View Full Version : Help me make a magician's pack

2019-11-18, 03:09 PM
I'm quickly making a character for a one shot and I want to make them very tricksy, using trinkets and tools in combat using their interactions and not spurred on by features. So, I want to propose to my DM a replacement for an adventurer's or dungeoneer's pack (a magicians pack) that would have things like smoke bombs, firecrackers, mirrors and other things you could quickly pull out to distract an opponent. What should I include, and how much?

2019-11-18, 03:39 PM
Distracting a creature is very DM dependent.
I would take minor illusion cantrip and call it a day. At least with the cantrip the creature is required to use their action to investigate.

2019-11-18, 03:42 PM
Distracting a creature is very DM dependent.
I would take minor illusion cantrip and call it a day. At least with the cantrip the creature is required to use their action to investigate.

minor illusion can't be preformed with an interact action

2019-11-18, 03:47 PM
minor illusion can't be preformed with an interact action
I don’t think there are any items that can impose some kind of game mechanical advantage or disadvantage, that only uses an item interaction action. Most of the time you’re pulling the item out of your bag (item interaction action) Then using an action to use the item.

2019-11-18, 03:58 PM
I don’t think there are any items that can impose some kind of game mechanical advantage or disadvantage, that only uses an item interaction action. Most of the time you’re pulling the item out of your bag (item interaction action) Then using an action to use the item.

well, yes. I may not have made this clear but this is basically pure role-play stuff, in the same line as if you describe your attack as an epic drop from the chandelier, plunging your blade into the back of the dragon your DM might give you inspiration or advantage simply for playing with technique and in ways that illustrate that it's a real world and not just a game of numbers. I just want the whole inventory written down so that the same can be maintained for belief instead of magicking it out of nowhere

P.S I'm playing a thief, so object interactiona can be done s a bonus action

Sparky McDibben
2019-11-18, 04:09 PM
Just take something like pyrotechnics from Xanathar's and reflavor it. For a smoke bomb, use fog cloud, etc.

2019-11-18, 04:10 PM
If your not trying to gain some mechanical advantage. I would treat a tiny item like a smoke bomb, pack of firecrackers, coin size mirror worth 1gp each. I would also go down the list of trinkets in the PHB (each also worth 1pg each) and pick what you like.