View Full Version : You got science in my fantasy!

2019-11-19, 05:51 PM
I always love the science fantasy settings (when you mix traditional fantasy with science fiction) I’ve toyed around with the idea of a science fantasy campaign but I’m not quite sure how to do it. Does anyone have any tips on how to mix the two? Or how to run a game like that?

2019-11-19, 05:52 PM
-checks WOTC book release schedule-
-sees what day today is-
-not sure if trolling-

EDIT: In defense of my response, what were the odds someone asked this question on that day of all days?

2019-11-19, 05:59 PM
I think what Jaappelton is trying to say is...The new Eberron book came out today and it is a mix of classic D&D and a little sci-fy. They have trains and airships, guns and robits, and a lot of other things. I admittedly wasn't really a fan of the "steampunk sci-fy" setting that Eberron brought in until I played in it. My DM does a great job making the world feel realistic and explaining how all of this technology is magic based. So I'd give Eberron a look if you haven't already. Seems like what you're looking for.

2019-11-19, 06:20 PM
or Spelljammer.
I really hope we get an updated 5e spelljammer setting book.

2019-11-19, 07:46 PM
I always love the science fantasy settings (when you mix traditional fantasy with science fiction) I’ve toyed around with the idea of a science fantasy campaign but I’m not quite sure how to do it. Does anyone have any tips on how to mix the two? Or how to run a game like that?

It depends. Are you looking for a specific campaign setting/adventure? Or are you looking to homebrew a world to set a campaign in?

For first party material there's pretty much only Eberron, for which a book came out today. Spelljammer as a setting also exists, but there are no 5e books out for it, and there probably won't be any for a good while. Middle Finger of Vecna (Basically a homebrew group/third party publisher, some members of which participate on this board) have a sci-fi book in playtesting right now. That one has mechanics that can supposedly be used in just about any sci-fi setting.

2019-11-19, 08:00 PM

What kind of science fiction, though?

2019-11-19, 08:42 PM
Are we talking, say, Shadowrun-style science fantasy, which has hacking computers, cybernetics, and somewhat futuristic ? Or Star Wars-like space opera with the Force magic, space combats, and blaster rifles ray guns? Or something closer to Eberron, which is more magitech in nature?

Each of those three will involve very different subsystems to be used with the 5e chassis.

2019-11-19, 09:54 PM
I always love the science fantasy settings (when you mix traditional fantasy with science fiction) I’ve toyed around with the idea of a science fantasy campaign but I’m not quite sure how to do it. Does anyone have any tips on how to mix the two? Or how to run a game like that? Module with the name "Barrier Peaks" in it. Have fun. :smallsmile:

2019-11-20, 10:26 AM
Try watching " Super Saga Quest" by The Dungeoncast. He had his players make normal d&d characters but they stumbled onto something and now are in a sci fi game. Fighting sky wizards, paladins in power armor with lightsabers, and many more. It's just reskinning things.

I ran a campaign that took place in a Alternate universe of the milky way. I stadyed focus on are solar system. There were space travel between mars, earth, venus and some small mining colonies on the Asteroid belt. I justed reskined everything. As for guns I reskined bows and xbows. Melee weapons could be any future style melee weapon they want, be it a lightsaber, Vibro blade, ect. As for energy weapons like a laser gun or lightsaber I changed there damage type to fire. A lot of tech was just common magic items. Clerics where Doctors, wizards have a device that allows them to manipulate the magical force use Physics to shape and form function of there spells, sorcerers are born with bio nanites that gives them the power to manipulate the magical force, druids practice the Ancient magics. Bards study how different classes use magic and copy them Example the spell animal friendship they copy how druids cast it, then for spells on the wizard spell list they copy wizards notes and research.

Yes there is a Ambiguous magical force but it treated as it just part of are Reality. Think like alchemy is seen in Fullmatal Alchemist.

All the different races happen thanks to Genetic modification being Relatively cheap and readily available to the public and evolution through Genetically modified great grand parents.

Venus has floting cities where a lot of sorcerers live because venus is ruled by a group of powerful houses of sorcerers.

Earth has become a Sanctuary Planet thanks to Global pollution and human Destroying Habitats for natural resources. So Thousands of years ago humans made a Exodus to mars, venus and other colonies. Letting earth repair its self. Now its has and it extremely hard to get Permission to head to earths surface. There are no permanent settlements on earth and it again the law to build one there. Adventures that are Registered with the guild can Explore earth and its ancient ruins of cityscapes "aka dungeons". Or they might be sent on a resurch mission to study wildlife or protect any biologists. Hunters can get permits to hunt Certain animals aka monsters.

Mars is mostly made up of one massive city. Theres a saying " If you can find it on Mars it Doesn't exist "

Then there are different space stations and mining colonies on Asteroids.

So that was my scifi campaign world.