View Full Version : Player Help Need help selecting a Race for my Moon Druid

2019-11-16, 06:07 PM
What I wish to know : What reasons would you see other than those listed to pick one over another. Also if I forgot something awesome, please do tell.

I rarely have the occasion to stand up and be a player. I will have the opportunity to do so shortly as someone around me is starting a game with a handful of people (e.i. three players including me). Knowing that person, I'm pretty sure the game won't stay alive for long, thus the Moon Druid (I love Druids and always wanted to play one. I would've went for a Land Druid, but I kinda want to enjoy the Wild Shape feature to the max for the short time I would be able to).

Now for the Races. I've picked a few that have a minimum bonus of Wisdom. What I am mostly looking for is flavor. I am a fanatic of utility spells such as minor illusion, prestidigitation and the like. Right now I know there will be an Aasimar Paladin and the other player often opt for a roguish character, but it is not a given.

My contenders so far (not in order of preference):

Ghostwise Halfling : Short that turns into a Dire Wolf or into a Bear is fun. Telepathy is also useful (although a mimicking animal is fun too).
Kenku : Mimicry is fun. All the roguish features that let him be an even better scout is nice.
Aarakocra : Flying off the bat without waiting for that level of Wild Shape is cool (although it is without the medium armor, so it makes it more circumstantial if I don't push Dex).
Hill Dwarf : Falling as a bear and rising as a magic infused club wielding dwarf with a passion for ale is cool.
Fierna Tiefling (winged maybe?): Tieflings are cool. Their Infernal Legacy is usually awesome. Fierna's less so, so the wings are interesting and would put in before the Aarakocra.
Water Genasi : An elemental turning into a beast wielding the powers of nature and eventually... sigh... turning into bigger and stronger elemental is a nice concept. I know in the 4th the Genasis could pick feats that gave them powers of another element, but I don't know if it is still the case.
Protector Aasimar : I'm not sure... Diving touch is cool, it would fit with the Paladin's character; hell (eh, eh!) it might even help build a common backstory.
Lizardfolk : Already beast-like and primal. Scrap the need of the medium armor and can make shields and clubs with his fallen foes remains. It feels like a predator, and it swims.

Humans, Elves, and Half-Elves are not really an option as I simply prefer playing something with more racial distinctions in D&D. Right now I really don't have one that I like best. After writing the list I do believe I won't pick Aarakocra. All around, I love the Changeling race. In a long campaign for a Druid I would probably pick it.

2019-11-16, 06:26 PM
Dragonborn Druids can use their Breath Weapon while wildshaped.

Likewise the bonus damage and wings from a Protector Aasimar work while Wild Shaped. So at level 11 you can Sunbeam, Wild shape, and next turn sprout your wings AND BE A FLYING BEAR RAINING RADIANT DEATH LASERS.

2019-11-16, 06:36 PM
I think a Goblin's Nimble Escape and Fury of the Small work whilst Wildshaped, giving you a bonus action disengage/hide and a nice nova damage.

2019-11-16, 06:43 PM
If the new dragonmarks variant races are on the table the mark of warding dwarf adds a lot for moon druids.
- free mage armor once day is an upgrade in most forms. Mostly only a few AC but it's free.
- AoA on a moon druid is nasty.
-a good handful of utility spells with knock and magic circle standing out.

The stats aren't the best but as a moon druid it not that big of a deal.

2019-11-16, 06:57 PM
Bugbear is a solid choice as well, in the surprise attack and prof in stealth

Firbolg is extremely fitting and gives good stats, although only the invisibility is all that useful

Kalashtar give communication as well

2019-11-16, 07:52 PM
Lizardfolk is always a completely solid option for any Druid.

1) Bonuses to Wis and Con. What's not to like?
2) Has an ability predicated on having a bite attack, granting said bite attack additional utility. Guess what many Wild Shape forms have? Yeah, a bite attack. Guess what ability you get to use whilst in Wild Shape? Yeah.
3) When Wild Shape runs out, you still get to be a awesome naked Druid, using the corpses of your enemies and prey as your weapons and armour.

2019-11-16, 08:03 PM
I'm thinking more about role playing flavor than mechanical. With this in mind, the Dragonborn is especially tempting as its mechanical aspect gives flavor on the role playing part. Although I do want to focus on a race that has a minimum of +1 to Wisdom (in normal condition I wouldn't mind, but since at best it will probably be three or four sessions (of about 2-3 hours each), I'd rather increase my chance to hit home with my abilities).

