View Full Version : Tentreto's Alone Against the Flames IC

2019-11-21, 12:08 AM
For reference this is taken from Alone Against the Flames written by Mike Mason, Paul Fricker, and Gavin Inglis, thank you!

Do You Hear the Call of Cthulhu?
“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.”
—H. P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu

Welcome to Call of Cthulhu, a Horror/Investigative roleplaying game of mystery wherein you, an ordinary person, shall encounter and confront the terrifying alien forces of the Cthulhu mythos. Now, to begin is quite simple, and this first introduction shall operate similar to a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure story (this is done in order to help with an easy transition between the investigation-heavy Call of Cthulhu, and most other RPGs). Nevertheless, it is time to begin... welcome, to Alone Against the Flames.

Plymouth, New Hampshire, 2:44 PM, September 1st, 1921.

The sun is high in the sky, a merciless ball of heat. You feel scorched by the time you reach the bus halt in front of Osborn’s Drug Store. It’s a relief to put down your heavy cases and take off your hat for a moment. You fan your face. It has been a long summer here, in your hometown, and yet a curiously empty one.
You look across the street at the grubby butcher’s shop, the grocers with its faded awning, and the shabby tobacconist. Mistrustful faces glare at you as they pass, eyeing your clothes and luggage. It was your parents’ choice to live here, not yours. You were happy down south as a child, among Providence’s white-walled houses and leafy churchyards. Perhaps this new job in Arkham will supply the change you need.
Yet everybody you know in the world lives here. You know nobody in Arkham, not one soul. You ask yourself one last
time if you are doing the right thing.
The answer is here. None of your supposed friends have come to see you off. You are alone. Whatever challenges lie in Arkham, it will be a new life, and a brave one.
A small gray motor coach approaches and rattles to a stop. You put your hat back on and pick up your cases.

Two young men with sullen expressions alight from the coach. One looks you up and down before heading away. The driver also steps down, glancing at you before crossing the road to visit the tobacconist. When he returns, he is rolling a cigarette between his yellowed fingers. He gives it a final twist and examines you as he reaches for his matchbox. He is a thin man in his fifties, dressed in a stained shirt with the bus company emblem. Yet his eyes are sharp in their dark sockets.
“Where to?”
You show him your ticket for Ossipee. From there you will connect to Rochester and Portsmouth, before the coastal line to Newburyport and, finally, Arkham. You should be able to afford a rail ticket for at least some of the way; otherwise this will be the first of many long bus trips.
“Mmm-hm.” The driver scratches the match and lights his cigarette. The end flares as he takes a draw. Then he exhales and gestures to the back of the coach. “Luggage rack’s up there.”

In Call of Cthulhu (somewhat like most other RPGs) there are eight characteristics Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Appearance, Size, Power, Education, and Intelligence

Strength: This is a measure of the physical prowess of your investigator
Dexterity: This is a measure of the agility and speed of your investigator
Constitution: This is a measure of the physical toughness and stamina of your investigator
Appearance: This is a measure of the physical appeal of your investigator
Size: This is a combined measure of your investigator's height and weight, also used in determining their force behind their attacks and health
Power: This is a measure of your investigator's mental stability, force of will, or spirit
Intelligence: This is a measure of the logic and cunning of your investigator
Education: This is a measure of your investigator's tutelage, be it from formal education or the "school of hard knocks"

For the very early image you have of your character, please rank these characteristics in whatever order you choose. No need for anything else than this right now. Also, yes, I understand that this is not really your standard introduction to an In-Character Thread, but let's roll with it!

2019-11-28, 03:52 PM
Lets go with

1: Dexterity
2: Intelligience
3: Power
4: Education
5: Appearnace
6: Strength
7 Constitution
8: Size

2019-11-28, 04:04 PM
The driver smokes and watches as you drag your cases to the back of the motor coach. The rack is set inconveniently high on the vehicle. You get a grip on the heavier case.

You struggle for a few seconds before the driver comes up beside you and lends a hand, still puffing on his cigarette. “Heavy bags for a small ‘un,” he remarks. You judge it best to respond with a simple mutter of thanks.

The driver flicks his cigarette into the gutter and steps into the motorcoach. Its engine coughs into life. You board, grateful that you will be the only passenger for the initial part of your trip at least. With mixed emotions, you watch from the window as the tired avenues of your old home slip behind you, receding into the distance. For a few minutes, you can still see the church spire over the brow of a low hill. Then the road dips and it, too, is gone.
Arkham is your new home. You will travel there, and make a new start.

Your starting Sanity is determined by your Power (this sanity score will most likely fluctuate wildly). In addition, you have a number of Magic Points also based on said power. This will deplete and over time eventually return back to its original score. However, in all likelihood, magic points shall rarely be used by an investigator early on in their career, but it is important to note that they do exist.

The coach putters through the countryside. At first, the interior is stifling and your stomach lurches with every bend in the road. However, the driver opens his window, and by switching seats you find a spot where the breeze hits your face. You soon relax into the journey, observing the quaint little hamlets that the coach serves. A heavy-set woman boards at one settlement and gives you a polite nod. She gets off at the next one.

You have a certain amount of hit points based on both your Constitution and Size. Your current may fluctuate, but it is unlikely to ever exceed its maximum.
You also have a Luck score, which is used to help determine things out of your control. Please give me 3d6 to assist in generating your beginning luck.

2019-11-28, 04:07 PM
Will luck be with the most glass of cannons? [roll0]

2019-11-28, 04:11 PM
Heh. The concept of "Glass Cannon" is a bit weird in Call of Cthulhu...

The road rises a little, passing cornfields and orchards. The leaves are turning and the trees are alive with glorious reds and golds. You have just begun to doze when the driver takes a tight bend at speed.

Please give me a Dexterity roll by rolling a d100 (Call of Cthulhu [unlike D&D, PF, etc...], as you know, is part of the d100 system, so that'll be the dice you most often roll).

N.B. Whenever I say "roll," unless I specify otherwise, I mean a d100.

2019-11-28, 04:16 PM
(less cannon, more glass. Far more glass.)

Dexterty roll [roll0]

2019-11-28, 04:30 PM
You rolled above your dexterity, which means that you have failed your roll. Interestingly, in Call of Cthulhu, your stats are what actually determine the difficulty of your attempt as opposed to a set DC like in D&D.

A desperate yell shakes you out of your reverie of the beautiful view. You feel yourself slide from the seat as the driver spins the wheel and the motor-coach plunges off the road. Too late, you reach for the seat in front. You fall into the aisle and your ribs crash against the edge of the seat opposite. Breath rushes out of you. The coach stops with a thump.
Your driver leaps from his seat into the road. As you sprawl, dizzy, in the aisle, you hear a string of incendiary curses.
The driver climbs back into the cab and sees you on the floor. He looks concerned and assists you back into your seat. You see what has happened now. A Fordson tractor has stopped in the road and he had to swerve to avoid this steel obstacle.
“Sorry,” he says. “All them fields and he has to pick the road to park. You all right?”
You don’t think anything’s broken. But you’ll have a colorful bruise for the next few days. The throbbing pain itself should hopefully end with a good night's rest. The driver then backs the coach up a little and threads it around the tractor, glaring at the farmer.

You have sadly lost 1 hit point in this accident. Your hit points will fluctuate, recovering and depleting over time (although rarely [if ever] going above your maximum), but note that if you sustain a massive amount of hit-point loss, or if you fall to 0 hit points, you will fall unconscious or even die.

You resume your journey. The driver takes the curves with more caution than before. He glances over his shoulder at you a couple of times.
“Sorry about before,” he says. “That fella was dumber than a hog. I’m Silas. What’s your name?”


The accident was at least as much Silas’s fault as the farmer’s. But it doesn’t seem shrewd to antagonize the man while he is driving you through the middle of nowhere.

Make up a name for your character and I'll mark it down. You may add your age; for the purposes of this adventure your character should probably be aged between 23 and 36.

2019-11-28, 04:50 PM
"Hazel, Hazel Glass" she replies as she rubs her side, still feeling the bruise. Her new life had already gotten of to a perfect start, hadn't it? Leaving home at just 23, she knew she would have hardships, but not this early. It was a pity it was only one way. "Don't suppose there are too many more farmers on the way to Arkham? Too many and I'll run out of ribs to bruise." she says with a half-smile on her face.

2019-11-28, 04:52 PM
Silas gives a mix between a grunt and a chuckle, you can't really tell, but otherwise no response. The coach then turns onto a narrower road, which weaves uphill through woodland. Silas becomes chatty.
“Going to Arkham, eh, Hazel? Can’t say I ever heard of the place. Went to Boston once. Didn’t like it. Too much hustle and bustle. You got family there? A special someone waiting?”
The afternoon is wearing on. You see no harm in confiding in Silas about your new life.
“A job, eh? What’s your line?”

Now it's time for your character to choose an occupation. In Call of Cthulhu an occupation provides you with several occupation skills. It's comparable to a class, but the main distinction is that it's not representative of all your characters abilities, and it does not really affect advancement.
Some common occupations for investigators include:

Doctor of Medicine
Private Investigator
Something Else... (we can discuss)?

2019-11-28, 05:02 PM
(I was wondering about being a thief or criminal, although thats not really an occupation. Cartographer is something that sticks out to me, but might be a bit too specific. Musician possibly as well? If nothing else, thievery can be her side thing)

2019-11-28, 05:31 PM
You think back to the assistant cartographer's position you were offered at Arkham Rare Books and Maps on the strength of a recommendation by a distant friend of the family. Thinking about the ancient maps that must pass through that shop returns some of the excitement you felt upon receiving the letter of appointment. You feel a tingle in your palms; you cannot wait to get started.
“Old maps, eh?” Silas takes the conversation no further. You get the feeling he is not much of map connoisseur.

Does that work? If it doesn't feel free to note what, if anything, you'd like to change.

2019-11-28, 05:39 PM
Hazel rolls her eyes at him while she sits in the back. Maps weren't that bad. She was very glad to get the letter, in a place she could study and trade them along with other rare books. One day she hoped to get a position actually making the maps, possibly even of the country, but for now, she'd take what she could get.

