View Full Version : Spontaneous Divine Caster - Temporary Spell known.

2019-11-23, 04:36 AM
Say you have a non-human spontaneous divine spellcaster with limited spells known off their spell list such as a divine bard or favored soul.

Is there a trick similar to a human spontaneous caster or warlock multiclassing 2 levels into Chameleon for the Changeable Bonus feat to gain an extra spell known or extra invocation known for that particular day that would work for the non-human character?

I know there are tons of expensive magic items out there that can expand your spells known, but I am more or less just looking for a way to gain utility spells that you would only want every now and then without spending a bunch of money. (yes I know scrolls exist, but I'm cheap)

2019-11-23, 05:21 AM
So a divine spontaneous spellcaster who can change their spells daily?

Skypledged, only for Raptorans, has something like that; it has a Divine Spellpool that works essentially like an Arcane Spellpool that allows you to pull spells from the cleric or druid lists.

The Spirit Shaman can switch their daily spells known, but that's druid only.

2019-11-23, 08:29 AM
Bestiary of Krynn has a prestige class for it: Ambient Tempest. Also requires a pile of feats and loses a casting level, but comes with non-broken metamagic reduction. Won't work for Favored Souls as written though, since they use the phrase "without the need of a patron deity" as part of indicating the Dragonlance setting's Mystic.

2019-11-23, 11:52 AM
It’s not switching daily spells known, but a Spontaneous Cleric that goes into the Sovereign Speaker PrC can stack up a TON of extra spells known as they get access to a new domain every level for 9 levels.

2019-11-23, 03:10 PM
The Ambient Tempest looks like a good option. But I am open to more. (I'm not actually using a favored soul, just gave it an an example)