Goblins, Bugbears and Firbolg are also nice thematically but lack the only mechanical part I wish to keep. Kalashtar are simply too close to human for me. It would make the perfect Mysterious Druid character with his blank eyes and telepathy, but I'm simply looking for something else.

The idea of having multiple Aasimar in the group is tempting. I'd probably go for it if the third player do to. If he goes for a Tiefling, then the Genasi would be cool as it could represent the balance between good and evil. Otherwise the conflict is strong. I want to play everything all at once.

*Adding Lizardfolk to the already-long enough list...

2019-11-16, 08:30 PM
I likr Tortles 😉. On all seriousness Tortles make good to amazing druids, depending on how your dm rules the shell

2019-11-16, 08:35 PM
Doubling down on my Lizardfolk recommendation for more roleplaying than mechanics...

1) Lizardfolk have a strong Druidic tradition by the lore. Usually operating in a tribal society with shamanic traditions that align well with the Druid class.

2) Druids are often characterised by their separation from societal norms, frequently stereotyped as being loners, reclusive, or estranged by society at large for their devotion to nature rather than other people. Lizardfolk share this estrangement with their lack of emotions. It's an easy sell to marry these together.

3) Lizardfolk are, as you've noted, primal and animalistic. This fits well with the more savage side of Druid traditions. The Hunter, The Beast, the Defender of the Wilds. Lizardfolk are a natural fit on this front with their almost bestial outlook.

2019-11-16, 08:52 PM
Ghostwise Halfling! Being able to use telepathy whilst in Wildshape form cannot be understated.

da newt
2019-11-17, 09:14 AM
Lizard folk - I like how they think differently (their normal is like permanent beast shape/brain). They are ambush predators at heart / none of this squishy emotional crap ...

I think it would be fun to try to figure how many ways you can use their ability to hold breath for 15 minutes to your advantage (grapple then swim to bottom of lake, poison gas immunity as long as you have time to react before affected, etc)

If I was to go that rout, I'd build in a flavorful general disdain for mammals (not as a food stuff, but for beast shaping into the dirty hairy things with their gross suckling babies and soft and vulnerable skin, etc) This might hamper your beast shape options a bit, but working w/ the DM you may be able to reskin some stuff (use the stat block of whatever mammal but reskin as Dinosaur for example).

2019-11-17, 10:42 AM
Kobold for pact tactics.

And you can be a dirty small lizard things. Throw sand and fertilizer on people when you cast guidance of them.

2019-11-17, 10:45 AM
I think moon druid is the least stat/race dependent subclass I the game. You can go with anything and be fine so have fun with it.

2019-11-17, 11:01 AM
I had a lot of fun with my Water Genasi moon Druid who visited another campaign.

2019-11-17, 04:58 PM
From an optimizing standpoint it's va human all the way. Start w resil con or warcaster to help keep concentration. What makes a moon druid shine is not only turning into the right beast at the right time, but also - at least in many fights - which spell you're concentrating on.

It might be spike growth. It might be Flaming Sphere. It might be conjure animals. But in animal form your ac is always bad - you will be hit -you need something to help you keep concentration. You can always take resil con or warcaster at lvl 4 or lvl 8, but I'd rather have my STs harder to make and wis higher too.

If you wanna go w/ other races, ghostwise - the tp is awesome - you can talk to party or your conjured beasts while in beast form yourself.

2019-11-17, 07:43 PM
Other fun race options with a Wis bonus-

Vadalken - They're blue! You could rp that all your wild shapes are blue too. They also have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.

Wildhunt Shifter - Fits the Druid theme pretty well. Provides an additional beastial shift as a bonus action. I know I would allow, as a DM, for you to use this while already wildshaped. It would be fun to be a bear and then turn into a even scarier bear.

Centaur - Obvious fun things here. Pretty sure their Charge ability would work while wild shaped.

Minotaur - The original May '15 UA version gave a +1 to Wis and had the more powerful 1d10 Horns as weapons. I could see allowing all animal forms to retain horns. That would be cool.

Githzerai - Nothing overly exciting, but you do get bonus spells that key off Wis.

Warforged(Envoy) - Mechanical animals! I've always wanted to play a Warforged Druid. I think it'd be fun. Not sure what kind of integrated tool a Druid would want though.

2019-11-18, 05:37 AM
I think moon druid is the least stat/race dependent subclass I the game. You can go with anything and be fine so have fun with it.