2019-11-28, 05:45 PM
Your occupational skills are: Art/Craft (Cartography), Psychology, Navigate, and Spot Hidden. You also have the following choices:
Which non-English language has she picked up constructing maps of foreign places (any non-English language)?
Which conversational skill does she use most often to get people to discuss locales and distances or when she's selling the maps themselves?
Charm - physical attraction, seduction, flattery, or simply warmth of personality.
Fast Talk - specifically limited to verbal trickery, deception, and misdirection, such as bamboozling a bouncer to let you inside a club, getting someone to sign a form they haven't read, making a policeman look the other way, and so on (normally related to not telling the truth).
Intimidate - browbeating or making verbal threats to get your way.
Persuade - convince a person of a particular idea, concept, or belief through reasoned argument, debate, and discussion (although this does not necessarily have to employ the truth).Does she more often make historical maps of already established locations (i.e. cities and whatnot) or that of the natural world (macro-scale depictions with mountains, rivers, etc...)?

2019-11-28, 06:01 PM
She has picked up Spanish from her cartography. They made some fairly important maps of the Americas, some of which are still useful.

She would use Persuade. She might try charm or fast talk, but not about maps and locales, as she know those well enough to be confident with reason as the first attempt.

She prefers to make maps of nature and on a larger scale than just of cities. She does usually attempt to strike some medium, such as adding all the new farms and ruins, but usually sticks more on the natural side.

2019-11-28, 10:14 PM
You may now choose one skills from the following list that you would perceive to be related to Hazel's career as an artist. I'll also provide a short sentence description or so for each. I know you have the rulebook, but there are some minor changes in 7th edition, so I figured I'd just show them all to you.

Accounting - understanding of accountancy procedures; reveals the financial functioning of a business or a person.
Anthropology - identify and understand an individual's or culture's way of life through observation
Appraise - estimate the value of a particular item, including the quality, material used, and workmanship.
Archeology - allows dating and identifying artifacts from past cultures as well as detecting fakes
Arts/Crafts (you have this one, but you may pick it up again for a different art/craft) - allows the creation, making, or repair of an item which could be artistic (painting, singing, etc...) or craft-related (woodworking, cookery, etc...). Each one requires its own choice.
Charm - physical attraction, seduction, flattery, or simply warmth of personality.
Climb - climb trees, walls, and other vertical surfaces with or without ropes or climbing gear.
Disguise - used whenever you wish to appear to be someone other than whom you are.
Dodge - allows one to instinctively evade blows, thrown missiles, and so forth.
Drive Auto - drive a car or light truck, make ordinary maneuvers, and cope with ordinary vehicle problems.
Electrical Repair - repair or reconfigure electrical equipment, such as auto ignitions, electric motors, fuse boxes, and burglar alarms.
Fast Talk - specifically limited to verbal trickery, deception, and misdirection, such as bamboozling a bouncer to let you inside a club, getting someone to sign a form they haven't read, making a policeman look the other way, and so on.
Fighting (Brawl) - one's skill in melee combat. There are also different specializations such as Sword, Axe, Spear, or Whip, which each require their own choice (if not picking Brawl).
Firearms - covers all manner of firearms, as well as bows and crossbows. There are different specializations including Handguns, Rifles/Shotguns, Bows, and Crossbows. Each one is it's own skill.
First Aid - emergency medical care, not for diseases (see Medicine).
History - recall a historical detail or event, the significance of a country, city, region, or person, as pertinent.
Intimidate - browbeating or making verbal threats to get your way.
Other Language (you have this one, but you may pick another one) - Knowledge (ability to understand, speak, read, and write) of a language that's not your own. Each language is its own choice.
Own Language - Knowledge of your own language (presumably English)
Law - represents the chance of knowing pertinent law, precedent, legal maneuvers, or court procedure.
Library Use - Find a piece of information, such as a certain book, newspaper, reference in a library, or a collection of documents (assuming there's information to be found).
Listen - interpret and understand sound, including overheard conversations, mutters behind a closed door, and whispered words in a cafe.
Locksmith - open car doors, hotwire autos, jimmy library windows, figure out Chinese puzzle boxes, and penetrate ordinary alarm systems.
Mechanical Repair - repair a broken machine or create a new one.
Medicine - diagnose and treat accidents, injuries, diseases, poisonings, etc...
Natural World (you have this one) - represents the traditional (unscientific) knowledge and personal observation of farmers, fishermen, inspired amateurs, and hobbyists.
Navigate (you have this one) - take the correct path to a destination, whether in a strange city or the wilderness.
Occult - recognize occult paraphernalia, words, and concepts, as well as folk traditions; can also identify grimoires of magic and occult codes.
Operate Heavy Machinery - required to drive and operate a train, steam engine, bulldozer, or other large-scale land machines. Persuade (you have this one) - convince a person of a particular idea, concept, or belief through reasoned argument, debate, and discussion (although this does not necessarily have to employ the truth).
Pilot - allows the safe operation of a boat, aircraft, or dirigible. Each one is its own skill.
Psychoanalysis - refers to the range of emotional therapies.
Psychology (you have this one) - perception, common to all humans, to form an idea of another person's motives and character, and detect if a person is lying.
Ride - applies to saddle horses, donkeys, and mules, granting knowledge of basic care of the riding animal, riding gear, and how to handle the steed at a gallop or on difficult terrain.
Science - practical and theoretical ability with a science specialty gained from some degree of formalized education and training, although a well-read amateur scientist may also be a possibility. These specializations include: Astronomy, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Cryptography, Geology, Pharmacy, Physics, Zoology, etc... Each one is its own skill.
Sleight of Hand - allows the visual covering-up, secreting, or masking of an object or objects, perhaps with debris, cloth, or other illusion-promoting materials.
Spot Hidden (you have this one) - find a secret door or compartment, notice a hidden intruder, see an inconspicuous clue, recognize a repainted automobile, become aware of ambushers, etc. - an important skill in the armory of an investigator.
Stealth - when attempting to avoid detection, moving quietly, and hiding without alerting those who might hear or see.
Survival - expertise required to survive in extreme conditions, such as in desert or arctic conditions, as well as on the sea or in wilderness terrain. Each environment is its own skill.
Swim - the ability to float and to move through water or other liquid in times of crisis or danger.
Throw - hit a target with an object.
Track - follow a person, vehicle, or animal over earth, and through plants.

Oh boy, that was long. I listed all of them for later reference, as well as to let you know that as long as it makes sense, any of these can be involved in your occupation. So, with all that out of the way, choose one!

2019-11-29, 02:45 AM
Hazel will have learned Library Use. She needs to peruse large amounts of documents and look up records to make sure maps are accurate, as well as to be able to draw her own ones up.

2019-11-29, 03:21 AM
You realize Silas hasn’t made a stop since the incident with the tractor. The motor coach winds its way uphill. However, your thoughts are interrupted as the road crests a ridge and you are treated to a magnificent view of the vista below.

Note that even if you don't pick a skill as an Occupational Skill or a Personal Interest, you can still attempt any skill roll, having what's called a Base ability in it. There will more than likely be a slight, but nevertheless present, chance of you succeeding on anything you attempt.

A creek snakes through the valley, breaking the rich autumn palette of the tree line. In the distance the White Mountains rise into hazy cloud. There is no settlement, not even a cabin, as far as the eye can see. Birds drift through the treetops, and you can just make out what might be two white-tailed deer lingering by the water.
Perhaps you are making a mistake by moving to the city. Could you survive on your own in this lush wilderness?

Speaking of Personal Interest Skills from before, please choose four skills that represent Hazel's Personal interests (so things unrelated to his occcupation, in fact they cannot be the same as her occupational skills).

Also, I have a tendency to write a lot as it is, so as long as it's interesting and all that I'm fine with it. I just hope you're ok with it.

2019-11-29, 02:55 PM
I'll go for:

1: Sleight of Hand
2: Appraise
3: Firearms (handguns)
4: Survival (wilderness/forest, whichever is more relevent. Forest if possible as theres lots of it in New Hampshire.)

In her own time, Hazel has found herself adept at performing card tricks and could have been a decent stage magician, if she thought there'd be anything there for her. It certainly helped that she had to have a steady hand for her work. She also spent some time studying various antiques and artefacts, partly out of curiosity, which she pushed a lot further when she received the job. As she did travel into the wilds, and especially the forests a lot, Hazel did learn to handle herself on her own, especially if she was miles from help.

2019-11-29, 03:01 PM
Forest most likely makes the most sense.

The motorcoach rattles on through the hills and Silas continues his silence. The sky darkens behind you, pinks tinting the clouds as the sun descends. Finally, a welcome sight comes into view: a settlement on the crest of a hill. This doesn’t look like the pictures you’ve seen of Ossipee. But perhaps you can persuade Silas to stop while you stretch your legs.

So now we need to discuss the order of your occupational skills. You currently have chosen: Art/Craft (Cartography), Library Use, Natural World, Navigate, Other Language (Spanish), Persuade, Psychology, and Spot Hidden. Please rate these from highest to lowest.

2019-11-29, 03:12 PM
1: Art/Craft Cartography
2: Library Use
3: Navigate
4: Spot Hidden
5: Natural World
6: Psychology
7: Persuade
8: Other Language (Spanish)

2019-11-29, 03:15 PM
Minutes later, a harsh stuttering from the engine interrupts your reverie. Silas frowns and rattles the gear stick. The motorcoach falters in its ascent. Silas utters a curse you don’t recognize and grinds his teeth, struggling at the wheel. You seem to inch up the hill until you reach the first buildings, low dwellings constructed from a rough red stone. Silas wrestles the coach into a small bay off the road. He scrambles from his seat and makes for the engine compartment.

Please give me either a Drive Auto (you consider yourself an amateur in this field) roll or a Hard Psychology (you consider yourself a professional in this field) roll. A Hard roll means that you must roll equal to or under half of your skill level.

Also, yes, it is intentional I’m not specifying the exact numbers. I would rather you focus on just the general aspects of the game for now as opposed to a bunch of numbers.

2019-11-29, 03:30 PM
Hazel knows next to nothing about Cars. She knows a lot more about people.

Hard Psychology [roll0]

2019-11-29, 05:18 PM
That's a Success!

You sense a falseness to Silas’s actions. He is acting. Either he is not as aggravated about the breakdown as his behavior suggests, or perhaps the breakdown itself is an act.
If this is a ruse to make you spend your time and money in a local shop, he will be sadly disappointed in your purchasing power.

In Call of Cthulhu, one is able to improve their skills after a scenario (an adventure) should they succeed on a skill during said scenario. Because you've succeeded, you may have this opportunity in the future!

