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View Full Version : MECHA-nization: The TTRPG

2019-11-25, 03:26 PM
Alright, Laddies!

I, ya boi, have begun construction of a new tabletop system. This system is primarily the brainchild of Monster Energy and a slew of Mecha anime, primarily Mobile Suit Gundam, Armored Trooper Votoms, and Fang of Sun: Dougram.

As a careful observer may notice, my primary inspirations are all so-called "real robot" shows. I intend for this project to produce the same thematic result. As such, I'm trying to avoid too much over-the-top tech, and it might be simplest to compare the mechs to very large bipedal tanks, not space-faring hero suits with cloaking devices and nanomachines.

Now, as of yet, my work has produced little more than a few notebook pages of notes, most of which could be subject to change. But, provided interest is still shown, I'll keep posting updates in this thread.

Please, feel free to drop suggestions, or even just show interest! It means a lot to a guy working a second-shift job in the middle of nowhere to make ends meet.

2019-11-25, 05:52 PM
Alright, here's update numero uno:
I've already made some tentative mech designs and upgrade paths, but there still far too undetermined for me to bother posting yet. What I DO have are the beginnings of a damage system.

I often see otherwise interesting games bogged down by overcomplicated combat and damage. For this reason, I've put a lot of effort into streamlining the damage process, while keeping it grounded and believable. To this end, I've limited damage to two types. Kinetic and Thermal Energy. All weapons in the setting will deal one of the two types, or some combination of the two.

Where things do become a wee bit more complicated is armor. I have 4 armor options so far, and I'm planning on having different strength options of each. Back to types:
Metal - Whether aluminum, steel or titanium, metal armor is resistant to Kinetic Energy, up to a threshold. However, it doesn't cool quickly (though cooling systems can help), and therefore becomes ineffective after absorbing too much Thermal Energy. (Metal armor negates Kinetic attacks that fall under its Kinetic threshold. However, each point of damage dealt by heat attacks adds up, and will destroy the armor when its Heat threshold is reached.
Ceramic - It's the opposite of armor, immune to heat to a point, but can be steadily broken down by kinetic force.
Magnetic - Powered equipment produces strong magnetic fields, used to slow projectiles.
Mirror - only useful for reflecting lasers, they are fragile, but can be handy in a pinch.

Back later,

2019-11-26, 03:07 PM
Captain's log, Stardate 420-69.

I've locked down 6 statistics for weapons:
-Damage (Split into Heat and Kinetic)
-Attack Options (Which contain accuracy modifiers and shot counts.)
-Magazine Size (For Projectile Weapons)/Energy Cost (For Energy Weapons)
-Reload Speed (Measured in action points, or required maintenance time, for some weapons.)
-Possible Modifications (Alternate ammunition, attachments, etc.)

I also have an attack process in the works. Mechs have 5 areas to be struck, center mass, (Including the cockpit, torso, and core) and 4 limbs. Roll to hit is 1d20 plus or minus an accuracy modifier. If the AC is met or exceeded by 3 or less, the attacker rolls 1d4 and hits a different part. If the roll succeeds by 4 or more they hit the intended section.

I've begun work on some basic mech endoskeletons and weapons, to do some playtesting for balance.

I hope we meet again,

2019-11-27, 10:16 PM
Next stop, moar amror r00lz!

Each of the five areas of the mech (Left and Right leg and arm, plus center mass) must have at least one armor, representing the material integrated with the endoskeleton. Now, total armor amounts will determine Weight Class:
5-9: High Mobility Type
10-14: Normal Type
15-19: Heavy Type
20-24: Bunker Type
25: Doomsday Type
These weight classes will have more effects later, when I get into alternate movement abilities and stuff.