View Full Version : Besides Lore Bards, how else to get any class's spells?

2019-11-21, 09:24 AM
What are all of the ways to get non-specific spells of at least 4th level that are on a different class' spell list onto yours?

2019-11-21, 09:28 AM
Magic Initiate - Level 1 Spells
Domain/bonus spells for certain subclasses - Levels 1-5
Dragon Marks - Level 1-5
Racial Spells
Magic Items (Ring of Spell Storing is a very good choice for this)
Divine Soul Sorcerer - Gives access to all Cleric spells
Also, all Bard get magical secrets not just Lore Bards. Other bards just get it later
Ritual Caster can get you high level rituals
Warlock Book of Ancient Secrets is like Ritual Caster

That is all I can think of at the moment

2019-11-21, 09:29 AM
Ravnica backgrounds give you some as well.

2019-11-21, 09:30 AM
Magic Initiate - Level 1 Spells
Domain/bonus spells for certain subclasses - Levels 1-5
Dragon Marks - Level 1-5
Magic Items (Ring of Spell Storing is a very good choice for this)
Divine Soul Sorcerer - Gives access to all Cleric spells

That is all I can think of at the moment

Ravnica backgrounds. Cheesy as hell though. - edit: ninja'd

2019-11-21, 09:31 AM
You can get the ritual spells a number of ways. Ritual Caster, as well as Warlock(Tome) Book of Ancient Secrets.

2019-11-21, 09:54 AM
Arcane Cleric also gets to choose some high-level spells from the wizard spell list.

2019-11-21, 10:00 AM
What are all of the ways to get non-specific spells of at least 4th level that are on a different class' spell list onto yours?

That's a real tall order. As noted, you don't have to be specifically a Lore Bard, any Bard will do (the *extra* Magical Secrets granted by the College of Lore can't even get 4th level spells anyway).

I'm pretty sure the answer to your question is either "none, no such method exists" or "ring of spell storing." If you have an amenable DM, you might be able to ask if you can research a new spell *like* one on another list, perhaps 1 level higher or with tweaked effects. But blanket access to even 2nd level spells generically, rather than only specific ones? It's just not really a thing.

What's your goal with this, anyhow?

2019-11-21, 10:26 AM
A lot of you missed both the “non-specific” and “4th level” parts.

So just bard so far. Although it can be any bard.

2019-11-21, 10:34 AM
A lot of you missed both the “non-specific” and “4th level” parts.

So just bard so far. Although it can be any bard.

Don't forget about Ring of Spell Storing. That can get you 1 fourth or fifth level spell from any caster willing to cast into it.

2019-11-21, 11:01 PM
IDK if it's non-specific enough for you but Arcana Cleric's 17th level domain feature lets you "choose four spells from the wizard spell list, one from each of the following levels: 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th."

2019-11-22, 06:03 AM
Be a wizard, buy/find/acquire scroll of desired level. Inscribe in spell book repeat as needed.

Or has that mechanic changed from earlier additions?

2019-11-22, 06:19 AM
The ninth level wish spell can replicate all spells lower than ninth level.

High level arcane trickster can steal spells.

13th level Thief can use magic item to replicate spells if you have a scroll or magic item.

2019-11-22, 08:07 AM
Ask the DM to add a spell you want to your class list. As long as it fits the class (or your character's) theme and it's not overpowered, many DMs will work with you to accomodate your desires.

Mr Adventurer
2019-11-22, 08:21 AM
Be a wizard, buy/find/acquire scroll of desired level. Inscribe in spell book repeat as needed.

Or has that mechanic changed from earlier additions?

4th and 3rd edition still required the spell be a Wizard spell. Not sure about 2nd but I wouldn't be surprised.

2019-11-22, 09:03 AM
What are all of the ways to get non-specific spells of at least 4th level that are on a different class' spell list onto yours?

Well, in a way... Simulacrum can potentially get you spells from any class, and Shapechange/True Polymorph can get you ones that monsters can cast.