Silas opens the engine compartment open and sticks his head inside. The hot metal pops and sizzles. He pokes at various components, then withdraws and wipes his brow, smearing it with dark grease.
“I ain’t sure what’s wrong. Might be the oil pressure. Might be something knocked off kilter when we took that spill. Can’t do much until the engine cools neither. And with the light failing… I reckon we’ll be here through the night.” He wipes his hands on a rag.
The shadows from your surroundings are already long, and the air is chilly. You feel stiff from the journey and a night in the rickety coach sounds unappealing. Silas sees your dismay.
“This here’s Emberhead. Miles from anyplace. I only come through twice a week. But the folks here are good people. May Ledbetter keeps a spare room. She’ll look after you. Up that alley, turn right, first house on the left.”
He scratches his cheek, looks again into the engine compartment, and spits on the ground. “Meet me back here at eight in the morning and we’ll see how’s we stand.”

Now we're entering the more freeform part of the adventure. Nevertheless, given that this is still an introductory scenario. I'll be providing little prompts at the bottom of example things your character could attempt so that you can formulate a post in-line with general Call of Cthulhu ideas. In this instance, I have three possibilities. However, if you feel that you'd rather do something else, let me know (of course, one must understand that going of the "path" means that there will be very little held back).
1. Head out and look for this May Ledbetter's house
2. Ask Silas where he's going to stay the night
3. Challenge Silas about the breakdown

So, what are you thinking?

2019-11-29, 05:44 PM
Hazel looks over Silas. There was little point antagonsing him now, whatever he wanted. She still did have to spend the rest of the Journey with him as possibly his only passanger. And she did want to give her bruise some rest. It did diminish him a lot in her mind though, faking a problem and being a careless driver.

Had she ever heard of this 'Emberhead' before on her maps?

With a little struggle, Hazel pulls a bag off the coach, so she at least has something to change into tomorrow. A night in a room wouldn't be too bad. She might even be able to take down some notes if she had the chance. It still wasn't the start she was looking for, but she'd make the most of what God gave her.

"Hope it's nothing too major," she replies, "Otherwise we'll both be stuck here until we can repair it. Where are you staying then if I'm in the spare room?"

2019-11-29, 06:32 PM
Hazel has never heard of this town before. Presumably, it was too small to pop up on any of her maps, and you're not in a very heavily-populated region in the first place.

Meanwhile, Silas gives the engine a sour glance "Hopefully engine jus' needs to cool down or something..." Afterwards he starts to answer your query.
“I’ve got acquaintances here in the village. Reckon one of ‘em owes me a favor. Enough for bed and breakfast, in any case.” He stares at his grubby hands. “Probably won’t stretch to a hot bath.”
You don’t seem to have a lot of options. You fetch your bag from the back of the motorcoach. The last thing you need is for all your worldly possessions to disappear into some stranger’s hovel overnight. At least a lodging room would be more secure, right?

You drag your cases between the sullen buildings. You feel surprisingly weary, considering you have spent all day sitting down. Silas’ directions lead you to a modest dwelling with a slate roof. A nameplate reads LEDBETTER, and underneath, a sign in neat copperplate reads, LODGING ROOM. The lane around you is gloomy, but a lamp flickers in the window.
A breeze chills your face. You’re not about to begin your new life by sleeping in the street. You rap on the weatherbeaten door.

After a moment, you hear footsteps inside the house. A bolt is drawn back and the wooden door swings open. A figure with loose curls and a rough-looking housedress peers at you. Her gaze takes in your traveling suit and your cases. Her voice has a slight Irish lilt.
“Hello. Should I take it as you’re looking for a room for the night?”
You enquire as to her rates, suppressing a grimace. As far as you’ve seen, the village does not offer you many alternatives.
“Oh, you’ll find them very reasonable,” she says. “You look tired. I’m May. Come inside and we’ll talk over a cup of tea.”


The Ledbetter house feels cramped, with a low ceiling and simple fittings. But it is well kept and a cheerful fire crackles in the grate. The aroma of the tea is soothing and the cup warms your fingers.
“Have you come to Emberhead for the festival?” asks May.

Would you like to explain what happened with Silas and the coach or are you planning on asking about this festival?

2019-11-29, 06:48 PM
"Silas' motorcoach broke down so we need to wait till morning to see how it is." Hazel answers, cordially. "How long I stay depends on how bad the damage is. What is this festivel by the way? are you expecting many to come?"

Things began to make a little more sense now. If Silas wanted to be at the festivel, or at least get a young sucker to spend her money, he should just have asked straight up. If this was a festivel with a market, she might just be able to make a profit.

2019-11-29, 07:25 PM
May shakes her head and you glimpse a moment of deep-seated anger in her green eyes.
“He always drives too fast. Thinks the road is made for him and him alone. He hit a mare some years back, that was a terrible thing. You should have seen the state of the coach. You’d be surprised at the damage done.”
She sips her tea and gazes past you, into the corner of the room.
“With living here, though, we can’t afford to antagonize the man. He’s about the only link we have to the world at large. And he’s not a bad soul at heart. I suppose that going the same route for fifteen years makes a man careless. You have to forgive him.”
May goes silent for a long moment. Then her eyes flick back to you.

“Well now, I suppose the Festival is about the only reason folks come to Emberhead. We get a couple of new passer-by each year so I thought you had maybe come to study it or take photographs. Well, it’s not tomorrow night but the night after. I suppose it looks very strange to a passerby.”
May tops up your tea. The spout chinks against your cup.
“We’ve got the Beacon, you see. One night every year there’s a torch-lit procession and we light the Beacon on the cliffs. You’ve never seen the like of it. They say it keeps the spirit of the village alive for another year. It’s a celebration. A celebration...”
She tails off for a moment, and blinks.
“But you didn’t come here to listen to me blather, and you must be hungry. I can rustle you up a bit of stew. How would that be?”
You ask again about her rates, and May names a price so low you accept it without hesitation. The room is small but comfortable, and the stew dark and hearty. After dinner, you have a couple of hours before your usual bedtime.

Would you like to talk to May some more? Take a stroll around the village? Or turn in for an early night? I mean you do have quite some distance to make up, after all.

2019-11-29, 08:05 PM
Hazel shakes her head. "Haven't heard of the festival at all I'm afraid, but I am going to work as a cartographer, so I might be able to put in a word for people interested in that kind of thing. Might even be able to get your beacon put down as a landmark." she says, putting down her tea to take another bite of the stew. "How long have you been doing it for, the festival?" She carefully eats the stew, being very careful not to spill any on either the floor or her clothes.

2019-11-29, 08:18 PM
She shrugs, "If you want to. Guess that'd be nice, a big mapmaker like you from the city helping us out." As you ask about its origin she shrugs, "Not sure. I guess as long as the town's been active."

May then goes on to talk about life in Emberhead. “In her letters my sister always asks if I’m not bored, living in such a small place. She lives in New York. Then she writes about how frightened she is to walk home at night! I ask you.”
You mention your hopes for a new life in Arkham. May doesn’t seem to hear you.
“It’s a small place here, yes, but that means we have real community. Everybody’s face is known. Everybody works together. Nobody is excluded. Except those who choose to exclude themselves, of course. I couldn’t live anywhere else now.”

Please give me a Charm (you consider yourself a neophyte in this field) roll.

2019-11-29, 08:26 PM
Charm [roll0]

2019-11-29, 08:42 PM
That's yet another Success! Nice!

As the hour wears on, May’s upbeat manner descends into something more reflective.
“It’s not always easy. I’m a widow, you know. We have a little money, and of course I appreciate the custom of travelers like yourself. I know we’ll never starve as long as we live here. But I don’t see myself marrying again. I know every man in this village. I know them too well, if you see what I mean.”
Her mouth twists briefly, then she yawns and pushes a hand through her hair.
“Time for me to turn in. When would you like your breakfast?”
You respond with an early seven-o'-clock, that should be enough time to get on the coach towards Arkham.

Once more, you've Succeeded in another skill roll, so you'll have the opportunity to improve this one too!

As May stands, you hear a clunk behind you. You look over your shoulder, but all you can see is a wooden door, securely closed.
May tuts. “The young lady of the house. She’ll have been listening to us. Ruth! Come and greet our guest.”
There is a short pause, then the door creaks open. Two wide eyes peer at you from the gap, between tousled hair and a rough nightgown.
“What do you say?”
The eyes blink. “Pleased to meet you.”
“Now get back to bed.”
The door closes again.
“My daughter Ruth. Ten years this summer. She’s a delight and a torment all in one. Don’t worry, she sleeps in with me. She’ll not disturb you. Good night now.”
You retire to your room. It is a little chilly, but you are too tired to worry about lighting the fire. The sheets are clean and the bed soon warms up. The silence outside is strange after living in a town for so long, but you soon drop off.

Does this all work? If there's something that you'd like to change, just let me know :smallbiggrin: (again, the intent of this scenario is more to teach you the basics of CoC, hence why it's on a little bit of a railroad)

2019-11-30, 12:19 PM
With all that settled, Hazel heads up to the bedroom without much delay. While the evening had been pleasant, she was making sure she'd get her sleep. The festival was intriguing, but it did sounds like only the locals really turned up. Maybe she'd come back another year and see it in person. With that thought, she begins to drift off.

2019-11-30, 12:54 PM
You dream of fire in the grate; coruscating colors shimmering through the dancing tongues of flame. At first they are tiny, almost microscopic, but they grow, and grow, until a kaleidoscopic inferno spills from the fireplace, spreading across the floor, up the sheets…
You wake with a start. Daylight glints through the curtains. You get up and examine the grate, blinking the sleep from your eyes. It is quite cold. If you have taken any damage (you have), you may heal 1 hit point back for your night’s sleep.

So, yes, just to clarify, "long rests" heal 1 HP. Taking damage is a bad idea (just like in real life).

May seems to have no running water, but has supplied some in a ceramic jug. You freshen up at the washstand and go in. She cooks a hearty breakfast and leaves you in peace to eat. At about seven-thirty, you are paid up, packed, and ready to go. You bid May goodbye and she wishes you the best for your new career in Arkham.

You are already tired of your heavy bags. Hopefully, Silas has repaired the motor coach and you can resume your long journey. A sourpuss he might be, but the old driver seemed to understand his vehicle well enough. You pause to check your watch—still twenty minutes early—and round the final corner.
The motorcoach is gone.
You put your bags down and search the area, trekking up and down slopes and around corners. At the edge of the village, you trace the long road back as it winds across the hills. Eight o’clock comes and goes. There is no coach to be seen.
A passing villager notices your bags.
“Looking for the bus? I heard him take off at first light. He’s due back in three or four days. If you need a place to stay, May Ledbetter rents a room.” The man raises his hat to you and strolls on into the village.
You curse Silas under your breath. Perhaps he went for parts. But you wonder if the old goat has stranded you here on purpose.

