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View Full Version : 2e Zaharah setting: A Sha'ir is a 5e Warlock

2019-11-17, 10:52 PM
Back in 2nd edition a Sha'ir was like a sorcerer, he had a a minor genie familiar called a Gen (around 12 inches tall from one of the 4 elements). He would send that Gen to fetch spells for him. The magic was found in one of the four elemental planes. 1-6 rounds later, the Gen would return with the spell (there is a percent chance to find the spell). The gen could find both arcane and divine spells, but divine spells were stolen and there was a % chance that Divine retribution would follow. The Shair could then cast the spell.

This looks like a Warlock to me.
The Shair makes a pact with a genie Lord. He gets a Gen, and his opening cantrips.

He has access to spells via his gen. He has one or two slots where he can store the retrieved spells.
The number of spells known is limited just like a regular warlock, but they are spells he is familiar with (he get a plus to his percentage to find them). He can call for ANY spell, but has a minus for spells he is NOT familiar with, and a greater minus for divine spells.

He cannot gain new spells until he either casts his stored spells or replaces them after a short rest (while the Gen hunts for the magic).
In fact the Gen can only leave while his master is resting, and returns just as he is ready to adventure again.

~~ Like a familiar, the gen cannot be killed, but simply reforms on the plane of origin and will return after a long rest. The Gen can be sent to an elemental plane during battles.

The Sha'ir cannot cast spells higher than his level.

at first level, the Sha'ir gains the ability to communicate with any genie or genie-kin, and all elementals. This is telepathic based, but he must speak to be understood.
He will also get a bonus cantrip depending on the plane the Genie Lord hails from (for example, a fire lord would grant a choice, Firebolt, Produce Flame, or Sacred Flame).
~~ the elemental adept feat would work very well with this class!

Eventually he will be able to travel to the elemental planes, survive for an hour on the more hostile ones, trap and free genies (but if he traps a genie from the same plane as his Genie Lord, he will lose all of his abilities).

His expanded spell list will include summon elementals at the appropriate level.
In fact the expanded spells may differ depending on the plane the Genie Lord is from.

So what do ya think? is this something that could be expanded upon? Could this work in a real campaign, or is it over powered?

Old Harry MTX
2019-11-18, 01:41 AM
So what do ya think? is this something that could be expanded upon? Could this work in a real campaign, or is it over powered?

The idea is pretty cool, and do this as a warlock archetipe is the best choice, IMHO.

Can't say if this is over powered until I read it wrote black on white. ^^

2019-11-22, 09:42 PM
Based strongly on the Sha’ir, check it out if you like:


Short version:
Level 1
You get an invisible Gen Spirit, same element as Patron. You spend a slot to send it looking for a spell. When it’s not looking for or holding a spell for you it performs verbal and somatic components.

No expanded spell list, you can send your Gen to gather a spell you don’t know but know of, it returns after a short or long rest depending on the spell’s nature and holds the spell until you want to cast it.

You can sacrifice Mystic Arcanum uses as well but the caveat that “powerful entities might notice your Gen stealing from them” begins to apply.

Level 6
Wondrous conveyence of varied sorts with Varied utility and duration.

Level 10
Access to your patron’s hidden oasis. Functionally similar to Leomund’s tiny hut but includes some extras.

Level 14
You either trick your patron or your patron’s Rival into a lamp. You can either use them as labor or use them in combat (more limits on action economy than other summons due to their power).