It is true for the Wild Shape part of the class. Although I intend to also make use of its casting ability in supportive ways.

I had a lot of fun with my Water Genasi moon Druid who visited another campaign.

I'm tempted by this one mostly for the free cantrip.

Other fun race options with a Wis bonus-

Vadalken - They're blue! You could rp that all your wild shapes are blue too. They also have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.

Wildhunt Shifter - Fits the Druid theme pretty well. Provides an additional beastial shift as a bonus action. I know I would allow, as a DM, for you to use this while already wildshaped. It would be fun to be a bear and then turn into a even scarier bear.

Centaur - Obvious fun things here. Pretty sure their Charge ability would work while wild shaped.

Minotaur - The original May '15 UA version gave a +1 to Wis and had the more powerful 1d10 Horns as weapons. I could see allowing all animal forms to retain horns. That would be cool.

Githzerai - Nothing overly exciting, but you do get bonus spells that key off Wis.

Warforged(Envoy) - Mechanical animals! I've always wanted to play a Warforged Druid. I think it'd be fun. Not sure what kind of integrated tool a Druid would want though.

I'm not sure about the references of all these races. I think some are from Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica, others from Wayfinder's Guide. I thought the latter was still considered an unfinished book? Is it official materiel now? The Warforged do sounds nice but would probably not fit the game's setting.

As for Vadalken, I'm simply lost. Maybe it's from a Magic: The Gathering supplement? I'm curious to read more about it.

2019-11-18, 08:18 AM
My favorite Moon Druid was a Dragonborn named Wrex. Wrex turned exclusively into dinosaurs.

Wrex also dipped two levels into Paladin and got to smite with Druid spell slots. Wrex crit as a T-Rex once for over one hundred damage.

That said, it sounds like you're really hoping to go Lizardfolk here. Follow your scaly heart!

2019-11-19, 08:12 AM
I'm going to go ahead and suggest kobold.

Wildshaping retains "benefits" from race and class, meaning you keep pack tactics but don't inherit sunlight sensitivity. Advantage when attacking anything next to an ally? Yes please.

2019-11-19, 08:30 AM
I'm going to go ahead and suggest kobold.

Wildshaping retains "benefits" from race and class, meaning you keep pacl tactics but don't inherit sunlight sensitivity. Advantage when attacking anything next to an ally? Yes please.

Don't forget to buy an exotic bear saddle and exotic giant spider saddle.

Your paladin/barbarian friend will like it(especially if you take the sentinel feat).

You want something on you to trigger pact tactics.
And something on you can easily trigger sentinel.

2019-11-20, 02:04 AM
I'm partial to the Lizardfolk moon druid myself. They usually come from far away from the cities, with their own understanding that seems fun to play. Viewing everything in terms of survival, they don't get how weak and foolish the other 'civilized' races are. There are some great videos on YouTube to give your more insight in their psychology.

I like the intimidation skill for a lizardfolk, where they try to bluff enemies into backing down, but will quickly fold if it looks like a fight they can't win. Or just, you know, bite them in the face.

Speaking of which, you get a special bite attack you can use in most of your animal forms.

Some pity the lesser races, born without natural armor or weapons. Some protect them as you would a child (because one day they can help you out with their magic and 'manners'), others think the living must learn to fight in order to survive. The law of the jungle, as it were.

It's fun purposely misunderstanding figures of speech. 'Keep an eye out' or 'a piece of cake' are very odd when taken literally.

2019-11-20, 03:23 AM
In terms of raw power and the power gaming perspective, goblin gives the Moon Druid the most. Bonus action disengage and bonus action hide are some of the most valuable and hard to get abilities in the game. Dip 2 Rogue or be a goblin with urchin/criminal/agent background.

2019-11-20, 06:14 AM
My favorite Moon Druid was a Dragonborn named Wrex. Wrex turned exclusively into dinosaurs.

Wrex also dipped two levels into Paladin and got to smite with Druid spell slots. Wrex crit as a T-Rex once for over one hundred damage.

That said, it sounds like you're really hoping to go Lizardfolk here. Follow your scaly heart!

Sure seems fun, but unfortunately no dinosaur in the game. Imagining a rat in an alley blasting acid or fire from its mouth is something.

I'm going to go ahead and suggest kobold.

Wildshaping retains "benefits" from race and class, meaning you keep pack tactics but don't inherit sunlight sensitivity. Advantage when attacking anything next to an ally? Yes please.

