View Full Version : The Orc King: R.A. Salvatore's latest

2007-10-19, 12:59 PM
Anyone else read this yet?

I thought it was okay, I was partial to the last trilogy, and I'm of the opinion that he hasn't matched the Dark Elf trilogy in terms of storytelling...

If you haven't read and plan to, then don't push the button!

Seriously, don't go any farther, unless you want to see stuff that happened. So, he returned to the emotional mess that is Wulfgar quite a bit, and to be honest I was happy to be seeing Wulfgar going away. I doubt its the last he'll be seen, but still, good riddance in my opinion. Other views?

Also, most likely due to my lack of experience with the Forgotten Realms world and timeline, I was a bit confused about the events occurring within the story. I know the beginning featured Drizz't a hundred years into the future after the events of the remainder of the book, but what is the Spellplague referring to, and what, if any, are the details that involve it?

I also wonder at the change of Cattie-Brie from rough and tumble archer/swordswoman to Apprentice mage to the wonderful leader of Silverymoon, Alustriel. Where's that going?

I do like the overall change in the outlook of Bruenor and Drizz't respectively. I do like Salvatore's examination of what is involved in that world, an insertion of gray amidst the stark black and white of Faerun. Its interesting, in my opinion.

So, other comments?

2007-10-19, 04:45 PM
I think this is nothing compared to his earlier works, but i really like the idea of an orc kingdom lead by Many Arrows. I don't like the whole Drizzt Cattie bri love think however

2007-10-19, 04:55 PM
I hadn't heard about this. I got into reading Salvatore from the Orc trilogy (Hunter's Blades, I believe it was officially called), given my Orc fanboy-hood. Many-Arrows is a stone BAMF. It'll be good to see more of him.

2007-10-19, 09:42 PM
ah I was thinking of starting a thread about this book but for another reason.

The title of the trilogy this book is starting is titled transitions. The porlog takes place 100 years after the book takes place. The essays that are in first person form by Drizzt are hinted at being after the fact as well. But then again they always had that sence of being reflective in a far in the future sort of way.

Ok I cant find the spoiler command so just highlight to read. Again this is just from the prolog, nothing els.

In the prolog it is mentioned that one of Drizzt's close friends is killed wile defending lusken, witch was destroyed. Also mentioned is that the most beutifal catheadral in the world has been destroyed. I take that as meaning that Caterly has been killed and his church burned to the ground. There was a time of 'wild magic' and great upheaval that changed the world. Also the Kindom of many arrows if very strong. Lead by King Obould the IV. Drizzt is actualy defending an orc village from humans and elves. He is then called to help King Obould inforce trade treaties between the orcs and humans. THe orc kindom as alot bigger than at the end of the hunters blade books.

Well Thats what is said. SO Im saying Salvatore is setting up another time of troubles in the novels for wizards transition to 4th edition. I only read books D&D books in Dragon Lance by Wies and Hickman or FR by Salvatore. I was wondering if this trend is starting in any other FR books that have come out in the past 6 months, or are coming out now/soon.

I honestly feal that Salvatore is phoning the Drizzt books in. I really have not truely enjoyed them sence Wolfgare came back to life. I still like reading them to pass the time but there feeling alot more meh with every book. I think the demon wars was the last thing Salvator wrote that I really enjoyed. I do notice that he is increasingly starting his sentences with the word but. Its really annoying.

I dont like Drizzt hooking up with Catti Bri eather, its like hes sleeping with his niece or little sister. Even though I think Wolfgare should have stayed dead I do like how hes been written, untill now, sence he came back. Leaving Cattie Bri made sence. Of corse I think Breuner should not have grown back his eye eather.

