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2019-11-17, 09:50 PM
The day has finally arrived, the first Delve. For some it is a day or extreme anxiety and nervous fear and anticipation, for others, a source of great excitement. You each begin heading from your residences within the massive City of Solum towards The Dungeon. The familiar sprawling expanse of painted stone cityscape, with its bustling people living innocent and happy lives, eventually gives way to greater greenery. You can see the edge of the island of Solum in the distance, but you follow the sadly well trodden path towards one of the two mountains, the one feared and revered by the people, the location of The Dungeon.

Numerous others walk this road, some with coin and goods hoping to be the first to trade for new spoils recovered from The Dungeon. Some travel with grim anticipation and fear or naive excitement, you suspect they are other new Delvers. Some walk in grim silence, veterans showing who know and have experienced first hand the hell you're about to enter.

Roughly half-way, the farthest most of you have ever come before, you reach the monument; a towering Obelisk with thousands of names etched into its surface, those remembered as heroes; Delvers either MIA or confirmed dead fulfilling their duty to secure Solum's survival. As you each learned growing up here, each name has a magic glyph embedded into the writing so that you can learn more about the individual. Just past lie the ruins of a previous Obelisk, the magnificent towering structure gone other than a jagged base, a reminder of the consequences for not upholding this duty - you know that it was destroyed by a vicious monster that emerged from The Dungeon, long before the current King's reign, but the details are often discussed in whispers and the rumors have become quite outrageous. Was it really a Dragon? A Demon? A two-hundred twenty foot tall gnome with sharp teeth? A giant floating eyeball? The stories are varied as they are ridiculous, all that's known for sure is that it was a devastating event.

In the distance at the base of the mountain rises a large structure made of dwarvencraft stonework, plants have been magically encouraged to shape themselves to the structure's support. An enormous stone wall capable of supporting 4 men standing shoulder to shoulder on the width of its towering battlements surrounds an expanse of land called The Dungeon Courtyard, but colloquially referred to as simply the yard. Before that, an enormous moat filled with jagged barbed spikes, and running water. The drawbridge to the Dungeon has already been lowered by the time you arrive in preparation. Here, outside of the fortress, the enterprising merchants begin to set up their carts and wares.

Passage across the drawbridge is closely watched by several heavily armed city guards, a post often taken by successful Delvers desperate to never return to the forsaken Dungeon, and is being managed by several bureaucrats, obvious by their emblematic garb, tall round hats, and the potent stink of ink. The bureaucrats ominously copy information from your papers onto their books, stamp your papers and direct you into the yard. You know this process is used to keep track of the death toll.

As you pass over the drawbridge you see numerous doors and stairs to the battlements on the outside of the wall. You pass through the wall, seeing the numerous metallic portcullises and gates suspended overhead, you emerge into the yard. You see numerous seasoned Delvers, including some that you know, famous heroes and celebrities often talked about. Celebrities such as Mialee the grand elven sorceress, Harran the Iron Dragon, Sword Saint Noctis, the Ephemeral Valan. You also note the hundreds of murder holes in the walls of the yard, it appears this place was designed as a kill box in the event anything should ever exit The Dungeon uninvited again.

Numerous guards patrol the area, some simply watching the crowd, others fortifying and repairing the wall with tools and magic. The dull roar of the chatter of those Delving today comes to a sudden stillness after the deafening blast of a trumpet. The Magistrate, with her especially tall round hat, steps onto a raised platform at one side of the yard and in a loud voice begins making announcements. Most of them are irrelevant to you and pass you by in anxious anticipation. Many teams are announced and enter together until they at long last get to the new Delvers. You're being assigned a team, all in all, your team is assigned six individuals:

"The next team shall be composed of the following new Delvers!
Levyk the Dwarf!
Aertre Foucalt!
Thanquil Rokeby!
Solstafir Bazaretek!
Orchid the Human!
Geraldo Halbinger!
You six shall proceed as one unit together, proceed into The Dungeon, and may Solum smile upon your Delve."

You each make your way towards the large temple-like structure, guards face both in and out towards the entrance, but they've already parted ways to make room. The six of you, three humans, two dwarves, and an elf, march to face your fate, ascending the white steps one by one you enter the large structure. Support columns clearly rigged to be quickly destroyed to collapse the structure line the left and right side of this hall, as you pass deeper in it seems the light from outside struggles harder and harder to reach you until you feel a strange sickening sensation of a shift in gravity as you pass through space-time to enter... The Dungeon.

Unsure what just happened and not a word spoken to each other prior, as is the custom for a first Delve, you stand in total darkness. The smell of salt lingers in the air and you hear the sounds of intense winds and rain. A flash of lightning from behind you briefly illuminates the large square chamber. The momentary glance grants you the sigh of three doors, one on the far wall, one to the left, and one to the right. Those of you with darkvision can't quite make out the the far wall, but see the walls to the right and left, even after the brief flash. Cacophonous echoes of thunder crash through the chamber.

2019-11-18, 01:17 AM
"Allow me." Orchid says to the party.

She dives a hand into her haversack, fumbling for a moment before bringing out her hearthfire lantern and an accompanying gel cube. She sets the cube into the lantern and then pours in water from her Everfull mug, causing the gel to ignite with a blue-green flame.

"Much better." she states, taking the opportunity to ensure everyone is present.

This is just a reference for how it works. When an ounce of water is poured onto the gel, it's goes up in a blue-green flames that does not emit heat nor harm anything that touches it. It emits light as a torch(20ft. radius) and lasts for 24 hours. The hours of use doesn't need to be continuous and it can be turned off by drying the cube off.

2019-11-18, 06:28 AM
If there is more then one way, and you don't know which to go, go the right, 'cause it's the right way - is an old dwarven saying. So, team, should we take the right door first?

Levyk steps forward turns around to watch the group and points at the right door behind him.
By the way, my name is Levyk

2019-11-18, 06:41 AM
"Th-thank you" stammers Thanquil quietly to Orchid before clearing his throat and trying again in a louder and more confident voice. "Thank You. What a fascinating substance, it reacts with water to produce light yes?"

Thanquil reaches into his own Haversack and pulls out a piece of chalk and his shortbow which he proceeds to string.

"Right is as good a direction as any to start. I have some chalk here I can use to mark the routes we have taken in case we get turned around or need to come back on ourselves. My name is Thanquil, of the Rokeby family."

2019-11-18, 11:29 AM

Geraldo nods towards the rest of the group and cautiously treads over to the right door pulling out his own everburning torch and some rope along the way. He fastens the torch to a strap of his haversack so he has free hands and starts searching the door for traps once he reaches the door.

2019-11-18, 02:16 PM
Orchid curtsies using her one free hand.

"Orchid... just Orchid now. I suppose my family name doesn't matter much without a family."

She sets aside her lantern, opting to hang it from her haversack. Orchid then squints in the direction of the door, trying to see it through the low-light until Geraldo's torch makes its location more apparent.

"Right seems like a fine direction. Let me know if you require assistance with searching."

2019-11-18, 02:54 PM
When the sense of vertigo from entering the Dungeon passed Solstafir closed his eyes in concentration for a moment, whereupon a cloak of blue-white flames started to envelop him, wispy flames dancing around his body without seeming to radiate any noticable heat. Until now the soulmeld had been suppressed, people seeming strangely uncomfortable with seeing someone walking around while on fire. His other soulmeld didn't share this problem and the half-substantial vambraces of a shimmering silver had been visible all the while, hovering a fraction of an inch above his forearms without any apparent fastening holding it in place.

"Solstafir Bazaratek. Three a, one e. Better get it right unlike that announcer up there." He seemed in agreement with the chosen direction though he didn't deign to verbally express as much, following closely on the path to the right door.

What does my dwarven depth sense say?

A dwarf can also intuit depth, sensing his approximate depth underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.

2019-11-18, 05:01 PM
Geraldo glances back at the group on his way over to the door and says in a barely audible voice, "Name's Geraldo Halbinger. Suppose that just leaves Miss Foucault, I presume. In any case, I'm going to check this door for traps. You can never be too careful in this type of place, or at least, so the stories tell."

2019-11-18, 07:09 PM
Upon turning toward the group to indicate the door, Levyk sees a large hole in the wall behind the group. Far, far in the distance, lightning dances illuminating pitch black storm clouds. It seems the sound of violent wind and torrential rain are also passing through this absence of wall. There appears to be no ground past the precipice, much like the edge of Solum.

Aertre [roll0]
Geraldo [roll1]
Orchid [roll2]
Solstafir [roll3]
Levyk [roll4]
Thanquil [roll5]

Move Silently: [roll6]

Carefully examining the door, Geraldo finds no traps. However, some of you hear a noise, a soft chattering and the ominous clickety-clak of a multitude of creatures quickly traversing the hard floor on claws.

A dozen fuzzballs with long scraggly black fur and beady eyes, their red irises reflecting the group's light sources scurry across the floor from the far corner. Were they even there before? Ten of the tiny creatures hiss as they approach bearing their proportionately small fangs. You note that two more fuzzy creatures tower over their counterparts, roughly the size of a medium breed of dog, they release a low growl and then a strange squeak, commencing their charge, their claws clacking loudly as they attempt to bum rush the group.

Baddies: [roll7]
Aertre [roll8]
Geraldo [roll9]
Orchid [roll10]
Solstafir [roll11]
Levyk [roll12]
Thanquil [roll13]

Before the fuzzballs can make their approach, Solstafir can take one standard action during the surprise round.
After which, the fuzzballs will finish their approach.
Then, those not caught unawares: Thanquil, Orchid, and Levyk may act in the surprise round with one standard action.
Then all players who beat the initiative of 6 may act.

2019-11-18, 09:39 PM
Solstafir's right hand reached for the backside of his shield, pulling forth a small hammer and then flung it at one of the bigger creatures while they were mid-charge.

Free action to pull light hammer from shield sheath
Standard action for ranged attack
[roll0] [roll1]

2019-11-18, 10:58 PM
The hammer smashes into the small-sized fuzzball, crushing it onto the stone floor. A crimson explosion of blood now decorates the floor in that area and the iron smell of the creature's blood mingles with the humid salty air.

The fuzzballs make their approach, seemingly unfazed by the sudden death of one of their number. Four tiny fuzzballs and the surviving small fuzzball enter melee with Thanquil, four tiny fuzzballs make their way into melee with Aertre, and four more into melee with Solstafir. Since they used their surprise round to move (not actually a charge action) they don't yet attack, but bear their teeth and claws in preparation to try to destroy... probably your ankles, its about as high as they can reach.

Thanquil, Orchid, and Levyk now get their standard actions for the surprise round and...
Aertre, Geraldo, and Solstafir can take full actions for winning initiative in round 1. These player actions, both surprise round and round 1 actions, can be taken in any order.

Then the fuzzballs will make their attack.

2019-11-18, 11:11 PM
Aertre lagged the others, casting an eye back at the portal they'd been through and trying to put out of her mind the hard stares of the veterans.

She'd read some of the Delver sagas, and a common trope was the camaraderie between the old and young: Grizzled veterans offering encouraging words to first-timers, or new recruits saluting older teams as they exited.

She always knew it was bunk.

"Eh, Aertre's fine … I could do without hearing 'Foucault' for a while. Wait, what's he … gah!

2019-11-19, 12:33 AM
Wohohohoooo, little furry buggers Levyk says in surprise, when seeing them. None of them attacks him and without any further ado, he draws his weapon.

knowledge arcana check (i guess magical beasts) [roll0]

2019-11-19, 02:38 AM
"Ah!" Orchid barely manages to stop herself from shrieking when she sees the fluffballs come out of the woodwork.

"GreaseGreaseGrease!" she shouts in response, going through the casting motions, which creates a pool of grease underneath the fluff balls.

Standard: Grease, in a place that won't hinder allies will catch the fluffballs. DC 12 Reflex,

Knowledge Arcana to attempt to identify the fluff balls. [roll]1d20+6[/roll

2019-11-19, 02:54 AM
"I think you're panicking far more than is warranted yet." Solstafir didn't draw his axe; given the size of their assailants he'd probably just end up dulling its edge when hitting the floor after cutting through them. Instead he just raised his right foot and stomped down hard on one of the skittering creatures.

Unarmed attack on one of them, provoking an AoO from all four [roll0] [roll1]
They probably won't get through my DR 4/magic anyway and just burn themselves to death on my Mantle of Flames.

2019-11-19, 03:25 AM
"Gah" Thanquil cries as he is swarmed by the small furry creatures. Surrounded on several sides he decides it would be a mistake to try and shoot his bow and instead draws his sword.

Knowledge to identify [roll0], Thanquil has the following knowledge's with the same modifier so roll if for whichever is most appropriate - Arcana, Dungeoneering, Local, Nature, Planes and Religion.

2019-11-19, 04:43 PM
"Fie!" Aertre shouts in frustration as she stumbles over one of the fuzzy things, spoiling a spell that was beginning to gather power in her hands. Her eyes narrow in anger as a hand drops to her belt, plucking a nasty-looking spiked club from its loop.

Standard: attempt to cast on defensive, fail (in OOC thread)
Move: Draw morningstar

Five-foot step away from larger monsters, and hopefully toward a party member, to keep from being completely surrounded.

2019-11-19, 06:23 PM
Thanquil is the only one who rolled the type to reveal what these are. These are a type of Vermin native to The Dungeon. The small sized fuzzballs are the parents of this cluster of tiny fuzzballs. Left alone, these creatures propagate extremely quickly. Within a day their numbers are likely to have doubled. Though even in small groups they're not a serious threat, once they reach critical population, more powerful fuzzballs can arise that can coordinate their smaller brethren with pack level intelligence. Generally these creatures are not considered an enormous threat, but keeping their population down is important. It's unknown if a high enough population of intelligent fuzzballs would cause an even more powerful kind of fuzzball to appear, and it's a hypothesis just about nobody is keen on testing.

Their closest cousins that exist in Solum would be rats and dire rats.

Resolving actions in generally most beneficial order:

Solstafir readies to punch a fuzzball, provoking an attack of opportunity. The four fuzzballs take their opportunity to leap at Solstafir's ankles attempting to bite him.

1. [roll0] - if it hits a total of 20, the fuzzball is incinerated on the mantle of flames.

2. [roll2] - if it hits a total of 20, the fuzzball is incinerated on the mantle of flames.

3. [roll4] - if it hits a total of 20, the fuzzball is incinerated on the mantle of flames.

4. [roll6] - if it hits a total of 20, the fuzzball is incinerated on the mantle of flames.

Two fuzzball creatures are incinerated in the mantle of flames. The other get by merely singed. Solstafir's foot comes down hard on a fluffball, incapacitating it. Three fluff balls defeated, one is still in melee with Solstafir.

Aertre's spell is disrupted by the little menacing creatures, but she successfully steps away from them.

Orchid lays down grease on the 4 fuzzballs previously engaged with Aertre, carefully avoiding her allies.
1. [roll8]
2. [roll9]
3. [roll10]
4. [roll11]

The fuzzballs, being quadrupedal as best you can tell, balance relatively well even on the slimy grease patch, but one slips, wheeling onto its back. Its tiny claws flail about above it, finding no purchase.

2019-11-19, 08:56 PM
Geraldo spins around as he hears the exclamations of his new companions and notices the fuzzballs have already engaged in combat with a few of them.

"I should have known that it wasn't going to be so easy. At least this door isn't trapped."

Judging that Thanquil has the most fuzzballs on him, Geraldo dashes over towards him drawing his a large curved blade in the process. Upon reaching the vermin, Geraldo swings his blade diagonally downwards at the largest of the pack and flows into a shoulder check to stab into it with an armor spike if it doesn't fall from the blade.

Great Falchion Swing:
Armor Spike Attack:

2019-11-20, 03:59 PM

The remaining small-size fluff ball is cleaved in two by Geraldo's vicious swing.

The four tiny fluff balls surrounding Thanquil go for his ankles.

1. [roll1] to bite for 1 damage.
If a critical threat (24), [roll2] to confirm for 1 additional damage.

2. [roll3] to bite for 1 damage.
If a critical threat (24), [roll4] to confirm for 1 additional damage.

3. [roll5] to bite for 1 damage.
If a critical threat (24), [roll6] to confirm for 1 additional damage.