Kobolds sure are fun. I don't know exaclty how I would role play a Hero Kobold though.

Don't forget to buy an exotic bear saddle and exotic giant spider saddle.

Your paladin/barbarian friend will like it(especially if you take the sentinel feat).

You want something on you to trigger pact tactics.
And something on you can easily trigger sentinel.

The saddle is cool. My only problem with that is that it can't be put in an emergency as all the gear disappear into the Druid. That little preping time is well worth it though when you enter a village with a Bear or Spider rider.

I'm partial to the Lizardfolk moon druid myself. They usually come from far away from the cities, with their own understanding that seems fun to play. Viewing everything in terms of survival, they don't get how weak and foolish the other 'civilized' races are. There are some great videos on YouTube to give your more insight in their psychology.

I like the intimidation skill for a lizardfolk, where they try to bluff enemies into backing down, but will quickly fold if it looks like a fight they can't win. Or just, you know, bite them in the face.

Speaking of which, you get a special bite attack you can use in most of your animal forms.

Some pity the lesser races, born without natural armor or weapons. Some protect them as you would a child (because one day they can help you out with their magic and 'manners'), others think the living must learn to fight in order to survive. The law of the jungle, as it were.

It's fun purposely misunderstanding figures of speech. 'Keep an eye out' or 'a piece of cake' are very odd when taken literally.

That last part is the main reason why I'm looking at Lizardfolk more closely.

In terms of raw power and the power gaming perspective, goblin gives the Moon Druid the most. Bonus action disengage and bonus action hide are some of the most valuable and hard to get abilities in the game. Dip 2 Rogue or be a goblin with urchin/criminal/agent background.

Thank you for the tip. Although it will be a short game so a "dip" in another class is not something that will lend well especially since we will start at level one and reach either level 3 or 4 only.

New info: The third member of our party will probably be a fighter (melee), which makes me wonder if I truly wish to pursue the Moon Circle path or instead go for the Grassland Circle.

2019-11-20, 07:36 AM
New info: The third member of our party will probably be a fighter (melee), which makes me wonder if I truly wish to pursue the Moon Circle path or instead go for the Grassland Circle.

Kobold just pulled ahead massively.
Having two front-liners is really good because they back each other up.
1 player in melee is a death sentence, 2 players is a buddy cop movie.
Also, Sentinel is massive on Druids because the oppprtunity attacks triggered by attacking allies now works within your reach (instead of within 5ft) with recent errata. Having that extra frontliner helps a tonne now because the enemies that attack them can now trigger extra high damage beast attacks.

All those wildshape forms with 10ft reach or even 15ft (Giant Octopus) are great. And the extra attack oppprtunities the Moon Druid gets provide free grapples and restrain often.

Giant Toad, for instance, if it lands an opportunity attack, now has the oppprtunity to swallow that enemy without them being given the chance to spend an action try to escape. Nom.


2019-11-20, 09:37 AM
dwarf. Done.


2019-11-21, 06:07 AM
Kobold just pulled ahead massively.
Having two front-liners is really good because they back each other up.
1 player in melee is a death sentence, 2 players is a buddy cop movie.
Also, Sentinel is massive on Druids because the oppprtunity attacks triggered by attacking allies now works within your reach (instead of within 5ft) with recent errata. Having that extra frontliner helps a tonne now because the enemies that attack them can now trigger extra high damage beast attacks.

All those wildshape forms with 10ft reach or even 15ft (Giant Octopus) are great. And the extra attack oppprtunities the Moon Druid gets provide free grapples and restrain often.

Giant Toad, for instance, if it lands an opportunity attack, now has the oppprtunity to swallow that enemy without them being given the chance to spend an action try to escape. Nom.


I'll have to read about this feat, and check with my GM if he allows them (that is if we reach the first ASI which is at level 4 I believe). The big problem I see with the Kobold is its sunlight sensibility which should be a big deal in daylight (as I won't have my Wild Shape right off the bat and won't be able to always be changed in a beast when I do). Not sure wearing a cloak is enough to counter that.

Side question: how would you RP a kobold hero?

dwarf. Done.


Dwarves are indeed nice. It comes a little short, but never left the race.

2019-11-21, 06:20 AM
I'll have to read about this feat, and check with my GM if he allows them (that is if we reach the first ASI which is at level 4 I believe). The big problem I see with the Kobold is its sunlight sensibility which should be a big deal in daylight (as I won't have my Wild Shape right off the bat and won't be able to always be changed in a beast when I do). Not sure wearing a cloak is enough to counter that.