May is doing laundry, and looks surprised to see you again. “Forgot something?” When you explain the situation, she offers to store your bags while you try to arrange alternative transport. You are grateful to relinquish the load.
“Nobody here has anything like a car.” She strokes her chin and narrows her eyes. “Maybe you could find somebody with a horse and a cart for your bags. I could ask around later. Try Mr. Winters at the village hall, he’ll know if anyone will. Or ask among the artisans. Their workshops are first left on Silbury Street.” She reaches over and squeezes your wrist. “Don’t worry, I won’t see you sleeping in the street, money or no money.”
You thank May, and turn to face the village.

You wander the streets of Emberhead without any particular destination in mind. The village is built on a relatively flat upland with splendid views. To the north, the hazy tips of the White Mountains reach for the heavens; to the south, the sparkling waters of Lake Winnipesaukee touch the horizon.
The village itself takes less than five minutes to cross from edge to edge. However, it is literally edge to edge, as with the exception of the two roads out of town, all that's there is a massive drop-off. You arrived on the winding road to the west. The only other road leaves to the south, following a lower ridge of land as it turns east. In the northernmost part of town, you see the courtyard mentioned by May home to several artisans. Next to that is the town's largest building (which isn't saying too much) - presumably the village hall. Meanwhile, in the southwest of the village, an open grassy space borders a ruined church, its graveyard cresting the cliffs. To the northeast, the three main thoroughfares, with a general store being one of the only real businesses open, meet at a raised black metal structure. It looms, stark against the blue sky.


Oh boy, that was long, I hope you got all of that, but basically... where do you want to head now to find transport out of here? Some places of interest that I listed were: The lower ridge of land that heads eastward, the artisan's courtyard, the village hall, the church, the general store, or the raised black metal structure?

2019-11-30, 01:28 PM
Hazel curses under her breath. She knew Silas was lying, but to strand her here in the middle of nowhere? Now she was stuck here with her bags until he decided to return, or she got some help. She had half a mind to find him and given him a piece of her mind.

As Hazel looks around the village, whats catches her eye the most is the ruined Church. Had they never bothered to repair it or at least do something with it? What yokels were they out here? That certainly seemed a bit weird, and she'd not heard anything about a local preacher either.

But first matters first. Hazel heads towards the courtyard where the artisans are meant to be. She can quickly look for Mr. Winters if she has no luck there, and she did know a little about her crafts. If nothing else, she can explore the sights while waiting if she was going to be stuck here.

(Does Hazel know how far is Emberhead from the next settlement towards Arkham?)

2019-11-30, 01:31 PM
Again, Hazel doesn't really know exactly where Emberhead is, but you can make a Navigate (you consider yourself a professional in this field) roll to see if you can approximate based on how far and in what direction you've traveled from the last settlement you recognized.

Not far from the Ledbetter house, on the north side of Silbury Street, there is an open courtyard. The rhythmic tattoo of a hammer seems to announce your approach.
The courtyard is the busiest location you have yet seen in Emberhead. It is bordered by a ring of workshops. Some are brick buildings, some only rough huts. A blacksmith ceases to hammer, thrusting something red and glowing into a bucket of cold water. A weaver looks up from his loom, blinking at you for a moment before returning to his shuttle. A potter, engraver, and carpenter each work in their own space, exchanging friendly banter.
You move among the artisans, chatting about their work. Eventually you bring up the question of export. Some of them send occasional packages with Silas. Some restrict their custom entirely to villagers. You receive no suggestions about alternative transport.

Please give me a Psychology (you consider yourself a professional in this field) as you're walking amongst the artisans.

2019-11-30, 01:42 PM
Navigate [roll0]

Psychology [roll1]

2019-11-30, 02:07 PM
Well, that's two Successes... you're rolling really well lol.

You're quite confident that the closest town would be Ossipee. Not too far if you had some form of transport, but in terms of walking it'd take you at least six or seven hours. You'd definitely need supplies before you attempted something like that.

One of the workshops is shut up. When you stray close to it, the repartee between the craftspeople becomes awkward—almost forced. Interesting. Regardless, that won't help you get out of town.

You are beginning to get your bearings in Emberhead. Would you like to explore some more?

You mentioned wanting to head to the Village Hall next, but just to recap, some places of interest that I listed were: The lower ridge of land that heads eastward, the artisan's courtyard, the village hall, the church, the general store, or the raised black metal structure?

2019-11-30, 02:29 PM
Curious and curiouser. No one in the village really traded outside of going through Silas, and obviously weren't happy with her around. Why would Silas leave her then? If she was getting this frosty a reception already, she couldn't imagine how they'd feel having her around for a couple of days. If all else failed, she could just leave her bags with Mrs Ledbetter and hike back to find some actual transport.

For now, she heads over to the village hall. If she couldn't get any help from this Mr Winters, she'd have to take matters into her own hands.

2019-11-30, 02:46 PM
The village hall backs against a cliff at the east end of Silbury Street. It’s the largest building you’ve seen so far in Emberhead. It is, however, locked and shuttered. You walk around it, peering through gaps in the shutters. There seems to be one large room, presumably for community meetings, and a smaller annex that serves as an office and archive. One of the windows is bricked up. Back at the main door, you can see no posted opening hours.
“Mr. Winters doesn’t open up mornings, this time of year,” says a gray-garbed woman passing by. “Best come back this afternoon.”
You ask whether the office has a telegraph, you really must get in contact with the Arkham Rare Books and Maps.
“Don’t know.” She shrugs. “Who would we call?”
You will have to try again later.

You think that you've begun to get the general layout of Emberhead. Would you like to explore some more?

To repeat my list of exploratory options: The lower ridge of land that heads eastward, the artisan's courtyard, the village hall, the church, the general store, or the raised black metal structure?

2019-11-30, 02:53 PM
Hazel stops herself from saying 'the police,' although it is a near thing. It was only September after all, the man should have been around. She was indeed stuck here for at least the rest of the morning. For now, she heads over to the the ridge going out of the town. Maybe she could see how far the next settlement was, or if she was lucky grab the attention of a farmer and get a lift that way.

2019-11-30, 04:04 PM
The air is fresh and the walk down to the lower ridge invigorating. You notice cultivated fields stretching through the lowlands around Emberhead, and among the crops some livestock, but no horses. Are you going to have to make your onward journey on foot?
Further down, the road skirts the edge of the ridge and descends. There are a few scattered hovels here, with signs of habitation. They are set a substantial distance apart.
As you examine them, a door opens, and an older man steps out. He wears a bedraggled suit, but carries a piece of cloth, which he tosses over his head like a hood. As he does this, he sees you and freezes.

Please give me a Luck roll.

2019-11-30, 04:07 PM
Luck [roll0]

2019-11-30, 04:11 PM
That too is also a Success...

The man looks up at the village, scanning the clifftops. You get a brief flash of his face. There is something unsettling about it. Then he turns to walk away from the road. But as he does, he raises a hand and slowly beckons to you.

Are you planning on following this strange man, or does this seem unwise?

2019-11-30, 04:30 PM
A strange man in a strange village. Everything about this place was unsettling her. The man had not spoken a word yet seemed to be telling her to come? At this point, Hazel was beginning not to care. She'd find something out about why everyone seemed so cold and unhelpful outside of May, and she wasn't entirely defenceless. But just in case...

Hazel pulls out her handkerchief and puts it just beside the side of the road in a ball. Just in case this man was going to try something, she'd at least leave some evidence. With that done, she goes to follow the man.

2019-11-30, 04:39 PM
Well to clarify (and this might just be Hazel's perspective, in which case, all good), but people aren't being intentionally unhelpful... it's more that they're not really being helpful...

You follow the man around the outcrop. He glances up, then steps between two rocks and vanishes!
Closer inspection reveals a narrow channel leading into the cliff. There is just enough light to see a small, natural chamber within. You will be uncomfortably close to this man if you go inside.

Would you like to follow him inside, or keep your distance and depart?

2019-11-30, 04:46 PM
(Those two things are the same to Hazel at the moment, as she's had a bad two days already, which is likely to get worse)

With a little trepidation, Hazel follows him in. "You got a reason for taking me out here? And who are you Mister?" she calls out to him. She will keep herself in the channel until he actually replies to her.

2019-11-30, 04:48 PM
Ok, again, just wanted to make an OOC clarification.

There is no response. The figure seems to be waiting for you to fully enter.

2019-11-30, 04:55 PM
Now she's a bit closer in, Hazel has a look around the natural chamber, seeing if there is anything in there at all. Unless there is something that looks utterly weird, she'll walk in carefully, staying next to the exit.

"Ok Mister, why did you bring me here?" she asks, with annoyance plainly on her voice.

2019-11-30, 05:07 PM
You squeeze between rocky outcrops with wary steps and enter the concealed chamber, almost banging your head on the low ceiling. There appears to be nothing in here except for the man, who settles back against the wall and does not respond, watching until you draw closer. Then he slides back his hood.


Please give me a Sanity roll.

2019-11-30, 05:09 PM
Was waiting for this!

(in)sanity [roll0]

2019-11-30, 05:23 PM
You hold something back within you. You somehow compartmentalize all of the grotesqueness and burnt-flesh inside of you, giving no visible reaction, but deep down... something is very wrong.

You lose no Sanity for now (a possible interpretation is you just turn those feelings off [like a light switch] which is most definitely healthy, another is that you possibly disbelieve this, interpreting it as just a terrible costume or something like that, either way, for now, your mind remains unbroken).

Some of the man’s face remains: a strip from the side of his jaw to his right eye socket is healthy and pale, if aged. But the left side is consumed by angry scar tissue. One eye droops, hooded by melted flesh, and the nostril on that side is pulled open to leave a gaping hole. The disfigured man studies your internalized reaction with his one good eye.
“Name’s Arbogast. Willard Arbogast. So I wonder what brought someone to Emberhead this time...”

Would you like to explain your incident with Silas or maybe claim that you've come to see the Festival?

2019-11-30, 05:35 PM
Hazel drives the thoughts from her mind about the man's face. Dear God, he had been scarred horribly, how was he even alive? But no, she needed to keep herself calm, something was happening in this place. She focuses on that for now, doing her best to keep her composure.

"I'm Hazel Glass," she begins, "I was travelling through when my ride decided to ditch me here. Guy named Silas, he faked some engine problems then left at dawn. Thought he was trying to get me to spend money here and at the festival, but there isn't that much around."

