View Full Version : Eberron book mis-print... Anyone else having this issue?

2019-11-19, 09:54 PM
So I had a local game store hold a copy of the Eberron - Rising from the Last War book for me, but when I went to pick it up, there was a very strange printing error... The first 32 pages were both backwards and upside down, as if they took the first portion of the book, flipped the pages over top to bottom, and stuck them in with the rest of the pages laying the right way. The owner was there and has offered to contact his distributor to see if he can get correctly-assembled versions and I can exchange the one I purchased in for a correct one, but it might be a week or two. I have a copy, but not a GOOD copy for now. :P

2019-11-20, 01:21 AM
Not I. Mine’s fine.

2019-11-20, 02:18 AM
So I had a local game store hold a copy of the Eberron - Rising from the Last War book for me, but when I went to pick it up, there was a very strange printing error... The first 32 pages were both backwards and upside down, as if they took the first portion of the book, flipped the pages over top to bottom, and stuck them in with the rest of the pages laying the right way. The owner was there and has offered to contact his distributor to see if he can get correctly-assembled versions and I can exchange the one I purchased in for a correct one, but it might be a week or two. I have a copy, but not a GOOD copy for now. :P

Books are made in 32 page chunks. So that would be why it affected only those pages.

2019-11-20, 02:52 AM
Well now I know to insist on checking the book before purchase. Game stores I buy my books from tend to keep the d&d stuff behind the counter, so I can't casually flick through copies checking for errors unless I'm at the counter with the clerk, in the way of anyone looking to make a purchase :smallfrown:

2019-11-20, 03:17 AM
Well now I know to insist on checking the book before purchase. Game stores I buy my books from tend to keep the d&d stuff behind the counter, so I can't casually flick through copies checking for errors unless I'm at the counter with the clerk, in the way of anyone looking to make a purchase :smallfrown:

Indeed. I'll definitely insist on it.

2019-11-20, 08:16 PM
I have a copy, but not a GOOD copy for now. :P

Or another way to look at it: You have a rare copy.

2019-11-20, 08:22 PM
Or another way to look at it: You have a rare copy.

I really doubt it'd be worth enough to care.

2019-11-20, 08:23 PM
Yeah, keep it perfect. That has the potential to be worth bank sometime down the line.

2019-11-20, 08:46 PM
That's the Xoriat edition.

2019-11-20, 08:56 PM
I don't have personal experience, but I hear that WotC's customer service is very helpful with misprint books - they'll send you a new one, and let you keep the faulty. It's definitely worth it to shoot them an email with a picture or two.

2019-11-20, 09:35 PM
I really doubt it'd be worth enough to care.

Yeah, for misprints to be worth anything, they have to be common enough for a consciousness to arise amongst a collectors' community. So like the Obi-Wan with a short lightsaber is worth a ton, while the Aragorn in Saruman packaging I have is basically a curiosity.

But yeah, keep it, it's a neat little thing to have.

2019-11-20, 11:26 PM
Yeah, for misprints to be worth anything, they have to be common enough for a consciousness to arise amongst a collectors' community. So like the Obi-Wan with a short lightsaber is worth a ton, while the Aragorn in Saruman packaging I have is basically a curiosity.

But yeah, keep it, it's a neat little thing to have.

Yeah, it's not like it's near unique and desired like a copy of Dark Heresy 2e with an intact binding.

2019-11-26, 09:54 PM
As a follow-up, the store got in more copies and the owner made sure to check to make sure the new copies were printed correctly and held one for me. I exchanged it tonight and while ,yeah, I could've followed my roommate's advice and sent off to wizards for a second, corrected version, I chose to honor the agreement with the owner of the store and let him have the defective copy to send back for credit as I prefer to support local stores.

I felt like I did the right thing by going this route. :)

2019-11-27, 12:05 AM
That kind of thing just happens sometimes. I once got a new sci-fi book to discover it was missing thirty two pages out of one chapter. They hadn't been ripped out they were just never there.

2019-11-27, 04:02 PM
That kind of thing just happens sometimes. I once got a new sci-fi book to discover it was missing thirty two pages out of one chapter. They hadn't been ripped out they were just never there.

Well this was a brand new book on its release day. Just someone having screwed up and loaded the first batch of pages into the book-binding machine wrong.