View Full Version : Looking for a Couple of Magic Item Creation Thingies

Maat Mons
2019-11-09, 05:19 PM
I could have sworn that there was a rule somewhere for crafting magic items with only an xp cost, and no gp cost. Something along the lines of increasing the xp cost of crafting the item by 1 per 5gp that would normally be required.

I thought it was some variant rule from the Book of Exalted Deeds tied in with Vow of Poverty, but I've been looking there, and I can't find anything.

I also recall someone on this forum mentioning a feat that lets you sort of add magic-item-like benefits directly to your body. Does anyone know what I'm half-remembering?

2019-11-09, 05:22 PM
Hiring an NPC spellcaster (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm#spell) costs you 5 gp per 1 xp the caster spends. I haven't seen anywhere that you can effectively trade xp for gp when obtaining gear, though.

Silva Stormrage
2019-11-09, 05:28 PM
The only way to craft magic items with only XP cost to my knowledge is with the Wish or equivalent spell which has a clause for improving/creating magic items.

2019-11-10, 02:42 PM
I could have sworn that there was a rule somewhere for crafting magic items with only an xp cost, and no gp cost. Something along the lines of increasing the xp cost of crafting the item by 1 per 5gp that would normally be required.

I thought it was some variant rule from the Book of Exalted Deeds tied in with Vow of Poverty, but I've been looking there, and I can't find anything.

I also recall someone on this forum mentioning a feat that lets you sort of add magic-item-like benefits directly to your body. Does anyone know what I'm half-remembering?

The feat is Sculpt-self from an issue of dragon magazine. It's the only thing I can think of with the XP only "item creation" costs. One of the guys in my group is currently using it on his VoP character.