View Full Version : Run Away!

2019-11-13, 03:04 PM
Rescue Aid Society
(I thought of this idea, then of the parallel with the old movie The Rescuers, laughed, and went with it).

For those cases where you have to run away, but the party is scattered, fully engaged in combat, and losing.
It seems the decision to run away always comes at a bad time, such that if another round or two pass, you will lose party members.
So here is an idea for how to get all the party out right now - when even a single person can act.

This has parts a strict DM could either quibble over or disallow, so your mileage may vary, but the basic concept should be adaptable to most situations.
It currently assumes the use of "Mannikins" - a house rule explained in the next paragraph - but it could work with simple undead instead, and even in other ways (pet pigeons instructed via Speak with Animals perhaps - with some adaptation anyway).

Build Mannikins (like skeletons and zombies, but simple constructs instead of icky dead bodies. Created by the Animate Dead spell, for the same price as undead, and with the same stats, but stick figure and strawman constructs instead of undead).

Make one per party member (or Familiar, pet or whatever you want to rescue), plus 2 (for simple rescues, more for other variants described below).

Keep them in a portable hole (or Enveloping Pit). Each has a potion (rather, an "oil" so it can apply it rather than drink it) of Benign Transposition.

The 2 extra Rescuers (call them Bernard and Bianca) are mouse-sized and stay in a belt pouch or pocket on a party member, along with the Portable Hole containing the rest of the Rescue Aid Society Mannikins.
They all receive instructions on what to do. While the overall task is a bit involved, each one has only a simple part to play.
All the Mannikins are built, and later animated with, coils of rope or string they can use as tentacles, to give them a bit of reach.

Bernard waits and listens tor the command to activate the escape plan. That is when any designated party member (probably the wearer of the pouch, but it could be anyone: however you decide), repeats twice (to prevent mistakes) the command "Rescue one" (or the other rescue variants described below), optionally followed by the names of any party members who need special treatment and what that treatment is (this is explained below).

When he hears the command, Bernard takes out the Portable Hole, unfolds it, and repeats the rescue type and instructions to the Rescuer Mannikins waiting within.

The Rescuers (aka RAS Mannikins) then use their Oils of Benign Transposition, so that each transposes with their previously assigned party member.
This leaves the Mannikins scattered around the battlefield, where the party members were, and the party members all inside an open Portable Hole (probably crowded, but alive).

That is Bianca's signal to do her part. She reaches out tentacles, folds up the Portable Hole and stows it back in the pouch with her and Bernard.

Actions -
Bernard has used a move action to get out the Portable Hole, a Standard Action to open it, then a free action to speak.

The RAS Mannikins, or Rescuers, have used Standard Actions to Transpose with their principles, leaving them Move actions to use as you see fit (maybe they can try to flee, or pull out Alchemists Fire and drop it, or whatever you like).

Bianca has used a Standard Action to fold up the Portable Hole, and a Move action to put it in the Pouch.

The party member who initiated the plan to escape has, so far, used only a free action to speak, and can now cast an escape spell such as Teleport, Xorn Movement, or whatever else will get him out of there safely, carrying the party inside the Portable Hole.
Hopefully he can get away fast enough that the lack of air inside the Hole doesn't become a problem.

Bernard and Bianca and the rest can be any shape, but might as well be mice with added wings (for greater mobility in case they have to move then Transpose). They have coiled-up tentacles, mentioned above, which they can reach out 20' with.

Rescue Plans-
Rescue One is the straightforward "transpose with your assigned party member" response detailed above. Party members have previously consented to transpose if unconscious or incapacitated, thus technically fulling the "willing target" part of the Benign Transposition spell.

Rescue Two is for out-of-range situations. where a speedy Rescuer (one of a bird or something that moves even faster) runs or charges out in the direction of the out-of-range party member they've been assigned, then as a free action (relax the neck and/or move the head, such that a small bell worn around the neck rings) activates the Glyph of Warding on it that houses a Baleful Transposition, and transposes with the party member, who chooses to fail their save. Then a 2nd RAS mannikin transposes with the first, so two of them are out among enemies, but the party member is in the portable hole.
This two-stage Transposition works if you do not have a super-strict DM (the Target of the Glyph is the one who sets it off - the Mannikin. But Baleful Transposition has Two targets, and nothing is specified under Glyph in such cases, so letting the Mannikin choose the 2nd one is reasonable, but up to the DM)

Rescue 3 is for retrieving party members who are down (as in, dead, since Rescue One should do for merely incapacitated ones). A special RAS Mannikin with a tanglefoot bag on it's forehead like a 'horn' makes a charge attack at the downed party member, and connects with the tanglefoot, fusing them together as if grappled. Then a 2nd RAS mannikin transposes with the first, so the 1st, and it's "possessions" (the downed party member it is 'grappling', which works since corpses are objects not creatures) are both brought back to the Portable Hole.

Rescue B is where RAS Mannikin Type B (for Boom) is used instead of a simpler mannikin, in one of the other rescues. RAS Mannikin Type B is man-sized, made of flammable straw, and has an entire keg of lamp oil in its chest, suspended upside-down, with it's lid held in place by a cotter-pin. A spring (strictly overkill, but fun) inside the keg pushes against the lid, trying to open it, but the cotter-pin prevents that while it is in place. A string runs from the cotter-pin to the Mannikin's mouth. A second spring tries constantly to yank out the cotter-pin, but can't move because the string, held in the Mannikin's mouth, prevents that while it is taut.
This is a dead-man's switch. When the mannikin dies, or releases its jaws as a free action, the string goes slack allowing the cotter pin to fly out and so the keg lid files open, dumping gallons of lamp oil out.
A similar dead-man's switch inside the keg (operating via the fluid pressure of oil against a float preventing a flask from opening - so when the oil flows out, the flask flies open) keeps a flask of Alchemists Fire ready to dump itself out as the oil does so, thus igniting it all.
This is for rescuing the party and giving the enemy one last poke in the eye as we go.

So, for example, assuming the party's fighter, named Chop, has waded deep into the melee again and gotten further away than 110 feet when you decide to evacuate, and that you want to leave a distraction as you go, you call out "Rescue Two B Chop" twice.
Bernard then deploys the Portable Hole, and repeats "Rescue Two B Chop" to the mannikins inside. The standard mannikins stay put and instead of them the Type B Mannikins then transpose out - at the same time transposing the party in (Chop via two-stage transposition as detailed above), and detonate themselves.
The party then gets Teleported out (or whatever other method you prefer).

This also works with the spell Greater Slide instead of Benign Transposition, if needed (such as in a Zone of Respite).
Greater Slide will only retrieve the party member from 20' away (in a single stage) and costs more, but it moves him and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

The mannikins have instructions for combining the different rescues, so we could, for instance, rescue a downed party member at extended range and set fires as well ("Rescue 2-3B Chop").

This whole setup is for dire situations where escape is necessary but difficult because the party is split up. At least one set of mannikins would be left behind in each case. So it costs their creation price (same as animating simple undead), plus the cost of the Oils (potions) of Benign Transposition, plus any Glyphs of Warding we put on them, whether for extra range or for a final bang.

A way to run away when TPK looks possible.
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