View Full Version : Seeing a wall of force

2019-11-13, 01:09 PM
If someone has see invisibility up can they see a wall of force? See invisibility lets you see invisible objects as if they were visible, but there's no real description of what a wall of force would look like if it's visible. It seems like there are three options:

1. You still can't see the wall because it isn't a visible thing made invisible — it's always invisible.
2. The wall is 1/4" thick, so you can see it — but it's a wall, so now you can't actually see through it.
3. The wall is translucent and you know it's there, but can see through. This is based on this line of see invisibility: "Ethereal creatures and objects appear ghostly and translucent" — but the wall is not itself ethereal, it extends there from the material plane.

How would you interpret it?

Mr Adventurer
2019-11-13, 01:14 PM
I'm lazy so I'd go with the 3.5 edition interpretation - option 3.

2019-11-13, 02:19 PM
Option 1; it doesn't say it blocks line of sight, so not option 2. It does say the wall is invisible, so option 1 is supported by RAW. Option 3 is what i imagined myself, and what i would think is the most fun, since invisible walls can get frustrating really fast.

Edit, reread the spell and had to change my answer

2019-11-13, 02:23 PM
You'll not "see" it with your vision, but maybe a successful arcana check will reveal the binding rigidity of the weave? You perceive a surface - like a pane of plexiglass comprised of tightly knit fibers - faintly rippling with magical energy that prohibits anything to cross it.

2019-11-14, 02:39 AM
The wall is explicitly described as invisible. See Invisibility lets you see invisible things. Ergo, you can see the wall.
What does it look like? I dunno, whatever the DM decides it looks like. Maybe it's 'crackling energy' like an Eldritch blast.
I would say either option 2 or 3, depending on how opaque the DM decides the energy is.

2019-11-14, 07:15 AM
It's visible but remains transparent. Like a big sheet of glass.

2019-11-14, 09:47 AM
In context I read "invisible" to mean "because you can't see force, duh" rather than "this isn't just force, it's INVISIBLE force! extra rare!" However, it seems supremely reasonable to have it show up as a translucent 8-bit wireframe to people who can see invisibility, if that seems helpful.

2019-11-15, 07:36 AM
And if you're asking "what does it look like?", remember that the only creatures who can see it have senses unlike yours or mine. Maybe, under a See Invisibility spell, the color of a wall of force is blarg. What does the color blarg look like? Well, it's blargish. It's the color that a Wall of Force looks. How do you describe a color you can't see?