View Full Version : Collecting Errors & Oddities found in Eberron: Rising from the Last War

2019-11-20, 12:22 PM
Page 6: "Abyssal is the common tongue of all fiends." Abyssal is not listed on either the Standard Languages of Eberron or Exotic Languages of Eberron tables, while Infernal is listed as an Exotic Language of Eberron spoken by fiends. Example fiends in the book speak Infernal (where languages are not simply "all").

2019-11-20, 12:56 PM
Yeah, they talk about that in the latest Manifest Zone podcast episode. Keith explains, if I recall, the intent was to give one unified language across the fiends and somewhere the wires got crossed and you ended up with that. Unfortunately it was caught too late to fix for print. So pick one and go with it.

2019-11-20, 02:23 PM
Page 32: "The Mark of Finding appears among half-orcs of House Tharashk. Strangely, both orcs and humans associated with the house cannot develop this mark." However, both the table on page 37 and the text of page 41 indicate that both half-orcs and humans can take the Mark of Finding.

2019-11-20, 04:12 PM
Captain America shows up in the bestiary (I swear it's his face)

In the section of Sharn, it has a table for Lower Sharn and one for Upper Sharn, but not Middle Sharn.

2019-11-20, 04:20 PM
re: the Language thing...

I recently redid my languages. I designated Common, Giant, and Goblin as 'common' languages. Added racial tongues like Halfling and Elf.

Then I did Languages of Power.

The Tongue of Syberis is what dragons and celestials speak natively, and is also the language of choice for anyone interested in the Prophecy or in most magical spells and rituals.

The Tongue of Khyber is what the Overlords and fiends of any stripe speak. It is also a useful language of power for certain spells and rituals.

The Tongue of Eberron is Druidic, and is also spoken by elementals and fey.

Deep Speech is the language of the Daelkyr and also their aberration servants.

Giant is listed as a language of power, because In My Eberron while Giants used mostly Draconic (the tongue of Syberis) they did anything runic in their own tongue.

Everyone has a number of languages equal to 2 + Int Bonus + Background. No languages due to class or race (because said languages tend to be tangled in Forgotten Realms lore). Choose a Common tongue, then a racial tongue if it applies to you, then fill up your languages from any of the other choices available.

2019-11-21, 02:20 AM
Page 115: "Fifty years ago, the people of eastern Aundair seceded and formed the Eldeen Reaches." Going by the map, that should be the people of western Aundair.

2019-11-21, 08:54 AM
Imbued Wood Focus (page 277): "An imbued wood focus is a rod, staff, or wand cut from a tree infused with extraplanar energy. If you're a spellcaster, you can use this orb as a spellcasting focus."