View Full Version : Player Help Artificer or Sorcerer: What fits more with Izzet?

2019-11-09, 03:26 PM
As the title says, I am debating whether doing a Sorcerer or an Artificer for a Ravnican campaign. The DMs swap a lot and each have there own style, so whatever would be the best overall would be great. This character would be from the Izzet League. For Sorcerer I was thinking Wild Magic, for Artificer I was thinking Artillerist. I was worried that Sorcerer would be too stiff and a little off theme, while the Artificer wouldn't be 'random' enough and would fall behind due to the weird way crafting rules are written. I have no idea what the other party members will be, except that they will not be Izzet. Any help would be very much appreciated!

2019-11-09, 03:56 PM
Either could be great. Do you have an idea for a backstory or race? I personally love the idea of a lab assistant who's been around too much unstable energies, and is now a sorcerer, perhaps promoted into being their own research project.

2019-11-09, 04:03 PM
I feel like Izzet is the artificer guild: all the "arcano-punk" stuff you see in the setting, that's them, they did that.

2019-11-09, 05:29 PM
I am indecisive because Sorcerer doesn’t really capture the ‘Izzet’ theme, but I’ve had more experience with them. On the contrast, Artificer is the definition of the ‘Izzet’ theme, but I don’t know how they play. I’ve never played a half/two-thirds/one-Third caster before, which probably makes it a bit more difficult. What do you think of a Sorcerer/Artificer multiclass? Maybe Artificer 2/Sorcerer X? Or Sorcerer 3/Artificer X for the meta magic?

2019-11-09, 07:05 PM
Well both and I would also add wizard as a possible candidate.

That guild main goal is to invent things mechanicals and magical but usually it's a mix of the two. As such a wizard who tries to modify time stop into a time reversal or similar things would fit as well as an artificier who creates machines that shoot ice fueld by lightning magic. A normal individual could become a sorcers after an experiment (probably a wild magic sorcerer).

But really anyone can fit into the izzet lines, as inventors, test subjects, or just assistants to the "scientists".

2019-11-09, 07:24 PM
I'm playing a Sorcerer (Goblin) Wild Magic sub-class at the moment.
I palm it off as him making gadgets that let him use magic and harness the leylines of the world.

He has since had involvement with the far realm and also has the lucky feat which is melded into his tides of chaos.

My DM and I agreed on this for wild surges.

Every time I cast a leveled spell. I roll to see if I surge. The DC is the level of the spell plus the amount of used Tides of Chaos rolls I've done since my last long rest.

Eg. (I have 4 charges of tides total to use)

I use a level 3 spell plus two charges used. DC = 5

If I roll = or below, I surge.

It takes all the stress away from the DM