She looks him up and down a little for a second. "I imagine you took me out here for a reason then Willard. And what do you mean about this time. Has Silas done this before?"

2019-11-30, 05:45 PM
That swollen mouth gives a little twist downwards. “Son of a devil has rats’ blood.” His fingers tighten into a fist.

Arbogast doesn't answer your query but instead fixes you with a lopsided yet intense stare. “You seek me out, eh?” He looks up at the cave ceiling. “Which one of them told you about me? Never mind, it don’t matter. Truth is, they fear what I know. They’d never come at me direct. Don’t want to end up like old Arbogast.” He giggles. The high-pitched sound is all the more grotesque coming from those bloated lips. Then, abruptly, his gaze turns to iron.
“Emberhead died forty years ago. Shattered by flame, consumed by the stars themselves. The ancient hill was cleansed by inferno. And from the blackened ground came new life, as is the way of all things. The Abenaki knew.”
Arbogast wipes his nose on his sleeve. “Except none of that happened. The flames were turned away. The necessary death postponed a year, and a year again. And now those up there—” He stabs a scrawny finger at the ceiling. “—think themselves saviors of the village. Think they can defy the Great Old Ones! Iä! Cthugha!” He shakes his head. “With strange aeons their lives matter less than the blink of an eye.”
A fierce intelligence burns in his gaze. But you suspect Arbogast may be quite insane. Should his mood change, it would not be difficult for him to seize one of the loose rocks and crack your skull with it.

Are you going to ask about the Abenaki, the Great Old Ones, the villagers, or just get the heck out of here while you still can?

2019-11-30, 06:08 PM
What was going on? This man was clearly raving mad, but spoke with such conviction, it was hard for her to doubt he had some gleam of truth to him. And the 'nescessary death?'.

"They, they killed people?" Hazel exclaims, her demeanour shifting to one of fear. "For some insane reason? I...I," She takes a small moment to gather herself. As she does so, she moves slightly towards the exit, almost by reflex.

"Ok, who are these Abenaki, who knew this? Why do they believe in killing! And why on earth did Silas leave me here with them!?" she finishes, just below a rant. If Willard had seemed more sane, she would have blown his head off with her shouting, but she made sure to temper it. Willard was mad, so she didn't want to set him off too much. Moreover, if he was correct, and they were wanting to kill someone, she did just happen to be an outsider travelling alone, who was small, and unarmed, and...

She was really, really regretting leaving home at the moment, and was going to knock Silas out if she ever saw him again.

There was a possibility that the man was just mad. But things lined up uneringly well. The festival coming up. It keeping the spirit of the village alive. The weird looks she got from the artisans. The lack of a church in repair. Silas' strange actions. About the only thing that causing her to take it with salt, aside from it's absurdity, was May's hospitality. But either way, she had plans to make when she got out, many of which involved getting far, far away.

2019-11-30, 06:30 PM
“The Abenaki?” He frowns. “They knew this land and cherished it. They lived here in harmony for their allotted time. Air and earth, water and fire. They accepted every daybreak as a gift and they trod lightly on the land. Yet we came and we ended them. Their time is passed. Now ours, too, must end.”
Arbogast runs a hand through his hair. A wide strip is missing on the left side, displaced by scar tissue. He climbs to his feet.

Arbogast pauses in the shadows. “There’s something about you, something the previous ones never had. Perhaps you can make it through. If you want to hear more, meet me again after dark. Nine o’clock. The graveyard on the other side.” He lifts a gnarled finger. “Don’t be followed, else I won’t be there. This ain’t the time of year for a showdown.”
Arbogast wipes his nose on his sleeve again. “Go now. Their eyes are on me. And stranger? Don’t try to run. You’ll never make it.”
You emerge into the sunlight blinking and more than a little shaken.

You turn back to the road and your core business: getting out of Emberhead and onwards to Ossipee. The ridge gives you a good viewpoint from which you can see the course of the road. It winds with the hills, disappearing into woodland for a while before emerging further on. You lose sight of it somewhere towards a second patch of woodland. By your best estimation, that is at least six or seven miles distant. You see no other settlements or traffic.
It may be worth taking a chance and walking. The weather is still mild. But you will need supplies before you attempt it.

Everything is starting to become quite unnerving, and yet, would you like to explore some more?

Listing options: The lower ridge of land that heads eastward, the artisan's courtyard, the village hall, the church, the general store, or the raised black metal structure?

2019-11-30, 06:44 PM
As she walks back, Hazel makes sure to retrieve her handkerchief from beside the road. She wouldn't make it? She was a decent hiker, and it wasn't too far, but a child could have also made that walk, so there had to be something else at play. Did they have the road blocked? For now, it didn't matter. She would need some supplies to be sure, and she knew that there were a few other things she wanted to check out, mostly whether Arbogast was completely telling the truth.

For now however, she stays around the south of the village, to get to the church, and hopefully have less of a chance of being associated with Arbogast. She also needed to check whether there were any ministers here at all.

2019-11-30, 06:58 PM
The road, as far as you can tell, is not blocked.

You cross the street towards the church. As you glance to your left, your gaze alights on the large metal structure. Something bothers you about its positioning. You back up and look again. Yes! Emberhead’s central thoroughfare points directly at the structure. This seems too precise to be a coincidence.
You press on and draw into the shadow of the church. The building is in a sorry state. The top of the steeple is missing, a ragged gash of splintered boards marking its absence, and the floors beneath it have collapsed. It appears to have torn through the roof of the main building as it fell. Only the back half is still intact. The white paint, which once covered the church, has yellowed and peeled.
It seems safe enough to explore the rear section. Old pews are stacked against the wall, choked with mildew. Most of the windows are broken. You guess this church has been disused for about twenty years. There is little more to interest you.

Please give me a Ride (you consider yourself a beginner in this field) with a Bonus Die. This means that you roll a d100 and a d10 and if the ten's place of the d100 is higher than the d10 you can use the result of the d10 instead.

2019-11-30, 07:09 PM

Bonus [roll1]

2019-11-30, 07:24 PM
That's sadly a failure.

You're pondering what all of this means when your stomach rumbles. Your morning exertions have left you hungry. You roam the streets of Emberhead looking for sustenance. There is nothing resembling the busy cafés of your hometown, or anything that might be called a restaurant.
It is beginning to look like you will have to get supplies from the general store when May Ledbetter comes down the street with a girl trailing in her wake. This must be Ruth. As she notices you, she races past her mother and approaches you with a smile. This is a different Ruth from the shy creature of last night.
As she reaches you, she stops and stretches her arms up in celebration. She looks up into your eyes. Abruptly the smile drops from her face and she looks several years older.
“Get out before the festival,” she hisses. “Get out!” She blinks hard, then scuttles back towards her mother.
May approaches, wrapping an arm around her daughter’s shoulders. She smiles. “How are you getting on? Have you found transport?”
Startled, you explain the frustrations of the situation.
“I’d try Mr. Winters in the village hall. He’s always in of an afternoon. You’ll be hungry by now? Help yourself to any food in the house. The door’s not locked.”
You glance at Ruth where she has squirreled herself behind her mother’s leg. Her eyes implore you to silence.

Do you wish to ask Ruth about what she said, ask May about what Ruth said, or just say nothing.

2019-11-30, 07:47 PM
If she had doubts remaining, Ruth banished them. The only other person she had seen that look on was Arbogast, telling her to leave. That settled it then. She had to find a way out. The only question left was whether to go for speed or go with Arbogast.
"Thanks for the offer," she says. "I might grab something small. With any luck, I should get my things together soon." Her own eyes meet with Ruth's, acknowledging what she'd said.

2019-11-30, 07:51 PM
May looks at you confused by your second statement, but nevertheless, presses on.

You take your leave of the Ledbetters and head towards their house. The door opens easily. In the low kitchen you make a meal from stodgy bread and leftover stew. A little window offers a view to the mountains.
If you learned one thing this morning, it was that Emberhead’s streets hold little to occupy the visitor from out of town. But there are still about five hours of daylight remaining. You could take some provisions and the bare essentials from your luggage, and set out in the hope of reaching another settlement before dark. Or you could ask advice from this Mr. Winters.

Would you like to prepare your things and walk out of town, or ask advice from this Mr. Winters?

2019-11-30, 07:58 PM
With five hours of light, she could get most of the way back before dark. Ruth had told her to get out, and Arbogast had more or less as well, albeit with his warning. So she decided to attempt the best of both options. For now, she'd check out this Mr Winters, and then head out and leave quickly. If she played it calmly, she could ascertain what was preventing her from leaving. With no delay, she heads out to the village hall.

2019-11-30, 08:19 PM
The village hall overlooks the lower north ridge of the village. You walk along Silbury Street to find it, conscious of the oppressive black metal structure framed at the end of the road. The shutters of the hall are open and some windows left ajar. There is no knocker, but a little bell over the entrance tinkles as you push the front door.
Inside, a sturdy door to your right is marked PRIVATE. To your left, an opening leads through to a bright room. You take a few steps inside. Benches line the walls and there are two noticeboards mounted between the windows.

Would you like to simply knock on the door, or look at the noticeboards first?

2019-12-01, 05:20 AM
For now, Hazel needed to sate her curiosity. She looks over the boards to see what's on them. They were hardly private things after all.

2019-12-01, 09:46 AM
The floorboards creak beneath you as you cross the room. You feel a slight spring in your step. Perhaps this room is used as a gymnasium for the village children.
One noticeboard appears to be for the adults of the community, and one for the children. The former looks neglected, featuring handwritten advertisements for household items and a yellowed note about telegraph pricing. There is nothing about the festival.
The children’s noticeboard has a schedule for weekly crèche services, and a number of paintings obviously done by the children themselves. Most are incoherent, though colorful. As best you can tell, they depict fireworks, or perhaps the tale of Joseph from the Book of Genesis. One has lost a pin and hangs upside down. It shows a giant bird attacking Emberhead. Or it might simply be that the artist has not yet mastered the subtleties of scale.

Please give me a Spot Hidden (you consider yourself a professional in this field) roll.

2019-12-01, 09:54 AM
Spot Hidden [roll0]

2019-12-01, 09:55 AM
That's sadly a Failure.

You spend quite some time investigating the noticeboards when the door scrapes behind you. A middle-aged, bespectacled gentleman appears in the doorway. “May I help you?”
You explain you are visiting on May Ledbetter’s recommendation.
“Ah. Well, I’m Clyde Winters. I’m not sure I can help you, but… would you care for some coffee? I’m partial to a cup in the afternoon.”
He gestures to the open door behind him. This seems like a worthwhile opportunity, and you are a little thirsty.

