View Full Version : Kor Skirmisher

2019-11-28, 11:40 PM
I need some help on a build idea. I'm thinking of a kor warrior from the MTG Zendikar. Kor are excellent ambushers and team players. I feel like a rogue would be the best base class to represent this and I've never played one so I want to try it out. The subclass and possible multiclasses are where I need help. Scout or Mastermind maybe? Possible dip into Fighter.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!

2019-11-29, 12:11 AM
A Kor does not scream ambusher to me, they are basically tall halflings with a climb speed. Kor are very nomadic and avoid conflict. But some maybe tasked in protecting sacred ground and will do what it takes to stop a threat.
I would simply go Rogue scout. But a dip in fighter for fighting style won’t hurt either.

2019-11-29, 10:39 PM
Would monk be a better class? More in touch with the minimalistic and spiritual nature of kor? A dagger can be reflavored as a hook.

2019-11-30, 12:15 AM
Any class can be tailored to be more of a minimalist.
What are you really trying to create?

When I visualize a Kor I see a character that wears medium armor or less, does not carry a two handed weapon unless it’s maybe a shortbow, they don’t carry much food on them preferring to live off the land and are very free spirited.

In my mind a Kor would not be a paladin, cleric, warlock, and wizard.

2019-11-30, 12:27 AM
I agree with your assessment of the kor. I see someone who fights for what is important, the land, and who is extremely resourceful/adaptive.

I want this character to be an ambusher. Rogues and rangers fit that part best, I think. Light weapons and gear. Fiercely independent but good at working with a team.

At late levels, the scout rogue looks about perfect for what I want. None of my games have gone to level 13 when that really comes together so I'm wondering if there is a way to have similar mechanical boost to skirmishing. I'm thinking 3-5 levels gloom stalker ranger could do that.

2019-11-30, 04:24 AM
At late levels, the scout rogue looks about perfect for what I want. None of my games have gone to level 13 when that really comes together so I'm wondering if there is a way to have similar mechanical boost to skirmishing. I'm thinking 3-5 levels gloom stalker ranger could do that.
I don’t know, the Dread Ambusher feature is for your first turn of combat. While the scout rogue can use their reaction to move half their speed and can get sneak attack on every turn of combat. However the ranger does get some spells and extra attack.

What ever you think is best for your character.