4. [roll7] to bite for 1 damage.
If a critical threat (24), [roll8] to confirm for 1 additional damage.

The little fuzzballs can't quite get good enough leverage to actually hurt Thanquil.

The one conscious fluffball near Solstafir withdraws (withdrawal action) from Solstafir, and moves to Levyk instead, not wanting to be destroyed by the Mantle of Flames.

The one fluff upside down from the Grease rights itself after a moment of struggling. All four cautiously tread their way through the slimy grease patch back into melee with Aertre. Three go for the ankles, the one that had to flip over just makes it over by that time.

They have a +10 to balance so they can't fail the balance roll.

1. [roll9] to bite for 1 damage.
If a critical threat (24), [roll10] to confirm for 1 additional damage.

2. [roll11] to bite for 1 damage.
If a critical threat (24), [roll12] to confirm for 1 additional damage.

3. [roll13] to bite for 1 damage.
If a critical threat (24), [roll14] to confirm for 1 additional damage.

The telegraphing of their approach as they plod through the grease buys Aertre ample time to avoid the creatures.

All players may now act in any order, then enemies will act again.

2019-11-20, 05:36 PM
Thanquil flinches back when the fuzzballs close in on him but as he avoids their attacks gains in confidence and stabs down with his blade.

"Take that vermin"

Attack: [roll0] damage: [roll1]

2019-11-20, 07:33 PM
Orchid draws out her scythe from her haversack and moves nearby Aertre to provide support.

"Stop!" she shouts, trying to steal the poofballs' attention.

Move: Draw out her scythe from her haversack.
Standard: Move next to the fluffballs targeting Aertre, hopefully to draw them off.
Intimidate roll just in case it's necessary. [roll0]

2019-11-20, 07:34 PM
Geraldo takes a brief moment to fix his posture and stance, then takes another swing at one of the tiny vermin nearby. He figures that Thanquil will probably dice up his target fine, so he aims for a different fuzzball.

Spend a swift to recover maneuvers -> standard attack
[roll0] damage: [roll1]

2019-11-20, 10:21 PM
Seeing that the fuzzballs were more an annoyance than genuine threat Solstafir strode into the thickest concentration of the tiny creatures, heedless of their ineffectual attacks and drew his leck back to punt one of them against the wall.

Move 20 feet, provoking as many AoOs as possible. Forego dexterity bonus to AC.
[roll0] [roll1]

2019-11-20, 11:48 PM
The surprise of the encounter has faded, replaced by a quiet disgust (though those who look at her closely will see her lips curled back and her nose scrunched.) Taking another step to stay within range of her fellows, she swings the club like a croquet mallet at one of the fuzzballs haranguing her.

Five-foot step to keep from being surrounded again

[roll0] attack with morningstar for [roll1] damage.

2019-11-21, 02:58 PM
With his axe drawn already, Levyk could make out one fuzzy, that made him his new target. If it wanna die... he thoughts.

He readjusts the grip on his axe and waits for it to come

ready an attack when fuzzball is in range
Attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

2019-11-21, 07:17 PM
Thanquil impales a fuzzball, it twitches momentarily before becoming still.

Geraldo makes another swing down at one of three remaining tiny fuzzballs. The tiny creature skitters out of the way of the blade in the nick of time.

Orchid moves next to Aertre, drawing her scythe, attempting to act menacingly towards the creatures in hopes to draw their attention.

Levyk swings his axe down on the unfortunate fuzzball, but the darn thing manages to skitter past the weapon.

Solstafir marches into the midst of the fuzzballs in front of Aertre and Orchid casually, provoking AoOs from each of them. The fuzzballs, not yet aware of what is in store of them, follow in the way of their kin.

1. [roll0] dies on a 17 or better
2. [roll1] dies on a 17 or better
3. [roll2] dies on a 17 or better
4. [roll3] dies on a 17 or better

Two fuzzballs leap into the Mantle of Flames finding only their doom.
Solstafir kicks one out of the hole in the wall. It disappears from sight into the endless void of storm clouds.

Aertre takes a swing at one of them, its grease coated body nearly lets it slip out from under the morningstar, but not quite. She smashes the creature with a sickening crunch.

This group of 4 was defeated

1. If not dead from AoO, [roll4] to hit for 1 damage
If crit threat (24) [roll5] for 1 extra damage

2. If not dead from AoO, [roll6] to hit for 1 damage
If crit threat (24) [roll7] for 1 extra damage

3. If not dead from AoO, [roll8] to hit for 1 damage
If crit threat (24) [roll9] for 1 extra damage

4. If not dead from AoO, [roll10] to hit for 1 damage
If crit threat (24) [roll11] for 1 extra damage

The three remaining fuzzballs around Thanquil continue to try to bite him.

1. [roll12] to hit for 1 damage
If crit threat (24) [roll13] for 1 extra damage

2. [roll14] to hit for 1 damage
If crit threat (24) [roll15] for 1 extra damage

3. [roll16] to hit for 1 damage
If crit threat (24) [roll17] for 1 extra damage

The one by Levyk goes for the dwarf's ankles.

1. [roll18] to hit for 1 damage
If crit threat (24) [roll19] for 1 extra damage

All players may now act.

2019-11-21, 08:32 PM
"Tsk, fast little bugger."

Geraldo reattempts to slice the same one and follows up with another shoulder check to make sure it perishes.

[roll0] damage: [roll1]
[roll2] damage: [roll3]

2019-11-21, 09:07 PM
After successfully drawing away the furballs from Aertre and defending herself from the menacing balls of poof, Orchid swings her scythe at them, like a farmer would cut grass, and then follows up with a tail slam.

"Go away!" she shouts, trying to keep them away from her ankles.

Full Attack; if the scythe hits, retarget to a fluff balls that's still alive.
Scythe Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Tail Attack: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

2019-11-22, 12:24 AM
With their attackers thinned out Solstafir walks into the last concentration around Thanquil, getting ready for another stomp but this time he missed his mark as it skittered away from the licking flames of his soulmeld. He sighed in annoyance; these weak little creatures were barely worth making a toothpick from.

Unarmed attack, provoking AoO again.
[roll0] [roll1]
On hit, Martial Spirit heals Levyk two HP and Crusader's Strike heals Thanquil [roll2] HP

2019-11-22, 05:29 PM
"It-t-t-t just bit me" stammered Thaquil as he slashes down with his sword wildly before stepping backward.

Attack one of the Fuzzballs then 5ft. step away towards the rest of the group.

Attack: [roll0], damage: [roll1]

2019-11-22, 06:26 PM
The heroes mutilate some fuzzballs, vanquishing all of them around Thanquil.

[roll0] dies on a 17 or better

The last fuzzball remaining is by Levyk, who still has actions before the fuzzball attempts to devour his toes.

2019-11-23, 01:30 AM
sorry, had an unexpected busy day yesterday

With an angry look on his face, Levyk strikes at the fuzzball again. He's more angry about himself, not hitting the creature, than about it...

Attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

2019-11-23, 09:32 AM
The fuzzball narrowly avoids Levyk's vicious attack before launching it's counterattack. It opens its miniscule maw as much as it can muster and attempts to chomp on the dwarf's toes. Will it get through his footwear?

[roll0] to hit for 1 damage

All players may now act.

2019-11-23, 12:43 PM
Orchid moves over to the remaining fuzzball and swings her scythe.

Move: Move to the remaining fuzzball.
Standard: Swing her scythe at it. Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2019-11-23, 01:21 PM
Orchid swipes her scythe, cutting the last fuzzball down.

All of the fuzzballs are defeated. Each character gains 575 XP.

2019-11-23, 06:30 PM
Aertre shakes bits of fuzz and gore from her weapon, where it had gotten stuck between the spikes. She really hadn't considered the cleaning aspect when she'd selected this in her first days of training. A sword probably would have been easier. Still, she can't help thinking about the satisfying crunch it made as she struck the thing. She grimaced, disgusted with herself.

She turns to Geraldo. "You were saying, the door was safe?"

2019-11-23, 07:11 PM
"Felt safe enough to me. Don't think we'll ever meet something less dangerous down here," Solstafir said dismissively. He went to retrieve his throwing hammer, wiping away the blood then returning it to its sheath on the back of his shield. He picked up the fuzzball left unconscious by his attack and inspected it with a curious eye, the fluffy creature dangling by a strand of its fur held between his thumb and pointer.

2019-11-23, 07:16 PM
The creature is surprisingly round, with scraggly black hair, thick enough to stick out in every direction, giving it the appearance of a ball. It has tiny legs with even tinier claws, not large enough to draw blood against small or larger opponents even if they were used aggressively. The creature's beady eyes are closed but its mouth hangs open, it has teeth including large incisors like a rat, with numerous jagged canines filling the rest of its mouth.

It's a pretty filthy creature. Its own waste is tangled in its fur.

2019-11-23, 07:37 PM
On seeing that it appears to be safe, Orchid holds her scythe close to her.

"Is this what the rest of the dungeon will be like?"

She takes a deep breath.

"Let's just hurry through the right door. I don't like it here."

2019-11-23, 10:59 PM
The party proceeds through the door to the right, you pass through a long corridor into a large chamber. This room is empty save for a single, small, stone chest crouching in the middle of the floor. There is no decoration or pomp to the chest, no lock or hinge, just a simple stone lid on a stone box. This room is filled with something like dust and cobwebs, coating the stone chest in its quiet solitude, as if it has long been adrift undisturbed in the passage of time.

2019-11-24, 12:41 AM
When they turned to leave Solstafir tossed the fuzzball through the hole in the wall to rejoin the one he had kicked through the opening earlier. Whatever happened to things dropping off the edge of Solum, falling forever with no ground below to meet them? Well, the tiny creature would soon find out once it regained consciousness, though it probably lacked the mental faculty to understand its fate.

Once in the cobwebbed room he held a harpoon at the ready, eyeing the chest critically. "That has to be the most suspicious chest ever. Though it almost feels more like a sarcophagus."

2019-11-24, 07:37 AM
"These Fuzzballs are a species of vermin native to the Dungeon, I've read about them. Apparently they breed like crazy and if there's a lot of them about some can grow much larger and even act with intelligence." Thanquil says after the last of the beasts falls.

Then he cleans his blade off before sheathing it and following the rest of the group into the next room. He circles round the walls of the chamber examining the stone chest at a distance from different angles.

2019-11-24, 10:08 AM
"Gross. If it wasn't for how dirty they get I might've wanted one as a pet..."

On entering the room, Orchid looks the chest suspiciously.

"Let's see if there's any magic coming off of it."

Orchid stands a safe distance away and casts detect magic, trying to identify if there are any magic auras coming off of the chest.

2019-11-24, 04:36 PM
Orchid detects no magical auras on the chest or in the room.

2019-11-24, 06:01 PM
"I don't see any magic coming from it." Orchid comments, looking at the chest.

2019-11-24, 06:56 PM
"Wanna check for traps or just throw it open and see what happens?" Solstafir asked.

2019-11-24, 08:10 PM
"I'll take a look." she states, ceasing to concentrate on detect magic. She then takes a deep breath and moves to the chest to begin looking it over.

Search: [roll0]
Disable Device(if there are any traps of the sort): [roll1]

2019-11-24, 10:54 PM
"If there is no magic and if the thing is trapped, then it will be mundane. Let me check this out. I've had some training with disarming traps."

Geraldo cautiously approaches and searches the chest for traps. He appears to also be sniffing the air to see if there are any strange smells or indicators of other vermin. If he finds any traps, he pulls out his masterwork thieves tools to disarm them.

Search: [roll0]
If necessary (Disable Device:[roll1])

2019-11-25, 03:28 PM
Levyk walks over to the other dwarf, and while the chest is searched for possible traps, he says Take a look at this! It's plain and simple. But the edges and the symmetry... that's nothing you build in a week. followed with much more dwarven love for good stonemason work.

With a look over the chest and at the flames on Solstafir's body Can you burn these webs here everywhere?

2019-11-25, 06:04 PM
Brushing past the cobwebs and dust, Orchid and Geraldo begin looking over the stone box. Orchid catches a glimpse of something reflecting light through the smallest of gaps between the lid and the rest of the chest, identifying a trap - as she examines, she uncovers that it's a set up that will launch projectiles in all directions once the lid is cleared of the mechanism.

Geraldo deftly cuts a string required for the mechanism's activation, rendering it inert.

Lifting the hefty lid of solid stone away, the mechanism within becomes apparent, it is loaded with 8 darts which are easily removed for use later.
Around the base of the mechanism within the chest lies two identical silver headbands inlaid with pearls and inscribed with a phrase in draconic atop a pile of coins, counting each coin you find a total of 450 gp worth of assorted coins, and three small pearls each 50gp in value also hidden in the pile.

The walls and lid of this stone chest are surprisingly thick for a small chest, roughly 1 foot of stone thick, created all from a single piece of stone. A very solid and weighty item, but without any monetary value.

The inscription says "Our thoughts are ours alone".

2019-11-25, 06:06 PM
"Sorry mate you're standing close enough to notice the flames don't spread any heat. They only lash out when someone attacks me. Incarnum has a mind of its own." Incarnum had its peculiarities difficult to explain to outsiders, but it was certainly preferable to setting things on fire everywhere he went. "But if some spiders come calling feel free to stand back and let them beat on me, chances are they just burn up without being able to hurt me like those dirty fleabags." Solstafir paused a moment in consideration. "Well, unless it's a really big spider."

2019-11-26, 02:22 AM
"Our thoughts are ours alone." Orchid says, reading the inscription aloud.

"What does that mean?" she asks.

2019-11-26, 02:54 AM
Solstafir guffawed. "A bad joke. We're reading the inscription expecting to find some meaning and intention but then they're like 'Nah, ain't telling ya'."

2019-11-26, 02:39 PM
"These things are likely enchanted, wouldn't advise putting them on without identifying them first. I suspect the container being thick enough to prevent the detection of magic was made for a reason. Unless there is a secret exit here, we should probably backtrack and pick a different path. There are 450 gold pieces and 3 pearls here and we can split the loot when we get back. For now, I say we keep moving."

Geraldo puts the darts, gold and pearls into his haversack for now, then he starts searching the room. If there is nothing else in the room, he retraces his steps back to the starting room and creeps towards the center door and searches the doorway for traps.

Search current room:[roll0]
Search center door:[roll1]

2019-11-26, 04:34 PM
"I wonder if the headbands provide some sort of protection from mind reading... or maybe telepathy?" muses Thanquil. "But Geraldo is correct, we shouldn't risk putting them on until we know what they do."

Thanquil follows Geraldo out of the room back to the entrance chamber and with an arrow knocked in his bow, looks round warily for more Fuzzballs whilst Geraldo searches the door.

2019-11-26, 06:13 PM
Finding no secret passages or traps, the groups backtracks into the first chamber, the room is still quite large, and from your new orientation there is a door across from you, one on the right wall, and the left wall features the roaring gap in the wall past which you can see lightning dance among dark roiling storm clouds and rain whistling past at a sharp angle due to powerful winds.

Neither door appears to have any special markings or features, both being the same size and cut from the same sturdy wood.

2019-11-26, 06:39 PM
Orchid watches as the loot is put away and silently follows the rest out, trying to wrap around in her head how detect magic wouldn't have penetrated, until she recalled that enough stone can prevent it from seeing inside.

"Let's try the left next." she suggests, pointing the non-bladed end toward the leftmost door.

2019-11-26, 10:50 PM
"Sounds good enough to me. I'll take point." Solstafir opened the door, confident out of the six of them he was best equipped to withstand whatever surprise awaited behind.

2019-11-27, 01:58 AM
With his axe still drawn, Levyk awaits what will surprise them behind this door.

2019-11-27, 05:34 PM
Heading across to the far door, you proceed down another corridor into a small chamber. The only object of interest in this room is a statue at the far end, which appears to be something like a sarcophagus standing upright, engraved is a humanoid with a distorted face and tendrils for hair.

Bad guy: [roll0] hide

Aertre [roll1] spot
Geraldo [roll2] spot
Orchid [roll3] spot
Solstafir [roll4] spot
Levyk [roll5] spot
Thanquil [roll6]

Bad guy: [roll7]

Aertre [roll8]
Geraldo [roll9]
Orchid [roll10]
Solstafir [roll11]
Levyk [roll12]
Thanquil [roll13]

2019-11-27, 05:41 PM
The distorted head of the Sarcophagus begins to suddenly shift as the group enters the room, catching you all by surprise. Batlike wings unfurl from its temples and its eyes open, aglow with a ghastly green flame. The head lets out a piercing Shriek! The sound reverberates in your skulls, a strange terrifying pitch.

