View Full Version : Permanent mindcontrol through low level spells

2019-11-13, 04:29 PM
In Heroes of Horror, it's suggested that the hag may exercise permanent control over the kidnapped children through a combination of mundane means ( herbal drugs ) and magic ( charme ).

DMs seeking an easier encounter might remove the gray jester entirely. In this case, Grandmother instead controls the children through use of various herbal drugs and eyes of charming.

Now, there are no specific rules about that but, according to verisimilitude, can you give me your opinion about some ideas?

1- Repeated use of Hypnotism on a bound / defenseless prisoner to install in his mind multiple suggestions and commands.
2- Forcing the subject to "voluntarily" fail his Save Throw against enchantments ( threatening the subject with extreme pain application if he resist ) in order to weaken his istinctive response to commands
3- Using drugs ( mabye created by the Extract Drug spell ) to enhace the effect of Hypnotism ( by increasing subject suggestibility, weakening mental defences ecc. )
4- Using the first level spell Stupor to put the subject in a defenseless state, then using Hypnotism to implant subconscious suggestions

If someone has some other ( very low level, max 1-2 level spells and mundane skills and means ) ideas about mind control I'll gladly listen.

2019-11-13, 06:02 PM
Theoretically, from a mechanical standpoint, if you charm a character then use diplomacy and roll at least a one the character should become actually friendly