You step through the door marked PRIVATE. The other side of the village hall is in marked contrast to the public space. The room is compact, lined with shelves of books and file alcoves. One corner is reserved for a tiny pantry and what is presumably a water closet.
You study Mr. Winters as he fills the percolator. Although thin on top, his hair is oiled and neatly swept back. His suit is a sober affair, and well-tailored even if the cut is a little old-fashioned. A lesser man working alone might have loosened his bow tie for comfort.
On the desk against the opposite wall, you notice what looks like a telegraph set.

Would you like to make small talk with the gentleman first, or ask about the telegraph set immediately?

2019-12-01, 11:15 AM
"It's good to meet you Mr. Winters," Hazel begins as she sits down, "as you may have heard, I've been left here after Silas left this morning, and I was hoping to see if I could use your telegraph, or if you knew anyone who could transport me onwards today." She doesn't entirely expect him to be able to help. If he was unable (or unwilling) to, that left her very few options.

2019-12-01, 11:59 AM
“The telegraph? Mmm. Much as we value our isolation, we do need the link sometimes… you were hoping to send a message? I must apologize. The line has been down for two weeks. I reported the fault, but of course, they’re not so speedy when the problem lies in a rural area. I’m expecting a repair the day after next. I do appreciate how frustrating this must be. The coach is due, in what, three days? But I think he’s going west. Perhaps you might engage a wagon? One of the farmers might...”
You explain that you have asked a few of the residents already, but to no avail.
“I tell you what.” Winters pours you a steaming cup of coffee. The dark liquid smells rich and strong. “When the repair crew arrive I’ll ask them to take you back with them. How would that be? They might want a dollar or two to grease the wheels...”
The day after tomorrow? It’s less than ideal. But it’s the first real opportunity you’ve had.

Would you like to thank Mr. Winters and depart or make some nice small talk with the man?

2019-12-01, 12:25 PM
Hazel gives a nod. "That sounds good, thanks for telling me. I'm more worried about my job to be honest, they were expecting me to arrive by today. They might think I'm missing or something."

She very carefully tries to read Winters face as she says that, for any hint of a reaction. Nevertheless, she continues on, not showing any reaction on her side.

"I think I might get myself a walk then, just so I can see the countryside. I heard you had a beacon nearby?"

2019-12-01, 05:28 PM
He shakes his head, "Oh no! I hope that the repair crew finishes the job quite quickly. I'd hate for your little accident be the reason why you've lost your livelihood!"

He seems relatively forthright and eager to help you out with your plight, but nevertheless, you scrutinize the man carefully.

I guess if you want to, you may make a Psychology roll (though it's possible there really isn't anything).

As you mention the Beacon he looks at you confused, "Why it's just out there. I'm rather surprised you didn't notice it, ma'am." He gestures in the direction of the large metal structure outside the village hall. He then looks out the window of his office. "Nevertheless, it does look like a fine day for a stroll. Although I'd hate to stay out too late, nights this high up can get a bit nippy." He smiles after making his recommendation and waves goodbye.

I assume you'll be headed out now?

2019-12-01, 05:48 PM
Paranoid Psycholgy [roll0]

Hazel nods. "Don't worry, I'm used to the outdoors. I think I'll have a look at the beacon as well. Don't think I've ever really seen one before." She stands up carefully. "Thanks for your time. I should make use of the daylight I have left."

2019-12-01, 06:46 PM
I should've noted you're a Professional in this field. Regardless, I apologize but that's a Failure.

Mr. Winters smiles and bids you a good day, hoping you enjoyed the coffee.

So, just to confirm, you're checking out the beacon and then departing?

2019-12-01, 07:08 PM
(Yes, although she might swing by the general store if it is still open as well)

2019-12-01, 09:25 PM
You head towards the general store but find it closed. It must only be open in the mornings. Thus you walk up The Approach, the most central of the village’s major streets. It points directly at the odd metal structure. As you emerge from the shade of the nearby buildings, you are greeted by a magnificent panorama spread from the north to the southeast. The last colors of fall tint the hills in a sleepy gold.
The structure, by contrast, is made from uncompromising iron, singed black. It supports an immense curved platform at the level of your head. Further struts snake up to a central point. It looks like they may have been some kind of sculpture at one time, but are now twisted and melted beyond recognition.
Now you notice bundles of wood, tied and stacked against the buildings nearby. Perhaps this Festival would be an interesting diversion. But you really must head to Arkham as soon as possible. Therefore, it is time to depart.

You take money, water, and some sandwiches. It seems polite to leave May Ledbetter a note explaining the situation and that you will return for your bags as soon as possible. The sky is flecked with cloud but shows no sign of imminent rain.
A couple of villagers watch as you descend on the southern road and follow it around to the east. The black metal structure looms on the promontory above. You shiver as you pass the lower huts and head out of Emberhead.
After the miserable, enclosed streets of Emberhead, you are refreshed by the open air and sense of progress. An hour later, however, the empty road ceases to be a novelty. You have just entered the first patch of woodland when you hear an eerie, lilting howl from the north.

Please give me a Natural World (you consider yourself a professional in this field) roll.

2019-12-02, 11:46 AM
Natural World [roll0]

2019-12-02, 12:11 PM
The call is that of a coyote, common in this area. The sound can be frightening, particularly at night, but coyotes have learned to avoid humans. You can proceed without fear.

You've Succeeded here too!

A second call answers the first, but it sounds further away. You follow the road through woodland. Branches lean over the road. The foliage is quite beautiful, from gold to russet and a deep, rich red. Fallen leaves crunch beneath your feet.
After about half an hour, you emerge from the trees. The road makes a lazy curve around foothills ahead, into another patch of woodland. A rough track seems to offer a short cut through the woods.

Would you like to head up the hill to try and spot another settlement, try the track, or just stick to the safety of the road?

2019-12-02, 02:14 PM
Hazel quickly climbs up the hill. She had come a decent distance already, so it shouldn't be too far to go now. And she could also see if anyone had decided to follow her. She could probably make it easily on her own, but as much as she had travelled, an actual woodsman would outpace her anyday.

2019-12-02, 03:00 PM
The gentle incline is misleading, and your forehead is damp by the time you reach the top of the hill. You pause for a moment to get your breath back, and look east. The valley ahead is thick with forest, although you catch glimpses of a narrow waterway. There is still no sign of a settlement. That might be something on the horizon—a spire, maybe? But you’re quickly realizing that the estimated distance you guessed from earlier was inaccurate, the terrain is rough and it is surely another eight or nine hours’ walk.
You look back at Emberhead. The hilltop village is black, a rough silhouette against the shimmering orb of sunset. You do not notice anybody following you, but then again, it’s quite some distance off and anyone being particularly stealthy could easily avoid such detection.

Nevertheless, please give me an Archaeology (you consider yourself a Beginner in this field) roll.

2019-12-02, 03:12 PM
archaeology [roll0]

(Also, what time of day does Hazel estimate it as?)

2019-12-02, 04:16 PM
That is a Failure, I'm afraid (then again, it was highly improbable that you'd make it so... all good, I guess).

You feel a sting of self-doubt at the thought of your cases back on that hill, abandoned in the care of a woman you had never met twenty-four hours ago. They contain all of your worldly possessions save what you stand up in.
Yet a piece of you delights in this foolhardy expedition, with no map and precious few supplies, striking further into the unknown as night falls. Your life has been sheltered until now. There is a certain joy in this dangerous freedom.

You're estimating it's mid-afternoon, maybe 2ish? 3ish?

You return to the road and resume your walk east. At least, you hope you are still heading east. The curves of the road become disorienting when the light begins to fade. Clouds hide the stars. It seems you will not reach another settlement before dark, and you feel weariness in your legs. The air is much cooler now.

Please give me a Hard Listen (you consider yourself an amateur in this field) roll.

2019-12-02, 04:26 PM
Hard Listen [roll0]

2019-12-02, 04:44 PM
Jeez, your rolls are crazy!

You hear something from the road behind you. It is a dull clunk—perhaps a dead branch falling. You pause, but the sound does not repeat. You retrace a few paces and look down the road. There is nothing to see.

Another cry splits the gloom. It is the same unearthly coyote call you heard when you entered the first patch of woodland, but this time with a grating undertone that makes you shiver, strange. It seems closer. The darkness presses down on you.

At this point, several hours have passed since that last time update (you think), and night is quickly falling. Would you like to press on in your voyage or take refuge in a tree for the night?

2019-12-02, 05:17 PM
(I tend to have good luck everywhere except combat :P If I get in a fight, I'm doomed)

For now, Hazel presses onwards. She is confidant in her sense of direction to get to the next town safely, and she only had an hour or so left by her estimate. No time at all. She quickens her pace, going at a fast walk. She had heard something behind her, whatever it was. She keeps her eyes peeled, moving onwards into the night. Coyotes wouldn't attack her, even at night, especially on a road. She thought.

2019-12-02, 05:41 PM
But you’re quickly realizing that the estimated distance you guessed from earlier was inaccurate, the terrain is rough and it is surely another eight or nine hours’ walk.

Essentially, you had underestimated the time based on sheer distance as opposed to accounting for less-than-well-maintained roads, travel through forests, etc... think of it like a mapmaker might estimate a distance but they don't account for traffic. Regardless, we continue.

Unappealing as it is to keep walking through the dark, the idea of hiding up a tree while wild animals congregate to plan your slaughter is even less appealing. Sooner or later, this road must lead you to another settlement. You step up the pace.

The eerie howls draw closer. They come from either side. One calls and is answered by a grim chorus, thick and hungry. They have a strange, desperate edge.
You are walking as fast as you can now. You hear your own breath, coming hard. The trees in this area are too young to support your weight. Perhaps you should just run. But how long could you run before you had to stop—
A clump of low, dark bodies slink from the trees, blocking the road ahead. Each silhouette has high, pointed ears. Their eyes glint in the moonlight.


Please give me a Sanity roll.

2019-12-02, 06:10 PM
(The forums the current greatest horror)

sanity [roll0]

2019-12-02, 06:27 PM
Most definitely. Anyway, that's a Success!

