’s proceed.”

2019-11-19, 12:05 PM
Silk nods in agreement.

Skip to the slums?

2019-11-19, 12:14 PM
Mungo representatives take you to the nearest teleportation circle, where the arcane among you take the time to write out the proper runes to get to the Cannis base in Urratik. After a few minutes, the circle is complete. You all stand on the circle as your mages chant out the proper syllables, and with a flash and a blast of interplanar cold, you find yourselves in a white marble gazebo in a pleasant garden. A few Cannis operatives in black and green robes are striding across the promenade. As you phase into reality, they turn to take a look, then return to their business unfazed.

You are standing in the manor of Gerridon Ulmark. What do you do now?

2019-11-19, 12:44 PM
"I always feel weird having someone else teleport me... Anyway, the master of this manor probably already knows we're here. But the proper thing to do is find him and announce our presence, if only as a formality."

Michel looks around. "Unless he's already here to greet us..."

2019-11-19, 09:07 PM
Silk peers about, seeing if she can find anyone. Assuming she spots a servant, she says You there! Could you alert Master Ulmark of our arrival?

2019-11-19, 09:18 PM
During the conversation thus far, Gregor has maintained a studied calm, as if waiting patiently for others to move them forward. Smiling slightly to himself, he nods quietly when teleportation is suggested as a method of travel. Narrowing his eyes in thought as the circle is prepared, he pulls a small mirror from his back pocket, followed by a small selection of powders. "Now... who was I in Urratik.... Ah. Yes." Each movement is practiced and quick, and though any single layer of powder, jell or pencil seems to do little, over the course of several minutes Gregor is remade. Standing now before you is a bronze-skinned half-elf, their hair artfully disheveled. Pulling a motley entertainer's outfit from the unknown depths of his cloak, Gregor turns casually away from the group and as if alone in the room strips then quickly dresses in this new costume. In the span of perhaps fifteen minutes, the sinister and cold Mr. Petryavik has been replaced. His body relaxed in a way that has him seemingly leaning back slightly while standing in place, his heavy-lidded eyes scan those around him. A playful smirk seemingly etched permanently on his features, he showily bows, stringing a lute. In a smooth contralto he speaks "My name is Nerar Fortleaf... but you, my friends... you can call me Never."

He smiles with his eyeteeth for a moment, a flash of Mr. Petryavik. "I am... known to some degree here, as one or more tavern have had the pleasure. I know a few likely fellows whose very lives mean they keep an ear out. I'd suggest 'The Farmer's Daughter' as our first port of call." He looks in the direction the servant scuttled, shrugging slightly then flashing an easy smile at Silk. "Well.... after we conclude our inquiries here of course."

I can change the tavern name if you like, and let me know if presuming any foreknowledge is a step too far and I'll remake that portion of course :)

For any that look as he strips, Gregor Petryavik is lean to the point of almost appearing ill. His muscles show clearly through his skin, as does a series of deep scars across his back, clearly the result of being flayed by a cat o' nine tails at some point. Apart from that he is noticeably hairless on chest, back and legs. Boxers concealed the remainder of his potential hair and/or hairlessness.

2019-11-20, 03:57 AM
Grimacing faintly following the teleportation, Minerva takes in their new surroundings and is pleased to see more members of House Cannis around.

Taking little interest in Mr Petryavik‘s disguising, she takes a few steps away from the teleportation circle and, as Silk calls out for them to be announced, seats herself on a nearby marble bench. “Charming here this time of year,” she says idly. “Shame about the plague...”

2019-11-20, 12:20 PM
Silk beckons a servant, who quickly dashes off to retrieve her master. He'll be present in about five minutes. Whatever your characters do in that time is their choice.

2019-11-20, 12:31 PM
"It might be worth stopping there, but we don't need to sleep there: Gerridon will probably be willing to let us sleep here."

"After that, maybe we should call at the Weeping Boar? I've heard good things about that place."

2019-11-20, 01:18 PM
I want to get a report on the situation from those present here, first, Silk says. Eyes from afar aren't as good as a current vigil.

2019-11-20, 01:35 PM
"Of course. But we'll need to conduct our own investigation as well, and what better place to start than the taverns?"