Make a Fortitude save DC 12 or be Paralyzed with fear for [roll0] rounds.

Fort Saves:
Aertre [roll1]
Geraldo [roll2]
Orchid [roll3]
Solstafir [roll4]
Levyk [roll5]
Thanquil [roll6]

Geraldo, Solstafir, and Levyk may now act.
Aertre and Thanquil are Paralyzed for 3 rounds.

2019-11-27, 10:25 PM
Solstafir interposed himself between the creature and his paralyzed companions, taking aim with his harpoon to tie it down before it could fly out of their reach. Letting loose the barbed spear he kept hold of the trailing rope, ready to hold their assailant in place.

Move within 30 feet if I'm not already.
[roll0] [roll1]

if hit, Reflex DC10+damage dealt or harpoon is stuck in target. Half movement, not running or charging. it can be removed as a full round action requiring two free hands. DC15 heal check or same damage dealt again.

edit: Jormungand's teeth the dice love me in this game.
Just a note, though it didn't matter fear effects are always mind-affecting, which I'm immune to as a certified madman.

2019-11-27, 11:46 PM
There's no time to loose! Two of his fellows are paralyzed by fear. He doesn't want to know, what other attacks this creature has, so he charges.

charge attack with PA -1 [roll0] damage [roll1]
If it's an evil outsider, please add 2 because of favored enemy

EDIT: the dice hate me :(

2019-11-28, 11:33 AM
Geraldo dashes to get into melee with it, drawing his falchion along the way. Once in melee, he attempts to distract it from his currently frozen allies by performing his tried and true one-two combo.

Great Falchion:[roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Armor Spike:[roll2] Damage:[roll3]

2019-11-28, 01:56 PM
Skewered by the harpoon, the strange head shaped creature's bat like wings begin to drop as it's immediately sliced to ribbons by the combination attack from Levyk and Geraldo.

This creature is a lesser vargouille. The beastiary places this creature among those referred to as "Outsiders" - native neither to Solum nor the Dungeon, they take advantage of the weaker planar boundaries around the Dungeon to gain access for any number of reasons.

This particular type is a being of evil and violence that delights in the suffering of others. It appears this one isn't fully developed as others have venom (this one doesn't) and turn victims paralyzed by their shriek into more vargouilles.

The creature defeated, each character gains 300 XP. On one of the tendrils of the creature is a platinum ring.

2019-11-28, 10:34 PM
"W-what was that? I can still hear ringing in my ears..." she asks aloud, still surprised about what had just occurred seconds before.

2019-11-28, 11:00 PM
"Don't cut it up more than you need to, that thing's gonna be my helmet," Solstafir admonished. He couldn't answer what it was, but visually it was quite suitable to his purposes. He retrieved his harpoon and stored the remains of the vargouille inside his haversack after removing the platinum ring. "Guess we check this for magic along the rest of the loot later."

2019-11-29, 02:44 AM
"I think it's some form of Vargouille, they feed off pain and suffering. It isn't native to the dungeon, it must have come here to hunt..." Thanquil says before tailing off. He looks round the room seeing it empty apart from the sarcophagus on the far wall. "I guess we should investigate the sarcophagus as well. Should we check it for traps? Don't want to get caught out by something like that dart trap in the other room"

Taking 10 on the Knowledge Planes check to identify the Vargouille.

2019-11-29, 11:24 AM
"I'll take a look around." Orchid then begins examining the sarcophagus for anything out of the ordinary. "So you're going to turn that thing into a helmet Solstafir? Will doing that let you do that creepy scream it did to us?"

Taking 20 on Search to see if the sarcophagus is trapped.
Disable Device in case there are traps: [roll0]

2019-11-29, 12:19 PM
While Orchid is examining the sarcophagus, Levyk steps aside. He makes three, four swings with his axe, looks at the head, the shaft, controls the leather straps on the handle... Everything is fine.
He puts out his whetstone and sharpens the axe with it (although it isn't necessary).

Something is wrong with his good old friend, he just can't tell what. His axe always was reliable before, but now?

The next one, for sure! he whispers

2019-11-29, 12:31 PM
"Nothing fancy like that I'm afraid," Solstafir answered Orchid. "I'm not yet able to forge magic, but I'll get there. For now it's just a trophy to show off the creatures I have defeated."

He eyed Levyk's ministrations critically; his craftman's eye can tell it is of good make and certainly not in need of sharpening. At least the other dwarf didn't seem to do it badly and ruin the edge.

2019-11-29, 01:33 PM
After the adrenaline from the previous skirmish has faded, Geraldo turns to Solstafir and says, "Sorry about doing more damage than necessary to the head. Being in this dungeon has me on edge and that thing had less vitality than I realized."

He then notices that Orchid has started searching for traps and mentions, "If you find any, I'll help to disable them. Give me a holler." He then starts skulking around the room trying to sniff out any unusual scents.

If needed: [roll0]

2019-11-29, 04:12 PM
After careful examination, It appears the sarcophagus like statue is just a hunk of rock. The craftsmanship of the carving is surprisingly novice on close inspection.

What you do find, however is a small gap behind the statue, carved into the wall. Working together to shift the heavy hunk of humble stone, you find a small pouch squatting in the recess of the wall that contains two rubies worth 100gp each and coinage worth a total of 300gp.

2019-11-29, 04:35 PM
"Found a couple of rubies and a good amount of gold!" Orchid says aloud. She then moves the pouch of loot into her haversack. She then takes a step back to look at the sarcophagus.

"...This sarcophagus looks a lot better in the distance than up close. Kind of like the adventurer I used to work for."

2019-11-29, 04:59 PM
Perhaps the others are looking at her; Aertre suspects so but keeps her face averted, as if looking around, while mentally cursing herself. So far she'd have to be considered a pretty poor reincarnation of her Aunt; she'd bungled her first spell and hadn't even been able to master herself to cast a second.

She wasn't sure why that bother her — she'd spent the past few months telling anyone who would listen she didn't want anything to do with her violent aunt's spirit — but it did.

2019-11-29, 11:32 PM
"Guess just the third door's left then unless there's a secret passage somewhere." Solstafir walked the edge of the room, checking the stonework, occasionally rapping on the wall with his knuckles.

Stonecunning allows me a free search check whenever within 10 feet of unusual stonework, modifier is +3.

2019-11-30, 05:57 PM
Discovering no secret passages as you go, you enter the third door from the primary chamber. Another corridor 10 ft in width, this one much longer than the previous two. You eventually come upon a door.

There don't appear to be any special passages and this door is much like its predecessors.

Aertre [roll0]
Geraldo [roll1]
Orchid [roll2]
Solstaif [roll3]
Levyk [roll4]
Thanquil [roll5]

The dull sound from outside of rain, wind, and thunder give the corridor a creeping ambiance. A cursory search finds no traps or locks.

2019-12-01, 01:00 PM
Orchid clutches her scythe tightly. "I hope there are no monsters past the door."

2019-12-01, 05:13 PM
"I rather hope we finally get something able to take a hit or two. I expected much better thaan those pathetically weak fuzzballs." Previously the dwarf hadn't given much thought to the others' motivations, but it became increasingly clear some of their reasons for being here were involuntary or semi-voluntary, thus hoping for an easy ride instead of seeking challenges like he did. He grunted in displeasure. Nothing he could do about that.

Despite its weakness he had collected the bigger fuzzball killed by his hammer. If they found nothing stronger behind the final door it would have to do as the first zombie he creates once he wields the power of necrocarnum.

Without much pomp he threw the door open, keeping his harpoon at the ready.

2019-12-01, 05:44 PM
The door swings wide revealing a dark room, the light shining into it from the party's various light sources, you all see several moldering tables casting long shadows across the far wall, you see rusty implements of iron lie scattered across tables, a strange rope swings lazily from a recess in the ceiling in the middle of the room, tiny rivulets of water flowing down its coarse surface, surrounded by free falling droplets of water. Underneath an old iron drain devours the falling liquid, surrounded by dark stains.

Among the tables, barely audible whispers immediately cease with the door's opening and three humanoid monsters raise themselves to their full height. Each standing over six and a half feet, grotesquely burly, eyes aglow with a dim red blaze. Their noses are long and flat, ears nubby and gnarled, jaws lined with jagged teeth. They growl a gravelly grumble in unison. They wear patchwork iron armor and raise their makeshift iron implements as they prepare for combat.

Hobgoblins [roll0]

Aertre [roll1]
Geraldo [roll2]
Orchid [roll3]
Solstafir [roll4]
Levyk [roll5]
Thanquil [roll6]

Orchid, Levik, and Thanquil have initiative.

2019-12-02, 02:48 AM
Third fight. Now! It was time for Levyk to show the others, that he can fight (and hit). He focuses on one of the bugbears. With everything he has, physically and divine, he fuels his attack and charges.

Attack modifier:
Bab: +1
Charge attack: +2
Strength with Rage: +4
Power Attack: -1
Smite evil: +3

Str: +6 (two handed)
Smite evil: +1
Power Attack: +2

2019-12-02, 02:53 AM
Thanquil shuddered as the door opened on what looked to be a horrific torture chamber inhabited by monstrous hobgoblins. He starts to take a step back but holds himself thinking I will not show fear. Then for strength he begins to sing a song of the old heroes that his brother taught him. Taking courage from the song and the memories of his brother he holds fast, drawing his bow and nocking an arrow in preparation to shoot.

Starts bardic music to Inspire Courage, the party gains a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.

2019-12-02, 09:37 AM
"Why!?" Orchid shouts in a mix of annoyance and disappointment that there were actually hostiles behind the door.

"Grease!" She shouts, while going through the casting motions. Soon, grease appears under the feet of her enemies.

Grease requires a DC 14 Reflex save.

2019-12-02, 07:27 PM
Reflex Saves:
Hobgob 1 [roll0]
Hobgob 2 [roll1]
Hobgob 3 [roll2]

Levyk, empowered by Thanquil's song, rushes out from the gap past Solstafir, his waraxe making its way into hobgoblin flesh, finding a gap in the armor between the creature's neck and shoulder, the hobgoblin gurgles briefly as blood spills onto the ground, mixing with the grease below.

The other two Hobgoblins slip on the suddenly greased stone, collapsing prone as they track the dwarf's reckless onslaught, their companions gore darkening their complexion further as they are spattered by a rain of blood.

2019-12-02, 07:33 PM
Feeling the slickness of the stone beneath them, but able to reach Levyk, they swing their weapons at awkward angles, mustering as much force as they can from their disadvantageous position.

Hobgob 1 [roll0]
On a result of 18 [roll1] to confirm
Dealing [roll2] damage plus [roll3] on a critical hit.

Hobgob 3 [roll4]
On a result of 18 [roll5] to confirm
Dealing [roll6] damage plus [roll7] on a critical hit.

One of the rusty makeshift iron weapons finds its way into Levyk's side, tearing open his flesh, leaving a great gash as crimson lifeblood seeps down to join the foul ichor of Levyk's slain foe. Levyk takes 8 damage.

All players may act.

2019-12-02, 09:33 PM
After seeing Levyk get wounded by one of the dungeon's denizens, Geraldo also charges in to try to bring a swift end to the prone creature. Drawing upon his various studies and recent experiences, he attempts to strike a lethal blow.

Charge attack using an inspiration point
If the attack connects, will use an inspiration point on damage

2019-12-02, 10:27 PM
Aertre's face darkens as the scene unfolds and her arm jerks up, almost of its own accord. The air crystalizes in front of her outstretched fingers and a bullet of ice hurtles toward one of the sprawled assailants before bouncing toward its companion.

"Die!" she cries, in a voice a good bit deeper than its usual pitch. A gust of wind swirls around her, and for a moment she actually seems to gain in stature — or perhaps she just stood up straighter.

[roll0] Ray of Frost touch attack vs. Goblin 1 (or both 1 and 3, if they're adjacent, using Leraje's Ricochet ability), for [roll1]

2019-12-02, 11:57 PM
Solstafir joined the fray, storming into the room with heavy footsteps, reaching for his trusted axe as the harpoon clattered to the ground. If he had any misgivings about striking at an opponent lying on the ground it didn't show, driving the axe down with a vicious chop.

Stone Bones because why not have even more DR
[roll0] [roll1]
On hit Levyk heals 2 HP from my Martial Spirit stance.

2019-12-03, 04:27 AM
Upon seeing the savage wound dealt to Levyk, Thanquil rushes forward and casts Lesser Vigor, granting Levyk Fast Healing 1 for 11 rounds.

2019-12-03, 10:34 AM
Orchid moves quickly into action after witnessing Levyk's injury and brings her scythe down onto one of the enemies; hopefully to slay them before further damage is dealt.

Move Action: Move into range.
Standard Action: Attack with her scythe. Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2019-12-03, 11:46 AM
Still raging, but not blind in anger, Levyk recognizes his comrades helping him, either at fighting or with spells. His wound stopped immediately bleeding and he feels comfortable and warm. Now to retreat would be a shame for now and forever. He knows, he can stand this just a bit longer. With another mighty swing at another bugbear, he continues the fight.

Attack: +1(bab)-1(PA)+1(IC)+4(STR)

Damage: +6(STR, 2handed)+1(IC)+2(PA)

2019-12-03, 06:47 PM
The team descends viciously on the prone Hobgoblins, mutilating them with steel and sorcery. Eviscerated, their entrails spill out of their bodies onto the floor. The three Hobgoblin corpses lie at your feet, steam rising from their fresh guts in the chilly, damp stone chamber.

Looking over the chamber, now free from the threat of the Hobgoblins, you see the recess in the ceiling actually progresses several feet, like a corridor straight up. The rope hangs down from an iron ring fastened to the stone ceiling visible within the recess. The iron drain below is small enough that only a creature as lithe as a Kobold could hope to squeeze through its passage, even if you were to remove the iron grate blocking the drain's entrance.

The makeshift iron implements are thoroughly rusted and all but useless, including those on the Hobgoblins themselves. The moldering tables are quite disgusting, weak with rot and in some places, growing a strange fuzzy mold with a sharply sour scent in others.

Other than the passage straight up, one exit beckons at the far end of the room, with no door, it reveals more stone corridor.

Each character gains 450 XP.

2019-12-04, 02:27 AM
Thanquil looks down at the bloodied corspes of the hobgoblins feeling suddenly queasy. Then he looks up and round, searching for a way out of the sights and the smells of this chamber as soon as possible. Not fancying the climb he says, "Should we carry on through that corridor then?" pointing ahead and begins to walk in that direction, edging round the pools of blood spilling out of the corpses.

2019-12-04, 03:27 AM
Gimme a second to catch breath...
Levyk feels fatigued. This wasn't just a little scratch, this cut is going deep. But with the help of his comrades, he is fully restored about a minute later.
Thanks all! I know, this wasn't the brightest idea, but I was doubting myself. I had to show myself, I am able to hit these creatures. For the next fight, I'm all in for a battle plan!

2019-12-04, 03:47 AM
"Well, armor helps. Any reason you're going barechested? It's kinda chilly but then again my people are more used to heat." Solstafir checked the remains of the hobgoblins, scoffing at the quality of their gear. Not even worth the effort to melt down for its raw material. But what he was actually interested in were their actual bodies. He selected the corpse having suffered the least damage and put it into his extradimensional storage. "There. You'll make a fine enough zombie for the start."

2019-12-04, 08:03 AM
Thanquil loiters by the corridor, happy to wait while Levyk recovers but unwilling to do so too near the bodies of the hobgoblins. This is so much easier to deal with when facing monstrous foes rather than the more humanoid he thinks, watching in horror as Solstafir wrestles one of the corpses into his bag.

"A... uh.. zombie did you say? Isn't that the sort of thing we should be fighting rather than creating?"

2019-12-04, 10:49 AM
"What, you're gonna complain about another meatshield between you and things with pointy sticks trying to kill you?" Solstafir raised his eyebrow parted by a white scar, making the two parts drift apart for a moment before settling down again. "It's certainly useful both for combat and finding traps, I won't mind too much if it suddenly falls down into a spiked pit."