Even as the beasts fan out around you, and black fear rises in your chest, you sense something is wrong here. The pack makes irritable, awkward movements; not the patient, predatory approach you might expect. They draw closer, circling you. You hear the rasp of their throats, smell their thick musky scent—
They burst into flame.
You gape, fumes filling your mouth and nostrils, as the creatures ignite. Eyes wild, their fur blazes, waves of red-tinged fire dripping from their slavering jaws. They howl, a woeful cacophony, and one springs at you with insane, burning eyes. You stagger back, gulping the choking vapors, and you fall—

Sometimes a success still has bad things occur. In this case, you lose a point of Sanity (which may eventually return or it may not, who knows).

The skin of your face feels warm. There is a mattress beneath you. You blink against the sunlight. A blurred figure swims in your vision.
“You’re awake. It’s May. May Ledbetter.”
You shift and pain wracks your body. You feel bruised, and your head throbs. May comes into focus.
“You’re lucky to be alive. A farmer found you in the small hours, lying by the road. Patched you up and brought you back on his cart. Said you were in the middle of the woods somewhere? Best take it easy today. I’ll look in on you later.”
The farmer and his cart are long gone, of course. You snooze for a little longer.

If you have taken any damage (you haven't) you've received First Aid during your rest and thus (would have) healed 1 Hit Point.

The Ledbetter kitchen is empty, although bread and eggs have been laid out for your breakfast. There is a note from May explaining that she has taken Ruth out for a few hours.

You make a quiet circuit of the village, pausing in unobtrusive places to watch the villagers. It is rather busy for this time in the morning. Yawning locals stream back and forward along the roads, carrying bundles of split logs to the site of what you’ve heard referred to as the Beacon. You see two figures already up in its superstructure, arranging the wood. The Festival bonfire will be most impressive. But do you intend to stay to see it? You suspect by now that something is amiss here.
While the villagers are distracted, you may do some illicit investigation. Or you may simply leave town without looking back.

Would you like to: Search May's bedroom, go alone to the village hall, take a closer look at the artisan's courtyard (and that weird workshop), spy on activity at the Beacon, or slip down the eastern road and flee for good?

2019-12-02, 06:36 PM
Hazel barely even goes outside. After seeing the note, she immediately goes over to May's bedroom. Lucky to be alive? She had been surrounded by a pack of ravenous things! There was no sane way that she had survived! Moreover, she had probably been closer to the next town to here, and not seen hide nor hair of another farmer. She needed every advantage she could get. She needed to find some way out, although Arbogast had been right so far, and she had missed her appointment with him.

Maybe if she couldn't run, if the same thing was going to happen, she could hide? She'd have to be on the lookout. For now, she looks about the house.

2019-12-02, 06:43 PM
Despite her hospitality, you do not trust May Ledbetter. You return to her house quite openly. Where else would you go? Inside, the dwelling is still empty. You rap on the bedroom door and wait. Silence. You ease it open.
The Ledbetter bedroom is in marked contrast to your own, neat space. Dirty clothes are piled about the floor. On a rough quilt lie schoolbooks and cheap novels. You notice a raggedy old doll discarded down the side of the bed.

Please give me a Spot Hidden (you consider yourself a professional in this field) roll.

2019-12-02, 06:46 PM
Spot Hidden [roll0]

2019-12-02, 06:53 PM
You notice scrapes on the floorboards corresponding to the legs of the bed. With effort, you slide the bed away. There is a rug spread beneath it, and beneath the rug, a trapdoor. You ease it open. The dark space beneath is some kind of cellar.

Shall you descend?

2019-12-02, 07:05 PM
With a brief look outside to see if anyone had noticed anything, Hazel descends down. Whatever this was, it was meant to be hidden, and made little sense to be in such a place, straight under a bed. This was unlikely to be a good hiding place:she'd be unable to replace the bed, but she might get a bit more information. There was no way she was backing down now. She knew the villagers did a sacrifice of some kind, and she knew others had come here before her, being stuck here. It was mad, but what hadn't been mad these past few days.

2019-12-02, 07:25 PM
You don't notice anyone watching you from the singular window outside. The daylight barely offers enough illumination to see, but a hot lantern during daytime would be very suspicious. You squeeze beneath the floor and glance around.
Your first impression is that May keeps her junk here, for there are many boxes of different sizes piled in untidy heaps. It takes a few seconds before you realize they are all traveling trunks, or suitcases. There are about twenty of them.
The implication hits you hard. Yet you maintain enough control to check the luggage tags. You count eight or nine different names before you stop. Scrambling back up to the bedroom, you close the trapdoor with trembling fingers, returning the bed to its place.

You feel a deepening unease about Emberhead and this day in particular.

Well, what would Hazel like to do next? Search May's bedroom, go alone to the village hall, take a closer look at the artisan's courtyard (and that weird workshop), spy on activity at the Beacon, or slip down the eastern road and flee for good?

2019-12-02, 07:42 PM
Hazel thinks as hard as she can. She knew now. They had killed someone every year, all for the festival for sure. That might mean...the telegraph at the village hall. Was Winters bluffing when he said it was down? It was worth a look and it might get help she wouldn't get otherwise.

Before she leaves, she quickly swallows some food. She'd need all the energy she could get. She then grabs one of the knives, a small kitchen one if possible, and hides it on her person. At least she had some defence now. How she wished she'd convinced her family to give her a pistol to take with her. That would simplify the situation.

Preparations done, she heads off to the village hall.

2019-12-02, 08:50 PM
As she looks through the knives she realizes something strange. They've all been... dulled? Now, you're no knife expert or anything, but you gather these knives could barely cut butter. Weird.

Also of course a pistol would simplify the situation... at least this situation.

Keeping away from the streets, you skirt the northern cliffs and approach the village hall from the rear. It is close to the Beacon and you will not be able to use the door unobserved. You check the windows. The one on the east side, facing the Beacon, is bricked up.
A shutter is loose on the westernmost window and you are able to ease it open and slide inside, closing the shutter behind you. You drop into the village meeting room and pad through, passing through dim shafts of light and listening to the excited chatter of the locals from outside. The door opposite reads PRIVATE. Hearing nothing from the other side, you turn the handle.

The room is lined with books. In the corner is a small water closet and pantry. You rush over to the telegraph and do your best to contact someone... anyone, but you then look closer and realize: the line has been cut. Nevertheless, there must be something here. A quick survey of the rest of the room reveals little, so you turn to the bookcase. The dim light makes it difficult to read the spines. Is there anything useful here?

Please give me a Spot Hidden (you consider yourself a professional in this field) roll.

2019-12-03, 01:13 AM
Spot Hidden [roll0]

2019-12-03, 03:03 AM
You’re looking along the spines when you notice how close the bookcase is to the window on the north wall. From outside, there is a solid three or four feet between the edge of the window and the wall. And the bookcase covers the wall with the bricked-up window.
Further examination reveals an ingenious arrangement of slipcases physically attached to the shelves. When you pull to the left, an entire section of the bookcase swings out.
The clatter of activity around the Beacon seems to be building, and you flinch at every conversation that gets too close to the building’s door.

Would you rather investigate behind the bookcase or make your escape while you can?

2019-12-03, 08:53 AM
Quickly, Hazel slips in and looks around. Not only for whatever is inside, but also for the inside of the bookcase. Would it be possible to open and close it on the inside? An even better option would be to jam it closed as well.

2019-12-03, 11:27 AM
You squint into the darkness behind the bookcase. It is a small alcove, big enough for one person, and has a hidden shelf on either side. You cannot make out any titles in this light.

You doubt you could jam it, but if you really wanted to, you guess you could close it from the inside, but there is no actual mechanism to then open it again, so you'd essentially be trapped inside with no means of escape... ever.

Would you like to just grab as many books as you can and get out, or would you rather risk opening one of the cliffside windows a little?

2019-12-03, 02:06 PM
That was frustrating. This seemed a good enough place to hide, but being locked in would be certain death, as imposed to the impending one. Very slowly and carefully, Hazel opens up one of the windows next to the cliff. She was mostly grasping at straws now. If she couldn't find some way out, she'd have to chance a direct approach. If she did, she'd be up against literally the entire village. For now though, she checks out the alcove.

2019-12-03, 02:12 PM
Enough light spills into the room for you to make out titles. The contents of the alcove are quite different from the wider library; the books are much older, some are handwritten, and many are in strange scripts you do not recognize. You could spend a week in here just browsing through the bizarre volumes.

Please give me a Library Use (you consider yourself a professional in this field) roll.

2019-12-03, 02:13 PM
Library use [roll0]

2019-12-03, 02:43 PM

Most of the texts are too obscure for you to understand without an extended residency in a good library. You are drawn to a volume in a heavy slipcase, embossed with a dark red triangle. Its pages are in a spidery script, but the hand is neat enough that you can read it with effort.
It seems to be one of a set of seven discussing elements: here sulfur, mercury, and salt are added to the four classical elements. This book concerns fire. Flicking through the pages, you see astronomical diagrams, alchemical symbols, references to Dante, and speculations on the nature of damnation.
Towards the end there is a discussion of fire ceremonies, and a transcription of two key rituals: Call Ye Celestial Flames and Command Ye Celestial Flames. You might be able to memorize one, but it will take time. Is this all nonsense, or is it worth risking discovery for?

Would you like to spend some time trying to memorize one of these rituals or have you spent enough time here and you'd rather not push your luck, grabbing whatever books you can shove into your pocket and leaving?

2019-12-03, 02:55 PM
Celestial Flames? These books seemed useful, and as there was a conspicious bonfire being built up at the beacon, fier was likely to be involved. Looking over them however, Hazel didn't kid herself. Whatever these rituals did, if they indeed did anything, there was little she could do against an entire village. Moreover, if they indeed were just traditions, they'd be little use.

But that did give her an idea. She had no idea about Celestial Fire, but regular fire tended to cause panic, fear, and above all else, a distraction. If she could quickly pile up these books, and find a source of flame. she could start a fire, and hopefully escape in the confusion. It was arson, but if she was going to be sacrificed, it made little difference. Not to mention it would get rid of all the books that Winters must find oh so important...

But a source of flame. There had to be some matches, or a lamp somewhere, or at least she could improvise one. She would have to be fast either way.

2019-12-03, 03:06 PM
You begin to pile books and look around for a source of fire, but as you do you hear the scratch of a key in the hall door.

Are you planning on staying and fighting or would you rather flee for the open window?

2019-12-03, 03:15 PM
You begin to pile books and look around for a source of fire, but as you do you hear the scratch of a key in the hall door.

Are you planning on staying and fighting or would you rather flee for the open window?

With no fire in sight, Hazel dives for the window. She thought she'd have a little more time, but she wasn't going to be caught in here with no escape. Either way, whatever ignorance the vilagers had of her, it would be blown now, as the books in the room would be incredibly suspicious. If only she had a few more seconds...

