View Full Version : Nystul's aura

2019-11-10, 09:29 AM
This spell intrigues me

After thirty days of recasting/applying the target's aura can be altered to detect as something it is not or mask it's actual aura
But I'm not sure to what extent this 'masking' can be applied or even if I'm interpreting it correctly

I've used in Out of the Abyss to hide my quasit familiar from the paladin in the group.

What other applications can be dreamed up for this?

Sparky McDibben
2019-11-10, 10:15 AM
There are quite a few. You can use this to make it look like the guy who you suspect is smuggling slaves into Waterdeep has a demonic ring, then point the paladin in their direction. You might use it to fabricate other evidence, tricking a magistrate into investigating your enemies...or covering up your allies. It's one of those fun downtime spells that you can really get some mileage out of to help build the world.

2019-11-10, 10:34 AM
My ambition for this spell has always been to trick out a homebase, everything the opens has Arcane Lock on it, every candle has Continual Flame etc. but not a single thing seems magical.

Sparky McDibben
2019-11-10, 10:46 AM
My ambition for this spell has always been to trick out a homebase, everything the opens has Arcane Lock on it, every candle has Continual Flame etc. but not a single thing seems magical.

This would be an excellent way to screw with the NPC's. Poor schmucks. This is part of D&D I think the "adventure path" style of game misses out on - there's not enough downtime to let player's use their cool out of combat abilities.

2019-11-10, 10:48 AM
This would be an excellent way to screw with the NPC's. Poor schmucks. This is part of D&D I think the "adventure path" style of game misses out on - there's not enough downtime to let player's use their cool out of combat abilities.

It's literally the only reason I'd want to play a Wizard vs a Sorcerer in a longer game, those utility spells to buff your homebase.

To maximise the screwing with the PCs, have one ring, inside a vault like room that DOES show as magical, but is completely mundane.

2019-11-10, 10:50 AM
With a liberal interpretation it can be really useful for a lot of applications - say the alarm spell: you can get past it if "type" is allowed to include making the spell seem smaller to the spell and therefore not triggering. I am not syaing that this is the right interpretation but that there are a lot of potential uses. It is pretty cool as a spell even without this.

Sparky McDibben
2019-11-10, 10:54 AM
With a liberal interpretation it can be really useful for a lot of applications - say the alarm spell: you can get past it if "type" is allowed to include making the spell seem smaller to the spell and therefore not triggering. I am not syaing that this is the right interpretation but that there are a lot of potential uses. It is pretty cool as a spell even without this.

This requires you to know what the triggers are (which can lead to some fun RP situations with the rogue or bard, or a liberal DM's interpretation of the identify spell), which is one of the reasons I like it. It allows the wizard to act as a force multiplier by being good at stealth, in the sense that it allows the wizard to get their allies past a whole bunch of magical traps at the cost of a few spell slots.

2019-11-10, 11:13 AM
With a liberal interpretation it can be really useful for a lot of applications - say the alarm spell: you can get past it if "type" is allowed to include making the spell seem smaller to the spell and therefore not triggering. I am not syaing that this is the right interpretation but that there are a lot of potential uses. It is pretty cool as a spell even without this.

Doesn't work. It's not a matter of interpretation, size has nothing to do with creature type. It would require a houserule.

Sparky McDibben
2019-11-10, 11:19 AM
I had interpreted "smaller" to mean "similar," for that reason. I figured he was saying you can bypass an alarm spell if you can figure out the spell has a loophole like "do not trigger for celestials," for example. I can't remember the last time anyone cast an alarm spell only triggered by Large creatures. :)

2019-11-10, 11:22 AM
You can use it to hide your illusions and stuff like Disguise/Alter Self.

Use it to make your wizard book look like a regular book or your illusionary script look like the real message in the eyes of an enemy mage.

2019-11-10, 11:22 AM
With a liberal interpretation it can be really useful for a lot of applications - say the alarm spell: you can get past it if "type" is allowed to include making the spell seem smaller to the spell and therefore not triggering. I am not syaing that this is the right interpretation but that there are a lot of potential uses. It is pretty cool as a spell even without this.

This is what really peaks my curiosity
The description says it'll thwart a paladin's Divine sense & a Symbol's triggering condition... A level two spell defeating a level 6+ spell!
If used on a skeleton, does it negate a Turn undead channel?
How about negating Hold person? This seems less likely...

2019-11-10, 11:24 AM
Recently used this as DM in SKT to make a ring with the illusion of being the Ring of Winter. Player fell off their chair in hysterics when they found out the ring was a decoy.

2019-12-06, 08:32 AM
How do people feel about the first effect, False Aura? Can it be applied to a creature to hide any magical effects upon it? Some of the wording of the spell seems to imply that yes, it does, some other wording seems to imply that False Aura can only be laid upon an object.