2019-12-04, 12:52 PM
Why armor when you have kind of a 6th sense that allows you to dodge blows? Ok, somehow it had a malfunction or so...
Levyk stretches his back with his hands supporting it.

He takes a look at his belly Ha! Not even a scar! Magical healing is so effective!

Then, he takes a look closer at the room. A short gesture and a single word spoken in druidic, he “scans“ the room.

Casting Detect Magic and activating detect evil

2019-12-04, 06:04 PM
With combat having finally died down, Orchid looked around the gruesome room, frowning and occasionally cringing as she looks at some of the tools around.

"I'd like to leave as soon as we're down looking around. I don't want remain in this room."

2019-12-04, 07:40 PM
Levyk scans the room, detecting no magical auras other than those on his companions and only sensing the barely remnant and quickly fading presence of the Evil that only spawns within the Dungeon faintly on the fresh corpses of the mutilated Hobgoblins.

2019-12-04, 08:52 PM
"Well, I certainly won't complain about having another body to at least distract the dungeon spawn. Let me do a quick check of the room to see if there is anything we can use here. You guys can go on ahead if this place makes you uncomfortable, but this probably won't be the worst of it. Who knows what kind of twisted scenarios this durance will decide to conjure up later."

Geraldo proceeds to search the room and attempt to sniff out anything that might be useful. Afterwards, he stalks down the one exit to the room, hoping that his enhanced sense of smell will allow him to detect any waiting in ambush.


2019-12-04, 11:23 PM
Aertre regards thee rope that leads up into the ceiling. It's curious, but she's not much of a climber and it seemed a difficult place to fight from, should something be lurking up there.

She nods at Levyk. "It was a brave gambit," she said. "Next time we'll try to soften them up first." Once he and Geraldo are finished searching the room, she turns to the far exit.

2019-12-05, 05:01 PM
Traveling onwards, a new path branches out from the corridor to the right and goes for a ways. Not to too far past this intersection you can see a door directly forward.

Do you veer down the path to the right? Or investigate the door ahead?

2019-12-06, 02:59 AM
"Let's check the door first," Solstafir said, again holding the already bloodied harpoon at the ready. "Check the door then I'll open it. I can take a hit better than any of you. The things striking me burning themselves to death is a nice bonus."

2019-12-06, 06:05 PM
Searching the door high and low, the trapfinders discover no traps or locks, however, Geraldo's keen ability to sniff out Scents detects a smell of rot and decay from past the door.

Ready for anything, the group opens the door and you see a small room. Near the back of the room an altar squats with a web of iron bars erected from it. Mutilated hacked apart body parts of failed Delvers who came before are nailed to the bars like a tapestry of rotting horrors. The stench of dried blood and death lingers in the air like a phantom of the fallen crying for revenge.

In front of the altar stands a humanoid creature clad in full plate armor that has seen many battles but remains serviceable. The armor was once emblazoned with ornate decorations that have long since faded, leaving only traces of the artisanship it once boasted. The armor obscures the being's features. The full helmet lifts to look at you and you can see from just within the gap of the visor a red reflection of the party's light sources off of the beings eyes, looking you over as it hefts a morningstar and a wooden shield into a fighting position.

Bad Guy [roll0]

Aertre [roll1]
Geraldo [roll2]
Orchid [roll3]
Solstafir [roll4]
Levyk [roll5]
Thanquil [roll6]

Thanquil, Orchid, and Geraldo have initiative.

2019-12-07, 01:51 AM
On seeing the mess of limbs, Orchid felt a bit sick at the sight; though the armored hulk with a morning star soon distracted her from the display. Orchid watches it closely and begins making preparations to cast a spell.

Orchid is going to spend her turn readying a grease. She'll cast it under the armored foe when they try to attack. If there would be possibility of getting an ally caught in the grease, she will instead target the morning star it wields.

2019-12-07, 02:01 PM
Thanquil nearly falls apart when faced by the depravity in the room ahead of him but he steels himself, determined to do his part to stop this abomination. He mutters a prayer to aid his allies in the fight and then peers at the foe trying to identify what sort of creature it is in case he knows some useful information to aid in it's defeat.

Standard Action - Cast Bless, allies within 50 ft. gain +1 morale bonus to hit and +1 morale bonus on saves against fear
Move action - spot check to try and find out what creature type it is [roll0]

2019-12-07, 02:30 PM
Geraldo dashes forward to engage the armored figure while drawing his saber in the process. He attempts to find any openings in the armor that he can take advantage of and performs the same combo on the knight as he did on the fuzzballs.

Use Inspiration Point on Great Falchion:[roll0]
If this hits use Inspiration Point on damage: [roll1]
Armor Spike: [roll2]
If this hits but the falchion missed, use Inspiration Point on damage(add 4 to the result of this roll):[roll3]

2019-12-07, 03:52 PM
This full armored knight should be entangled. Should. The spell is prepared, but Levyk forget to put some gras into his bag, for moments like this...
Okay, the fight already started, and decision have to be made: one strike against him give his comrades a better chance to defeat this “hell-knight“.

He seeks and finds the gap, and runs around him, shouting out loud to draw attention. Hopefully an unarmored dwarf seems to be the best target.

Double move action to walk around him and shouting and waving arms and stuff

2019-12-07, 10:12 PM
Enemy reflex save: [roll0]

Thanquil peers closely at the enemy, noticing a small tear in the enemy's padding underneath the ancient plate mail, though this tiny tear he spectates a rot tinted with purple. The foe is one of the living dead.

The knight shifting as the enemies approach, slips as the stone is magically greased underneath his metal clad feet. He clangs down onto the stone with a satisfying noise. Though even with this advantage, Geraldo's great falchion fails to find purchase against the enemy's armor.

From this prone position, he lashes out with his morningstar against Geraldo, the only one who has reached melee at this time.

2019-12-07, 10:19 PM
[roll0] to hit
If a critical threat (22) [roll]1d20+2 - messed up this roll, but it didn't hit.

If it hits it deals [roll1]
If it criticals, add [roll2]

Fumbling and flailing its morningstar in such an awkward way, the creature telegraphs its attack allowing Geraldo to easily evade.

Levyk rushes in with a battlecry, taking a flanking position against the enemy.

2019-12-07, 11:35 PM
Solstafir quickly joined the fray, again abandoning harpoon in favour of axe, and swung viciously at the armored creature with a reverberating warcry to give heart and vigor to his allies.

[roll0] [roll1]
If hit all allies gain a +4 morale bonus to hit for one round.

2019-12-08, 02:01 AM
The knight is down, even better! Levyk, from his flanking position, attacks the enemy.

attack: [roll0] (no flanking and Solstafir's bonus and prone included)
Damage: [roll1]

2019-12-08, 07:06 AM
Spotting that the foe was some form of Undead Thanquil starts pointing out their typical weaknesses. Then he fires an arrow at the downed creature.

Move Action: Dark Knowledge (Tactics) [roll0] DC 15 for +1 to hit, DC 25 for +2 to hit.
Standard Action: Shoot bow [roll1] (plus dark knowledge bonus), damage [roll2]

2019-12-08, 12:04 PM
Aertre is already aiming as Thanquil calls out the creature's undead nature, though she should have suspected. What other sort of creature would revel in such vileness. She adjusts her incantation to tap into the positive rather than the elemental planes, and a burst of brilliant light streaks toward their opponent.

Cast Disrupt Undead
[roll0] touch attack (Includes +1 morale Bless/Dark Know but not potential morale bonus from Solstafir or, I just realized, the penalty for attacking a prone opponent.)

[roll1] Positive Energy damage.

2019-12-08, 04:32 PM
Brandishing her scythe, Orchid moves into position and tries to finish off the fallen undead.

Move action: Move into melee range.
Standard: Attack with the scythe. Attack: [roll0] (taking Bless into account) Damage: [roll1]

2019-12-08, 08:59 PM
Geraldo moves into position with the gang of melee and takes a vicious downward swing at the prone undead knight.

swift action to recover maneuvers
[roll0] plus dark knowledge, plus bless, plus flanking, plus prone to hit
[roll1] plus 4 damage on a hit from using the last inspiration for the fight

Thanquil's knowledge of the bestiaries improves the group's tactics.

Solstafir's axe glances off the full plate armor, the wiggling undead knight before you deflecting the attack like a turtle hiding in a shell.

Thanquil's is forced to take an extremely difficult shot, narrowly missing a tiny gap in the armor, the arrow bounces off harmlessly, clattering to the ground (assume you have infinite mundane arrows - so I'm not bothering to check if it breaks).

Aertre fires a ray of positive energy striking the wriggling monstrosity directly, causing the creature to twitch awkwardly on the ground.

Orchid moves into place and swipes her scythe lodging it through a gap in the metal, cutting through the hide and padding between plates.

Edit: Geraldo swings down and strikes nothing but stone floor, his sword bouncing back up, the vibrations leaving uncomfortable tingles in his arms. (Critical miss)

The creature, with single minded focus, continues to attack Geraldo, sweeping its morningstar at its foe once again, the only manner in which it can readily attack from its position in the grease puddle.

[roll2] to hit
On a crit threat (22) [roll3] to confirm

Dealing [roll4] damage
Plus [roll5] damage on a critical hit

Geraldo easily evades the clumsy swing.

Takes 7 from Orchid and 4 from Aertre totaling 11 damage dealt.
The enemy has taken 11 damage, and is prone.

Begin round 3:

Levyk takes a swipe with his waraxe but the creature is proving surprisingly tough. The axe glances off of the armor not finding a true hit on the creature. All other players may act before the enemy.

2019-12-09, 03:04 AM
Solstafir rounded their downed enemy to get into a more advantageous position while trying to divert the plated undead's attention from his allies onto himself. "You really tarnished that armor with your neglect, but perhaps I can at least make some good leather straps from your hide!" His axe whistled through the air in a diagonal cut, the dwarf's short stature bringing him into easier reach of their prone foe.

5 foot step into flanking position if possible, if not move instead. Tumble DC 15 to avoid AoO [roll0]
[roll1] includes Bless, Dark Knowledge and flanking
If hit he can't perform AoOs for a turn, and heal 2 HP to anyone injured. I think Thanquil is still missing 2 HP from the fuzzball fight.

2019-12-09, 07:50 AM
Thanquil fires a further shot and then, belatedly realising the futility of trying to shoot a foe on his back surrounded by his allies draws his sword.

Attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

2019-12-09, 10:09 AM
Orchid begins to look frustrated that it the foe is still alive. Wanting to remedy this, she brings her scythe down once more, following it up with a twirl and a slam from her tail!

Full Action: Full Attack
Scythe: Attack: [roll0] (bless) Damage: [roll1]
Tail: Attack: [roll2] (bless) Damage: [roll3]

2019-12-09, 09:56 PM
Solstafir finally finds purchase on the enemy with his axe, inflicting a heavy wound and reducing the creature's movements even further, but the armored foe continues to write on the ground, not yet defeated in earnest.

Thanquil's arrow weaves between his comrades, but collides uselessly against the thick metal armor.

Orchid swipes her scythe again, glancing off the writhing enemy's form and failing to inflict any damage. Her tail makes a nice noise smacking against the armor, but it has no real effect against the enemy's metal shell.

The enemy takes 9 damage from Solstafir's axe.
The enemy has taken a total of 20 damage and is prone.

Geraldo and Aertre may still act before the enemy.

2019-12-09, 11:22 PM
Aertre steps to the side to get a clearer shot at the armored foe, trying to put it down for good before it could clamber to its feet again.

Cast Disrupt Undead, [roll0] touch attack. Includes Dark Knowledge/Bless and prone penalty

[roll1] positive energy damage

2019-12-10, 08:06 AM
Thanquil strides to a flanking position and brings his sword down on to the undead enemy.

Attack: [roll0], damage: [roll1]

2019-12-11, 03:45 PM
Geraldo readjusts his stance to try to get a better aim on the downed foe and attempts to hack into it again.

Falchion: [roll0] plus dark knowledge, plus bless, plus flanking, plus prone to hit (+9)
Damage: [roll1] plus 4 from inspiration point if hit
Armor Spike: [roll2] plus dark knowledge, plus bless, plus flanking, plus prone to hit (+9)
Damage: [roll3] if first attack missed, +4 damage from inspiration point

2019-12-11, 05:44 PM
As Aertre begins the incantation for her spell, Geraldo's falchion finds the gap underneath the enemy's helmet. The sword clangs against the stone floor as the enemy's head rolls away, separated from the creature's body.

(Aertre can retain the spell slot). The zombie knight defeated, each character gains 600 XP. On the corpse of the foe there is a suit of Full Plate Mail, though battered, it is still functional, as well as a Light Wooden Shield and a Morningstar.

As the head comes to a final stop, the far and left walls begin to shift. Appearing where there was but a blank stone face on the far wall past the disgusting altar appears a vortex of swirling colors and lights. You can vaguely make out the shapes of the support columns rigged to blow and the sunlight steaming into the structure from a distance through the distorted vortex. This may be a portal back to Solum.

On the left wall, a black door materializes surrounded with strange hieroglyphics depicting a party passing through this very door. The next set of hieroglyphics show them meeting a variety of gruesome deaths. The party shown on the door is clearly comprised of three humans, two dwarves, and an elf, you note with an eerie uneasiness. There are no locks on this door.

Exploring the room, you discover a sturdy wooden chest with iron reinforcements crouched behind the sickening altar featuring a old lock with some rust stains dotting its surface. Taking time to search the chest carefully, no traps are identified. Between Geraldo and Orchid, the group makes short work of the lock and opening the chest you discover a trove of goods:

Coinage totaling 1220gp
A masterwork composite shortbow adjusted for a +1 str modifier
Two flasks of acid
Two potions of unknown effect
Two scrolls of unknown effect

You now have four paths left unexplored:
Climb the rope in the Hobgoblins' torture chamber
Proceed down the side path prior to the zombie knight's room
Enter the strange black door
Pass through the swirling vortex

2019-12-12, 03:35 AM
"Nice cut," Solstafir complimented, picking up the undead knight's helmet with the severed head still inside. He met the zombie's dead eyes through the visor for a moment, then it joined his growing collection of corpses. "The armor is still servicable, if anyone wants it I can patch it up. Otherwise it should fetch a decent enough price."

The dwarf seemed oddly undisturbed by the altar, though the hieroglyphs seeming to portend their doom provoked a frown. "Let's check the corridor from before first, then we can come back here."

2019-12-12, 08:12 AM
"That shortbow looks perfectly sized for me, does anyone have a problem with me taking it?" asks Thanquil. "Let's see if I can find out anything about these potions and scrolls as well."

Thanquil then picks up the potions, inspecting them carefully before opening the vial and sniffing the contents. Then he casts read magic and examines each scroll before taking a look at the hieroglyphics for good measure. He scoops the coins into his haversack for distribution later and holds out the flasks of acid "Does anyone want either of these?"

"I agree. Let's continue exploring the corridor for now." Thanquil responds to Solstafir.

Spellcraft to identify potion DC 25
Spellcraft to identify potion 1: [roll0]
Spellcraft to identify potion 2: [roll1]

Read magic allows me to identify the scrolls without a roll, does it tell me anything about the glyphs on the wall?

2019-12-12, 10:35 AM
Orchid's eyes shine at the new loot found until Solstafir mentions the armor. "I don't think I would want to wear anything that... he was wearing. I find armor that heavy uncomfortable anyway. Maybe if it was made out of Mithral I would. I'd still have to size it for myself..." she then stops speaking for a moment staring off at the armor. "I wonder if we could patch it up and try selling it through the shop my father used to run at home. It might be worth a try." she comments. "Going down the corridor seems like a good idea. I'd like to open that black door last in case it shunts us off somewhere else." Orchid then takes use of the downtime to dig some tools out of her bag and begins adjusting her scythe and performing a quick ritual, binding an Earth Elemental onto it which quickly gives it a crystal like appearance.

One Minutes: Spending an infusion on Lesser Personal Weapon Augmentation to give her scythe the Earthbound ability, which gives it a +2 to attack on damage rolls when both she and her foe are grounded. Lasts 10 minutes.

