View Full Version : Is there any way to abuse this line of text?

2019-11-16, 08:00 PM
(GM-granted ability, which can be turned on or off essentially at will.)

Your natural attacks do cold damage instead of their normal damage type.
Aside from, obviously, being in a natural attack-based build, and thus needing the typical optimization of natural attack builds....

Is there anything that this line of text in particular allows you to do?

2019-11-16, 08:08 PM
There really isn't any way to abuse that, it all depends on how the DM registers the type of attack, if he is doing it as a special ability then you can use the feat "Increase Special Ability" or something to that extent not sure they exact name, and increase the damage you get from it and then doubling dip on feats that would increase your unarmed damage.

The Viscount
2019-11-16, 10:57 PM
I mean a winterhaunt of iborighu can deal increased damage with it, but that's hardly a sensible investment.

You could use it for energetic healing, if for whatever reason you don't have better ways of healing.

2019-11-16, 11:04 PM
Cast mantle of the fiery spirit on your target, makes them vulnerable to cold, so an extra 50% cold damage.

Sure it costs 2000xp and 5000gp....... So I guess supernatural spell it or something.

2019-11-17, 12:29 AM
Pretty sure there are a couple ways to increase the save DC of things with the [cold] descriptor (I think there’s a feat in Frostburn and then one of the various draconic auras?), so if you squint, that could probably apply to abilities that trigger off of your natural weapon attacks? Maybe?

Hilariously, that ability would be OP as balls in 4e. Cold is basically the easiest damage type to optimize around. I’ve seen builds take a paragon path (which is a pretty freaking major investment) just for a similar ability.

Otherwise, the ability would possibly sneak past DR? You’d deal with resistance instead of DR, but it’s something...

2019-11-17, 04:59 AM
Cast mantle of the fiery spirit on your target, makes them vulnerable to cold, so an extra 50% cold damage.

Sure it costs 2000xp and 5000gp....... So I guess supernatural spell it or something.

Energy Vulnerability is a 3rd level Sor/Wiz/Clr spell in the PHBII which does this for rounds/level without all the components. It's Will Negates, but it does what you're referring to here.

The Frostrager PrC from Frostburn absorbs cold damage and turns it into healing, which could also be useful.

2019-11-17, 10:03 AM
If you knew your allies were resistant/immune to cold (or if you could engineer for them to be such), you could use this to avoid friendly fire, but I'm having a hard time thinking of when there'd be friendly fire with natural weapons.

2019-11-17, 01:39 PM
There should be a wizard/sorcerer spell called Raging inferno or something like it. Duration is 1 minute. Normally fire type. Adds +1 damage per die that deals fire damage. Creaking cacophony ( right spell? ). Normally a bard spell ( I think druid too? ) does an AOE Save or be hit with sonic vulnerability. Switch both of these to being cold based and go to town.

2019-11-17, 02:42 PM
Did you consider not giving your GM a headache?

2019-11-18, 12:01 AM
It basically allows you to ignore Damage Reduction (so long as the target isn't also resistant to Cold damage), since DR has no impact on energy damage.

2019-11-18, 12:19 AM
I'm having a hard time thinking of when there'd be friendly fire with natural weapons.

The enemy has used its swallow whole ability on an ally and you attack the enemy?
Ok it’s not a rule, but a situation that maybe a DM could rule qualifies. (I’ve had a DM that would consider it)

2019-11-18, 11:35 AM
If you knew your allies were resistant/immune to cold (or if you could engineer for them to be such), you could use this to avoid friendly fire, but I'm having a hard time thinking of when there'd be friendly fire with natural weapons.

Frenzied Berserker — but they could just choose to do normal damage, so this would have to be always on.