View Full Version : Feywild Swamp

2019-11-27, 09:50 PM
My players will be heading to a swamp in the Feywild and I'm brainstorming things to fill it with. Ideally, I prefer a darker Feywild. Ultimately, they're hunting a hag and her hydra. Any suggestion on environmental or other encounter appreciated. So far I'm considering

1) Will o' the Wisps;
2) The swamp can talk to the PC's with it's words coming out as bubbles rising in the muck;
3) Goblin village that offers them shelter, hospitality and a guide, very swamp folk steel guitar/banjo-esque (I really hope the players accept this so the Goblins can later show up at their hometown to run a muck under the pretense of the PCs owing them hospitality);
4) Quicksand; and
5) intelligent birds of prey that might want to steal shinies from the party,...or otherwise attack or mess with them.

Any suggestions or ideas on additional encounters welcome and appreciated.

2019-11-27, 11:01 PM
The three dangers of the fire swamp of course. The lightning sand, the fire geysers, and the ROUS though I don't beleive they exist personally.

2019-11-28, 08:12 AM
Just some stuff in a list:

-mushroom people! Bonus points if they're tiny and sail by in twig canoes, minding their own buisiness
-a fairy dragon plays pranks with the players
-a swamp troll has built a wall/guards a tor/sails a ferry and will only let the players pass if they give him food he's never had before
-crossing a large stretch of water by jumping from giant turtle shell to giant turtle shell. Falling into the water awakens the nixies (use ghoul statblock)...
-hedge maze! Print the maze for yourself don't provide the players with a map. Just tell them whether they have the option to turn right or left.
-a hive of sprites (play them like a nest of agitated hornets) starts peppering the players with arrows to defend their hollow tree home. The players have to move on below the water to escape, or backtrack and go around, or burn the hive down.

A nice mechanic would be to make the swamp more and more hostile the more the players disturb its inhabitants.

2019-11-28, 03:25 PM
An Eleionomae (swamp nymph, base it on the dryad's stats) falls in love with one of the party members, wants them to stay in the swamp forever. Doesn't understand that they can't breathe underwater.

Faerie Hydra (https://nailsofvecna.tumblr.com/post/184984958203/the-swamps-and-mangrove-forests-of-the-feywild).

A bog mummy driving an airboat (https://i.redd.it/5ggiehg7vqr21.jpg), who offers to ferry the party to where they're going.

2019-11-28, 03:28 PM
an ogre offers them payment if they will help him kill the fairies invading his ancestral homelands and drive them off. In my opinion an interesting concept because it would allow you to build a normally "evil" race as an unfortunate victim. Maybe even have the fey hire them to kill the ogre first before they learn the truth.

2019-11-28, 03:52 PM
Green hags and sea hags.

2019-11-28, 05:14 PM
an ogre offers them payment if they will help him kill the fairies invading his ancestral homelands and drive them off. In my opinion an interesting concept because it would allow you to build a normally "evil" race as an unfortunate victim. Maybe even have the fey hire them to kill the ogre first before they learn the truth.
Maybe give the ogre a centaur companion, and make the ogre very rude and crass, but the can Take very friendly and jovial. The centaur should also be a good cook.
And if they help the ogre drive off the fey, they can help him build a wall and a fortress to protect his newly retake swamp.

2019-11-28, 05:40 PM
Maybe give the ogre a centaur companion, and make the ogre very rude and crass, but the can Take very friendly and jovial. The centaur should also be a good cook.
And if they help the ogre drive off the fey, they can help him build a wall and a fortress to protect his newly retake swamp.

Well, the ravnican centaurs *are* half-donkeys, based on their size....

2019-11-28, 07:47 PM
Well, the ravnican centaurs *are* half-donkeys, based on their size....

*raises both hands to heaven and then points at Jack* this man gets it!