2019-12-12, 02:31 PM
Levyk scans the room (especially the door) if somethings evil is detectable. After 5 minutes looking at the hieroglyphs, he starts laughing: Don't know if this is a good or bad sign, but the guys on the wall here, they look like us! HAHAHAHAHA

I don't have any preferences, where to go next. I'll follow your lead

2019-12-12, 04:56 PM
The group traces their steps back to the branching corridor, proceeding down it cautiously.

Aertre [roll0]
Geraldo [roll1]
Orchid [roll2]
Solstafir [roll3]
Levyk [roll4]
Thanquil [roll5]

The corridor shrinks down as you progress to barely 5ft in width, forcing the group to march single file. You eventually reach an opening into a room, past the gaping maw of the vacant doorway, you can make out rubble strewn about, but nothing particular of interest from this distance.

As you are moving single file, you can choose who will enter the room first.

2019-12-12, 05:09 PM
"Mithral, ha? I'll probably go for that as well to replace my current plate, we might get a decent haul out of this Delve. Though with those wings and tail fitting a full suit of armor will be tricky... Seems an interesting enough challenge, once you can afford it pay me a visit. I work at the Brightmane association at the Foundry, take the eastern entrance then go left." Solstafir talked casually as he took the lead down the path, again harpoon held ready. As the corridor got thinner the flickering flames of his mantle began touching the walls on occasion, leaving a blue-white wisp behind for a moment before flickering out.

2019-12-12, 06:58 PM
Based on what Thanquil can deduce of the potion, you have a strong confidence they're beneficial, but their exact function is unclear.

Reading Magic you discover:
Scroll one is an Arcane Scroll of Protection from Evil.
Scroll two is a Divine Scroll of Entropic Shield and Flame Blade.

The door's glyphs do not resonate any particular Evil. Only the quickly fading Evil of the zombie knight was in the room.

Stepping over the precipice, Solstafir is suddenly met with resistance, as the near imperceptible strands move with the force of the dwarf's movement, the party's light sources reflect the long strings revealing their presence. Solstafir is Entangled in a web.

A hideous eight eyed, eight legged beast approximately the size of the dwarf himself takes clear advantage of the group's surprise, scuttling down from its hiding spot above the doorway and attempting to bite the dwarf with its long mandibles, dripping a strange clear fluid.

The Monstrous Spider uses a partial charge for its surprise round.
[roll0] to hit against Solstafir's flat footed AC.
If it has a critical threat (26), [roll1] to confirm.

If it hits it deals [roll2] damage and requires a fortitude save of 12 or suffer [roll3] strength damage.
On a critical hit add [roll4] damage.

2019-12-12, 07:01 PM
Spider [roll0]

Aertre [roll1]
Geraldo [roll2]
Orchid [roll3]
Solstafir [roll4]
Levyk [roll5]
Thanquil [roll6]

All party members other than Levyk have initiative.

2019-12-12, 07:14 PM
"I'll be sure to do that. Getting my own measurements is a pain and it has been a long time since I last worked in the Foundry. I might have to wait to get some enchantments done on it though- I don't know if making out of Mithral alone would make it easy mobile enough to allow spellcasting-"

Orchid stops speaking as the oversized spider springs down, making her tense up. Seeing the monster bite down onto her ally motivate her into action letting her swing her scythe to try to cut the webs and use her tail to sweep the rest.

Full Action: Full Attack, targeting the webs that are tangling Solstafir.
Scythe: Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Tail: Attack: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

2019-12-12, 10:18 PM
Perhaps it was the grotesque chamber they'd just exited, or the disturbing wall carving, but Aertre is far more focused as they enter the room, and has her wits collected enough to conjure a swirling ball that grumbles with energy, hurling it at the attacking spider with a loud crack!

Cast orb of sound, lesser, [roll0] touch attack for [roll1]

Crit check [roll2] for [roll3]

2019-12-13, 03:15 AM
"Ah, poison? Poor thing." Solstafir withdrew his right arm where the spider's mandibles had failed to penetrate his enhanced body, droplets of deadly liquid glistening on pristine skin. His selection of soulmelds had paid off well so far on their Delve. He reached for his axe, eager to add another monster's corpse to his growing collection.

Spider takes [roll0] from hitting me

[roll1] includes -2 for Entangle
If hit everyone gets +4 on attacks against the spider

2019-12-13, 08:12 AM
Amazed at Solstafir's seemingly impervious skin, Thanquil fires off a quick volley of arrows at the spider

Full attack using rapid shot and assuming within point blank shot range
Attack: [roll0], damage [roll1]
Attack: [roll2], damage [roll3]

2019-12-13, 09:59 AM
Burned by the spectral fire around its would-be prey, the spider begins to recoil as it is hit by a strange ball of noise. With the spider's disorientation, Thanquil's two arrows find their way deep into its body. The creature spills off of its web and onto its back, its legs momentarily twitching in the air for the last time.

The party easily frees Solstafir from the web.

There is a small room with an annoying amount of webbing in this small room. Areas around the door are packed with a variety of sizes of cocoons of web, apparently this spider had been fairly successful previously. There are no doors or other exits and on a cursory glance, nothing of value, just rubble strewn about the room.

Each characters gains 300 XP.

2019-12-13, 10:58 AM
How to clean a room from webs? Burn them!
Levyk takes his flint & steel, and looks for a stick and some old clothes or so, which he can use as a torch.

search check (if needed) [roll0] yep, no modifier

2019-12-13, 01:10 PM
"If nothing interesting's here we should probably check that rope next if anyone can climb it, or perhaps we can stack enough of the tables to see what's up there." Solstafir wiped away the remaining web clinging to his body best as he could, which only resulted in a tangle of it stuck to his hand. When even vigorous shaking didn't dislodge it he just shrugged and held his hand into the flame of Levyk's torch, watching the web smolder away. "There, better."

After stuffing the dead spider's body into his haversack in a by now familiar process he checked to cocoons, reasoning that the arachnid's previous victims might have possessed things of value or at least some more useful corpses for his necrocarnum abilities.

2019-12-13, 01:40 PM
Clearing webs away, Levyk and the group largely find desiccated husks contained within the cocoons. Some so brittle they break apart into dust after their first exposure to air. Any equipment is so forlorn to be useless scrap.

However, he does find a small pouch, which while riddled with holes, was just intact enough to contain 300gp in random coinage and a small pearl illuminated of its own accord with a soft, gentle light. The light is much weaker than even a solitary candle, but clearly this gem contains some kind of magic within it.

2019-12-14, 10:55 AM
Orchid speaks up. "I guess that leave those other two paths, or returning home now. I'm worried that the rope would make it difficult for us to respond if a fight happens as soon as someone reaches the top or that the black door might keep us from back tracking to the portal."

2019-12-14, 02:37 PM
Aertre considers this; she had a sense that the group had been lucky thus far and certainly didn't want to cut off what could be a way out. "I'm not sure how it's really supposed to work," she ventures. "A delve isn't supposed to end until we clear the dungeon, but does what we've done so far count?" She tries to remember the orientation classes.

She's probably overthinking this, but this is the first time for everybody so some confusion is understandable. I'm good either doing the rope or taking our wins and bailing.

2019-12-15, 06:17 AM
"Eh, if the going gets too hot we can just bail to the exit but so far we handled everything well enough. The next time's not going to be easier if you keep doing this, might as well get as much out of it as we can while we're here." Solstafir checked the hole in the ceiling the rope is leading into; perhaps he could make the climb with the knotted rope attached to his grappling hook.

How high does it go and is there anything I could aim for? Knotted ropes are only DC 5 to climb so that would be easy enough.

2019-12-15, 10:54 AM
Backtracking to the room with the lazily swinging rope the rivulets of the water still flowing down the rope, you peer up into the gap, estimating it would be about a 20ft climb. The only object that might be a target for the grappling hook is the iron ring attached to the ceiling onto which the other rope is tied. The ring isn't particularly small, but it may still be a challenge to connect the grappling hook (Use Rope DC 14).

If you connect the grappling hook, it would be DC 5 for all 20 feet.

Alternatively you could simply try to climb the rope as is (Climb DC 12 for the first 10 feet [Rope DC 5, slippery due to water +5, not knotted +2 circumstance], DC 7 for the second 10 feet [Rope DC 5, slippery due to water +5, not knotted +2 circumstance, perpendicular walls to brace against -5]).

It's weird that I don't see anything in the Climb skill about a free hanging rope without knots. So I'm just throwing a +2 circumstance on the DC for no knots.

2019-12-15, 12:34 PM
"I'm not that good at climbing with my armor on, but this should help." Pulling a steel grappling hook with an attached knotted silk rope from his haversack Solstafir unslung his shield and put it on his back, taking careful aim at the ring at the top and then once the rope was secured pulling himself up.

With 3 dex and +2 circumstance from silk rope I can make that DC with Take 10. If I can't Take 10 I'll just try a couple times until I hit it
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5]

My climb modifier with the armor on is -1, which should be enough with a DC of only 5. Again Take 10 or if not possible
[roll6] [roll7] [roll8] [roll9] [roll10] [roll11]

2019-12-15, 01:17 PM
"I don't think I'm much better at climbing myself. At least if I fall if I can keep myself self with my wings." Orchid comments, stowing her scythe away into her bag before starting to try to climb the rope.

Just gonna take 10 on my climb checks after Solstafir gets the rope setup.
Climb checks just in case: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4]

2019-12-15, 01:46 PM
It takes a couple of minutes, but you connect the grappling hook to the iron ring and begin your ascent up the rope.

Taking 10 on Climb stop being available once you reach a height that you would take fall damage (so once the DC goes down due to the walls). Assuming taking 10 as possible followed by rolling, Solstafir slowly makes his way up the rope, followed by Orchid. Both successfully ascending until they reach an alcove branching off of the vertical chute, providing one 5 foot square to stand on, both of you squeeze onto the space, albeit rather uncomfortably.

A window maybe 1 by 1 foot sits near the top of the pathway, wind and rain whipping in through the small gap through which you can see lightning dancing far in the distance among the roiling black storm clouds. Clearly the source of the water dripping down the chute.

Solstafir has an odd feeling that something is amiss with stonework in this alcove (Stonecunning). Taking 20 to search, you discover a loose stone. Shifting it aside you find a very small iron lock box (Open Lock DC 25) hidden behind the stone.

2019-12-15, 02:19 PM
Thanquil waits at the bottom of the rope while Solstafir and Orchid ascend. When he hears the sound of stone shifting he calls up "What's up there? Should we follow you up?"

2019-12-15, 02:35 PM
"It's just a dead end with a small window to the endless sky. Found some treasure though. Orchid, bring the grappling hood if you don't mind." Grabbing the lock box Solstafir went down the rope again, offering the container to their lock experts. "Seems just that ominous black door is left to explore before we're finished here. We should at least open it."

Orchid can ignore falling damage so she can safely make it down after retrieving my grappling hook

2019-12-15, 05:19 PM
"Perhaps the hieroglyphs are suggesting some sort of magical trap through the door? Regardless I agree with Solstafir we should at least check it out." Thanquil says while thinking to himself It's what Davos would do, I can't let him down.

2019-12-15, 06:30 PM
Orchid nods in response to Solstafir. After he fully descends, she unhooks the grappling hook and gently glides using her wings, coiling up the rope as she descends. On landing, she returns the grappling hook and coiled rope to Solstafir. "I just hope there's nothing bad behind that door."

2019-12-15, 07:33 PM
"Oh, I'm sure there is. So we're gonna kill it." There was no doubt in the dwarf's voice. He didn't voluntarily descend into the Dungeon to avoid the stronger monsters and bail out of a Delve soon as the opportunity offered itself. Whatever horror awaited them behind that door, he was determined to see it bleed.

Again harpoon at the ready, I'll take point at the door once it is checked for traps.

This is probably a good opportunity to use any remaining buffs since we're likely near the end.

2019-12-15, 11:23 PM
Geraldo whips out his tools and starts working on the box. He starts to give his thoughts on the unknown passageway.

Open Lock:[roll1]
Disable Device:[roll2]

"I don't know about that black door. I suspect what lies behind it is beyond our ability to challenge right now. Well, at least my ability. I think the representations of us dying horribly are a big enough hint. "

2019-12-16, 02:58 AM
"I can cast a spell to Protect from Evil on the first person through the door. I found an arcane scroll for it back in the other room as well if anyone in the party can use that?" Thanquil says readying himself for whatever may come next.

2019-12-16, 10:30 AM
Orchid takes a deep breath and starts to get to work on Solstafir weapons and then Levyk's; working a temporary enchantment on both. "Ready."

Spending my last two infusions to cast Magic Weapon on their weapons, giving a +1 enhancement bonus for a minute. I'm spend on Infusions now. I'm gonna need to remember to actually buy materials for some of these other infusions. I somehow neglected it the first time through.

2019-12-16, 03:43 PM
"Alright then, let's finish this." Having readied shield and harpoon again during their preparations, Solstafir threw open the final door eager with anticipation.

Infusion is on my axe. We should get some bludgeoning backup weapons by the way, all our primary melee weapons are slashing. Skeletons and the like would be troublesome.

2019-12-16, 04:01 PM
Yoho, I would appreciate your blessing against evil!

Brother, I follow your lead
Levyk waits for the Protection against evil to be cast on him, to rush into the death-door, axe drawn, after his brother (brother because of dwarf)

2019-12-16, 05:33 PM
Aertre gives a faint shrug at Thanquil's question — she understood abjuration spells in theory but couldn't seem to make them work with any regularity. Her instructors guessed this was likely due to the influence of her aunt, who made her distaste for protection magic known to anyone within shouting range.

If we really need her to try for that Arcane PoE spell there's a chance (though not a great one). Expel her current vestige, bind Naberius, pick up UMD with that vestige's class skills and make a DC 21 check with a +4 on the roll. Eventually she'll gain some more flexibility but right now it's a low-odds move.

2019-12-16, 06:56 PM
The black door swings wide, inky blackness spilling out to consume everything around you. You briefly feel the sensation of floating, then falling. You land on something firm. You hear a strange voice, echoing from everywhere and nowhere. It resonates with a deep pitch and behind it a cracking like fire, with just a hint of the forlorn screams of the souls of the damned.

The resonating voice speaks in a strange and harsh language for a few sentences.

You recognize the language as Infernal. It says:

"You haven't yet sated your lust for violence? Intriguing. You may yet prove useful to my ends. I will provide you all the foes you could wish for. Show me your mettle. Kill them all and I will grant you something... special."

The blackness fades away and you find yourselves near the wall of a large circular stone chamber with six pillars stretching several stories skyward to the beautifully crafted vaulted ceiling. Bronze sconces line the walls and pillars ablaze with flame illuminating the chamber. The wall seems uneven in the lightning, like it's not a perfect circle, however, your attention is quickly captured by something else.

Standing in the center of the chamber is a ten foot tall, two headed monster with brown leathery skin, disproportionately long arms bursting with muscle, a round belly and strangely stubby stout legs. Its two heads sport jagged yellow teeth with tusks jutting from its faces and long thin stringy patches of wisps of hair. The creature's four eyes shine bright red, filled with the power of the Dungeon. It wears armor crafted from iron bands interwoven over each other and holds two enormous clubs in its mighty hands. You see it has a holy symbol around each of its two necks.

"Gadkeg ig." one of the heads moans. The other screams "Kra theg!" none of you recognize the language.
One head moans "Save me."
The other head screams "Kill them!"

Next to the giant, a large bear turns its face towards the party, bearing its fangs and growling viciously. The beast's eyes glow red with the power of the Dungeon as well.

Scattering from the center a gang of small goblinoids rush out towards other places in the room. At least a half dozen, maybe more.

You brace yourselves for the coming onslaught.

Bad Guys: [roll0]

Solstafir [roll1]
Geraldo [roll2]
Orchid [roll3]
Thanquil [roll4]
Aertre [roll5]
Levyk [roll6]

Solstafir, Orchid, Thanquil and Aertre have initiative.
Then Bad Guys (they win the tie with the Levyk as they have the higher initiative modifier).

2019-12-17, 12:33 AM
Orchid holds her head with one hand as te voices of the damned pound her head- her headache clears as she hears the voice clearly speaking Infernal.

On adjusting to her new surroundings, he quickly dives into her pack and produces a scroll. She looks at the two headed being clearly conflicted for a second- before turning her attentions to the nearby large bear. She opens the scroll and begins reciting the spell. "Power word- Pain."

