View Full Version : my first pc death which lead to a tpk

2019-11-15, 09:54 PM
welp. Had a pc "die" recently.
well not so much die as be condemned to eternal torture with no chance of rescue. Which in my opinion is worse because then there is no ressurection or afterlife.
This took place on an rp discord server.

So basically what happened was that my character, Ashen Forest, a wizard tabaxi (conjurer) 17 rogue 1, had spent the past few months socializing and making friends, not really getting into combat and mostly making sure that everyone was feeling alright and occassionaly philosophising.

One day he decided to go into the woods to find something pretty for a girl that he liked. While he was looking around, he spotted a drow lady. She basically told him that if he helped he home, he would get a reward.
She got a nat 20 deception, and Ashen failed his insight.
Ashen, being the all round nice guy he is decided to help her home. When they got there, the door close and locked itself and the drow appeared.

"your reward is.... ...to serve us..." th lead drow said
"and how may I serve you?" Ashen replied
"umm this is new... get into those chains."
"But surely I can serve you better witbout them?"
At this point I say tht Ashen dimension doors the heck outta there.
an the dm says that Roll initiative.
Ashen fails initiative and all the drow stab him
He takse 88 damage.
he has 66 maximum hp.
thing did not go well.

So a few days pass and I rememeber that Ashen has a simulacrum, the simulacrum is worried that Ashen hasn't contacted it in ages and asks if someone could scry or cast sending.
both fail.
a few more dys and he mnages to put together a SWAT tem of pcs on the server.
Two drow, one a priestess of lolth.
and a few others including a half orc barbarian.
the priestess gates the team to Ashen and he is tied in chains and has all of his tendons cut and his tongue torn out.
The simulacrum rus over to him, and... dc 20 knockout gas.
everyone is now asleep save for the barbarian. Who. Instead of waking everyone up, tries to break the door down. The drow quickly dispatch the barbarian and everywone is dragge off to be tortured. Including the cleric o lolth.

2019-11-15, 10:41 PM
Sounds... Kinda iffy on the DMing front.

Did you and the other PCs have fun?

2019-11-15, 10:48 PM
Sounds... Kinda iffy on the DMing front.

Did you and the other PCs have fun?

I didn't and I can testify that the barbarian was probably not too happy.... although heading into the rescue mission we were specifically told that it woud be deadly.

2019-11-15, 11:27 PM
Following a drow back to the underdark seems like a chance for something terrible to happen.

If the DM is looking for some retcon excuse, I'm not sure of the interaction of "knockout gas" and the simulacrum since a simulacrum is a construct. They must be able to (presumably have to) breath if they can be a passable duplicate of a king or something.

2019-11-15, 11:37 PM
Following a drow back to the underdark seems like a chance for something terrible to happen.

If the DM is looking for some retcon excuse, I'm not sure of the interaction of "knockout gas" and the simulacrum since a simulacrum is a construct. They must be able to (presumably have to) breath if they can be a passable duplicate of a king or something.

too late for retcon now.
And yeah. I only went in under the assumption thst I could teleport outta there.

2019-11-16, 02:13 AM
Each drows' initiative was higher than yours? Or was there one roll for their group?

Also, dimension door only works if you can see the target destination, right? Opaque door, I imagine?

At level 18 you have 66 HP?
Seems pretty low. Like less than you'd have with 10 constitution and taking 'average' from HD. Did you roll for HP or something?

Then here's some questions you might not be able to answer:
Is the DM tired of DM'ing?
As a (mostly) full caster at a very high level, did you overshadow the rest of your group?
Were you off doing your own thing for too long, taking game time away from other players?
Maybe the DM had a plan: you were meant to escape, but the dice had other ideas?

2019-11-16, 04:01 AM
Each drows' initiative was higher than yours? Or was there one roll for their group?

Also, dimension door only works if you can see the target destination, right? Opaque door, I imagine?

At level 18 you have 66 HP?
Seems pretty low. Like less than you'd have with 10 constitution and taking 'average' from HD. Did you roll for HP or something?

Then here's some questions you might not be able to answer:
Is the DM tired of DM'ing?
As a (mostly) full caster at a very high level, did you overshadow the rest of your group?
Were you off doing your own thing for too long, taking game time away from other players?
Maybe the DM had a plan: you were meant to escape, but the dice had other ideas?

dimension door, benign transposition, teleport... I'd built the pc around teleporting. Not all of them were higher initiative, but Ashen rolled pretty low. I didn't roll for health but had low constitution. (not very optimized build).

as for the other questions.
I dunno about the first one I don't know them IRL
There was no group this was on a discord server with a lotta people and a lotta dms. My character was higher level than a few on the server as I had created him before the moderators had introduced a level cap for new pcs. This was initially a solo thing.

2019-11-16, 07:42 AM
That sounds pretty rough, you didn't Shield to have some of them miss? You hp seems a bit low... assuming you started Wizard with a 0 Con you should have had 75hp at least.

The DM calls here were... let's say dodgy, I don't see why you couldn't have just DDoor out of there before the initiative dropped. DC20 knock out gas is basically saying I want you all to die unless you have a Paladin in the party.

All of this seemed a bit too easy to kill a caster with 9th level slots and a 19th level party... Was it a low magic game re:magic items? No Dwarves?

2019-11-16, 09:43 AM
That sounds pretty rough, you didn't Shield to have some of them miss? You hp seems a bit low... assuming you started Wizard with a 0 Con you should have had 75hp at least.

The DM calls here were... let's say dodgy, I don't see why you couldn't have just DDoor out of there before the initiative dropped. DC20 knock out gas is basically saying I want you all to die unless you have a Paladin in the party.

All of this seemed a bit too easy to kill a caster with 9th level slots and a 19th level party... Was it a low magic game re:magic items? No Dwarves?
none of us really had magic items also the rezcue party was lvl 15 as per level cap thing.

2019-11-16, 10:57 AM
none of us really had magic items also the rezcue party was lvl 15 as per level cap thing.

No magic items is more understandable, but a 15th level party should have still been pretty formidible afterall most features are unlocked and 8th level spells are on the table.

2019-11-16, 12:22 PM
You’re level 18 and you have no contingency set up? Especially for a teleport specialist?