View Full Version : DM Help Adventure Assitance Part Two: Audio Effects

2019-11-25, 03:45 PM
Another question for everyone, which may help me in my upcoming DMing duties: has anyone out there used any apps or software to modulate recorded vocals for effect, and if so which ones? Any favorites? What about a device or app that would alter the DMs voice in real-time? Just thinking of stepping up my game a bit and working some tech into the presentation. A deep-bass, booming, echoing red dragon's voice is not something I can easily pull off with the pipes nature gave me. Thanks in advance!

2019-11-27, 06:49 AM
Hi GriffinRider,

live modulating is difficult, because its mostly high or low pitching your normal voice a second or 2 later.
An alternativ would be to record simple Speeches or "Cutscenes" before each session, and just play them over your blootothspeaker.
Bonuspoints for "talking plotitems" which a hobby voiceactor has recorded for you ;-)

There ar specific soundboardapps for iPad & co for Magic sounds and incantations. And of course those which you can config with your own files.
But to be honest, in my experience they are mostly really fiddly to use and need either an extensive planning or some more techgear around your table.
Mostly it stalled the whole gameflow, just to search for the correct soundeffect or to unlock my iPad.

As someone with a deep male husky voice who tried a seductive female flirt with one of my PC's... dont... dont rely on it.
It kills the mood for a good time of the session.
Do it for fun, or give your players just enough describing information up front and talk like normal.
Benefit: You are enabling them to make up their own voice in their own head, which in almost all of the cases is well... better.