Move Action: Take out one of her scrolls of Power word Pain.
Standard: UMD to activate the scroll, targeting the bear. [roll0]

2019-12-17, 02:54 AM
"Take the harpoon, we have to slow at least one of the big ones down!" Solstafir dropped his weapon, immediately reaching for another of the barbed spears. This fight seemed much different from what they had gone through so far. It would be a worthwhile effort for his purpose. If the survive that is.

Targetting the two-headed giant his right arm drew back, then shot forward explosively, harpoon and trailing rope leaving his hand to fly at their enormous foe.

Drop harpoon for someone else to pick up, draw another
[roll0] distance penalty may apply
[roll=piercing damage]1d10+3[/roll
if hit, Reflex DC10+damage dealt or harpoon is stuck in target. Half movement, not running or charging. it can be removed as a full round action requiring two free hands. DC15 heal check or same damage dealt again.]

2019-12-17, 03:55 AM
Thanquil gulps when he sees what awaits them in the next room but his training kicks in and he leaps into action, pulling a scroll from his bag and using it to cast the spell Bless.

Bless - Each ally gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects.

2019-12-17, 11:44 PM
"Two-heads is of two minds; only one of them seems hostile," Aertre calls as she gathers herself and sizes up the battlefield. Raising an outstretched palm in the air, she brings it down suddenly, as if tearing a drapery from a window.

If she can get 3+ targets in a 5-foot radius spread, cast Hail of Stone

[roll0] vs. all targets for [roll1] damage, no save.

If she can't get 3+ targets, cast Lesser Orb/Sound vs. Bear and adjacent opponent via Ricochet. Use same attack roll (so total 20 touch attack) for [roll2]

2019-12-18, 07:16 PM
Thanquil empowers the group using his scroll.

Orchid utters a word of power against the bear.

Aertre's lesser orb of sound fires from her fingertips, bouncing between the giant and the bear.

Solstafir hurls his harpoon, but it finds no purchase against the giant.

The goblins rush away from the giant. Five of them start to climb the pillars, it seems there are grips made for their small gnarly hands and feet, one on each pillar. The others scatter to the wall and duck into the shadows.

The bear releases an enormous roar and comes barreling towards the group, eager to exact revenge against Aertre for damaging it, swiping down with an enormous claw.

Pain duration [roll0] rounds
Pain damage [roll1]

The bear charges [roll2]
On a critical threat (33) [roll3] to confirm.

Dealing [roll4] damage.
On a critical hit add [roll5] damage.

The giant marches towards the group, one of the heads chants a magical incantation as it does, impressively gesturing with the fingers of one hand without releasing its club. Solstafir feels magical energy attempting to pierce his mind. The other head growls and the other club comes in a vicious swipe at Orchid.

Solstafir Will Save [roll6] (modified by Bless). Solstafir resists the strange magic successfully.

You recognize the spell as Cause Fear.

Attack against Orchid [roll7]
On a critical threat (32) [roll8] to confirm.

Dealing [roll9] damage.
On a critical hit, add [roll10] damage.

The giant has taken 7 damage.
The bear has taken 9 damage.

Aertre takes a critical hit from the Bear and is in critical condition. (Taking 15 damage)
Orchid takes a brutal blow from the giant and is badly wounded. (Taking 12 damage)

All players may act.

2019-12-18, 09:14 PM
"Retreat into cover! Don't let them gang up on you!"

Geraldo grumbles about everyone ignoring him when he suggested this was a deathtrap. He suspects that the bear and the two-headed giant would slaughter him if he were to engage them in melee, so he picks up Solstafir's harpoon and dashes behind a nearby pillar.

2019-12-19, 03:28 AM
"Both heads seem hostile enough to me, unless you can convince the peaceful one to lay down without a fight!" Solstafir retorted to Aertre mere moments before she was mauled down by the bear, cutting off any answer she might have given. Things were going badly, even with him easily brushing off the ettin's spell. He followed behind Geraldo, readying the next harpoon to this time take aim at the bear before it could get a swipe at another of them.

Move to get some distance, draw harpoon as part of move

If hit, Reflex DC10+damage dealt or harpoon is stuck in target. Half movement, no running or charging. it can be removed as a full round action requiring two free hands. DC15 heal check or same damage dealt again.

2019-12-19, 03:35 AM
Thanquil heads in the opposite direction to Geraldo and Solstafir and then takes a shot at the two headed giant.

Move away but remain within 30 ft. for Point Blank Shot.
Attack: [roll0] damage [roll1]

2019-12-19, 09:54 AM
What the... A short moment later, Levyk attacks the bear. This door should have stayed closed!

Moving if necessary, then attacking the bear.
Attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

2019-12-19, 11:52 AM
Seeing the blow coming, Orchid tries to protect herself by bringing her wings forward in an effort to absorb some of the blow. A scream is let out along with a few audible cracks as the giant weapon strikes her. Fighting back tears, Orchid moves away from her attacker, retreating to the back lines, trying to make her way to one of the pillars to hide behind.

Full Action: Withdraw and move away from the giant; preferably behind a pillar if there's enough distance.

2019-12-19, 06:51 PM
Geraldo manages to hide behind the pillar out of sight of the two tremendous threats.
Solstafir lobs his harpoon as he moves into cover with Geraldo, the harpoon sinks into the bear's flank, eliciting another angry roar from the beast.

Orchid retreats behind another pillar as Thanquil moves in the same direction, firing an arrow against the giant. The arrow strikes true, but the giant seems unfazed.

Levyk slashes the bear with his mighty axe.

The goblins on the pillars continue their ascent. It's taking them awhile to climb even with the handholds. The other goblins seem to be missing, as if they have vanished into the walls.

The giant and bear, left only with Levyk in their midst, both turn their attention on the likely doomed dwarf.

The bear swipes a claw at Levyk.

Remaining rounds of Pain: 7
Damage taken from pain [roll0]

Claw [roll1]
On a 31 [roll2] to confirm

Deals [roll3] damage
On a critical hit, deals [roll4] additional damage.

If the dwarf is still standing, the giant swings a club at him. If he is still standing after the first club, it swings the second club. If Levyk falls, one of the giant's heads scoffs something unintelligible while the other moans something equally unintelligible.

One head scoffs "Puny foes." while the other moans "No, no, why again?"

The giant swings its clubs
First attack [roll5] to hit
on a 32 [roll6] to confirm

Deals [roll7] damage
On a critical, deals [roll8] additional.

If conditions are met for a second attack
[roll9] to hit
On a 27 [roll10] to confirm

Deals [roll11] damage
On a critical, deals [roll12] additional

The giant has taken 12 damage
The bear has taken 29 damage and is Harpooned (Half Movement speed, no running or charging).

Levyk takes 21 damage and is in critical condition.

Even in your unconscious state, you hear the infernal voice echo through your very being. It says something in infernal which you don't understand. You have both stabilized.

All standing characters may act (Geraldo, Thanquil, Orchid, Solstafir)

2019-12-19, 07:48 PM
Reflex save DC 22 for the Bear against Harpoon [roll0].

2019-12-19, 08:13 PM
After making it behind the pillar, Geraldo takes a moment to take in the surroundings and see if he can make more sense of the situation. He first attempts to figure out what the giants are saying.

Glancing at the goblins climbing the pillars, he also notices there are fewer goblins than initially despite being in a well lit circular room. He peeks out from behind the pillar to see what the bear and giant are doing and sees that another teammate has been taken down. Swearing under his breath, he hurls his harpoon at the giant because it appears the bear has already been impaled with a harpoon. He then flees towards the wall while trying to keep the pillar between him and the giant. The goblins vanished somewhere, so maybe there is a trick to the wall.

[roll1]includes inspiration point, bless, and exotic weapon prof penalty
Damage: [roll2] includes inspiration point

2019-12-19, 08:29 PM
"Come on, we have to hamper the giant as well!" Solstafir rounded the pillar, trying to get the ettin between himself and the already inhibited bear. Levyk was down after a vicious assault from the pair, perhaps even dead. Either way, there was no point in rushing in to save the other dwarf; even Solstafir wouldn't be able to withstand their assault for long, if they wanted to survive trading blow for blow was not an option. "Aim for the legs or the soft tissue of the stomach. Anywhere movement puts a strain on for the barbs to do their work." He had barely finished speaking when he hurled his harpoon, bringing him down to his last two. Hopefully it would prove enough.

Move, draw harpoon as part of move
Intended distance: 30 from the ettin to avoid range penalty, and as far from the bear as possible

2019-12-19, 08:50 PM

[roll1]includes inspiration point, bless, and exotic weapon prof penalty
Damage: [roll2] includes inspiration point

2019-12-19, 10:53 PM
From the safety of the pillar Orchid breathes heavily while listening to the giant speak, watching and taking note of which heads are saying what. As she does so, she drops her scythe and goes into her pack, bringing out a scroll and a shield.

"Hey!" she calls out. "Giant! I know one of you doesn't want to fight! If you really don't want to then stop! You have to resist and act against the other! I don't know if you can, but it will make it easier for us if you can take care of the other!"

Free Action: Drop scythe
Move action: Take out scroll of power word pain
Standard: Take out heavy steel shield

2019-12-20, 07:39 AM
Hearing Orchid try to communicate with the giant, Thanquil shifts his aim to the bear, firing a pair of arrows.

Rapid shot full attack
Attack: [roll0], damage [roll1]
Attack: [roll2], damage [roll3]

2019-12-20, 05:48 PM
Solstafir and Geraldo hurl their harpoons at the giant. Geraldo's falls short while the creature bats Solstafir's away with one of its clubs.

Geraldo moves over to the wall and upon close proximity he can see that there are cleverly disguised passages in the wall at various points. Big enough for a goblin to easily enter, small enough for a medium creature to Squeeze (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/movementPositionAndDistance.htm) into the passage. While you suspect there are goblins within, it should provide excellent protection from the giant and the bear, who would have no hope of entering the tight corridors.

Thanquil lands an arrow into the bears flank, which unleashes a pained roar in response.

Orchid attempts to begin diplomacy with the two headed monster.

The goblins have nearly completed their ascent of the pillars.

The bear limps towards Thanquil, eager to devour the bow wielding scholar, but it requires the bear great effort to even reach melee with its target, leaving it unable to attack its intended victim.

Remaining Pain duration: 6
Pain damage [roll0]

Double move into melee with Thanquil.

The violent head of the giant turns its attention to Solstafir, and marches into melee with the exposed dwarf. It takes a swipe with one of its massive clubs, if Solstafir is left standing, it swipes with the other club.

The conflicted head begins to let out sobbing cries and exclaims something in its strange near-indecipherable babble.

"Can't stop! Run away!"

Move into melee with Solstafir - the clubs aren't reach weapons so the Mantle of Flames will affect the giant.

[roll1] to hit with the first club
On a 32 [roll2] to confirm

Deals [roll3] damage
On a critical deals [roll4] additional damage.

If it hits, the giant takes [roll5] reciprocal fire damage.

If Solstafir is standing after the first club swing, it attacks again.
[roll6] to hit with the second club
On a 27 [roll7] to confirm

Deals [roll8] damage
On a critical deals [roll9] additional damage.

If it hits, the giant takes [roll10] reciprocal fire damage.

The giant's strikes fail to inflict any bodily harm to the dwarf.

The Bear has taken 36 damage and is Harpooned.
The Giant has taken 12 damage.

Standing characters may act.

2019-12-21, 05:45 AM
Thanquil backs away from the bear not wanting to risk taking a hit.

Withdraw 60ft.

2019-12-21, 10:04 AM
The giant's first swing hit the ground hard as Solstafir dodged to the side, the second one he blocked with his clockroach shield. Only the protection of his Soulmeld allowed him to absorb the raw force of the impact without suffering injury. Seeing little hope in a melee while the giant was still barely injured he disengaged, rounding one of the pillars to get some distance between himself and the two-headed monster.

Withdraw 40 feet, try to break LoS

2019-12-21, 04:13 PM
Thinking twice about engaging the giant again, Orchid shuffles the scroll under her arm holding the shield and then goes into her pack to bring out one of her scrolls of lesser vigor. She opens it up and begins chanting, hoping that she can fix herself. "Lesser Vigor."

I'm just assuming shuffing the power word pain scroll she has under her shield arm is an easily available action.
Move: Take out a lesser vigor scroll
This time I'm positive I have to roll for this, I swear.
Standard: Active the scroll(targeting herself) UMD: [roll0]

2019-12-21, 04:15 PM
Forgot to roll int

2019-12-21, 07:35 PM
"There are holes in the wall, watch out for goblins coming out! Actually, we can probably squeeze into the holes to hide from the bear and giant!"

Geraldo actually decides to squeeze in. He figures that he might be able to take out a goblin and get some kind of ranged option. Trying to fight the bear and giant in melee seems to be a lost cause.

2019-12-21, 08:16 PM
The goblins finish their ascent of the pillars and enter into small chambers near the top. From there, they each lob a vial of acid down at characters still moving around in the circular chamber below. Due to their advantageous positions high on the pillars, they suffer no penalty for the range of the attack.

They target players they can see at random. 1 - Orchid, 2 - Solstafir, 3 - Thanquil - they can no longer see Geraldo.

Goblin 1: Target [roll0] throws an acid vial [roll1] to touch AC hit, on a hit it deals [roll2] acid damage and being hit to requires a Fortitude Save DC 13 against 1 point of Constitution damage.

Goblin 2: Target [roll3] throws an acid vial [roll4] to touch AC hit, on a hit it deals [roll5] acid damage and being hit requires a Fortitude Save DC 13 against 1 point of Constitution damage.

Goblin 3: Target [roll6] throws an acid vial [roll7] to touch AC hit, on a hit it deals [roll8] acid damage and being hit requires a Fortitude Save DC 13 against 1 point of Constitution damage.

Goblin 4: Target [roll9] throws an acid vial [roll10] to touch AC hit, on a hit it deals [roll11] acid damage and being hit requires a Fortitude Save DC 13 against 1 point of Constitution damage.

Goblin 5: Target [roll12] throws an acid vial [roll13] to touch AC hit, on a hit it deals [roll14] acid damage and being hit requires a Fortitude Save DC 13 against 1 point of Constitution damage.

Goblin 6: Target [roll15] throws an acid vial [roll16] to touch AC hit, on a hit it deals [roll17] acid damage and being hit requires a Fortitude Save DC 13 against 1 point of Constitution damage.

If they miss their touch attack, their aim is too far off to even deal splash damage.

Entering the tunnels, Geraldo squeezes into the area, finding it quickly hits a T intersection with a curvature suggesting this passage forms a ring around the main chamber. From Geraldo's left, he sees a Goblin hustling towards him (ending a double move). It stops 15ft away from Geraldo. This goblin has numerous flasks of reddish liquid tied around its torso. Other goblins might be setting up to emerge from the tunnels at different points, as well.

The bear limps miserably after Thanquil. It manages to reach its intended victim again, but that's all it can manage in its weakened state. The bear roars a very sharp roar, like its trying to communicate something other than its standard rage and pain.

Remaining rounds of pain: 5
pain damage [roll18]

Double move into melee with Thanquil. Free action to "speak".

The giant hears the bear's roar and turns towards Thanquil. The creature runs with surprising agility for its stumpy legs and comes down hard at Thanquil with a single club. One of the creature's heads sobs miserably.

The giant charges Thanquil.
[roll19] to hit
On a 34 [roll20] to confirm

Dealing [roll21] damage.
On a critical hit it deals [roll22] additional damage.

The Bear has taken 41 damage and is Harpooned.
The Giant has taken 12 damage.

Thanquil crumples under the club and is in critical condition.
Acid rains down on Orchid, with her other wounds, it's too much. Orchid is in critical condition.
Acid rains down on Solstafir, dealing 9 damage.

The acid thrown at Thanquil misses him entirely and splashes on the bear, dealing it two 2 extra damage.

Geraldo and Solstafir may act.

2019-12-22, 01:07 AM
Geraldo moves up to the goblin and attempts to hack at it in the tiny space. Assuming he can draw his sword while moving, he uses Wolf Fang Strike, otherwise, he just attempts to ram it with an armor spike.

