View Full Version : Recommend me a one-shot

2019-11-26, 02:24 PM
I’ve been DMing for like 3 years now. But I’ve never actually done a one shot. I don’t even know where to look tbh.

I joined a discord group for my city which is kind of inactive despite having a lot of members (like 40-50) and I’m trying to get the ball rolling on these people meeting up so they can form their own groups, so I decided to DM a one shot. I might also recruit someone for my own home game.

Anyway any recommendations?

2019-11-26, 02:28 PM
Are you asking for a premade adventure or ideas?

2019-11-26, 02:45 PM
I’ve been DMing for like 3 years now. But I’ve never actually done a one shot. I don’t even know where to look tbh.

I joined a discord group for my city which is kind of inactive despite having a lot of members (like 40-50) and I’m trying to get the ball rolling on these people meeting up so they can form their own groups, so I decided to DM a one shot. I might also recruit someone for my own home game.

Anyway any recommendations?

Scourge of the Howling Horde, a 3.5 module. Very short, very introductory and very easy to convert into 5th edition.

2019-11-26, 04:03 PM
I do like the Wild Sheep Chase. But, as someone who has run it twice, it is a 5+ hour affair. If you want to ensure you can keep the attention of all players, I'd look for a shorter one.

2019-11-27, 08:19 AM
I’ve been DMing for like 3 years now. But I’ve never actually done a one shot. I don’t even know where to look tbh.

I joined a discord group for my city which is kind of inactive despite having a lot of members (like 40-50) and I’m trying to get the ball rolling on these people meeting up so they can form their own groups, so I decided to DM a one shot. I might also recruit someone for my own home game.

Anyway any recommendations?
For a different taste than the usuals, I'd recommend "Assassination - Lord of the Arsenal" (something like that, sorry it's a long time ago not sure that was the exact title).
A one-shot that could be finished in as fast as one session of 4 hours, or as long as 3 or 4, depending on your players and your will (or not) to detail a bit from the raw material.

I loved that adventure for the fact that, FOR ONCE, it's not just about killing. You could allow your players to find an alternative way to achieve the true goal of your employer, and you can storm upon the building as well as trying pure stealth or inside man jobs.
Found it: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/215727/Assassination--Lord-of-The-Arsenal

It's a "pay what you want". I consider myself stingy (ex: I know PHB and the like, printed, are worth the price, but as ebooks, they should be sold not over than 25 dollars), and yet I'd say this one is worth 3-5 bucks (taking into account the fact it's not a first-rate team behind, and there are a few quirks, but I had the feeling authors really put time and heart into it plus they will never have a sales volume of the same magnitude, so I am fine paying "comparatively more").