View Full Version : Wheel of Time Monsters

Sparky McDibben
2019-11-14, 05:31 PM
Hey, has anyone done a write up of any of the Wheel of Time monsters for D&D 5e?

2019-11-14, 07:49 PM
Hey, has anyone done a write up of any of the Wheel of Time monsters for D&D 5e?

Not that I know of but you've got me thinking of it, now.

For Trollocs, that would be easy, I'd just use refluffed Orcs or Gnolls (or Orcs and Gnolls, if you wanted two different kinds).

Jumara could be Purple Worms.

Similarly, I think the Loxodon from Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica would be perfect for Ogier.

Darkhounds would be Shadow Mastiffs from Volo's Guide to Monsters, but with Regeneration added to their abilities.

Fades and Grey Men would be trickier. You could probably mimic a Gholam's ability to squeeze through cracks with Incorporeal Movement.

2019-11-14, 08:06 PM
Trollocks: Bugbear is closest. Trollocks are 7-8 ft tall and comparable to a big bear in deadliness. I think an Ogre is closest, the crazy knife guy in book III thought Grolm were barely better then Trollocs. A Minotaur could work as well if you want stronger Trollocks at the same power as Grolm. CR2-3
Fade: It is a ghost without the possession ability. Slightly stronger withering touch because it uses a sword. CR4
Draghkar: Succubus is basically perfect. CR4

Grolm: Owlbear most likely.CR3
Corlm: Horse with a nasty bite and wolf style skills. CR1
Lopar: It's a gigantic bear-cat. Giant Ape probably works best. CR5
Torm: Literally a scaled up tiger. I would take a tiger and make it large with better natural armor. CR2
Raken: Wyvern for the smaller one, Roc but without a bite attack for the big one. CR7/CR9

Joe the Rat
2019-11-14, 10:06 PM
Grey men - pick your preferred level of NPC sneak attack, add always on pass without trace

In my mind, Ogier and Firbolg have blended into the same dang creature. The only thing out of place is the disguise self.

Trolloc as Ogre or Minotaur is a good take - RJ tended to emphasize their hugeness compared to "mere humans" - even though they went down like chumps in every encounter.

Gholam - I'm thinking you could pull a lot out of Vampire, but with a lot of shifts and stipulations - the mist form only being to squeeze through and no other shapechanging, but all of the standard vulnerabilities and limitations are withdrawn. I think the damage resistance and regeneration ought to be enough to keep it running (given the few magic weapons presented), but keep an energy limiter - force perhaps? My interpretation is that it was harmed by anti-magic - I'm not keen on "only one object" vulnerabilities, and not everyone gets to take Lucky on every ASI.

Sparky McDibben
2019-11-15, 03:18 PM
These are great ideas! I think using minotaur/ogre for Trollocs would be great; I think I would probably use a reskinned sword wraith (or sword wraith commander!) for the Fades - the ghost statblock just doesn't quite get there for me. I'd want to give it a gaze attack like the medusa, but inflicting the frightened condition.

Draghkar, I would think, are probably closer to a harpy with a soul drain similar to a succubus'.

But using a vampire for a gholam - great! We'd have to reskin a lot, but I think you could definitely do it by getting rid of the "flavor" effects and going with the regeneration, etc. Love it. As for it being hurt by anti-magic, well, I think you could just give it a vulnerability to contact from the medallion.