2019-11-21, 03:57 AM
Listening to Silk and Michel talk, Minerva calls over. ”I can’t say I am fond of that name but I agree, a tavern is a good choice for putting one’s ear to the ground.”

She stands and makes her way over to the pair, her raven ruffling its feathers briefly before flapping over to perch on the gazebo. “Do you plan to start here or there, then?”

2019-11-21, 10:30 AM
"I concur with the idea of a tavern. It tends to be filed with people in the know--whether they know it or not." The elf smiles amusedly at the thought.

"I suppose we find out what we can here, and then onward."

2019-11-21, 08:36 PM
I can find things out if you like, people like talking to me.
Zed said with a grin on his face.

Zed does have investigation at +6 if that helps.

2019-11-22, 04:04 AM
Minerva looks around the group. ”It seems settled, then,” she observes. “I imagine we can return here as needed but shall we depart for the time being?”

2019-11-22, 01:29 PM
"Not yet. We still need to speak with Gerridon to announce our presence and see what aid he can offer us."

2019-11-23, 12:24 PM
As conversation slows, you all notice a stout and small cloaked figure in a rather ostentatious black velvet hat stride across the lawn to you with bold steps. "I've been told you were arriving," he says. "Gerridon Ulmark at your service. Now, it's awfully bright out, perhaps we go inside to talk further?"

2019-11-23, 12:30 PM
If you'd like, sir, Silk says. As she walks in with him, she asks Do you have any leads? Anything worth investigating you know of?

2019-11-23, 03:42 PM
"Gerridon. It's been too long. How've you been?" Michel starts walking along with Gerridon and Silk. "And how's business... apart from the big issue?"

2019-11-23, 04:15 PM
Zed, the Ruiner of the Night, enforcer of House Mungo stands at the back of the group as they discuss the investigation. He only replies if spoken to. He lets the mages talk about the problem.

2019-11-24, 08:31 AM
Her raven resuming its perch on her shoulder, Minerva follows the group inside, listening to the conversation.

2019-11-24, 09:01 PM
Gerridon good-naturedly glares at Michel. "Business has been lackin' recently, as you might assume from the sniffle that's been going about." He spits it like a curse. "People start foamin' at the mouth, no warnin', their skin turns an unseemly pink, veins get dark, and in minutes poof!" He snaps. "They're gone."

He turns to Silk. "I don't know much, but there's been more deaths among the hoi polloi than folk like me, if you know what I'm sayin'. I'm thinkin' the source or the transmitter is more abundant in the... less fortunate areas of town, catch my drift?"

2019-11-24, 09:18 PM
Michel pales a bit. "... Minutes?"

2019-11-24, 09:19 PM
Gerridon nods. "It's bad. Comes without warning, you're dead and gone lickety split. Nobody knows where it came from..."

2019-11-25, 02:43 AM
"I... I hadn't realized it was that bad... I'd thought even if one of us got sick despite our abjuration amulets, we'd have time to get to a cleric."

Michel shakes his head. "Apart from being more common in the less affluent parts of town, is there any other discernible pattern in the victims?"

2019-11-25, 09:07 AM
Gerridon shakes his head. "Not really, far as we can see. Maybe you can find a pattern that we haven't?"

2019-11-25, 10:38 AM
"You say less affluent areas." The elf particularly emphasizes the plurality of the word. "Any specific district which has been hit the hardest? That would be the obvious area to begin our investigation."

2019-11-30, 08:43 PM
Gerridon puzzles for a moment. "Try near the aquifer, what do they call it, Candle's Market?"

2019-12-02, 08:42 AM
”And what of these constructs?” Minerva asks. “Plant-like, I gather...”

2019-12-02, 10:16 AM
"Oh, that. We haven't seen or heard much about it, we've just heard three heads and pink fire. That's really all we know. Though plant is a safe guess, given that we're thinking this has something to do with Fendrigar."

2019-12-02, 07:48 PM
"The Candle's Market aquifer? Huh. One of the taverns we wanted to visit during our investigation was around there..."

Michel turns to the rest of the party. "Maybe we should check that one first?"