Wolf Fang Strike:
Great Falchion: [roll0] includes bless, wolf fang strike penalty, and squeezing penalty
Damage: [roll1]
Armor Spike: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2019-12-22, 07:12 AM
"Tch." Seeing no more hope of winning the fight inside the large arena Solstafir ducked into one of the side tunnels, the acid eating away at his skin leaving him badly burned.

Double move into the nearest tunnel entrance.

2019-12-22, 06:12 PM
Geraldo brings a swift end to the goblin.

Solstafir, entering one of the tunnels, sees a goblin approaching from his right. It has a dagger in a leather strap serving as a belt and under its right arm it carries a cask, like a very small barrel, with a rope extending about a foot from the wooden container. In its other hand, it holds flint and tinder. It stops 15ft away from the Dwarf, awkwardly unsure what to do with the objects in its arms.

The more violent of the giant's heads barks something unintelligible and swings its club against the pillar of one of the goblins who hit the bear with acid, the force of the impact causes the pillar to shake. The goblin attempts to balance [roll0], but the shaking is too much, it careens over the side and plummets. It dies with a dull thud as it collides with the ground.

"No hit bear! Go kill!"

The bear limps towards the center of the room, looking for other prey.

Remaining duration on Pain: 4 rounds
[roll1] damage

The other goblins seeing no foes moving around below, begin to descend their pillars.

Orchid stabilizes due to gaining HP from Lesser Vigor.

You hear the infernal voice reverberate through your being saying something you can't decipher. You've stabilized.

The Bear has taken 42 and is Harpooned.
The giant has taken 12 damage.

Geraldo and Solstafir may act.

2019-12-22, 06:59 PM
Solstafir forced his way through the narrow corridor, reaching for his axe for the first time since the fight began. He gripped the shaft way up to shorten the weapon's reach in the cramped quarters and swung down hard at the goblin. "Geraldo, you hear me?"

Crusader's Strike
[roll0] includes Bless, racial bonus against goblins and squeezing penalty
edit: well, good on the attack but minimal healing. Eh, I'll take it.

2019-12-22, 07:52 PM
"I hear you, one goblin down on my end! I am going to head over to you!"

Geraldo quickly loots the goblin of the vials and quickly sees if the corpse has any other ranged armaments. If he hears Solstafir's shout, he will head over towards Solstafir while staying in the tunnels. If he doesn't hear Solstafir's shout, he will keep progressing down this tunnel after shoving the corpse behind him or pushing it forward as a makeshift shield if he can't fit it behind him.

2019-12-22, 10:15 PM
Solstafir cuts down the goblin.

Geraldo finds a small sized sling and a small bag of smooth stones on the goblin after taking the makeshift bandoleer of flasks.

You can hear each other. Geraldo shoves the goblin corpse out of his way and begins heading toward Solstafir.

Going a short way Geraldo sees a light coming from the outer side of the ring. Likely a room connected to this small hallway. Light is spilling in from the room and you hear a creature snort and croak some words from around the corner in a language you don't understand.

The bear roars in agony.
Remaining rounds of pain: 4
[roll0] damage

The giant smacks another pillar and you hear the sickening thud of another goblin. By his tone, you guess the giant isn't too happy with the goblins. Four goblins continue to descend from the pillars.

Orchid recovers 1 HP from Lesser Vigor.
She has taken 17 or 18 damage total I think, 12 from the giant, 5 from the acid, and [roll1] fortitude against the 13 to avoid the 1 Con damage which would reduce her HP by changing her modifier. Rule here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/theBasics.htm#constitutionCon).
She has gained 3 HP back from Lesser vigor with 8 more to go.
I listed the HP gain and stabilization a round later than I think I was supposed to, so I'm catching it up.

The failed save puts her at -1 HP at this round, she'll regain consciousness after this round at 0 hp.

The bear has taken 47 damage and is Harpooned.
The giant has taken 12 damage.

Geraldo and Solstafir may act.

2019-12-22, 10:52 PM
"Same here. Just the two of us left looks like." The lingering pain from the acid burns quickly faded as Solstafir's skin knit together raipdly, the wounds shrinking in on themselves like a layer of water in a frying pan. Half of the burns still remained, but he was in fighting shape. He scooped up the goblin's seeming explosive device to put it into his haversack then made in the direction of Geraldo's voice.

2019-12-23, 01:32 AM
Geraldo stops moving and takes a moment to actively listen to try to find out approximately how far away the creature in the room. During this time he readies his sword in order to make a more efficient surprise attack.

Move action: Listen - [roll0]
Swift Action: Recover Maneuvers
Standard Action: Recover Maneuvers

2019-12-23, 05:47 PM
Listening, Geraldo can tell that there is at least one enemy, but doesn't hear more. There is also a faint bubbling sound like liquids simmering and a shuffle as the creature moves. You guess its probably fairly small by the light plodding of its feet. The enemy is a few feet around the corner. Easily reachable with a move action.

Solstafir moving through the tunnel towards Geraldo's voice comes upon the other side of the room, light spilling in. Whatever creature is around the corner from the two of you croaks a few more words in a harsh and coarse language.

The giant begins stamping its feet and yelling at the goblins who are still descending from their pillars.

The bear begins to whine loudly.
Pain duration: 3 rounds
Pain damage [roll0]

The bears whining ceases as it lets out a gurgle, unable to continue on, it dies from its wounds.

The Bear is dead.
The Giant has taken 12 damage.

Orchid recovers 1 HP and is now at 0 HP, regaining consciousness.

Solstafir, Geraldo, and Orchid may act.

2019-12-23, 07:28 PM
Solstafir moved into the room, happy to see the narrow corridor giving way to a less cramped space for now. Axe still at the ready he moved in on whatever stood between him and Geraldo.

2019-12-23, 09:09 PM
Orchids comes to life, stirring from unconsciousness, opening her eyes and then closing them back up as she hears the sounds of movement. Still feeling weak she elects to remain still as best she can while she waits for the healing magic to restore her just enough to make movement less painful.

Orchid plays dead.

2019-12-24, 04:32 PM
Tightly gripping his falchion, Geraldo moves into the room to take out the unseen enemy. He moves next to where he suspects the dungeon spawn would be and will make attacks once he sees it clearly and can tell the situation in the room.

2019-12-24, 04:54 PM
Geraldo and Solstafir spill into the room, taking the overly focused goblin alchemist completely by surprise. This goblin is draped in ratty robes and is stirring a large cauldron of strange colored liquid using a wooden staff when it first sees you. It sputters out some word in what you now presume is the goblin language and briefly goes slack jawed in surprise as you move around the cauldron and a table covered in reagents into melee with the filthy creature. You find the room large enough that you have no need to Squeeze.

You have the surprise round, Geraldo and Solstafir may take a standard action against the goblin alchemist prior to round wrap up.

2019-12-24, 10:01 PM
"So you're the bastard that brewed those acid flasks, huh?" Solstafir quickly took position opposite Geraldo, lashing out with his axe to take the alchemist's attention and give his companion an opening.

I think we have two turns of Bless left after this. My maneuvers granted will reset next turn.

5 foot step into flanking if possible
Vanguard Strike
[roll0] includes Bless, racial bonus and flanking
Heal 2 if hit and Geraldo receives +4 on gis attack rolls

2019-12-26, 06:02 PM
Solstafir deals the goblin a brutal blow. It clutches its fresh wound as Geraldo attempts to finish the job.

Geraldo initiates Wolf Fang Strike
Attack with Falchion [roll0] to hit, includes +1 Bless, +2 Flanking, +4 Vanguard Strike, -2 for Wolf Fang Strike
If it is a critical threat (28+) [roll1] to confirm

Dealing [roll2] damage
On a critical hit, deals [roll3] additional damage.

If it doesn't fell the goblin, Geraldo attempts to impale it with his armor spikes
[roll4] to hit
On a crit threat (30) [roll5] to confirm

Dealing [roll6] damage
On a critical hit, deals [roll7] additional damage.

Even though Geraldo's blade slides awkwardly off of seemingly nothing causing a brief shimmer in the air, his armor spikes find the goblin's vitals. The goblin collapses as its guts spill out of its wounds. Its staff rolls out of its gnarled grip onto the floor.

With the threat out of the way, you see this room is a small chamber lit primarily by a fire underneath the cauldron and a few torches held by bronze sconces on the walls. Beyond the cauldron of foul bubbling liquid and the table of empty flasks and reagents stands a shelf with several flasks and vials full of assorted concoctions. Four more sit with the iconic green bubbling acid. Two with the strange reddish liquid akin to that on the bandoleer taken by Geraldo. Six potion vials also rest on the shelf, each full of mystery liquid. Two more small casks with a short length of rope rest at the bottom.

Next to this shelf at the back of the room stands a small stone altar with strange runes carved into its top. Six stone tubes stretch down from the ceiling along the back wall onto the array glyphs. Each has an opening just large enough to place a flask or vial into the tube.

Beside the stone altar is a stand upon which rests an open book full of crudely drawn letters, likely the Goblin tongue, as well as a small ink vial and a pen that appears to be made from carved bone.

Orchid heals for 1 HP.

The giant stomps loudly enough that Orchid estimates its position as now in the middle of the chamber. Upon discovering that the bear is now dead, the giant unleashes an ear splitting scream from both heads. The scream has no distinct sounds, but is full of anger, sorrow, and regret.

The remaining four goblins in the central chamber continue their descent down the pillars.

The Giant has taken 12 damage.

Orchid, Solstafir, and Geraldo may act.

2019-12-26, 07:34 PM
"We should check to see if there are any more of these labs. I think flasks are being shipped to the top of the pillars using that apparatus at the back. Do you think we should split and try to meet back up in the middle, or stick together?"

Geraldo swipes half the flasks of each color and throws the potions and book into his haversack quickly. He also takes a moment to re-ready his maneuvers.

2019-12-26, 08:46 PM
"Interesting... Maybe we can rig one of these flasks to explode in their face when they arrive on the pillars? It will be hard to deal with them up there." Solstafir returned his axe to the loop on his belt and grabbed whatever he could to pile it into his haversack lest another goblin came to pick it up and use it against them. "Let's clear these tunnels, doesn't seem the giant and bear can reach us there. Best stick together, if you get wounded I can heal you."

He rummaged through the small lab, hopeful for something beyond vials of various harmful or benevolent liquids. "I'd gve an inch of beard for a tanglefoot bag right now. Would have made things much easier back there."

2019-12-27, 02:41 AM
Feeling better, Orchid stands up, using the nearby pillar as support. She then cautiously looks around from her position for some place to hide.

Move: Stand up from prone.
Standard: Look around. I don't know if this would be a spot or search, so I will just roll both. Spot: [roll0] Search: [roll1]
And here's the fort save I needed to make earlier: [roll2]

2019-12-27, 05:21 PM
Solstafir's search [roll0]
Solstafir strikes figurative gold. On the corpse of the goblin alchemist, stashed in his ratty robe is a single bag of just the sticky goo he was hoping to find.

Geraldo swipes a bunch of goodies out of the goblin alchemist's lab.

Orchid spots a somewhat cleverly disguised tunnel small enough for a goblin to easily go through, but large enough that the giant will have no hope of fitting, on the outer wall. It's likely at least one of the goblins will soon be going for that same passage. Orchid gains 1 hp.

The four goblins in the center chamber have finished their descent of the pillars. The giant screams out its first command again - to go and kill.

Geraldo, Orchid, and Solstafir may act.

2019-12-27, 07:21 PM
"Sounds good, but do you have any idea of how to rig one of these bottles to explode?"

Geraldo checks to see if the cask with a fuse will fit into the apparatus. Otherwise he starts crawling back down the tunnel in the direction that he came sword at the ready.

2019-12-27, 10:00 PM
"Dunno, not my usual kind of tinkering. Perhaps if we can give it extra speed so it smashes against the wall or ceiling when arriving..." Solstafir's rummaging was soon rewarded as he pulled a bag of alchemical substance from the goblin's still fresh corpse. "Aha! That should be helpful once we face the giant again." Having cleared out the lab he followed Geraldo into the narrow tunnels.

2019-12-28, 02:22 AM
Orchid quickly makes her way to one of the tunnels and starts moving through the cramped pathway hoping to get out of sight of that giant.

Move action: Move toward the open she sees.
Standard: Move inside of the tunnel. I don't know much rules regarding this sort of thing, so enlighten me if I can't get any real movement done yet.

2019-12-28, 02:17 PM
Orchid quickly makes her move and squeezes (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/movementPositionAndDistance.htm) into the tunnels (you can move at regular speed, but you take a -4 penalty to attack and AC). She hears voices of her comrades from further into the tunnel.

Geraldo and Solstafir squeeze back into the narrow tunnel.

You all hear the four goblins in the center chamber let out blood curdling screeches, like a goblin war cry. Orchid hears their feet pounding against the stone. It doesn't take long before she sees two goblins entering the tunnel just behind her. The one in front is carrying a heavy wooden shield and wearing patchwork leather armor and the one in back appears to have a spear long enough to reach over its buddy and is wearing a crudely crafted iron helmet with twisted metal horns.

The giant is quiet.

The giant has taken 12 damage.

Orchid, Geraldo, and Solstafir may act.

2019-12-28, 03:14 PM
"Sounds like they're coming for us. Works for me. Let's go back into the alchemist's room and face them there. Solstafir handed Geraldo a spare harpoon, waiting for the charge of the goblins.

2019-12-28, 04:25 PM
"Geraldo? Solstafir?" Orchid calls out from the tunnel as continues moving through it. She then glances behind her on hearing the warcry, seeing the two goblins coming after her.

She then starts calling out to the two with urgency. "I uh, need some help- I-I have goblins after me! One of them has a spear and is behind one of his friends with a shield! I'm barely standing as it is!"

She then continues to make her way through the tunnel, hoping to get through as soon as possible.

Move and Standard action: Squeeze through the tunnel.

2019-12-28, 04:38 PM
"Orchid?" His voice was too low for her to hear as he gave air to his surprise to see another of their group conscious. "Over here!" Solstafir rushed in the direction of her cry fast as he could. Goblins with melee weapons would be easy enough given his Astral Vambraces if he got there in time.

2019-12-28, 06:18 PM
Geraldo takes the harpoon from Solstafir and crawls as fast as he can in the direction of Orchid's voice, hoping to make it in time before the goblins get to her.

2019-12-29, 07:47 PM
The three of you quickly find each other in the tunnel, moving as quickly as you can through the tight space, it seems Orchid can match pace with the goblins. Due to the curving nature of the tunnel, charging isn't an option.

However, you can hear goblins coming from behind Solstafir and Geraldo as well, the tunnels echo with the whooping and hollering of the grotesque little monsters. Another pair comes into view, the one in front has a crudely forged iron shield and the goblin following it is holding a small clay jar in one hand and a dagger coated with some kind of slimy substance in the other, it also carries three more daggers hanging from a raggedy belt made of animal skins.

You have 10ft of space separating you from the pairs of goblins on either side and are surrounded in the small tunnel.

The giant remains quiet.

Orchid gains 1 HP. (I forgot to mention the gain in the last round wrap up post, so 8 have been gained including this one, 3 remain to be gained before Lesser Vigor expires, which would put Orchid at 5 HP now I think.)

The Giant has taken 12 damage.

Orchid, Geraldo and Solstafir may act.

2019-12-29, 08:14 PM
Solstafir's dwarven legs were slower than Geraldo's longer step and he found himself bringing up the rear, soon with another pair of goblins on his tail. Poison again it looked like. Coated on a dagger swung by a goblin it shouldn't be a problem for him. "Orchid, take the middle and I see if I can patch you up!" His claim was immediately followed by a surge of divine energy enveloping his weapon as he brought his axe down at the shieldbearing goblin covering his comrade.

If I counted right I should have all maneuvers granted right now, Bless and Magic Weapon have run out
Crusader's Strike [roll0] -4 squeezing, +1 power of racism
If hit Martial Spirit heals 2 HP(range 30 feet) and Crusader's Strike heals [roll2](range 10 feet). If both are in range Crusader's Strike goes to Orchid and Martial Spirit to me. If only Martial Spirit is in range the other way around.

2019-12-30, 10:09 AM
Orchid squeezes through to the area Solstafir directs her to.

"I'm glad to see that you two have managed well."