Side question: how would you RP a kobold hero?

Dwarves are indeed nice. It comes a little short, but never left the race.
I RP kobolds hero Druids as little conning creatures that use tricks to win(kobolds are weak but smart and fast, they use group tactics).
As a druid he will probably use nature as traps and bad. My kobold druids live on the ground and throw sand and fertilizer on people when they cast guidance on them.
He is helpful with his spells that buff and heal the party and make sure to cast them in advance so he will be able to saddle up as a more effective creature.

You are weak and know you are weak.
But you are smart and know how to work in a group. You may not try to loft the bolder(as a kobold) but you will probably help build a leaver or find stuff that can help(buffs, friends or maybe become a bear).
Sometimes they worship a metallic dragon instead of a chromatic one.

You can still use spells and cantrips with a save in sunlight and don't forget that senses and stuff that relate to sight don't work in wild shape so no sunlight sensitivity bears.

2019-11-21, 08:25 PM
I RP kobolds hero Druids as little conning creatures that use tricks to win(kobolds are weak but smart and fast, they use group tactics).
As a druid he will probably use nature as traps and bad. My kobold druids live on the ground and throw sand and fertilizer on people when they cast guidance on them.
He is helpful with his spells that buff and heal the party and make sure to cast them in advance so he will be able to saddle up as a more effective creature.

You are weak and know you are weak.
But you are smart and know how to work in a group. You may not try to loft the bolder(as a kobold) but you will probably help build a leaver or find stuff that can help(buffs, friends or maybe become a bear).
Sometimes they worship a metallic dragon instead of a chromatic one.

You can still use spells and cantrips with a save in sunlight and don't forget that senses and stuff that relate to sight don't work in wild shape so no sunlight sensitivity bears.

That's mostly how I play them as NPCs, but with good intentions instead of mischievous ones. I could try to convince my friend to play a Dragonborn and worship him. It would be fun, but it would put too much on those two characters putting the third out of the spotlight...

Sunlight sensibility still seems too much of a hassle for a short lived campaign. It has huge drawbacks and it is counter-intuitive to travel at night with a bunch of people who do not have night vision. My GM won't be kind on this, and his games rarely has night encounters (except for the ambush at camp on the occasion).

2019-11-21, 10:16 PM
Sunlight sensibility still seems too much of a hassle for a short lived campaign. It has huge drawbacks and it is counter-intuitive to travel at night with a bunch of people who do not have night vision. My GM won't be kind on this, and his games rarely has night encounters (except for the ambush at camp on the occasion).

Sunlight Sensitivity is not an issue when you wildshape though...

You retain the benefit of any features from your class,
race, or other source and can use them if the new
form is physically capable of doing so.

Bolded for emphasis.

Sunlight Sensitivity is not a benefit. Ergo, you do not retain it when you replace your stat block.

Moreover, the next sentence in that same description:

However, you can't use any of your special senses, such as darkvision,
unless your new form also has that sense.

You don't keep darkvision; why would you keep sunlight sensitivity too?

Both RAW and RAI support that Sunlight Sensitivity doesn't carry over into wildshape forms.

2019-11-22, 05:52 AM
I think there is a misunderstanding here. I know those things. I'm worried about the Sunlight issue while not turned into a beast. It will be a short lived campaign that will start at level 1 and of what I recall, you cannot stay in beast form all day long. It for those moments (so the first and possibly two sessions, and about half or third of the time that I will have to fight without Wild Shaping).

2019-11-22, 05:57 AM
I want to say that a wild raised lizard folk would be kinda... Overdone unless you choose something that is not used often, like squirrels

You are a lizardfolk raised by squirrels.


OK and bow that the laughing is over lizard druid bed ass idea especially if cross classed with totem barbarian. But that's me.

2019-11-22, 06:03 AM
Following the tonight's TPK and the ending of that campaign, the next game we are now planning will be set in Eberron. For it, my wife is building a Shifter (Wildhunt) Druid (Circle of the Moon) Folk Hero. The race, class, and background all work together fairly well with both the game's mechanics and the flavor of the setting.

2019-11-22, 06:53 AM
I think there is a misunderstanding here. I know those things. I'm worried about the Sunlight issue while not turned into a beast. It will be a short lived campaign that will start at level 1 and of what I recall, you cannot stay in beast form all day long. It for those moments (so the first and possibly two sessions, and about half or third of the time that I will have to fight without Wild Shaping).