2019-12-03, 04:36 PM
Having spent a moment eyeing Gerridon, Minerva turns to Michel and nods. "That seems prudent. I imagine there's little to be gained by delaying."

2019-12-04, 05:34 PM
"I suppose not."

Michel turns back to Gerridon. "We should get started. May we return here tonight, to stay as your guests? If the less affluent areas are the most dangerous, I'd feel safest here."

2019-12-04, 09:03 PM
"I think we could make arrangements, so long as a couple wouldn't mind sleeping under the stars- we don't have quite that many rooms." He glances at Zed and Silk when he says the bit about sleeping outside.

2019-12-07, 11:31 AM
"Alrighty. Well, I'll assume that everyone is fine with that. We'll get all the rooms prepared that we can. You can head out. If you need a map of the city, here's one just in case." He passes over a scroll case handed to him by a Cannis attendant.

Looking at the map, you set out to the Candle's Market. Passing through the city, it seems to be in a state of great disrepair. Buildings crumbling, sometimes burning. Strange and gibbered words muttered to you and in the shadows as you pass. Arcane writing written in blood coats the shattered cobbles of the streets. In other words, it feels like home.

A twenty minute walk takes you to where you want to be. The Candle's Market is where you get things if you want them cheap. Near-rotten food, odorous cheeses, and wilting flowers for sale by bellowing traders assault your noses. You hear the sounds of glass breaking in the distance, followed by a scream. Two people get into a fistfight in the middle of the street for a copper penny they found lying on the ground. It's commerce at its most brutal and heart-wrenching.

As you continue by, you come across the Weeping Boar. You see that there is a brawl outside, and that the shattering of glass and scream was how it got outside. Inside the bar, you see the stuffed head of a massive snake, an indicator of a Cannis site. Engaged in a brutal brawl outside is a very muscular dwarf woman and a goliath man who is rather scrawny for his race, so moderately strong in terms of the normal human. They are trading blows with a hateful fury, sitting in the shard of broken window, pummeling each other. If you'd like you can interfere, or you can simply walk into the bar, which seems to have returned to a normal and unagitated state after the pair forcefully vacated.

2019-12-07, 07:24 PM
Does it look like they were thrown out by the staff, or did one of them toss the other out and then follow after?

2019-12-07, 08:16 PM
Knowing the establishment, both are equally likely.

2019-12-09, 04:18 AM
Before the group departs, Minerva carefully places her amulet of protection on, adjusting it slightly for comfort.

On the journey itself, she maintains a dispassionate expression, taking in the sights of the city, such as they are. Not long into the trip, however, she produces a perfumed handkerchief and holds it up to her nose.

Once they near the Cannis tavern, she notes the brawl but, disinterested, starts to move past, into the building. ”I imagine they’ll tire themselves out at some point,” she comments. “Or one of them is killed...” She adds with a shrug.

2019-12-09, 05:49 AM
"Try not to kill each other," Michel calls out. "It's harder to drink that way."

2019-12-09, 10:40 AM
Lethuil seems to be somewhat amused by the atmosphere and watches the brawl for a brief moment before entering the tavern with the others.

"Free entertainment: what every tavern wants. Well, minus the cost of repairs, that is."

2019-12-09, 03:53 PM
Michel stops the party as they're walking in.

"Listen. I hate to say this at one of my house's sites," He says quietly. "But this is the district hardest hit by the plague. Until we know the source, we probably shouldn't consume anything here. But, please try to phrase any refusals you have to make politely."

2019-12-10, 04:18 AM
”My House as well, Michel,” Minerva says, looking amused. She pats him on the arm and proceeds inside. Stopping a few feet within, she takes stock of the interior, glancing over the patrons.

2019-12-10, 04:31 AM
"Right. Sorry. Yours too. Well, let's try to suspend our favoritism until we're sure this place isn't tainted." He makes a quick gesture and moves his lips.

"More tainted than usual, I mean."

I misread the final list of who was in what house. This whole time, I'd thought Minerva was in House Raventree. :smalleek:

2019-12-10, 07:09 AM
Gaze roving over the room, Minerva spares a brief glance back at Michel, mouthing a few words before returning her attention to the room.