2019-11-22, 10:01 AM
Well, in a way... Simulacrum can potentially get you spells from any class, and Shapechange/True Polymorph can get you ones that monsters can cast.

THAT is probably the answer

You got me thinking about another one. Conjure Woodland Beings and similar spells. Them Pixies have a decent spell list lol.

2019-11-22, 11:00 AM
Well, in a way... Simulacrum can potentially get you spells from any class, and Shapechange/True Polymorph can get you ones that monsters can cast.

THAT is probably the answer

You got me thinking about another one. Conjure Woodland Beings and similar spells. Them Pixies have a decent spell list lol.

Technically, neither of these answers the question as asked. Neither simulacrum nor summoning spells actually add the spell to your class's list. They can get you a controlled creature that casts the spell in question, but that's not adding a spell to a spell list.

2019-11-22, 11:30 AM
What are all of the ways to get non-specific spells of at least 4th level that are on a different class' spell list onto yours?

Ebberon racial variants
Ravnica Backgrounds

2019-11-22, 12:26 PM
Technically, neither of these answers the question as asked. Neither simulacrum nor summoning spells actually add the spell to your class's list. They can get you a controlled creature that casts the spell in question, but that's not adding a spell to a spell list.

Yes, I know, which is why I said "in a way..."

I was answering the question that I think the poster meant to ask: "how do you get these spells under your control?"

2019-11-22, 07:57 PM
Yes, I know, which is why I said "in a way..."

I was answering the question that I think the poster meant to ask: "how do you get these spells under your control?"
Given the OP has already once said, more or less, "please stop answering a question I didn't ask," this looked like merely repeating that by ignoring a different requirement, the on-your-list one instead of non-fixed-choice or at-least-4th-level. It seemed pretty clear to me at that point that the author asked for exactly what they wanted, and answering what you think they "really" wanted is a non sequitur here, albeit good for someone else who reads the thread looking for advice later on.

I guess I just disagree that these answers reach the level of answering "in a way." They don't answer the original question at all. They answer a similar question ("how can I cast or benefit from non-specific spells that aren't on my class list?"), but answering a similar-yet-different question often entails not answering the original question at all. E.g. answering "What's your name?" with "I am called Nemo." Refusing to name himself (it's a joke in Latin, Nemo means "Nobody") was very pointedly *not* answering Arronax's question, as revealing his name would be too great a risk if Arronax ever escaped.

2019-11-22, 08:28 PM
Ebberon racial variants
Ravnica Backgrounds

Neither of those do that.

2019-11-23, 08:08 AM
4th and 3rd edition still required the spell be a Wizard spell. Not sure about 2nd but I wouldn't be surprised.

At least as far as 3.5 with a successful knowledge arcana check you could learn other classes, the DC was set by level pls if it was arcane or divine or restricted school or what not. At least as I remember it. I could be wrong on the exact mechanic break down

Mr Adventurer
2019-11-23, 12:58 PM
At least as far as 3.5 with a successful knowledge arcana check you could learn other classes, the DC was set by level pls if it was arcane or divine or restricted school or what not. At least as I remember it. I could be wrong on the exact mechanic break down

You could engage in spell research to learn new spells or design your own.

This was different to the way Wizards learned new spells as part of their class, and you couldn't just do it from scrolls as your original post said.

2019-11-23, 04:24 PM
Arcane Cleric also gets to choose some high-level spells from the wizard spell list.

An epic-level Arcane Cleric is freaking nasty because of this.

2019-11-23, 05:10 PM
Depending on DM, nuclear options like divine intervention or Wish may work; nothing says you can't ask for access to a spell. Otherwise, Wish may let you cast spells like they were wizard spells, for certain functions. Best I've got that hasen't already been detailed.

Aaron Underhand
2019-11-24, 11:15 AM
IDK if it's non-specific enough for you but Arcana Cleric's 17th level domain feature lets you "choose four spells from the wizard spell list, one from each of the following levels: 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th."

Which of course includes Wish....