Use save cantrips and spells.

Don't use cantrips with attack rolls.
I played a kobold Druid at level one in a game that was all in day light.
My perception wasn't the best with the disadvantage but the enemy saves have nothing to do with your disadvantage to attack.

And if there is a friend near an enemy you can attack him normally as disadvantage and advantage is just a normal roll.

2019-11-22, 09:04 PM
I want to say that a wild raised lizard folk would be kinda... Overdone unless you choose something that is not used often, like squirrels

You are a lizardfolk raised by squirrels.


OK and bow that the laughing is over lizard druid bed ass idea especially if cross classed with totem barbarian. But that's me.

I personally don't know anyone who played a Lizardfolk character. In forums, yes, but at my tables, never. I'm not really concern about this becoming a cliché. Anything raised by squirrel reminds me of Squirrel Girl, which is... Well, I don't know jack about this Marvel character but I put her in my X-Men folder which is a hero to add to the number of heroes in the verse. I really like the idea of a character raised by another species though. Thank you very much for this idea. I know it is nothing new (ex.: Jungle Book), but I never thought of it for this situation. I'd aim for a humanoid but still.

Following the tonight's TPK and the ending of that campaign, the next game we are now planning will be set in Eberron. For it, my wife is building a Shifter (Wildhunt) Druid (Circle of the Moon) Folk Hero. The race, class, and background all work together fairly well with both the game's mechanics and the flavor of the setting.

I should receive my copy of the Eberron book tomorrow, I'll check the Shifter in this edition. I'm pseudo familiar with the 4th edition but the options were limited in the book in which they appeared.

2019-11-22, 09:34 PM
I should receive my copy of the Eberron book tomorrow, I'll check the Shifter in this edition. I'm pseudo familiar with the 4th edition but the options were limited in the book in which they appeared.
For Shifter (Wildhunt):
+1 Dex, +2 Wis
30 ft. move
Survival skill
Common language
Shifting: as bonus action, lasts for one minute, grants (Level + Con bonus) temporary hit points, advantage on all Wisdom checks, no creature within 30 feet can make an attack roll with advantage against you unless you are incapacitated, only one use, recharges on short or long rest

2019-11-23, 07:40 AM
For Shifter (Wildhunt):
+1 Dex, +2 Wis
30 ft. move
Survival skill
Common language
Shifting: as bonus action, lasts for one minute, grants (Level + Con bonus) temporary hit points, advantage on all Wisdom checks, no creature within 30 feet can make an attack roll with advantage against you unless you are incapacitated, only one use, recharges on short or long rest

It's cool the shifting still grant a nice bonus feature. Thank you for the information.

On a side note, do you know if there are new background options in this book? I always struggle to find exactly what I want within the options of the Player's Handbook and the Sword Coast's book.

2019-11-23, 07:45 AM
It's cool the shifting still grant a nice bonus feature. Thank you for the information.

On a side note, do you know if there are new background options in this book? I always struggle to find exactly what I want within the options of the Player's Handbook and the Sword Coast's book.

House Agent (or something similar) is the only new one.

2019-11-23, 08:19 AM
I personally don't know anyone who played a Lizardfolk character. In forums, yes, but at my tables, never. I'm not really concern about this becoming a cliché. Anything raised by squirrel reminds me of Squirrel Girl, which is... Well, I don't know jack about this Marvel character but I put her in my X-Men folder which is a hero to add to the number of heroes in the verse. I really like the idea of a character raised by another species though. Thank you very much for this idea. I know it is nothing new (ex.: Jungle Book), but I never thought of it for this situation. I'd aim for a humanoid but still.

No worries. I just think the idea of being raised by a typically non sentient species is amusing. My "beef" with the story concept is how often it is gets used. The jungle book in all its iterations, the movie walk like a man from mid 80s are the first two that come to mind but taking the idea and say well what about being raised by a typically small/weak/ prey animal rather then a large/strong predator.

If you don't like squirrels he could be raised by rabbits?

And that was how usagi yojimbo was born

2019-11-24, 12:29 PM
Well, the cards have fallen. Almost all of them. The third player will play a Rogue after all. Having read the final version of the Changeling makes me want to jump on the occasion I've always wanted: Play a Changeling Druid that can actually be a good Druid. Except if my friend decide to play a Kobold or a Goblin, I'm set on the Changeling.

Thank you all for your insight, comments and suggestions!