View Full Version : Where to go with a Ghoul Souleater?

2019-11-27, 06:16 PM
So, my character was just killed in a campaign, so I rerolled a ghoul Fighter 5/Souleater 1 in a campaign.
Dishes out good negative levels with 2 claws/bite + paralysis, I could do 9 more levels of Souleater, but there would be a few dead levels.
I'm not necessarily trying to make him more of a killing machine, maybe add some utility to what is otherwise a one trick pony.

Are there any cool undead specific prestige classes that adds something not-garbage? I guess I'm just looking for something interesting and unique. Sorry if that's super general.

Oh! is there any way to prevent destruction at 0 hp as an undead?

2019-11-27, 10:14 PM
1. From Libris Mortis there are the feats:
Improved Paralysis, Contagious Paralysis, Necrotic Reserve, Improved Energy Drain, and Life Drain.
Improved Paralysis requires ability focus paralysis, and increases the dc of your paralysis ability. With ability focus paralysis your dc is now 16 + 1/2 hd + cha mod. With 20 hd your dc is 26+cha mod. So anything not immune to paralysis should be getting paralyzed within a few hits, if not one.

Contagious Paralysis causes any creature paralyzed by your paralysis to themselves become a vector for your paralysis. If two paralyzed creatures are touching they will continually reinfect the other, allowing you to continuously keep creatures paralyzed. If you have an ally that can move a helpless creature without infecting themselves, then you can use the paralyzed creature to transmit the paralysis via range.

Necrotic Reserve is the worst ability to do this, but the one often turned to. If you'd die due to hp damage, then once per day you don't. Considering a feat with no prerequisites is worth ten thousand gold, it might be cheaper relatively to purchase scrolls of revive undead for the party to use in the case of your demise.

Improved Energy Drain is either valuable or worthless depending on the dms reading. It either grants a +1 bonus per negative level inflicted to a variety of things for an hour (valuable) or a +1 bonus to a variety of things for an hour after inflicting a negative level. (Trash).

Life Drain allows you to deal more maximum hit point damage with each negative level and boost how much temporary hit points you get. If your dm rules that separate instances of negative levels stack for temporary hit points then this feat is effectively adding your cha mod to your hit points each time you hit a living creature.

2. Libris Mortis has the prestige class Lurking Terror. This class is only mentionable because of its level one ability Deathly Power, which increases the dc of your paralysis (and ghoul fever) by up to three points. If you plan on taking the paralysis feats this will boost you to a dc 29+cha mod (before counting Soul Eater's Soul Power which would put you at 31+cha mod)

3. Create Spectral Spawn from http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070425a will make you a powerful minionmancer of epic proportions.

4. Finally Lady/Lord of the Dead from http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/dx20021031x is a rather nice prestige class to make you nearly immune to turn undead and grant you limitless skeletons and zombies.

The Viscount
2019-11-28, 12:04 PM
Since you're natural weapon focused you may get some use out of Thayan Gladiator, Bloodclaw Master, or even Kensai.

2019-12-11, 07:52 AM
Soul Eater actually can't be applied to a ghoul. In its requirements it states "Any living non-humanoid (monstrous humanoid is acceptable)".

Drop ghoul, take natural lycanthropy, get a posse of werewolf wights.

2019-12-11, 11:42 AM
Maybe totemist? It takes a feat to shape soulmelds as an undead and there might be some issues with it but it can help with natural attacks.

2019-12-11, 08:06 PM
Soul Eater actually can't be applied to a ghoul. In its requirements it states "Any living non-humanoid (monstrous humanoid is acceptable)".

Human Heritage can bypass this... ish. Also could just have been fiated away.