View Full Version : The Red Prison: a 5e "basic rules" inspired roguelike computer game

2019-11-28, 08:52 PM
(mods: feel free to move or remove this if not allowed. Not my game, I just thought it would interest people on this board)

The Red Prison

A fairly new game that came to my attention that I thought the GitP'ers on the board may enjoy is The Red Prison. It's a roguelike, so has all the procedural generation, text based GUI'ness, YASDs, etc of most of them, but it's loosely based on 5e's rules (with tonnes of homebrew solutions to fit them into the game genre). So it's uniquely cool in that way.

There's plenty of classes, plenty of spells, plenty of stuff to try out, and you can even get companions, so you can feel like a proper little party of adventurers not listening to each other, or synergising properly with one another, going about the normal murder-hobo business of DnD.

It's in early development, but it's free, and it's fun. The developer is also quite responsive to enquiries and even player made solutions of how to fit 5e into the roguelike genre. So if this sounds like your cup of tea and would like to try it out (or even give suggestions on development), check it out here:



There's also a bit of a thread going on bay12 (the home of crazy dwarves everywhere) on it, so if you want to talk to the developer about the direction of the game or to add input or ideas to anything, feel free to chuck him a post here:


2019-11-29, 02:42 AM
It does have some "not entirely just basic rules" in it, so druids can druid, bugbears can bug bears, etc, but it's not exactly 5e'ish "standard". Very, very similar, but certainly not exact. It's amazing how far the dev has gone to keep the feel of these things though. There's plenty of builds and fun and powermongering to be had.

Anyway, I definitely recommend anyone that likes 5e or roguelikes or computer games with heaps of replayability in general to check it out.