View Full Version : [3.5] Goblin and Orc Aging

2019-11-11, 11:53 AM
Is there any source in 3.5 that talks about goblin and Orc age categories?

2019-11-11, 01:16 PM
Is there any source in 3.5 that talks about goblin and Orc age categories?

In case you don't get a 3.5 source, here's the Pathfinder info:

Goblin and Orc have the same starting ages: Adulthood = 12 years base, +1d4 intuitive, +1d6 self-taught, +2d6 trained. This puts them roughly 3 years younger than humans.

They also have the same age categories - 20 years is Middle-Aged, 30 years is Old, 40 years is venerable. Maximum age is 1d20 years past 40, so 60 is more or less the ceiling for both.

The Viscount
2019-11-11, 01:25 PM
MM4 gives us some information about aging, though not a complete picture, of orcs.

Orcs reach physical maturity in about thirteen years, and most are ready to take up the axe for their tribe a year or two later. Orcs age quickly, reaching old age after only thirty seven years.

2019-11-11, 01:27 PM
According to Races of Faerun (3.0 source)

Goblinoids are pressed into service as adults at just 10 years of age. They rarely live to be older than 40, although some few lucky or wily individuals have been known to make it to 60 years of age,


Goblinoids have the same life expectancy and age categories as half-orcs.

For Mountain Orcs (Faerun version of "regular" orcs) it's

Middle Age 30 Old Age 40 Venerable Age 50 (with no specific "adulthood age" given.)

I think the other variants live slightly longer.