2019-12-03, 03:25 PM
Please give me a Dexterity roll.

2019-12-03, 03:27 PM
Dexterity roll [roll0]

2019-12-03, 04:00 PM
The one roll that you fail...

The door of the hall clatters open and a group of villagers flood in. They quickly surround you. Mr. Winters with his suit and bow tie stands behind them.
“So there you are,” he drawls. “We were wondering where you had gone.” He gives a light wave of his hand. The villagers seize you.

(Fade to black)

The fading light from a narrow window tells you afternoon is giving way to evening. Your hands are shackled behind your back so you cannot even lie down on the rough bed. A woman you have not seen before comes in. Her face is wrinkled and her eyes dull. They do not meet yours, but she puts a cup to your lips.

Are you planning on accepting or rejecting the drink?

2019-12-03, 04:10 PM
(I knew it was coming. My Dex rolls have been my bane despite it being my best stat :P)

While she is being shackled, Hazel tries every trick she can to keep them as loose as possible. She brethes out and flexes her arms as much as possible, doing everything she can for any minute bit of space she can get. This was really not the plan. Unless she could think of something soon, she was going to die very, very painfully.

Hazel gives the liquid a sniff to see if it smells weird, before drinking it. She tries to keep the last gulp of it in her mouth. If she could spit it in the gap between the manacles, that might give her just a little bit more of a chance. Her sweating from fear was certainly going to help as well. All she haad to do now was keep watch for that one last opportunity, if she even had one left.

2019-12-03, 04:31 PM
You drink from the cup. It holds cool, refreshing water, which you gulp down (except for one). When it is empty, she turns to leave. You're about to speak to her, but then you realize you're still holding water in your mouth. Regardless, she steps outside and closes the door.
Later (after doing your best to slide out of the now-slippery manacles), you try yelling. Your voice must be audible outside, but it has no effect. It seems the entire village is involved.

As the light fades outside, your little prison becomes dark. You can hear much activity around the building. Occasionally an orange glow passes the window. The only comfortable position in the shackles seems to be to sit against the end of the bed with your arms hanging behind you.
You need to concentrate and come up with a plan. There is clearly no escape from your bonds. You do not know exactly what your captors want from you, but you cannot ignore the fact that they have spent the entire day constructing a massive bonfire.

The door scrapes, wrenching you back into the moment. Orange light spills into the house from blazing torches held at the threshold. Two large villagers step in and grab you. At least, you assume they are villagers. They wear heavy black cloaks, and their faces and hands are painted entirely black, save only for a red triangle centered on their left eye.
You try to drag your legs, but they reach under your arms and lift you bodily from the bed. Outside, it seems that the whole village has congregated to see you. Every single one has a blackened face with the red triangle motif. Torches sputter and spill fire.
You struggle, but you can see physical resistance is hopeless. You are marched to the central street and turned to face the Beacon.


The procession down The Approach is slow and formal, save when you sense weakness and yank at your captors. A chill touches you when you see three human shapes carried ahead of you, draped in red cloth. The Beacon looms larger and larger, its dreadful silhouette a black triangle pointing to the stars. A low drone begins among the cloaked figures—unbidden, the word mourners comes to mind. Smoke from their torches makes you cough. You feel heat on your face.
As you reach the cleared area around the Beacon, three dancers break from the pack: young girls swinging balls of fire in spectacular arcs, drawing circles in the night air. One by one, they draw close to you and touch your forehead with sooty fingers. Each kisses you three times: on the left cheek, right cheek, then forehead. Then they whisper in your ear. The smell of kerosene fills your nostrils.

Please give me an Appearance roll.

2019-12-03, 04:37 PM
Appearance [roll0]

2019-12-03, 04:56 PM
Oh boy, this is where all those rolls are catching up to you apparently.

“Through your sacrifice the village will be reborn,” says the first dancer.
“You pass from earth to air for all our sakes,” says the second.
““Through incandescence may you find rapture,” says the third.
Their dance weaves off and disappears behind the buildings.

As you arrive beneath the beacon, ten villagers close in on you. Working with surprising coordination, they immobilize you and lift you up the blackened iron stairs to the raised platform. You cannot help but shiver at the sight of the central framework, twisted from past blazes, and what you can now clearly see to be fastening points for chain. None of the eyes meet yours as they lash you to the metal.
The village sings now, something rhythmic and ancient, carved from odd syllables. A second group ascends to the Beacon, carrying the three red-draped bodies. With reverence, they arrange their burdens in a triangle around your feet. Then they withdraw, leaving you alone with the dead, shin-deep in a sea of kindling.

It seems the entire village is gathered around the Beacon to watch you burn. Behind the face paint, you recognize May Ledbetter, and—yes, that is Silas the coach driver standing at her side. The audacity and scale of the deception staggers you. A man steps up on a dais and raises his hands with quiet authority. The frame of his spectacles obscures the red triangle on his face.
“So we draw here together again on this night, as we do each year, and we give thanks to the one who will preserve the village against the fire of the void. You will be taken by the Ones From Above in our stead. Your death will bring life to our streets and bounty to our fields. It will safeguard our children and our elders alike for another year. We salute you.” He bows his head.
All around the Beacon, bearers step forward and lift their torches to the edge of the raised platform. A ring of tiny flames flicker up around the perimeter. As they wink, the singing of the villagers drops into an unearthly rhythm. They stare at you, and you stare back, watching as you are held clearly in their vision.

Would you like to throw all of your remaining strength against the bonds right now or wait for a moment and see what happens?

2019-12-03, 05:12 PM
Now. Now was her last chance. She was never strong, never powerful. She had always relied on her deft hand and smarts to get where she was.

And look where that had gotten her.

She was going to die. She was going to die.

No. She would go down fighting to the last. No matter what, she would not die yet. Praying with all her heart and soul, Hazel Glass throws everthing she has into getting out. Everything had gone wrong for her these last few days, maybe, just maybe, she had some chance in hell.

2019-12-03, 05:13 PM
Please give me a Hard Strength roll then, albeit because you made everything slippery you gain a Bonus Die to the roll.

Zing privately hopes you roll poorly here (for no reason at all).

2019-12-03, 05:16 PM
Hazel Glass, was this your life?

Hard Strength [roll0] [roll1]

2019-12-03, 05:20 PM
Well... that's a success...

As tongues of fire lick towards you through the kindling, you close your eyes and heave on the chains. They give a little more, then—clack. One side of the chain drops. You wriggle in the coils, loosening the bond even as heat singes your ankles.
The man on the dais stares at your movements. Then he picks two youths from the crowd and points directly at you.
Just as you shrug the chain off and step free from the ironwork, the youths mount the blazing platform. Flames spread up their trousers. As their cloaks catch, they dive at you.

Please give me a Dodge (you consider yourself an amateur in this field) roll.

Now I hope you roll well!

2019-12-03, 05:23 PM
Dodge [roll0]

2019-12-03, 05:56 PM
They bear you back into the center of the pyre. Their eyes are flecked with fervor and terror. Even as the flames spread over them and across your clothes, even as the heat builds and sears your flesh, even as smoke chokes you and your vision blurs, they string you back up into the flames. Your screams mingle with theirs as the fire does its work.

You are going to take 1 point of damage from the flames. Which luckily does not kill you so please give me a Strength roll with a Bonus Die from the slipperiness, but a Penalty Die from the fact that you're now exhausted. These cancel each other out, so you're effectively rolling normally.

2019-12-03, 05:58 PM
Strength [roll0]

2019-12-03, 06:16 PM
Desperation lends you strength and you yank at what you guess to be some sort of the weak point in the chain. It breaks! You throw the chain off, stumbling across one of the red-shrouded corpses, heading away from the watching villagers. You cough. Your hair and eyebrows smolder.

You take 6 points of damage from RUNNING THROUGH FIRE, which might have knocked you unconscious, but such rules will be used later. Regardless, you're just barely still alive.

You leap from the conflagration on the far side of the Beacon. Your heart lurches momentarily at the sight of the sheer drop beneath you, but you land a few inches short of the edge. You roll to extinguish your burning clothes. Your lungs feel singed. Everything hurts. The chant of the villagers gathers in intensity. You peer around the Beacon. They don’t seem to have noticed your absence amidst the billowing smoke. Most of them are staring into the sky.
You crawl as rapidly as you can for the cover of the nearest building.

With the villagers assembled at the Beacon, the streets are empty and you are able to pad away from the blaze. You must get out of town before they finish.
The chanting seems to accelerate as you round the corner of the southern road. Here, parked against the side of the general store, you have your first piece of luck since reaching Emberhead. A bicycle! You learned to ride one of these in Providence.
You settle into the saddle. Your burned flesh protests at the contact.

Are you going to get the heck out of dodge, or just wait and watch for... scientific purposes.

2019-12-03, 06:41 PM
She was alive. By the grace of God she was alive! Somehow, she had gotten out, against all odds.

Hazel knew that she was horrificially burned, and barely standing, but adrenaline, and sheer willpower was keeping her moving for now. If she stopped now, she could just collapse, and with her burns, that would be it. While a part of her did want to see what was happening, she needed every second she could get, and not be caught.

With that she pushes off with the bicycle, not even attempting to treat her burns yet. All she needed to do was make it to the next settlement. With what had happened these last few days, that seemed almost trivial.

Her thoughts briefly ran over how she'd explain this: an entire town of Pagan murderers who had almost burned her to death. Not to mention everything she owned apart from her now singed clothes were gone. For now though, she pushes on, trying very, very hard not to fall off.

2019-12-03, 06:58 PM
It takes a moment to recapture the skill of riding the bicycle, but after the first turn to the east, there is a long downhill out of Emberhead. You hear screams and crackles above you, but concentrate on balancing and working the pedals in your weakened state. You’ve had too many hopes dashed in this abomination of a village. You keep your head down and ride away. Every now and then you rest and glance back, seeing nothing but flames.
Twenty minutes later, with no signs of pursuit, you stop for a breather having walked your bike to the top of a hill. You can see Emberhead rise in the distance. The entire village appears to be ablaze. The dark column of smoke above it will be visible for many miles—but if the village is as isolated as it seems, help is unlikely to arrive in time.
You watch the place burn for five minutes. Then you mount the bicycle again and ride towards civilization, and dawn.

Congratulations! You have survived this adventure. You may keep your investigator sheet and use it in another Call of Cthulhu scenario. If I have noted that you have succeeded in any skills, you will have a chance to improve them through experience.
The End.