View Full Version : Polymorph Round Table?

2019-11-16, 11:14 PM
With True Polymorph, I believe you can turn hunks of rock into the CR 8 Diviner (level 15 spellcaster) and the CR 9 Champion. (Use stone shape if you lack suitable rock hunks)

Pick NG and LG as their alignments, then deploy them (and maybe some more Champions) to rule a kingdom.

Does that work?

2019-11-17, 12:10 AM
With True Polymorph, I believe you can turn hunks of rock into the CR 8 Diviner (level 15 spellcaster) and the CR 9 Champion. (Use stone shape if you lack suitable rock hunks)

Pick NG and LG as their alignments, then deploy them (and maybe some more Champions) to rule a kingdom.

Does that work?

I don't see why it wouldn't work, but unless you nail them with a Mass Suggestion or otherwise they have no reason to follow or even listen to anything you say.

2019-11-17, 01:15 AM
With True Polymorph, I believe you can turn hunks of rock into the CR 8 Diviner (level 15 spellcaster) and the CR 9 Champion. (Use stone shape if you lack suitable rock hunks)

Pick NG and LG as their alignments, then deploy them (and maybe some more Champions) to rule a kingdom.

Does that work?

I don't think that works. True Polymorph lets you pick the kind of creature, but "Diviner" is not a kind of creature. "Human" is, but not all humans are 15th level Diviners. The spell explicitly notes that "the DM has the creature's statistics", so the DM will tell you what spellcasting capabilities, if any, your new human has.

2019-11-17, 01:54 AM
I don't see why it wouldn't work, but unless you nail them with a Mass Suggestion or otherwise they have no reason to follow or even listen to anything you say.

The creature is friendly to you and your companions. It acts on each of your turns. You decide what action it takes and how it moves. The GM has the creature's statistics and resolves all of its actions and movement.

If the spell becomes permanent, you no longer control the creature. It might remain friendly to you, depending on how you have treated it.

You just need to be his friend for a month.
If you will be a good leader for him he will probably stay under you.

2019-11-17, 01:59 AM
You just need to be his friend for a month.
If you will be a good leader for him he will probably stay under you.

Creating a bunch of powerful spellcasters and martials (enough to rule a kingdom) and then relying on friendship to actually rule over them would... make me feel uncomfortable as the OG caster in question.

2019-11-17, 02:04 AM
Creating a bunch of powerful spellcasters and martials (enough to rule a kingdom) and then relying on friendship to actually rule over them would... make me feel uncomfortable as the OG caster in question.

Well, mind controling everyone is to dangerous.

If they like you they will want to help you.

A subject who want to serve is better then one who forced to serve.

Just get a bard friend with expertise in all charisma checks to help you maintain your friendship with your polymorphed subjects.

I have to say I am disappointed.
I was expecting a weird combo with polymorph and round tables to block areas in combat and get a surprise attacks when the table is discovered as an assassin.

2019-11-17, 08:11 AM
The idea isn't "a bunch of slaves"; rather, use them to solve "well, BBEG got defeated, what do we do with the people?"

Polymorph a round table. Heck, tell them they are reincarnated heroes. Then go off on another adventure.

I don't think that works. True Polymorph lets you pick the kind of creature, but "Diviner" is not a kind of creature. "Human" is, but not all humans are 15th level Diviners. The spell explicitly notes that "the DM has the creature's statistics", so the DM will tell you what spellcasting capabilities, if any, your new human has.
It is a monster. ;)

2019-11-17, 09:37 AM
rather, use them to solve "well, BBEG got defeated, what do we do with the people?"

Let the DM do their job and facilitate you going off on another adventure without having to worry about installing your own leadership?
Or, alternatively, the DM making an adventure out of becoming the new leaders or a Shrek 3 situation?

2019-11-17, 10:13 AM
It is a monster. ;)

Ah, the old Proof By Repeated Assertion technique. It cannot be defeated, but neither can it defeat anything. It leads only to impasse.

But True Polymorph does not allow you to choose any statblock. It lets you choose a kind of creature, and then the DM will give you stats for that creature. You're hoping the DM will rule that a Neutral Good Diviner is a kind of creature. Some DMs will allow it, some will not. Good luck!