”Five gold says there’s not a clean table to be found.”

No worries! I think it works fine in character. :smallsmile:

2019-12-10, 10:31 AM
The elf simply chuckles, "And mine, you know. But yes, not consuming anything is likely wise unless we wish to add plague to our list of problems."

As he steps into the room, he first scans the room to look for any threats. Upon finding none, he then proceeds to look for an empty table.

2019-12-10, 05:40 PM
Zed the Ruiner of the Night Zed heeds the warning and inscribed the rune of the Hill giants on his shield.this rune Grant's advantage against poison and resistance against poison until a long rest. He stays outside of the tavern , watching the fight.

2019-12-10, 06:56 PM
Michel nods an apology to Lethuil as well, and joins the search for an empty table.

2019-12-11, 07:13 PM
Zed watches the brawl. It's brutal, joyless, and moderately long. Finally, after about five minutes, the dwarf woman slumps into unconsciousness and the cut-covered goliath stands and brushes himself off. He huffs and walks off, leaving the woman bleeding out in a pool of glass.

Meanwhile, inside the quiet tavern is conversing in quiet tones as a small fire tries in vain to warm the place. You find a relatively large table, large enough to seat all of you, present in the back corner. A sleepy-looking kenku mans the bar.

2019-12-12, 05:54 AM
Though tempted to coax the meagre fire into a greater blaze, Minerva refrains. Her raven flutters up to perch somewhere above with a wide view of the room as she carefully seats herself at what she deems one of the more acceptable chairs at the table.

As the others file in, she studies the kenku behind the bar for a moment before looking around the group. ”As this is a group effort, it seems only fair to ask: how do we approach this? Upfront or with some subtlety?” Her voice is low with a friendly tone.

2019-12-12, 12:08 PM
Zed Ruiner of the NightZed looks for two poor looking lads. Fingering a gold coin he flips it to them. "Get rid of the body." He finally makes his way into the inn, standing close by the table but not sitting even if offered.

2019-12-14, 12:49 PM
"I'd argue for subtlety. It's worked for me so far."

He barely registers the dead dwarven woman on the other side of the broken window... until he sees out of the corner of his eye that she's still breathing.

"One second."

He heads back out the door, and towards the two men taking her away to be disposed of. "You should each get a gold piece out of this, right? To save you the trouble of getting change and splitting it." Michel pulls one out of his belt pouch and hands it over to whoever wasn't holding the first one. "See if you can get her to the House of Hope before she bleeds out. If she dies, take her there anyway, so that I know you tried. Tell them Michel, graduate of the Cannis apprentice tower, will pay them to treat her. And ask them not to let her leave before he gets there, and to try to have her in good enough condition to work after they're done, since he's not doing this for charity."

"Now, since I'm not going to be stage-managing you, you could cheat me..." Michel mutters under his breath, and lights dance in his hand. "But then I'll have to find you and help you recoup my losses. You don't want me to do that. I'll be in contact with the House of Hope tonight to ask whether she's going to work off the gold Zed and I spent on this, or whether we're finding hard labor for you two."

2019-12-17, 09:30 AM
The men nod to you, and grunt as they begin the long trek to the House of Hope.

2019-12-17, 01:01 PM
Michel mutters a few words under his breath as they leave, and raises his eyebrows.

He walks back into the bar.

"Well, there might be some money in that for us," he says to Zed. "All right, where were we?"

2019-12-18, 08:54 AM
”Subtlety,” Minerva answers, looking out as the dwarf is carried away. “I agree,” she adds, returning her attention to the group around the table.

“We will need a sense of how things are to avoid blundering into the unexpected. Those constructs, in particular.”

2019-12-24, 10:13 PM
Michel nodded. "That shouldn't be too hard. The constructs can't be too subtle themselves. Right?"

2019-12-28, 04:23 AM
Minerva smiles gently. ”It’s not so much finding them that I’d be concerned about, Michel. It’s how they need to be dealt with that seems more important.”

She pauses, eyeing him for a moment. “I don’t suppose you have experience with such creations?” She glances around at the others. “Any of you?”