Move and Standard action: Squeeze through the tunnel to the specified spot.

2019-12-31, 03:41 AM
"Well enough, I suppose. After we clean up these goblins we need a plan to take out the bear and giant."

Geraldo lets Orchid squeeze past him and moves towards the goblins in the front to lay into them with his weapons.

Great Falchion:[roll0] includes bless, squeeze penalty, wolf fang strike penalty
damage: [roll1]
Armor Spike: [roll2]
damage: [roll3]

2019-12-31, 06:38 PM
Solstafir finds it awkward to get a good swing of his axe in the cramped quarters and he finds his attack is deflected by the goblin's crude iron shield.

Geraldo positions himself so Orchid is in the middle of the trio and manages to cut down the goblin with the wooden shield, it collapses onto the ground its life taken by the curved blade's strike.

The iron shield goblin goes on full defense, attempting to barricade the group in. +4 AC for the goblin.

The goblin behind flings its slime coated dagger at Solstafir.
[roll0] - it only hits on a 20 due to the -4 for throwing into melee.
On a hit, deals [roll1] damage and if that could beat Solstafir's damage reduction, would require a Fort save DC 12 against the poison, but it can't succeed.

The goblin with the long spear attempts to impale Geraldo.
[roll2] to hit
On a 22 [roll3] to confirm

Deals [roll4] damage
On a critical hit deals [roll5] extra damage.

The spear finds its way into Geraldo's flesh, dealing a substantial blow.
The dagger bounces off of Solstafir like an annoying gnat.
Orchid gains 1 HP (2 more to gain).

The giant remains quiet and has still taken 12 total damage.

Geraldo, Orchid, and Solstafir may act.

2020-01-01, 06:42 PM
Seeing the goblin going for pure defense hiding behind his shield Solstafir switched tactics, throwing his arms wide to wrap him in a bear hug, using his superior bulk to crush the goblin against his own shield.

[roll0] -4 squeezing, +1 because goblin
If hit Orchid heals 2 HP. No AoO because of Full Defense


2020-01-02, 10:06 AM
"I have one last scroll of power word pain right here. I'm not sure if it will finish the giant, but it would go a long way to wearing him down." Orchid comments, noting the scroll she is holding under her arm.

"The only issue is getting him to stand still so that I can get it off without getting smacked. If we can keep the giant grounded somewhere, I have three couple scroll of lesser vigor I can use to get everyone else up."

She then looks sad for a moment, contemplating the giant. "I just wish there was a way to help the other head, but I think death is its only out. I think that voice that spoke to us in infer-."

Orchid stops that train of that as she sees Geraldo get struck by the spear. In haste, she draws out a scroll of lesser vigor and begins the chant for it.

Move: Draw out a scroll of lesser vigor.
Standard: Activate the lesser vigor scroll, targeting Geraldo

2020-01-02, 10:15 AM
UMD for activating the scroll: UMD: [roll0]

2020-01-02, 03:57 PM
"Argh! Why you...Thanks, but probably should have saved that for our companions outside. Solstafir said he's got some healing powers."

Geraldo grunts in pain as he gets impaled by the spear, but quickly shakes it off. After acknowledging Orchid, he takes a step forward in an attempt to cleave the goblin in half.

Swift: Recover maneuvers
5 ft step into melee with goblin
Standard: Great Falchion attack: [roll0] with bless and penalties
damage: [roll1]

2020-01-02, 07:11 PM
Solstafir grabs the cowardly creature and crushes the breath out of its lungs, the foul thing goes limp as it loses consciousness.
Orchid fails to activate a scroll and gains 1 HP (1 left).
Geraldo attempts to kill the spear goblin, but the little creature evades.

The spear goblin takes a step back and again attempts to attack Geraldo.
[roll0] to hit
On a 22 [roll1] to confirm

Deals [roll2] damage
On a critical deals [roll3] additional damage.

The goblin with the jar deftly swipes another knife off of its belt (quick draw) and attempts to apply poison [roll4]. On a 1, the goblin poisons itself.
Then it attempts to fling the dagger past Solstafir at Orchid, Solstafir's presence in the tunnel provides Orchid with 1/2 cover providing Orchid an effective +4 AC.
[roll5] to hit
On a 21 or higher [roll6] to confirm

If it hits it deals [roll7] damage.
On a critical hit it deals [roll8] extra damage.
If Orchid is injured by the blade she must make a Fortitude save DC 12 or take [roll9] ability damage to a random ability score determined by this roll: [roll10]

The spear goblin's spear is challenging to manage for Geraldo. Geraldo takes 4 damage.
The poison wielding goblin's throw is blocked by Solstafir.

The giant remains quiet and has taken 12 damage.
Aertre, Levyk, and Thanquil remain unconscious and are stable.

Geraldo, Orchid, and Solstafir may act.

2020-01-02, 09:28 PM
Letting the unconscious goblin slump to the ground Solstafir closed the short distance to its now coverless partner. "You really think you can just ignore me like that? Bad idea pal." He pushed into the goblin hard with his shield to bring it off-balance, using the opening to deliver a vicious uppercut with his dwarven axe again glowing with divine energy.

Crusader's Strike
If hit Orchid heals 2 HP and Geraldo heals [roll]1d6+1[roll]

2020-01-03, 06:38 PM
Geraldo grimaces in pain from getting impaled twice and attempts to go all in to take down the goblin.

"Thanks for the healing, looks like my training has been insufficient."

Great Falchion: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
Armor Spike: [roll2]
damage: [roll3]

2020-01-03, 09:39 PM
Orchid lets out a curse at herself for messing up the activation. Seeing that she may just get in the way at the moment, Orchid elects to keep the scroll ready just incase another severe injury is sustained. "I think I'll just stay out of the way and keep the scroll ready just in case."

Orchid readies an action to try activating the scroll again in case an ally takes severe damage.

2020-01-04, 12:27 PM
Solstafir decapitates the poison wielding goblin. Its body drops to the ground as its head rolls down the hallway, its last thoughts being to wonder what just happened. The clay jar falls to the floor.
On a 1, it breaks. On a 2, it tips over and spills some onto the floor. On a 3, it lands upright and retains all of its remaining poison doses [roll0]

Orchid prepares for the worst and gains 1 HP. Lesser Vigor expires.

Geraldo is finding these cramped quarters to be more of a nuisance than he'd hoped.

The spear goblin, being the last goblin standing, recklessly attacks Geraldo with everything its got in a final blaze of glory. It lets out a gurgling goblin battle cry as it attempts to impale the human in front of it.
[roll1] to hit
On a 22 [roll2] to confirm

Deals [roll3] damage
On a critical hit, deals an extra [roll4] damage.

The giant remains quiet and has taken 12 damage.

Geraldo, Orchid, and Solstafir may act.

2020-01-05, 12:12 PM
Orchid remains on standby, watching the goblin carefully.

As last turn.

2020-01-05, 09:04 PM
"Dammit, just get out of there before you get beat up by a single goblin." Solstafir tried to force his way past Orchid and Geraldo, hoping for their cooperation in switching positions so he can block the attacks of the final and seemingly quite formidable goblin.

I assume I need two moves for this, if I have a standard action left let me know, I'd go for a trip attempt.

We only have a very limited amount of healing left so any more damage we take here might mean one less unconscious body we can bring back up. That goblin already cost us a lot,

2020-01-06, 05:24 PM
Geraldo takes Solstafir's advice and squeezes past both of them to take up position on the other side in case more goblins come in that way.

Withdraw action for full round
Recover maneuvers for swift

2020-01-07, 06:23 PM
Solstafir slips past his companions in an effort to bring the goblin down. The goblin takes the opportunity of his approach and gleefully attempts to stab him, drunk on its success against Geraldo.

Attack of Opportunity (resolved prior to reaching melee with the goblin, his reach weapon doesn't cause Mantle of Flames to deal reciprocal damage).
[roll0] to hit
On a 22 [roll1] to confirm

Dealing [roll2] damage
On a critical hit, deals [roll3] additional damage.

Solstafir approaches the goblin and goes in to trip it.

Rolls here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?172608-3-5-Wizard-s-Epic-Binder-Article)

The goblin attempts to avoid being tripped [roll4] opposed.
[roll5] including the -4 penalty for size

Solstafir and the goblin awkwardly fail to trip each other.

2020-01-07, 06:28 PM
The goblin, feeling emboldened by its repeated successes, takes a step back and again attempts to skewer the dwarf in front of it.

[roll0] to hit
On a 22 [roll1] to confirm

Deals [roll2] damage
On a critical deals [roll3] additional damage.

The giant remains quiet and has taken 12 damage.

Geraldo, Orchid, and Solstafir may act.

2020-01-07, 10:10 PM
The goblin scored a shallow wound on Solstafir's arm, the spear's tip despite a solid thrust only penetrating half an inch. A moment later even that faded completely as the dwarf grabbed his opponent and failed to wrestle him to the ground. Unperturbed, he again closed the distance and tried to kick the goblin's legs out from under him.

5 foot step after him
[roll0] -4 squeezing, +1 race, +1 Furious Counterstrike
If touch hits heal 2 HP

2020-01-08, 11:37 AM
Orchids silent watches the goblin and Solstafir go at it, feeling awkward herself as she watches the two continuously play a game of who can trip who. She wonders at this point if she should have bought a spear or if she would have enough time to cook a meal before the goblin was killed.

As before.

2020-01-08, 07:15 PM
Geraldo watches.

The goblin is unable to attack with its longspear in response to the touch attack due the unwieldy length of the weapon, but narrowly avoids Solstafir's attempt to trip.

The goblin again steps back and continues trying to skewer the dwarf. He lets out a screech from inside his crudely crafted horned iron helmet.

[roll0] to hit.
On a 22 [roll1] to confirm.

Deals [roll2] damage.
On a critical hit deals [roll3] additional damage.

The giant remains quiet and has taken 12 damage.

Geraldo, Orchid, and Solstafir may act.

2020-01-09, 12:36 AM
His annoyance mounting with the little creature Solstafir repeated his previous attempts. At least it didn't seem further reinforcements were coming so he could afford drawing a bit more vigor from this surprisingly deft foe.

Heal 2 if hit

2020-01-09, 03:43 AM
Well that has a high chance of succeeding so I'll roll the potential AoO now to speed things up
[roll0] +4 for prone enemy
Heal to full if hit

2020-01-09, 10:17 PM
The goblin attempts to avoid being tripped

It goes down crashing into the ground. The goblin, in a panic, springs to its feet, narrowly avoids Solstafir's attempt to grab it and retreats 10ft into the tunnel, turning and readying its spear while breathing heavily. Its hasty retreat would provoke an AoO if Solstafir could make two AoOs in one round.

If you approach it, you'll provoke an attack of opportunity.

If you approach the goblin, these are its rolls:
[roll]1d20+2 to hit
On a 22 1d20+2 to confirm

Deals 1d6+1 damage
On a critical hit, deals 2d6+2 additional damage.

The giant remains quiet. It's been awhile, what could it be doing? The giant has taken 12 damage.

2020-01-09, 10:23 PM
The goblin goes down, crashing into the ground. The goblin, in a panic, springs to its feet, narrowly avoids Solstafir's attempt to grab it and retreats a short ways into the tunnel, it turns and readies its spear while breathing heavily. Its hasty retreat would provoke an AoO if Solstafir could make two AoOs in one round.

If you approach it, you'll provoke an attack of opportunity.

If you approach the goblin, these are its rolls:
[roll0] to hit
On a 22 [roll1] to confirm

Deals [roll2] damage
On a critical hit, deals [roll3] additional damage.

The giant remains quiet. It's been awhile, what could it be doing? The giant has taken 12 damage.

Players actions.

2020-01-10, 12:11 AM
Solstafir moved after the retreating goblin, taking a hit that cut through his trousers only to then harmlessly bounce off his bare skin. "Come a little closer Geraldo, I'll try to finish this!" His axe came crashing down at the panicked goblin, going for his left shoulder with a butcher's chop.

Crusader's Strike
On hit Geraldo heals [roll2] provided he moved into range and Martial Spirit heals me to full.

2020-01-10, 03:25 AM
Geraldo follows Solstafir's instructions and moves closer.

"I guess we can sift through their bodies when they are all dead."

2020-01-10, 05:33 PM
The goblin is taken completely by surprise as the war axe removed the goblin's left arm and a substantial portion of its torso. It briefly looks up at you in shock as the life fades from its eyes and its body crumples unceremoniously onto the stone floor.

It seems all the goblins are dead.

The giant remains quiet and has taken 12 damage.

What will you do now? (Until you reengage the giant, we're acting out of combat - once the giant is reengaged, a new initiative will be rolled)

2020-01-10, 06:40 PM
"I think we should look through the tunnels and make sure that all the goblins are dead. A surprise attack from behind when we are engaging the giant and bear probably wouldn't be great."

Geraldo starts checking the goblins for anything that might be useful. He is going to put anything of note into his haversack for the time being.

2020-01-10, 09:45 PM
"I have a crossbow in my pack with a good supply of bolts and these tunnels appear far too small for our giant friend. Perhaps you two could drag back our allies while I provide a distraction from the safety of the tunnel system?"

2020-01-11, 01:07 AM
"That sounds good once we're sure the tunnels are clear. Shoot at it from the entrance furthest from their bodies, then we can make a quick dash to pull them out. With any luck they're still alive." Solstafir wiped off his axe on the goblin's tattered clothes; in the short amount of time since entering the tunnels it had already gotten a lot of blood to spill.

"Oh, we killed an alchemist with a couple potions, perhaps you can tell what they do. Also got a tanglefoot bag, that should help once we go back in to fight."

I can heal another 2 HP by executing the unconscious goblin, just tell me who of you needs it more.

2020-01-11, 10:00 AM
Orchid nods to Solstafir. "It might take me a little bit or so to identify them, but I'll try my best. Do one of you think you could scout out the best tunnel for me to shoot from in the meantime?"

If I've been keeping track correctly, I think I'm at 8 HP. Also, here are the spellcraft rolls for identifying the potions for when they're given to me. Looks like there are six potions, so that's about six minutes of time. Orchid will get to work as soon as she has them.

Pretty weird going to 3.5's ID rules from PF's. Burning a feat for Mages spectacles has really turned out to be worthwhile though.

2020-01-12, 10:28 PM
Orchid recognizes three of these as Potions of Cure Light Wounds. Given that they all appear the very similar, the other three may be as well.

The chunks and bits of stuff used as ingredients still suspended in the liquid is not perfectly uniform between any of the potions, which may be a testament to the goblin alchemist's lack of craftsmanship, or it's possible they are actually potions of another kind.

2020-01-13, 12:18 PM
"Well, if you're not sure about the other three... We still got an unconscious goblin over there, just pour one down his throat and see what happens." Just in case they were indeed all curing potions Solstafir kicked away the goblin's weapon and shield, putting his foot on the small creature's chest to choke out its life again.

We seem to be in agreement about checking the tunnels first, we can probably progress with that

2020-01-13, 05:52 PM
"Three cure lights." Orchid comments after some time.

After listening to Solstafir's suggestion, she opens one of the unidentified potions. "If this wasn't the dungeon, I might actually have something against doing this sort of testing." she responds. She brings the potion to the goblin and pours it onto him, observing the effects.

2020-01-13, 08:04 PM
Geraldo readies his weapon in case the goblin does anything unexpected.

2020-01-13, 10:22 PM
The goblin springs back to consciousness. It briefly twists in attempt to free itself, but quickly realizing its situation it begins babbling incoherently in the goblin tongue, it's hard to tell for sure if it's begging for its life or threatening you.

(This disarmed, pinned goblin isn't a threat, so I'm not going to make you do combat rolls, if you want to suffocate it back to unconsciousness with Solstafir's boot, that's what will happen.)

You make a full circle around the main chamber - there are two side chambers, one was the goblin alchemist's laboratory, the other is an empty room with a wall with stones forming a spiral design, but no special passages or otherwise.

There are a number of tunnels connecting the ring back to the main chamber, some offering some cover behind the pillars in the main chamber, while others offer a clear view to the center. Your downed allies are all close to at least one entrance, with Levyk and Aertre being close to one that views the center and Thanquil being close to one with LoS to the center blocked by a pillar, though Thanquil's prone form is not totally hidden behind the pillar.