2007-10-19, 09:59 PM
Bear in mind though, Salvatore doesn't own the rights to his characters, the owners of FR do, so he can't kill them off or end the series without their permission. I think he just lost interest in writing, but can't end the series, so he is trying to build up to a climax for when the finally allow his characters to die.
The scenes with the orc king himself are very well done however, as are some of his non FR books, but i think the Drizzt and Enterai series are over

2007-10-19, 10:28 PM
Yeah thats partly my take on it as well. I have read the sell sword books and I liked the first one. After that I agree with most peaple now about artimes. After the first trilogy he became a wimp. I do like his other books, I think there are two are three I have not read yet. Although like the Drizzt books the Demon wars sieries got rather flat after the third book. I dont know what his contract is like with wizards but if he didnt want to write drizzt books any more all he has to do is walk away. Drizzt makes mony they can always get another author. Of corse the Drizzt books are a sure thing for Salvator as well, and if any one ells writes for that character the fans will most likly hate it.

2007-10-19, 10:50 PM
*Rant Ahead*
"You gotta be kidding me. The idea that Salvatore's strength is describing combat because he drools all over each of the "moves" in a swordfight is the same mentality that makes people think that super-detailed descriptions of genitals sliding over each other makes for a good sex scene.
It's porn. Salvatore just writes violence-porn rather than sex-porn.

The fact that 80% of everything written about Drizzt describes exactly how he dives and somersaults and slings his sword through this and shatters the armor of that doesn't make him "come alive". It turns him into an action figure."
That is all. :D

2007-10-19, 11:12 PM
Arbitrary, hyperbolic assignments of percentages also don't give one's opinion more gravity than another's, despite what the totality of the internet seems to believe. It is not the same as "citing facts."
Also, some of us happen to like our porn violent. ;P

Anyway, I don't know. I actually like his newer stuff better than his earlier stuff because a lot of it gets away more from what Talkkno mentioned, the excessive action scenes. I, instead of thinking Entreri became a "wimp," think he became a surprisingly well-developed character from a Stock Villain. I don't know that I would've read Salvatore any further had I started at an earlier novel. He's gotten quite a lot more introspective (even if it is, at times, too much so) with the characters. That and I do admire his stereotype breaking, even if it has had some ill effects (the oft-lamented, though exaggeratedly so, Drizzt clones), it's still cool to see fantasy literature that doesn't wholly descend into it's-okay-because-there's-magic-racism of "Orcs are dumb and smelly and all evil."

The Drizzt/Cattie-Brie thing exists purely because it has the not-really-going-to-work vibe. The tension for it began very, very early in the series, but it never happened primarily because it would never work. They both desperately want it to, but it really is as awkward as you say. I'm fairly certain this is intentional.

2007-10-20, 11:38 AM
Salvatore is a decent writter, at least with the Drizzt books, he makes bubblegum stories for relaxing reading and yet avoids the fanfic level of quality of his books that is so common with his fellow FR writters.

2007-10-23, 06:02 PM
I think he is an adequate writer not great, but good enough for me to be able to enjoy a good story.

As to the quality, i find myself enjoying the Drizzt series less and less, i preferred the devil-may-care adventurer that Drizzt came across as early on. Entreri and Jarlaxle have become much more interesting characters in my eyes. Jarlaxle is just fun (if a bit Mary-Sueish, but alot of high-powered fantasy characters are) and Entreri is developing (quite literally) I get the feeling that Salvatore wants to write about those two more, but needs to write about Drizzt and co. because WotC and the fans want it for assorted reasons (like the transition to 4th ed).

Anyway that's my two cents

2007-10-23, 07:49 PM
Salvatore is a decent writter, at least with the Drizzt books, he makes bubblegum stories for relaxing reading and yet avoids the fanfic level of quality of his books that is so common with his fellow FR writters.

I prefer the old Drizzt book, and the Demon wars trilogy.

I do like the orc kindom idea

2007-10-24, 09:06 PM
Crap! That book is about a foot away from me and I haven't read it yet. :eek: Thanks for reminding me!

2007-10-24, 09:14 PM
Np, i feel good now