View Full Version : size change and stacking

2019-11-27, 06:49 AM

I try to find a way to increase my size without using polymorph. I'm a large cleric and would like to be as big as possible.

The Gluttony Domain give the following power
Granted Power
For a total time per day of 1 round per cleric level you possess, you can increase your size as if you were affected by the enlarge person spell. Activating the power or ending it is a free action.

and enlarge person says:

Multiple magical effects that increase size do not stack,.

Does the power given by the domain is considered a magical effect? Could I use it with another enlarge person spell to increase my size?

I have access to lvl 7 cleric spells and anypell, greater, if you think about another spell that increase the size twice.

2) On another subject, is it possible to craft stats boosting item that boost something else than enhancement bonus? To makes them stack?

Thanks for the information

2019-11-27, 06:56 AM

I try to find a way to increase my size without using polymorph. I'm a large cleric and would like to be as big as possible.

The Gluttony Domain give the following power
Granted Power
For a total time per day of 1 round per cleric level you possess, you can increase your size as if you were affected by the enlarge person spell. Activating the power or ending it is a free action.

and enlarge person says:

Multiple magical effects that increase size do not stack,.

Does the power given by the domain is considered a magical effect? Could I use it with another enlarge person spell to increase my size?
In this case it doesn't matter whether it is a magical effect or not: because it says "as if you were affected by the enlarge person spell" it's not going to stack with enlarge person but might stack with other effects.
Personally, because of that wording I woudl think that this is a magical effect and isn't going to stack with much of anything.

I have access to lvl 7 cleric spells and anypell, greater, if you think about another spell that increase the size twice.

2) On another subject, is it possible to craft stats boosting item that boost something else than enhancement bonus? To makes them stack?

Thanks for the information
Yes, there are a few examples in the SRD. I think the price usually doubles (at least) for making them a different bonus type.

2019-11-27, 09:28 AM
Easiest way would be to be a wu jen or buy a wu jen magic item of Giant Size.

Why Enlarge, when you can go Huge or Larger?

(there is a good reason why- it's expensive being fairly high level).

2019-11-27, 09:29 AM
1) When you get access to 9th-level spells you can use Miracle to mimic the spell Giant Size (CArc). Until then, AFAIK you're limited to a single size increase.

2) While there are rules for other types of AC and save bonuses in the SRD, there are no specific rules for items which allow you to create ability score boosters of types other than enhancement. Items do exist which do this, however: there are some on this list (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=176.0). The default assumption would be that other bonus types would cost either 2x or 2.5x what an enhancement bonus does, in line with the AC and save items, but the ability score items on that list don't seem to follow that pattern (in fact, they don't follow any pattern I can discern). So this is in "ask your DM" territory.

Another approach is: on the Sources of Bonuses to Ability Scores list I linked above, there are a number of spells which give other types of ability score bonuses, and there are rules in the SRD for creating items which give continuous spell effects (cost is spell level x caster level x 2000GP, then multiplied by between 0.5 and 4 depending on the spell's duration). EDIT: you could also use these rules for an item of Giant Size, assuming you can find a Wu Jen willing to make one for you. It'd be expensive though: 189,000GP for a command-word activated one which could be used as many times a day as you wanted.